(c) 2003 Anthony Lion. All rights to story content reserved. Characters Kerr the white Rabbit, Leeta the Puma and Miera the black Panther are (c) Anthony Lion. All characters and places in this story are fictional, and any resemblance with other people, real or fictional is entirely coincidental.
Do not try to repost this story or part of it without the authors express permission, pass it for your own, try to earn money of it or anything else I wouldn't like for I am quick to anger and known to play dirty...

Chapter 1: See no evil, hear no evil...

It is a nice day, the sun is shining, there's a light breeze and last night it rained, so who can blame Kerr for not paying attention to his surroundings as he works the cabbage field. The five foot tall white rabbit isn't concentrating on his work, weeding, but on his upcoming coming of age ceremony and one of the females who has been very nice to him lately.

With such thoughts, who can blame him for not noticing that the birds stop singing, or that the tall grasses across the road rustles even when the wind lets up momentarily?


Something hits a nearby tree, sending birds flying and making the young rabbit look up.

What was that? Did a branch break? Is someone hiding in the tree? Curious, he drops his tools and walks towards the edge of the field to take a closer look.


The sound of footsteps makes him turn his head just in time to see a black shadow.

A flash of pain, then blessed darkness as he drops to the ground, unconscious.


It's early evening, judging by the longer shadows, when Kerr comes to. When he opens his eyes he sees that he's in a clearing far from his village. A large vehicle is standing uncomfortably close, his ears is brushing against a tyre, so he tries to pull away only to find that his hands are cuffed together behind the large wheel.

He's still struggling to get free when he suddenly hears voices.

"Any luck, Leeta?"

"Nothing, Miera. And you?"

Females! he thinks excitedly. Maybe they can help me loose.

"Would you believe that I found a tasty little fluff all alone in a field," the first voice states as the two females rounds the corner of the vehicle, giving him his first look at them. The one who spoke is black-furred, almost six feet tall, slim with pointed ears atop a narrow skull and wide muzzle. The other is even taller, stronger looking with golden brown fur and rounded ears. Both are only wearing a simple loincloth.

A panther and a puma? Predators! Now panicky, he struggles feverishly to get loose, yanking on the chains and kicking with his feet.

"Doesn't he look scrumptious?" the panther asks, licking the sides of her muzzle.

"He sure does," the puma replies, bending down to get a better lok at him and at the same time giving the rabbit a good view to her bare breasts. "But why is he still alive?"

"They taste better fresh," the panther replies easily. Then she walks over and opens a door in the side of the vehicle and disappears inside. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"Just a beer," the puma replies, still looking at the terrified rabbit. Licking her chops, she adds "Do we have any sauce?"

"You won't need any," is the muffled reply from inside. "He looks juicy enough to melt in your mouth."

Hearing that, Kerr renews his struggles, this time trying to slip under the vehicle and out of reach.

Growling, the puma pulls him back, then sits down on his chest. Leaning forward she whispers in his ear, "We can do this painless or messy. You decide!" Then she leans even further forward, rubbing her breasts against his muzzle as she grabs one of his ears and begins to bite on it.

Almost suffocating between her large, round orbs, he turns his head to the side to breathe only to end up with a nipple rubbing his nose. "Eep!" he exclaims when a sharp fang pierces the thin skin of his right ear, drawing blood.

"Hey!" the panther yells when she returns with a couple of bottles and see what's happening. "I caught him, so I eat first."

"Sorry, Miera," the puma responds, sitting up and licking a drop of blood from her muzzle. "He was struggling, and one thing lead to another..."

"Since it is your first hunt I guess I should forgive you," the panther states. Then nodding towards a bulge on the male's tunic she adds, "It looks like someone likes to be bitten."

The puma turns around, slapping her long, fluffy tail in his face and runs a slender, claw-tipped finger along the bulge.


"Now isn't that more comfortable?" she asks as she rips open his tunic to free his rigid member.

Kerr, speechless with shame can only groan in pleasure as the finger that just ripped his clothes apart now glides along his shaft all the way from the sheath to the tip.

"I think dinner can wait a little while," the puma states, pulling aside her loincloth to reveal that she's already moist.

"Don't you dare!" the panther exclaims, pushing her off. "He's my catch!" Then she herself sits down on the hapless rabbit and starts licking his face. As she licks, she also rubs her crotch against his leg. "He tastes really good," she states, grinning and showing off rows of sharp teeth. Reaching behind her with her left paw, she grabs his member, and stroking it once or twice, holds it steady as she slowly impales herself on it. Then she starts to ride him, sliding his member in and out of her hot slit, moaning in pleasure.

Kerr, both terrified and excited by the situation can't help himself but to begin thrusting into the velvety, warm tightness surrounding his member. As she begins to increase the pace he again tries to pull his hands free, this time not to escape, but to grasp the two bouncing breasts that are dancing right in front of his muzzle. "Please," he moans.

Instead of responding to his plea, the randy female grabs his shoulders and rams herself down on him even faster and harder than before, panting, grunting and screaming. Suddenly she stops, her body trembling, claws digging deep into his shoulders and her eyes rolling as she orgasms violently.

Kerr, being assaulted by not only the lancing pain in his sholders, but also the contractions of her vagina around his member, buckles, shakes and howls as he shoots his load deep inside her a few seconds later, then faints.

"Aww, look, he's gone limp," the puma pouts when the panther rolls off the rabbit. "How am I going to get any fun now?"

"I'm sorry, but the hunt always makes me so excited," the panther replies, grinning mischeavously. "Don't worry, rabbits recharge fast when they're that age. In the meantime, why don't we see if there's anything left in the ice-box?"

"Please!" Kerr, sqeals when the two females returns an hour later. "I'll give you anything!"

"We're predators," the puma responds, grinning evilly, "we take what we want!"

"And the only thing we want is you!" the panther adds, sitting down beside him and running a black-furred paw along his leg to end on his sheath where she starts alternatively stroking and squeezing.

Trying desperately to think about anything else but failing, Kerr can soon feel the blood stream to his loins, inflating and stiffening his cock.

"Ohh, goody!" the puma exclaims, giggling as she leans in and, to the rabbit's horror, engulfs his member with her broad muzzle. Then her fangs touches the sensitve skin of his cock-head.

"Nooo!" he screams. "Please!" Then a long, rough and very flexible tongue starts playing along the shaft and he begins panting. When, far too soon for him, she pulls away, he groans in disappointment.

"You enjoyed that, didn't you?" she asks. Getting a hesitant nod from him, she continues. "Listen, we're going to play a little game called 'satisfy the females'."

"And you're going to love the price," the panther whispers in his ear. "You live to see another day. But, if you don't co-operate, we get a late night snack. Want to play?"

Kerr, seeing an opportunity to get out of this situation alive, nods vigorously.

"Good!" the puma exclaims, sitting down on his chest and inching forward until his muzzle is almost touching her crotch. Grabbing his ears and pulling his head towards her cunt, she orders, "Use your tongue. If you can't bring me off, I'll bite something off!"

Cautiously, he opens his mouth and extends his tongue to touch the slit right in front of his muzzle.

"You can do better than that!" the female growls, yanking hard on his ears, forcing his nose in contact with her slit and making him cry out in pain.

Trying again, he lets the tip of his tongue run along the slit from the bottom to the top.

"Better," the female growls, "but more pressure!"

When he again presses the tip of his tongue against her slit, he finds it moist. almost dripping with a salty liquid. Finding the taste unusual but pleasant he begins lapping it with great entusiasm.

"Rrrrhr," the puma purrs as she slips one paw behind his head to caress and scratch the sensitive areas behind his ears. The other paw slips down to her crotch to pull her outer lips apart. "The clit!" she moans, "lick it, suck it, bite it!"

Spotting a small nub poking out between her folds, he gingerly licks it, making her shudder and push her crotch even closer to his muzzle. Encouraged by her reaction, he captures the button between his thin lips and begins to suck.

The panther in the meantime have found a long chain that she has locked around his left leg, and is now busy spreading a blanket on the ground.

"Harder!" the puma yells, "bite it!"

Hesitatly, because he knows how sharp his front teeth are, Kerr slowly takes the small nub between his teeth and bites. The reaction is instantanous; the female lets out a short scream, shudders and covers his face in a sticky fluid beore collapsing on top of him.

"Now, wasn't that fun?" the panther asks, leering. Then she unceremoniously rolls the other female off the rabbit and lays down on top of him, her breasts pressing against his chest and her muzzle uncomortably close to his throat. "Ready for more fun?" she asks, her hot, meaty breath washing over his face. Then, before he can collect himself to reply, she licks his face with her long, rough tongue, cleaning off every trace off her friend's juices. Inching herself forward she lets her black-furred paws glide along the white fur of his arms, tickling and exciting him, until her fingers touches the chains holding him. There's a low click, he feels the chains drop off, then she licks him a final time before standing up and walking over to the blanket, her long, fluffy tail swinging sensously behind her. "Come here," she whispers, sitting down and patting the blanket in front of her.

Kerr, getting unsteadily to his feet and brushing off his fur, grabs the chain around his leg and pulls on it.

"Don't bother," the panther states, "it's very strong. Now get over here before I lose my patience!"

Hearing the threat implied in her order he quickly moves to stand in front of her.

"Sit!" she orders. When he complies, she asks, "I noticed how you looked at my breasts. You would like to play with them, wouldn't you?"

"Yes," he mumbles almost inaudibly.

"Then that's what you're going to start with!" she exclaims before laying down on the blanket, her two round breasts pointing alluringly into the sky.

Kerr quickly scoots over to her side and places a trembling paw on her right breast. Feeling the soft, warm mound and a stiff nipple under his fingers he begins to stroke it with slow, circular movements, delighting in the feel of the soft fur and softer flesh.

To his surprise she suddenly begins to purr softly, and even lift her chest to push against his paw. "Nice," she purrs, "but it's better if you lick it."

Encouraged by her statement, he leans in and gently touches her left nipple with his tongue. When she doesn't seem to disapprove, he places his lips around it and sucks gently. When her only reaction is panting and heavier purring, he begins to alternate between gentle sucking and licking. Soon her paws moves to rest on his head, holding it in place over her breast and encouraging him further.

He's alternating between the right and left breast, licking and biting, when she grabs his shoulders and drags him up towards her head. "That was good," she whispers, reaching down and grabbing his member. "Now you get to fuck me!"

The rabbit is trembling in anticipation as he slowly penetrates her slit and slides deep into her hot and moist channel.

"Take it slow!" she growls when he starts pumping in and out. Then she grabs his head and, stroking his long ears, pulls it closer. As he slows down she pulls his left ear into her mouth and begins to suckle on it. Then her right paw reaches down to scratch at the base of his cottony tail.

Kerr, without wanting to, finds himself licking her throat to reciprocate, and enjoying the taste! Finding his position uncomfortable, he scrabbles around with his paws to support himself when his right paw happens upon something round, long, and very soft. Glancing to the side he spots her tail, tantalisingly close. He quickly grabs it and begins to stroke and sqeeze the tip, eliciting moans and drawn out purrs from the panther.

"Faster!" she suddenly commands, burying her claws in his buttocks and humping against him.

Squealing, he begins to slam into her, faster and faster, sinking his teeth into her shoulder and screaming into her fur to release the pain shooting through him. When she retracts her claws, he stops screaming, but still keeps his teeth locked onto her shoulder. Then she goes stiff under him before she starts trembling and, with a drawn out cry, orgasms violently.

Caught in the intensity of it, he pulls out and cums for the second time that evening, shooting sticky, white semen all over her smooth black belly before collapsing on top of her.

A minute later he's rolled off her, a slender paw grips his sheath and rubs it, attempting to make his member reappear. "Damn!" the puma growls in his ear, "I wanted to do that, too!" Then she lies down beside him, wraps her arms around him and hugs him tightly. A few moments later, slim, black paws inserts themselves between him and the puma, and the last thing he remembers before falling asleep is the warmth of two felines pressing against his body.

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