Rising Star

An Empire In Ruins

Story (c) Anthony Wain

Mailto: Cederwyn@snowy.org

Artwork (c) Angela Beaman

All rights reserved.


    "Corporal Silverfox – are you receiving me?" Commander Whitetail asked, concern in his voice.
    "Yes sir – loud and clear." Corporal Silverfox replied.
    "All right Corporal – stay alert – or we’ll all run out of space real quick…. Have you got a safe course plotted through the asteroid and mine fields?"
    "Yes sir – but it’s going to take some time…this asteroid field isn’t stable…."
    "Just – do your best…. We all know what’s at stake in this mission…."
    "Yes sir – Corporal Silverfox – out."

    Silverfox, piloting the last of the Schinicin fighters – began threading her way through the Schinicin minefield and asteroid belt. Sweat quickly matted her pelt, as Silverfox struggled to concentrate both visually – and using the scanners – to detect any mines that lay within range. Following at a safe distance, the shuttle tracked and kept watch over Silverfox’s fighter, as she manoeuvred around the scattered asteroids.
    "Commander – plot course laid sir – " Spoke the pilot. "Estimated time to arrival on Schinicin – four hours."
    "Just take your time captain – we’d rather be safe – than pieces of this asteroid field."
    "Sir – sensors indicate active radar contact…."
    "What?" Whitetail exclaimed.
    "Sir – we’re being targeted by active Schinicin tracking sensors…."
    "Where?" Whitetail growled. "If they get word out to the home world…."
    Quickly, the navigator on the shuttle traced the sensor contact – to a large asteroid six kilometres away.
    "Keep me informed captain – " Spoke Whitetail. "We may have to destroy the tracking station. Further – try to fly as if you know where you’re going…."
    "Aye – sir…."

    "Shuttle – what is your destination?" Come a Schinicin voice.
    "Sir – " Stammered the captain.
    "This is shuttle Drasnarian – " Whitetail spoke in to a small speaker, then to their surprise – his voice came out sounding like a Schinicin. "I am flight-captain T’chazka – our destination is the spaceport on Schinicin. We’re bearing important news for the Emperor, on the war on Meldaron."
    "Flight-Captain?" Come the soft reptilian hiss. "Transmit authorisation codes for clearance…."
    "Stand by – " Whitetail breathed. "Tracking station – we’ve got damage to many areas of our systems – expect a few delays."
    "You – will transmit the clearance codes…now."
Whitetail glanced at the others aboard the shuttle, then shuddered.  "Transmission in progress…."


    Schinicin Tracking and Surveillance Outpost – Outer System

    "Sire – " Spoke the tracking sensor operator. "Codes being transmitted…."
Pacing the floor of the small outpost, the Commander in charge glared at the sensor displays, that showed the shuttle and it’s sole remaining fighter escort. Something niggled at the back of his reptilian mind….
    "Transmission complete – verifying codes now…." Spoke the operator.
Agitated, the Commander kept pacing the floor – his scaled paws contracting and opening with his displeasure.
    "Codes confirmed sir – " Spoke the sensor technician. "They’re slightly older codes – but still relevant…."
    "Shuttle Drasnarian – you are cleared to proceed…." Barked the Commander.
    "Affirmative…." Come Whitetail’s response. "Proceeding on course…."


   Aboard the Schinicin Shuttle

    "Corporal Silverfox – close in on formation…." Commander Whitetail spoke.
    "Affirmative sir – " Corporal Silverfox replied.
    "So – we’ve managed to pass their outer defence systems?" Asked the pilot disbelievingly.
    "We’re not out of the fire yet Captain – we’ve still got to navigate our way through these asteroids – and the mine fields…. Finally, we’ll find somewhere safe to land on Schinicin – and then we’ve got to find and rescue Lt. Deerinea – and get ourselves back out of here…."
    "Oh – " Replied the Captain. "I thought it was going to be something difficult – "
Whitetail blinked and stared at the Captain.
    "A joke sir – " Spoke the pilot.
Whitetail shuddered, then managed a very tight-lipped smile. He nodded his head gently and the pilot turned back around, then followed Silverfox’s star-fighter….


    Schinicin Detention Centre – Imperial Palace

    Lt. Deerinea hung from manacles; her wrist fur and flesh ragged and torn – blood encrusting her wrists and forearms. Every cell in her body burned and screamed – and Lt. Deerinea had long since lost the ability to scream herself…. Every now and again, her over-fired nerves twinged and twanged – bringing shocking waves of pain to her ravaged form….
    "So – let us try – this again." Snarled a Schinicin voice.
Incredibly, Lt. Deerinea managed to lift her bloodied head, to stare at the Schinicin Interrogation Officer.
    "What were your orders?" He snarled, then struck her savagely with a laser whip.
Lt. Deerinea convulsed wildly, but remained silent.
    "Lieutenant – you can not resist us forever…." Spoke the Interrogation Officer.
    "I am…" Lt. Deerinea barely whispered. "Lt. Deerinea – of the…."
Again, the Schinicin officer struck her with the whip, making her convulse again.
    "Tell me – what I want to know…and I will let you live…." He growled.
    "Kiss – my – tail-hole." Lt. Deerinea coughed.

     Slowly, the Interrogation Officer walked around behind her – then Lt. Deerinea convulsed wildly, as he crushed one of her newly healed tail vertebrae.
    "I know this hurts Lieutenant – so why do you insist on being so – reluctant?"
    "I’ll die – before – I tell you anything…." Lt. Deerinea gasped weakly.
    "Oh – you’re mistaken Lieutenant…. Our medical officers are well trained. We can keep doing this to you indefinitely – as we can undo – all that you have suffered. We can – in essence – make you whole again…." He smiled cruelly, as he breathed in to her ears. "Make it easier on yourself Lieutenant…and tell me – all that I want to know. Believe me – I’ve yet to even start…interrogating you."
Lt. Deerinea squeezed her eyes tightly closed; using every scrap of inner strength remained – to resist betraying the Meldaron forces. Indeed – she did know – that he spoke the truth….
    "I will not ask you again…. Tell me all that you know – of the Meldaron military – and where the base location is…and I’ll have you killed…. Quickly – cleanly – and above all – painlessly. Should you resist – or refuse – " He shrugged nonchalantly. "Then you will suffer – indefinitely."
    "Your – psychological games – will not work on me…." Lt. Deerinea gasped.
    "No – you’re probably right in that respect – so I thought perchance – a little inducement – might be in order?" He smiled menacingly.

    A young Schinicin dressed in a medical robe approached – holding an air-hypo. Lt. Deerinea’s eyes widened in terror –, as she knew what would be contained within that air-hypos deadly container….
    "These – are nano-drones…. Lieutenant, our Medic's have been busy – in specifically modifying these for your…personal…DNA coding…. These wonderful little microscopic surgeons will set to work on you…and begin taking you apart – cell – by cell. It will be – shall I say – extremely painful…. It is not a death – that I would like to endure…."
Lt. Deerinea struggled weakly, but her body was too badly wounded to mount any real resistance. Quickly – the medic pressed the air-hypo to Lt. Deerinea’s neck…and administered the potentially fatal injection….
    "Within seconds Lieutenant – these wonderful micro-surgeons will be churning through your bloodstream…. Already, they are multiplying in their dozens – hundreds – thousands – hundreds of thousands…. Within the day – there will be millions of these microscopic nano-droids within you…doing their deadly work…." Spoke the Interrogation Officer quietly. "I’ll leave you now – to think very seriously – about telling me…all that I wish to hear…."
    "You – cold blooded – scaly – sinister…bastard!" Lt. Deerinea wept.
    He paused, then looked back over his shoulder at her.  "Lieutenant – that is the nicest thing – that I have ever heard…."

    With that, he left the chambers…and Lt. Deerinea was left hanging….


   Final Approach to Schinicin – Aboard Schinicin Shuttle

    "All right – Captain?" Commander Whitetail breathed. "Any active sensor contact?"
    "Negative sir – we’re being shielded at the moment – " Replied the shuttle pilot. "By the nearby asteroid field."
    "Excellent – plot a course – that will bring us in under any possible sensor contact…so we can land undetected…."
    "Sir – " Stammered the Pilot.
    "It’s not easy – I know…but do your best Captain."
    "Yes – sir."
    "Corporal Silverfox – form on the starboard side…."
    "Affirmative sir." Corporal Silverfox spoke.
As carefully as they could manage – they dove under and close to a large asteroid – then got their first look at the Schinicin home world….
    "Millar's name!" Corporal Silverfox gasped.
    "Stow it Corporal – " Whitetail hissed.
In front of them, lay the massive Schinicin home world – easily three times the size of Meldaron, it’s emerald green and swirling yellow clouds evidence of it’s extremely hostile nature….
    "Commander – I’m picking up a transmission from the tracking station sir – to the Schinicin naval base…." Replied the shuttle sensor operator.
    "Can you jam that transmission? Make it look like a stellar phenomenon or something…." Whitetail asked.
    "Yes sir – but it’s difficult…."
    "You were not hand-picked for this mission – without having expertise in this field, Sargent. Set to it."
    "Yes sir!" Smiled the young tabby Tiger. "One second…done sir. Transmission is successfully being blocked from reaching the naval base."
    "Excellent work Sargent…. Captain, any sign of patrol sweeps of this area?"
    "Negative sir – sensors are clear."
    "Alright people – suit up…. We’re going in…." Commander Whitetail spoke calmly.

    Working swiftly, the ten Meldaron Marines climbed in to their suits and helmets then rechecked their weapons and equipment. It was done swiftly, professionally and above all – expertly. To all accounts – they were now identical to the Schinicin soldiers, which had landed on Meldaron.
    "Sir – squad is ready and standing by." Spoke the leader.
    "Excellent Lieutenant. Captain? ETA?"
    "Five minutes – sir." Spoke the pilot. "Everyone hold on – there’s some major turbulence in the atmosphere…."
    "Corporal Shazri – you’ll be with me." Commander Whitetail spoke.
    "Yes – sir." Corporal Mack spoke, his eyes betraying his fear.
    "Artificial gravity – off!" Spoke the pilot….

    Instantly, the shuttlecraft began bucking and shaking, feeling as if it were going to come apart at its joints. Fighting the sluggish controls, the pilot somehow managed to keep the shuttle in it’s steady descent – down in to the dark – churning depths of the Schinicin atmosphere. Seconds later, Corporal Silverfox’s fighter vanished – as she too followed them down….

    "Flight path vector – is holding." Screamed the Captain, above the shrieking of the shuttle. "Entering co-ordinates for drop zone…now."
Everyone held on to their restraints – as the shuttles shaking and convulsing became worse….
    "Yeeeehaaaaa!" Squealed a young Wolf Marine. "Shake it big daddy!"
    "Right on!" Cheered another - a fox.
    "Let her fly Captain!" Another encouraged him. "Let’s kick some reptilian tail!"
There were resounding cheers for this statement.  Even Commander Whitetail allowed himself a brief and grim smile. He knew that some if not all of these brave Marines – would die – in this engagement. Still, they had willingly volunteered for this mission, and knew…the risks associated with it. Commander Whitetail looked at the rapidly falling altimeter…and he sighed. He just prayed – that he would be in time – to rescue his beloved mate….

    Commander Whitetail turned to look at Corporal Mack – who was passed out in the safety harness beside him.
    "Sir – how many drops has the corporal – " Asked a Lieutenant.
    "None – it’s his first…." Commander Whitetail grinned.
    "No shit?" Gaped the Lieutenant.
Whitetail smiled and nodded quickly.
    "Well Meldaron be damned!" Exclaimed the Lieutenant as he laughed. "Sir – remind me – to give the young Corporal – his indoctrination – when we get home…."
    "I will Lieutenant – I will…." Commander Whitetail grinned mischievously, caught up in the camaraderie that accompanied missions like this. "All right ladies – strap and snap! Two minutes!"
Instantly, the Marines broke out of their safety harnesses, then the shuttle levelled out in to the night time sky of Schinicin.
"Sound off!" Snapped Commander Whitetail.
Obediently, the eager Marines did as they were told.
    "Alright!" Commander Whitetail snarled. "Mmmm…let her rip! Thirty seconds!"
Pumped and firing, the Marine’s rechecked their weapon systems – then the second the shuttle had touched down, they ripped from the shuttle like angry bees from a hive. Instantaneously, they spread out and went to ground – then scanned for hostiles. Breaking in to two squads of five Marines, one squad advanced and the other covered them – then the other advanced whilst the first covered them…. Commander Whitetail was pleased with the dedication and efficiency of his Marines.

    Commander Whitetail slapped Mack awake.
    "Attention on deck!" Commander Whitetail shrieked.
Corporal Mack instantly leapt up – and cracked his helmeted head on the bulkhead. With a loud groan, he staggered.
    "Soldier – we’ve got a lot of work – to do with you. Fall out." Commander Whitetail spoke.
    "Aye – sir…." Corporal Mack gasped, then staggered from the shuttle.
Commander Whitetail smiled softly to himself, as he ran from the shuttle himself, then approached Silverfox’s fighter – as it gently touched down nearby. Securing her suit and mask tightly, Silverfox broke the seal and sat staring at the alien landscape before her….

    Schinicin was rocky…and this rockiness extended for what seemed like hundreds of miles. It was an totally alien landscape, almost devoid of vegetation, with bubbling tar pits, pools of hideous looking liquids and worse…. Commander Whitetail scrambled up the side of the fighter, then looked at her.
    "Corporal Silverfox – are you absolutely certain you’re all right?" He asked.
    "Aye – sir. Just a little…uneasy. Unsettled in the stomach sir…."
    "Well – considering that you’ve had to fight this fighter – every step of the journey, I can’t blame you if you’re feeling off-colour. Alright corporal – let’s move out…."
    "Sir – "
    "Oh – welcome to Schinicin. We hope you enjoy your stay…." Commander Whitetail smiled weakly.
    "Sir?" Corporal Silverfox asked.
    "A – joke Corporal – move out."
    "Oh – yes…sir."

    Corporal Silverfox climbed from the shuttle – then as her feet touched the rocky ground, she staggered. Quickly, Commander Whitetail grabbed her – before she could fall.
    "Corporal – "
    "I – a rock moved under my boot – sir." Corporal Silverfox lied. "I was – careless."
Whitetail looked sceptically at her, but did not comment on her obvious lie.
    "Just be careful – Corporal. One false step – and if you puncture your suit, or break your mask…then you’re going to suffer one of the worst deaths – you’ve ever imagined…."
    "Aye – sir." Corporal Silverfox replied shakily. "I’ll be careful – sir."
    Commander Whitetail nodded.  "All right – Marines! Fall in!"
In good naturedly josting, they formed a loose inspection line.
    "Here – as you may have already noticed – is totally unlike Meldaron. Schinicin is a massive planet, approximately three times the mass of Meldaron. Due to the constant chlorine rich atmosphere and cloud cover – temperatures rise to a level during the day, which will literally boil the blood within you, should you be caught out in the open. It’s early evening now – but when the sun rises…the temperature will rise incredibly fast. We can only travel at night…and this gives us sixteen hours to operate in. If we are caught out in the open come sun-rise – then do whatever you can – to try and find shelter…and bury yourselves in the dirt. Further, should you puncture your suits – or break your masks, then you will die…a terrible death. Much of this planet is – as we see – rocky and hostile." Commander Whitetail paused, then resumed his lecture on this hostile – and deadly – world.  "Do not think that for a moment – that it’s innocent. Schinicin has a wonderful array of very large carnivores – that live both above – and below the surface. There are some carnivores – which even the Schinicin fear…. So be alert at all times – especially for the Ra’Tarachith – which is a six foot long, reptilian, mean-son-of-a-bitch. It is streamlined – and burrows beneath the rocky ground – at incredible speeds. It is much like a Meldaron shark – in its instincts and attack patterns…but a thousand times worse…. With it’s phenomenal speed, and it’s ability to chew right through polymer steel – as easy as we cut bread – it is a sole predator – that you do not want to meet…."

    There was a soft laugh from one of the Marines.
    "Private! What's so damn funny?" Commander Whitetail asked.
    "Sir – I only need to know one thing about this mission…where those scaly bastards of Schinicin are…."
A rousing cheer erupted from the Marines.
    "Stow that shit soldier – we’re on a covert mission…and I’d like it to stay that way."
    "Aye – sir!" Replied the Private.
    "All right – squads – let’s move." Commander Whitetail spoke.


   Aboard the Schinicin Flagship

    "Sire – holo-transmission from field operative A-82-C71." Spoke a communications officer.
    "I’ll take it in my quarters…." Snapped the Grand Admiral.
    "Aye sir – transmission transferred."
Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis swept from the bridge of the flagship, just as the duty captain called out.
    "Grand Admiral off deck!"
Sith Hirr Draconis made his way to his quarters, then activated the holo-pad. After a few moments – Captain Uzuri’s form materialised.
    "Operative Uzuri – how goes the search?" Asked the Grand Admiral.
    "Sire – I’ve got some bad news…."
    Sith Hirr Draconis growled menacingly, then reigned in his rising temper.  "Speak – "
    "Sire – I do not know how they managed it – " Uzuri began.
    "They survived – didn’t they Captain?"
    Uzuri swallowed fearfully then nodded her black maned head. "Yes – sir. However, this isn’t the news, that I bring to you."
    "Continue – "
    "Sire – our spy in the High Command – was found and enslaved. Further – they’ve found out that I have been – " Uzuri stammered. "A bounty – has been placed on my head."

    "You – were careless Uzuri… very…careless." Sighed Sith Hirr Draconis. "However – our spy was to have been caught – eventually. Give me one reason Captain Uzuri – why I should not have you immediately executed for your incompetence?"
Uzuri brought herself to full height, then stared defiantly at the Grand Admiral.
    "Sir – with all due respect to you – should you kill me…then you will never know where the Meldaron secret base is…." Uzuri growled.
Realisation spread across the Grand Admiral’s muzzle and he sat down and stared at the holographic Uzuri.
    "Your termination – is rescinded Captain. On the grounds, that you tell me – where – the Meldaron base is…."
    "Sire – I must get from this planet!" Uzuri pleaded. "My life is endangered here!"
    "Let us – make a deal Captain Uzuri…. You tell me the location of the Meldaron base – and I will arrange for you to…escape Meldaron. Do we have a deal?"
Captain Uzuri’s eyes widened, as she come to realise, the very real tactical lapse in judgement she had just made, with regards to the Grand Admiral, and she swallowed visibly.
    "Yes – sir. Arrange for me to come to you personally – and I will divulge the information on the Meldaron base…and it’s defences."
    "Excellent – Captain Uzuri…I look forwards – to finally meeting you in person."
    "Oh – sire…another thing…."
    "What now – Captain ?"
    "Sire – a small force has slipped past your fleet – and even now, has made its way to your own home world…. If I may be so bold sir – I’d send a message to Schinicin, warning them…or it’s your neck…Captain Uzuri – out."

    With that, Uzuri broke the transmission….


   Schinicin Homeworld

    Quickly, the two squads moved onwards, keeping to as much cover as the hostile terrain offered.
    "Commander, where are the Schinicin cities?" Corporal Silverfox asked.
    Commander Whitetail glanced at a small data-pad, then he sighed. "Damn it – we’ve landed too far to the south…. We’re about sixty-miles from the drop zone…where we were supposed to land…."
    "We – " Corporal Silverfox gasped.
    "Stow it Corporal – we’ve got more than enough problems…."
    "What – " Corporal Silverfox began – then her world exploded….
Without warning, a Ra’Tarachith – exploded amidst the first of the squad of Marines. Like a reptilian chainsaw – it tore in to them, cutting one of the Marines in half with its massive jaws. He didn’t even have time to scream – so sudden was the assault.
    "Sweet Millar!" Shrieked a terrified Private. "What on Meldaron – "
A loud ripping sound came from the earth, as the Ra’Tarachith – dove underground once more – and circled widely – as it ripped through the rocky earth….
Panicked, the soldiers opened fire – with their blasters only serving to further aggravate the thirty-foot long land-shark. They scattered – but one Meldaron Marine fell over his boots – and the Ra’Tarachith was upon him…. With hideous screams of unimaginable agony, he was dragged beneath the earth – from which – more choking screams came…then mercifully – silence. As if satiated, the massive Ra’Tarachith slipped back down in to the depths beneath Schinicin….
    "Sweet Meldaron – " Commander Whitetail moaned. "How many – "
    "Sir – it got Sargent Whitefyre, and Corporal Patches…." Replied a shocked Marine.
    Commander Whitetail sighed heavily. "Alright – squads – move out. Fifteen-meter spread no noise. This bastard may have some friends…who are also hungry."
Obediently, the Marine’s did as ordered, forming a loose – strung out line. Far above them, hung the dark churning skies of Schinicin – their disgusting swirling yellow and green clouds making them sick….
    "Commander – " Corporal Mack whimpered softly. "Sir – what do we do?"
    "Corporal – we pray to Millar – that we survive…. Move out." Commander Whitetail replied quietly.
Corporal Mack whimpered again, then move on across the hostile surface….

            For hours, the Marine’s made their way across the hostile landscape, then made their way up a large hill. Here, they lay down and rested, as their point scouted the Schinicin village down below – using powerful scopes.
    "Commander – " Spoke Private Blackfeather, a native of Rainforest Cape. "Sir!"
Almost silently, Commander Whitetail crawled up beside the Private, who handed him the scope.
    "It seems peaceful enough…." Private Blackfeather breathed.
    "Private – all – enemy villages and such look peaceful…." Commander Whitetail spoke quietly.
    "Sir – what I meant was – "
    "I know Private…but let’s not get complacent. Keep a watch on that village."
    "Yes sir."
Commander Whitetail made his way back to the group, and then he told them of what he had seen.
    "Suggestions?" Commander Whitetail asked.
    "Sir – " Corporal Mack enquired. "Permission to speak?"
    "Granted Corporal."
    "Sir – since we landed so far from out true destination – we might be able to get some transportation – closer to a major city…."
Commander Whitetail looked at Corporal Mack, then nodded quietly.
    "Squad – let’s move out. It’s peaceful there at the moment – but let’s not take any chances. All it needs is for one of those reptiles to escape…and we’ll all be guests at the Emperor’s whim."

    They readied their weapons and equipment – then made their way down in to the village…. Fully expecting a surprise attack, they were startled to find the villagers hiding inside their buildings. Quickly, they were rounded up and Commander Whitetail spoke to them.
    "We won’t hurt you – as long as you co-operate." He spoke.
    "We – are just simple – " Wheezed an old Schinicin. "We want no part of the war!"
    "Corporal Silverfox – take charge here. Squad one – move out and search this village."
Corporal Silverfox held the thirty villagers under guard, whilst the other Marine’s spread out and searched the village. They returned empty-handed.
    "It’s clean sir…." Private Blackfeather spoke. "No communication equipment or other indications."
    "All right – the area is secure…." Commander Whitetail barked. "Did you find any transportation?"
    "Sir – there is some…well…." Private Blackfeather began.
    "Private – don’t jerk my chain. Speak!" Whitetail growled.
    "Sir – there is some…large reptilian creatures…that may be beasts of burden or something…."

    Commander Whitetail returned to where the terrified villages knelt, then interrogated the village elder.
    "What are these…lizard creatures?" Commander Whitetail asked.
    "They are – Turachak…." Replied the Elder. "We use them – as carrying beasts and such."
    "They’re domesticated?" Commander Whitetail enquired.
    "Yes – they pose no threat."
    Commander Whitetail nodded.  "Private Blackfeather – take some of these villagers and get those lizards saddled. We’re moving out."
    "Yes sir – " Private Blackfeather replied, then led four villagers to the stables.
Panicked, one of the villagers broke and ran, and before Commander Whitetail could stop him – Private Blackfeather unslung his rifle – and shot dead the fleeing villager….
    "Private Blackfeather!" Commander Whitetail screamed. "You stow that weapon soldier!"
Private Blackfeather shuddered, then obeyed orders and slung his rifle.
    "You said that you were not – " Wheezed the elder.
    "Look – if you do as you’re told…then nothings going to happen to you. Understand me?" Whitetail snarled.
Defiantly, the elder reptile rose and fronted Commander Whitetail.
    "You – not of us!" He suddenly growled. "Arise my friends! Defend our homes from these invaders!"

    Commander Whitetail stumbled backwards, as the Schinicin elder leapt upon him – his clawed hands raking at Commander Whitetail’s suit. Within seconds, there were screams of both Meldaron’s and Schinicin – as a massive riot erupted. Rolling across the ground, Commander Whitetail unsheathed his laser bayonet – then stabbed the elder through the chest…. With a choking gasp, the old Schinicin convulsed and lay still…. All around the village, Schinicin fought with the Meldaron troopers – but it turned in to a blood-bath, as the laser weaponry of the Meldaron Marine’s cut down the fanatical Schinicin villagers.  Within five minutes – the melee was over…and the Meldaron’s looked at the dead and dying Schinicin scattered throughout the village….
    "Millar's name – " Corporal Silverfox retched violently.
    "Corporal Silverfox – its war…and war isn’t glamorous. I find no honour in slaughtering villagers…but it was either us – or them." Commander Whitetail growled weakly.
    "Yes – sir." Corporal Silverfox choked weakly, then clutched her stomach.
    Commander Whitetail came over to where Silverfox was doubled over in pain, and then he looked at her.
    "Are you – sure – you’re all right?" Commander Whitetail asked.
    "Just – a little unsettled sir…." Corporal Silverfox replied. "It’s nothing…."
    "When we get back to our base – I am demanding that you get thoroughly checked out, by the best medical team we have…. Understand me Corporal?"
    "Yes – sir." Corporal Silverfox coughed weakly, then stood up. "I’ll – be all right…sir."

    Commander Whitetail looked sceptical, but he sided with Corporal Silverfox’s answer and he moved on, to motivate and organise his troopers. Some time later, they had saddled the large lizard like creatures, and now mounted – made their way northeast, heading towards the direction of the Schinicin capital…. They spurred their mounts vigorously, knowing that time was against them – in that the dawn was coming and Lt. Deerinea was endangered. After nine exhaustive hours – they reached their objective…and dismounted from their exhausted mounts…. Taking defensive positions on a small hill, Commander Whitetail used his binoculars to look down at the sprawling metropolis that lay below them…. Easily, the city stretched for at least a hundred kilometres across the plains, and in the centre – was a massive mountain – with a huge palace built in to the side of the mountain. Corporal Mack crept up beside Commander Whitetail, who glanced at him.
    "Millar’s name!" Corporal Mack breathed faintly.
    "Yes –" Commander Whitetail replied softly. "Impressive – isn’t it?"
    "How are we – " Whispered Corporal Mack.
    "Wearing these suits and if we keep our muzzles shut – with a bit of luck – we won’t encounter any troubles…." Commander Whitetail sighed. "Look down there – see those troopers?"
    Corporal Mack looked, and nodded quickly.  "They’re wearing their suits already! What's that large – "
    "That’s a Schinicin Dalnarth class transport…. They use them as troop carriers. This transport, once filled – will move in to orbit – and dock with Schinicin Star-Crushers…."
    "There must be – hundreds – "
    "Try a few thousand Corporal – " Commander Whitetail spoke quietly. "This looks like one of the major staging areas for their military forces…. We’re going to have to be extra careful. One false step – and we’ll all get killed…. All right – let’s do it."
    "You mean – " Corporal Mack whimpered faintly.
    "That’s right Corporal – just keep your muzzle shut…and follow my lead. We’re going in." Commander Whitetail growled.

            Quietly, Commander Whitetail gathered the remaining Marines and briefed them.
    "All right – I won’t lie to any of you…. We’ve come this far – and everything to date, has been a cakewalk. Now we’ve got to sneak through the Schinicin city…and find out where Lt. Deerinea is being held. Once this is done – we’ve got to effect a rescue – and get her and us back out of here…."
    "Sir – " Spoke Private Blackfeather. "Standard pattern of deployment?"
    "Exactly Private…. Two squads – to act independently of each other. One squad I want to get in to the primary tracking station – and neutralise it. This will cause confusion amongst the Schinicin military forces…whilst the other squad – locates Lt. Deerinea, and neutralises any and all threats to the escape. We’ll meet back here in – seven hours. All right, move out…and may Millar's blessings be with you…."

    Breaking in to two teams, the Marines moved out – each with fear squeezing their hearts tightly. Never in their careers – had they ever had a mission that carried such dangers. Commander Whitetail took Corporals Silverfox and Mack, and the other Marines under his squad.
    "All right – our objectives are to locate the Imperial detention facilities – and infiltrate them. Once we’ve done so – do all we can to avoid detection. This mission isn’t easy – and will be a damn lot harder – should our cover be compromised. Just act normal – and try not to draw attention to yourselves. Blend in with the Schinicin forces…and above all – keep your ears and eyes open…. Let’s move out – " Commander Whitetail growled.


  Aboard the Schinicin Flagship

    "Sir – Schinicin shuttle requesting landing clearance – " Spoke a sensor operator.
Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis nodded – and the Admiral gave the order to proceed. Patiently, the Grand Admiral waited, as the shuttle touched down and the guest was brought aboard.
    "Have Captain Uzuri sent to my quarters – " Whispered the Grand Admiral.
    "Yes sir – " Spoke the Admiral. "Troopers – escort Uzuri to the Grand Admiral’s quarters…."
    "Continue with the operation Admiral…" Spoke Sith Hirr Draconis.
    "Aye sir – by your command." Replied the Admiral.
Nodding, the Grand Admiral left the bridge, and as the duty officer made to call out, Sith Hirr Draconis grasped him – then crushed the Schinicin officer dead – using only one paw…. Disgusted, the Grand Admiral dropped the bloodied corpse of the duty officer, then left the bridge….
    "Troopers – get rid of that…." Spoke the uneasy Admiral.
Ensconced within his massive throne, the Grand Admiral waited patiently – until the door sensor pinged.
    "Come – " He spoke quietly.
With a soft hiss, the door opened and Captain Uzuri and two troopers entered.
    "Guards – leave us." Spoke the Grand Admiral.
Obediently, they left – and the door hissed closed behind them. After letting Captain Uzuri stand attentively for ten minutes, the Grand Admiral turned to look down at her.
    "Captain Uzuri – give me one reason…why I shouldn’t have you killed?" Asked the Grand Admiral.
    "Because – " Replied the black haired Vixen. "You need me – to tell you where the location of the Meldaron base is…."
    "True – but I could have you imprisoned, tortured and then find out the location of the base…."

    Captain Uzuri swallowed fearfully and took a step backwards, as Sith Hirr Draconis turned to look at her – his blood red eyes gleaming hungrily.
    "At ease – Captain." He growled faintly. "No – you’re more important to me alive, providing that you tell me all that you know…. Oh – do not try and outwit me Captain, as I am not fooled…and if you should try to supply me with false information…."
    "Sire – you know that I know…that you are not a fool." Captain Uzuri stammered.
    "Just as long – as we understand each other Captain." Sith Hirr Draconis whispered softly. "Now – tell me all you know, of the Meldaron forces – their deployment, size, structure and above all…their base location…."
    "What do I get out of it? You promised…." Captain Uzuri began.
    "Captain – I – promised you nothing…. I will decide what you get out of it, on the basis of the following. That you be totally truthful with me, withhold nothing…and tell me quickly…."
    "You – "
    "Try not my patience – whelp – " Snarled the Grand Admiral. "I don’t play games, and you’re out of options…. You are unwelcome amongst your own people…and here – we play the game by my rules…."

    Captain Uzuri came to realise – the very real danger – she was in. Knowing that she had been outwitted at every stage of this battle…Cpt. Uzuri acknowledged defeat.
    "Meldaron forces – after the Schinicin surprise invasion – are down to less than thirty-five percent efficiency. Meldaron naval fleet – as you know – was mostly destroyed, the remaining vessels fled through the Stargate…. I do not think they will return…. Meldaron High Command is organising counter-strikes, which I might add, have been quite effective…."
    "Captain – you’re sorely testing my tolerance. Where is the location of the Meldaron base?"
Captain Uzuri swallowed, but under the merciless gaze of the Grand Admiral – she betrayed the military code, she was sworn to obey….
    "They’re – located in the Unknown hills…. Here, is a compliment of nearly five thousand ground troops, fifteen thousand armoured combat vehicles and operators, as well as six and a half thousand Meldaron Star-fighters…."
    "I see – what of base defences?" Asked the Grand Admiral.
    "Sir – the base is built within the largest peak in the Unknown Hills, and is heavily defended by both hidden anti-starship guns and high power ground based laser turrets. Also, scattered in a fifty mile radius – is ground tracking stations, and anti Star-fighter lasers and missile launchers…." Captain Uzuri told him, as she began sweating.
    "Tactically – that’s quite a sound idea Captain…. They have utilised the mountains own natural resilience…to further defend their base. What of the tracking station computer systems? What is the frequency that they are operating on?"

    Captain Uzuri swallowed, then told the Grand Admiral everything that she knew…. Listening intently, the Grand Admiral absorbed all that Captain Uzuri knew…which was well above – what she was supposed to know.  An hour later, Captain Uzuri, her pelt matted with sweat, finished her description….
    "So – you have been quite busy I see…" Pondered the Grand Admiral. "Now, what of this news – that a Meldaron force has sneaked past us and gone to the Schinicin home world?"
    "Yes – sir. A small force of hand picked Commandoes, led by Commander Whitetail – a native of Pearldinea – managed to sneak past your fleet and has probably landed on Schinicin. Apparently, the mission parameters are to find and rescue the prisoner…a…."
    "Lieutenant Deerinea…" Spoke Sith Hirr Draconis. "Hmm – this doesn’t sound right to me Captain…. Why would they risk everything – just for one…."
    A startled look came over the Grand Admirals muzzle.  "They – wouldn’t dare…." He breathed. "Admiral – order an immediate shuttle to launch, and head directly to Schinicin…."
    "Sire – it will take four days – " Came the Admirals response.
    "Then send an immediate hyperwave signal transmission to the Imperial Palace itself!"
    "Do it! Meldaron forces have managed to sneak passed us – and even now, are on Schinicin! We must not allow them to stage a revolt! Without our major ground and naval deployment here – there is little defending the…."
    "Yes sir!" Come the startled Admiral’s immediate reply. "Preparing hyperwave signal now sir…."
    "Captain Uzuri – you have indeed – just managed to spare your miserable pelt. However, you will be confined aboard this vessel – until we have confirmation of what you have told us…and the location of the Meldaron base…."
    "I – " Captain Uzuri began, but was cut short – by a menacing gesture from the Grand Admiral.
    "Guards!" Snarled Sith Hirr Draconis. "Confine Captain Uzuri to quarters…under guard."
    "Yes sir – " Spoke the one of the Schinicin troopers. "Captain Uzuri – follow me."
    "Grand Admiral – you’ll regret this betrayal!" Captain Uzuri screamed in anger.

    Ignoring her protests, the Grand Admiral sat back and pondered what she had told him…. Indeed, if the Meldaron’s did have a small force on Schinicin – then they could do much damage…to the Empire. By utilising the Emperor’s power and the military’s might to crush and subjugate their world – the Schinicin military had bred a race of slaves…. They were forced in to working in highly dangerous and often fatal jobs – to further the might and power of the Schinicin armed forces. Now that the Schinicin had mobilised a vast percentage of their forces – throughout the galaxy – they had never planned…that one of their enemies would dare to sneak in…and cause an uprising amongst the Schinicin’s own oppressed people. Without the might of the Schinicin navy and ground-forces to suppress the uprising, then there was a good chance – the Empire was doomed….
    "Computer – how long would it take, based on current stellar time and Schinicin deployment throughout the galaxy…to recall enough of our army and naval fleets…to return to Schinicin and quell and rebellious activity? Also, compute who is the closest naval fleet, based on current data – that could mobilise the quickest and return to Schinicin."


    Based on current information – estimated time for mobilisation and return of nearest Star-Crusher fleet – to home world…. Estimated time of ground force recall and mobilisation of fleet – six stellar weeks. Estimated time at maximum star-drive time for closest Schinicin naval forces to reach home world – one stellar week. Meldaron occupational forces are closest within range – for rapid recall and transport to Schinicin.

    Cursing, the Grand Admiral growled, then tried another stratagem.

    "Computer – calculate the chances of a squad of Meldaron soldiers…successfully initiating rebellious activities on Schinicin home world…. Also, what is current military strength remaining on Schinicin?"


    Based on current data available, estimation of civil uprising against Schinicin forces – without said forces being within striking distance – estimation is calculated at 97% probability. Civil unrest is liable, with minimal Schinicin forces remaining planet-side – to quell any civil unrest. Estimation based on relevant post uprising data…is for Empire to suffer catastrophic losses within one stellar week…and for collapse of Empire within one stellar month. Damage or destruction of Schinicin infrastructure rises proportionally on a per day ratio, with the ability to quell uprising diminishing rapidly, once civil uprising commences. These estimations are based on facts due to Schinicin military treatment of subjects.

    Further deployment of Schinicin military personnel is happening daily, with last Star-Crusher fleet prepared to leave Schinicin within six hours….

    "How long – for a hyperwave signal to reach Schinicin, to hold the Star-Crushers’ deployment? Give me full relevant details…." Snarled the Grand Admiral.


    Due to current radiation levels within the system – all transmissions are impossible….

    "What do I do – " Growled the Grand Admiral. "Do I sacrifice our gains on Meldaron – or do I stay here…and pray that the remaining Imperial forces on Schinicin – can crush the uprising…or do risk it all – in crushing Meldaron…and live in hopes that the uprising will not come to fruition?"


    Insufficient data to process request.

    Snarling, the Grand Admiral glared at the computer system and grew even angrier.
    "I was not addressing that request to you!"


    Error – logical conclusion of this discussion can not be met. Subject is of irrational behaviour and high state of agitation.

    "I did not ask for your opinion !" Screamed the Grand Admiral.
As he turned around, he squealed in reptilian alarm…to see the suited figure of Teric standing behind him…leaning casually up against the door….
    "How – did you…." Gasped the Grand Admiral.
    "Captain – by now you should know…that I may come and go as I see fit. My now…." Teric’s infuriating giggle stabbed in to the Grand Admiral. "My pet lizard losing his temper? I’m surprised you lasted this long…."
    "Guards!" Shrieked the Grand Admiral. "GUARDS!"
Teric laughed maniacally and reached in to a small bag he was carrying…. Sith Hirr Draconis noted somewhat sickly – the bag was made from a Schinicin’s hide…. Teric produced a small glass jar – which contained a reddish dust like substance.
    "Remarkable stuff Sir Scaly – " Teric smiled. "Absolutely remarkable…."
    "What is that?" Asked the shocked Grand Admiral.
    "Oh…just something I’ve cooked up…. It’s a toxin. A very lethal toxin. Care to see what it has done to your loyal guards?"
Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis swallowed.
    "Now…Sir Scaly…we had a deal." Teric grinned. "You give me my star-fleet…and I give you the Tome…."
    "That – that’s right." Whispered the Grand Admiral – staring at the jar that Teric held.
    "Where – is – my – star-fleet?" Teric grated.
    "They – are still en-route to the destination system…." Replied the Grand Admiral.

    Teric tapped his foot impatiently, then glared at the Grand Admiral.
    "They had better be there…or else…BOOOOOM! I’ve still got the trigger sensor for those explosives Captain. If I sense I’ve been doublecrossed…or in any other way deceived…then you will be the first to know…."
    "I assure you – "
    "You can assure me of nothing!" Teric shrieked. "I am making the rules of this game, and you would do well to remember that!"
Rising, the Grand Admiral glared down at Teric.
    "Listen to me – you little - disgusting…disease plagued, maggot riddled – rancid wretch of a still-born gangrenous cow! I have just about – had enough of your games! It is time to call your bluff Teric…once and for all!"
Teric was speechless, his eyes wide in surprise. He had not anticipated this turn of events, but a cruel smile spread slowly across his festering and rotting muzzle.
    "Captain…you have just ordered the deaths…of thousands of your troopers…due to the destruction of the Ka’Char Star-Crusher…. Call the Captain of that fine vessel…which even now, holds its orbit over Pearldinea…."
    "Computer - put me through to the captain of the Ka’Char…." Snapped the Grand Admiral.


    After a few seconds, the holographic image of the captain of the Ka’Char appeared. When he recognised the image of the Grand Admiral, he bowed deeply.
    "Grand Admiral – this is an unexpected pleasure…." Spoke the Captain.
    "Captain – status report on your Star-Crusher…." Whispered the Grand Admiral.
    "All systems nominal sir…no major difficulties to speak of…. We await your instructions…."
Smiling, the Grand Admiral turned to look at Teric.
    "You see? I’ve called your bluff…."" Spoke Sith Hirr Draconis. "Captain – stand by for transmission of your new mission objectives."
    "Affirmative sir – standing by." Spoke the Captain.
    "Captain – " Teric smiled cruelly at Sith Hirr Draconis. "Switch to a view-screen external image of the Ka’Char…."
    "Computer – display external camera view of the Ka-Char, holding its orbit over the continent of Pearldinea...."


    Quickly, the screens blanked, then displayed an impressive view of the selected Star-Crusher. It hung effortlessly in the depths of space, holding its requested orbit over the continent…. Without warning, explosions rocked the Ka-Char – and deafening peals of red alert klaxon’s overcome the screams of the Ka’Char’s captain.
    "We’re – explosions…." Shrieked the Captain…then his holographic image broke in to thousands of sparkles….
Horrified, the Grand Admiral watched the view-screens…as the Ka-Char exploded from within…then vanished in a massive blast of white light…and debris which hurtled out in to space, and streaked burning – down through the upper atmosphere of Meldaron….
    "Boom." Teric whispered softly…then burst in to maniacal laughter.
Shocked, the Grand Admiral stared at the view-screens, as though it was all a simple illusion….
    "Computer – confirm destruction of the Ka-Char Star-Crusher." Teric squealed in laughter.


    Confirmed – Star-Crusher Ka’Char has been totally destroyed…with a loss of all hands aboard. Repeat – subject has been annihilated – no survivors.

    Shocked in to silence, the Grand Admiral slowly bowed his head….
    "So – Captain." Teric whispered. "You called for me to play my cards…which I have done. Although – that – was just one card in my hand. I still hold others…."
    "It would seem – " Whispered the Grand Admiral. "That I had misjudged you…."
    "Oh – I should say so Captain…most definitely."  Teric smiled cruelly, then began giggling hysterically.
    "How – " Asked the Grand Admiral.
    "Captain – as you may or may not be aware…I come and go aboard your vessels as I see fit. Very sloppy security I might add…. Computer…run program… destruct-1."


    Destruct-1 program initiated. Total and irreversible hard data will be erased from core memory systems in T-72 stellar hours…. Repeat – hard data will be erased from core memory systems in T-72 stellar hours…. Once hard data is destroyed, Schinicin shipboard environmental units are coded to vent all chlorine from vessels…. You now have T-71 hours, thirty minutes to de-activate destruction of hard data from cores…and prevent purge of chlorine gasses from all Star-Crushers….

    "Computer!" Screamed the Grand Admiral. "Cease program Destruct-1."


    I am sorry Grand Admiral – but the one who initially programmed the destruct-1 program can only terminate this. You now have T-72 stellar hours to de-activate destruction of hard data from cores…and prevent purge of chlorine gasses from all Star-Crushers….

    "What – have – you – done?" Gasped the Grand Admiral. "Do you have any idea…."
    Teric looked un-concerned.  "Yes…Captain." He replied simply. "Within three stellar days – you and your precious crew – galaxy wide – Aboard their Star-Crushers…will perish, and the Schinicin naval forces…not only throughout this system…but galaxy wide…will grind to a halt. Without your shipboard computer controls…the Schinicin naval fleet will be crippled…and without a crew to fly the vessels…they will pose no more of a threat…."
    "Damn you!" Shrieked Sith Hirr Draconis. "Order that program to be aborted!"
    "I don’t think so – Captain. You see – it’s my…shall we say…insurance policy against you betraying me. If you do betray me…when I gain command of my own Star-Crusher fleet…then within hours of me receiving my command…you and your precious fleet – will perish. I can imagine, that death by suffocation – is quite – painful…."
    "You’re getting your fleet – " Shrieked the Grand Admiral. "I just need…more time!"
    "Computer – initiate program…destruct-2." Teric sighed.


    There were a series of massive concussive explosions, which shook the Star-Crusher fleet. Seconds later, the Admiral’s terrified voice come through the comlink system.
    "Sire – we’ve just lost all hard data in storage! It’s happening all through the fleet! Explosions are destroying our hard data back-ups!"
    "I – know…." Spoke the Grand Admiral. "There is – nothing I can do…to stop it…."
    "Sir – if the main cores go down…."
    "Then we’re dead…. Grand Admiral…out…."
    "So – Sir Scaly – " Teric mused idly. "It seems that you’re running out of time…."
    "I told you – your fleet is coming…." Wheezed the Grand Admiral.
    "Computer – display program…time-1."


    Time to irreversible system wide hard data destruction, and venting of environmental systems….

    T- 71 Hours, 55 minutes, 31 Seconds….

    Teric stared at the flickering display…and he smiled grimly.
"Time – is running out Captain. I suggest you get me my fleet…and quickly. Oh, whilst I think of it…have that traitorous young Vixen sent to my fleet…when it arrives…."
    "That – " Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis whispered. "She is scheduled for – "
    "Rescind her death warrant. You heard me Captain. I will have her – as my own – and my first officer. She is almost as fiendish as myself…and I just love her rebellious nature…." Teric smiled, the turned and headed for the door….
Just as it opened, he threw the glass jar nonchalantly over his shoulder.  Horrified, the Grand Admiral leapt – but it shattered on the deck and released a bright red dust, which grew and spread venomously…. Shocked, the Grand Admiral dragged himself away from it, his eyes wide in abject terror….
    "Oh – don’t worry… Captain." Teric giggled. "This isn’t the toxin…. I lied. This is just some harmless red dust. However – the toxin does exist…and I’ll see to it personally, that the Meldaron forces manage to get the formula for it…."
With that, Teric flounced from the chambers….


    Schinicin Detention Centre – Imperial Palace

    Lt. Deerinea was barely conscious, some hours later, when the Interrogation Officer returned once more…. Lt. Deerinea had never known that any creature could endure the agony that tore her apart, as the nano-drones multiplied and began their diligent work within her system…. Slapping her sharply across the stomach with the laser whip, the Interrogation Officer smiled – as Lt. Deerinea convulsed.
    "So – Lieutenant…." He whispered. "What does it feel like? I can imagine…the pain must be absolutely…exquisite."
Lt. Deerinea choked up blood, and she croaked weakly.
    "Yes…it does hurt…I can imagine. I could have the pain stopped, if you would only tell me that which I wanted to know…."
Lt. Deerinea’s reply was unprintable.
    "Now – now…" Smiled the Interrogation Officer. "Let’s not be hostile…as you do not really have any choice in the matter…. You will break – it’s just a matter of time."
He smiled, then lashed her a dozen times with the laser whip…. Each lash made Lt. Deerinea convulse and writhe, but she was powerless to stop the merciless punishment. Blood welled from the dozens of cuts in her soft fur and flesh and her vision clouded with the agonising soul destroying pain that was seizing her. Still, she held true to her promise – and refused to divulge anything of the Meldaron forces….
    "My dear Lieutenant – " He growled. "Why must you be so stoic? I am beginning to think – you are actually enjoying being tortured…."
    "How – " Lt. Deerinea choked. "Would you know…how I feel?"
    "I can guess." He replied simply. "I may be a cold blooded, heartless bastard – but I do know what hurts…. We Schinicin do feel pain…."
    "I – bet." Lt. Deerinea whispered.
    "Let’s not play games Lieutenant…as it is sapping your strength…. Maybe – just maybe – you would think differently…should we introduce other elements of inducement?"

    Kicking and screaming, a three-year-old female Pearldinean fawn was dragged in to the interrogation chambers. Deerinea’s eyes widened in abject terror, as she stared at the helpless child. Slowly – almost lovingly – the Schinicin Interrogation Officer came over – then ran his scaled paws across the young Pearldineans sides….
    "You – wouldn’t dare…." Lt. Deerinea gasped.
Smiling – the Interrogation Officer wrenched the young fawn’s ear…nearly tearing it from its socket. Warm blood spurted and the bone chilling shrieks that the young fawn uttered nearly tore Lt. Deerinea’s heart out….
    "Oh…I’m sorry…." Spoke the Interrogation Officer. "Did that hurt?"
Again, he attacked the fawn…and his razor like claws slashed effortlessly through her fur and flesh…gouging great furrows through the youngster’s body. Blood immediately filled these furrows and matted the fur around the wounds. Shrieking in mindless agony, the young fawn thrashed hysterically in her captor’s grasp.
    "NO!" Lt. Deerinea pleaded, tears erupting from her eyes. "Please…no more!"
    "So – the maternal instincts are still a part of you…even though…you are a cold hearted – killing machine? Tell me Lt. Deerinea…of how many innocent children – like this one – have you killed in your years as a soldier in the Meldaron forces? How can you look in to their eyes…and not feel a single twinge of maternal pity?"
   "Please – " Lt. Deerinea choked. "I’ll talk…just please…do not hurt her…anymore."

    Withdrawing a wickedly curved and serrated blade, the captor held the young fawn by the back of her neck, then the knife to her throat. Lt. Deerinea wept and pleaded, but the jailer and Interrogation Officer were un-moved.
    "Lieutenant – wether this child lives or dies…depends on how open…honest…and truthful you are. Should I suspect – even for a second – that you are lying to me…then she will die. Do you understand me?"
    "What – assurances do I have…." Lt. Deerinea wept bitterly.
    "None. You must place your faith in me Lieutenant…and be totally honest and tell me everything …about the military force on Meldaron…." He grinned from behind his mask.
Lt. Deerinea burst in to new tears then began telling the Interrogation Officer everything that she knew…no matter how insignificant or trivial it may have seemed. He listened intently to what she said; occasionally trying to trip her up with a trick question, but Lieutenant Deerinea did not fall for them. Intrigued, he listened…as she told him every code the Meldaron forces used, their base location, force deployment, size and ranks within the Meldaron resistance. He was especially interested in hearing of the secret base – with its star-fighter reserves. Every now and again, the jailer would further harm the young Pearldinean fawn, to encourage Lieutenant Deerinea to tell him everything, which sad to say…she did….


   Dur-Talanakath – Schinicin Capital City

    Commander Whitetail, Corporal Silverfox and Corporal Mack along with the other five Meldaron Marines made their way in to the city. Schinicin soldiers, officers and civilians all moved past them, intent about they’re own individual orders. Thankfully, they met no resistance as they made their way in to an Imperial checkpoint office.
    "Corporal – " Whitetail snapped at the young Imperial officer behind the desk.
    "Sir!" Replied the reptilian officer. "I live to serve the Empire!"
    "Excellent Corporal." Whitetail grunted. "Long live the Emperor. Now, tell me which way to the Imperial detention centre?"
    "That’s an order Corporal…."
    "Yes – sir. Outside – go down the main street for about six kilometres, then take the first…."
    "Corporal, get a hover car. I want you to take us there in person…." Commander Whitetail snapped.
    "Yes…sir." Stammered the young Corporal. "At once sir."
    "Long live the Emperor." Commander Whitetail barked.
    "Long live the Emperor." Trembled the frightened Corporal, as he saluted smartly and ran from the building.
    "Commander – with all due respect…but are you crazy?" Whispered Corporal Silverfox.
    "Corporal – I know what I am doing…. These Schinicin are bred to take orders…. If you act all bold and officious…and do not back down…or contradict your own orders to them, providing that you have the ranking over them…or…even better, strong command skills and a stolen uniform – then they do not think twice. Of course, it only works on the lower class ranking officers…and especially, the soldiers."

    They waited, then true to Commander Whitetail’s words, the young Schinicin officer returned inside after a few moments. He led them outside, where a hover-car waited at the kerbing. Quickly, they climbed inside and the young officer climbed in to the front seat. He fired up the engines – and pulled out in to the busy main street.
    "Step on it Corporal…we’ve got important news to convey to the Commander of the detention facilities…."
    "Yes – sir." Replied the young Officer. "By your command."
Corporal Silverfox and Corporal Mack looked at Commander Whitetail, who have them a knowing look…which immediately silenced their questions.  After about three kilometres, they were stopped at an Imperial checkpoint. Halting the hover-car, the young Corporal looked back at Commander Whitetail.
    "Identification passes… now!" Spoke the Schinicin reptile outside the car.
    "Listen to me – Sargent." Growled Commander Whitetail. "We have very important information to pass on to the Commander of the Imperial detention centre. He does not want to be kept waiting."
    "Sir – you will produce your identification pass…."
Suddenly, Whitetail snatched his pistol from its holster – then just as the startled Schinicin soldier brought his laser rifle to bear – Commander Whitetail shot him dead. Immediately, the other reptilian soldiers raised their weapons to cover Commander Whitetail.
    "Stand down!" Commander Whitetail snarled.
Hesitantly, the soldiers paused, then when Commander Whitetail stepped from the vehicle, they immediately lowered their weapons and Commander Whitetail returned inside the car.
    "All right driver – continue." Commander Whitetail growled.
    "Yes sir." Spoke the terrified young officer. "By your command."

    They made the last three kilometres with relative ease, and then the reptilian officer parked the hover-car outside the guarded gates of the detention centre. Once again, Commander Whitetail bluffed the guards in to allowing them to enter the complex…then he shot both the gate soldiers dead.
    "Sir!" Squealed their horrified driver.
    "I will not be kept from this appointment…Corporal. Should you wish to keep your rank – then I suggest – that you keep your attentions on your driving…and not on me."
    "Yes – sir." Shuddered the young soldier, as he drove up to the main entry.
Here, Corporal Silverfox and Corporal Mack were bundled out of the car…then Commander Whitetail whispered something to their driver – and stabbed him in the back with his laser dagger. Shock and recognition seized the young officer…before he slumped over the wheel of the car, which began driving itself off. Whitetail leapt from it and barely managed to catch himself – before the car careened off and smashed in to a building, then exploded in to flames. Alarms began ringing and as soldiers boiled from the detention centres main doors the three Meldaron’s and the five commandoes walked casually inside, totally oblivious to the chaotic scenes outside….
    "You five – " Commander Whitetail spoke softly to the Marines. "Spread out, and do what you can…to cause as much chaos and disruption as you safely can. Do not give yourselves away. I want you to find and sever the power conduits to the main defences and alarms. Further, neutralise as many of the Schinicin soldiers as you can…but do it quickly… quietly and above all…efficiently…."
    "Sir – " Spoke the Sargent. "As you wish…."

    Breaking up, the commandoes set about their missions. Commander Whitetail, Corporal Silverfox and Corporal Mack made their way inside, then searched out a small computer chamber. Two Schinicin soldiers were posted here, one was working on a computer system, the other lounging casually against the wall. Commander Whitetail grinned – then set his pistol silencer…before he burst in to the chambers. Even before they knew it…the two Schinicin soldiers were cut down…quickly and efficiently. Corporal’s Silverfox and Mack hid the bodies in a lockable storage cabinet, as Commander Whitetail accessed the main computer systems. He quickly located Lt. Deerinea, then hurriedly reprogrammed the main computer system with a crippling virus…that would automatically launch in twenty minutes…and bring down the entire computer system within the complex.
    "Squad leaders – " Commander Whitetail breathed in to his mask comlink. "A silent alarm has been triggered…cut those alarms…now!"
    "Sir!" Come the response.
    "You mean we’re – " Corporal Silverfox whispered in horror.
    "That’s right Corporal…we’re going to have company…within minutes. Come on, I’ve got Lieutenant Deerinea’s location…let’s move…NOW!" Commander Whitetail growled.
They moved down the hallways and made their way in to one of the Schinicin gravity-lifts. Swiftly, the lift rocketed down the shaft, then sixteen floors later, came to a stop. Just after they had exited the elevators – a squad of six Schinicin soldiers rounded the corner…and opened fire! The withering laser fire cut down two Meldaron Marines. Commander Whitetail and Corporals Mack and Silverfox dropped to their stomachs and returned fire. Four Schinicin soldiers staggered backwards, their green reptilian blood gushing – as Commander Whitetail pressed the attack.

    Another lucky shot slaughtered a young Marine private – catching him in the throat. Corporal Silverfox watched on in horror, as the young soldier lay convulsing and choking, the deadly chlorine atmosphere burning the young Marine’s lungs…. Another five Schinicin turned up as reinforcements, forcing the Meldaron’s to retreat down the corridor. Barely, they ducked around a corner…then there was a soft clanking sound….
    "Thermite grenade!" Shrieked a Meldaron Marine.
He grabbed the deadly grenade, then lobbed it back at the Schinicin – but the Schinicin cut him to ribbons. There was a massive explosion…then silence….
    "Alright – move out squad…." Commander Whitetail gasped. "Let’s move…now!"
Rounding the corner – the only evidence of the battle was the red blood that splashed the walls and the green reptilian blood of the Schinicin – surrounding a large blackened circle on the floor and walls.

    Commander Whitetail just prayed – that they were in time…to save his beloved mate.


   Schinicin Detention Centre – Imperial Palace

    Two Schinicin soldiers released Lt. Deerinea, who collapsed to the floor. Cruelly, they seized her in their clawed hands and dragged her in to a high backed chair, where she was forced to sit - then her ragged and bloodied paws were bound behind her back.
    "Thank you – Lieutenant…." Hissed the Interrogation Officer. "You have been – most compliant. It is almost a shame…to have to kill you. I would have preferred to enjoy myself for a while longer…but since you’re no longer important to us…then it is time – to have you executed…. Guards, you are dismissed…."
Silently, the two Schinicin soldiers left the chamber, the airlock door closing quietly behind them….
    "Now – Lieutenant…." Sighed the Interrogation Officer. "It’s time – for you – to die…."


    Schinicin Detention Centre – Imperial Palace – Outside Lt. Deerinea’s Cell

    Quickly – Commander Whitetail, Corporal Silverfox and Corporal Mack, along with the sole surviving Marine, found their way to the cells, where Lt. Deerinea was being held prisoner. Just as they reached the airlock, it hissed open – to reveal two Schinicin soldiers. Before the startled reptiles could bring their weapons to bear, Corporal Silverfox and Commander Whitetail thrust their laser bayonets in to the chests of the two reptilian soldiers…. With quiet gurgles, the two soldiers died…and were dragged away and hidden.  Swiftly, the  remaining Marine inspected the security airlock door…then he began work on the delicate circuitry contained within, as the others kept watch. After a few anxious moments, the door light changed from red to green and hissed open softly. They filed in and the airlock door closed…then there was a soft hissing sound as the chlorine atmosphere was vented…and replaced with clean oxygen. Quickly, Corporal Mack readied his pistol, as the inner door hissed open….


    Schinicin Detention Centre – Imperial Palace – Inside Lt. Deerinea’s Cell

    "Now – it is…" Began the Interrogation Officer. "What in – "
Hissing open, the airlock door distracted him. Just as he turned around to bark an order to the guards – Lt. Deerinea seized her opportunity…. Summoning all her strength, she kicked out, knocking the Interrogation Officer to the ground…just as he fired at Corporal Mack. Corporal Mack took the shot in the shoulder, as Lt. Deerinea crashed down atop the momentarily stunned Interrogation Officer. Pinning him to the ground, she stamped her hoof down, crushing his scaled paw beneath it…as he reached for the pistol, which had been knocked from his hand…. Lt. Deerinea looked around at the badly wounded Corporal Mack, then she sharply nodded. He staggered and threw his pistol to her… which she caught. Unable to see, Lt. Deerinea deactivated the safety…then took a strong grip on the pistols grip….
    "Nooo!" Shrieked the Interrogation Officer, as he looked up at the barrel of the pistol.
    "Eat…this!" Lt. Deerinea shrieked – then fired – and emptied the entire pistols clip in to the helpless Schinicin Interrogation Officer….
Beneath her chair, his reptilian corpse kicked and convulsed wildly…then lay still. Lt. Deerinea lost her grip on the pistol, then burst in to tears. Commander Whitetail ran to Lt. Deerinea’s side, as Corporal Silverfox tended to Corporal Mack’s deep wound. Corporal Mack wept and shuddered, the wound having shattered his collarbone and extensively damaged the shoulder muscles and ligaments. Corporal Silverfox was shocked at the extent of the injuries, then gave Corporal Mack a strong pain relieving injection, before she shed his suit…and found a replacement. Commander Whitetail unbound Lt. Deerinea, then clutched him tightly to her…. Lt. Deerinea convulsed and choked, then smiled weakly.
    "I – knew…you would…come." Lt. Deerinea gasped.
    "You’re – " Commander Whitetail began, then he looked at the myriad wounds that covered Lt. Deerinea.
    "I…betrayed the…."
    "My mate…there was nothing that you – could have done…to stop it. I’ve trained you well…and even I…would have broken…." Commander Whitetail sniffled.     "I’ll try…to heal you as best I can…."
    "Waste – not your energies…." Lt. Deerinea gasped. "There is – nothing you can – do for me. I’ve been infected…with nano-drones. We must…get to our base…and medical team…."
    "Damn you Lieutenant…." Commander Whitetail wept. "You will not live that long."
Lt. Deerinea smiled weakly up at him, then rested her bloodied paw on his own….

     "Commander…my beloved…you do not – think that I would…die and leave you, in peace?" Lt. Deerinea choked up blood. "You should – be so – lucky."
Commander Whitetail smiled weakly, then pressed his paws to her bloodied head. His paws began to glow white…as he used his powers of healing, to repair what damage he could. Lt. Deerinea protested the ministrations, but Commander Whitetail probed deeper and deeper in to her, then found the sickening damage the nano-drones were doing to her…. Billions of them were circulating throughout her, destroying the very cells that Lt. Deerinea needed for life. Sickened by the torture he sensed both externally – and internally, he pulled his healing powers back, knowing that it would be risky…but Lt. Deerinea would survive…as long as they left Schinicin immediately….


    Aboard the Schinicin Flagship.

    Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis marched on to the bridge of his flagship, his resolve calm and composed. He ordered an immediate channel be cleared to the remaining twenty-four Star-Crushers and their Captains.
    "Captains – hear me…." Sith Hirr Draconis spoke. "I want all available troopers, armoured divisions and star-fighters, to gather in the Blue Moon Valley, exactly one hundred miles from the mountains. Once they have arrived, I shall reveal the mission objectives. We have located the Meldaron’s base…and we shall move on it within three hours. Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis – out."
Aboard the other Star-Crushers, the drop-ships were loaded and launched, as communications with all available ground forces and garrisons were made, the orders relayed.


    Planet-side – Meldaron.

    Down on Meldaron, the reptilian troopers all speculated on the surprising orders, but they readily complied and soon, the transports were loading and being moved to their destination. Spies within the Schinicin occupied cities and regions swiftly gathered intelligence data and passed along the troop movements to the Meldaron’s main base….


   Meldaron Secret Base – Unknown Hills.

    "General – reports are coming in…of Schinicin transports loading up…and heading towards our base location sir." Spoke a young Alchemian officer.
    "They’ve discovered our base…." Replied the old Brush Tailed Possum. "Sound general alert…I’ll inform the High Command…."
    "Yes sir."
Alarm klaxons began stridently ringing, as the alert was passed. Immediately, the Meldaron forces boiled in to gear, the star-fighter crews scrambled, the infantry erupting from the base and taking the defensive positions in the trenches, armoured divisions moving in to the lower lying hills…then they all waited. Powerful force shielding spread across the skies, further adding to the defence of the now discovered base. Using sensors and visuals, they kept a careful watch on the valley before them…awaiting the Schinicin invasion….


    Schinicin Detention Centre – Imperial Palace – Inside Lt. Deerinea’s Cell

    Commander Whitetail turned about, to tend to the wounded Corporal Mack…and he was surprised to see Corporal Silverfox staring vacantly in to space, then without warning, her paws began trembling violently….
    "Corporal Silverfox…." Commander Whitetail spoke.
Silverfox seemed oblivious; as if listening to another voice that only she could hear….
    "Soldier!" Commander Whitetail snarled.
    Suddenly, Corporal Silverfox turned…and fled through the airlock. Before they could stop her – she was gone.
    "Damn it!" Commander Whitetail snarled in rage. "What has – "
    "Commander – let her go." Lt. Deerinea choked. "Something…has possessed her, and I don’t know what it is…but it’s important."
    "Lieutenant…she has just disobeyed a direct order…and wilfully fled combat. That is a very serious offence…."
    "Whitetail – you and I both know…so let’s drop the subject…." Lt. Deerinea whispered softly.
Commander Whitetail turned to look at Deerinea, then his eyes widened in surprise and horror.
    "That…Corporal…." He stammered, as it struck him.
    "Must be allowed to complete her part of this…. Millar knows what will happen, but Corporal Silverfox must not be interfered with…." Lt. Deerinea coughed. "It is what she was chosen for…."
    "Lieutenant…." Corporal Mack croaked. "What – "
Commander Whitetail helped the weak Deerinea to her feet, then he shuddered. Lt. Deerinea answered Corporal Mack’s question….
    "Our friend…has gone…to face the Schinicin Emperor…."
Corporal Mack’s eyes widened in abject horror.
    "Come on – let’s get out of here…." Commander Whitetail growled. "We’re out of time."
    "Wait!" Lt. Deerinea wept in remembrance. "There was a young…Pearldinean… they were…."
    "What are you talking about? There is no one here! Just those two Schinicin soldiers, and the Interrogation Officer…." Commander Whitetail spoke.
    "They – they were using her…." Lt. Deerinea began.

    Pondering, the remaining Marine found and activated the computer system…to their horror; he discovered the clever plan – that they had used to break Lt. Deerinea….
    "Sir – it’s a holographic projection…nothing more…." Whispered the stunned Marine.
    "I – I betrayed the Meldaron forces…all because of a – " Lt. Deerinea wept.
    "Lieutenant, there was nothing you could have done…. It was a very clever interrogation tactic…. No one can blame you – for breaking under torture. Still, there is nothing that we can do about it now. Come on, pull yourself together soldier…we’ve got to get out of here…." Commander Whitetail sighed sadly. "Corporal Mack – are you fit enough to travel?"
    "Yes – sir." Corporal Mack coughed. "My wound is bad – but I’ll survive…."
    "All right – squad – let’s get out of here…." Commander Whitetail spoke softly.


   Somewhere beneath the Schinicin Detention Centre – Imperial Palace.

    Corporal Silverfox moved through the maze-ways of the Imperial Detention Centre, as if she were an automation. Her eyes were glazed and her movements tightly controlled, as something led her deeper and deeper down through the levels of the Detention Centre – and finally, in to the deepest – darkest depths of the Imperial palace itself…. Down here, amongst the twisting myriad of catacombs and caverns, Corporal Silverfox kept moving, some inner senses guiding her through the dangerous traps and dead ends, that littered this most private of places. Finally, Corporal Silverfox came to the great chambers…in which – her destiny lay in wait…. At her command, the great portals creaked open…and she entered in to the encroaching darkness…which swallowed her in to its dark embrace.


  Dur-Talanakath – Schinicin Capital City

    After they made their way out of the Schinicin Detention Centre, they were startled to see a massive gathering of the Schinicin civilians massing at the gates of the Imperial palace. Angry shouts and jeering came from the seething mass…led by the loudest voices, those of the Meldaron Marines…who had subverted the public…. Imperial soldiers burst out of the barracks and moved menacingly towards the seething crowd – and within seconds, a massive uprising burst forth. Thousands of Schinicin civilians, armed with anything they could, charged the gates of the Imperial palace. Quickly, the Schinicin soldiers dropped to one knee…and began cutting down the rebelling civilians. Commander Whitetail and his friends took cover, as the massive throng grew and grew…and soon…turned in to a full-scale riot. Imperial tanks arrived and began firing at the rebelling civilians – even running over them. As more troopers, tanks and other army divisions arrived, the more the crowd’s blood lust grew and grew…. For every Schinicin civilian that fell, ten took its place. Within five minutes, the armoured corps was immobilised and their tank crews slaughtered by the angry mob.

    They stormed the grounds of the Imperial palace, and some of the Schinicin soldiers threw down their weapons…and ran for their lives from the massive uprising of civilians. Those soldiers that didn’t flee – were graphically disremembered by the rioting civilians. Arming themselves, they moved purposefully on to the main palace, where they began destroying barracks, storage sheds and other Imperial property. Explosions lit the night sky, as rioters began destroying the Schinicin’s infrastructure…going on a massive rampage, that brought hundreds of thousands to the cause…. More and more, the Schinicin forces struggled to suppress and crush the uprising, but they were soon overwhelmed and slaughtered…as the crowd became more and more enraged….

    At last, Commander Whitetail, Lieutenant Deerinea and Corporal Mack, along with the last surviving Meldaron Marine…were flushed from hiding. They were taken prisoner, their weapons stripped from them….
    "Why shouldn’t we kill you now?" Shrieked one of the civilians.
    "Because – we’re not Schinicin soldiers…." Commander Whitetail spoke softly.
    "I – do not believe you!"
Commander Whitetail groaned…then to the others surprise, the Meldaron Marine shook his head…then tore the protective mask from his head. Instantly, the deadly chlorine atmosphere tore in to him and blood gushed from his nose and mouth, as it burned his lungs and internal organs. He collapsed and lay convulsing, his body dead before he hit the ground. Startled, the Schinicin civilians stared at the corpse of the dead Marine…and the red blood that began soaking the ground around him….
    "You – you speak the truth…." Gasped the horrified civilian. "Why? Why have you come to our world?"
    "We come – to rescue our friend…and to try – to bring down the evil Schinicin Emperor!"
    "Death to the Empire!" Some chanted. "Down with the centuries of cruelty and injustice!"
    "That’s right!" Commander Whitetail yelled, trying to calm the irrational mob. "Yet, this is not the way to bring about the downfall! Seek out the military forces…and kill or capture them! Arm yourselves with weapons…and storm the Schinicin military centres! Destroy the Schinicin’s military might…crush the tracking stations…and prevent them from alerting the Star-Crusher fleet! If the fleet and her soldiers return…then you will die! Is this what you want?"

    There were snarls of indecision both for and against murdering the frightened Meldaron’s. Finally, common-sense won out.
    "Go – take your people…and leave our world. This isn’t your fight. We will rise up against the cruelty and injustice of our evil and corrupt Imperial slave masters…and destroy them…once and for all."
    "We could – " Commander Whitetail began.
    "No – take your people…and GONOW!" Snarled the self appointed leader of the uprising.

    Commander Whitetail swallowed, then did as he was told. He found a hover-transport, then loaded them in to it. Quickly, they fled the Imperial palace grounds…and the city. All through the city, the rioting citizens were destroying anything and everything…and scattered throughout the sprawling city…were dead bodies…both of Schinicin civilians and soldiers. Explosions rocked the city and environs…as the rioters became more and more adventurous, bringing about the downfall of the empire….
    "Commander – " Corporal Mack whimpered in terror. "What of – "
    "I’m sorry Corporal…. Corporal Silverfox is lost to us…. I do not see how – she can survive the uprising against the Imperial’s…."
    "We’ve got to go – " Corporal Mack wailed.
    "Corporal – if we went back, then they would butcher us. Corporal Silverfox is lost and we should honour the sacrifice that she is making…to protect the rest of us…."
Corporal Mack burst in to tears…and Lt. Deerinea did her best, to try and console the sobbing young Tashan…. Commander Whitetail sniffled, then shed a few salty tears of his own, grieving for the loss of the young Corporal Silverfox…but he honoured what she was fighting for…and more than likely – would die for….


     Meldaron Secret Base – Unknown Hills.

    At last, the first ground tremors struck…and immediately, the tracking stations reported in, that Schinicin’s in their thousands…are approaching the secret base. These reports were fragmented…as the tracking stations and outposts were obliterated within seconds…. Frightened but held in check by their more serious minded officers, the Meldaron forces readied for the largest battle in history – since the great Meldaron war…. Barely visible to sensors, then after a few moments…the aid of binoculars, come the massive cloud of dust…raised by the incredible Schinicin army. From orbit, the Star-Crushers began raining down laser blasts and laser torpedoes, which impacted against the shields that, covered the Meldaron base.  Closer and closer rushed the army of the Schinicin soldiers…then under orders by their superior officers…the Meldaron laser turrets began taking extreme range shots at the approaching Schinicin armed forces…. Streaking by overhead and well under the Meldaron’s protective shielding – the Schinicin star-fighters were the first to take the field, their laser torpedoes slaying hundreds of Meldaron soldiers. Instantly, the battle was taken to the Schinicin star-fighters, as the Meldaron’s launched their own star-fighter reserves…and the Meldaron’s anti star-fighter missile launchers and laser guns began their withering fire….

    Under merciless bombardment from orbit and the star-fighters, the Meldaron’s held their ground…and then the full might of the overwhelming Schinicin forces crashed against the un-wilting army of the Meldaron resistance. Explosions and screams of both Meldaron’s and Schinicin filled the air, along with the booming explosions of the Schinicin tanks, along with those of the Meldaron resistance. For each Schinicin soldier that was killed, ten took its place on the front line…and slowly…the Meldaron’s were forced back under sheer weight of numbers. Bravely, they fought like demons, even though their friends…and even their own family…fell all around them – not one of the Meldaron soldiers crumpled under the rising tide of pressure mounted against them.  Encouraged by their minimal losses and seemingly invincible ground force invasion, the Schinicin stormed the trenches. Meldaron’s fought hand to hand with the stronger and more numerous Schinicin soldiers…but they each fought with the strength of ten Meldaron soldiers…as their loyalty to their people…and their world granted them phenomenal strength….


  Aboard the Schinicin Flagship

    Watching with avid interest – the battle on the planet below, the Grand Admiral was pleased. All reports that come to him spoke of how the Schinicin forces were steadily beating back the Meldaron resistance…and how…Schinicin losses were minimal. Encouraged by his forces' actions, the Grand Admiral ordered the Star-Crusher Kurita, to intensify its bombardment of the defensive shielding. So overcome with his own self-delusionary beliefs of his imminent victory…he ordered the Star-Crusher fleet to power down its engines. He never expected what was – even now – streaking past the outer system planets…cruising at attack speed…heading right for the now stationary Schinicin Naval warships….


  Somewhere beneath the Schinicin Detention Centre – Imperial Palace.

    Corporal Silverfox stepped in to the cavernous chamber…. Each of her footsteps cracked like thunder – forcing her to give up any pretence of secrecy.  A faint – but louder and louder – sound began reverberating, thudding like some massive heart. Silverfox continued her soft walking…each step further heightening the growing fear that permeated every cell in her vulpine body. Without warning, from everywhere – came a soft and venomous hiss…like super-heated steam through a geological fault….
    "So…the one has finally come…." Whispered the voice.
    "Who are you?" Corporal Silverfox demanded, her voice cracking with fear.
    "I am – the one – who you have sought…."
Corporal Silverfox blinked in the near impenetrable gloom of the cavernous chamber. Her heartbeat thundered in her russet ears, each and every nerve and muscle tense…prepared for immediate flight.
    "You – are the Emperor ?" Corporal Silverfox asked.
    "I am what – I am…." Replied the wheezing voice. "So, at last – it comes down to this. A once mighty empire…is laid low by betrayal – from within its own oppressed people?"
    "Your reign of evil and murder has come to an end!" Corporal Silverfox spoke, her voice echoing all around the chamber. "Your own people – will rise up – and cast down you and your mighty empire…. They cry out for freedom – from centuries of your own… military’s cruel and unjust rule!"
    "Freedom?" Sighed the voice. "What do you know of freedom? Your own people live…under the sway of a corrupt King! How many of your own race…will perish on the battlefield…fighting a war that you can never win?"
    "My people – fight with a righteousness that does not need explaining. We fight for the honour of our world…and in this…all that we hold dear. One life is not enough in this battle…nor is hundreds…thousands…even millions! We will fight…and die…to defend our world – regardless of who – or what – threatens her…."

    There was a soft sigh…then the dry voice resumed.
    "You can never imagine…what has befallen this once beautiful planet. It was not always as you see it now…. Once, thousands of years ago – Schinicin was much like your own world…. Small petty wars broke out over the most trivial of things…and it was in this, the start of our planet’s death began. These wars escalated out of control – and soon – we were using chemical, nuclear and worse weapons – of mass destruction. We destroyed this world…beat her down…and finally – with it’s last gasping breath…we snapped her neck and drained her of her precious blood…the very atmosphere…. It was our foolishness, that destroyed this once beautiful world…and it is a path – your own race is taking! Oh – we knew – after a thousand years of warfare…what we had done…. We settled our petty differences…and tried to repair the damage we as a race…had done. We failed…. Our planet died…and is now – as you see it. A nuclear desert…a rocky wasteland…devoid of anything…of its former self. Our beautiful forests…pristine lakes and oceans…all destroyed in my species mad crusade for power…and our love of warfare. It was our love for our world…that drove us to destroy it…and ourselves. I am the last of a race…that destroyed this world…. It is I who deserves the vilest of insults…the most lengthy of crimes…. Nothing, will ever restore this once beautiful world…that I helped…to destroy."
    "You – " Corporal Silverfox stammered, overcome by the grief, which suddenly washed over her.
    "These – reptiles – are not the true natives of this world…. I am the last of the race of people…who originally colonised this world…and led to its destruction…. It is I, who now, pleads for your mercy…."

    A soft white glow began illuminating the chamber, revealing a startling sight for the surprised young Vixen. Corporal Silverfox blinked – as she saw the figure…behind the voice. It was an ancient hyooman; lying on a reclined bed, hooked up to the machinery that kept his frail form alive…. His hair was grey with age, hanging limply. His frail body was emaciated to the point of being skeletal…but his eyes…his eyes…caught Corporal Silverfox’s gaze…and transfixed her…. Corporal Silverfox found herself trapped within those shimmering silver eyes…like her ancestors would hypnotise a rabbit…before the said rabbit was slaughtered….


  Meldaron High Command – Emergency Meeting.

    An Admiral of the Meldaron High Command stood and spoke to the assembled high-ranking Meldaron Military leaders.
    "Then the Schinicin naval fleet will be bewildered – and our remaining space naval fleet – will hyper in and engage the Schinicin naval forces. Further, our allies have been in touch with us – and they are going to be launching their own assault, from the other side…. It will be a pincer movement, as our remaining capital ships will engage and draw off the bulk of the Schinicin naval fleet – then our allies will hyper in behind them – and attack from behind and the flanks…. All going well, the Schinicin fleet will be hopelessly bewildered – not knowing which way to fight…."
    "An interesting strategy Admiral…." Whispered the King. "How long until our naval fleet reaches Meldaron?"
    "Within two hours sir…." Replied the Admiral. "They’re closing at attack speed… and we hope, to catch the Schinicin off-guard…."
    "Excellent Admiral…do what-ever it takes…to end this war. Dismissed."


  Aboard the Schinicin Flagship.

    "Sir – I…." Choked a sensor operator.
    "What is it?" Snarled the Grand Admiral.
    "Sir – Meldaron capital class vessels…closing at high speed!"
    "WHAT?" Gasped the Grand Admiral in shock.
They stared at the sensor screens, as over twenty capital class vessels swept in to orbit, then immediately disgorged their star-fighters. As the horrified Grand Admiral watched another fifteen warships of capital class and smaller - emerged from star-drive and likewise dove in to the sitting Imperial warships.
    "How – where…." Exploded the Grand Admiral. "I thought that they were…. How many vessels?"
    "Sir – there is at least fifteen Maloner Class battle-cruiser warships, twenty Collietile class medium cruisers…ten Camer class light warships…."
    "NOW!" Screamed the Grand Admiral. "Get the other fleet vessels to close at maximum speed! Kick this ship in to attack speed!"
    "Sir – we…our engines are cold! They were shut down, as we didn’t expect – "
    "How long?" Snarled the Grand Admiral.
    "Sir – we need at least twenty minutes – to get up to flank speed…."
    "Do it! Raise shields! Prepare for combat! Sound general quarters!"

    Alarms and red alert lights blazed throughout the ship, as it’s crew scrambled in to their assigned positions….

    Two Camer class warships closed rapidly, then turned their superstructure side-on to the main flagship – allowing their own star-fighters to launch safely from their starboard hangar bays. Quickly, the star-fighters streaked away – then the Camer class warships began pounding the shielding on the Schinicin flagship…. Instantly, the gunners aboard the Schinicin flagship returned fire – filling space with a deadly barrage of laser fire. All around the battling capital class vessels, the smaller star-fighters fought and exploded, occasionally colliding with each other and taking their own star-fighters out in the massive space battle that erupted.
    "Sir!" Come a stunned sensor operator’s cry. "We’ve lost the Schinicin Revenger!"
Shocked, the Grand Admiral snapped his gaze to the view-screen – just in time to see three Maloner class battle-cruisers shred the shielding off the Revenger…then the blinding explosion as the Revenger exploded in to dust – under the merciless bombardment of the three Maloner class battle-cruisers….
    "What – " Screamed the surprised Grand Admiral. "Concentrate fire on that Camer class warship!"
With satisfaction, the Grand Admiral watched as the nearest Camer class warship exploded in to dust. It was destroyed by the withering firepower that the Schinicin flagship brought to bear.
    "Sir – we’ve lost shield integrity to the port-side!"
    "Turn the ship about! Get repair crews to the port-side shield generators!"
Horrified, the Grand Admiral watched another of the Schinicin naval vessels erupt in to debris, as it took exchanged fire with a Maloner class battle cruiser, which exploded from within…. Emergency klaxons wailed, as three Camer class warships and two Collietile class…mercilessly strafed the flagship.

    Warning – hull breech in progress – starboard hangar bay. Come a computerised warning.

    "Sir – Schinicin naval fleet is down to sixteen ships!" A sensor technician screamed above the scream of the emergency klaxons.
    "Out of twenty-five vessels – we’re down to sixteen?" Hissed the Grand Admiral.
    "Fourteen!" Someone yelled, as two more Schinicin star-crushers met their demise.
    "Call remaining fighters back! Order them to defend the remaining star-crushers!"
More explosions rocked the flagship, as one of the engines was totally destroyed….
    "Call them back – now !" Shrieked the Grand Admiral.
Immediately, the order was relayed to the swarm of Schinicin star-fighters, who were heavily embroiled in battle both against the Meldaron capital class vessels and the smaller, faster Meldaron star-fighters.
    "Hull integrity at sixty percent – shields failing on bow and port sides…."
    "Eleven Star-Crushers remaining – two critically damaged and derelict…."
Calmly, the Grand Admiral reigned in his temper, then took his throne. Almost casually, he brought his bridge crew back in to control….
    "Sir – sensors indicate…."
    "Calm – lieutenant…." Spoke the Grand Admiral. "Take a deep breath…now – report."
    "Sir – sensor contact – fifteen Galdarian battle-cruisers entering from the flank!"
Slowly, the Grand Admiral slumped visibly in his chair. He had never anticipated a surprise return…of the Meldaron naval fleet…or their allied forces….


  Somewhere beneath the Schinicin Detention Centre – Imperial Palace.

    "Can you – " Wheezed the ancient hyooman, who lay on his bed. "Ever find it within your heart…to forgive me…for what I…and my people done, to this planet?"
Silverfox’s eyes welled with tears, her heart torn by the very real grief she felt…at the loss of a planet, as beautiful as her own. Also, she was touched by the sincerity of these hyoomans words, which seemed so sincere…. Suddenly, the Spear of Meldaron leapt fully extended in to her paws…and a revitalising shock of power infused her…  Silverfox stared in horror at the crystal tip of the spear…and it’s brilliant emerald glow. With a shriek of reptilian rage – a massive black scaled form flickered in to view before the shocked Corporal Silverfox…. It rose to its feet, towering easily fifty feet above her…and it’s massive reptilian body stretching two hundred feet back in to the cavernous chamber. Corporal Silverfox screamed in terror – as she witnessed the birth of the most deadly creature ever to grace the galaxy…a Dark Star Dragon….

    As the Dark Star Dragon threw back its reptilian head and shrieked, Corporal Silverfox staggered backwards, stunned and reeling from the deafening roar. Glaring down at her through bright silver eyes, it lashed out…then with mere millimetres to spare, Corporal Silverfox dodged…and the great reptile’s forepaw slammed down in to the very rock floor. Shards of stone chips nicked her suit and mask, but thankfully, the suit integrity was not compromised. Pulling its forepaw free, the Dark Star Dragon breathed deeply…then a massive gout of white hot flames ripped apart the very air…and enfolded Corporal Silverfox in it’s deadly embrace…. Her agonising screams were instantly…silenced.


  Landing Zone – Schinicin Desert.

    Commander Whitetail stopped the extensively damaged hover-car and made his way from the craft. Standing nearby were the two shuttle pilots…who were surprised to see only Commander Whitetail, Lieutenant Deerinea and Corporal Mack return….
    "Come on Captain – we’re leaving…now." Snapped Commander Whitetail, as he helped Lt. Deerinea up inside the shuttle.
    "Now?" Asked one of the stunned pilots.
    "Get this crate space-borne… now!" Commander Whitetail screamed. "That’s an order Captain!"
Quickly, the two pilots scrambled up in to the shuttle’s cockpit and began the pre-flight warm-up and checklist. Commander Whitetail immediately got Lt. Deerinea back in to the small shuttle medical bench, where he strapped her in tightly.
    "You hang on…or else!" Commander Whitetail breathed in to her ears.
    "Hey – " Lt. Deerinea gasped. "I already told you…you’re not going to…escape me, that easily…my love."
Commander Whitetail gave her a quick kiss on her badly wounded muzzle, then strapped himself in to the seat beside the sullen Corporal Mack.
    "Captain – " Commander Whitetail snarled.
    "Already airborne…sir." Replied the Captain. "Next stop…Meldaron."
    "Put your foot down Captain…."
    "Aye sir!" Sighed the Captain, then kicked in the ion-drives to their fullest possible extent.
    "Sir!" Squealed the co-pilot. "Sensors indicate, two – no- four Imperial Star-fighters…closing at high speed…"

    Commander Whitetail snarled in rage.
    "Captain – do whatever you can…to out-run them! We’ve got to get ourselves out of here!"
    "Aye sir…it’s going to be close…but I am sure…we can do it."
    "Just get the lead out Captain…." Commander Whitetail snarled.
    "I said…move it soldier !"
Quietly, the pilot prayed to Millar – then thrust the ion-drive controls past the safety redline. They all felt the explosive acceleration, even though the artificial gravity that automatically engaged dampened the worst of the massive acceleration….
    "Imperial fighters closing rapidly sir…." Stammered the co-pilot.
    "Captain – "
    "Sir – I’m doing all that we can…what in Millar's name!" Moaned the Captain.
    "Captain – what’s going on?"
    "Sir – we’re being actively hailed…."
    "On-speakers." Commander Whitetail barked.
    "Attention Schinicin shuttle…. This is flight Lieutenant Ak’tar. We’re just here…to wish you a safe journey…and escort you to the Stargate…."
    "You’re who?" Commander Whitetail breathed in alarm.
    "I’m flight Lieutenant Ak’tar…formerly of the Imperial navy. Sir – we’ve defected… as we know now…what the Empire has been doing…we’re here to escort you…to the Stargate."

    Commander Whitetail watched the sensor displays, as the Schinicin fighters closed about the shuttle…and indeed, escorted them out of the system.
    "Flight Lieutenant – why…." Commander Whitetail began.
    "Sir – for how long…have many of the Imperial forces been lied too? We never knew the extent of corruption and evil, which had infested our forces. We did not see…the very real harm…we were doing to our own people. Thousands of races have been either destroyed, or enslaved by the mighty Empire…. Now, that the truth has come to light…hundreds of us soldiers…are defecting. Soon, it will be thousands…. We know the Empire is doomed…and we want to try and fix, some of the damage…that a thousand years of our evil has done…."
    "You – " Commander Whitetail exclaimed.
    "Sir – even now…a hyperwave transmission is being broadcast to all Schinicin forces…scattered throughout the galaxy. Within hours – they will know the evil and deception; the Empire has been enforcing. Who knows? We may even have enough support…to strike back against our own senior officers…who still serve the Emperor – and all that he stands for…. No sir, the Schinicin civilians – through their centuries of neglect and suffering – have been lying in wait. Now, they’re rebelling…and the truth of the Emperor’s lies and deceptions are coming out. No more – will the Schinicin people be lied too. Today, with the fall of the Emperor…shall the people retake their birth-right…in that…being a free people…."

    Commander Whitetail was silent for a long while, then he spoke, his voice choked with his tears….
    "Flight Lieutenant…may Millar watch over you all…and keep you safe…."
    "May she – " Come the response. "Find it in her heart – to forgive us – for all which we’ve done…." Come the Flight Lieutenants reply. "Have a safe trip – sir."
With that, the Schinicin shuttle flickered – and vanished through the Stargate, as the Schinicin escorting fighters turned their noses for home….


    Aboard the Schinicin Flagship

    "Give me a fleet wide report…." Whispered the Grand Admiral. "Also – turn off those damn alarms!"
Red alert alarms were silenced….
    "Computer – give me fleet wide status report…." Hissed the Grand Admiral.


    Schinicin Naval Fleet Report.

    Schinicin Naval forces – twenty-four Star-Crusher class battle-cruisers in orbit around Meldaron. Since commencement of battle - Schinicin Star-Crushers lost – nine. Meldaron capital class warships – fifteen Maloner Class battle cruisers, twenty Collietile class medium cruisers, ten Camer class light cruisers engaged in battle. Since commencement of battle – five Camer class, three – revised – four Maloner class…. Revised – six Camer class, five Maloner class…."

    "Enough – " Spoke the Grand Admiral, then he watched in misery as another Star-Crusher – and two Collietile warships erupted…. "Where is the fighter escort for the flagship?"
    "Sir – fighter reserves are down to six percent of total…."
    "Launch remaining fighters – get this ship out of the battle-zone!" Sighed the Grand Admiral.
More explosions flickered across the view-screen, as a Schinicin Star-Crusher destroyed three Collietile cruisers – before it was blasted in to debris.
    "Sir – six Star-Crushers remaining in invasion fleet…. Most extensively damaged and two are crippled…. Sir – " Spoke the Admiral.
Laser torpedo’s slammed in to the weakening shielding on the Schinicin flagship and emergency sirens warned of impending shield failure on the bow, starboard and port sides.
    "Sir!" Snarled the Admiral. "We can not withstand this battering! Order the fleet to flee!"
    "Admiral – the Schinicin never run from battle…." Spoke the Grand Admiral calmly.
    "Sire – our fleet is lost ! Do you not see this? We could escape – and return – with more Star-Crushers…the Schinicin Reserve Naval Fleet – "
    "Has already – been taken…." Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis spoke softly.
    "We could…what?" Exclaimed the Admiral.
    "Our reserve fleet – has other orders…Admiral. We’ve lost this battle – but the war is not yet over…."
    "Sir – please…." Begged the Admiral. "Get to your escape craft – the Empire – "

    "Do you know something…Admiral?" Sith Hirr Draconis whispered softly. "I got a fragment – of a report not so long ago…. There was this Meldaron person – who said – the Empire is doomed…. I found that quite funny…now…I see the very real danger that we’re facing…. Let us die not cowards – with our heads bowed. Instead, let us go out fighting !"
    "Sir – with all due respect – you’ve lost – your mind…. Commander Zra-charan!"
Suddenly, a hyperwave transmission swept through the massively depleted warships in the Schinicin navy…and it was automatically transmitted to every ground force unit, right down to the front line soldier on the field….
    "Attention all Schinicin forces…an important announcement from Uruk-Zartath – his Imperial majesties second-in-command…."
    "Attention all Schinicin naval forces and ground troops…. As of this time, Schinicin time, being 05:00, dated the 9th of Drasnak, in the year 3097…. I hereby and decree, that the Emperor…has been relieved of his authority. No more, shall Schinicin be ruled with cruelty and injustice! Now, the Schinicin peoples have risen up and laid claim to their birth-right…of being free from the evil, tyranny and corruption that has infested our forces…and our government."

    Silence gripped every shipboard soul on the Schinicin fleet…. Even on the ground, the battle slowly faltered…then to the Meldaron’s surprise…ceased.

    Continuing, the Uruk-Zartath resumed his speech.
    "All Schinicin forces are hereby and forthwith, ordered to immediately cease any and all hostile actions…and for all senior officers to surrender…to face a full military court, to decide their fates…. Repeat – the Emperor has been overthrown…and any and all Schinicin forces are to immediately stand down and surrender…. All senior officers are to surrender…to face a full military court, to decide their fates – or – to take their own lives, for betraying not only their own people…but for suppressing and murdering millions of innocents, throughout the galaxy. This order is effective…immediately."
    "So – " Whispered the Grand Admiral. "It comes to this? Our mighty Empire… crumbles like a Meldaron child’s sandcastle before the merciless tides? Our all powerful Imperial fleet – turns tail and runs like a whipped Tashan?"
    "Have it noted Commander – I am hereby relieving the Grand Admiral of his command…and having him confined to his quarters. Sound the recall alert Commander, we’re going to run if we can – if not – then we’ll die…."
    "Do it Commander…."
Slowly, Sith Hirr Draconis bowed his proud and noble head.
    "I never – in all my centuries of loyal service to the Emperor…ever suspected events would turn against us like this…." Sith Hirr Draconis whispered in shock and remorse.
    "Sir – " Spoke the Commander. "Please leave the bridge – you’re under orders…."
Sadly, with one last loving look at his flagship bridge – the Grand Admiral bowed his head and returned to his quarters….

    Here, he was locked in and the Commander returned to his duties. More explosions rocked the vessel, as the Meldaron forces concentrated their massive firepower against the weakening Schinicin flagship.  Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis smiled sadly – then depressed a button. A large part of the decking retracted and he lowered himself down in to the cockpit of his secret escape shuttle. Quickly, he adjusted the controls – then sealed the hatchway closed. His large escape craft’s engines roared in to life, then the Grand Admiral pressed another button. He looked on, as the hull beneath him retracted, then he saw the blue-green planet of Meldaron, hanging below him. After a few more adjustments – he fired his thrusters – and the escape craft blasted from the mortally wounded Star-Crusher flagship. Meldaron Star-fighters weaponry rocked the escape vessel, but their guns made next to no damage to the highly armoured craft. Engaging the ion-drives to their fullest thrust – the Grand Admiral blasted through the battlefield – then he smiled grimly….
    "It is better to die with honour – " He whispered, then touched a small gleaming button on his console. "Than it is – to live as a coward – with nothing…."
Behind him – the massive Star-Crusher began exploding, the individual charges that had been secretly laid – erupting and gutting the Star-Crusher from within…. Behind him, the mightiest vessel in the Empire…blasted itself in to millions of tiny pieces – and a massive fireball bloomed – then faded instantly. As his ship streaked towards safety, there was a sickening lurch and his shuttle bucked. A Camer class warship had scored a hit on his highly armoured shuttle…and it began plummeting down towards the planet below….

    Such was the extent of the explosion, that those on the planet below – could visibly see the explosion…and a great cheer rose from the thousands of Meldaron prisoners, soldiers and others…who celebrated the destruction of the Schinicin Star-Crusher flagship….

    Precious few Schinicin soldiers armoured division operators and others…had any spirit left in them, once they had received the orders…of surrender. In their thousands, they immediately cast down their arms…and surrendered to the stunned Meldaron forces. High in orbit, the few remaining Star-Crushers engaged their engines – and fled the battle. Sensing the battle was over, the Meldaron and their allies, let the battered and bruised Schinicin ships flee back through the Stargate…. No more, would the Schinicin pose any threat to them…or anyone.

    All through the galaxy, people on thousands of planets celebrated jubilantly, finally freed from the oppression and cruelty of the Imperials. All across the galaxy, the Schinicin forces surrendered – or blew themselves…and their precious Star-Crushers up, rather than surrender….

    At last, the evil Empire had met a worthy foe in battle…and had been repelled forever….


     Somewhere beneath the Schinicin Detention Centre – Imperial Palace.

    When the white-hot flames abated, Corporal Silverfox stood herself back up and glared at the massive elder Dark Star Dragon, which stared incredulously down at her….
    "You – still – live?" It roared in disbelief.
    "I do…." Corporal Silverfox snarled. "I have the power of the Spear of Meldaron…and the blessing of Millar…guiding my paws…."
At the mention of the Dark Star Dragon’s nemesis, he lashed out at her again…and once again, the young Vixen’s fleetness saved her. His temper grew and grew, as he breathed flame at her once more – then shrieked, as she stabbed the spear deep in to his softer scaled underbelly….
    "I’ll…crush you !" He screamed in agony.
    "You’re dead…so be a good little lizard…and lie down!" Corporal Silverfox shot back, her voice filled with her anger and loathing.
His massive paw lashed out, and the emerald shielding erupted about her, deflecting his deadly attack. Corporal Silverfox was knocked flying by the force of the strike…and she was momentarily stunned…. Seizing his opportunity, he leapt at her…but Corporal Silverfox managed to roll away, then she slashed him deeply across his forearm with the deadly spear. Once again, he screamed in rage and pain.
    "I’ll kill you…and feast upon your very world!" He raged.
    "No – " Corporal Silverfox growled menacingly. "You will die…. I know not, of how you managed to escape the entrapment of your evil people…hundreds of years ago…but you will not escape again…unless…it is in to the dark, dank depths of the hells!"
Corporal Silverfox dodged this way and that, growing weaker and weaker, as the Dark Star Dragon mercilessly drove her relentlessly backwards….
    "You can not…." He screamed at her. "Fight me off forever! I have the strength and resilience of the darkest depths of space itself! I eat entire planets for my morning meal…and devour entire suns for my dinner! You – are – not – a – worthy – challenge!"

    He screamed in agony, as Silverfox impaled her spear through his right forepaw. Tearing it free, he gazed at the green reptilian blood that gushed from the wound…. Blinking, he was surprised…to see that the wound refused to fuse back together…and heal itself….
    "Do not be so surprised…my foe." Corporal Silverfox taunted him. "This is the Spear of Meldaron…the one weapon…that can kill one of your kind…. I did not know, why Millar gave me this…but now…I see why!"
    "It will take more than that… twig…to stop me!" He slavered. "You – for the rest of eternity…shall know such unending pain and suffering…. More – much more – than you could ever conceive of. I will not be brought low…by you…or your…bitch of a Goddess!"
Corporal Silverfox’s eyes widened, and her muzzle dropped open, as his words struck her harder than any physical blow. For many moments, the Vulpine and Dragon faced off, both resting and regaining their strength…. Without warning…he leapt upon her….
    "Millar – save me!" Corporal Silverfox screamed, as she set the Spear of Meldaron against the edge of her armoured boot.
Too late, the Dark Star Dragon saw the Spear of Meldaron set for impalement…then his massive weight crashed down upon the spear…and Corporal Silverfox. His screams ripped through the cavern…as Corporal Silverfox vanished beneath his massive bulk….


  Planet-side – Meldaron – Somewhere in the Maydane Swamps

    Barely, Sith Hirr Draconis had managed to level his shuttle’s wild plummet…and he had crashed heavily in to the dark and fetid waters of the Maydane swamps…. Blood gushed from a deep gash in his side, where a part of the shuttle’s fuselage had embedded itself. He shattered the overhead canopy with his massive paws, then dragged himself free of the wrecked shuttle…. Choking and gasping for precious chlorine, he ripped the piece of shrapnel from his side and threw it away. His red eyes burned like acid, and his lungs shrieked and burned as well…as the deadly oxygen rich Meldaron air began laying claim to him. Staggering, he tripped and fell with a loud splash…then dragged himself across the deep swampy marshes, to the edge of a large island of semi-solid ground. Here, he lay convulsing and choking…slowly being poisoned by the deadly oxygen….
    "So – my pet scaly…once more…betrays me!" Come an all too familiar menacing growl.

    Unbelievingly, the Grand Admiral raised himself from the muck – then stared down through streaming eyes, at the true…unsuited form of Teric. Most of Teric’s fur had long since rotted away, and his rancid, decomposing corpse-like body was displayed for the Grand Admirals hideous gaze.
    "How…did…you…." Gasped the Grand Admiral, as he clutched his chest.
    "Oh – I’m sorry," Teric sighed. "I forgot to bring you your chlorine tanks. How careless of me."
    "Curse you…." Gurgled Sith Hirr Draconis. "How can you…."
    "Easy…Sir Scaly. I tracked you…every step of the way. Now, it seems, that you’ve been a naughty dragon…and need to be punished…."
    "I…." Croaked the dying Grand Admiral.

    Teric gestured nonchalantly, then most of his forearm musculature rotted away and the blood and gore spattered bone gleamed in the light, as the rotted muscle fell in to the swamp water with a sickening plop. His now useless forearm slumped to his side. Displeased, he glared at it.
    "Millar be damned!" He growled. "Now how do I scratch myself?"
Sickened and dying, the Grand Admiral retched pitifully, as he coughed up green reptilian blood from his lungs. Shocked, he spat the blood in to the swamp waters.
    "You’re…just what are you?" Shrieked Sith Hirr Draconis.
    "Me?" Asked Teric, as more and more…faster and faster, his body decomposed and the fur and flesh beneath, sluiced from him. "I’m a native of Tasher…. No. Wait. Or was that Pearldinea? No. Rainforest Cape? No…Wonderful place though…you really should visit there…."
Again, the Grand Admiral coughed up more reptilian blood and he again spat it out.
    "What – are – you ?" Wept Sith Hirr Draconis.

    Slowly, Teric grinned, then plucked one of his eyes from its socket and waggled it at the dying Grand Admiral.
    "I see you." Teric giggled. "Hey – next time you’re in the system…I’ll keep an eye out for you!"
    "What…in the Emperor’s name…." Sith Hirr Draconis gurgled.
Teric stared sullenly at the Grand Admiral. With a sigh, Teric threw away his eyeball and the empty socket oozed blood, pus and maggots. His one remaining eye flickered…then changed to a deep…shimmering silver colour….

    Slowly, the rotting form of Teric began humping and convulsing, and then it exploded…as a three hundred foot long, one hundred foot tall Dark Star Dragon materialised. His bright silver eyes glared down at the Grand Admiral, whose own reptilian eyes widened in abject horror…then recollection…and understanding at last….

    "By the Emperor’s – " Sith Hirr Draconis choked. "You’re – "
Outstretching his two hundred foot across wings, the Dark Star Dragon fixated the shocked Grand Admiral with his bright silver eyes – that gleamed with the menace – power – and most frightening of all – the pure…untamed madness, that possessed this majestic creature.
    "I had hopes for you – " Thundered the massive Dark Star Dragon, his majestic voice overshadowed by that of the Teric pattern. "When I first heard…centuries ago…of your species evolution. I – others like me – waited and waited – for millennia, awaiting the rise and birth of our offspring…."  He paused, then continued his verbal lashing of the dying Grand Admiral.  "You – Captain – were one of our offspring. You – and the thousands of others of your people…were to usher us back in to the world of mortals! You were to free us…of the imprisonment…that bitch of a Goddess Millar had forced hundreds of my people in too! You failed…Captain…and now…with your all-powerful fleet decimated and fleeing…the fall of your majestic…" He laughed scornfully. "Empire…. No…now, we shall never be reborn in to your time…. You have failed us…your …ancestors! Now – you have sealed our fates for eternity. My people…your people…shall never escape the dimensional prison in to which we were banished!"
    Choking, the Grand Admiral managed to draw enough breath left within him, to mount a weak defence.  "You…the Dark Star Dragon’s…were all…."
    Scornfully, the Dark Star Dragon snarled in reptilian fury.  "I did not say that all of us…were banished! A bare paw-full…of our people…escaped the treacherous trap…and we fled to the furthermost ends of the Galaxy! Many of us – who survived the entrapment - killed ourselves centuries later. We went crazy with loneliness – with none of our own species – left for thousands of light-years – we began killing ourselves off…. I am quite possibly – the last of the Dark Star Dragons – in the known Galaxy! Now, in you – I had hoped to find a salvation…for our people. A way – as it were – to circumvent Millar's treachery and deception…and to be reborn…in to your time! Together, the Dark Star Dragons and the Schinicin could…no…would…have been unstoppable! With me as your ally and close confidant, we could have deposed the pathetic Emperor…and ruled the entire Galaxy…together! No…you failed…and now, the fate of the Dark Star Dragons…is sealed forever. Even now – the legendary Tome of Zra-Chak is being destroyed…. You failed the Emperor…yourself – and – worst of all…your ancestors. Now – Sith Hirr Draconis – the time has come…for you…to face those…of whom you failed….

    Without warning, the massive Dark Star Dragon’s paw lashed out…striking Sith Hirr Draconis in the scaled breast. Sith Hirr Draconis didn’t even have time to utter a living chilling scream…before the Dark Star Dragon snatched it’s paw back…clutching the Grand Admirals still beating heart…. Lifeless, the smaller Dragon’s corpse collapsed in to the fetid swamp waters, where it would lie rotting, for months. Uttering an undulating draconic series of howls…the Dark Star Dragon opened a dimensional rift…between this world…and the dimensional prison, which held the souls of the imprisoned Dark Star Dragon’s. As the Dark Star Dragon stepped through the portal…the chilling undying scream of Sith Hirr Draconis ripped forth…and was forever lost – as the great portal slammed closed….

    Silence returned once more to the Maydane swamps, but there was a soft, insane giggle…that floated through the air…then silence descended once more….


  Meldaron Base – Victory Celebrations

    Hours after the surrender of the Schinicin forces…and the destruction or fleeing of their Imperial warships from Meldaron’s orbit, the celebrations of their victorious battle against the Schinicin kicked in to gear. All across the planet, Meldaron’s celebrated their unbelievable victory, and even more so – when the news came through – that the Schinicin’s own Emperor…had been found slain. Glider, recovering from his near fatal experience, walked through the halls of jubilantly celebrating Meldaron forces, searching for his close friend Mack Shazri. He found Mack standing on a stone balcony, overlooking the setting suns, as the binary suns slowly sank down in to the horizon….
    "Mack – " Glider spoke quietly.
Mack turned his tear-lathered muzzle to look at his friend. Without saying anything else, Glider moved over…then placed his arms about the young Tashan. Mack’s resolve melted…and he clutched Glider in a crushing embrace, as his grief poured from him. They had both come to acknowledge…the worst must have befallen their beloved friend and Glider’s secret mate – Silverfox.
    "Mack – I have a confession to make…." Glider whispered.
Mack wept even worse, then gripped Glider even tighter…until Glider’s ribs nearly broke.
    "Mack…please…." Glider gasped.
Reluctantly, Mack relent and stood beside his lifelong friend, his paw about the older hyoomans shoulder.
    "Mack – Silverfox and I – "
    "I – know." Mack whimpered quietly.
    Glider turned to face the young wolf.  "You – knew?"
    "Silverfox’s scent…was all wrong." Mack confided. "At first, I could not put a paw on what it was…but then I realised…."

    "Her – scent?"
    Mack nodded and sniffled, then turned back to look at the setting suns.  "All native Meldaron’s…have heightened senses…. You hyoomans – no offence – do not have these…talents."
    "None – taken." Glider whispered.
    "As I said – her… scent…was all muddied. I did not know what was wrong with her, until I remembered…what it was. It was your scent…and hers that had thrown me. Together, you had secretly mated…thinking that no-one knew…."
    "You – " Glider moaned.
    Mack favoured him with a miserable glance, then gazed back at the setting suns.  "Glider – I could not – honestly – be happier. I just wish that – you two could have come to me…and confided in me…. I also know…that Silverfox…is with…."
    "Oh sweet Millar…." Glider wept. "Silver – "

    This time, it was Mack, who held Glider tight…as Glider burst in to tears.
    "Yes – I suspected it had happened…and I pleaded – with a Meldaron Med-Tech, to find out…. It’s true…Silverfox…is pregnant."
    "Now – " Glider screamed in rage and agony.
    "Now – we’ll never know…as she is lost…to us all…."
Lieutenant Deerinea, her body covered in bandages, walked quietly out on to the balcony.
    "Corporal Mack Shazri – you are hereby ordered…to attend a special meeting of the Meldaron High Command…at 09:00 tomorrow morning…." Lt. Deerinea spoke quietly.
Mack weakly nodded, then hugged Glider once more.
    "Lieutenant – Deerinea – " Mack whispered in to her ears. "Please…stay with him…."

    Lt. Deerinea nodded and squeezed the young Tashan’s shoulder comfortingly. Mack made his way from the balcony, leaving Glider alone with Deerinea.
    "I suppose – you know?" Glider wept.
    "Yes…my friend…." Deerinea whispered, then gently enfolded the smaller hyooman in to her tender embrace.
    "Why? Why did she have to die?" Glider sobbed, his heart-wrenching sobbing tearing him apart.
    "Glider – no body was ever…."
    "Deerinea…they did find evidence of…blood smeared across the floor…."
    "Corporal Glider listen to me!" Lt. Deerinea growled. "It’s true! They did find blood beneath that…the…dead Dark Star Dragon…and the shattered shaft of the Spear of Meldaron…but no body was…."

    "You do not understand…do you?" Glider wailed. "How could they find a body? When they found the…cremated remains of the Dark Star Dragon’s body…with only a few of its bones left…. Silverfox – would have been crushed beneath him…and if that didn’t kill her…then the immolation of the corpse… would have!"
    "Glider – " Deerinea soothed him. "Come on – you’ve suffered more…than almost any of us of late…. I want you to come back – to the Med-Tech's. Here, I will ask that they give you something…to help you rest…."
Glider, leaning heavily against the wounded Deerinea, made his way back inside the Meldaron base….


  Meeting of the Meldaron High Command, Meldaron Base.

    "Corporal Mack Shazri – please step forwards." Barked the King.
    Corporal Mack bedecked in his finest dress uniform, stepped forwards, then done a perfect right-angled turn and marched in to the centre of the chambers, where he turned again – and marched to the podium. Here, he knelt on one knee before the King…and the Meldaron High Command.
    "It is the sentence of this court – that due to acts of personal bravery – above and beyond the call of active duty…." Commenced the King. "That you – be awarded the Cross of Meldaron, for extreme heroism!"

    Resounding applause erupted from the gathered Meldaron forces.

    After a few moments, the King placed the coveted medal about Corporal Mack’s neck. Tears welled in Mack’s eyes, as he bowed deeply to the King…and the High Command.
    "Further – due to your unselfish acts of heroism…valour and loyalty…you are hereby…and forthwith – awarded the rank, privileges and rights…of the rank of Lieutenant!"

    Even louder cheers erupted from the gathered Anthro’s.

    Newly bedecked with his medal and ranking, Lt. Mack Shazri bowed again, then returned to his place in line.

    "Lt. Deerinea, covert operations officer, step forwards!" Barked the King.
Likewise, Lt. Deerinea, also bedecked in her medal encrusted dress uniform, approached the King…and the High Command.
    "Lt. Deerinea – for acts of heroism, personal selfless sacrifice and incredible courage – above and beyond the call of any duty…you are hereby awarded the Cross of Meldaron! Further, you are hereby relieved of your command of covert operations…and your rank of Lieutenant…."

    Silence filled the chambers, as the King paused, his Leonie face betraying no emotion. Lt. Deerinea wilted, but bravely held her ground….
    "Instead – you are hereby – accorded the rank, privileges and rights…of the rank of Lieutenant Commander!"

    Once again, the gleeful cheers of the Meldaron soldiers rang out, and Lt. Deerinea wept, as she returned to her position….

    "Commander Whitetail – covert operations field operative, step forwards!" Barked the King yet again.

    Commander Whitetail stepped forwards, dressed in a pure white robe, the hood folded against his neck, no rank or medals encrusting his robes. Slowly, he made his way to the podium, where he knelt before the King and the High Command.
    "Commander Whitetail," Began the King. "Words can never describe…my own…the High Command’s…and the Meldaron peoples…gratitude. You have fought the longest…the hardest…and above all callings, the best of any of our forces! When the tides of war turned against us, it was you…who rose to the challenge…and brought us around. Your exploits and achievements stand as moral and sanctimonious testimony…to the true spirit of Meldaron. No medal will be bestowed upon you – as I know of your dislike for such – nor, shall any ranking be bestowed upon you…."

    Stunned murmurs spread through the crowd.

    "However – your achievements in this war…can never…ever…truly be rewarded, in any way, shape or form. It was you – who led the battle. It was you – who took up the most deadly of missions…and carried them off. It was…most importantly…you – who took the potentially suicidal mission – to sneak past the Schinicin fleet, bypass their system wide defence grid…and ultimately, to rescue and instigate – the fall of the entire Empire. I can not find words to speak of how not only I…but also millions of Meldaron’s…and trillions…scattered throughout the various former Imperial enslaved worlds, am indebted to your sacrifices…and your exemplary courage and self-sacrifice. No medal could ever describe our gratitude, no ranking ever match the honour with which you sacrificed everything…. I…abase myself… before a true warrior!"

    Slowly, the King knelt, then bowed at the feet of Commander Whitetail. Stunned, the masses were silent…. Whitetail looked down then gently placed his paws on the King’s head.

    "Arise…my majesty." Commander Whitetail spoke softly. "You have no need, to abase yourself before me. I am but a humble Pearldinean…nothing more. I am not a god…or some great mythological warrior from the past…come to life! What I done, I done for the good of my people…my world…my Goddess…and above all…my King! All my life, I strived to serve the Goddess Millar in all things, and I will continue, with your majesties' permission, I will henceforth surrender my military ranking within the Meldaron armed forces. I shall, if my majesty will permit, return to the shattered remains of the Temple of the Eye of Infinity, whence I shall live out the remainder of my days, serving my Goddess in all things, be they great – or – small. Should my highness ever have need of me again, then I shall, I swear, be available for my King’s service…."

    Silence gripped the masses.

    "Is this your decision Commander ?" Asked the stunned King.
    "Yes – your majesty. It is my decision."
    "So be it – Whitetail . You shall be given any and all assistance that the Kingdom of Meldaron can offer you…or your followers, in rebuilding the Temple to its former glory."
    "Thank you…sire." Whitetail sniffled. "Sire – this means more to me…than any decoration…or ranking."

    Deafening peals of celebration ripped forth from the massed soldiers, pilots, star-fighter crews and others, who had packed out the massive cavern. After a few moments, King Reyard Russet called for silence…and after fifteen minutes – he got it.
    "Lastly, and most seriously. It is with an extremely heavy heart…that I do hereby make the following decree, my last action, as Commander in Chief, of the Meldaron military…."

    Silence once more descended.

    "Posthumously, Corporal Silverfox Relah Star – has made the ultimate sacrifice for herself, her people…and her world. Single-pawed, she slew the Schinicin Emperor…but vanished…presumed killed…in the battle. Should Corporal Silverfox have lived to be here present today…I would have bestowed upon her, the following…. The greatest military medal that Meldaron has…the Crimson Phoenix…. Like a Phoenix from the ashes, of the first great Meldaron war, our people rebuilt our ravaged planet. Like a Phoenix…rising once more from the ashes of near destruction…Meldaron will live again!"

    Deafening peals of applause threatened to blow the roof right off the mountain chamber – at this partial speech. Twenty minutes later, the tearful King lay the medal back on the dais, then spoke.

    "My people…Corporal Silverfox Relah Star, would have been accorded the rights, privileges and rank…of Commander…should she have lived to be here present today, to receive these accolades, for her incredible self sacrifice. Sadly, we have no indication…that this brave…warrioress…escaped the destruction of the most all powerful…and most vile and evil of any threat…the Dark Star Dragon, which masqueraded as the Schinicin Emperor…for thousands of years. Sadly, I award this medal to her…and all the rights, privileges and ranking that went with her new class…. A memorial service will be held at dawn, exactly one week from today. I also, declare this day, not only in the spirit of those who sacrificed their life for the cause…but for all peoples…a national holiday…. Most importantly, this day is to be officially known, as Commander Silverfox’s Sacrifice. May we never forget those who have fallen in this…and other wars. Above all, may Millar's sweet embrace comfort the spirit of our bravest of warrioress’…Commander Silverfox Relah Star. A statue of her, shall be commissioned, and added to the Hall of Memories…in our War Memorial, on Pearldinea. As my last work – as Commander in Chief of the Meldaron armed forces…I want all present…to welcome the Ambassador from Schinicin…Admiral Ak’tar…."

    Slowly, there were smattering’s of applause, which grew and grew, until the cavern itself sounded as if an avalanche was erupting…. Wearing his best dress uniform and his mask and suit, the Schinicin Ambassador approached the dais, then knelt. When the King bade him welcome, the Schinicin Ambassador bowed before the High Command, then turned and bowed deeply to the Meldaron forces.
    "It brings the Schinicin people – " Spoke the Ambassador. "Great pleasure, honour and respect…to respectfully ask, that a formal declaration of peace…after thousands of years, can be signed – between the newly formed Schinicin Peoples Republic…and the Meldaron Monarchy…."
Quickly, the document was brought forth, then slowly, the obviously distressed Ambassador – Admiral Ak’tar, waited until the High Command had signed, before he added his own signature, on behalf of the Schinicin president. King Reyard Russet then, added his own personal signature…and the ancient wax seal…forever binding the Schinicin and Meldaron people…to a life free of warfare…and suffering….

    Holding their scaled and furred paws together, the Schinicin Ambassador and the King of Meldaron embraced…and this time, the thunderous applause was incredible…and unrelenting….


   Two Weeks Later….

    After the weeklong celebrations had finally ground themselves to a halt, the real consequences of the war… on both sides…come crashing down. Most of Meldaron was in ruins, millions homeless. Starvation, plagues and worse ravaged the continents, just as they did on Schinicin. Military forces were worked relentlessly, setting up refugee camps for the homeless, and tending to the sick and injured. Massive clean-up crews worked day and night, trying valiantly to rebuild Meldaron. Even though the task was monumental in scale – on both worlds – both Meldaron’s and their allies – the Schinicin and Galdarian’s – all worked side by side…to help Meldaron recover from the great war. On Schinicin, Meldaron soldiers worked alongside the Schinicin military and civilians, restoring and repairing the damaged infrastructure, which the Schinicin uprising had destroyed….

    Sensor technicians were finalising the shutdown of the Meldaron base systems… when an alert ripped through the base….

    Warning…warning…warning…enemy Schinicin star-fighter…on collision course, with Meldaron hangar.

    Immediately, the emergency crews were mobilised, and Lieutenant Commander Deerinea, Lieutenant Mack and Corporal Glider, ran in to the sensor operators chambers.
    "What on Meldaron!" Lt. Cmdr Deerinea gasped. "Get me full telemetry and life-sign readings on that fighter!"
    "Sir!" Spoke a startled technician, as he programmed the computer with the request.

    Warning…warning…warning…Schinicin fighter does not respond to emergency warnings. Schinicin fighter is coming in too quickly, for safe landing procedures. Pilot is of Tashan race, but pilot life sign telemetry is borderline. Repeat, pilot life sign is borderline…. Full emergency deployment activated….

    "Sweet Millar – " Lt. Mack whimpered. "It couldn’t be!"
    "Get me that pilot…now !" Lt. Cmdr Deerinea snarled.
    "Attention Schinicin fighter pilot…this is Meldaron Base Command…calling Schinicin star-fighter pilot…please respond…."
    "Help…" Come a familiar, but agonised choking wail. "Please…can not…control…."
    "Sweet Millar – " Corporal Glider wept. "It is Silverfox!"
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea snatched up a set of headphones, then roughly shoved aside the shocked sensor operator.
    "Silverfox…listen to me !" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea snarled. "I want you to slow that fighter down!"
    "I…help…me…." Come the strangled moan. "Pain…tearing me…."
    "Silverfox…please. Listen to me!" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea repeated. "You must slow down that fighter! You’re coming in too fast! Slow it down…for Millar's sake! Drop your airspeed, and lower the landing skids! Listen to me, you vile wretch of a Vulpine! Pull that nose up! NOW!"
Streaking downwards, almost out of control, Silverfox’s Schinicin star-fighter careened madly towards the hangar…but her nose was too low.
    "Silverfox! Listen to me Millar curse you!" Lt. Cmdr Deerinea wailed. "This is a order…soldier!"

    Its wings wavering up and down, the fighter lifted its nose ever so slightly, then dropped alarmingly. With a hideous scrunching sound, it sheared the tops of the trees….
    "Millar curse you, you stupid Vulpine!" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea shrieked. "Pull that freaking nose up…now !"
They watched, as the fighters nose dipped again…then at the last second…rose and the Schinicin fighter dove in to the deck of the hangar bay. Immediately, the fighter was ensnared by the safety webbing, but it ripped this from its moorings and in turn, spun the fighter 180 o and it screamed across the deck…then crashed heavily against the far wall….

    Lt. Cmdr Deerinea, Corporal Glider and Lt. Mack fled the chambers, then bolted to the hangar bay. Here, the emergency crews ripped in to the destroyed fighter, being forced to shatter the cockpit – then they dragged the barely conscious Silverfox from the wreckage. Blood matted her thighs and soaked her flight-suit…and the second she was released from the cockpit, Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea ordered her immediately to the infirmary. A medical trauma team ripped in to top gear and rushed the critically wounded Vulpine in to the infirmary. Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea, Lt. Mack and Corporal Glider were left outside, to wait…and pray.

    Three hours later, a blood lathered Med-Tech came out, then wiped his sweat soaked forehead with his blood smothered gloved paws.
    "Corporal Glider – I…it’s best you come with me…now."
Donning masks, they all entered the operation chamber…. Silverfox lay barely conscious on the bed, a small crying bundle of blood lathered fur wrapped tightly, lying against her breasts.
    "Glider…." Silverfox choked. "Come – see…our…daughter."
Glider, bravely trying to withhold his tears, approached and looked down at the baby anthro Vixen.
    "She’s…beautiful…." Glider whispered. "You’re…going to be all right…you understand me?"
Silverfox coughed again, flecks of blood staining the fur about her lips. Weakly, she smiled up at him…but her smile…never touched her beautiful blue eyes….
    "My love…I…I do love you…." Glider whispered. "I’ve just got to check…with the doctors…."
Silverfox retched pitifully, and they all heard the strangled choking deep within her chest….
"Doctor…." Glider began.

    Sadly, the doctor shook his head.
    "I – I’m sorry…. There is nothing we can do…to save her. There is just too much… damage done to her. Please…her time is extremely short…stay with her…be her mate…it is all…you can do…."
Glider nodded weakly, then went and sat beside his beloved mate. Taking their leave, the others left, as did the Med-Tech people. Glider told Silverfox every joke and humorous verse he could…trying to hold away the spectre of death….

    Ten minutes later…his anguished scream rang out…and Mack and Deerinea added their own mournful screams…sending Silverfox’s young spirit on it’s way…with a heroes tribute….

    Glider came out fifteen minutes after Silverfox had passed away, holding his young daughter tenderly. Tears streaked down his face, as he looked at his lifelong friend Mack, then at Deerinea.
    "It was…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
    "It was…peaceful." Glider whispered. "She didn’t suffer…towards the end…."
    "You’re going too…."
    "No," Glider wept. "This is my responsibility. I helped give this Kit life…and I will do all I can, to raise her…as her mother and I would have done…. It is the least…that I can do…to honour my fallen mates…spirit…."
    "Do you have…."
    "This young Kit…I call Inari Vanstar…. May she grow…up to be…just as beautiful as her mother. May Millar bless her soul…."
    "Aye…indeed, may Millar bless Silverfox’s soul….

    Together, they walked out of the infirmary…to face the massive job ahead of them…in helping to rebuild their shattered world….


    Epilogue – Five Years After the War….

    Glider stood on the high plateau cliff, watching the binary suns slowly set…. His face had aged in the past five years…and his young Vixen daughter, nearly at her adult height, walked up and slipped her paw in to his trembling hand. He shuddered, then looked down at her – as he gently hugged her tightly to him.
    "Father – " Inari whispered softly, her voice as delicate as the wind, her sky blue eyes glittering with unshed tears. "Are you…all right?"
    "Not – really…." Glider whispered quietly.
Indeed, Inari possessed a phenomenal ability to detect the emotions of her father, even when he was not within visual range….
    "Father…." Inari trembled.
    "In a minute." Glider spoke quietly.
They stood – him with his arms about her chest and stomach, her resting comfortingly back against his muscled chest…as they watched the binary suns sink below the western horizon. A faint breeze stirring the last few remaining leaves, and making the soft fluffy clouds scud across the early twilight sky…. Slowly, one by one, the evening stars peeked out – glittering like diamonds – which lay scattered across the black velvet of space….
    "Father – please…." Inari pleaded, as she looked up at him. "It is getting cold…and you don’t have a coat – at least…like I do."
    Glider tenderly kissed the top of her furry head then hugged her again.  "In a minute – I want you to see something…it’s important to me…."
Obediently, Inari snuggled in tighter against her hyooman father, as he placed his arms back around her, then playfully tickled her stomach. Inari giggled quietly and Glider sighed…. How so much like her mothers laugh…. Oh Millar, how he missed his beloved mate….
    "Father – " Inari spoke her voice barely above a whisper.
    "There!" Glider exclaimed, as he pointed up at the night sky. "You see that?"

    Obediently, Inari looked up, then her slender ears perked, as she blinked.
    "It’s…beautiful…." Inari breathed, looking at a brightly gleaming star, that shone far brighter than any star should…would…or could.
    "Silverfox – your mother – kept her promise to me…." Glider suddenly wept. "After five years…her dying wish…come true. Now, at long last – can I truly let her spirit go to its rightful rest…."
Glider trembled, then taking his young Vixen daughters’ paw in his own hyooman hand, he led her back towards their small home. A faint breeze caressed them, and Inari paused –, as did Glider…. Again, the breeze blew, bringing with it a painful scent that reduced Glider to tears, and a whisper….
    "Thank you…my beloved…." Come the faintest of whispers.
Glider wept unashamedly, as he felt the breeze caress his face – just as a beautiful Vixen had done so…with her black furred paws…all those years ago…. Finally, just as the snow that had threatened all week finally began to sift down from the sky – Glider and Inari walked inside….

    Above their heads – the Rising Star shone brightly – and would remain, for all of Meldaron’s remaining years.

Indeed the Rising Star had risen…never to set again….