(c) 2005 Anthony Lion. All rights to story content reserved. All characters are (c) Anthony Lion. All characters and places in this story are fictional, and any resemblance with other people, real or fictional is entirely coincidental.
Do not try to repost this story or part of it without the authors express permission, pass it for your own, try to earn money of it or anything else I wouldn't like for I am quick to anger and known to play dirty...

Chapter 1: To court the devil...

Chapter 1; To court the devil...

"Hey you! The one with the bushy tail!"

Oh no, it's the master's youngest daughter, Treel the raccoon thinks, groaning inwardly, as he slowly turns around, then goes down on his knees. What is it the spoiled brat wants now? "You commanded, mistress?"

"I need you to do some work for me tonight," the young, female coyote states, tossing a small chip on the ground before him. "Clean yourself up and report to my quarters immediately after dinner." Then she walks off, leaving the poor raccoon on his knees in the dirt.

"Yes, mistress," he mumbles towards her back. Rot! As if laboring from sun-up till sun-down for her father wasn't enough. And why just now? The females are coming into heat, and Letita wants me to keep her company. I just hope whatever the oh so mighty Remarra wants done goes fast. Still grumbling he picks up the pass-chit that will let him out of the pens later.


"Hey you!" a bassy voice growls from a doorway, "where do you think you're going?"

"Please, master!" the Treel squeals, hurriedly dropping to his knees and paws. "Mistress Remarra ordered me!"

"What's my daughter up to, now?" the large coyote asks, stepping out of the doorway to stand before the cowering raccoon. "Well?"

"I don't know, master," the raccoon replies. "She told me to be at her quarters after dinner." I'm gonna be late! Remarra won't care why I'm late, only that I am!

"You better hurry, then," the large male states, "she doesn't like to wait, and I can ill afford losing slaves to her tantrums in the middle of planting season."

"Yes, master!" the raccoon responds, scrabbling to get up, then taking off down the corridor. Rounding the corner he finds the door to her room closed but no coyote nearby. She's not here yet!

Then the door opposite to her rooms opens silently and a slender but strong paw grips his tail. "I told you to be here immediately after dinner!" the female coyote growls in his ear. "I should punish you for your tardiness, but then I would have to find another one." Another paw grips his left shoulder and he's pushed towards the door to her room. "Get in!"

The male barely manages to open the door before he's showed into it and ends up stumbling across the threshold to land muzzle-first on a thick rug that covers most of the floor. As he scrambles to get up into a sitting position he manages to get a quick look around in a room most of the slaves have never seen; a rug that's thicker and more comfortable than the mat he usually sleep on, a fireplace on one wall, a bookshelf on another, a couple of comfortable looking chairs in a corner -- not that he would ever be allowed to sit in one -- a large bed against one wall, a large closet and several clothes-chests along another wall and a table filled with all kinds of things. "Mistress?" he asks quietly.

"Stand up!" she orders, "I want a good look at you!"

He does as told, then waits patiently, eyes averted, as she walks up to and around him, poking him with a finger several places.

"You could have been cleaner," she finally states, scratching at his back, "but it'll do. At least you don't seem to have any fleas. Now, drop your pants."


"I said; drop your pants!" she growls in his right ear. "If I have to do it for you I'll rip off your tail at the same time. Understood?"

"Yes, mistress!" he exclaims, then hurries to undo the cord that holds his pants up and, fumbling a bit with the button above his tail, quickly drops them, then steps aside to pick them up and fold them carefully.

The coyote walks around the now trembling raccoon a few times, then stops in front of him, grabs his sheath and balls in her right paw and give them a squeeze before looking him directly in his eyes and whispering, "Nothing that happens in here will be mentioned to anyone, will it?"

"No, mistress!" he squeals.

"Good!" she states, letting go of him and walking over to the bed. "Do you know which season it is?"

"It's spring and planting season, mistress," he replies, slowly.

"And?" she asks, "what happens with the females in the pens at this time?"

"They come into heat," he responds quietly. And unless I can get back there soon, Letita will pick another male.

"I heard a couple of the females discussing you earlier," she begins, "but seeing you I can't understand why. Why did that raccoon like you so much?"

"I don't know, mistress," he replies, truthfully, "maybe she likes the way I touch her?"

"Enough about that," she states, "now turn away."

"Yes, mistress," he responds, then dutifully turns to face away from her. What does she want? Then he hears the soft rustle of fine cloth. No? She can't? Her father will kill me!

"You can turn around again," she states, her voice now tinged with nervousness.

Rot! What he sees when he finally turn to face the bed is the female coyote laying on her bed, her back and head resting on a heap of pillows. What he doesn't see is any clothing at all; not a single thread covers her pert breasts, her white belly or the tuft of longer fur between her slender legs. I'm gonna die! If I do what she wants, her father will kill me, and if I don't she'll kill me herself! "What is your order, mistress?" His voice barely louder than a whisper.

"I want you to give me pleasure and stop this burning inside me," she replies, "and I want it done NOW!"

"Yes, mistress," he whispers meekly. Then he pads over to stand beside the bed and look down at her. Sitting down on the edge of the bed he reaches out with his left arm and cups her left breast in his paw.

"I'm burning up down there," she growls at him and swats away his paw, "not up here!"

"I'm sorry, mistress!" he squeals, then hurries to move his paw to rest on her mound, "but most females like it when I play with their breasts," he finishes weakly.

"I'm not most females," she retorts, "and I want you to only touch me where you need to in order to get this over with. Why are you using your paw instead of what you have between your legs? Get to it!"

"But mistress," he begins, "I'm not ready yet, and even if I were, I would only hurt you if I tried to enter you now."

"All right," she grumbles, "but don't try to touch anything else."

"No, mistress." Beginning slowly by rubbing at her mound with a single finger he slowly increases the pace and the width of the attack by adding another finger, then the third. As she relaxes into his ministrations he gently curves his middle finger until it drags along her slit, finding it strangely closed. She's untouched?! Deciding upon a plan he slowly shifts himself lower on the bed at the same time as he begins to rub his fingers harder against her slit. When she closes her eyes and almost imperceptibly moves her legs apart he takes it as a sign to begin the next phase, leans in and, holding the fur aside with his fingers, takes a quick lick along the slit.

"Hey!" she exclaims, "what do you think you're doing? Ooooh..." her anger drowned out by the pleasure surging through her body as he catches her clit between his thin lips and sucks on it.

THAT always shuts a female up! Moving his muzzle away from her crotch for a moment, he asks innocently, "Did the mistress want me to stop?"

Her answer is wordless, but still understandable as she, panting heavily, grabs his head between her paws and jams his muzzle against her slit.

A few licks later he can feel her beginning to tense up. It's her first time, and just come into heat; she won't last much longer. Continuing to lick and suck on her clitoris he now begins to rub her slit with a finger, first gently up and down, then slowly slipping it deeper and deeper until it is buried to the second knuckle. When he slowly pulls it out, then just as slowly pushes it in again she lifts her hips, trying to get his finger as deep as possible. "Slow down," he whispers, unheeded.

Her breath is now ragged and her entire body is shaking, so he knows that she is only moments away from her first orgasm. Knowing what is needed he adds another finger in her sopping wet hole, then catches her clit between his teeth and bites gently on it.

With a shudder and a drawn out moan the coyote comes hard as her first non-selfinduced orgasm washes over her.

When he judges that she is beyond caring the raccoon expresses the claw on his index finger and rams it as deep as he can in her channel, ripping through her virginity and sending a lance of pain straight to her brain.

"Oooow!" she cries out, digging her own claws deep into the back of his head, drawing blood and making him cry out.

"You hurt me!" she exclaims when her breath has slowed down enough to talk. "Why did you do that? And why should I let you live?"

"Please, mistress," he mumbles, his muzzle still jammed against her nether regions, "I only tried to spare you the worst of the pain every female feels their first time." Then, to ease her pain a little he begins to gently lick her slit and mound again.

"You could have warned me!" she growls.

"If you knew what would happen you might have tensed up and made it more painful," he responds. "I only want to please you, mistress!"

"Oh, all right," she states, moving her legs further apart. "Continue, but if I feel any more pain, your tail ends up as a draught-excluder by the door!"

"Yes, mistress," he whispers, then slowly crawls on top of her and positions himself to enter her. Slipping his right paw down between them he grabs his member and rubs the tip gently up and down along her slit a couple of times, then holds it steady and begins to apply pressure.

"Hurry up!" she hisses, "get it over with!"

"Yes, mistress!" he squeals, then quickly penetrates her, burying his cock completely in her cunt.

"Ahhh!" she exclaims, panting, "again!"

Fighting the urge to lick her throat and breasts which are so tantalisingly close, he slowly pulls out, then pushes back in again. She's hot! And so wet! When her paws lands on his buttocks and her claws digs in, he takes it as a sign to go faster, slamming into her as fast as he can.

"More!" she demands, "I want more!"

Then you should have asked a wolf! Not wanting to disappoint her he slips his right paw back down between her legs and begins to rub her clit.

"Yes!" she pants, "that's it! More!"

More? Desperate to please her he arches his back to move his head down her body, then catches her left nipple between his thin lips and bites gently on it.

"Oaaaaaa," the coyote moans, then arches her back and goes rigid for a moment before she begins to shake, her cunt squeezing his member violently and sending him over the top, filling her with his cum before collapsing on top of her.

"Ohhh," she mumbles when she has caught her breath again, "that felt good!"


Her paw slams into the side of his head and almost lifts him off of her.

"Mistress!" he squeals while hurrying to climb off and to safety on the floor.

Sitting up she looks angrily at him. "I told you not to touch my breasts," she growls. "Now get out!"

"Yes, mistress!" he exclaims, then hurries to grab his trousers and pull them on before rushing towards the door.


When Treel enters the pens a few minutes later, one of the guards takes a quick sniff of him, then lets him in, grinning widely. Thank the creators the master doesn't allow the guards to use us for entertainment during the females's heat. They probably though I had been with one of the kitchen slaves, or something.

Walking slowly so as not to bump into anything, or anyone, he makes his way through the building to the alcove he knows as home, and the only place he can lay any claim to, however tenuous. On the way there he notices Letitia, with a raccon male on one side and a rabbit on the other, all wrapped together under a single blanket. Finding his own, tattered blanket, he rolls it out in his alcove and tries to fall asleep, knowing that the female he loves sleeps only a few feet away.