(c)2003 Anthony Lion. All rights to this story reserved. All characters are (c) Anthony Lion. All characters and places in this story are fictional, and any resemblance with other people, real or fictional is entirely coincidental, not to mention totally weird.
Do not try to repost this story or part of it without the author's express permission, pass it for your own, try to earn money of it or anything else I wouldn't like for I am quick to anger and known to play dirty...

Chapter 4: Ye who enter...

The smell of hot tea slowly pulls Shelana towards consciousness. "Mhh?" What was a question turns into an inarticulate growl as her muzzle is still tied shut. Then she realises that the fox isn't groping her; in fact she can't sense him at all. Sitting up awkwardly as her paws are still tied together, she takes a look around. Up front she notices the badger, checking harnesses and preparing to hitch up the horses. Then her nose directs her to look down to find a cup of tea, with the drinking-straw already in it. She quickly snags the straw and drains the cup, then makes her way up to the front of the wagon.

"Figured the tea would wake you up," the badger states. "Now get over here and I'll remove the rope around your neck."

She climbs down to the ground and, looking around to see if the fox is nearby, pads over to the badger who quickly removes the rope tying her paws up to her neck.

Pointing towards some bushes, he states, "You can relieve yourself over there, but don't untie your gag unless you want to get the kid all riled up." Then, as she looks around, he adds, "He's somewhere around here, collecting rocks." Shaking his head he grumbles and turns around to continue working with the harnesses.


She has just finished her morning routine, as best she can, and is considering making a run for it. We're so low that I don't have to worry about snow for a while, and if I can't go over the mountains...


Shocked by the whispered word, she stumbles as she turns to face the fox and only barely manages to avoid falling by bumping into him.

"Decided to be more friendly?" he grins, wrapping his arms around her.

The nerve of him! First spying on me, then... Growling, she pushes against his chest with her paws and manages to break his hold.

"Come on," he orders, "we can continue this in the wagon." Then he grabs her paws and tows her along.

As soon as she is seated in her usual spot, he offers her food if she would lick him off, and as before she refuses.

"Your loss," he states, sitting down to chew on a succulent pear.


When they stop for luch next to a small stream, the fox offers Shelana the opportunity to stretch her legs, which she declines. After taking a short walk, the fox returns with a few rocks just in time for the tea the badger has brewed. He quickly gulps down a sausage then, leering, asks the skunk if she wants one.

I'd rather starve to death! Growling, she turns her head away.

"Your loss," he mutters. Filling two cups with tea, he drops a straw in one and places it within easy reach of the skunkette, then sit down in front of her and sips from his own cup, waiting for her to finish hers. As soon as her cup is empty he snags it, takes it and his own up front, then hurries back to sit down before her.

What's on his mind now?

Grinning, he pulls off his boots and sticks his feet under the blanket and onto her lap. "Give me a footrub," he orders, "and you get a sausage. I won't even bother to tie your muzzle again afterwards."

A sausage? And all I have to do is... NO! Snarling, she pushes his feet away and huddles up in a corner.

"I was even going to offer to do your feet afterwards," the fox grumbles, "but if you don't want to..."




The sun has almost disappeared below the mountains when the wagon passes a turn and rolls to a stop before a large, closed gate set in a high stone wall.

"What's the meaning of this!?" the badger shouts. "Open the gates!"

"I'm sorry, but the sun has set," someone on the other side responds smugly.

"I said 'open the gates'," the badger states in a calm voice.

"Sorry," the male on the other side retorts, "but it's closed and won't be opened again until tomorrow."

"If you don't open it right now," the badger growls, "I'll open it for you!" Then he jumps down, grabs a gigantic axe hanging on the side of the wagon, walks up to the gate and proceeds to chop at it.

What's going on here?"

"The runt at the gate wanted to quit early," the badger shouts, "so I decided to help open it for him."

"It's sun-down," the first voice whines, "and it's just a trader!"

"You idiot!" the second scolds. "Open the gates before he does, or he'll be in a right frightful temper!"


"Take a look outside," the second voice orders. "See the axe? Now, take a look at the walls of the guardhouse. See the thick timbers? The iron reinforcements? In a few seconds I'll go inside and bolt the door, with you on the outside."


"If you live long enough," the second voice continues, "you might learn not to close the gates when you hear a trader approaching."

Satisfied that things are happening, the badger replaces the axe and climbs back on the wagon. Soon they can hear a creaking sound and the gates begins to slowly open.

Instead of getting the horses moving as soon as the opening is large enough, the badger waits until the gates are fully open before cracking the whip. "Have a nice evening," he grins when they pass a puma struggling with a heavy crank.

Soon the wagon rolls to a halt in front of an inn. "You may want to untie her paws and muzzle," the badger says to the fox. Then, addressing the skunkette he adds, "And you should try to behave. The locals don't like uppity slaves, so act meek, look down and speak only when spoken to."

"What's so wrong with a couple of ropes?" the fox grumbles, unwilling to remove the ties.

"They show that you don't have control," the badger replies, "and here they take that seriously. When you enter, use paw gestures or a low voice for giving commands. Don't bother to watch that she follows them, just assume that she does. If she steps out of line for only a moment, you'll have to punish her, and then I don't mean a scolding. Use your belt or a cane and strike hard."

"B-but..." he stutters.

"No buts," the badger growls, "fail to punish her adequately and you might lose her." Turning towards the skunkette, he adds, "If he decides to punish you, accept it! You don't want a repeat of what happened a few nights ago, do you?"

No! Her muzzle still tied shut, she can only shake her head vigorously.

The fox quickly removes her gag and the rope tying her paws together, then grabs his pack and is about to lift it to his shoulder when the badger stops him. "What?" he asks, puzzled.

"You have a slave," the large male growls, "make her carry your things."

"B-but," the fox protests, "she hasn't eaten for days and it's heavy."

"For once, that is a good thing, as long as you don't show any concern for her, that is."

"I dont want your conern," the skunkette growls towards the fox. Then she grabs his pack and tries to lift it but promptly drops it again. "What's in it?" she hisses, "rocks?"

"A few," he admits, "and books, mostly. Need help to get it up?"

"Keep your grubby paws away from me," she hisses. Struggling with it, she manages to lift the pack onto a crate and drag it forward. Another struggle and it's on the seat. Then she jumps down, sticks her arms through the loops and slowly leans forward, transferring the weight from the seat to her back.

"You can bring the blankets," the badger suggests, "they're not so heavy that someone might wonder, but they will be cleaner than the beds here."

Not wanting to make the skunkette carry his heavy pack for longer than necessary, he hurries to gather the blankets, then jump down off the wagon. "Follow me," he states, then walks towards the door of the inn. Pulling the door open, he hesitates, at first wanting to let her preceede him, then quickly steps inside. "Close the door," he orders when he hears her labored steps behind his back.

Close it yourself! Lifting her head for a moment to speak out, she gets a quick look at the occupants of the room: several wolves, a tiger couple, two male wolverines over by a wall and several that are just sinister shadows in the far end of the room. Realising that the badger's advice was for her benefit, she bows her head, slowly turns around, closes the door quietly, then turns back and staggers after the fox.

The fox walks up to a counter, and after some haggling -- not very well done -- he paws over a couple of coins and receives an iron key. "Upstairs, the end of the corridor," he states, then turns around to look the crowd over.

Swearing to herself, Shelana whispers meekly, "Yes, master." Shifting her load slightly, she staggers towards the stairs and, grabbing the handrail with both paws, takes the steps slowly. As she reach the top, the pack suddenly feels lighter. Glancing behind herself, she sees the fox supporting its weight. "I can manage on my own!" she hisses.

"Just making certain that you don't tumble back down and breaks anything of value," he counters, grinning weakly.

"I... I'll break you!" she snaps at him.

"Quite possibly," he states, letting go of the pack and patting her on the butt before slipping past her and walking down the short corridor to stop in front of a nondescript door. A bit of fumbling with the key and the lock, then he swings the door open and disappears inside.

When the skunk stumbles into the room she finds the fox sitting on the larger of two beds. With a sigh she lowers the pack to the floor and collapses onto the smaller bed.

The fox tosses her a blanket, then gets up and walks to the door. "I'm going downstairs to get dinner. Do you want some?" Seeing her angry glare, he hastily adds, "Your choice. But remember, you'll be carrying the same load back down tomorrow." Stepping outside, he closes the door and locks it, pockets the key and heads downstairs.


"That was a fine-looking skunk you had..."

Looking up from his dinner, the fox studies the stranger for a moment. "What do you want?" he asks the wolf standing in front of the table.

"You wouldn't consider selling her?"

"Not really," the fox replies, "why?"

"There's not that many female slaves around here," the wolf admits, "and the few we have doesn't look that good." The last is said with a grin and a lewd wink.

"No," the fox finally states, "I think I'll hold onto her for a while."

"Can't blame you for that," the wolf grins. Then, tossing a couple of coins onto the table, he asks, "But maybe I could borrow her for a while?"

"Well, a short while shouldn't hurt," the fox replies, picking up and examining the silver pieces, "just be careful or she'll spray you." Pawing over the key to the room, he adds, "Don't leave any permanent marks."

"Spray?" the wolf asks, puzzled, "haven't you had that fixed?"

"Never had the need to," the fox grins. "She knows what I'd do if she tried."

"Not as wimpy as you look, eh?" the wolf mumbles, then turns and heads for the stairs, leaving the fox to enjoy his meal.


"Well, that was fun," the wolf states, stepping up to the table and tossing the key towards the fox.

"I trust you weren't too rough," the fox states.

"She was very spirited," the wolf begins, "but a couple of ropes solved that problem. And if you ever reconsider, I still want to buy her."

"Don't think so," the fox retorts, "and after having tried her yourself, you can probably understand why."

"Yeah," the wolf grins, then pads off to get himself a drink.

"Probably time to turn in for the night," the fox mumbles to himself, then picks up the key and makes his way upstairs. Unlocking the door and entering, he finds the skunkette sleeping in the large bed, her paws tied to the headboard, muzzle tied shut with a rag and wet streaks of fur on her face from tears. He grabs a blanket and quickly covers her up, then removes her gag but leaves her paws tied, just in case. Then he quickly undresses and lies down in the small bed and slips under the blanket.




Shelana wakes slowly, pulled to consciousness from the dull pain of her wrists and arms. For several minutes she just lies there, listening, then she slowly opens her eyes to look around. Not finding any trace of the fox, she tries to move her arms, finding to her surprise that they're no longer tied up. It feels like i've been tied up all night, though.

When she finally sit up she notices a washbowl, a large mug of water and a towel placed near her bed.



Looking up from the task of cleaning her fur of dried cum she finds the fox standing in the doorway, holding a large bowl. Growling at him, she quickly covers her body with the blanket.

"I figured you'd be hungry," the fox states, placing the bowl on a small table, "so I brought you some soup."

"I don't want it!" she hisses.

"This isn't working," he sighs, sitting down on the other bed and looking at the small window. "I won't demand any services from you for the soup."

As she starts on the bowl he states, "I've been given an offer; the wolf who borrowed you last night came around earlier this morning and gave me a very generous offer. Not as much as I paid for you, but still..."

He... He is going to sell me to... to that... that... NO! Slipping down onto the floor she crawls on all fours over to where the fox is sitting and places her head in his lap. "Please master," she whispers, "please don't sell me. I'll be good!" Until I get a chance to run away. Then I'll rip your balls off and make you eat them! Grabbing his pants she slowly undoes his belt, then tugs on the cloth.

Anticipating what she intends, he gets up and quickly drops his pants.

Kill you! Hurt you! Kill you! she repeats over and over to herself as she crawls closer and begins to lick at his sheath and balls. When the cockhead pokes out of the sheath she catches it with her tongue and sucks it into her mouth.

"Ooohhh!" he gasps, placing his paws on top of her head and holding her still as his hips moves forward to drive his stiffening cock deeper into her mouth.

Deciding that enough is enough, she pulls loose from his grasp and backs up a few feet, then turns her back to him, moves her tail aside and bares herself to him.

"Nice!" he exclaims, placing his paws on her butt and going down on his knees behind her.

"I'm yours to use," she whispers, "master."

He doesn't say anything, just aims his member at her slit and slowly pushes forward.

Groaning to herself, the skunkette slips a paw down to hold her cunt lips apart so that he'll slide in easier. At least that rotted rabbit got me wet before he raped me!

"Ohh! Tight!" the fox exclaims. Moving his paws up her back he leans forward until his muzzle rubs against her neck while still humping her slowly. Then his paws slips around to cup her breasts.

Break his fingers, then rip his balls off! Wanting to speed things up and get it over with, Shelana starts to move against him.

"You like it?" he asks, licking her in the neck. Suddenly he pulls out of her and grabs her tail with both paws. Then he aims and pushes his cock against her tail-hole.

"No!" she exclaims, "not that!"

Not hearing, or not caring, he increases the pressure and slips into her tight back passage.

"Nooooo," she cries.

"Yes!" he exclaims. Pulling back until only the head of his cock is inside, then slowly pushing in again, slowly working himself deeper into her ass.

"Kill you!" she gasps, "slowly!" Then she feels the knot at the base of his member pressing against the opening. "No!" she screams, clamping down with all she's got in an attempt to stop him from tying with her.

"Yesssss," he sighs as the increased friction brings him over the top and he fills her ass with his cum. Completely spent he collapses on top of the skunkette.