Rising Star

Betrayal On Schinicin

Story (c) Anthony Wain

Mailto: Cederwyn@snowy.org

Artwork (c) Angela Beaman

All rights reserved.


    Deerinea worked beneath the immobilised Schinicin tank, then after a few anxious moments, she found and severed the controls to the destruct controls. Within moments, the other operatives had neutralised any threat from the other tanks, and rejoined Deerinea and Glider.
    "Great work people…" Deerinea congratulated them. "I didn’t expect such a windfall."
    "Deerinea – how on Meldaron are – "
    "These tanks are not that dissimilar from our own Glider. Indeed, they will be a worthy addition to our own heavily depleted forces. Now, someone go find Whitetail, as I need to talk with him." Deerinea spoke.
Quickly, a soldier left and found two temple acolytes – then asked them to find Whitetail. Deerinea paced the courtyard, watching as the temple priests and guards returned to cleansing the courtyard of the corpses and debris that littered it.
    "I do not believe – " Glider began. "That we survived that battle…."

    Deerinea sighed softly, then ran her paws over her head and down her neck.
    "Neither do I…. It seemed easy – far – too easy. I know what the Schinicin are after…and I do not see why they would only send in a minimal force to take it."
    "Minimal?" Glider moaned. "You call that minimal?"
    Deerinea wilted him with a look.  "Yes Glider – considering that the Star-Crusher’s carry – on average – over twenty thousand troopers, seventeen thousand heavy assault vehicles, nine and a half thousand support personnel and other personnel…."
Glider’s face paled.
    "So – you could say that I am quite surprised…." Deerinea spoke. "Come on, let’s get out of here…."
Deerinea led Glider back through the temple, and in to the former Bishops reception chamber. Here, Whitetail paced the chamber, cursing softly.
    "Whitetail – " Deerinea began.
    "This doesn’t bode well, my beloved mate." Whitetail spoke, as he paced agitatedly.
Glider sat down then cleared his throat. Whitetail paused, then looked at the hyooman.
    "Whitetail, Deerinea has been educating me on Schinicin tactics…." Glider began.
    "Now you come to realise, the implications we’re up against here." Whitetail growled. "Those Schinicin will be back…it’s just a matter of time."
    "What can we do about it? Temple guard contingents are severely depleted, our own weaponry is hideously inadequate…and we seem to be prisoners here."

    "I know – " Whitetail spoke. "Our Tech’s are trying to restore flight capacity to the shuttle, but without the right equipment and supplies – it’s easier said than done. Apparently, there was more damage to the shuttle than what we realised."
    "So – " Glider asked. "What do we do?"
    "I’ve spoken with Millar – and she has told me, that under no circumstances, can or will she intervene on our behalf, in this war. Millar will only protect her temple, as it is her home…. Nothing more." Whitetail growled.
    "Now what? We can not hide here forever…." Glider sighed.
    "I know that – and it is this problem, that I am experiencing much grief over. If I leave, then they will not have my powers to draw on in defence…but if I stay, then you all will likewise – not have my talents to use in the war, against the Schinicin…."
    "Whitetail – you must do what you know is right." Deerinea consoled him. "Deep in your heart, you know the answer to this problem."
    "If I leave – then there is a high chance…that everyone in this temple complex will die, at the hands of the Schinicin, when they return…."
    "That is not up to you to foresee. None of us can foresee the future…." Glider told Whitetail. "Without your skills – and abilities, the Meldaron resistance will be hampered in their attacks against the Schinicin. Does the fate of the entire Meldaron race, not outweigh the cost of a few guards and soldiers? Think logically my friend – for the fate of Meldaron lies in the resistance movement…."
    "Now you see the problem." Whitetail moaned. "I was born here – raised here – and I can not just turn my back on it all, and walk away."
    "You alone, must make this decision – we can not make it for you." Deerinea told him.

    To their surprise, Silverfox entered the chambers, her eyes red from crying.
    "Whitetail – " Silverfox whispered her voice hoarse.
    "What is it my friend?" Whitetail asked her.
    "I have made a decision…. Please, do all that you can – to bring Mack back to us."
Whitetail stared incredulously at her.
    "I feel – that his life was taken from him, so suddenly. Is it better not to meet your death in battle, on your feet…than it is, to die in such an honourless way?"
    "Silver – " Glider spoke.
    "No Glider…this was my choice. I feel strongly, that Mack’s life was taken wrongly from him, and if I have the chance to counteract that decision, then it is I who shall live with the repercussions of my decisions."
    "Silverfox – are you really sure that you want to do this?" Whitetail asked. "It is a very dangerous…ritual."
    Silverfox sniffled and nodded. "I do not care what it takes. Mack was my friend – all my life, and I owe him this much…."

    Whitetail sighed, his ears drooping sadly.
    "Silverfox, I will not tell you again. This ritual – is very dangerous. I will need a part of your own life essence, to bring your friend back. If I get a single part of the ritual wrong – then – both – of you will have your spirits sundered…and cast in to the netherworld. I only tell you this – so you know the very real dangers in this ritual." Whitetail spoke softly.
    "I acknowledge the risks…and accept them. I have faith in you, and if I was in the same position, then I – would do the same for any of you…."
Glider began crying softly, and Deerinea pulled him close to her, then rocked him gently, resting his head against her shoulder, as she patted him consolingly.
    "Then come with me – " Whitetail spoke. "We shall make preparations for the ceremony…."

    Obediently, Silverfox bowed her head and followed Whitetail from the chambers. Glider wept bitterly, and Deerinea continued rocking him, whispering soothingly to the sobbing hyooman.
    "Why?" Glider wept. "Why are we forced in to this cruelty and injustice?"
    "I have faith in Whitetail’s new-found powers…as I do in your own, my young friend." Deerinea consoled him.
    "Why was I given this power of the lightning? How can I be responsible for such a precious gift? Why also, must Silverfox give a part of her very spirit, to restore our beloved friend?" Glider mumbled.
    "As for the lightning powers – I do not doubt that Millar knew exactly what she was doing. Millar would never have granted you this power – if she did not think that you could learn to control it…and use it for good. As for Silverfox, the young Vixen must sacrifice a part of herself – to bring the Tashan back…as it is an appeasement to the demons and worse, than infest the netherworld. They will demand a sacrifice – in exchange for releasing the soul of your beloved friend. Whitetail, using this ancient ritual, will in effect, fool the demons in to thinking that they actually do now possess Silverfox’s spirit. Now deceived, they will permit Mack’s spirit to return – but if they detect that they have been misled…then both Silverfox and Mack, shall have their spirits sundered and cast forever in to the deepest pits of the netherworld…. Even Whitetail, who will be the channel between the two worlds – will face deadly risks. Should he mispronounce a ritual or do something wrong – then all of them will perish…if we’re lucky…."
    "Lucky? How can you say that?" Glider wailed.
    "Trust me – " Deerinea sighed. "If we are not lucky then a rift will form between this world and the netherworld…and the demon-spawn will be loosed on to this world. No-one will be safe from them, and all will surely perish…."


    In his private chambers, the Grand Admiral restored his calm and tranquillity, before he knelt on the holo-transmission pad. After a few moments, the holographic image of the Schinicin Emperor appeared, then it’s chilling voice struck icicles of fear deep in to the heart of the Grand Admiral.
    "Explain yourself Sith Hirr Draconis – " Growled the Emperor.
    "Sire – the attack on the temple – I’ve never seen anything like it in my life! Their Priest literally called forth the living dead…and our troopers and armoured divisions could not stop them! We were unprepared and our forces were hideously outnumbered…. Sire, it was literally a slaughter, as many of our forces were torn limb from limb…by these undead warriors."
    There was a soft reptilian like hiss of extreme exasperation.  "You disappoint me Grand Admiral…." Spoke the Emperor.
    "Sire – how can we kill – the undead?" Moaned the Grand Admiral.
    "I told you Grand Admiral – for I do not care what it takes, but I will not tolerate failure. Use anything and anyone you have to…get that book. Should you fail – then I personally, will take great personal pleasure – in tearing your heart out…and banishing you to the deepest pits of Ra’Charnath…."
A moan of reptilian terror escaped the Grand Admiral.
    "Yes Sith Hirr Draconis – you know the legends of the Pits of Ra’Charnath. Even without a heart – shall you live. Here, in these dim – evil depths, shall you discover new and even more hideous tortures…. Every day, the torture will begin at dawn. You will suffer unimaginable pain all day, screaming for mercy – then with the setting of the sun, shall you die, only to be revived…. Come dawn, the next day, shall you live again – and this time, the torture that shall infest you – will be worse."
    "Sire – have mercy…." Pleaded the Grand Admiral.

    "Thus, shall it continue, until I am satisfied, that you have learned your lesson…and I destroy your heart…condemning you to an eternity – of emptiness, darkness and loneliness. Do not fail me…again…Grand Admiral." Come the evil hiss of the Emperor. "If I must, then I personally will come to Meldaron…. If I do come, then I shall be most displeased, my servant. You had best fetch me the book of Zra’Chak – and send it to me, or else, you will not live to see the week out…. This is your very last warning Grand Admiral. I have been lenient on you in the past, because of your exemplary and outstanding campaign successes, in the past. However – even my incredible patience – has its limits…and you are rapidly reaching that point in time. Use what-ever you must to retrieve that tome Grand Admiral – or else, you will not like the consequences of failing me…."
    "My lord – without reinforcements to enforce your will on Meldaron…."
    "I have considered your requests – Grand Admiral…and I have reached a decision. I am declining your request for additional forces. Give me the Tome of Zra-Chak, and I assure you – you will have the full might of the Schinicin Empire, at your command. Your forces will have to suffice Sith Hirr Draconis, until such a time, as I have that book in my hands… and then, shall you receive your reinforcements – and more besides. Until then – you are on your own…."

    With that, the holo-link was severed, leaving the Grand Admiral shaking beneath his reptilian skin. Indeed, if the Emperor came to Meldaron – the Grand Admiral was certain – that he would kill himself first – before the Emperor could carry out his very real threat. Of all the Schinicin legends and myths, the fabled afterlife was one all Schinicin held dear. If the Emperor did carry out his dire warning, then the Grand Admiral – would never rest…. He would truly know such agony, which would be ceaseless – without remorse or relent. It was – truly – the worst afterlife any Schinicin could ever experience. What was worse, was Sith Hirr Draconis knew full well – that the Emperor was quite capable of handing down this sentence.
    "Commander – " Sith Hirr Draconis grated.
    "Prepare a full invasion force to take the Temple…."
    "Sire? Are you – " Come the Commanders startled response.
    "I do not care for excuses Commander – just carry out my orders. I want as many Schinicin armoured divisions and infantry as you can manage. I do not care if you have to strip most of the garrisons on Meldaron to do it – but I want that temple taken…."
    "Aye sire – as you command. It will – take a few days to organise such a strike…."
    "You have two days Commander. I suggest that you get too it…immediately. This is a top priority Commander."
    "Yes sire – at once."


    Back in the main temple cathedral, Whitetail was preparing the necessary ritual equipment, whilst Silverfox was being bathed, brushed and purified, by some of the temple priests. Whitetail’s ears lay tight against his neck, as he turned another page in the ancient book, and read diligently, before he issued some orders to some priests, then lay out some more of the necessary items, that he would need for the ritual – that he prayed – would succeed.  At last, they were ready, and Whitetail sighed softly, then knelt in prayer before the altar. His words were truthful, meaningful and from his heart – as he pleaded with Millar to grant him the ability, to carry out this delicate – and extremely lengthy ritual. Silverfox was lead out, dressed in a long flowing white robe, her paws hidden in the sleeves, her head hooded. Two temple priests accompanied her, their soft prayers echoing eerily from the cavernous cathedral walls. They lead Silverfox to the small bier, upon which she lay. Glider and Deerinea stood well back, fearing that their mere presence would upset the delicate powers that Whitetail was to bear in this ritual. Mack’s corpse, likewise dressed, cleansed and purified, lay on a bier beside Silverfox.
    "Silverfox Relah Star – " Whitetail chanted. "Are you ready to commence the ritual of T’Neth?"
    "I am." Come Silverfox’s faint reply.

    A young priest, garbed in his ceremonial robes, slowly walked around the altar and the two biers, casting a circle of powdered silver, holy water and salt. A dozen lesser priests formed a circle around this magical warding, then they joined hands. Softly, they began chanting, and as the startled Glider watched, the magical circle burst in to bright silver flames.
    "What – " Glider whispered.
Deerinea glared at him then clamped her paw tightly over his mouth.
    "Silence!" Deerinea breathed in his ear. "Do not make a sound!"
Glider swallowed, then nodded his head. Deerinea glared at him again, then shuddered and released him. They took a seat on the narrow pews, then watched the ritual unfold….

    Whitetail came closer, his voice rising and falling in harmony with the other priests, as he recited the powerful incantations. Carefully, he ran his fingertips down Silverfox’s body – from the tip of her head to her toes. He repeated this thrice, and then lay his palm against Silverfox’s chest.  Deerinea, knowing what was about to happen, slapped her paw over Glider’s mouth again, silencing any risks of him crying out in alarm. Silverfox shrieked in mortal agony – then mercifully – fainted. Whitetail’s voice began rising, as the silver flames slowly turned in to a smoky-grey colour and edged towards black. Within several heartbeats – the ebony flames drew all light and warmth in to their dark embrace. Glider glanced at the torches on the temple walls, and he was shocked to actually see them die down. A cold wind ruffled the torch flames, and chilled those present, as Whitetail’s chant changed pitch and intensity, echoed by the assisting priests.  Deerinea intensified her hold on Glider, knowing that the ritual was really beginning now – and it was reaching a very deadly stage. One false word – or gesture – and all of them would die…as the demons from the Netherworld, were being called by Whitetail, and Silverfox’s spirit was dangled before them teasingly. Deerinea watched – prayed – that Whitetail had the strength – and the ability – to complete this most deadly of rituals. There was a good reason for why it had not been done in centuries….

    No one had successfully carried it through to completion….

    Indeed, the Meldaron high priest Y’Nagioth had tried – and his spirit had been torn from him and banished in to the netherworld – all because of a simple and tragic mis-pronunciation of a word….

    For the next seven hours, Whitetail continued with the dangerous ritual, sweat matting his pelt and the very real fear evident in his eyes. Still – he refused to give in, and finally, late that night, there was a horrendous scream from beneath the ground…and Whitetail shrieked a command, then shattered the spell powers. Deafening peals of thunder ripped overhead and the entire temple rocked – as Whitetail had performed the impossible – and restored Mack’s spirit to his body. He collapsed to his knees, weakened beyond his physical endurance. Deerinea ran to him, then knelt and held the shaking young Stag tightly, tears of joy running down her muzzle.
    "I…." Whitetail gasped.
    "You did it!" Deerinea wept. "Millar be blessed – I know not how – but you’ve done it!"
Silverfox and Mack lay unconscious – their own bodies badly weakened from the experience. Gently, some of the priests brought forth stretchers and carried the two unconscious Meldaron’s to a warm chamber, where they would rest and recover from their ordeal.  Whitetail helped her mate to his feet, then led him to his quarters. Here, she bathed him and then wrapped the shaking Pearldinean in warm blankets.
    "I – never want to do that again." Whitetail chattered.
    "I can not believe you actually managed to do it." Deerinea whispered, as she prepared a warm drink for Whitetail. "It’s exceptionally dangerous."
    "The power – the deceiving peace and calmness of the other side…." Whitetail whispered. "It almost ensnared me."
    "Never trust the Netherworld my beloved – as we both know that this is all – that the Netherworld is. It is deceiving, in which you are lured…and enslaved for eternity. Here, your immortal spirit would be tortured for eternity…at the hands of the fallen."
    "I did not think – I could do it…." Whitetail shuddered. "It would have been so easy, just to give up – and sink in to that peaceful darkness…."
    "You did do it – and we are all grateful for what you’ve done for us…." Deerinea told him. "Silverfox and Mack will be grateful, I have no doubts about that. Now, try to rest – and recover. You’ve had a terrible time of it, and we’re safe for the moment…."
    "Those Schinicin – "
    "We’re safe. Millar has strengthened the mystic shielding over her temple, but if they launch another ground attack against us – then we’re all in trouble. Get some rest, and I will tend to you…and try to get the shuttle repair crews working a little quicker. We need to get out of here – and to our base in the Unknown Hills."

    Whitetail took the steaming mug in both paws, then sipped it carefully.
    "Go on – " Whitetail spoke. "I will be alright…."
Deerinea looked sceptically at him, but did as he said and left the chamber. Whitetail watched her go, then sighed softly.  Deerinea went outside, then gazed up at the coruscating emerald shield that protected the temple buildings. Quickly, she made her way to where the shuttle lay parked; the Tech’s swarming over and under it.
    "Lt. Deerinea – " Spoke their leading Tech.
    "How goes the repairs?" Deerinea asked.
    "Slowly – " He sighed, then wiped his muzzle with an old cloth. "Without proper knowledge of some of the Schinicin circuitry – it’s fairly difficult. However, we estimate that to effect proper repairs – we would need to dry-dock at a repair facility…and spend about seventy-two hours, repairing the worst of the damage."
    Deerinea sighed.  "That’s not what I wanted to hear – okay, let’s ignore the worst of the damaged systems, and just try to get this puppy flight-worthy again. What are the chances of getting her partway flight capable?"

    Quickly, the Tech moaned. "Well – there is a totally destroyed drive system on number three drive…but the other two are operating at approximately sixty percent capability."
    "Atmospheric capability?" Deerinea enquired, as she inspected some of the repair work.
    "We wish. Outer hull has been compromised in many places, and there is no chance of repairing that damage – without a fully working repair facility. She will fly, but only at a very low altitude."
    "Any luck in neutralising the Schinicin transponder transmitting system?"
    "We were lucky in that regard – as we’ve managed to decipher some of the Schinicin coding and such – and we’ve taken down the transponder. So – "
    "So – Schinicin ground tracking stations won’t detect us?"
After a minute, the Tech nodded.
    "Great work. Okay, so we’ve got flight capability, but severely hampered – "
    "This crate will fly – but only just. Manoeuvring thrusters are mostly gone, and main power conduits are extensively damaged. I just pray, that you won’t need to out-run anything in a hurry…."
    "We’ve got about a hundred mile flight to make…. Will it hold out that long?"
He paused, then consulted with some of his other flight technicians.  "Only just. Main power is falling concurrently, for reasons we’re not quite sure. If you’re going to get moving – I’d make it real quick."
    "Do what you can – and I’ll let Whitetail know, that it’s now or never."
With a quick nod, the technician walked back to the shuttle, then they resumed cursing and fighting with the alien vessel, trying to bypass it’s neuro-net processors and on-board diagnostic systems….

    Deerinea walked to the shattered main gates, then looked out over the rolling hills. Deerinea trembled, knowing that the Schinicin forces were quite possibly mobilising, building their garrisons and armouries, and gathering together their forces, for another attack on the temple grounds. Deerinea sighed again, then returned in to the temple, and walked through the quiet hallways to where she had left Whitetail. Here, she told him everything that the Tech’s had told her…and he sighed wearily.
    "So – we’re running out of time?" Whitetail croaked.
    "I’m afraid so. Main power to the shuttle is falling rapidly. If we do not get out of here within a few hours, then we’re not going to get out."
    Whitetail cursed fluently, then growled. "Alright – four hours until we move out. Let everyone know…."
Deerinea nodded and left the chambers. Quietly, her hooves clicking on the stone floor, she approached Glider’s chambers. Here, she paused then knocked softly.
    "Come – " Glider spoke.
Deerinea opened the door, then poked her nose in.
    "It’s alright Deerinea…." Glider smiled. "What’s wrong?"
    "We’re moving out in four hours. Our shuttle transport is experiencing difficulties and is losing it’s power. We’ve got to get out of here – and escape to the Meldaron base."

    Glider was silent, then at last, he spoke.
    "What of Mack and Silverfox? Will they be able to move?"
    Deerinea sighed.   "Silverfox will recover quickly – but Mack – will remain in his unconscious state for a few more days. Once we get him to the Meldaron base, we will be able to accelerate his healing, using the medical facilities there."
    "What about the Schinicin’s? Won’t they detect us?"
    "Our Tech’s have been working on the shuttle, and they’ve managed to disable the Imperial transponder system. Providing we keep very close to the ground, and do not draw attention to ourselves, we should escape Imperial attentions."
    "Four hours?"
    "That’s right…."
Deerinea gave the young hyooman a quick and affectionate hug, before she left him to sit and think about things.

    Softly, Deerinea approached the other chambers, where Mack and Silverfox lay unconscious. Deerinea opened the door, to find a Meldaron temple priest sitting beside the two unconscious Anthro’s.
    "How are they holding up?" Deerinea asked.
    "The young male wolf Tashan – is gravely ill. As for the female fox Tashan, she is likewise grievously ill, but is recovering swiftly."
    "We’re moving on in under four hours – " Deerinea spoke. "I just pray, that the Schinicin do not strike this temple complex again…."
    "If they do, then we will fight to the last – to protect Millar's home." Spoke the Priest.
    "I know you will – but I just wish that we could lend you reinforcements or even some tanks and such of our own…to help defend the temple."
    "Millar will take care of us – as this temple has never fallen to invading forces…."
    "I pray – that it never will…." Deerinea nodded.

    Silverfox twitched, then moaned in pain.
    "Silverfox – " Deerinea whispered, as she took the young Meldaron’s paw.
    "Wha – " Silverfox croaked weakly. "What – going on?"
    "We’re moving out soon…."
Silverfox struggled to sit up, but Deerinea held her down.
    "No – try to rest. You’ve suffered worse than any of us today…." Deerinea gently spoke.
    "Did…is…." Silverfox whispered.
Deerinea gave Silverfox a small sip of some water, then nodded delicately.
    "Whitetail completed the ritual – and Mack is alive. However – he is in a critical condition, and we’ve got to get him to medical help…."
    "The Schinicin – "  Silverfox croaked.
    "Are no longer a threat – at least – for a while. We’re going to be moving our remaining forces and ourselves to the Meldaron secret base. I’ll organise some supplies and equipment for us…and I want you to rest. If there is anything you want – or need, just ask the priest here."
    "Can I – " Silverfox asked.

    Deerinea looked to the priest, who shook his head softly.
    "I’m sorry Silverfox – " Deerinea told her. "I can not let you out of bed just now. I want you to try and get some more rest…okay?"
Silverfox thought about opposing Deerinea’s suggestions, but realised – that Deerinea was only trying to take care of her. Silverfox moaned and Deerinea gave her another drink of water.
    "Only take small sips – " Deerinea spoke. "You’re dehydrated and your system has had a terrible shock. Rest and try not to worry…. It will all be alright."

    Suddenly, there was a piercing scream, and the sound of a laser pistol being fired. Deerinea swore and fled the chambers, nearly knocking over some Meldaron temple guards, who were likewise running to investigate the disturbance. Again, more laser fire ripped through the temple, and there were sickening thuds – the sounds of bodies striking the floor. They ran to the main cathedral – just in time to see two Weasel Anthro's and five Rat Anthro's run from the cathedral, carrying a small chest.
    "Oh sweet Millar!" Deerinea wailed, as she looked at the broken open altar. "Come on! They’ve stolen the Tome of Zra-Chak! We’ve got to stop them!"
One of the rats ducked behind a statue, then there was the briefest of muzzle flashes – a young temple guard staggered backwards blood pouring from his chest. Instantly, Deerinea and the other guards took cover, and un-holstered their own pistols. Another laser bolt cut down one of the guards and the others looked worried. These laser shots had come from two different angles…and they began to suspect that there may be a sniper lurking up above in the dim balconies above.
    "Get to cover!" Deerinea wept. "Go!"
Again, another guard was slain, blood spurting from his severed throat. He collapsed and lay choking – as his blood began drowning him.
    "Whitetail – " Deerinea shrieked in to her communicator. "We’ve got a sniper in the cathedral – and some damn spies have stolen the Tome of Zra-Chak! We need help!"
Only a crackling hiss came from the communicator – they were being actively jammed.
    "Damn it!" Deerinea wailed. "Cover me! I’ve got to alert the others!"
Obediently, five temple guards lay down a suppressing fire – giving Deerinea the chance to run from the cathedral….

    "Whitetail!" Deerinea wailed, as she ran through the temple. "Whitetail!"
    He staggered from his quarters, leaning heavily against the doorframe.  "What – "
    "They – they have stolen – " Deerinea panted, her breath ripping from her. "The Tome! They – stole the Tome of Zra-Chak!"
    "Who?" Whitetail exploded his rage instantly aflame.
    "Weasels – from the Maydane Swamps…." Deerinea gasped. "Some – rodent’s as well! They’re escaping!"
Whitetail swore venomously, then grabbed Deerinea roughly by her collar and ran back towards the cathedral. As they approached, a sickening explosion rocked the temple, driving Whitetail and Deerinea to their knees…. Smoke, dust and pieces of the ceiling pattered down, coating them both, as they struggled to get to their feet. When they edged closer, they were horrified to see the remains of the Meldaron temple guards – who had borne the brunt of the grenades. Their corpses were mangled beyond recognition, and Deerinea burst in to tears. Whitetail held her tightly against his chest and even he – was sickened by the damage the grenades had done, both to the sacred temple – and the Meldaron guards.

    "An – Schinicin high explosive anti-tank grenade – " Whitetail moaned. "Only that – could do such damage…."
    "Why? Why did they steal the Tome of Zra-Chak?" Deerinea wailed.
    "Why? Why is irrelevant…. Question is – how are we going to recover it? They could be anywhere in this complex…."
A dozen Meldaron military soldiers boiled in to the cathedral, and many of them were immediately stricken with the sight of the butchered temple guards.
    "You there!" Whitetail snapped, then coughed violently. "Rouse anyone and everyone now! We’ve got to capture those thieves!"
    "Sir!" Barked the Sargent, as he ordered his forces to spread out and round up as many temple guards as he could.
Deerinea fled in tears and Whitetail slowly approached the gore-spattered altar. Here, he knelt then bowed his head in prayer.
    "Oh mother Millar – " Whitetail wept. "Why has this befallen your most sacred of places? Why are we pitched against such callous and heretical fiends? This is a holy place – but they do not care. They have defiled your home – in taking of lives – and I swear…that I shall avenge this sacrilege…."

    A soft emerald glow began to form behind him – and Whitetail slowly rose, then turned about. Growing in its intensity, the emerald field began shimmering…and Millar herself stepped through the glowing portal. Whitetail immediately dropped to his knees and averted his eyes from his Goddess.
    "Arise my child. "Come Millar's telepathic response.
    "Mistress – why? Why have you come to me? I am but unworthy of your grace…."
    "You will not recover the Tome my child…." Millar sighed. "Even now, they are fleeing through the catacombsand soon they shall be gone."
    "If they can escape – " Whitetail moaned.
    "There is nothing you can do – " Millar's telepathic voice spoke softly, but with the hint of authority touching it. "I had not foreseen this and it is my fault as much as anyone’s. I had the former High Priest place the Tome there. It was here that I thought it would be safe…. I was wrong."
    "Mistress – " Whitetail wept bitterly. "If that Tome falls in to the hands of the Schinicin – "
    "I alone take responsibility for allowing it to be stolen my child. I was too overconfident in my own powers that I dared not think that someone would have the tenacity to break in to my own holy temple and steal the most treasured item in our Temple , right from under my very nose."

    "How – what – " Whitetail moaned.
    "There is little that you may do to change that which has happened…. I alone , take full responsibility for losing the tome. It is my fault and I alone must deal with this."
    "Mistress – please…." Whitetail begged. "Let me help you!"
    "Call the young Vixen I have something for her…."
    "Silverfox?" Whitetail whispered. "Her?"
Millar nodded softly.

    Whitetail ordered a young Meldaron soldier to fetch Silverfox. He returned shortly, supporting the weakened Silverfox, who stared in awe at the ten-foot tall goddess, who gazed back at her compassionately.
    "Silverfoxdaughter of Charlene and Maxin Rajin step forwards." Millar commanded.
Weakly, her knees trembling, Silverfox did as she was told – then knelt before the Goddess.
    "You know of what your fate holds for you and in this regard I present to you this weapon…." Millar spoke
A shimmering spear appeared and hovered before Silverfox. Its make was of exceptional quality, the broad blade of the spear tip gleaming in the guttering torchlight. All along the spear was intricate runes, etched in to the ancient wood of the spear.
    "This is the Spear of Meldaron …." Millar's telepathic voice spoke to them. "This weapon was used in the banishment of the Dark Star Dragonsthousands of years ago. I give it to you to help you in your quest…. Take care of this weapon my child as it will serve you well and will aid you in your ultimate goal . As we are all aware the Tome of Zra-Chak has been stolenand soonit will fall in to the hands of the Schinicin . However they can not restore the Dark Star Dragons from their banishment, as they do not possess the key to unlock that Tome. I hereby give youthis quest. Find and destroy the Schinicin Emperor …. I can not offer you any more help than what I already am and I pray that you will succeed…."
    "Millar – I am unworthy – " Silverfox moaned.
    "Correction you areworthy of being the one to wield this weapon. You are pure of heart and spirit…. Only you, with the spear in your paws can confront the emperor and see past the cloak of deception, that he hides himself behind. I know that the Emperor is notwhat he seems…. Only you can face him and see what he really is . With the aid of the Spear of Meldaron may you do battle with the Emperorand destroy his evil once and for all. He will try to deceive you – and this is where his downfall lies. He will not if you are careful, know of you wielding the Spear of Meldaron until it is too late. When you confront him he will use all within his powers to deceive and blind you. Do not fall for the emperors liesas he is a master of deceptive ploysand if you succumb he will destroy you."
    "Millar – my mistress – this young Vixen…." Whitetail pleaded.
    "Silverfox Relah Star is my chosen one…. Would you dispute my decision?"
    "No – my beloved mistress…." Whitetail bowed respectfully. "I do not wish to anger you…."
    "Whitetail you are hereby sworn to protect this young Vixen…. Are you worthy of being the champion of my chosen warrior?"

    "Mistress – if you deem me worthy, then I shall do all that I can – to ensure Silverfox fulfils her destiny…." Whitetail promised.
    "Whitetail I will never lie to youor to any of my children. This quest may well result in youor others losing your lives in this battle. It shall be hard of that you already know. Arrayed against you all will be the entire Schinicin forces…. They will do all within their power to either capture you or destroy you. Should you fail, then the entire world of Meldaronwill fall forever. Her people will be lost prisoners under the merciless heel of the evil Emperor . Within fifty years the Meldaron people will be no more , and our legends and history will die with us…."
Silverfox whimpered softly, but Whitetail placed his arm comfortingly around her slender shoulders.
    "Silverfox I grieve to have given one so young such a burden. Please , believe me, when I tell you that I would never have done this if I feltthat you would not be strong enough to carry this burden…."
    "Almighty Millar – I believe in you…and I trust in your judgements…." Silverfox wept. "It is all just – such a lot for me to take in…."
    "I know it isand I wish that I could ease your burden but I can not. I just pray that you succeedand end this threat to your ownworldand it’s peopleonce and for all."
    "What shall we do?" Silverfox asked. "Will your temple and its priests survive the Schinicin invasion?"
    "If we survive we survive…." Come Millar's response. "Worry yourself not needlessly with such thoughts. If it is our time then there is nothing that can change that."
    "What should we – " Silverfox asked.
    "What will be - will be. Now, go, as already, the dark forces consolidate their hold on this world and they make preparations for your destruction ."

    With that, Millar vanished as suddenly as she had come….
    "What do we do?" Silverfox wept, as she hesitantly took the spear.
    "We do what is expected of us – we obey Millar's orders…." Whitetail replied consolingly. "Come on – the others will be ready by now."
    "So that’s just it? We just tuck our tails between our legs and leave the temple guards to fight the Schinicin alone?" Silverfox growled.
    "Silverfox – please. There is more to this temple, than you realise. Remind me, when we have the time – to tell you of the legend of this place…." Whitetail sighed quietly. "Right now – we’ve got to get ourselves away from here…and to the Meldaron base."
    Silverfox drew a shuddering breath, then sniffled.  "You’re right – the fate of Meldaron lies in the resistance…."
Whitetail gave her a gentle hug of understanding, then led her to where Deerinea was helping to load Mack on to a small stretcher.
    "How – " Deerinea began.
Whitetail silenced her with a look, then nodded towards Mack.
    "He’s resting comfortably enough – but I’d be much happier, if I could get him to a fully stocked medical facility…."  Deerinea sniffled.
    "That is exactly what we’re going to do – " Whitetail spoke. "Come on – we’re moving out…right now."

    Deerinea nodded then took one end of the stretcher, with Glider at the other. Together, they carried the unconscious Mack out in to the courtyard, where the shuttle pilots were warming the engines.
    "Lieutenant – " Spoke the Sargent of the Meldaron soldiers.
Deerinea paused, then looked at him.
    "With your permission – we’d like to stay here…. We want to fight alongside those who are likewise staying – to help defend the temple." Asked the Sargent.
Deerinea looked to Whitetail, who shrugged quietly, then carried the unconscious Tashan up in to the shuttle.
    "Sargent – "
    "Lieutenant – please…. Their forces are heavily depleted…and they sacrificed their own lives – so that we would have a chance. It is – the least that we can do…."
    Deerinea shuddered, then nodded quickly.  "Make it so Sargent…and…may Millar bless you all." Deerinea yelled, as the shuttle engines increased their power.
    "May she guide and bless you all as well!" Replied the Sargent, giving Deerinea a salute.

    Deerinea returned the salute, then ran up the shuttle gangplank. Just as she strapped herself in, the shuttle pilot raised the shuttle…and set course for the Meldaron base.
    "Here we go again – " Silverfox groaned.
    "Did you say something?" Deerinea asked.
    "No – " Silverfox sighed, then closed her eyes and to her surprise…she slept.
    "Poor Silverfox – " Whitetail whispered. "Why Millar chose her…."
    Deerinea and Glider looked at Whitetail. Whitetail sighed, then told them of what had happened. When he was finished, Deerinea and Glider were stricken speechless. Whitetail unstrapped himself, then went in to the cockpit and spoke at length with the pilot. They reprogrammed the shuttle communications systems to the Meldaron military’s emergency frequency…and prayed that the Meldaron’s were listening.
    "Captain – I want this code transmitted in ten second bursts…" Whitetail spoke quickly. "Stay with this frequency. If we’re lucky, the Meldaron’s will pick up the call…."
    "What if we’re unlucky?" Asked the Captain.
    "Then – this will be a real short trip – as the defence systems within the base – will perceive us as a threat…. Then – it will activate its emergency override controls…and blow this shuttle in to the next millennia…and us with it."

    Leaving the Captain to worry, Whitetail made his way back to the passenger area and sat down. He ran his paws across his muzzle, then rubbed his eyes wearily.
    "What can we do?" Glider asked.
Deerinea looked at him, then glanced at Whitetail.
"There is only one thing to do – " Whitetail spoke. "We pray…."


    After their escape from the Temple grounds, the thieves made their way south-east, to their small encampment. Here, they celebrated jubilantly on the capture of their prize….
    "Those Schinicin will pay a kings ransom for this book…." One of the weasels laughed.
    "That they will," Spoke a black furred rat. "I can not believe that those temple guards could be so easy to take down!"
    "Yeah – " Giggled the other Weasel. "Thanks to our sniper Blackpaw's…."
Blackpaw’s, the group sniper, smiled cruelly. He returned to polishing his most prized possession, his sniping laser rifle. What was most disturbing, is that he was a brush-tailed possum – a native of the peaceful Rainforest Cape province.
    "So – when do we alert the Schinicin to our prize?" Asked the first Weasel.

    A soft giggle snapped them out of their revelry. From out of the shadows, stepped a hooded and cloaked figure, followed by two dozen Schinicin infantry.
    "There’s no need – " Came the hooded figures giggle. "We already know…."
Immediately, the thieves snapped up their weapons defensively, then stared at the Schinicin, who we by far – much – quicker than they were.
    "Come now – " Spoke the hooded figure. "There is no need for violence…."
It giggled insanely.
    "How – who – " Demanded the Weasel.
With its paws, the hooded figure reached up – and cast back it’s deep cowl. Those who were looking at it averted their eyes, sickening retching sounds coming from them. This figure – was a hyena, his face covered with oozing sores and wounds. His paws and wrists were heavily bandaged in stained bandages.
    "I am Teric – " Spoke the hyena. "I would suggest – that you surrender the Tome of Zra-Chak…."
As they looked on, a pustulant wound burst and a sickening trail of pus and blood tricked down the hyena’s muzzle. Without noticing it, he stared at them, his black eyes glittering with the madness, which possessed his mind.
    "Hey!" Stammered the lead Weasel. "We had a deal…. We steal the tome…and the Schinicin give us a handsome bounty for it…."
    "Well now," Grated Teric. "It would seem, the rules have been changed? Would you not agree?"
    "We had a deal – " Whimpered the thieves, as they stepped backwards.

    They were backed up against a high cliff, and they glanced backwards, looking down at a two thousand-foot drop, to the valley floor below.
    "It would seem – that the Grand Admiral has had a change of mind…. He does not negotiate with thieves and scum like yourselves…." Teric giggled madly, then threw back his head and wailed with a bone-chilling laugh of utter madness.
    "You – you’re insane…you know that? Moaned the Weasel.
    Teric growled dangerously, then blinked and began gibbering and giggling.  "Mad…mad…I’m not mad…" Teric squealed hideously. "I’m not mad, I’m a total, certified fruit-cake!"
Sickened, the thieves edged back even further, away from this plague riddled Hyena….
    "Give me the Tome of Zra-Chak… now."
    "We – " Pleaded the Weasel.
    "Had a deal – yes – I know. However, the rules have been changed. Give the Tome to me…and I shall ensure you and your – party – free passage from this place. Also, I shall ensure that the Schinicin forces leave you and yours alone."

    Sensing that they had no other options, the Weasel looked to his companions. Their fear shone brightly in their eyes, as they realised that they had been double-crossed by the Schinicin forces.
    "Give me the Tome of Zra-Chak… now." Teric gurgled, then giggled madly.
Reluctantly, the Weasel lay it tenderly on the ground, then backed away from it. A Schinicin soldier stepped forwards, retrieved the tome, and returned to display it to the plague riddled Hyena. Lovingly, he caressed the tome and smiled wickedly.
    "You’ve made the right decision – " Spoke Teric. "Captain – please yourself and your men…."
    "Wait!" Pleaded the Weasel. "You said that – "
    Teric sighed, then turned back to look at the Weasel.  "I – lied."
There were the anguished cries of the thieves, then the Schinicin fired – and silence fell heavily. There was a stench of burned fur and flesh, which wafted over the slaughter.
    "There is – no honour amongst thieves…." Teric giggled softly. "Come Captain, we must report to the Grand Admiral. I believe – he will we more well disposed, now that we have the book in our possession…."
    "Yes sir." Replied the reptilian Captain, as he slung his weapon.

    They moved back in to the shadows, then Teric paused.
    "Captain – " He spoke.
    "Sir?" Asked the Schinicin Captain.
    "Bring me the pelt of that possum…. He will make an excellent addition to my trophy chambers."
    "Yes sir."
Quickly, the Captain made his way back, then after a few moments, he returned.
    "Sir – the possum…."
    "What of him Captain? Where is my trophy?"
    "Sir – his corpse…it’s gone!"
    Teric growled dangerously.  "How…I thought that you…."
    "Sir – we did shoot him…I suspect…he has fallen to his death – from the top of the cliff."
    Teric sighed.  "A shame – his pelt would have made a wonderful addition to my trophy chambers."

    They made their way back to their shuttle, where Teric paused and retrieved his bio-suit. With some help from the Schinicin soldiers under his command, he struggled in to it, then stepped aboard the shuttle.
    "Inform the Grand Admiral – we have completed stage one." Teric spoke, his voice muffled by the filters in his suit.
    "Yes sir." Replied the Captain. "By your command…."


    Little did they know, but the Schinicin had shot the possum, but he had only been grazed. He had deliberately fallen off the cliff, and using his exceptional dexterity, had managed to cling to the cliff wall. After he had heard the shuttle depart, he laboriously crawled back up the cliff and dragged himself over the precipice. He stared at the dead thieves and mercenaries around him, then sighed. Taking his concealable sniping rifle and other weapons and supplies, he set out through the forest around the temple, wondering what he was going to do…and if…he was going to survive….


            Aboard the Schinicin Flagship

    "Grand Admiral – " Come a voice.
    "Yes Lieutenant?" Replied Sith Hirr Draconis.
    "Sire – a shuttle from Meldaron, is requesting clearance to land sir…."
    Slowly, the Grand Admiral leaned back in his throne.  "A – shuttle?"
    "Yes sir – they claim – to have a special priority delivery for you personally sir."
    "Very well – grant them permission to land…. I want a full battalion of soldiers present in the docking bay…in case this is a trap of some kind."
    "Shuttle Draknar – you are cleared to land…proceed along preset fly path." Spoke the controller.
Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis breathed deeply of the churning chlorine gas aboard his flagship, and then he watched the view-port as the Schinicin shuttle approached. His interest was sparked, as he wondered what they were bringing – that necessitated such importance.
    "Commander – notify me when the shuttle has landed. I shall be in my quarters."
    "Yes sire…" Spoke the Commander.
Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis raised his great bulk, then swept from the bridge of his flagship, his mind churning with possible thoughts….


            Aboard the Stolen Schinicin Shuttle

    "Sir – we’ve got sensor contact…." Spoke the shuttle pilot.
Whitetail made his way forwards in to the shuttles cramped cockpit.
"Send the transponder code Captain…." Whitetail instructed him.
Quickly, the code was transmitted and after a few anxious moments, there was a soft chirp of recognition and Whitetail breathed a sigh of relief.
    "We’ve done it Captain – " Whitetail grinned. "We’ve been recognised and accepted by the Meldaron base defence systems. However – do not be alarmed, when we land – to see a armed contingent as a greeting party when we arrive."
    "Sir?" Asked the Captain, as he began the final approach.
    "It’s just standard procedure Captain. After all – this is a Schinicin shuttle…and we are at war…."
    "Sir – I thought that…."
    ‘Trust me Captain. Do not make any sudden moves. If the base defence computer gets suspicious…it will blast this shuttle in to dust…and us with it. Just keep going…and hold your course and speed steady."


    Down on the ground, hidden anti-starship guns tracked the shuttle, their lasers and missiles primed and ready to fire. Meldaron ground forces in several hidden tracking stations kept a very close eye on the shuttle – and they run passive scans of the life-signs aboard the ship. Slowly, the shuttle slowed and approached the secreted docking bay, located within the mountain itself. Every step of the way, powerful computer systems and their Meldaron operators tracked the shuttle…until it touched down.
    "Millar be blessed!" Whitetail moaned. "We’ve made it!"
There was a soft whine, as the shuttle engines slowly cycled down in to silence. Visible outside – through the shuttle cockpit windows, they could see the Meldaron soldiers taking defensive positions and there were quite a number of them – and heavy blaster cannons, quite capable to destroying the shuttle – should they fire.
    "Wait here – " Whitetail spoke.
Fearfully, the Captain nodded.  Whitetail walked back in to the hatchway then activated the controls. With a soft hiss of escaping air, the hatchway hissed open and folded itself down.
    "Identify yourself!" Come a voice.
    "I am field operative Whitetail, under the command of Lieutenant Deerinea, who in turn, serves King Reyard Russet."
    "Step out – and keep your hands above your head…." Come the voice.
Whitetail done as he was told, then under orders, he knelt, then placed his paws on the back of his head. Quickly, two soldiers approached and retrieved Whitetail’s identity card and ran it through a small electronic reader. It chirped and began displaying the information on Whitetail.
    "Sir – he’s clean." Spoke the other officer.
    "Sorry sir – " Said the first officer, as he handed Whitetail’s ID back to him.
    "It’s alright private – we are at war – and can not be too careful."

    Deerinea came down the gangway, carrying the stretcher, with Silverfox following, likewise helping to support the unconscious Mack. Glider and the shuttle pilot was the last to come out, and they were all likewise scanned. Naturally, the soldiers were highly suspicious of Silverfox, the unconscious Mack and Glider.
    "Private – they’re clean. They work with us." Deerinea growled.
    "I’m sorry Lieutenant – it’s routine. We’re going to have to confine them to quarters – until our Intelligence people have cleared them."
    "Private – " Deerinea growled.
    "Deerinea – you and I both know the rules." Whitetail spoke. "Let up on him – he is only doing his job."
Deerinea growled, but acquiesced to the orders.
"Silverfox – Glider – I’m sorry…." Deerinea sighed. "Orders have to be obeyed."
Silverfox nodded and Glider groaned, as they were lead at gunpoint to the secured quarters, where they would stay. Deerinea watched them go, then ordered two soldiers to carry Mack to the Infirmary. Here, he would recover – and be kept under constant guard. Whitetail sighed wearily then led Deerinea to the Command and Control centre of the base….

    "Lieutenant Deerinea – Whitetail – " Spoke the old Tashan wolf, that had been there at Foxville. "Millar be blessed – for I never expected to see you both again."
    "We do not have time for many pleasantries Commander, but we are both grateful – that you too have survived the attack." Whitetail spoke. "What information can you give us on the war so far?"
    Sadly, Commander Drakmarian sighed. "I’m afraid that it’s worse than it first appeared. Our military ground forces are down to forty-two percent – our space fleet has fled, and they’re down to twenty-nine percent…. It doesn’t bode well for us all I’m afraid."
    "What of his excellency – the king?" Deerinea asked.
    "His majesty was wounded in the destruction of Crown Castle, but he survived and is alive…."
    "Thank Millar – " Deerinea groaned. "Without him – the Meldaron’s morale would surely collapse. Sir – where have our space fleet fled too?"
    "They have fled to a neighbouring system – who are our allies. Here, they are undergoing resupply and repairs, then we shall keep them there…until we’re sure of what the Schinicin are doing. We expect the Schinicin to spread their fleet throughout this system…and if they do as expected, then when the time is right…we shall recall our remaining battle-cruisers and fighters…and try to bring down a few of the Schinicin Star-Crushers."
    "What of ground force deployment on Meldaron?" Whitetail asked.
    "Schinicin ground forces control vast areas of Meldaron, and all of the major industrial areas and other areas of military importance. They are now enforcing their rule – and our spies report that they are deploying their garrisons in and around the major cities and areas of key importance." Replied Drakmarian.
    "Hmmm." Deerinea growled. "It’s not good news for us…is it Commander?"
    "I am afraid you’re right Lt. Deerinea. Schinicin forces came at us so swiftly, we didn’t have any prior warning that they were coming…and they caught us unawares…."

    "What actions have been taken – to try and disrupt the Schinicin deployments?"
    "Our other field agents – are infiltrating key sectors…and working to disrupt the Schinicin communications and command structure. A few of our agents have managed to infiltrate the Schinicin industrial areas…and they are working secretly – to sabotage the Schinicin power supply infrastructure.
    "Sounds dangerous – " Whitetail pondered.
    "It is dangerous." Replied Drakmarian. "However – as you two know, you work as a team, and we’ve already lost over three hundred of our field operatives, as many were found out through those of our own forces – who defected to the side of the Schinicin."
    "Damn it all!" Deerinea snarled. "Why are our own forces betraying us?"
Whitetail placed a comforting paw on his mate’s shoulder. Even Commander Drakmarian was surprised by her sudden outburst.
    "I – " Deerinea began, then sighed and shuddered. "Commander – forgive me."
    "I forgive you Lieutenant – as you’ve suffered a lot lately…. Would you like a few days leave? To recover and rest?" Commander Drakmarian asked.
    "No sir…I must respectfully decline. Meldaron’s people need us all to do our utmost."
    "Lt. Deerinea – " Commander Drakmarian spoke. "If you need some time from your duties…just ask me."
    "Thank you – Sir." Deerinea spoke.
    "Now – tell me all about what has happened, since we last spoke at Foxville – and above all – how you’ve managed to steal an Imperial shuttle?"
    Whitetail sighed, then explaining all that had happened, between then – and now. When he had finished his debriefing, Deerinea told the Commander of all that she herself – and those of her companions, had done…. It was going to be a long… long…night for these three….


            Aboard the Schinicin Flagship

    There was a soft beep from the communications board within the Grand Admiral’s chambers. He lay on his massive bed, his eyes closed – the lights turned off. Drawing deeply of the chlorine rich gasses that swirled and eddied throughout this chamber, he idly reached out and touched the sensor.
    "Yes Commander?"
    "Sire – the shuttle has landed…and the passenger – a…."
    "Sire – he is a Meldaron…wearing a bio-suit and clutching some sort of…book?"
    Immediately, the Grand Admiral snapped in to battle readiness. "A…book?"
    "Yes sire…." Stammered the Commander.
    "Commander – detach a security detail to this Meldaron. I want him immediately brought to my chambers…."
    "Sire? – I thought it was your rest – "
    "The hells with my rest period!" Snarled the Grand Admiral. "Bring him here…NOW!"

    After a few moments, the door sensor pinged.
    "Come – " Growled the Grand Admiral.
With a hiss, the door opened and in walked Teric. He paused, as the two Schinicin soldiers stood attentively just inside the door.
    "Guards – leave us." Commanded the Grand Admiral.
Obediently, they stepped outside and the door hissed closed again. For several moments, Teric stood in the dark chamber, then there was the red gleam from Sith Hirr Draconis' eyes, as he opened them a crack to glare at the upstart Hyena.
    "Speak – " Rumbled the great dragon.
    "I would speak – " Teric giggled, then burst in to hysterical laughter. "If I knew to whom, I was speaking."
Uttering a low growl, the Grand Admiral called the lighting, which swivelled in on Teric, blinding him with its bright glare.
    "I have given you an order – " Hissed the Grand Admiral.
    "Ooh." Teric muttered, then giggled again. "Too scared to show yourself?"
    "Try not my patience – you insolent whelp." Growled the Grand Admiral. "I am not known for my tolerance for insolence."
    "Patience – my disgusting lizard…patience." Teric snickered. "What I have in my possession, I believe, will make you change your mind."

    Seething, the Grand Admiral hissed venomously.
    "Teric – you would be advised – to do as I have commanded…."
    "Oh? So the big scaly one knows my name!" Teric giggled insanely.
    "I know of who you are – " Whispered the Grand Admiral. "Also, I know of what you are."
    "Big deal – " Teric chuckled. "As if I really care for what some hulking lizard thinks."
His patience fraying, the Grand Admiral snapped a command and the chamber lights blazed in to incandescence. Teric giggled and walked casually across the deck, then reclined lazily in a chair. Incredulously, the Grand Admiral watched him, wisps of flame and smoke trickling from his nostrils….
    "Hey – " Teric smiled. "Nice place you’ve got here…decorate it yourself?"
    "Do not play games with me – you festering sore…."
    "Oh – name calling now?" Teric taunted him. "Surely – a creature of your authority would have a much thicker skin – or perchance – it is just your head…that is thick?"
    "What – do – you – want?" Grated the Grand Admiral, through gritted teeth.
    "What do I want?" Teric asked, then giggled madly. "What I want – you couldn’t give me in a thousand years…. Besides – it is what you want – that is important. I have something – that I believe – you wanted?"
    "Impossible – " Growled the Grand Admiral. "If our forces could not obtain it, how could the likes of – "
Teric smiled, then showed the Grand Admiral the Tome of Zra-Chak. He was delighted to see the great dragon actually fall silent.
    "You – the Tome of – " Stammered the Grand Admiral.
    "That’s right – sir scaly one. I have the one thing…that you desire."
    "How did you – " Asked Sith Hirr Draconis.
    "How? How is irrelevant. What is relevant – is what deal – are you willing to make for this book?"
    "I do not – " Began the Grand Admiral.
    "Correction – " Spoke Teric, with a manic giggle. "You do make deals now…."

    Slowly, Teric giggled and showed the Grand Admiral the Tome – of which, was only the cover.
    "You – " Exploded the Grand Admiral.
    "I may be a thief – a liar – and irreversibly insane – but I am not foolish. You want the book…and I think – we can come to a – shall we say…. A mutual agreement?"
Seething, the Grand Admiral snarled in rage, his roar reverberating deafeningly throughout the chamber. Teric smiled and added his own choking screams.
    "There – that feels better…doesn’t it?" Giggled the insane Hyena.
    "You DARE to make a mockery out of me?" Snarled Sith Hirr Draconis. "I could crush you – like an eggshell!"
    "You could – " Admitted Teric. "But you will not. Now, let’s negotiate. I possess the Tome of Zra-Chak – which you want…."
    "What do you – want from me?" Hissed the Grand Admiral.
    "Ah – straight to the point huh?" Teric giggled. "I like a man – which you’re not – who doesn’t want to haggle for hours…."
    "Let us not mince words…." Seethed the Grand Admiral. "What do you want, in exchange for this book?"
    "Well – " Teric pondered, idly tapping his gloved paws against his muzzle-mask.
His patience nearly at its end, the Grand Admiral rose and began pacing the chamber.
    "Well – " Teric resumed. "How about being the sole ruler – of this region?"
    Sith Hirr Draconis snorted in displeasure. "You’re mad – you know that?"

    Teric blinked, then to Sith Hirr Draconis' surprise, Teric threw back his head and shrieked in insane laughter. He even began gibbering and drooling, as he done an impromptu dance about the chambers, reinforcing Sith Hirr Draconis’ displeasure. What the Grand Admiral did notice, are the sores and wounds that littered the insane Hyena’s entire body. How – this Hyena could bear such pestilence – and still survive, amazed the Grand Admiral….
    "Aye – " Teric gibbered. "I’m mad…so what? Isn’t everybody?"
    "So – you want to be installed – as the regional governor of this sector?" Asked the Grand Admiral.
    "Yes – for starters…." Teric snickered. "That should suffice for the moment…."
    "What else?" Sighed the Grand Admiral.
    "Well – I want the Meldaron forces to obey me…come to think of it – disband or destroy the Meldaron forces totally…. I want my own personal battle fleet, based on this very impressive Starship…."
    "Star-Crusher." Growled Sith Hirr Draconis.
    "Starship – star-crusher…who cares?" Confided Teric.
    "Continue – "
    "Once these demands are met – then I shall consider my other requests…. If we agree to my demands, then – only then – shall I deliver to you, through a third party – the Tome of Zra-Chak."
    "You’re asking a lot – " Grated out the Grand Admiral.
    "Ah – but you’re receiving a lot." Snickered Teric. "I know – what is in that Tome, and what power it holds. You’re seeking to restore the Dark Star Dragons – aren’t you?"

    "How did you – " Exploded the Grand Admiral.
    "A lucky guess perchance?" Giggled Teric. "Think about it Captain – "
    "Grand Admiral – if you please…you festering – rancid – hideous creature."
    "Oh…well – excuse me – " Teric chuckled. "His excellency has spoken!"
    "Do not play games with me…." Seethed the Grand Admiral in rage.
    "I shall do as I like – " Teric shot back menacingly. "I alone, know where the Tome is hidden…and oh – whilst I think of it – you’re interrogation techniques will not work on me, as I am certifiably off my nut. I am out of my gourd, bonkers, crazy, a couple of biscuits short of the pack, a few cans short of a six-pack…."
    "I get the meaning…." Sighed the Grand Admiral. "Very well – I will be in touch with you…."
    "Undoubtably you will – " Smiled Teric. "I do not doubt it at all…Captain."
    "Get out!" Screamed the Grand Admiral.
    "Temper, temper…the naughty lizard is losing his temper – " Teric snickered, then left the chambers.

    After the plague riddled Teric had left, the Grand Admiral vented the chlorine from his chambers. Even though he knew that Teric was wearing a self-contained bio-suit…the Grand Admiral was positive – the stench of that decaying Hyena remained. Agitated, the Grand Admiral summoned the Commander of the Dragon Wing. After a few moments, the Commander arrived. He was a black scaled dragon, his blood red eyes furtive and sinister.
    "My liege – " Spoke the Commander. "I live to serve the Emperor."
    "Commander Zur-tarn – I have a mission for you…personally."
    "Speak of it sire."
    "That – creature – that just left here…holds some vital information that we desire above all else. I want you to follow him – and find out where he is living. Once you’ve done this, report immediately to me…and I shall give you additional instructions."
    "Yes sire – by your command."
    "You are dismissed Commander…."
    "You will learn – " Hissed the Grand Admiral. "Never try to betray a Grand Admiral…."


            Inside the Secured Chambers – Meldaron Base

    "Oh – this is just wonderful !" Glider groaned, as he stared at the force field that imprisoned them. "We’ve fought so long – and for so much – just to be turned in to prisoners?"
    Silverfox sighed softly. "Glider – we’re not prisoners."
    "How can you say that?" Glider growled, then kicked a chair at the force field.
It fritzed and the armed guard outside glared at him.
    "Knock it off…." Snarled the Tashan soldier.
    "Why don’t you make me?" Glider hissed.
    "Do not tempt me – boy." Growled the Guard.
Silverfox grabbed Glider, then forced him to sit down. Glider resisted at first, then sighed and complied.
    "Why are they treating us like this?" Glider asked.
    "Glider – they’re keeping us confined – whilst their Intelligence people run checks against our names – and identities. It is standard military operation. They do not know who we are…. We could be Schinicin spies for all they know."
    "Do we look like reptiles?" Glider hissed.
    "You know what I mean…." Silverfox sighed in exasperation. "Soon, once our names have been cleared and our identities confirmed, then we’ll be free."

    "I still feel like a prisoner – " Glider moped.
    "Believe me Glider – it’s for our own protection…and that of the Meldaron base."
Glider mumbled something, then lay down on the hard bunk and closed his eyes. Silverfox looked at him, then sighed again and sat down, and hugged her knees close to her chest.  Thirteen hours later, Deerinea came to them and ordered the force field to be dissipated.
    "Come on – you’re free." Deerinea told them.
    "About time – " Glider yawned. "I was about to die of old age."
Deerinea looked at Silverfox, who shrugged as if to say ‘Don’t ask’. Deerinea smiled gently then led them to more suitable quarters.
    "You’ll be sharing these quarters together…until we can find some more suited accommodation. Things – as you can imagine – are quite disorganised lately…."
    "This is fine – " Silverfox spoke. "A little on the light side – but fine. Thank you."
    "If you need anything – then just let the guard know…and he’ll see to it. I’ve got to get to work, and get you both outfitted and see to your training…." Deerinea answered.
    "Deerinea – "
    "Oh – Mack is recovering…and undergoing extensive testing, to ensure there is no – lingering – damage to him. I’ll try and get some time for you to see him, when I can."
    "Deerinea – I never said this before – " Silverfox stammered.
Deerinea paused in the doorway, then looked back at them.
    "I – just wanted to say – thank you. For everything…."

    Deerinea sighed, then turned back to Silverfox and Glider. Quickly, she gave them both a warm affectionate hug, then left the chambers.
    "Come on – let’s see about getting you both outfitted and enlisted…." Deerinea smiled.
Silverfox took Glider’s hand and they followed Deerinea out of the chambers. Glider paused, then looked at the Tashan guard. He stared back, until Glider reached out a hand.
    "No – hard feelings – okay?" Glider spoke.
Slowly, the surprised soldier blinked – then took Glider’s outstretched hand and shook it gently.
    "None taken – and I’m sorry for biting your head off like that…. We’re all under a lot of duress lately…."
"Aye – that we have been…." Glider admitted, then cuddled Silverfox warmly and followed Deerinea down the passageway. "That we have been…."

        Meldaron Military Base

    Deerinea led the two friends through a myriad of areas, thoroughly confusing both the Meldaron and the Hyooman. Deerinea knew where she was going, but Glider and Silverfox were left to stagger along in her wake – overwhelmed by the seemingly utter chaos that reigned within this base. People of all races were busy about their assigned tasks, barely giving the newcomers a second glance. For this, Glider was grateful –, as was Silverfox. They were too overcome with their own personal problems – to try and absorb all this.
    "Well – " Deerinea spoke. "We’re here. Go through this door, and the medic’s will give you a check-up…and then once you’ve passed that, we’ll get you settled in."
    "I feel – " Silverfox began.
    "Out of place?" Deerinea inquired, one eyebrow raising slowly. "It’s alright Silverfox, I’ll always be close to you all – and try to help when I can. You could say – that I’ll be your senior officer – "
    "You – " Glider asked.
    "Once you’ve undergone your training and such – yes. I will put in a special request, to take you three in – and train you myself."
    "Why?" Silverfox asked. "We’re no-one special…."
    Deerinea smiled. "Yes you all are – you’re my friends…."

    "Lt. Deerinea – report to General Taldarian – Mission ops sector." Come a voice communication.
    Deerinea groaned then hugged them both again. "No rest for the wicked huh?"
Silverfox and Glider watched Deerinea move off, about her assigned orders. Together, they made their way in to the chambers beyond, where they underwent rigorous physical and mental testing. After four hours – they were passed fit for duty, and Whitetail met them outside the medical centre.
    "What’s the verdict doc?" Asked Whitetail with a grin. "Are they certifiably crazy yet?"
    Their Doctor, a young male brush tailed possum laughed softly. "Not yet – but if they hang out with you long enough…they might be!"
Whitetail threw back his head and laughed uproariously.
    "What’s – so funny?" Glider asked.
    "It’s just that – Dr. Greytail here – has been my good friend for many years. It’s just our little joke between us. He thinks I’m crazy – and I’m starting to believe him."
    Doctor Greytail smiled weakly, then chuckled.  "Whitetail – you take good care of these new recruits – or else." He sternly told the Pearldinean.
    "You know me doc – always do." Whitetail smiled.
    "Of course I know you – and that is what worries me." Taunted the Doctor good-naturedly.
    "Come on – let’s get you two enlisted…." Whitetail spoke. "It’s going to be a very long day…."

    Once again, they were led through the Meldaron base, becoming more and more confused with the various twists and turns within it. At last, they were brought to the Office of Major Blacktalon – the Recruitment officer. They paused outside, and then there was a stern voice.
    "Come – "
Whitetail opened the door, then they entered. Major Blacktalon looked up, then gave them a quick glance over – and consulted the data pad on his desk.
    "Silverfox Relah Star – " Spoke the grizzled looking Coyote.
    "Sir?" Silverfox answered.
    "I see that your father – and Grandfather served in the great Meldaron war…."
    "Yes sir." Silverfox replied.
    "Have you undergone any military training in the past?" Asked the Coyote.
    "No sir – not formal training. I did learn from my father, the use – carrying and cleaning of a variety of weapons…hand to hand combat tactics – and starship piloting…."
    "Excellent – your skills will be honed to a fine edge – and we’ll find you a suitable position. At ease – corporal."
    "Thank you sir." Silverfox spoke.

    Pausing, the Coyote looked at his data pad and then glanced at Glider. He idly scratched his muzzle, then spoke.
    "Glider – is this your real name son?" Asked the Coyote.
    "Sir – it’s the name I’ve always gone by – since I was old enough to know my name…."
    "I see – family son?"
    "No – sir." Glider spoke. "I did not ever know my family. I was raised by foster parents – here on Meldaron."
    "Glider – that’s an interesting name son…. May I ask how you got it?"
    "Sir – I have been blessed with the ability – of flight. I do not know how, but ever since I was a child – I’ve had this natural ability…."
Blinking, Major Blacktalon stared at Glider.
    "Sir – permission to speak." Silverfox asked.
    "Permission granted Corporal."
    "Thank you sir – I wish to verify Glider’s story – sir. I have been friends' with him, since we were both very young. I have never known him to be dishonest, or mask the truth in any regard…."
    "I see – Whitetail – do you have anything to add to this discussion?" Asked the Captain.

    "Sir – " Whitetail spoke up. "I’ve only known them both for a while – but I’ve found them to be honest, open and halfway respectable as soldiers. Glider sadly, is lacking in proper training with weapon usage, but Silverfox – is quite capable. I feel – that she would benefit most, from further training in her chosen class of weapon, perchance – she may qualify for the sniping class."
    "Very well – I shall make recommendations to my superiors, and we shall begin their training. Glider – I hereby grant you the rank – of corporal. Congratulations recruits – and welcome to the resistance…."
    "Thank you sir." Spoke Silverfox and Glider.
    "Dismissed." Replied the Captain.

    Silverfox and Glider saluted sharply, and then the Captain returned it. Quickly, they left the chambers and waited outside. Whitetail joined them and smiled weakly.
    "Well – one minute you’re civilians – the next – corporals. That’s the military for you." Whitetail smiled. "Come on – let’s get you both some uniforms and identification passes."
    "Is it always like this?" Glider asked Silverfox.
Before Silverfox could answer, Whitetail spoke up.
    "No – actually, it’s worse." He grinned.
Silverfox couldn’t hold back her laughter – and she wailed in almost hysteria, so grateful to be finally able to give vent to these emotions, which the war had threatened to stamp out forever. Whitetail caught on to Silverfox’s veiled joke and even he began laughing. All around them, soldiers stopped and blinked, exchanging glances with each other. Indeed, Silverfox’s laughter had a remarkable vitalising effect on not only the companions – but also those who heard it….

    Finally, after what felt like months, they returned to their chambers and slumped down on to their beds.
    "Oh Millar – I am so tired!" Glider moaned.
Silverfox smiled weakly.
    "What are you smiling at?" Glider asked.
    "If you’re sore and tired now – you just wait for the real training and such to commence…."
Glider moaned weakly and rolled over – as Silverfox grinned and removed her heavy combat boots and uniform. As she changed in to something more comfortable, Silverfox caught Glider’s furtive glance – then his bright blushing.
    "What?" Silverfox asked. "Never seen a Vixen before?"
Glider blushed worse and turned back away from her.
    "What’s got in to you?" Silverfox asked. "Are we all embarrassed?"
    "It – it’s just that…well…." Glider stammered.

    Silverfox laughed delicately then slipped in to her loose robes. Then she came over and sat before him, as he took up her brush and gently began brushing her hair and neck fur.
    "What's wrong with you Glider? Has Millar stolen your tongue?" Silverfox whispered, as she moaned softly, enjoying the brushing.
    "It’s just that – well – we’re not kids any-more." Glider whispered, then shuddered.
    "I – am not quite sure that I follow you." Silverfox spoke. "What's eating you? Come on, we’re friends – you can share it with me…."
    Glider stopped brushing, then sighed wearily. "Silverfox – we’ve known each other all our lives…so let’s be open and honest with each other…okay?"
Silverfox slowly turned, to look in to Glider’s concerned face. He sighed again – then put down the brush…just as he was about to speak, Deerinea burst in to their chambers.
    "Suit up kids – we’re moving out." Deerinea snapped sharply. "Come on – let’s move !"

    Immediately, Glider was on his feet and Silverfox leapt to hers, then began struggling in to her uniform and boots. Glider lent her some much-needed assistance, and then they ran from the chambers.
    "Come on – move it!" Deerinea growled – unlike her normal cheerful self.
They ran through the passages, and down to Major Blacktalon’s offices.
    "Not bad Deerinea – but do you think you could motivate your recruits a little faster next time?" Major Blacktalon asked.
    "Sorry sir – " Deerinea spoke.
    "Alright recruits – I’m sorry for dropping you both in to the deep end, but this mission just came in. It’s a search and rescue mission. One of our fighters on combat patrol was shot down forty miles northeast of here. Our pilot managed to eject to safety, but he’s been injured in combat. I’d send the S&R crews, but they’re assigned to other duties right now. I am afraid – that you’re it. Can you handle it?"
    "Sir – with all due respect – I do not feel that my recruits are – " Deerinea began.
    "Lt. Deerinea, your objection is duly noted. I wish I had the forces to organise and deploy, but we’re running on a skeletal staff at the moment. A shuttle is standing by in the hanger, awaiting your arrival. I won’t lie to you – or your recruits. This mission is dangerous. Get in, find the pilot – and get the hell out again – before the Schinicin detect your ship – and you. Dismissed."

    Silverfox, Glider and Deerinea saluted the Captain, who returned the salute. Immediately, they boiled from the office and Deerinea led them to the star-fighter hanger bay. Here, Silverfox and Glider had but a moment to glance at the star-fighters and other combat ships, before they were herded in to the small shuttle."
    "Pilot – all aboard. Clear!" Deerinea snapped.
Instantly, there was the loud rising hum of the shuttles engines firing up, then Silverfox and Glider strapped themselves in. Deerinea did likewise, as the shuttle manoeuvred in to the launching tubes.
    "Shuttle Rescue-1 prepared for take-off." Spoke the pilot.
    "Affirmative shuttle…cleared for take-off." Come the controller’s response. "Good luck. Tower clear."
There was an explosive acceleration, as the shuttle was catapulted down the launching tubes and in to the early night sky. Flying low and without its lights shining, the shuttle hugged the treetops, avoiding any chance of Schinicin ships detecting it.

    "Alright – let’s gear-up people!" Deerinea spoke. "Come on – move it!"
Silverfox and Glider undone their safety harnesses, then prepared their weapons and packs.
    "Ten minutes to dust-off site." Come the pilot’s voice.
    "Make it five private – " Deerinea shot back.
    "Yes sir – increasing speed…." Replied the pilot. "Revised ETA – drop-site, six minutes."
    "I said – "
    "Lieutenant – forgive me, but we’re already touching the red-line. If we go any faster, our radar signature will be detected…and the Schinicin will know we’re out and about."
    Deerinea growled deep in her throat, but acknowledged the risks.   "Just get us there as quickly as you can private – that pilots life depends on it."
    "Yes sir – will do." Replied the shuttle pilot. "I’ll do my best…."
    "I just pray – that it’s good enough…." Deerinea sighed. "Alright people – it’s show-time."
They re-checked their weapons and rescue equipment, then waited patiently for the shuttle pilot to finish his last manoeuvring….

    "Transponder signal coming through strongly – " Spoke the pilot. "About three hundred meters – north/northeast from dust-off site. "ETA landing site – one minute."
Gently, the shuttle touched down and immediately, they ran from the shuttle. Spreading out, they used their tracking transponder receivers to locate the downed pilot.
    "We’ve found him – he’s still alive." Deerinea reported back.
    "Make it fast – ground tracking surveillance has detected Schinicin patrols closing on your position…." Come the response.
Glider cut down the critically wounded pilot and they carried him back to the shuttle. Here, Deerinea set about hooking him up to the shipboard medical systems, as Glider sealed the hatchway.
    "Let’s move – " Deerinea snapped sharply. "Schinicin patrols are closing in…."
    "Yes sir – " Replied the pilot, as he began cycling the engines up to speed.
From out of the dark forest, came the lumbering Schinicin tanks. Immediately, their tri-fire laser turrets swivelled in to lock on to the shuttle.
    "Lieutenant – " Squealed the pilot.
    "I know – I can see them" Deerinea growled. "Let’s move out…now!"
Quickly, the pilot launched the shuttle in to the night sky, and then it rocked heavily as the Schinicin tanks opened fire. Applying full power to the drives, the pilot blasted off, and was soon well out of range.
    "That was too close – " Deerinea spoke. "All right – great work people. Let’s get him and us home in one piece…."

    Glider moaned and slumped down in to the seat. Deerinea glanced over at him and blinked.
    "What's wrong?" Deerinea asked.
    "Are all our missions going to be this hard?" Glider asked.
    "Hard?" Deerinea spoke softly. " Hard? This was a walk in the park – you wait until we’ve really got a mission to handle…."
Silverfox smiled weakly and patted her friend gently. Glider looked at her, then back at Deerinea.
    "Easy? You call having a patrol of Schinicin tanks easy – which I might add – shooting at you – easy?" He asked incredulously.
Deerinea actually began to chuckle softly and soon, she was laughing loudly.
    "Glider – you do not know the half of it…." Deerinea chuckled. "Welcome to the resistance – and I suspect – a new life for you both…."
Silverfox sat in contemplative silence for a time, before she spoke up.
    "I’ve been thinking – " Silverfox began.
    "What with?" Glider teased her affectionately.
Silverfox managed a weak smile and punched Glider playfully.
    "You’re willing to take us on – as trainee’s under your command?" Silverfox asked Deerinea.

    "Well – " Deerinea countered. "That is my idea – "
    "May we ask why?" Silverfox asked.
    "You’ve both got good skills – Glider has the power of flight, or so you and he claim, as well as possessing the ability to use the lightning as a powerful weapon.  Besides Silverfox, you are a pretty good shot – and I believe – you would make a halfway decent sniper…."
    "What of Mack?" Glider asked.
    "Mack – now that young wolf is an enigma. I am not sure just where he will fit in – what is he good at?"
    "Whining – " Silverfox smiled.
Glider blinked at Silverfox, then chuckled softly.
    "Silverfox – " Deerinea rebuked her softly.
    "No – honestly – ever since we were pups…Mack has had a phenomenal ability to remember ways through things…. Like in the sewers beneath Foxville – he knew…almost instinctively – where to go…."
Deerinea idly lay her paw against her muzzle, and then her eyes grew thoughtful.
    "So – " Glider asked.
    "So – " Deerinea replied. "I do believe that he would make a fairly respectable addition to our group. Glider is – if you’re willing – going to be trained in security bypass and electronic systems…Silverfox will be our company sniper, and Mack, can be our spy or something similar. With his skills, we should be able to sneak in heavily defended areas – using the sewer tunnels and such beneath the areas of infiltration."
    "Sounds dangerous – " Silverfox whispered.

    "I’m afraid that the job carries extreme risks – but that’s a part of it. Sound equitable to you both?"
    "Fine with me – but I have a question…." Glider asked.
    "What is it?" Deerinea glanced at him.
    "Why am I – to be trained in electronic systems and security…and another question, is why does Whitetail not hold a rank within the military?"
    "Hey – " Deerinea growled. "That’s two questions…. Okay, we need a electronic security systems expert…and I gather…that you are interested in such things?"
Glider smiled and Silverfox glanced away.
    "Silver – " Glider spoke.
    "Hey – do not drag me in to this! I just said how you loved to tinker with machines and things…." Silverfox stammered, trying to withhold her laughter.
    "Okay – that’s resolved – " Glider spoke, the poked Silverfox. "You wait."
    "As for Whitetail – even though he is a fully trained military person – the reason he doesn’t hold any rank…is he declined it. He willingly serves the Meldaron military forces, but he did not want any recognition or ranking…which in his words – ‘Were more shrapnel’ – that he would be forced to carry. He loves the freedom and such he has…and does not go for military pomp and ceremony…. He prefers to carry out his mission priorities, then get it done – and return to a life free of the military strictures and rules."
    "He is a renegade?" Silverfox asked.
    "Well – yes and no. He will do all that is asked of him – for the cause – but he does not like being bound to the military staffing meetings, debriefings and other such bureaucracy that all military forces seem to propagate. He just believes in getting the mission orders – getting the mission carried out – and getting out again. Preferably, with a successful mission and in one piece…." Deerinea told them.

    "What of our training? What can you hope to tell us of it?" Silverfox asked.
    "Regrettably, not much – you will undergo basic training and weapon skills, and once you’ve passed those – you’ll move on in to your more specialised training fields." Deerinea admitted.
    "Will we – you know – still have time for each other?" Glider asked.
    "Of course – but there may be times – when due to different mission parameters, that you’ll be separated. I will try to keep you all together – as with some luck – you’ll form the base of my own personal squad. I will apply for special training, and if I pass – then I will be your squad’s commanding officer – " Deerinea told them.
    "Lieutenant – we’re set for landing…." Spoke the pilot.
    "Inform base medical staff – we’ve got the patient and need urgent medical assistance in the landing bay." Deerinea sighed.
    "Yes – sir." Replied the pilot, as he quickly verified landing protocols and relayed the message to the groundside controllers.

    Quietly, the shuttle passed through the shielding of the base – then touched down gently on the landing pad. Within moments, the medical team was aboard and stabilised the wounded pilot – before they moved him out in to a stretcher.
    "Efficiency – " Silverfox spoke.
    "Well – we’ve got a limited number of pilots – and we sure can not afford to lose any of them. Ground tracking stations can only do so much for us – but we need the Meldaron pilots – to go on routine scouting patrols…to ensure our safety." Deerinea told them.
    "What of the Star-Crushers in orbit?" Glider asked. "Won’t they detect the launching and such?"
"It is a danger – but our star-fighters are small enough…and fly low and fast. Schinicin orbital sensor sweeps get all confused, as the natural terrain around here has a high magnetic ore deep within it – that masks and distorts sensors." Deerinea smiled. "It’s one of the reasons – why we built our base here hundreds of years ago."
    "If the terrain – " Silverfox began.
    "Our technicians had worked that out – and our systems are attuned – somehow – to filter out the magnetic interference…." Deerinea replied. "Come on – let’s report in to the mission officer – and get our debriefing…."
Glider and Silverfox moaned, dreading the debriefing and subsequent discussions on their missions to come….


            On-board the Schinicin Flagship

    "Sire – " Spoke the Commander.
    "Yes Commander?" Replied the Grand Admiral.
    "Sire – a report from field operative Commander Zur-Tarn…."
    "Patch it through."
    "Yes sir."
There was a brief hiss of electromagnetic interference, and then the black scaled dragon’s holographic image flickered in to view before the Grand Admiral. He bowed deeply.
    "What news do you have for me Commander Zur-tarn?" Asked the Grand Admiral.
    "Sire – I’ve tracked the subject as per your orders…." Commander Zur-tarn replied.
    "Excellent…. Relay all information to me personally Commander…. What have you discovered?"
    "Sire – this…thing …lives in an abandoned mine shaft complex. I am lying hidden, and watching it closely. I await your orders…."
    "Commander – I want you to organise a squad of your finest operatives – and I want you to enter that complex…and retrieve the Tome of Zra-Chak. How long do you need to get your forces mobilised and ready?" Asked the Grand Admiral.
    "Sire – I can have my handpicked squad operational within thirty minutes…."
    "Do it – " Spoke Sith Hirr Draconis. "I want that book Commander…and I do not care what it takes."
    "Yes sir – relaying orders to Camer garrison now sir…."
    "Remember Commander – do whatever it takes – to capture that book."
    "Sire – what of the Hyena?"

    "Have him – " Paused the Grand Admiral. "Have him taken prisoner…and brought before me personally. I will delight – in showing him the – error – of trying to betray me…."
    "By your command sire." Spoke Commander Zur-tarn. "I live to serve the Emperor."
With that, the holographic image flickered and faded. Slowly, the Grand Admiral raised his bulk and walked across the bridge of his flagship. Silence reigned, as no one dared to try and second-think the Grand Admiral. His reptilian face betrayed no emotions, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking. Pausing, he stared out through the view-port at the planet below – then he turned and swept from the bridge….


            Outside the Mines of Turak-nai – Abandoned Caldon Mines, Peacock Hills.

    Patiently, the Commander of the Dragon wing waited for the arrival of his reinforcements. When they arrived, he gave the waiting twelve commandoes their preliminary briefing.
    "Alright – subject is to be acquired and held for the Grand Admirals pleasures. Orders are to capture the Tome, and to likewise capture and imprison the Meldaron – who has tried to betray the Grand Admiral. Move out…."
Stealthy, the Schinicin commandoes moved out, their movements quiet and frighteningly quick. Like shadows, they flicked from one patch of darkness to the next, as they entered the abandoned Caldon mine….

    Using their night-vision visors, they made their way down in to the inky depths, searching for traps and hidden adversaries. Every now and again, the decrepit mines would creak and moan ominously, and there was the soft hiss of escaping steam. An occasional snap of electricity was heard, as some of the broken electrical cabling swung and struck the damp walls. As quietly as they could, they made their way deeper in to the groaning mines, watching and their weapons held at the ready….

    Without warning, a steam pipe ruptured and two Schinicin commandoes barely began to scream – before they were literally boiled alive by the superheated steam. Their agonising death cries echoed eerily down the tunnels, along with the loud hissing of the scalding steam….
    "Squad – move on…." Commander Zur-tarn breathed. "Move on…."
Some of the Schinicin commandoes brought out their motion tracking devices, and activated them. A faint – tick, tick, tick – came from the trackers, barely audible in these dim, dark and very dangerous mines….

    There was a loud burst of static, then a high pitched electronic squeal, followed by more static. A nearby speaker erupted in to a shower of sparks and flames – as it exploded. From seemingly everywhere, comes the Hyena’s crazed laugh….
    "Welcome – I don’t think…." Teric taunted them. "Knew come did I!"
    "Squad – keep moving…." Growled their leader.
    "That’s it – keep coming – to your deaths!" Teric giggled insanely. "Welcome, to my home. I hope you’ll like it…as it’s going to be your home…for a very long time…."
Some of the Schinicin commandoes exchanged glances, but kept moving forwards.
    "Sir Scaly sent you – didn’t he?" Teric growled dangerously. "Hmm…is he too scared to come down here and do his own dirty work?"

    Moving onwards, the Schinicin checked any and all of the crisscrossing passageways, hunting down their quarry.
    "Turn back – or die…." Teric snarled. "I shall warn you not again."
    "By order of his Imperial majesty – you are to surrender and come out. Should you refuse – then we will shoot to kill you on sight…." Growled the Commander.
His voice faded in to echoes throughout the mine complex…. From somewhere far below, there was an explosion and the mine rocked, as debris and small pebbles rained down from above. Great steel girders, that supported the overhead supports, creaked ominously.
    "No – " Teric giggled. "I think I not come out. Much more fun this way – isn’t it?"
    "Has it occurred to you – " Snarled the Commander. "That we will shoot you dead?"
    "If you knew where I was – then perchance – I might be interested in knowing," Come Teric’s cryptic response – via the old mine PA system…. "Since you do not know – I will enjoy this game most pleasantly…."

    Another explosion rocked the mine, and somewhere far behind them, there was the loud rumble of tortured girders and rock! A sickening wave of shocks ripped through the mine, and part of it caved in behind them, sealing the entrance. Dust and debris pattered down – as the last aftershocks slipped away and the falling rocks and debris ceased. A choking pall of dust drifted nonchalantly down the tunnels.
    Once more, the mine’s PA system crackled in to life, and Teric’s insane giggle rang out.  "Hey – " He gibbered. "That one wasn’t too bad!"
"Has it occurred to you – " Snarled the Commander. "That this mine complex – isn’t altogether stable?"
    "Actually – " Come Teric’s soft chuckle. "You know something? You’re right! It’s not stable – but then again – neither is my hold on my own sanity! Heads up scalies!"
Without warning, two great mining droids erupted from the walls…. Their massive gnashing rock chewing jaws clanged and gnashed – and three Schinicin commandoes were instantly turned in to mince – as the great mining droids shredded them alive…. Green reptilian blood spurted everywhere, as the hulking machines made surprisingly short work of the three Schinicin commandoes – before they began chewing their way back in to the mine walls, making new passageways….
    "Commander – we’re losing too many – " Spoke one of the worried commandoes.
    "You have your orders – carry them out. We’re expendable – we all know that – but the mission must be completed…."
    "I didn’t sign up for…." Snarled a Schinicin soldier.
Without hesitating, Commander Zur-Tarn un-holstered his pistol – then shot the Schinicin soldier dead.
    "Alright – move on." He growled, then holstered his pistol.

 Yet again, the old mine PA system crackled in to life and the now familiar mocking laughter crackled forth.
    "Have we had enough yet – my scaly friends?" Come the taunting voice.
    "Damn you – " Commander Zur-Tarn growled. "I’ll personally delight in tearing your heart out…."
    "Commander – movement…." Spoke one of the Schinicin soldiers.
    "Where?" Snarled the Commander.
Quickly, the Schinicin soldiers checked their motion trackers.
    "In front – behind – wait…everywhere! We can not lock on to it!"
Twisting about, they tried to track the movement on their sensors, but it was useless. Their tracking sensors crackled louder and louder – as the approaching threat closed in on them.
    "Alright – spread out…ready weapons…." Snapped the Commander. "Take positions…."

    A deep sub-harmonic hum began reverberating through the very rock itself, and the Schinicin commandoes glanced about, barely keeping their fear restrained. Without warning, two dozen mining droids erupted from the walls, ceiling and even the floor, catching the Schinicin soldiers unawares…. Within seconds, there were Schinicin laser fire ricocheting off the walls and ceiling, and their agonised screams – as the droids laid in to them. Watching in horror, the Commander watched as a Schinicin commando was felled, as a scything blade from one of the droids easily and literally cut the legs off one of his soldiers. Green reptilian blood spattered wildly, as the Schinicin’s will was broken. Only three managed to hold their wits, the others throwing their weapons to the floor and running. As if thirsty for the blood, the droids ran them down – and one of the Schinicin screamed – as a Droid seized him from above…and literally tore his head off of his neck….
    "Fall back!" Screamed Zur-Tarn. " Fall back!"
All around him, the merciless Droids decimated the remaining Schinicin, with only three managing to retreat – covering their leader…. As suddenly as the slaughter had begun – it was over and the droids vanished once more – back in to the walls, floor and ceiling….
    "Commander Zur-Tarn…calling Camer garrison…come in…." Spoke the Commander in to his communications system.
A deafening squeal of static interference was his only reply….
    "Commander Zur-Tarn – calling Maloner garrison…come in…."
More static….
    "Damn it – these mines are interfering with our communications systems…come on – let’s get this mission completed…." Growled Zur-Tarn.
    "Sir – " Spoke his most loyal of soldiers.

    "Do you hear me – you bastard!" Shrieked the Commander. "We’re coming for you…."
    Again, the PA system crackled.  "I look forwards to it…my scaly friends. Come – seek me out – if you dare. I have warned you, and I shall not warn you again. If you turn back – then I shall let you leave. If you do not – then you will perish…."
    "I am Commander Zur-Tarn – Commander of the Dragon Wing, serving under direct orders of Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis…. I order you to surrender…and come out of hiding…."
    "Lovely speech Commander – but I don’t think I’ll play your game – " Teric giggled, then signed off again.
    "Sir – " Spoke one of the Schinicin commandoes. "We should fall back – and call for reinforcements."
    "Stow that corporal – we’ve been assigned this mission, and we’re going to see it through. Understand me?" Growled the Commander.
    "Yes – sir." Replied the Schinicin. "By your command."
Slowly, the Commander drew a deep breath through his chlorine rich breathing apparatus, and then he gestured for them to move out.
    "Alright – you – " He spoke, pointing at one of the soldiers. "Take point…and stay alert for danger…."
Nodding, the Schinicin soldier did as he was told, holding his weapon ready….

    They made their way deeper in to the abandoned mines, and finally – they reached the main shaft. Legend had it – which this twenty-meter diameter shaft was the longest man made hole in the galaxy…. No railing or guards walled this pit; the crumbling formex floor just dropped straight in to the main shaft of the mine…. Gusts of smoky wind rose above the lip of the precipice released from the raging plasma fire ten or twenty levels down. Noises too, drifted up – humming power cabling bursts of superheated steam, groaning support beams and the ominous crackling of the flames – far below. Flickering orange, red and yellow lights from the out of control fires far below licked and illuminated the fifty meter diameter chamber – casting strange; twisting shadows on the walls and ceiling. Cables and winches were scattered about the pit shaft, trailing downwards in to the depths of the pit. Pipes, steel cables, ropes, vents, and even grills – in all manners of shapes, sizes and states of decay – lined the pit walls. Ancient cargo netting swung back and forth from some cables, swaying softly in the incredible heat haze generated from the slowly rising plasma fires – ten levels down.

    Every now and again, an explosion rocked the mines – and a gust of sulphurous heat gasses and flames erupted from the shaft to lick at the ceiling…. Hesitantly, the Schinicin made their way to the edge of the precipice – then they looked down. Shimmering heat haze lashed them as they realised there was no safe way down – other than the old – frayed cables.
    "We’ve come this far – " Spoke Commander Zur-Tarn. "We can not turn back now…."
    "Sire – " Asked one of the Commandoes.
    "Get moving corporal – or I personally will kick your reptilian hide off this precipice – and you can experience the joys – in being instantaneously cremated in those plasma fires below…." Grated Commander Zur-Tarn. "Move out… now."
He watched, as two of the soldiers each grabbed a cable – and began rappelling down the shaft to the second level. They made it safely, even though it was an exceptionally dangerous climb –, as they feared the explosive outburst from the plasma fires below…which were steadily climbing higher and higher, building up to a massive explosion. Commander Zur-Tarn began his own laborious rappelling…and he was three quarters the way down – when a massive explosion rocked the mines, nearly making him lose his already precarious hold on the cable. Following him, the last Schinicin commando was not so lucky – and with a reptilian scream of terror – he fell…. He plummeted down the shaft, then was immediately vaporised by the phenomenal heat of the raging firestorm below him…. Slowly, using every ounce of strength he possessed – Commander Zur-Tarn began swinging from side to side, and soon, landed softly on the side of the ledge….

     Facing them – was a massive steel shuttered door. Immediately, the Commander ordered the two remaining Schinicin to take apart the door controls – which they did….
    "Still with me scalies?" Come Teric’s mocking voice, through the mine PA system.
    "You’ve gone one step too far…." Snarled Zur-Tarn. "You’ve cost the empire a great deal of money – time and effort. Already – you’ve cost the empire ten good troopers…and no more. I will personally tear the pelt from your mangy hide…."
    "Ooh." Teric giggled his voice crackling and becoming static filled. "Sir Scaly has lost his pet lizards?"
    "When I get my claws in to you – "
    "Not when – Commander." Teric chuckled sinisterly. "If…."
    "Do not play psychological games with me…."
    "Commander – I will do as I see fit. I’ve enjoyed this game so far – but it’s rapidly losing its appeal. You were interesting – but not anymore…. A shame – but now – I shall destroy you all…."

    Surprised, the Schinicin soldiers stared at the blast door, as it grated its way open in a shower of sparks…. An instant later – the ceiling of the tunnel exploded in to a raging inferno, the flames blasting out through the door…and setting alight the two Schinicin commandoes. One of them began screaming, his scaled face burned – his mask melting in to his very snout and face. Shrieking and strangling – he staggered backwards, globs of his melting flesh dripping from him and sizzling on the floor. Shrieking, his lungs burning within him – he staggered at the edge of the precipice – then fell in to the abyss beyond. In agony, the other soldier turned to the Commander; half his mask melted away – the precious chlorine gas hissing from his ruptured suit and mask. Clawing desperately at the horrified Commander – the Schinicin soldier gasped – then clawed at his face, tearing the flesh from it in great chunks and gouges. Sickened beyond recollection, the Commander could barely un-holster his sidearm – then shot the dying soldier.  Flames licked at the doorway, and appeared to reach out for the Schinicin Commander. He dropped to his stomach, then with only inches to spare – dragged himself across the floor of the chamber beyond, nearly having his cold blood boiled within his reptilian form…. Finally, he made it through and slumped against the wall, then slapped the door controls closed. Panting heavily – both through fear and exhaustion, he moaned….

    Once again – the mine PA speakers crackled in to life.
    "I grow weary of this hunt – " Come Teric’s soft and menacing growl. "I hereby give you thirty minutes to throw down your arms – and surrender to me. If you do not surrender – then I shall seal this mine closed…and watch gleefully as it collapses in on itself – with you inside it!"

    The PA system crackled it’s way back in to silence once more….

    After a few moments – the Commander dragged himself back to his feet. He drew deeply of his sorely depleted chlorine gasses within his suit…and he staggered towards the far side of this room – towards the shut door he spied. Grimly, he reached out and pressed the door sensor…and slumped in through the door – as it hissed open. As his reptilian eyes dragged themselves up – he stared at his quarry…who sat nearby…at a massive computer console. Slowly, the plague riddled Hyena turned around in his chair – then he threw back his festering muzzle and squealed in maniacal laughter….
    "Well, well…" Teric giggled hysterically, as he rose. "You’ve made it! I’m impressed Commander…."
    "You – will – die!" Gasped the exhausted Schinicin Commander.

    Teric rose, then the Schinicin got a very close look at the Hyena. One eye was milky white – and part of his muzzle bones poked through the raw and ragged wounds in the hyena’s snout. Sickened, the Commander gagged, as the Hyena raised his hands – as if about to deliver a benediction. Fetid globs of rotting flesh fell from the Hyena’s arms…to fall to the ground with sickening wet plops. Blood, pus and worse dribbled from the myriad wounds, and even maggots could be seen living in the festering wounds that ensconced this Hyena.
    "How…can you survive…." Gurgled the Commander.
    Teric howled with lunatic pleasure – then cavorted sickeningly about the chambers. More and more of his flesh peeled from him, showing either blood soaked bone – or the rotting tendons and muscles beneath the fur.
    "It is not I…" Teric gibbered. "Who poses the question…it is…you!"

    Without warning, the Commander lashed out – but Teric broke apart in to thousands of glittering sparkles…. Too late, the Schinicin Commander realised – he had fallen for an excellent trap – that he himself – admired. There was a loud slicing sound, and then the Commander clutched at his throat – as the precious chlorine gas vented from his ruptured mask pipes…. His eyes bulged, as the deadly Meldaron oxygen rich atmosphere flooded his body, and literally – exploded his lungs…. With a sickening thud – the Schinicin Commander crumpled – and lay convulsing on the ground….
    "Aww…" Teric giggled. "Poor little lizard go bye byes…."
Laughing hysterically, Teric cavorted once more about the chambers, then retrieved his knife…and began work….


            Meldaron Base – Silverfox’s and Glider’s Quarters.

    After their debriefing and follow-up reports, Silverfox and Glider returned to their quarters…exhausted. Silverfox slumped down on to her cot and Glider came over, then began massaging the tense muscles of the young Vixen. Silverfox moaned faintly, relaxing under the gentle ministrations of Glider.
    "There are times – " Silverfox moaned.
    "When – you could tie lead weights to my feet – then see if I can fly?" Glider asked and laughed.
    "No – " Silverfox grinned wickedly. "When I could see – just how…."
A hooded and cloaked figure appeared in the doorway, it’s eyes glittering. Silverfox squealed in alarm, and Glider leapt up – looking guilty.
    "Is this a private party – " Come the soft whisper. "Or can anyone join in?"
    "I – err…" Glider stammered.

    Slowly, the figure moved in to the chambers, then reached up – and cast its deep hood back, revealing the smiling muzzle of Mack.
    "Mack!" Silverfox squealed in abject pleasure.
Mack barely had time to brace himself, as Silverfox and Glider crashed in to him, then hugged the young Wolf in a bone-shattering embrace.
    "Hey – " Mack choked. "Hey – I love you two as well…but please – be gentle!"
Silverfox burst in to tears of joy and hugged the young Tashan even tighter, until Mack feared he would either strangle – or be turned in to jelly…. Finally, Glider managed to restrain the overcome and nearly hysterical young Vixen.
    "Mack – I thought…." Silverfox wept. "I thought we were really going to lose you…."
    Mack tenderly sat down, then shuddered. "If you hug me like that again – you will." He gasped, then rubbed his bruised ribs.
Even Glider was overcome in joy at being reunited with his beloved friend – and none of them noticed as Deerinea and Whitetail appeared in the doorway….
    "I thought – " Whitetail smiled. "That it was customary – for lesser ranking soldiers to rise and come to attention – then salute a superior officer?"

    Silverfox, Glider and the wounded Mack squealed, then did exactly that. Deerinea smiled weakly and returned their salute.
    "Alright – at ease…." Deerinea spoke.
    "When – " Silverfox began.
    "Mack came out of his coma, " Deerinea spoke. "A few minutes after we had left on our mission…."
    "Then why – " Glider began.
    "It was deemed necessary." Whitetail answered simply. "Mack needed some physiological testing…and a thorough medical assessment, before he could be released."
    "I’m just so – " Silverfox sniffled.
    "I know – but he’s not out of the woods yet. There is some residual nervous system damage, but the medic’s here – are sure – that with the proper therapy and maybe a small operation – that they will be able to repair the worst of the damage. Anyways, you two recruits get a good nights sleep – because you’re commencing your training first light – tomorrow."
    "When?" Glider asked.
    "0400." Deerinea smiled. "Welcome to the military…."

    Glider stood with a confused look on his face, and Silverfox moaned loudly.
    "0400? Four am in the morning ?" Silverfox gasped.
    "That’s right – I hate to be cruel – but you recruits had better get used to it…as you’re both in for a shock…." Deerinea sighed.
    "Mack – will you be alright?" Glider asked.
    "I will be – if these military Doctors’ would stop taking blood tests! I haven’t got any blood left in me!" Mack smiled weakly. "Go on – I’ll join you both…when I can…."
Whitetail led Mack back to the infirmary, and then Deerinea sighed softly.
    "I wish we had more time to train you both properly…but it seems, the Schinicin are moving in on the Blue Moon Valley…and all available forces are being recalled and mobilised. It seems that there was a massive explosion in the Mines of Turak-nai – the abandoned Caldon mines, in the Peacock Hills. Unconfirmed reports have said that there was some sort of Schinicin deployment there – and that when the mines went up – they were killed. We dare not send out scouting parties, but our field operatives are attentively listening…trying to work out – what those loathsome reptiles wanted – with an desolate and unused Caldon mine…."
    "So – " Silverfox asked.
    "So – all our forces have been placed on high readiness, as this may signify a new Schinicin plot. Now – we’re assigning missions for our operatives, and it looks – like we’re next on the hit list. There’s a well-defended refinery on Trelish Island. Our scouts report that the Schinicin are using it as a primary refuelling station, and if we could neutralise the refinery – it would be a blow to the Schinicin divisions…."
    "I suggest you two get some sleep – as there is a high alert running, and I do not wonder – if the Commander will bypass your training – and drop us all right in to the thick of battle….
    "We’re going too – " Silverfox asked in awe.

    Deerinea moaned, then headed out the door.
"More than likely – we’re going to battle…as early as tomorrow…." Deerinea told them, as she left the chambers.
Glider slumped down on to his cot and Silverfox did likewise, then pulled off the heavy combat boots.
    "Oh…wonderful – " Glider moaned. "We’re getting thrown in to the deep end, with next to no training…."
    "Well – at least we’re better suited for it now…. We’ve both learned a lot since this war started…and we’re not kids anymore…. I’m sure, that Whitetail and Deerinea – if the orders come through – will do all that they can, to ensure our safety."
    "I know that – I just wish…we had training and such – before we were cast out of the frying pan – and in to the fire…."
    "Wait and see…" Silverfox yawned. "We’ll just have to wait and see."


    Early the next morning, Whitetail and Deerinea dragged Glider and Silverfox awake.
    "Come on!" Whitetail barked sharply. "Let’s move!"
Silverfox moaned and squeezed her eyes tightly closed against the overhead lighting.
    "Up and at them corporals!" Deerinea snapped. "On your feet! That’s an order!"
Knowing better than to disobey their superior officer, Glider and Silverfox struggled up through the depths of their comforting sleep, and woke.
    "Deerinea – these two are soldiers?" Whitetail groaned. "I’ve seen molasses move faster than these two!"
    "Come on!" Deerinea yelled. "Move out! Now!"
Shaking themselves fully awake, Glider and Silverfox were hurriedly dressed and half-dragged down the bases hallways and in to the main briefing chamber.
    "Good morning…corporal’s …." Come the sharp barking voice of Major Blacktalon.
Silverfox and Glider swiftly come to attention and saluted. Major Blacktalon returned their salute, then spoke.
"I hate to be the bearer of bad news…but things are worse than we first thought. Schinicin forces are strengthening their hold on this valley…in a vain effort to track us down, and without fail, annihilate the Meldaron resistance. I’ve got your mission orders right here – and I’ll let Captain Uzuri outlay the plan of attack for you…and answer any questions that you may have…." Major Blacktalon spoke. "Captain Uzuri – if you please."

    A black haired and furred Vixen took the podium, then glared down at them as if in contempt. After a few moments, she cleared her throat and spoke.
    "I am Captain Uzuri, the mission briefing officer…. Now, lights."
Immediately the lights were cut, plunging the area in to partial darkness. A projector started up and showed them a view of the Schinicin refinery, on Trelish Island.
    "This is the objective – the refinery on Trelish Island. We’ve managed to gain the help of some of the indigenous intelligent animals that used to live on the Island. They are called the Sessesh…. They have a very primitive culture, and can speak some Meldaron – but…well…they’re exceptionally high strung and potentially deadly. They have found a secret way in to the refinery…and are awaiting our arrival."
Another picture replaced that of the refinery. It was a closer picture, and a large red circle was drawn about a large series of pipes, that ran down in to the bay.
    "This is the water cooling circulatory system – whence you shall enter. I need not remind you that the bay is heavily mined, and that the refinery is likewise heavily defended by Schinicin forces and large numbers of anti-air and anti-ground defences. Your mission is to secretly enter via the underwater pipes…and make your way to the control heart of the refinery. Here, place the sequencer charges…and whilst the Sessesh distract some of the soldiers, place further charges at and around critical pipe junctures – and the primary or secondary storage tanks…. Once you’ve done so, get the hell out of there – as you’ll have thirty-minutes to make good your escape…before the entire refinery, if all goes well, is blasted in to scrap. Good luck…." Captain Uzuri spoke.
    "All right – you’ve heard the mission briefing…any questions?" Major Blacktalon asked.
    "Sir – do we have any estimations on Schinicin force deployment in and around the refinery?" Whitetail asked.

    "Sadly – no. We can not get any of our infiltration people in to the refinery. You’ll be going in blind on this one…. We’ve already established however, that there is a sizeable contingent present – but exactly how many – and what other defences – we’re unsure."
"Will thirty-five minutes be enough?" Glider asked.
    "It better be…corporal ." Cpt. Uzuri growled. "If you’re not at the dust-off site within that time – you’ll not need a shuttle to fly…."
Glider opened his mouth to speak, but a sharp glance from Deerinea silenced him.
    "Any other questions?" Captain Uzuri asked.
Surprisingly, there was none.
    "Alright – you’ve got the parameters…let’s move out. A shuttle is standing by to deliver you to the drop zone, whence you will approach using a small ship, disguised as a fishing vessel. Once you’re within range, switch over to your diving gear – and enter in through the water cooling circulation system. Once inside, carry out the mission. I do not need to warn you all…of the very real dangers. Should you or any of your team be caught – or killed, then we will not attempt a rescue. This is a dangerous mission, but I am sure, that you can handle it…. If we can neutralise this refinery – then the Schinicin forces will be seriously displeased…and their supply and refuelling of their armoured divisions will be extensively hampered…." Major Blacktalon growled. "Good luck – and may Millar watch over you all…."

    Saluting, the companions ran from the briefing room and down to the supply officer. Here, they were outfitted with the correct equipment, then hustled down to the landing bay, where the shuttle was fuelled and ready for immediate departure. Quickly, they stowed their equipment and the controllers gave the shuttle an immediate clearance. With a roar – the shuttle launched itself down the launching tubes and out in to the pre-dawn sky.
    "Anyone tell you two – " Deerinea smiled. "That you look cute in black?"
Glider smiled weakly, but his face was quite pale.
    "Scared Glider?" Whitetail asked.
Glider glanced at Whitetail and shuddered.
    "It’s alright…we’ll take care of you two. Just stay close…and listen to our orders, as your lives will depend on it…." Deerinea spoke, as she checked the oxygen tanks for their S.C.U.B.A. equipment. "I just hope – we’re capable of doing this…."
    "A walk in the park – " Whitetail grinned mischievously. "In and out…simple!"
Glider turned his pale face towards Whitetail.
    "That’s – easy for you to say. You’re both used to this sort of thing…."
Whitetail smiled and patted Glider’s shoulder.

    "That may be true – but deep down – I’m just as scared as the rest of you, believe me…." Whitetail admitted. "Do any of you – know the working life of a good field operative?"
    "No." Silverfox admitted.
    "Three to five years of active service…. I’ve exceeded that – by three times the limit, so, you could say – that I have a good right – to say that I’m scared…."
They flew on in silence, the shuttle running dark, flying steadily eastwards. Finally, after two hours – they set down at the easternmost edge of the continent of the Blue Moon Valley.
    "All out – come on – let’s hustle!" Whitetail spoke sharply, his voice filled with command.
Quickly, they disembarked and retrieved their equipment. Whitetail walked down to the water edge, then verified with the Captain of the vessel, and he returned.
    "Okay – let’s move out…." Deerinea spoke.

    Carrying their heavy tanks, vests, weapons and other essential equipment down to the boat, they clambered aboard and the Captain pulled out in to the dark waters of Trelish Bay.
    "I pray – " Deerinea asked the Captain. "That you know this bay is mined?"
Favouring her with a baleful stare, the Captain turned back towards his console, where he pressed a button...and the passive sonar flicked in to life. Deerinea nodded and headed below decks, where she briefed the others.
    "It’s about a two hour trip – to the drop-off site." Deerinea spoke. "I don’t like this any more than anyone else…but we’re going to have to increase speed. Meldaron’s suns are set to rise in an hour and a half…and I’d rather not be on-board this boat, when the sun comes out. We’d be sitting ducks, if any Schinicin fighters or cutters – happened to be out this way."
    "Cutters?" Glider asked.
    "Schinicin naval patrol boats…. They’re quick – hellishly overpowered with weaponry – and would cut this boat – and us – to ribbons in seconds…. Of course, should we contact one of these mines – then they won’t have to bother…." Whitetail spoke up.

    For the next hour and fifteen minutes, they played a deadly game with the Schinicin mines, which littered the bay. Finally, Deerinea rose and began pulling on her wetsuit and tanks.
    "Suit up soldiers – we’ve got a refinery waiting for us…." Deerinea spoke.
Whitetail helped Deerinea in to her suit and tanks, and then Glider assisted Silverfox. Once both female anthro’s were suited up, they assisted their male counterparts. Walking slowly up on to the deck, they were greeted by the Captain.
    "Good luck…." He spoke simply. "I’ll be here – providing that the Schinicin don’t get bored – and decide to use this ship as target practice…."

    Deerinea nodded, and then they slipped over the edge in to the dark, turbulent waters of Trelish Bay. Already, the sky had visibly lightened and Deerinea led the way, then they slipped beneath the seemingly placid waters…and using small one-person propulsion pods, they made their slow trip to Trelish Island. It took them the better part of thirty minutes to make the trip to the island, and here, they found the meshed water cooling circulatory system pipes. Quickly, Whitetail inspected the pipe for any possible traps or alarms, before he removed an underwater cutting device and began systematically cutting through the thick steel bars. Fifteen minutes later, he had made a path through, and they entered the pitch-dark pipes….

    Swimming silently, they made their way deep beneath the island, and finally, broke the surface three hundred meters in. Another security barred grate blocked their exit, and they shed their wetsuits and tanks, before Whitetail inspected – then neutralised – the Schinicin security systems. Using a small camera, he scanned the aboveground area, before setting to work on the rusty lock on the grating. After a few moments, there was a soft click…and he oiled the rusted hinges well, before he could quietly open the grating…. Gesturing quickly, he made his way out and the others followed him. Rechecking their weapons, they moved stealthily towards where a small group of creatures sat – then rose and greeted them.
    "Garna – " Spoke one.
Silverfox looked at them, and was surprised to see that they resembled three-foot long river otters.
    "Garna – " Deerinea greeted him. "Surak?"
    Carefully, the otter named Surak nodded.  "Come – lizards not in area." Spoke Surak. "Come…."
Whitetail and Deerinea followed the Sessesh leader to a small hatchway. From below, came the sound of rushing water.
    "Come – " Surak spoke. "We take."
Deerinea looked at Whitetail, who opened the hatch and climbed quickly down the ladder and stepped in to the freezing water below. Surak followed him, then Deerinea, Glider, Silverfox and lastly – the last six of the Sessesh warriors.
    "Come – way this." Grunted Surak.

    "This water’s freezing!" Silverfox gasped.
    "Once we set the charges – I assure you…" Deerinea spoke quietly. "It’s going to get a damn lot warmer!"
    "Come!" Surak growled, getting impatient. "Lizard patrol area this!"
Hurriedly, they moved down the slippery pipe, using their paws and hands to brace themselves – so they didn’t slip and fall. Twenty minutes later, they reached a junction.
    "You – this go way." Spoke Surak, as he gestured to the right.
    "Control chambers – this way?" Whitetail asked.
    "Go – way this!" Nodded Surak. "Go!"
Deerinea glanced quickly down the dark tunnel, then looked meaningly at Whitetail.
    "Okay – you three take the control centre – I’ll follow the Sessesh to the primary storage tanks…. We’ll meet back here – in fifteen minutes. Go!" Whitetail hissed.
Deerinea didn’t like the idea, but she acquiesced and synchronised her watch with Whitetail’s.
    "Go – tank way store this!" Spoke the leader of the Sessesh.
    "Good luck – " Deerinea whispered. "Be careful – "
    Whitetail grinned mischievously.  "Hey! I always am!" He replied, then followed the Sessesh down the other branch of the tunnel.
Deerinea rolled her eyes and led Silverfox and Glider down the other branch, heading for the refinery control centre….

            Tunnels Beneath Trelish Refinery – Deerinea’s Squad

    Deerinea made her way beneath the refinery, trusting to her instincts more than anything. Using a small, easily concealed light, she briefly shone it ahead, then found an access ladder and hatchway. Quietly, Deerinea crawled up the ladder, then used a similar camera system to peek in to the chambers beyond. It appeared to be a storage facility, with a large number of large crates and other storage devices. Just as Deerinea turned her camera, preparing to retract it, she stopped and let out a strangled curse.
    "Deerinea – what’s wrong?" Silverfox hissed.
    "Damn!" Deerinea moaned. "They’ve got a motion sensor set on this hatchway. I’ve got to disarm it…before we can get passed it.
    "If you don’t – " Glider asked.
    "If I don’t – " Deerinea echoed. "More than likely – we’ll bring the entire Schinicin forces down here…in record time. Now, please – be quiet…as this is…delicate."

    Positioning her camera system, Deerinea retrieved some small tools and set to work on the Schinicin motion sensor. After five minutes, she breathed a sigh of relief and slid open the hatch above her head.
    "Damn – I really hate those things…." Deerinea whispered, as she pulled herself up through the hatchway.
Deerinea knelt and assisted Silverfox, who made her way up the ladder. As Silverfox then helped Glider – Deerinea knelt and disarmed a powerful explosive device, which had been attached to the sensor.
    "Nice – a thermite package…. They’re learning…." Deerinea spoke quietly.
    "What's – " Silverfox asked.
    "Thermite? A great explosive – highly dangerous – and really designed to make paste out of almost anything. There is enough here – to take out about a thirty square meter radius…. Here!"
Deerinea threw the thermite charge to Silverfox, who squealed and nearly dropped it. Deerinea growled dangerously then made a silencing gesture.
    "Are you crazy?" Deerinea hissed in exasperation.
    "You said that – " Silverfox whimpered.
    "Thermite – needs an electrical charge – to trigger it off…. Make another noise like that – and I’ll tape your muzzle shut! We’re not certain where the Schinicin are deployed – and to be honest – I’d rather not find out!"
Silverfox swallowed then bravely bit back the tears, which shimmered in her eyes.
    "Silverfox – I…I’m sorry…." Deerinea whispered. "I didn’t mean to frighten the fur off of you like that…. It’s just – well – I’m just as scared, as you both must be. We’re operating within a tight schedule – and inside an enemy’s compound…. We’ve got to be very careful…."

    "I…understand…." Silverfox whispered back.
Deerinea loaded and cocked her pistol, as did Silverfox and Glider. Quietly, Deerinea inspected – then opened – the door to the storage chambers. Using her small camera, she scanned the hallway – before she gestured them outside.
    "Come on – let’s move out…." Deerinea gestured silently.
Obediently, Silverfox and Glider followed, trying to be as quiet as Deerinea, but their occasional click of a footstep brought Deerinea almost to tears. As carefully as they could manage, they made their way down the hall – where Deerinea found a map, built in to the wall. Inspecting it swiftly, she took a picture of it, to use as reference for their escape….
    "This way – " Deerinea breathed in to her comlink system. "Whitetail, are you receiving me?"
    "Affirmative…" Come Whitetail’s response. "Loud and clear."
    "We’re about – thirty meters – from the control chambers…. It’s quiet… too quiet."
    "Same here – we’ve found the main junction for the inlet pipes…just placing the first of the sequential charges…. Make it fast Lieutenant, as we’re running on very borrowed time here…."
"Will do – Deerinea out." Deerinea whispered.

    They made their way down another passageway, and finally – to the heart of the control centre. Placing her camera under the door, Deerinea spotted two Schinicin soldiers standing guard – either side of the door – on the other side. Five more soldiers stood attentively nearby, watching the Meldaron technicians, who were monitoring the gauges and computer systems….

    From around a corner, a young female technician entered, then she screamed in terror. Without thinking, Deerinea had un-holstered her pistol, then within a split second, the female technician flew backwards, her chest exploded from Deerinea’s blaster shot.
    "Damn it!" Deerinea wept. "Now our cover’s blown!"
Startled Schinicin voices cried out in the control chamber, as a piercing alarm began ringing. Deerinea kicked in the door, then threw in a small grenade. Ducking back beside the wall, there was a loud concussive explosion, then Deerinea leapt in to the control chambers.
    "Cover me!" Deerinea screamed, as she began shooting the stunned technicians and Schinicin.

    Intruder alert – intruder alert – intruder alert – Come the computerised alarm.

    Two Schinicin soldiers came running around the corner, and Silverfox dropped them both, before they could bring their weapons to fire. From behind, four more come running and as Silverfox turned to fire, Glider threw down his weapon – and outstretched his hands. Deadly lightning ripped in to the Schinicin soldiers, making them buck and scream, as Glider poured all his rage and hate in to the lightning attack. Within seconds, it was over, and the Schinicin soldiers were barely recognisable – their charred corpses emitting a sickening stench of burned flesh – and boiled reptilian blood.
    "Deerinea – we got company!" Glider screamed.
    "I know!" Deerinea shot back. "I’m setting the charges…now!"
    "Corporal Silverfox," Come the comlink voice. "What in the abyss have you lot done!"
    "Whitetail – our cover’s blown…abort mission…abort mission!" Deerinea screamed in to her own comlink.
    "NO!" Whitetail’s angered snarl come back. "This is too damned important!"
There was a brief sound of laser fire, then Whitetail’s growl.
    "Just set those damn charges…and run!" Whitetail shrieked – before there was a deafening explosion…and the hiss of static….
    "Whitetail…Whitetail !" Deerinea shrieked. "Whitetail!"
Silverfox and Glider shot dead three more Schinicin soldiers, as they heard Deerinea’s heartbreaking sobbing from within the chambers.
    "Whitetail…" Deerinea wept. "No!"
    "Deerinea – we can not hold them off much longer!" Silverfox snarled. "Get those charges set!"

    Just as Deerinea finished setting the timer on the last charges – there was a loud and ominous click…. Deerinea approached – then a Schinicin Captain appeared in the doorway.
    "Freeze – or else you and your companions…are dead." He growled. "Drop your weapons…"
Deerinea, knowing that there was nothing she could do, surrendered. Quickly, Schinicin demolition experts neutralised the charges and Deerinea was ordered to put her hands on her head, before she was brought out in to the hallway. Silverfox and Glider were standing with their hands on the back of their heads, and they looked miserable.
    "You shouldn’t have tried to infiltrate this complex – " Hissed the reptilian Captain, as he gestured to his troopers. "Take them away…and have them executed, along with the others we’ve captured."
    "Yes sir – " Spoke the Sargent. "Alright – move!"

    Marched at gunpoint, they were led through the hallways and tunnels – and finally – out in to the main refinery courtyard. Kneeling nearby, under the watchful eyes of thirty Schinicin soldiers and their weapons – was Whitetail and the Sessesh that had accompanied him. Blood matted Whitetail’s head and he looked decidedly uneasy – but only moderately wounded.
    "Move!" Growled the Sargent.
Led over to where the others knelt, they were then ordered to their knees. Slowly, the Schinicin Captain walked past them, his reptilian muzzle wrinkled in extreme displeasure.
    "I’ve wanted a chance to get out of this posting – for some time…." Snarled the Captain. "Now – with your capture and imminent execution…I will be relieved of my command of this miserable posting…. Now, I shall find myself in more conductive surroundings – perchance – serving on the Grand Admiral’s flagship itself!"
    "Your Empire is doomed – you know that, don’t you?" Silverfox growled.

    Smiling, the Schinicin Captain caressed her furry muzzle tenderly – then savage slapped her across the muzzle. Silverfox screamed in agony, as his razor like claws tore great furrows across her snout. Instantly, blood welled in the wounds. Glider twitched in rage, and a Schinicin soldier struck him savagely on the back of the neck, with his laser rifle. Glider gurgled and crumpled.
    "No, my young Meldaron’s – " Laughed the Captain. "It is you – the resistance – that are doomed. Already, Schinicin forces have established our stranglehold on your world – and where is the fabled Meldaron resistance? This? Are you the resistance that is supposedly going to topple the mighty Schinicin Empire? No – I do not think so…. So – tell me – where is the secret base? Or would you prefer – that we shoot one of you first?"
Silverfox wept in agony, Glider groaned and Deerinea and Whitetail remained silent.
    "Oh – the silent treatment is it? So you’re not going to tell me?" Asked the Captain.
Without warning, he un-holstered his sidearm and shot dead one of the Sessesh…. Smiling, he ran the pistol barrel lightly across Deerinea’s muzzle, then rested it right between her eyes.

    "Well now – are you going to tell me? Or do I need to shoot another one of your friends?" Asked the Captain.
    "We’ll die – before we tell you where it is…." Deerinea whispered.
    "Oh – I think – that you will tell me – what I wish to hear…."
Deerinea screamed in agony, as a Schinicin soldier broke her tail in two places. It broke with sickening snaps, and Deerinea’s screams tore the heart out of her friends – and Whitetail – her mate.
    "Oh – I’m sorry – did that hurt?" Smiled the Captain. "Tell me – or else – we’ll continue."
    Deerinea barely held her emotions under control, her two broken tail vertebrae aching like acid. Under the orders of the Schinicin Captain, one of the soldiers grabbed her tail – then ground the two shattered vertebrae together…. Sickening crunches came from the two crushed vertebrae as they were ground against each other…. Deerinea screamed and screamed – until she was incapable of even breathing – and only broken choking sobs came from her throat. Silverfox, Glider and Whitetail bravely held their resolve, even though it shattered them to hear Deerinea’s agonising torture….
    "Tell me – " Whispered the Captain. "OF where – the secret base is – and the pain will stop…."
Again, they broke another of her tail’s vertebrae and Deerinea could no longer scream – she just didn’t have the ability to draw the breath.
    "You can not hold out much longer – I know it…. Tell me, my young Pearldinean – because of one thing…I know this hurts…."
    "Peacock – hills!" Silverfox broke. "The base – it’s located in the Peacock Hills, sixty-five miles – south/southeast of Quarq Village…."

    With a growl of displeasure, the Captain slammed his clawed foot in to Deerinea’s stomach, his claws ripping in to her soft belly fur and flesh. Blood began pulsing from the wound and he turned away in disgust.
    "Sargent – order a flight to the Peacock Hills…. NOW!" Snarled the Captain.
    "Sir – " Replied the Sargent then ran to carry out the orders.
    "Now – my young Meldaron enemies – you will…die!"
Just as the Schinicin raised their weapons to fire – laser blasts began laying in to them. In the confusion, Silverfox, Glider and Whitetail exploded in to motion and struck out. They managed to knock down their Schinicin guards, and steal their laser rifles. Chaos exploded, as over three hundred Sessesh erupted from hiding, then began attacking the Schinicin soldiers. They were armed with spears, rocks, bows and arrows – and a precious few had stolen Schinicin laser pistols and rifles. Everywhere, Schinicin soldiers were running for cover, or firing wildly at the streaming horde of Sessesh, that poured out of drainage ditches and other areas, where they had lain hidden. Silverfox crushed the mask of one of the Schinicin soldiers, then shot dead another one. Glider fired wildly, managing to shoot two more, and Whitetail kept close to the critically wounded Deerinea, who lay convulsing on the ground. Screams of the dead and dying carried across the refinery, as the Schinicin regrouped and called out for reinforcements.
    "Come on!" Whitetail growled. "Get out of here! Get to cover!"
Schinicin reinforcements arrived and further added to the massive bedlam and chaos that seized the battle…. Glider threw down is empty rifle, then laid in to the Schinicin – and sadly – the Sessesh, with his lightning powers. Agonised screams from both cold and warm blooded rang out, along with the deadly sizzling of the lightning. Whitetail shot four Schinicin soldier’s dead then crushed the skull of another one, before he began dragging the grievously wounded Deerinea to safety. Silverfox and Glider laid down a weak covering fire – Glider using his lightning and Silverfox her rapidly depleting laser rifle…. Schinicin forces tried flanking them, but Whitetail threw a thermite grenade and those Schinicin – were instantaneously vaporised in the explosion. All around the battlefield lay the corpses of Sessesh and Schinicin, with no visible outcome to the war.
    "I’m out!" Silverfox wept. "Now what?"

    Holding her useless laser rifle, she used it as a club, to strike at the Schinicin soldiers, who attacked them. Glider was shot and as he screamed and fell Whitetail threw another grenade, which fell short and incinerated a dozen Sessesh warriors. Without time to grieve for this tragic mistake, he snatched a fallen Schinicin’s weapon – then lay down a withering hail of deadly laser fire. Schinicin soldiers screamed, as the light repeating blaster literally cut them in half…. Silverfox knelt beside her wounded friend, then rolled him over.
    "I’m – alright…." Glider gasped. "Go – help Deerinea."
Silverfox nodded, then as Whitetail continued his merciless firing, Silverfox tore Deerinea’s black uniform open, then checked the deep slashes in her stomach.
Silverfox, oblivious to her own deep muzzle wounds, stared in shock and surprise at Deerinea’s pouch – which had borne the worst of the Schinicin’s claws. It was deep wounds – from which blood poured in copious amounts. Deerinea retched and choked, slipping in and out of consciousness. Overcoming her surprise, Silverfox retrieved the medic pack from her belt, and administered to Deerinea’s wounds – as best the first aid kit could manage.
    "What-ever you’re doing – " Whitetail snarled. "Make it quick! This gun is running out of ammunition real quick!"
    "Hold them off – just for a moment – " Silverfox wept. "I’m doing the best I can!"
    "Easier said – " Whitetail growled. "Than done!"

    Silverfox used what few med-kits she possessed and managed to partially patch up the worst of Deerinea’s wounds. To her surprise, the remaining Schinicin soldiers threw down their weapons and surrendered….
    "What the – " Glider gasped, as he tightened a bandage about his wounded arm.
Celebratory squeals of mustalid pleasure rang out from the Sessesh as they saw the Meldaron shuttle clear the outer perimeter of the refinery, then touch down gently on the landing pad. Silverfox and Glider walked out, followed closely by Whitetail. As the shuttles hatchway opened, two dozen Meldaron soldiers boiled from within and surrounded the surrendered reptilian soldiers. Lastly, the hooded and cloaked figure strode down the ramp and approached the friends. When it had come to a stop, it reached up and cast back it’s deep hood.
    "Mack!" Silverfox squealed. "What in Millar's name –"
    "Come on – we’ve got a refinery to take out…haven’t we?" Mack smiled.

    Two more Meldaron shuttles landed and the Schinicin were taken prisoner and led in to the shuttles. Mack ordered two field medics over to assist Deerinea and Silverfox, and then he shook Whitetail’s paw warmly.
    "What in – " Whitetail began.
    "One of the Sessesh alerted us to danger…. Unfortunately, we didn’t make sense out of the Sessesh’s words – until it was almost too late. He was saying something – about an ambush or something. Still, we’re very glad – to see that you had the situation contained…."
    "What – of the Camer spaceport tracking station?" Whitetail gasped. "You’ll have the Schinicin – "
    "That tracking station – has been destroyed. Some special operatives managed to infiltrate the station – and have destroyed it. Sadly, they were captured and executed, trying to escape…."
    "What of the Schinicin forces?" Whitetail whispered.
    "They’re in a state of alarm at the moment…but they’re soon to recover. Come on, let’s rock this island!"
Whitetail watched, as the field medic’s worked to stabilise Deerinea; and heal Silverfox’s deep wounds. They retrieved new charges and some of the soldier’s spread out through the complex, rounding up the last of the Schinicin forces – which surrendered without a single additional life being taken. Within twenty minutes, the three shuttles blasted from the landing pad, as the first of the charges exploded…. Within seconds, the other sequenced charges detonated – and the entire island became one massive explosion – as the Schinicin refinery was destroyed. A massive shock wave and fireball spread out from the destroyed refinery…. Such was the extent of the explosion and shock wave – that the Meldaron shuttles bucked as the shock wave passed them.
    "Sweet Millar – " Silverfox gasped through an oxygen mask, as she glanced out of the shuttle’s windows at the burning refinery….
    "Hey – if it’s worth doing – it’s worth doing well!" Whitetail smiled, then turned his attention back to flying the shuttle….

    Again and again, other explosions rocked the decimated refinery, as the fires raged out of control – fuelled by the massive petrochemical supplies beneath the island, that were being continuously pumped up in to the blazing inferno. Indeed, they had struck a decisive blow against the Schinicin occupation of their world – and they knew the Schinicin would not take this lying down….


            Aboard the Schinicin Flagship

    Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis’ rage grew in to new and unparalleled heights.
    "What do you mean?" He snarled in fury. "Trelish Island is what?"
    "Gone – sir…." Cringed one of the sensor operators. "A massive explosion – has destroyed the primary refuelling station and refinery…."
    "How! I want answers to this outrage!" Shrieked the Grand Admiral.
    "Sir – reports just come in…. A small Meldaron squad was captured attempting to set charges in the control and pumping areas…. This reports only a fragment – as we’ve lost the Camer relay and tracking station as well!"
    "Somebody tell me what is going on!" Raged the Grand Admiral, losing what little of his patience had remained.
    "Sire – reports from Camer say that the tracking and relay station – has been totally destroyed!"

    Without warning, the Grand Admiral seized the young sensor technician – then using his massively powerful jaws – bit the head off the young reptilian officer. Disgusted, he then dismembered the corpse and went on a murderous spree – slaying anyone that he could reach. Those wise enough, took cover – as the Grand Admiral bathed the bridge of his flagship in green reptilian blood…. His temper finally burned itself out, leaving the dead and dying technicians and officers scattered across the bridge – like discarded toys. Silence reigned on-board the Schinicin flagship, as the Grand Admiral reigned in his anger, then retook his throne and smoothed down his glistening scales….
    "I would like – " He hissed, his voice faint and barely audible. "Those who were responsible for this – to be found…. I care not for what it takes – but I want them found! Further – have this bridge cleaned…."
    "Sire – a Schinicin shuttle is requesting landing clearance…." Spoke a controller.
    "Permit it to land – I have been expecting this – it is Commander Zur-Tarn, returning with my treasure…." Spoke the Grand Admiral.
    "Aye sire – by your command." Replied the technician.

    Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis rose, then walked slowly from the bridge of his flagship – his scaled tail twitching spasmodically….  After fifteen minutes, the door sensor alarm buzzed in the Grand Admiral’s quarters. He wiped the monitors of any information of importance, then swivelled his massive throne around to face the door.
    "Come!" He snapped.
Quietly – the door hissed open and Commander Zur-Tarn walked in, then bowed on one knee before the Grand Admiral.
    "Tell me – " Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis breathed expectantly. "That you have completed your mission?"
To the Grand Admirals alarm, Commander Zur-Tarn’s body began rippling, then his scaled hide and head crumpled to the ground – revealing the festering body of Teric….
    "You!" Retched the Grand Admiral in alarm and sickening nausea.
    "Did my pet scaly miss me?" Teric giggled.
    "Guards!" Sith Hirr Draconis snarled. "Guards!"

    Teric struggled free of the hide of the fallen Commander and looked at it disapprovingly. A large patch of his muzzle flesh peeled away, revealing the blood smothered bone beneath.
    "Guards!" Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis shrieked.
    "Oh – your guards…. I’m sorry – they’re…indisposed…."
Teric snickered, then reached in to a small bag and pulled out a pair of reptilian eyes.
    "I see you!" He giggled insanely – then threw them at the Grand Admiral.
    "You – "
    "Well – he didn’t need them anymore…." Teric shrugged nonchalantly.
Teric continued giggling, then walked about the chambers, eyeing the numerous holographic pieces of artwork and statues, that adorned the Grand Admiral’s chambers.
    "What – do – you – want?" Gurgled the Grand Admiral.
    "Oh – what do I want?" Teric smiled mischievously, his festering muzzle wrinkling.
He resumed walking around the chambers.

    "I am most…most …displeased with you Grand Admiral…." Teric growled. "I thought that we had a deal…. So – you tried to betray me…."
    "I – do not know what you’re talking about." Snapped the disgusted Grand Admiral.
    "Oh – come on now…." Teric snarled in sudden rage. "Do not play games with me!"
Repelled by the true insanity that lurked within this creature – the Grand Admiral’s eyes widened.
    "You sent your commandoes after me – in an attempt, which failed – as you might have noticed…."
    "I never – "
Teric threw back his head, then tore open his outer robes. Strapped to his body, was an impressive amount of Thermite, primed and set to detonate. Teric rested his paw on the trigger.
    "Do you know –" Teric snarled in hysterical rage. "Just how much damage – this Thermite will do to your beloved starship?"

    Horrified, the Grand Admiral backed away, nearly stumbling over his own feet. His reptilian eyes bulged in terror.
    "I’m sure – we can come to an – agreement?" Whispered the Grand Admiral.
    "No more games Grand Admiral – I’m not noted – for my tolerance to people who try to doublecross me…" Teric seethed, then tightened his grasp on the trigger.
Thoughts flashed through the Grand Admiral’s head, as he wondered how to best take down this danger – without Teric possessing the time – with which, to destroy this entire Star-Crusher. As if reading his mind, Teric smiled – then pressed another trigger.  A deafening explosion ripped through the heart of the Star-Crusher, and emergency warning klaxons blazed and wailed, as a computer voice announced a hull breech in the port hangar bay, and the fire that was even now, spreading in to the surrounding decks.
    "What have you done?" Hissed the Grand Admiral.
    "A simple display – of my true powers…." Teric shot back. "Oh, don’t worry Sir Scaly – as the fire isn’t any real threat…. However, should we not reach an agreement, then I will detonate the other charges – and finally – this one…. It will vaporise not only myself, but also you – and destroy this entire…and I might add…impressive …capital ship. I’ve been busy you see – and I’ve had access to a great many areas of your vessel…. I’ve got enough Thermite on-board your ship…to take out a major capital city…and make a crater about five hundred meters deep and two thousand wide…so don’t screw with me!"
    "May we – discuss this rationally? I’m sure – we can reach a…mutual…agreement on our terms?"
    "Correction…Captain ." Teric growled dangerously. "It’s my terms – or nothing. I’ve already shown you the lesser powers that I have…and I’m quite sure…you do not want me to turn you…and your precious Starship…in to dust?"

    A beep on the communications console broke the silence. Teric grunted and the Grand Admiral reached out and depressed the button.
    "Speak – " Hissed the Grand Admiral, watching Teric warily.
    "Sire – our scouts have returned from the Peacock Hills – and they report – that there is no evidence of the Meldaron base out there…."
    "Our…scouts?" Grunted the Grand Admiral.
    "Yes sir – didn’t you authorise the sending out of the scouting party – to the Peacock Hills?"
Teric threw back his head and wailed hysterically with insane laughter.
    "Sire – are you alright?" Come the voice.
    "I’m – fine. Have the scouting ships scan the area of the Trelish Island…for any possible survivors from the refinery explosion…. Alert the Cutters to patrol the area and keep active sonar lookouts for submarines and such…."
    "Sire – the cutters were taken out in the refinery explosion…."

    "Sire – they were being rearmed and refuelled – when the refinery was destroyed. We’ve lost the entire naval fleet there – "
    "Get me someone in command down there!" Snarled the Grand Admiral. "I want answers to this outrage!"
    "Sire – groundside communications have been cut – as we lost the tracking and relay station at Camer…"
    "Send a shuttle – I don’t care!" Shrieked the enraged Grand Admiral. "Just get me some solid answers to this! NOW!"
    "Sire – we’re working on modifying the backup relay station at Foxville – but we estimate that it will be a few days – before it’s operational…."
    "You have your orders – carry them out…."
    "Aye sir…."

    The comlink fell silent once more.

    Agitated, the Grand Admiral leaned back on his hind feet and rubbed his burning eyes with his scaled paws. Teric approached, then poked the Grand Admiral insultingly in the stomach.
    "It seems – " Teric giggled hysterically. "That you have – some problems…."
    "Get out!" Shrieked the Grand Admiral.
    "Now – now…." Teric hissed. "You forget who is in control here…."
Drawing a deep breath, the Grand Admiral growled and relent, then sat back down on his throne.
    "Now – Captain." Teric sighed. "I’m sure, a scaly – disgusting lizard like yourself, can appreciate the dangers you’re up against?"
    "What – do you want from me?" Grated the Grand Admiral, finally admitting defeat.
    "What I want from you – I shall take. Do you understand me? I want my fleet of warships – and I want them…now!"

    "I – can not just make an entire fleet of star-crushers materialise at the snap of my fingers…." Sighed the Grand Admiral. "Each of these vessels – takes over three standard years – from conception, to completion…."
    "I’ve got all the time in the world Captain – just you remember that. Oh, whilst I think of it – should any of your troopers try to take me down – or disarm any of my explosive devices – then they will all detonate…. So – I suggest, you get on your shipboard communications and tell them, to leave them alone…or else – we’ll all not need a starship – to fly through space…will we?"
    "You – "
    "Times running out Captain…make that call…. I know you’ve got secret listening devices scattered all throughout your fleet – including here. So, get busy – and let your troopers know…or else…BOOM ."
With an exasperated sigh, Sith Hirr Draconis reached out and depressed a secret button on his throne.   "All hands – this is the Grand Admiral – Sith Hirr Draconis. A situation has arisen on-board this flagship. I want all search parties to stand down…. I repeat – all search parties – stand down. Further, all troopers – should you find any active Thermite charges…do not … attempt to disarm them…. That is all…."

    Teric giggled insanely. "Excellent Captain – there may be hope for you yet!"
    Sith Hirr Draconis sat back in his throne, then exhaled softly and rubbed his aching head.   "Just how long – do you think that your oxygen supply will last you?"
    "As long as it lasts – then you’ve got no problems…. Should I run out of oxygen, before my demands are met…then I guess…we’re all going to be little chunks of debris, falling through Meldaron’ atmosphere…actually, that sounds like fun!" Teric giggled.
    "You’re mad…totally mad…." Moaned the Grand Admiral….
    "I know…." Teric snickered. I know…."


            Meldaron Military Base

    When the three shuttles landed, medical trauma teams were rushed to the shuttle and helped place Deerinea on a portable stretcher. Quickly, she was led to the infirmary, and Silverfox was likewise carried there, despite her protests that she could walk. Here, medical Droid surgeons worked on Deerinea – and a young Alchemian Doctor approached Silverfox.
    "Millar’s name!" He cursed. "What on Meldaron happened to you?" Silverfox moaned, her muzzle wounds congealed – but hurting like mad.
    "A Schinicin done this to her – and likewise – to Lt. Deerinea." Whitetail spoke.
Fetching his medical scanner, he ran it over Silverfox’s body and reported his findings.
    "Well – other than the obvious deep trauma wounds to the muzzle, there is significant ligament damage, muscle tearing and fractures of the upper muzzle bones…."
    "It is repairable isn’t it Doctor?" Glider asked.
    "Oh – with our modern medical equipment – this young Tashan will be back on active service – within three hours."
    "Doctor – what of Lt. Deerinea?" Whitetail asked, his concern choking his voice.
    "Ah – a Pearldinean…cross-breed?" He asked, as he glanced at a data-pad. "That’s more complicated…."
    "Just give me the facts Doctor…." Whitetail sighed. "I do not have time to play games…."
    "Well, there is extensive damage to the lower stomach regions, and multiple wounds…. This young Pearldinean has lost a lot of blood…and she’s critically sick. I honestly can not give you any accurate estimation, as it’s just touch and go. It’s really going to depend on her. We can heal the physical wounds – at least – those we can heal, but due to her wounds – there is a high chance, that she has suffered irreparable damage to her cerebral contacts and – "
    "So, is she going to live or die?" Whitetail snarled.
    "I – I do not know…. I can not tell you…. I will take charge of this patient personally, and do all we can – to heal her."

    "I – thank you Doctor." Whitetail sniffled – then left the infirmary.
Glider made a move to follow Whitetail, and then the Doctor seized him.
    "Hey! Just a minute – you’re wounded!" Exclaimed the Doctor.
    "It’s – nothing…" Glider commented. "A scratch."
Forcing Glider to sit down, the Doctor un-wrapped the deep blaster burn and shook his head.
"This – is a scratch?" He asked. "Wait a minute…."

    Quickly, the Doctor encased Glider’s arm in some alien looking electronic machine – then he activated it. Glider felt odd tingles run up and down his arm, then after five minutes, the Doctor turned off the machine and removed it…. Glider’s eyes bulged as he looked at where the sickening wound had been, now – there was only a faint redness to the skin – to show where the deep wound had been.
    "Now – " Smiled the Doctor. "You can go…. Oh, do not worry about your friends, they’re in good hands…or…if you prefer – paws."
Glider thanked the Doctor, then followed Mack out in to the hallway. Here, they found Whitetail pacing agitatedly back and forth. Mack reached out, then hesitantly placed his paw on Whitetail’s shoulder. Whitetail paused – then enfolded the smaller Tashan in a crushing embrace – as he burst in to tears….


            Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis’ Quarters – Schinicin Flagship

    "Captain – " Snarled Teric. "Let’s get this out in the open – "
    Sith Hirr Draconis sighed wearily, but kept his attention firmly on Teric.   "I’ve already told you – that I can not make a Schinicin Star-Crusher fleet appear out of thin air!"
    "As I was saying – Captain – " Teric countered. "I may be crazy – but I am far from stupid…. Surely, the almighty Schinicin Empire has – shall we say – reserve naval ships?"
Sith Hirr Draconis growled deep down in his throat. Indeed, this cunning Hyena was indeed – not stupid.
    "Of course – " Sith Hirr Draconis acknowledged. "That goes without saying."
    "How many vessels in the reserve fleet?" Teric asked. "Actually – how many Star-Crusher class capital warships?"
Teric waggled the trigger to the explosive charges threateningly. Sith Hirr Draconis sighed again.
    "Thirty-five capital class vessels, fifteen of which – are the Star-Crusher class, ten are the Interdictor class – a smaller, faster warship, and the remaining five consist – of the Elysium class – a light – inter-system patrol interceptor…."
    "Impressive – most impressive…C aptain." Teric mused thoughtfully. "Travelling at their maximum speed – how long before they reached Meldaron?"

    Sith Hirr Draconis quickly worked it out, based on a myriad of possible pathways through space.
    "I do not have all year Captain…."
    "It would – under attack speed – take them four days…."
    "Very well – give the order Captain – to the reserve naval fleet, to go to the Dalnarian IV system…. Here, they will wait. Have all authority turned over to me personally – and then – only then – shall I be transported over to the flagship. Here, I want the transponders and communication frequencies changed – to my own choosing…. Once I am safely aboard and in complete control, shall I give you the location…of the prize you so desperately seek."
    "Once I am in possession of my new naval fleet – shall you gain the Tome of Zra-Chak…. Oh, should you try to double cross me again…then you will never find the Tome…."
    "You make a hard bargain…but I accept…." Growled the Grand Admiral. "Still, what of your demands for being installed as regional governor of this sector?"
    "With the warships at my command – I will carve my own empire…. I am quite assured – that there is enough inhabited planets in this galaxy – for us both, is there not?"
    "So – " Mused the Grand Admiral. "You want to make a truce with the Schinicin Empire?"
    "Yes – but only when – I have complete control over my crew – and naval fleet."
    "Very well – consider it a temporary mutual alliance. I’ll deliver the Schinicin reserve naval fleet – as per your orders…and when we’ve completed this charade – I’ll never have your disgusting presence infest any Schinicin fleet vessel again? Also – you’ll turn over the Tome of Zra-Chak to me?"
    "That’s the idea – Captain." Teric smiled.
    "How can I trust you?"
    "Ah – that’s the catch…you can not. Still – we have an agreement…that is mutually beneficial to us both…wouldn’t you say?"

    Against his better judgement, the Grand Admiral placed a priority message through to the Schinicin home world…and began preparations for the mobilisation of the Schinicin reserve naval fleet….
    "I’ll have the necessary truce documents drawn up immediately – " Spoke the Grand Admiral.
    "You have four days – to deliver my demands Captain…. Do not – try to betray me again…."
With that, Teric marched from the Grand Admiral’s quarters, and for once – the Grand Admiral acknowledged – a foe worthy of his respect….
    "Sir – " Come a communication.
    "Give him free passage Commander – and have a Schinicin shuttle placed at his disposal…."
    "Aye sire…by your command…."
Slowly, the Grand Admiral breathed out in exasperation…. He dreaded, having to inform his majesty – of this unforseen turn of events…. Indeed, Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis began to wonder – if indeed – it wouldn’t be a halfway bad idea – just to self destruct his naval fleet…rather than face that – which the Emperor had planned for him….


    Deerinea spent the next few days in the infirmary, as the Meldaron forces continued their guerilla strikes against the weakening Schinicin defences…. Indeed, their well-laid plans were coming to fruition – but this was all too soon change….


            Major Blacktalon’s Office

    "Lt. Deerinea – let me congratulate you on your recovery…. I trust, you’re suitable to return to active service?" Major Blacktalon asked.
    "Yes sir – I’ve been given clearance to return to service." Deerinea spoke. "I am, understandably – not back to my former self just yet…. However, I am fit for duty…sir."
    "Whilst I think of it, congratulations on your mission in destroying that Schinicin refinery…to all of you, the High Command extends you their warmest thanks. Schinicin forces have been thrown in to disarray of late – and the destruction of their primary refuelling station and refinery…. An excellent mission, but I am saddened to see, so many of your squad wounded."
    "Major," Whitetail asked. "Sir – permission to speak freely?"
    "Granted." Acknowledged the Major.
    "Sir – I wish to personally commend, Corporal’s Glider and Silverfox, who, whilst under incredible stress for young recruits – exhibited exemplary courage and resourcefulness, which, I feel, contributed towards the success."
    "Commendations noted and logged Whitetail, the High Command will be informed, and I am sure – these two corporal’s will be awarded medals – for courage under fire on the field…heroism…and other accreditations. Of course, you and Lt. Deerinea will likewise, receive special commendations – and medals for your own acts of valour."
    "Captain Uzuri – if you please…." Major Blacktalon spoke.

    Captain Uzuri took the podium, then the lights dimmed. A holo-projector displayed the partially ruined city of Foxville, and the Schinicin garrison, located on the outskirts.
    "As we all know, we’ve struck decisive blows against the Schinicin forces. Now, we have unconfirmed reports – which the Schinicin are working, on bringing online the control and tracking station at Foxville spaceport. This control station – is exceptionally well guarded, as they have learned from our destruction of the Camer tracking station – and we must find a way – to neutralise this other station. We suspect that by utilising the sewers beneath Foxville, to infiltrate the city…and destroy the power stations that supplies power to the city. With the power stations destroyed – the Schinicin would not be able to bring this tracking station online…and it would enable us to have a much more free reign for our starships' and fighters."

    At Captain Uzuri’s command, the picture changed to another shot, this one, of the main power stations. Even though they were well defended, weaknesses had been detected.
    "This is one of the primary power stations at Foxville. Schinicin presence at these stations are high – but by utilising the sewer network beneath Foxville – and diversionary squads to strike other strategic areas – we’re optimistic that this mission to infiltrate and destroy – the power stations…will be successful. I personally, will be leading your squad for this mission…and Lt. Deerinea, will lead the other – diversionary forces…."
    "Captain – " Whitetail spoke.
Captain Uzuri rounded on Whitetail and glared at him. Calmly, Whitetail returned the stare.
    "What is it?" Captain Uzuri growled.
    "Sir – with all due respect, but is this advisable? Lt. Deerinea and I have been part of a team – ever since we first joined the Meldaron military forces…."
    "What rank do you possess soldier ?" Captain Uzuri growled softly.
    Whitetail was unfazed by her apparent hostility, but replied calmly.   "Sir – I did hold the rank of Colonel – but I resigned my commission." Whitetail replied simply.
    "Then – my orders stand…. Lt. Deerinea – "
    "Sir – may I speak freely?" Whitetail interjected.

    Captain Uzuri’s paws clenched, then she relaxed and nodded her head.
    "Sir – as I’ve already stated – Lt. Deerinea and I are a part of a team…. We are both field operatives, serving under – "
    "I do not care who you served under during the great Meldaron War…. Now, you will do as I have said, or I will have you confined to quarters."
    "Sir – " Whitetail spoke softly, but his voice tinged with menace. "With all due respect – you would be advised – that you would do better, than to cross my path…."
    "Whitetail – " Major Blacktalon growled. "That will be all."
    "Sir – I will not allow – " Whitetail began.
    "I said – " Major Blacktalon screamed. "That will be all! You have your orders – see to them…."
    "I – " Whitetail protested. "Sir – I must protest this – "
    "Your objections are duly noted Whitetail…. Now, squad – dismissed."

    Whitetail stalked from the chambers, slamming the door sharply behind him. Lt. Deerinea sighed, then waited patiently, until the others had left.
    "Sir – permission to speak freely?" Lt. Deerinea asked.
    Major Blacktalon sighed, then shuffled some papers on his desk.   "Yes – Lieutenant?"
    "Sir – why have we been – "
    "Lieutenant – I do not try to second guess the mission assignments. My job – is to ensure that they are carried out. I do not know why the High Command has decreed that you both be split up…. Millar's herself knows – but she isn’t telling me. I know damn well – just how close you two are…and how well you work together…. I’m sorry lieutenant – it’s out of my paws…."
    "Yes sir – thank you sir." Lt. Deerinea sniffled softly.
    "May – may Millar watch over you…."
    "Blessings for you too sir…."

    Deerinea returned to her quarters, to find Whitetail packing up his few possessions.
    "Whitetail – "
    "Do not try to stop me Deerinea…." Whitetail wept.
    "Please – my beloved – wait…."
    "I knew that this would happen – " Whitetail sniffled.
    "Please – let’s talk this over." Deerinea spoke calmly, then rested her paw on his shoulder.
    "What?" He snapped. "There’s nothing to talk about…. Ever since I retired my commission – they’ve treated me as a – "
    "They’ve treated you?" Deerinea shot back scathingly. "You are their best field operative, that they have. You are one of the highest assets! Without your skills – the Meldaron resistance…would falter and crumble!"
    "Nice speech Deerinea – but it’s not going to work…." He growled.
    "So that’s it then – you’re just going to leave?"
    Whitetail paused – then shuddered.

    "They do not – think of me – as a soldier anymore. I’ve dedicated my life to the King, and to the Meldaron military…. I retired my command – and my rank – because I did not like the idea of being branded…. Now, as a civilian – I find that I hold no authority within the military? Why do I bother? I will return to where I know I am respected – and honoured for what I am…. I will return to the Temple of the Eye of Infinity – and help those there – to rebuild the temple order…."
    "What of me?" Deerinea sobbed. "I do not like this order – any more than you!"
    "Come with me – together – we can make a difference…."
    "No – " Deerinea wept. "I can not turn my back – on the resistance – for anyone…or anything…. I would be found – court-martialled and shot – as a traitor."
    "Then – resign your command! Turn in your officers ranking…." Whitetail pleaded.
    "Whitetail – you and I both know…I can not do that. There are so many out there – scattered across thousands of worlds – who live as slaves under the Imperial heel…. If we do not make our stand now – then whom – will stand up to them? We beat them once before – and by Millar's blessing – we’ll beat them again."

    Whitetail paused – then he shuddered again and quietly walked out of the chambers. Deerinea watched him, knowing him all too well – and that he needed time – to think…and to work out his inner demons, once and for all….

    "Lt. Deerinea – report to the shuttle bay…." A voice come from her comlink system.
    "Lt. Deerinea here – will do…."
Deerinea sighed – then walked from the chambers she had spent with Whitetail…. Her head was bowed in grief, and she wondered – if she would ever see her beloved mate…again.


            Sewers beneath Foxville

    "Alright – " Cpt. Uzuri whispered in to her comlink, to the other members of her squad. "Everyone keep real quiet – and watch your back…. Schinicin patrols of this city are everywhere – but we’ve got unconfirmed reports…that the sewer system has seemingly escaped their notice. I doubt that this is true – but we’re really going to have to be extra careful. Corporal Silverfox – you take point…."
    "Sir – " Silverfox moaned.
    "That’s an order – Corporal…." Captain Uzuri growled dangerously.
Silverfox shuddered, but did as she was told. Fear flooded the young Vixen’s mind, heart and body – as she was totally untrained for this type of covert operations…and did not know what to expect.  As quietly as she could manage, Silverfox made her way forwards, leading the squad deeper beneath the small Spaceport City of Foxville. Indeed, fear gripped most of the soldiers, except for the most battle hardened, who remained quite calm and collective, despite the darkness and the dangers inherent in this mission…. Mack walked beside Glider, and they exchanged worried glances with each other. Glider whispered something barely audible to Mack and Captain Uzuri’s ears perked.
    "Stow it Corporal – " Captain Uzuri breathed in his ear. "Or I’ll shoot you dead myself…"
Glider shuddered – as he realised that this young Vixen’s temper was incredible – and barely restrained. He did not doubt that Uzuri would carry out her threat….

    Finally, they had made their way to the assigned location, and then Silverfox inspected the cover over their heads. Finding it free of any alarms or other surprises, they quickly exited the sewers – and found themselves inside the power plant. They emerged in to a small storage facility, the loud hums of the massive power generators making the walls and floor vibrate with power.
    "Squad – prepare weapons…." Captain Uzuri whispered.
They locked and loaded their assorted weapons, then broke in to two separate squads of six people each. Mack and Glider were sent with one squad – under the command of a Sargent and Silverfox was left under the cruel gaze of Captain Uzuri.
    "Corporal Silverfox – take point guard." Cpt. Uzuri breathed in her ear.
    "Sir – "
    "Do it corporal. That’s an order…."
    Once again, Silverfox was thrust to the front – to be the scout for her squad. Silverfox began to wonder what Uzuri’s true intentions were, as she was sure that Captain Uzuri knew – that Corporal Silverfox was not – properly trained for this type of stealth and combat tactics….

    They made their way in to the generator chambers, where the massive machines roared with almost painful intensity. Using hand signals, Captain Uzuri gestured towards the other squad – who moved off on the other side of the incredible expanse of the chamber. Here and there – high above – they could see Schinicin soldiers, overlooking the generators. Down on their level, the two squads kept their eyes wide open, looking for any possible person – which would betray their squad’s location…. It was quiet – too quiet. Silverfox edged in beside a generator unit – then come muzzle to mask, with a Schinicin soldier. His reptilian eyes widened in shock – then pain – as Silverfox drove the blade of her combat knife, straight in to his chest – right to the hilt. His pungent, green reptilian blood gushed over her, making her fight the natural tendency to vomit. As quietly as she could, she caught the dead soldier and lowered his corpse to the ground. Another soldier near her, a young Pearldinean Stag – nodded grimly to her.
    "Alright – don’t get cocky…." Come Captain Uzuri’s menacing breath in Silverfox’s startled ears – via the comlink system they all wore. "Nice kill – but next time – don’t hesitate. Squad one – move out…."
    Stealthily, the two squads moved deeper in to the cavernous power generator room and finally, they found the main generator control panel. Whilst some of the squad members kept a very close eye on the Schinicin soldiers above, others set the explosive charges and primed them for a ten minute timer.
    "Charges set – " Come the demolition experts voice. "Alright – we’re done here…."
    "Both squads – fall back to entrance and regroup…we’re heading out." Captain Uzuri whispered.

    Silently, the two squads fell back to their rendezvous point, and made their way down in to the sewers again…. Quietly, they slipped the access hatch closed again, then began moving hurriedly along the dark tunnels.
    "I do not like this – " Whispered the young male Pearldinean to Mack.
    "Neither do I…" Mack whispered back.
    "Corporal Shazri – I said…shut up!" Hissed Captain Uzuri. "As for you Private Blackpaw’s – one more outburst from you…and you’re doing time in the Meldaron military jail in Vallin – understand me? Take point Private."
    "Yes – sir." Come the terrified young Pearldineans' reply.
Little did the squad know – but they were walking right in to a trap…from which, only a handful – would survive….

    Terrified, the young Pearldinean did as he was told. Twenty meters away from the main group came his split second cry – before a massive firestorm erupted and swept down the tunnel towards them! Instantly, Glider knocked Mack and Silverfox down, in to the knee-deep water that flowed through the sewers. It was probably, the only thing that saved them from being incinerated. Others were not so lucky, and they bore the full brunt of the vicious firestorm. Their screams were cut tragically short, as they were burned alive – their charred corpses falling where they had died. Captain Uzuri vanished mysteriously, and when Glider, Mack and Silverfox broke the surface, the screams of the dying squad members tore in to them – along with the angry shouts of the approaching Schinicin infantry…. Mack burst in to tears, but Silverfox savagely slapped him across his snout, bringing him back to a semblance of rationality. Quickly, Glider shot the lock off an access hatch and he kicked the door open.
    "In! NOW!" Glider screamed, as the Schinicin soldiers fired wildly at them.
Without thinking, they leapt through the access hatch, then found themselves plummeting down a slimy stone slide…. Landing in chest deep water far below, they broke the surface – coughing and choking on the stagnant water. From above, come the Schinicin’s angry shouts – and the screams of the Meldaron soldiers – as the Schinicin despatched them in cruel and malicious methods.
    "Come on…move!" Glider growled in their ears, seizing the two Tashan’s by the scruffs of their necks and roughly shoving them. "I said…move!"
    "Sargent – send a detachment down there…." Come a Schinicin’s angry bark.
    "Sir!" Come a reply.

    "Wait – " Silverfox wept. "Our weapons – we can’t – "
    "No time! Run!" Glider snarled.
Struggling through the deep water, they soon found themselves in a myriad of interconnecting sewer pipes and tunnels, than seemingly ran for miles beneath the city.
    "Mack – how can we get out of here?" Silverfox wept.
Concentrating, the young wolf paused – then he hesitated – before he got his bearings and began moving rapidly forwards.
    "Come on – follow me!" Mack whispered. "This way!"
From far behind them, they heard the splash of the Schinicin soldiers – as they slid down the stone ramp and set out in pursuit….

    Seconds later, the entire sewer seemingly jumped and bucked, as the timers ran out on the charges that they had placed – within the power station. Massive shock waves ran through the sewers – and they distantly heard the crashes of rock, as parts of the sewer caved in….

    Minutes dragged by in to hours, as the three friends played a deadly game of cat and mouse with the pursuing Schinicin soldiers. Finally, Mack led them around a corner – then he stopped. Blinding sunlight streamed in to the tunnel – and they edged their way forwards – to find themselves perched on a sixty foot drop-off – to the deep and cold lake far below.
    "How – " Silverfox began.
A Schinicin laser rifle shot ricocheted off the wall between her feet, singing her tail. Without giving it a second thought – they jumped.  When they struck the lake water, the coldness almost froze their blood…. Choking and nearly drowned by the freezing water, they barely managed to swim to the shore, the Schinicin soldiers firing wildly after them. Dragging themselves up on to the bank, they had only a moment’s rest, before they all heard the deep whine of approaching Schinicin star-fighters. Dragging themselves to their feet – they fled blindly in to the covering forest, just as the Schinicin star-fighters strafed the ground with their deadly laser cannons.
    "Now what?" Glider moaned.
    "Now – we make our way to the drop-zone…and get the hells out of here!" Silverfox panted.
    "That may – be easier said than done…." Mack whimpered, as he stopped and looked up….

    They all paused – to see a bedraggled looking brush tailed possum, half crazed with starvation and thirst – pointing a very deadly sniper rifle at them….


            Aboard the Schinicin Flagship

    "Sir – " Stammered a terrified sensor operator. "We’ve lost contact – "
Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis cut the operator short…and his life. With a lightning like strike – he decapitated the messenger – and returned to looking out the view port of his Flagship.
    "We’ve lost contact with the Foxville Spaceport control and tracking station – due to further incompetence…." Sith Hirr Draconis whispered.
    "Commander!" Shrieked the Grand Admiral.
    "Sire – " Whispered the Commander, standing right beside the Grand Admiral.
Twisting about, Sith Hirr Draconis’ paw lashed out – then he seized the smaller reptilian officer by the throat.
    "How - " Grated the Grand Admiral, as he began to squeeze. "Did – this – happen!"
Choking, the Commander clawed in-effectually at the iron like paw that was clamped about his throat and indeed – his neck. There was a soft creaking sound, and the Commander began convulsing wildly.
    "I want – " Shrieked the Grand Admiral. "Answers!"

    With a final convulsive squeeze – the Grand Admiral shattered the Commander’s neck – like a man would crush an eggshell. Effortlessly, the Grand Admiral threw the corpse sixty feet across the bridge – where it crashed against the wall and left a trail of green reptilian blood.
    "Sire – it would seem," Come a faint voice. "That we’ve underestimated the – Meldaron spirit…sir."
    "He who is it – who would offer such wisdom – as if I really desired it?" Come Sith Hirr Draconis’ sibilant hiss.
Fearfully – the young officer rose and Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis turned to glare at him. Swallowing in terror, the young reptilian officer trembled visibly.
    "Tell me – of where – you think I have made mistakes in the conquest of this… insignificant…little world?"
    "Sire – "

    Sith Hirr Draconis ensconced himself on the deck, curling up and resting his chin on his scaled paw.
    "Come – speak with me…."
    "Sire – it would appear – " Stammered the Lieutenant.
    "That we’ve underestimated – the Meldaron spirit…." Echoed the Grand Admiral thoughtfully. "Tell me – lieutenant – of how – you come to this…enlightenment?"
    "Sire – " Swallowed the Lieutenant. "It is – natural sir. We caught them unawares – but they – they’re fighting back…. They care deeply – about their world…."
Thoughtfully, the Grand Admiral exhaled quietly, and then his eyes grew vacant and empty. Shaking in abject terror, the lieutenant hardly dared even breathe – fearing the Grand Admiral’s rage.
    "Tell me then – lieutenant – on how – we should end this painful and protracted battle?"
    "You interest me lieutenant…. How long, have you served under the Imperial Navy?"
    "Forty years – sire."
    "Hmmm…and what have you learned in those four decades?"

    "Sire – " Shuddered the Lieutenant.
    "Answer me – " Growled the great dragon softly.
    "Sire – I have learned – to obey orders, to serve the Emperor in all things – and never to question my superior officers orders…or desires."
    "I – see. What else?"
    "I – " Trembled the terrified lieutenant.
    "Answer – now."
    "Sire – I’ve also learned – than no battle – is predicable…. They – all have a unique structure and call for – different tactics, to achieve victory at whatever the costs. No battle can ever be pre-planned – or no enemy – can be called apon, to react in predefined ways, be they Schinicin, hyooman – or Meldaron. If any creature – takes the field, in possession of a living – thinking brain, capable of complex and rational thought processes, then the outcome of any battle – be it large or small…can never be anticipated…sir."

    Sith Hirr Draconis yawned widely, displaying his deadly canines to their fullest extent. It struck terror in to the hearts of the entire bridge crew….

    "Tell me lieutenant – of how – you come to this conclusion?" Whispered the Grand Admiral softly, a faint wisp of smoke issuing from his nostrils, as he closed his eyelids to slits, which bored through the terrified lieutenant.
    "Sire – it is logical…. No computer – regardless of how powerful – can replace the myriad complexities…of a living, thinking, analytical mind. Something inside of all of us – gives us an edge – in battle. It is our ability to think of possible repercussions and reactions to our actions – that makes us all…so…unpredictable."
    "I – see…" Hissed the Grand Admiral. "So – how do we – conquer Meldaron, and completely beat her in to submission? It seems – that the Meldaron’s – possessed something, which we sadly – as a race – seem to be lacking…. What is it lieutenant? Think carefully – as your very life – may depend on your answer…."

    After a few moments of being visibly fried by the Grand Admiral’s unwavering stare, the young reptilian officer trembled – then rose up proudly and defiantly.
    "Sir – they believe – that they have nothing to lose, by giving their all – in saving their planet. By sacrificing their own lives in the battle against overwhelming odds, they die having the satisfaction, that they have fulfilled something…and done the very best that they could. Meldaron lives not as a planet – but so long as a single Meldaron anthro lives – Meldaron will live on…. To crush their world – you would have to crush the entire race, which in turn – would make this planet unworthy – for the Empire to use. Sire, they, as a race – feel that they have nothing to lose – but instead – everything to gain. So long as their race remains – the Empire – will never break the Meldaron peoples spirits…."

    Silence settled heavily over the bridge of the Schinicin flagship…. After fifteen agonising minutes of utter silence – the Grand Admiral began clapping softly….
    "Excellent Lieutenant…you’ve seen the real picture. I would never have foreseen that there would one day – be a Schinicin Naval officer – worthy of being my successor…. Now, in you, I believe that I have found this candidate for ascension…."
Quietly, the Grand Admiral rose then placed his paws either side of the young lieutenants scaled shoulders.
    "By his Imperial Majesty – I hereby and forthwith – declare upon you, the rank – privileges and responsibilities – of the rank of Admiral, of his Imperial Majesties Schinicin Naval Fleet."
Overcome, the newly elevated Admiral could only look up at his superior officer with a look of shock and total disbelief.
    "Congratulations – Admiral." Sith Hirr Draconis whispered. "Take your command – you have the bridge…."

    With that announcement, Sith Hirr Draconis swept from the bridge of the Schinicin flagship….


            Somewhere near Foxville

    "Who – are you people?" Gasped the mangy looking possum.
    "I – " Glider began. "Am Corporal – "
    "Shut up!" Screamed the Possum, as he waved the sniper rifle warningly. "Who are you?"
    "I am – " Glider repeated.
    "Shut up…shut-up… shutup!" Screamed the possum, as he collapsed, then convulsed wildly.
Seizing the opportunity, Glider managed to disarm the deranged possum – and Silverfox injected the possum with a powerful tranquilliser – from her field medicine kit.
    "He – " Glider spoke, as he picked himself up.
    "He’s seriously deranged…." Silverfox whimpered. "Look at him – his pelt is brittle and bone dry, his pads are cracked and bleeding, his ribs are showing…. He needs urgent medical assistance and immense psychological treatment."
    "Is he a –" Mack asked.
    "I – do not know, if he is one of ours…." Silverfox groaned. "He’s obviously suffered some severe trauma…and it’s deranged him. I’d say, he’s been through Meldaron’s hell – and back again. He is gravely undernourished and very dehydrated – which would add to his possible psychosis…."
Mack sighed, then pulled out his emergency radio. Quickly – he set it up and sent an emergency distress call to the waiting shuttle. Thirty minutes later, the shuttle touched down about seventy meters from where they were hidden. Glider and Mack carried the hideously underweight possum to the shuttle, and then Silverfox followed…. Once aboard the shuttle, it took off and flew directly back to the Meldaron base.  Once the shuttle touched down, Major Blacktalon was waiting to welcome them back – but his muzzle betrayed his distress – when he saw only three corporals emerge from the shuttle.
    "You three – my office – now." Snarled the Major.

    Fearing some terrible punishment, the three friends hung their heads and made their way to the Major’s office…. Here, they filed inside – followed by the coyote Major, which smashed the door closed behind him, then began pacing the office floor agitatedly.
    "Sir – " Glider began.
    "Shut up!" Screamed the enraged Coyote.
    "Sir – if we may be permitted to speak – " Silverfox asked.
    "Corporal – you three are really in over your heads – so shut up…and I’ll try to get you out of it…with court-martialling only…." Shrieked the Major. "So just – for Millar's sake – keep your muzzles shut."
    "Sargent!" Snarled the Coyote.
    "Sir!" Replied the Sargent, as he entered.
    "Have these three – confined to their quarters – pending a full High Command judicial sitting…."
    "Sir?" Asked the stunned Sargent.
    "Do it!" Major Blacktalon shrieked. "Or you will be joining them!"
    "Yes sir – alright – you heard the Major…move!" Growled the Sargent.

    Shocked and bewildered – the three friends were led from the Major’s office. Once they had gone, he slumped down in to his chair – then glanced down at the documentation and other evidence that lay within the green tabbed folders on his desk.
    "I can not believe it – " Major Blacktalon whispered. "I can not believe – these three are betraying the Meldaron resistance…. Yet – here is the evidence, to accuse them of treason against the Meldaron forces…. There’s Schinicin secret transmission codes, high level documentation on the base layout, location and defence systems – it just doesn’t sit well with me…."
Angrily, he swept the folders and documents in to a locked cabinet then stormed from the office….


    Silverfox, Mack and Glider sat in their chambers, fear evident in their young faces.
    "What have we done?" Glider asked.
    "I wish I knew…." Silverfox whimpered. "I wish I knew…."
    "We’re being treated like – prisoners – or something…." Mack sniffled.
    "Mack – " Glider spoke. "We are prisoners. I get the feeling – that we’ve been confined to quarters – pending a full military court hearing, where if we’re lucky – we’ll be court-martialled and only jailed for the rest of our lives…."
Silverfox shuddered violently.
    "If we’re unlucky?" Mack whimpered pitifully.
    "Then – we’ll be executed – as traitors. We’re at war Mack…. Traitors will not be dealt with lightly…."
Mack burst in to tears, and Silverfox hugged the young wolf tightly. From outside, come the guard’s angry growls, then some heated words. After a few moments, the door was unlocked and Whitetail stormed in to the chamber.
    "I can not believe you three!" Whitetail shrieked. "After all we’ve done for you – "
    "Whitetail – " Glider spoke up.
    "Corporal – sit down and shut up!" Whitetail snarled in rage. "How? How could you betray us like this?"
    Whitetail began pacing the chamber agitatedly, his paws clenched in disbelief and rage.
    "What – "

    "Shut up – and listen to me!" Whitetail seethed. "Within the day – you three are to be tried before a full sitting of the High Command…on charges of treason, spying and espionage."
    "We – " Silverfox wept.
    "Do not try to sweet-talk me Corporal – as it won’t work. Evidence was found out, that you were actually spying on the Meldaron forces – and passed along this information to your Schinicin companions…. Now, you’ll feel the full might of the Meldaron military…."
    "We – didn’t do anything !" Silverfox pleaded.
    "No? Then how do you explain that you survived that bungled raid on the power station, when both your own – and Lt. Deerinea’s squad was either captured or killed? Now, thanks to you betraying not only me – but also the Meldaron military – Lt. Deerinea has been taken prisoner…and is being sent…to the Schinicin home world itself! Here, she will die – under torture, within days. I know her – better than anyone – and they can and will make her divulge anything and everything – about the Meldaron forces…. Thanks to your betrayal – we are all going to either die…or worse – spend the rest of our lives…as Schinicin prison world occupants…."
    "What – " Glider moaned. "We’re innocent! We didn’t do anything to betray the Meldaron forces?"
    "Do not bother trying to convince me." Whitetail spoke. "Instead – save your energy for the court-martial…. Guard!"

    There was the click of the chamber door lock and Whitetail walked from the chambers, where he paused – then looked back at them.
    "I trusted you all – loved you – and this is how you show my honesty and respect for what I’ve done? I just pray – that somehow – you’re innocent of these charges…. If you’re guilty and sentenced to death – then as a former friend – I personally – will execute you myself. It will be quick, painless – and thankfully – easier for us all…."

    With that, he walked from the chambers – and the door locked behind him….


            Full Sitting of the Meldaron High Command

    In laser-handcuffs, the three friends were lead at gunpoint in to the main hall, which had been converted in to a courtroom. Here, they stood – and waited.
"All rise – " Snarled a Weasel Commander.
Silverfox, Mack and Glider watched – as the full High Command of the Meldaron forces filed in, then took their allocated seats. There was a wide variety of the different species of Meldaron, all of whom held some of the highest ranks within the armed forces. There were admirals, generals, and to everyone’s surprise – the king of Meldaron himself…. King Reyard was the last to enter, but the first to take his throne of office, as head judge and Commander in Chief of the Meldaron forces. After he had seated himself, the other assorted military officers sat.
    "This court will now come to order – " Spoke the king calmly. "May Millar bless this court – and enable us to reach an honest – and open judgement – without bias and personal prejudice. Is there a defence for the accused?"
    "Sir – " Spoke a young Pearldinean, as he rose. "I have been appointed the defence for the accused."
    "Very well – prosecutor – you may begin…." Spoke the king.
    Sidling casually up to where the accused stood, the old Tashan prosecutor spoke.  "Is it not true, that you three – stand before the court – accused of very heinous crimes against the people, and the military itself?"
    "Objection – " Come the Pearldineans reply.
    "On what grounds defence?" Asked the king.
    "Sir, on the grounds of being – the question is irrelevant to the case. Prosecution is badgering the accused."
    "Objection noted. Prosecutor – please choose your words a little more carefully."

    With a sigh, the prosecutor pounced once again.
    "Thank you – sir. Is it not true, that in a raid against a Schinicin power station, that you three – "
    "Sustained." Come the king’s response.
    "Forgive me – is it not true the accused were the only ones to escape alive – and seemingly unharmed?"
    "Objection – "
    "Overruled. Prosecutor – state your point."
    "Thank you sir – my point, is out of two dozen well trained officers and troopers – these three – "
    "Sustained – prosecutor, you will address them as the accused…not as these three…."

    "Sir – Okay," Spoke the Prosecutor. "Evidence was discovered of the alleged guilty party – having obtained through unknown means – top secret information regarding the Meldaron military. Also discovered, was a Schinicin communication device and Imperial codes. As of yet, our cryptography and intelligence personnel have yet to crack these codes and analyse them for what they may reveal…."
With that, he returned to his seat. After a few moments, the defences counsel rose.
    "Your honour, respected members of the High Command – permission to address the court?"
    "Permission granted." Spoke the King.
    "It is alleged, that the defence has been – found to possess top secret documentation, plans and battle plans for our strikes against the Schinicin infrastructure and military divisions, that have taken this planet. It is also alleged, that they have betrayed the Meldaron armed forces – and alerted the Schinicin troopers to the raid on the power station at Foxville – which led to the capture and execution of nearly the entire squad – with only these three – "
    "Sustained – "
    "Forgive me – the capture and execution of nearly the entire squad – with only the accused – managing somehow, to escape the massacre. I would like permission, for the alleged to take the stand, and under oath – speak of their mission – and give their own accounts for what happened…."
    "Counsel for the prosecution?"
    "I have no objections your honour."

    "Make it so – the alleged may take the stand. I want them to be separated and kept confined, until each has – by themselves – given their evidence on this mission. Corporal Shazri – take the stand. Lieutenant, take the others outside – and keep them under guard."
Quickly, Mack staggered to the stand, whilst Glider and Silverfox were led at gunpoint out of the court….
    "Corporal Shazri – " Spoke the king softly. "You realise the penalties for lying to a military court?"
    "Yes sir – I do."
    "You promise to speak only the truth, and nothing else but, on pain of death by execution?"
    "Yes sir – "
Nodding, the King gave the floor to the prosecution…and the court trial really took hold….


            Full sitting of the Meldaron High Command – nine hours later….

    After a record amount of information, accusations, counter-claims and evidence, the judges had retired to discuss and think about what they had heard. Mack, Silverfox and Glider were kept separated and held in the prison cells. When at last the court reconvened, they were brought back in to the courtroom…here…to face the decision of the court.
    "Court is now in session – all rise!" Snarled the Weasel Commander.
There was the shuffling of boots, as everyone rose, then the judges retook their seats.
    "Be seated – court is now in session." Spoke the king. "After much deliberation – and extensive examination of the testimonies of the accused, various tests and other examinations of the said accused – we have reached a decision on this case…."
    "We shall now – hand down our decision…." Spoke the King.
    "Corporal Mack Shazri – the court finds – not guilty. He is acquitted of the crimes of treason, spying and covert operations seeking to endanger the Meldaron armed forces."

    Mack breathed a sigh of relief….

    "Corporal Glider - the court finds - not guilty."

    Glider visibly wilted.

    "Corporal Silverfox Relah Star – the court finds – guilty – "

    Silverfox’s eyes widened in horror, and her muzzle dropped open, as her knees buckled.

    "Corporal Silverfox – you are guilty of the following list of charges, brought against you…. Guilty, of disobeying a direct order from a superior officer. Guilty – of wilful insubordination. Guilty – of loss or destruction of military equipment. Guilty – of wilful betrayal of trust – namely in the deaths of dozens of the Sessesh soldiers, during your raid on the Schinicin refinery complex, and further – most seriously; accusations of treasonous activity and mention of betrayal – by a superior officer…."
    "Sir – permission to speak?" Corporal Silverfox gasped.
    "Permission granted." Spoke the King.
    "You honour, may I make noted – my objections to some of these charges, as laid against me?"
    "Some?" Asked the King.
    "Yes sir – some. I am guilty – of disobeying a superior officer. I admit that. I directly disobeyed Whitetail’s orders to fall back…when instructed. Sir – I did such, knowing that should I do as ordered – then he would have surely perished, as would have Lieutenant Deerinea – who was critically wounded in the battle. Further, I am guilty of the loss of my own personal military equipment – in the battle and destruction of the refinery…. Further, I admit my own lack of training and my own fear – during the battle in the refinery – that led to the deaths of dozens of the Sessesh soldiers…."
    "I – see." Spoke the King softly. "What of the treasonous activities of mentioning the betrayal of a superior officer – namely – Captain Uzuri?"

    "Sir – I still maintain those charges – and I will swear by my statement. Captain Uzuri, with all due respect, ordered me – to take point. I had received minimal training in the Meldaron military forces, and I felt strongly, that I was not capable of performing the duties assigned to me. When I asked to be relieved – I was ordered to continue, with Captain Uzuri knowing full well – that I was untrained – and unqualified to act in any covert operation…."
    "Major Blacktalon – is this true?" Growled the King.
    "You honour," Replied Major Blacktalon respectfully. "I had noticed – that Captain Uzuri – with all due respect accorded – did seem to have some personal…problems …with Corporal Silverfox. Analysis of the mission reports and pack mounted receivers – do specifically state – that all is as Corporal Silverfox has spoken…."
    "So – Captain Uzuri wilfully ordered a recruit – to take charge of the entire squad, realising that said recruit, was indeed – unqualified – to perform these duties?"
    "Yes sir."
    "What has happened to Captain Uzuri? – Where is she Corporal Silverfox."
    "Your honour – when the private set off the flame mine – Corporal Glider forced myself, and Corporal Mack Shazri under the water…. Sir – we only know that when the flames had retreated – the squad was either dead – or dying…. We admit – sir – that we did not take all due care, as the Schinicin soldiers were alerted to our presence – and come after us. We did not see – nor hear – Captain Uzuri…immediately prior to the flame mine being triggered. At last confirmed report – was that Captain Uzuri – was at the back of the squad, covering our retreat from the Schinicin power station…."

    "Major Blacktalon – is this standard patrol routine?" Asked the King, as he rested his maned chin on his paw.
    "No – your honour. It is not standard military proceedurel…."
    "I – see…." Whispered the King. "Corporal Silverfox – you are hereby acquitted of all but the most serious charges laid against you. As for the charge of accusations of treasonous activity and mention of betrayal – by a superior officer – you are found – guilty. You are herby sentenced to fifteen years of hard labour, at the Meldaron military prison, in Vallin…."
    "Sir – permission to speak!" Pleaded Silverfox.
    "Granted – " Spoke the king.
    "Sir – with all due respect, the court has the transcripts of all aspects of our mission, including our sworn statements - and the statement of Major Blacktalon…."
    "Corporal – do not waste our time. Make your point…."
    "Sir – it seems – that I am – with all due respect to you and the High Command – that I am being unfairly – " Silverfox stammered.

    Slowly, the King rose and glared down at Silverfox, who cringed, beneath his righteous gaze.
    "Unfairly? Unfairly?" He shrieked. "What know you of military court proceedings?"
Silverfox rose to her full height, in an act of open defiance. Her eyes blazed with her own self-righteous feelings. Surprised, the king blinked and the guards immediately snapped their weapons up – covering her.
    "I will not!" Silverfox shrieked as she snatched the Spear of Meldaron from her belt, then it sprang in to its full seven feet length, it’s crystal tip blazing. "Will not be blamed – for someone else’s incompetence! I was not responsible – for what happened, and I should not – be blamed for Captain Uzuri’s betrayal!"
One of the guards panicked, then fired at Silverfox. With a move faster than lightning, she dodged – and the blaster shot splintered the table behind her. Crouching, she gripped the spear in both paws – then a blinding beam of light erupted from its tip…. With a strangled scream, the guard crashed backwards and slumped down the wall. Immediately, more soldiers boiled in to the courtroom, alerted by security alarms. One knelt beside the stricken soldier – then looked up and shook his head sadly.
    "He – he’s dead…." Whispered the soldier.
    "Guards! Arrest this Vixen!" Shrieked the King.
As they moved in, the double doors smashed open and Whitetail erupted in to the chambers.
    "Wait!" He screamed, his voice echoing off the walls and startling both the High Command and soldiers alike….
    "Whitetail – " Snarled the King "You better have a very good explanation for this…"
    "Your Highness – respected members of the High Command – I have something – to add to this inquest…."
    "We’ve reached our decision Whitetail – " Growled an Admiral "It stands. This court is adjourned."
    "No Sir!" Whitetail snarled, then fronted the bench. "It is not adjourned!"
    "Whitetail – " Spoke the King. "Do not drag yourself in to this…."
    "Sire – with all due respect – you’ve got rocks for brains!"

    Silence seized the court, as the King sat down slowly, his eyes wide in disbelief.

    "I’ve – what ?" He breathed.
Whitetail grabbed Silverfox by her uniform collar and dragged her before the bench. Silverfox’s teeth chattered and her eyes were wide in terror.
    "Sire – do you know what this spear is?" Whitetail snarled.
    "It’s a force-spear – " Spoke the King.
    "Sire – have a good look…. This – my highness – is the legendary Spear of Meldaron…."
    "Oh come on – " Chuckled a General. "That’s fallacy – it’s been lost for over five hundred years – "
    "Is it?" Whitetail shot back. "Do any of you – know anything of the legends of the Spear of Meldaron?"
    "Get him out of here – " Snarled an Admiral. "He’s making a mockery out of this court."
    "With due respect Admiral – " Spoke the King thoughtfully. "Whitetail – must be given the accordance to speak…."
Sullenly, the sceptical Admiral retook his seat, and listened.
    "Thank you – your majesty." Spoke Whitetail. "It is true – the legends that surrounded the Spear of Meldaron – have abounded for centuries. No one truly believed that this powerful artefact actually existed…. Now, I – and this vixen who stands beside me – were present when Millar herself – presented the Spear of Meldaron – to Corporal Silverfox."

    Faint and mocking laughter come from some of the High Command – and the contingent of soldiers.

    "If – " Grated the King. "What you say is true – then how can we verify it?"
    "Sire – you of all people – would know of the true legends of the Spear…would you not?" Whitetail asked.
    "Of course – " Nodded the King.
    "Sir – then you – of all people – must acknowledge, that this is the real Spear…."
    "Enough of this mockery – " Snarled the Admiral. "I’ve heard enough."
    "Admiral – if you please – shoot at Corporal Silverfox…." Whitetail spoke.

    With a sigh, the Admiral rose and a soldier handed him his sidearm. Taking careful aim, the Admiral squeezed – and fired. A bright emerald green field of force erupted in to existence around Silverfox, deflecting the blaster shot harmlessly in to the ceiling. Even Silverfox was stunned by this display.
    "This proves nothing – a personal force shield device…."
    "Your majesty – may I have Corporal Silverfox searched for electronic shielding devices?"
Nodding, the king gestured.  Quickly, Silverfox was frisked vigorously, much to her evident displeasure. Even an electronic scanner was run all over her – with negative results.
    "I’m still not convinced – " Snarled the Admiral. "I want proof – not some puppy-hood hocus pocus…."
    "Sire?" Asked Whitetail.
Intrigued, the King nodded softly.
    "My esteemed officers, and his Excellency…. I have but one last test – if you will permit me?" Whitetail asked.
    "Proceed." Spoke the King.
    "My lord – " Whitetail nodded. "As legend has foretold – the Spear of Meldaron can only be wielded by the chosen one…. Its powers are many and varied – as we’ve only just now – seen it’s lesser talents…. One of it’s most kept secrets – is the ability to find those amongst it’s immediate vicinity – who are not what they seem…."

    Blinking, the sceptical Admiral loosened his collar, as if he was growing uncomfortable….
    "Corporal Silverfox – command the spear – to reveal the identities of those present…."
Silverfox sent a mental command to the spear – and it trembled in her hand. Slowly, it pointed at the king – and its white crystal tip – emitted a low powered beam. This beam enfolded the king – and turned red…. Next, the General who was sitting beside the King…with similar results. Further and further down the thirteen members of the High Command it moved, and the Admiral became more and more restless….
    "This – is ludicrous." Snarled the Admiral. "It doesn’t prove anything!"
    "To the contrary – Admiral …." Whitetail whispered menacingly. "What it is doing – is detecting the heat signature – as given off – by all warm blooded creatures…."

    Finally, the spear turned its beam on the Admiral…. After a few seconds – the beam turned green…. With a shriek of reptilian rage, the Admirals skin bubbled and ran like wax, as a reptilian form materialised. Instantly, the soldiers snapped their weapons up – but the Spear of Meldaron pulsed angrily – then a blinding white light shot out and the reptilian officer collapsed to the floor….
    "Millar’s name!" Gasped the King. "He was a – "
    "Sire – he was a Sur-Tak…a shape-changer…. A precious and rare Schinicin…. They are used, for infiltrating enemy command structures. Once they have analysed and found their potential victim, they use all they know to get to know and mimic the victim…. Once the routine, pattern – call it what you will – is learned…the victim is killed, and the Sur-Tak takes its place. They are virtually impossible to detect…."
    "How did you know – "
    Whitetail sighed sadly. "I had – my suspicions – and I am grateful – they were not proven false."
    "Whitetail – you were right about my brains…. By Millar's name – " Whispered the King in shock. "How long – "
    "Sire – it is impossible – to say how long that Admiral Naskir was being impersonated…. I wish I had a way of telling you…."
    "Corporal Silverfox – " Spoke the King.
    "Sir?" Asked Silverfox fearfully.
    "I hereby – drop any and all sentences – against you. Whitetail – has proven your true innocence in all this. Captain!"
    "Sir!" Come an Alchemian Captains reply.
    "Take this – thing – to the cells. Make sure it is secured. Our interrogation officers will be most interested in this creature…."
    "Yes sir." Spoke the captain. "At once sir."
    "Further – order an immediate and thorough search of Admiral Naskir – and Captain Uzuri’s quarters…. Further – keep this well covered up Captain. It never happened."
    "Yes sir."

    Two soldiers quickly bound and dragged the unconscious Schinicin away. Shuddering with revulsion, the King spoke again.
    "Corporal Silverfox – "
    "Sir?" Silverfox asked.
    "Could you – would you – be willing – to partake in an examination – of others? I wish to see just how many – may have been infiltrated – or may…be spies working for the Schinicin."
    "Sir – I’d be – honoured…but I must – respectfully decline sir."
    "Why?" Asked the King.
    "Sir – with all due respect to you…a very good friend – Lt. Deerinea – has been taken prisoner…and is being taken to the Schinicin home world…. Sir – I respectfully ask permission, to launch a rescue mission…to try and save her."
    "Corporal – "
    "Sir – please…. Lt. Deerinea – more than once – risked her own life…to rescue my friends, and me. It is the least – we could do for her…in return."
    "Whitetail – is this true ?"

    Sadly – Whitetail hung his head.
    "Yes – your majesty. Lt. Deerinea was captured in the mission to destroy the Schinicin power station…and our operatives – have reported that they seen her being loaded in to a Schinicin shuttle…whose course was set for the Schinicin home world. Sir – "
    "Do it Whitetail…. Oh – another thing…."
    "Sir?" Whitetail asked.
    "Welcome back – Commander Whitetail." Spoke the King.
    "Yes sir – thank you sir. Permission to see to the mission?"
    "Millar be with you – make it so." Spoke the King.
    "Corporals Silverfox, Glider and Mack – with me!" Snapped Whitetail.
Immediately, the guards unlocked the restraints and Glider, Silverfox and Mack ran from the chambers, following Whitetail….


            On-board the Schinicin Flagship

    A soft beep alerted the Grand Admiral. Idly, he reached out and touched the communication button.
    "Yes Admiral?" Asked the Grand Admiral.
    "Sire – sensors are detecting a Schinicin shuttle launching from Camer. It’s transponder and markings match – just awaiting the transmission of the clearance codes…."
    With a sigh – the Grand Admiral come fully awake and spoke in to the comlink.  "I’m on my way Admiral – hold them until I arrive."
    "Yes sir."
    After a few minutes, the Grand Admiral strode on to the bridge of his flagship.
    "Grand Admiral on deck!" Yelled an officer.
    "Report on Camer shuttle – " Snapped the Grand Admiral.
    "Sir – shuttle claims to have a priority class A-15-Z81 order…from…." Gasped the newly advanced Admiral.
    "It’s just come through sir!" Whispered the stunned Admiral. "It’s a direct communication – from the Emperor himself!"
    "Authenticate this order… now!" Shrieked the Grand Admiral.

    Hurriedly, the order was checked – then rechecked against the very latest Imperial codes and even a hyperspeed transmission link back to the Schinicin home world verified the order. It was indeed – signed and authorised by the Emperor himself.
    "Sir – it’s authenticated…." Stammered the Admiral.
Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis exhaled softly, fear beginning to grow within him.
    "Admiral – assign a flight of our fighters to this shuttle…." Hissed the Grand Admiral. "Give it emergency clearance…."
    "Yes sir – " Spoke the Admiral, as he relayed the order to the flight crews and communications technicians.
Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis watched the sensors, as the shuttle flew past the flagship – then the fighter escort rendezvoused with it – and the five ships shimmered – then leapt in to star drive….
    "Sire – " Spoke the Admiral. "A holo-transmission from Camer sir…."
    "I’ll take it in my personal quarters – " Spoke the Grand Admiral.
    "Aye sir…." Spoke the younger reptilian officer.
Sith Hirr Draconis turned and made his way off the bridge, leaving the worried younger Admiral to carry on with his assigned orders.
    "Grand Admiral off the bridge…." Yelled the Officer.

    In his dark chambers, then Grand Admiral lay his great bulk down, and then he pressed the button and received the holo-transmission…. A young, black-haired female vixen materialised before the Grand Admiral.
    "Ah – operative Uzuri…an unexpected pleasure…." Smiled the Grand Admiral.
    Slowly, the holographic Uzuri bowed to the Grand Admiral.   "Sire – I’ve got bad news…. Three Meldaron’s escaped the trap we laid for them in the power station – but they were spotted jumping to their deaths…."
    "Can you confirm that they died?" Asked Sith Hirr Draconis.
    "Sire – it was quite…a large fall…. I do not see how anyone could have survived that fall…." Uzuri replied calmly.
    "Uzuri – order an immediate and thorough exploration of where they fell…. I want proof – that they were killed…. If they still live – then there is a high chance that…."
    "Sire – before we set out on this mission – I had our infiltration officer plant incriminatory evidence in these young Meldaron’s quarters…. Should they be discovered to have survived – then they will front the Meldaron High Command…and be summarily shot as being spies…. I’ve got all the bases – as they say – covered…."
    "Just – ensure that you’re right Uzuri…. I’ve already had enough people displease me of late – and I do not want any more…unexpected news…." Hissed the Grand Admiral venomously. "Now – what of this shuttle and order from the Emperor himself?"
    "Sir – " Uzuri spoke. "His Imperial Majesty – wanted someone of the Meldaron High Command…to be taken prisoner. Sadly, this proved to be impossible – but we did managed to capture a lieutenant of the – "

    "A – "
    "Sir – this lieutenant – is one of those – who were directly responsible – for the destruction and disruption of many Schinicin plans…. Her name is Lieutenant Deerinea, and she is a field operative – for the Meldaron military’s covert operations division…. I do not doubt – that the Schinicin Emperor will find out – much – about the Meldaron forces…. His Imperial Majesty’s personal interrogation officers – are well trained…and quite efficient. I guarantee you, that this lieutenant will break – and within the week – you will have all the information to crush the Meldaron resistance…with one firm and decisive strike…." Uzuri smiled cruelly.
    "Excellent Uzuri – your dedication and diligence – will be well rewarded. Now, do all you can, to find me the bodies of those escaped Meldaron’s…or if they are alive – then do what-ever it takes – to try and find out more about them…. I want everything there is to know about them Captain…."
    "Of course – sire." Uzuri smiled – then her holographic image broke apart in to sparkling ions – which faded.
    "Yes indeed – " Spoke the Grand Admiral to himself. "Yes – my traitorous young vixen…. Once you are no longer of any use to me – or the Empire – you will be executed…."


            Meldaron Base Star-fighter Hangar.

    A small company of Meldaron soldiers and flight-crew were gathered on the decking of the star-fighter hangar. A large podium had been set up, and Commander Drakmarian slowly took the stage….
    "My friends – my people…." Commander Drakmarian’s tired voice called. "Hear me! Today, we begin the fight back – against the Schinicin forces who have blockaded our world…. Today, we launch – the counter-strike!"
A few scattered cheers rang out throughout the hangar.
    "Some of our field operatives – have managed to capture four Schinicin star-fighters. I ask, if there is anyone amongst you, with star-ship piloting experience, to come and see me…preferably with military experience, but any flight experience would be appreciative."
    "How can we be expected to fly their fighter craft?" Spoke a young Pearldinean.
    "Our technical squad is modifying the neuro-net helmets the Schinicin use to pilot their vehicles. It is hoped, that the Meldaron pilots will have a 95 percent chance, to successfully control the fighters." Commander Drakmarian spoke.
    "Sir – what of the Schinicin naval fleet? They’ll detect us and cut us from the sky!"

    Commander Drakmarian spoke. "This mission consists of two parts…. Using the stolen Schinicin shuttle as a decoy – our Meldaron fighters will shoot at it as it runs for safety to the Schinicin naval fleet – then just as the capital class vessels launch their own fighters – our star-fighters will break off immediately. I repeat – once you detect Schinicin fighters – break off the mock attack on the shuttle…. Do whatever you must, to escape and evade the Schinicin fighter craft. Our intelligence operatives have captured the latest Schinicin naval fleet codes…. Using these codes, the small fighter escort – leading the rescue shuttle – will be able to bypass the Schinicin forces. Once they are safely away, then we can only wait and pray – awaiting their success…or failure. If they succeed, then we may instigate phase two, of our planned fight-back. Until we hear either way – from our rescue team – then operation Counter-Strike will occur in exactly two weeks time…."
    "Sir – won’t the Schinicin naval fleet notice that their fighter escort of a shuttle is deviating from any set flight path?" Another Meldaron asked.
    "A good question…. Yes – but if all goes well – the stolen fighters and shuttle – will be well past the Schinicin blockade – and make their jump in to star-drive. Once they’ve done this, and the Schinicin have scrambled their star-fighters to intercept our own star-fighters… then you are to immediately retreat, and lead them in all directions…. If you can escape, then return here to the hangar. If not – then by Millar's name – take a few of those reptilian bastards with you!"

    The assembled Meldaron pilots to this welcome idea of attack uttered a loud cheer….

    Commander Whitetail took the podium, then addressed the massed crew and pilots.
    "Our communications Tech's have intercepted the latest Schinicin movements in this continent. Our Intelligence and cryptography operatives are at this moment, decoding this information. We’ve also intercepted Schinicin codes, which it is hoped, will enable us to slip past their orbiting Star-Crushers. I can’t hide the truth from you all…. This mission will be dangerous. We have little in the way of intelligence on the Schinicin forces, and already, their presence is being felt and Meldaron’s are being rounded up and sent to re-education camps."
    "Commander – how will the flight crews of the fighters and shuttle…when they get to the Schinicin home-world – will they get past the Schinicin? How will they survive?"
    "An excellent question – for which – I have an answer. Our Tech’s have managed to design a Schinicin looking environmental suit, that will turn the chlorine rich atmosphere of the Schinicin world – in to oxygen – that our rescue squad will be able to breathe…. Of course, they will have to keep low, as it would seem strange, should they be seen walking the main streets…wearing environmental suits. Now, may Millar watch over you all, and be with you. To your stations…."
Swiftly the Meldaron’s scattered, making their preparations and checking their orders for deployment. Commander Whitetail led Silverfox, Glider and Mack aside.
    "Any of you three had any military piloting experience?" He asked.
Silverfox looked at Glider, who hesitantly nodded.
    "I’m not militarily trained – but I’ve had extensive flight experience…." Glider spoke.
    "Close enough – come on…we’ll get you familiarised with the fighter…."
    "What about us two?" Silverfox asked.
    "Well – Glider here…could use a co-pilot in the fighter…."
    "I’ll do it – " Silverfox spoke. "I’ve had some minor experience through my life…."
    "What about me?" Mack whimpered.
    "Mack," Whitetail told the young Tashan. "I’m going to have my paws full with the shuttle… You think you could help me with it?"
    "I…." Mack began.
    "Mack, it’s not an order. I could order you to do it – but please…." Whitetail asked.
    Mack looked at Silverfox and Glider, then nodded sadly. "I’ll do it."

    Whitetail thanked him curtly, then led Silverfox and Glider to their waiting fighter craft. Silverfox was shocked to see the fighter, as it was capable of both planet-side flight capability as well as fighting in deep space. In the distance, could be seen the Schinicin shuttle, the technicians swarming over her, modifying the flight controls and disposing of the chlorine gas life support systems. Silverfox and Mack were ordered in to their flight suits and then in to the twin seater fighter. Here, the Tech’s adjusted the straps and showed them the controls for the fighter. Glider hesitantly took the neuro-helmet and slipped it on to his head. Once he had tightened the chinstrap, he switched on the fighters main controls…then felt as if his head had exploded.

    Agonising waves of bone destroying pain ripped through him, making him buck and writhe mercilessly, as the on-board flight systems overwhelmed the non-Schinicin Glider. As swiftly as they could, the Tech’s’ cut power to the fighter, then they somehow managed to get the neuro-helmet off him. Glider’s face was deathly pale, and convulsions tore through him as his system reacted to the nervous system overload.
    "Damn it all…." Whitetail snarled from down below. "I thought you said this thing was safe!"
    "We did test it…." Come a stunned Tech’s’ reply. "We do not know what happened…."
    "Medic! Medic to flight deck!" Someone yelled.
A Lapine medic came running, and three Meldaron’s managed to drag Glider from the fighter.
    "Is he going too…." Silverfox wept.
    "He’s in a bad way – " Spoke the medic. "Sub-dural nervous system damage to the primary and secondary motor nerves…."
    "Will he live?" Silverfox snapped, her anger reaching boiling point.
    "He might…that is all that I can say. I’ll need to keep him under sedation, and run further testing on him…."
    "Oh just terrific…." Whitetail snarled in anger. " Now what?"

    Glider was tranquillised and laid out on a portable stretcher, waiting to be taken to sickbay.
    "Whitetail – can you fly one of these things?" Silverfox asked.
    "I could – but my nervous system won’t interface with it properly…. I would probably pilot us right in to a mountain or something…."
    "Let me try it – " Silverfox began. "What have we got to lose."
Whitetail stared up at her, then shuddered.
    "Listen to me!" Spoke the medic. "If this doesn’t work – then there is a very high chance the on-board systems will totally overload your nervous system…and kill you!"
    "It is a chance I have to take…." Silverfox spoke, then clambered in to the pilots seat.
    "Silverfox – " Whitetail asked. "You do not have to do this…. Do not risk all for what may be a worthless cause!"
    "You’re a military person…. You and I both know the risks involved in this…but we likewise both know…the very real threat that is endangering us all."
Whitetail fell silent, then gazed up at her….
    "You know I speak the truth." Silverfox spoke.
    "Aye lassie - that you do - go on…." Commander Whitetail replied, bowing to her wishes in this regard.

    With the medical team immediately at hand – Silverfox picked up the neuro-helm…and placed it on her head. Her paw shaking – Silverfox reached out – and touched the contact sensor on the console before her…. Silverfox’s body contorted in agony – and Whitetail leapt to save her, but Silverfox gritted her teeth and waved him away – her breath panting heavily….
    "Silver – " Mack whimpered.
    "I – " Silverfox gasped. "I’m alright…."
Drawing choking breaths, Silverfox reigned in the agonising waves of pain and she slowly brought herself back under control…. Slowly – she reached out and took the stick in her paws…. Nausea tore it’s spectral claws through her, as the ship tried to assert it’s hold over the young Meldaron vixen – but Silverfox summoned all her mental defences…and to everyone’s surprise and quick pleasure – the ship relent. It come to full life, it’s three engines cycling rapidly up in to readiness. Excited cheers rang out through the hangar, and Whitetail looked up at Silverfox’s sweat matted face.
    "Corporal – " Whitetail began. "Silverfox – "
Slowly, Silverfox looked down at him.
    "Are you certain you’re alright?" Asked Whitetail.
    "I’m – a little nauseous…but I’ll be fine…. Come on Commander – let’s go rescue Deerinea…."

    Other pilots, under Silverfox’s instructions – quickly learned how to master their own Schinicin fighters…. Flight technicians gave the fighters a quick check-over, before they were cleared for flight….
    "Silverfox – I do not need to tell you – " Commander Whitetail began.
Silverfox looked down then smiled weakly.   "Commander – May Millar watch over you…." Silverfox whispered, then sealed the cockpit.
    "With you – as well…." Whitetail sighed. "Corporal Shazri!"
    "Sir?" Mack answered.
    "Is the flight crew aboard the shuttle?"
    "Yes sir – we’re ready for departure…." Mack replied.
Whitetail sighed, then retrieved his own flight-suit and helmet.
    "Come on Commander – " Mack spoke. "Let’s take the battle to the Schinicin…."

    Whitetail watched the Schinicin and Meldaron fighters launch, then he heard his own Schinicin shuttle warming its engines up to launch speed. Quickly, he ran up aboard the shuttle – and slapped the hatchway closed….
    "Clear – take off when-ever you’re ready pilot!" Whitetail spoke.
    "Aye sir – we’re on our way…."
With an explosive acceleration, the Schinicin shuttle launched its way in to the dark skies of Meldaron. Moments after they had left, a medic in the infirmary gasped – her paws flying to her muzzle as she dropped the flask she had held. In horror, the medical officer stared at the results of Silverfox’s blood test, and then she slapped the comlink sensor.
    "Wait!" Shrieked the medic. "Have Corporal Silverfox stand down from this mission! Get her out of there!"
    "What in – why?" Come the surprised voice of Major Blacktalon.
    "Why?" Shrieked the Medic. "Why ? Corporal Silverfox – her – "
There was a loud crackle of interference through the comlink, then Major Blacktalon’s voice could be faintly heard – over the roar of the launching fighters.
    "Say again – repeat – say again…was not…clear."
    "Major!" Shrieked the Medic. "Call Corporal Silverfox back! Her very life is in danger!"
    "What?" Come the crackling voice through the comlink.
    "Corporal Silverfox – her life…is in danger! You don’t understand! She is with child!"
    "Oh – sweet Millar…." Major Blacktalon swore. "Quick – patch me through…."
    "Sir – " Come a faint voice. "We can not do that – the fighters – have launched!"
    "Medic – are you… certain?" Major Blacktalon gasped in horror.
    "I am – sir." Come the stunned Medic’s voice. "I just ran some tests, as a precaution – and I found that…."
    "How – how far?"
    "Sir – Corporal Silverfox – I can’t tell sir…." Spoke the Medic. "Without her being here – and being able to run thorough testing…I can’t tell…."
    "Keep me posted – but there is nothing that we can do – Corporal Silverfox…has already launched her fighter…and we’ve no way of contacting them now…."
    "Sir – you do not understand! If she goes through the Stargate…."

    Silence filled the comlink channel, as the Major turned over what the Medical officer had just said….
    "It will – " He breathed faintly.
    "Sir – every time we engage the star-drives…and pass through those Stargates – it adds three months to our lives!"
    "Oh for the love of – " Spoke the Major….
    "Exactly – you see the problem…. If we don’t get Corporal Silverfox back here…we could lose her…."

    There was silence on the comlink system – Major Blacktalon had severed the link….


            Aboard the Schinicin Flagship

    "Grand Admiral on deck!" Shrieked the officer.
Swiftly, the young Admiral twisted about and saluted the great dragon, which strode purposefully on to the bridge.
    "Report – " Snapped the Grand Admiral.
    "Sir – sensors are detecting strange activity on the planets surface…."
    "Admiral – Schinicin shuttle craft and fighter escort closing at high speed! A – a transmission is coming through!"
    "On speakers." Snapped the Admiral.
    "This is – " Spoke a frightened voice, then the voice broke in to static and interference. "Shuttle –"
Crackling and hissing filled the bridge of the Flagship.
    "Someone strengthen and filter that transmission!" Shrieked the Grand Admiral.
    "Drasnarian – we’re – "
    "Sir!" Squealed a startled sensor operator. "Meldaron star-fighters sir! Closing on the shuttle!"
    "Raise shields! Scramble our fighters!" Snarled the Grand Admiral. "NOW!"

    Immediately, the order was sent out – and within seconds – the Schinicin fighters streamed from the Schinicin flagship – and other naval vessels."
    "Shuttle Drasnarian – can you respond?" Spoke the Admiral. "What is going on?"
    "Important – "
    "Shuttle craft!" Growled the Grand Admiral. "Continue on course – Schinicin fighters have been scrambled to your aid…."
    "We’ve lost – "
    "Shuttle Drasnarian!"
    "Fighter – escort…losing shield integrity…. Our weapon systems – " Come the voice from the besieged shuttle craft.
    "Gunners! Track and fire on pursuing Meldaron Star-fighters!" Barked the Grand Admiral. "Attention Schinicin star-fighters…engage at will. Repeat – engage at will!"

    They watched, as one of the Schinicin star-fighters exploded, as a Meldaron star-fighter scored a kill….
    "Star-fighters! Increase speeds and engage! Repeat – increase speed and engage enemy star-fighters!" Snarled the Grand Admiral.
    "Where – Shuttle Drasnarian! You are ordered to land! Repeat – shuttle Drasnarian!"
With a surge of speed, the shuttle and it’s fighter escort increased their drive power – and streaked away from the flagship.
    "Shuttle Drasnarian!" Shrieked the Grand Admiral.
With a shimmer – the shuttle – and it’s three remaining fighters flicked in to star-drive…and vanished!

    "Sir – Meldaron Star-fighters are breaking off and fleeing…permission requested to pursue?"
    "Granted – let’s run these bastards to ground…. All fighters – pursue and destroy the Meldaron Star-fighters. Also – track any and all known destinations for that shuttle – and it’s fighter escort…."
    "Sir – if they’ve gone in to star-drive…."
    "Admiral – I do not want excuses…I want them traced – and captured…. Carry out your orders…."
    "Yes – sir…." Whispered the Admiral. "I want that shuttle’s trajectory plotted…."


            Stolen Schinicin Shuttle and Fighter Escort

    "Commander – Stargate coming up…." Spoke the shuttle pilot.
Commander Whitetail come up in to the cramped shuttle cockpit, then he gazed out at the swirling maelstrom that lay distantly before the shuttles’ nose…. No matter how many times he had travelled through these vortices – they still scared the fur off of him…. No one had ever been able to explain how these – Stargate – worked…or how they formed, but when the Meldaron’s had stumbled upon them purely by accident – they had revolutionised spaceflight and travel between the systems of the galaxy. When a ship passed through them – there was a brief disorientation – then the star-field turned in to streaks of blinding light…. In a matter of minutes, the ship was hundreds of light-years away from where it had started…. Of course, travel through a Stargate had its drawbacks – in that – it aged any organic living creature – three months, per trip through the gateway…. Using powerful computers to plot the trip through the Stargate – the ships of this galaxy found these naturally occurring Stargate – to be of incredible potential – and use.

    Using them allowed the ships of numerous worlds to literally travel from one end of the galaxy – to another – within months…instead of decades, as would have been the case before…. Galaxy wide travel became cheaper and more popular, and as the Stargate was better understood, ships bearing goods for trade began plying the space-routes between systems. Only one drawback comes with a Stargate – in those – invasion fleets like the one that even now – entrenched itself around Meldaron, were a very real threat….
    "Captain – open a channel to the Schinicin fighters escorting us…." Whitetail spoke.
    "Channel open sir." Replied the pilot.
    "Attention all – this is mission commander Whitetail – we’re five minutes out from the Stargate…. I want everyone to stay nice and close – because when we come out – we’re expecting to appear on the edge of the Schinicin system…. I must warn you all – that the Schinicin system has a myriad of dangers…. There are massive asteroid fields just after the Stargate – and more asteroid fields further in to the system…. Many of these asteroid fields are mined with space mines – so be exceptionally careful. Also, the sixth planet in the Schinicin system is a massive gas giant – with an incredible gravitational pull. I would strongly advise – keeping well out of its reach. Lastly – for those who do not know – the Stargate – will age you three months, once you’ve passed through it. I do not know why – or even how this happens…but just be aware…. Alright – here we go!"
With shimmering ripples – the shuttle – and its fighter escort vanished in to the swirling maelstrom that was the Stargate….


    Four days later, they emerged from the other Stargate – on the edge of the Schinicin system…and immediately, Silverfox’s star-fighter careened out of control!
    "Corporal Silverfox!" Whitetail shrieked. "Get that ship under control!"
Silverfox’s agonising shrieks tore from the speakers, as her star-fighter rolled and bucked wildly.
    "Corporal! That’s an order! Get control of yourself!"
    "I – the pain!" Silverfox screamed in agony. "I – can’t – control…."
Silverfox’s fighter veered wildly across the nose of the shuttle – and if it had not of been for the lightning reflexes of the shuttle pilot, there would have been a collision. Two remaining fighters tried to swerve away from her out of control fighter – and they collided and exploded, instantly killing the pilots on-board the stolen star-fighters….
    "Corporal Silverfox!" Commander Whitetail shrieked. "Cut power! Repeat! Cut your engines!"
Somehow, Silverfox managed to cut the power to her star-fighters engines – and it levelled itself out and glided calmly through space…. Silverfox’s heartbreaking sobs come from the ship-ship communication systems.
    "Corporal – are you – alright?" Commander Whitetail asked, concern tinging his voice.
    "I – oh Millar forgive me…." Silverfox panted, her voice choked with her tears.
    "Corporal – what in hell happened?"
    "I – come through the Stargate…and the pain…it was like my entrails were being torn out – with red hot hooks!"
    "Sensory overload? Backlash from the fighter?" Whitetail asked.
    "No – " Silverfox gasped. "I…I couldn’t breathe – my intestines were all twisted and I could not – control myself…."

    Whitetail muffled the comlink system, then summoned the mission medic.
    "Stargate trauma?" Whitetail asked the medical officer.
    "No – " Spoke the young female Coyote. "It doesn’t sound like it…can I speak to her?"
    "Silverfox – I am going to get the mission medic to talk to you…okay?" Whitetail asked.
Silverfox’s heavy panting and faint acknowledgment come back over the comlink.
    "Corporal Silverfox – I am Doctor Chanar…. I am the mission medical officer on-board the shuttle. I want – you to tell me exactly what happened – and how you felt the second you came through the Stargate…and how you feel now."
Gliding through space – Silverfox told Dr. Chanar exactly what had happened, both immediately after their exit from the Stargate – and what she felt now…. Dr. Chanar listened intently, then sighed softly.
    "Corporal – are you capable – of continuing this mission? If you do not think you are – then you should immediately return through the Stargate…and contact the Meldaron base…."
    "I – I am a little better…. There was a lot of pain – and extensive nausea, that tore in to me…but now…."
    "Corporal – were you checked out – before this mission?"
    "Yes…." Silverfox panted, then she sniffled. "I was checked thoroughly – and given a clean passing…."
    "Are you physically – capable of continuing this mission?"
    "Yes – we’ve come this far – we can’t – back out now…." Silverfox whispered, her voice still partially pain-riddled.

    Kicking her ion-drives back in, Silverfox plotted a course for the Schinicin home world. Angrily, the doctor severed the comlink and looked at Whitetail.
    "I do not – have any ideas Commander. All I do know – is that vixen – is not well enough to continue with this mission…. However – since we’ve lost those other two pilots… we do not have any choice…." Growled Dr. Chanar.
    "Thank you Doctor – I shall personally keep a very close eye on her…." Whitetail spoke.
    "Course plotted sir – awaiting your orders…." Spoke the shuttle pilot.
Whitetail looked out through the shuttle windows – at the massive asteroid field that lay before them….
    "Captain – let’s go," Whitetail sighed softly. "As the Schinicin will know – that we’ve arrived soon enough…."
    "Aye sir – engaging ion-drives…now."
Whitetail returned to his seat, then glanced at the worried looking Mack. Mack whimpered softly, and Whitetail sighed again – then nodded.
    "Corporal – I don’t blame you…for being afraid. Contrary to it showing – this mission – scares the fur off of me…."


            Schinicin Military Outpost on Skar-darnath III

    "Sir – " Spoke a young reptilian officer.
    "What is it?" Asked the commanding officer.
    "Sir – our outer system sensors – near the Stargate – have detected…three – no four ships…that have just exited the – wait a minute…. There’s been a collision! One of the ships has – two have been destroyed!"
    "What’s their identities?" Snarled the officer in charge.
    "Sir – their Schinicin…star-fighter and shuttle…. Both appear to be damaged sir…."
    "Scramble an interceptor craft to the outer system…intensify scanner power…. I do not want anything to slip through our defences…. Inform the main base – of…."
    "Inform the Uruk-Zartath…. Tell him, we’ve got – company coming…."
    "Sir – you want me to inform the Palace – the Imperial messenger?"
    "You have your orders…see to them."
    "Aye – sire…." Spoke the young reptilian officer softly.

    Slowly, the outpost commander watched the faint sensor signatures on his tracking station monitors…. What disturbed him the most – and alerted his danger alarms – was the way the shuttle and star-fighter were picking their way through the outer asteroid field….
    "It’s – probably nothing…their ships are damaged…that’s all…." Spoke the Commander.
    "Sir?" Asked the sensor operator.
    "Nothing – I was just – thinking out loud…continue with the transmission."
On the sensor screens, the Schinicin shuttle and star-fighter slowly…imperceptibly, drew ever closer…and closer….

To Be Continued