Rising Star II

Admiral Uzuri's Downfall

Story © Anthony Wain

Mailto: Cederwyn@snowy.org

Artwork © Angela Beaman

All rights reserved.


    Abandoned Maloner Class Outpost, Asteroid belt, L3-9W2.

    Threading its way through the churning maelstrom that was the L3-4W2 asteroid field, the stolen Tashan class assault shuttle moved amongst the chunks of frozen ice, rock and precious metals. Some asteroids were only millimetres in diameter, but thousands more were bigger than a Schinicin Starcrusher was…. With a light paw controlling the stick, the elder Vulpine plotted his course for the abandoned Maloner outpost, on the inner edge of one of the largest asteroids. His skills were sorely tested, but he did not let this challenge bother him. With the softest of bumps, the shuttle touched down in the environment sealed shuttle bay hangar. He shut down the shuttle engines and turned the chair to look back at Corporal Inari, who stared out the shuttle cockpit window…as a dozen jackal headed armed troopers moved in to position, to flank the shuttle.

    Opening the hatch of the shuttle, he gestured with his blaster for Corporal Inari to disembark. Inari did so, but with obvious reluctance and trepidation. Immediately, four of these Jackal headed troopers sounded her, as another one, dressed in a form of ornate black robes approached and stared at Inari, then barked a question to her captor.  Listening intently, the elder vulpine growled and shook his head.
    "No – she is not to be mistreated. I have orders specifically, that she is to be held in comfortable and spacious quarters, but under no circumstances, is she to be allowed to leave her quarters! Admiral – " He caught himself just in time. "A servant of my mistress – will be arriving shortly to collect her."
Inari glanced between the Jackal and the Vulpine.
    "You – " Corporal Inari began her voice whispery quiet.
    "Yes – I understand them…" Snarled the Vulpine. "Disgusting creatures they are…not even civilised enough to be able to speak the common language."
    "I do not consider – " Corporal Inari whispered.
    "I really don’t care what you consider…." Shrieked the angry Vulpine, as he turned towards the black robed anthro Jackal. "Take her away!"

    Marched at blaster point, Corporal Inari was led from the hangar, her mind analysing and absorbing everything that she saw and heard. If, on the off chance – she could manage to escape…. Disgusted, the elder Vulpine sealed the hatch of the shuttle and stalked off, the black robed Jackal trailing along respectfully behind him. After a few steps, the black robed Jackal, a male, growled and barked something to him.
    "Of course it’s dangerous – holding her. Still, that young Vixen is sorely wanted by my mistress…and I know why."
He barked and whimpered, then shook his head.
    "Look – " Snarled the elder Vulpine. "I don’t care either way…I was ordered to get her, and I done it. Besides, there is no chance…of them finding out where I took her."
A disparaging whimper came from the Jackal.
    "Stop your complaining – or I’ll hand out some summary justice of my own…right here and now." Grunted the Vulpine, his hand sliding to the hilt of his deactivated laser sword.
With a whine, the Jackal stepped backwards and waved his paws in a placatory gesture.
    "Good – just remember your place and we’ll get along fine…." Snickered the Vulpine, as he entered in to a turbolift. "You know what to do…."
As the turbolift doors hissed closed, the Jackal turned away, then looked back at the turbolift and back again, then whined sadly and shook his head, placing a paw against his cheek….


    Bridge, Flagship of the Dark Talon Fleet, Altreides System

    Admiral Uzuri strode on to the bridge, then surveyed the droids', who all turned and glanced at her, then turned back to their assigned work.
    "Commander – have my shuttle prepared. I will be leaving the fleet for a time. I estimate that I shall be gone for a week, possibly two. Hold your position here, and await my return. Remain cloaked as much as possible, and have the Stargate mined with torpedo, laser and proximity mines…. " Admiral Uzuri handed him a small datapad. "All our fleet vessels are to be given these security codes. These will be programmed in to the space mines, and if another vessel does not transmit the requisite codes the second it emerges…."
Gravely, the black armoured droid Commander accepted the pad, and instantly absorbed the code in microseconds. Nodding, Admiral Uzuri turned and strode from the bridge of her flagship, then rode the nearest turbolift down to the shuttle bay. To her dissapointment, she indeed found her heavily armed and armoured shuttle to be fuelled and waiting for her. A squad of a dozen droid troopers stood resolutely beside it.
    "I will not be needing your assistance – " Admiral Uzuri growled.
As one, then turned 90o and marched away. Admiral Uzuri growled in annoyance and walked up the ramp of her shuttle, feeling and hearing its large ion-drives warming, preparing for take off. A silvery coloured droid pilot turned its chair and looked questioningly at Admiral Uzuri.
    "Set course for L3-9W2 – maximum speed." Admiral Uzuri snapped sharply.
There was the briefest of pauses, as the droid accessed its in-built star charts and within a second, had over sixty different vectors laid to the system in question. It turned the chair back around and manoeuvred the shuttle in to the take off position. As Admiral Uzuri strapped herself in, she saw the confirmation come from the control centre…and the shuttle leapt out in to the inky blackness of space….


    Med-Bay, Maloner Base, Pearldinea, Maloner.

    Dr. Kaldorianas tried everything she could to force Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea to stay in bed, short of sedating her – but it was ineffectual.
    "Doctor – I know you mean well, but I must lead my forces…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea gurgled weakly.
    "I agree – but what good is a commanding officer…if they’re dead?" Dr. Kaldorianas whimpered.
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea sighed, then was lowered in to a suspensor chair. It settled down on its cushion of air, then Cmdr. Deerinea whimpered again.
    "Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea – please listen to reason…." Dr. Kaldorianas wept. "I spent hours trying to save your life…and I do not want you risking it! It is too dangerous, as you’ve not had enough time to properly recover!"
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea knew this was true, but she only nodded sadly, her muzzle beginning to show the obvious effort she was exerting.
    "I…just need a minute." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea gurgled. "I want – "
    "To check on the others…this way." Dr. Kaldorianas sighed.
Pushing the suspensor chair, Dr. Kaldorianas led Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea through the Med-Bay, and Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea saw the sick, the dying and the wounded. For each, she felt grief and offered words of sympathy and compassion, before moving on. They paused outside a sealed door, and Dr. Kaldorianas shuddered and walked around before Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea.
    "Beyond here – " Began the Doe.
    "I know – who is beyond this doorway." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea whispered.

    Dr. Kaldorianas shuddered. "His – "
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea nodded and waved a paw. Touching the sensor pad, the shivering Doe opened the door and they entered.  Lying sitting up partially, was Corporal Glider. He was unconscious, pipes and other life support equipment lay upon and within him, but what hurt Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea the worst, was that he was barely recognisable as having…been…human. Where his charred hand had been; a blackened twisted stump, a medical droid was working on the new attachment – a replacement – that was a cacophony of wires, metal rods and plates…. Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea looked at it, and then her eyes widened and she turned away in horror.
    "It looks bad – " Dr. Kaldorianas admitted. "However – we’ve grown a skin culture, that will be overlaid, once the remaining polymer dermal plating is installed…."
    "How – long will it…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea gurgled.
    Dr. Kaldorianas sighed. "Sadly, it will be at least another week of intense medical attentions, before he is fit to be moved from intensive care."
    "Why – could you not use the – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
    Dr. Kaldorianas growled and turned away. "We can’t use the Turnari healing fluid…as we don’t have any!"
    "We – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea’s eyes widened in horror.

    "We ran out of it six weeks ago. A shipment was due to come from Adromedia…but as you well know…not one of the freighters destined for Meldaron, or Schinicin, have arrived…." Dr. Kaldorianas moaned. "Without these supplies – our people are dying! We need food, equipment, medical supplies…all manner of things…but we can not get them, as our freighters are being systematically destroyed!"
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea nodded sadly in agreement, then gestured to Corporal Glider.
    "Will he – "
    "He will hopefully survive…he’s strong. I remember his late wife, and if he has any semblance of that brave Meldaron’s spirit…he will make it." Dr. Kaldorianas nodded sadly. "Come on, I’ve got to get you back to bed…."


    A Week Later…


    Abandoned Maloner Class Outpost, Asteroid belt, L3-9W2.

    A guttural bark alerted the elder vulpine. As he approached, he looked down at the communications screen, upon which blazed past an encrypted security code. As fast as it was, the Vulpine read it deciphered it and his eyes widened.
    "I want all troopers down in the shuttle bay – now!" He shrieked. "Parade formation."
Whines of confusion come from the young anthro Jackal, as he looked quizzically at the older, and quite worried, fox.
    "Just do it!" He snarled, as he fled the chambers.
Shrugging its shoulders, the Jackal issued the order and shook his head…not making any sense out of anything.


    Aboard Admiral Uzuri’s Shuttle – Approach to L3-4W2

    "Admiral – control clearance is green - " Spoke the metallic voice of the droid pilot.
    "Proceed with caution. This asteroid field is inherently unstable. I would not wish to become a permanent addition to the field…." Admiral Uzuri growled softly, as she stared out through the shuttle’s cockpit window.
    "By your command Admiral – " Answered the droid.


    Abandoned Maloner Class Outpost, Asteroid belt, L3-9W2.

    Admiral Uzuri’s shuttle slowed as it approached then landed softly on the deckplates of the shuttle bay. As the hatchway hissed open, Admiral Uzuri strode purposefully down it – amidst the swirling gasses and steam. Ten feet away, the vulpine knelt on one knee as Uzuri approached.
    "Admiral Uzuri – " He began.
Without missing a step, Admiral Uzuri burst in to violent action, and backhanded him across the side of his triangular snout. There was his high pitched squeal of agony as he fell like his legs had been cut from under him, and a distinctive snapping of bone.
    "Idiot!" Admiral Uzuri shrieked. "Do you have any idea of what you have done?"
Weakly, his broken cheekbone bleeding profusely, the vulpine stared at Admiral Uzuri, then dropped his gaze to the decking.
    "Do you!" Screamed Uzuri, her voice chilling everyone within the shuttle bay.
    "I obeyed – " Gurgled the vulpine.
    "Shut up Galen…." Come the menacing growl. "You have single-pawed, brought potential ruin down on us!"

    Galen, the vulpine, stared up uncomprehendingly at Admiral Uzuri. Just for good measure, Admiral Uzuri lashed out and struck him again…breaking his upper arm in two places. With an anguished shriek, Galen fell to the decking.
    "Did you or did you not run a medi-scanner over that Corporal? Did you not know of the tracking device implanted in all Meldaron’s…at birth?"
Galen, clutching his broken arm, stared up at the black armoured Admiral, his eyes widening. Turning away, Admiral Uzuri gestured to two of the Jackal troopers.
    "Take this thing away…."
Obediently, they seized Galen and dragged him away. Admiral Uzuri growled venomously and strode from the shuttle bay….


    Jail Cell, abandoned Maloner Class Outpost, Asteroid belt, L3-9W2.

    Sitting on the hard bunk, Corporal Inari clutched her knees to her chest and wept bitterly. She could see, all to well, the slicer field that lay at the entrance of her cell and Corporal Inari also knew – what would happen, if she tried to pass through that field…. Distantly, Corporal Inari heard the soft barking from some of these strange Jackal anthro’s, then one of them emitted a blood-chilling whine of agony, followed by a sickening thud. Heavy metallic footsteps approached then paused at the entrance to her cell. With a soft buzz, the field was dropped and in strode two Jackal troopers…and a black armoured droid vixen.  Corporal Inari felt her blood turn to ice, as this black armoured figure turned its head and stared at her…the feral red eyes glowing in intensity.
    "Corporal Inari – " Spoke this droid. "How nice – to make your acquaintance…."
Speechless, Inari could only stare, her throat locked with horror and something …elusive…that that rippled at the back of her mind.
    "Do not try your powers on me Corporal – " Admiral Uzuri mocked her.
    "How – " Gasped Corporal Inari.
With a soft-barking laugh, Admiral Uzuri glared at her, then glanced down at a small datapad that one of the Jackals passed to her.
    "Inari Vanstar, Corporal in the Meldaron armed forces, natural parents – Silverfox…" Admiral Uzuri began, then blinked and resumed. "Relahstar, and Glider Vanstar – born fifteen years ago, on the 28th of Maran, 3099. Your identity number is I-384-SG2, your age is 45 years old, you have never taken a man or Meldaron as your lover, and you were studying for Priesthood, in the Temple of the Eye of Infinity. You have a well-documented natural psychic talent, that you have only now, come to begin to understand and work towards controlling…. Did I forget anything?"

    Shaking, with tears streaking down her muzzle, Corporal Inari slapped her paws to her eyes and wept.
    "Oh – one more thing." Admiral Uzuri continued. "You are wanted by the Meldaron armed forces, for a list of serious crimes, committed by you. First, is assault, death of a Meldaron trooper, orchestrating the assassination of the Schinicin Ambassador on Meldaron…"
This listing went on for quite some time, as Corporal Inari cried helplessly.
    "Now – my favourite part…. Due to ineptitude on behalf of one of my servants you did not have your tracking chip removed…." Admiral Uzuri smiled cruelly, as she stepped closer. "I would prefer to do this under medical conditions – but…."
Corporal Inari emitted a whispery scream as two of the Jackal troopers grabbed her, then violently held her flat on her stomach on the floor. Admiral Uzuri smiled, then clenched her left paw – and four 5" long razor like blades merged from just above her armoured knuckles. As Admiral Uzuri bent down, Corporal Inari bit her forearm…awaiting the pain she knew was coming.

    Admiral Uzuri cut effortlessly in to the flesh at the back of Inari’s neck, as the younger Corporal Inari bucked savagely and emitted blood-curdled shrieks. Blood ran freely, as Admiral Uzuri probed deeper, and without regard for the agony that she was causing.
    "Oh – they’ve spliced them in to the spinal column now?" Admiral Uzuri growled. "How interesting – "
Corporal Inari had never known such unending agony could exist, as she shrieked and struggled wildly, trying to escape this unendurable torment. With a soft grunt, Admiral Uzuri tore the small blood lathered silicon chip free of the surrounding flesh and bone…and felt Corporal Inari convulse once more in unexplainable paroxysm of unbelievable pain…before she went limp.  Admiral Uzuri stared down at the squirming small silicon chip in her hand, its micro-fine claws clenching and unclenching. With a disinterested grunt, she clenched her paw…and there was a crackle/snap as Admiral Uzuri crushed it and let is shattered pieces fall to the cell floor.
    "Take her to the Infirmary – and have that wound healed. I will be most displeased, should my mistress’s new pet be permanently…damaged."


    Bridge, aboard the Flagship, Dark Talon Fleet

    A droid sensor operator approached the black armoured droid, who sat in Admiral Uzuri’s chair.
    "What is it?" Spoke the droid quietly.
    "Sensors have detected a Vulpine class two organic shuttle has just emerged from the Stargate."
    "Is it transmitting the security codes?" Asked the black droid, its voice flat and emotionless.
    "Negative – " Replied the other droid.
    "Pay it no mind – let the mines deal with it." Answered the black commander droid.
    "By your command." Answered the droid, as it turned and returned to its station.


    Aboard the Vulpine Class Shuttle

    Cmdr. Whitetail shrieked in terror, as the second his shuttle emerged from the Stargate, his threat display boards lit like a Meldaron Kulnar tree. Pulling his shuttle in to a savage dive, he just avoided the two torpedos that sizzled past his ship. Snapping the toggle for the shuttle shielding and its meagre guns, Cmdr. Whitetail weaved and dodged the eruption of lasers and torpedoes that screamed towards him. Allowing his training and inner senses to guide his paw, Cmdr. Whitetail systematically began destroying the thousands of mines that littered the space around him….


    Bridge, aboard the Flagship, Dark Talon Fleet

    "Commander – " Spoke another droid. "The organic piloting the shuttle appears to be destroying the mines."
Without any trace of emotion, as it was incapable of showing such, the droid Commander watched the gleaming spots on the sensor board flare and vanish. If it had been capable, it surely would have been impressed with the remarkable gunnery and piloting skills displayed by Cmdr. Whitetail….
    "Dispatch two squadrons of fighters." Spoke the Commander calmly.
    "By your command." Replied the droid, then issued the order.
From the starboard side of the flagship’s foremost hangar, twelve droid piloted fighters leapt in to the vacuum of space, streaked away and twisted down underneath the belly of the massive flagship, then set their course for Cmdr. Whitetail’s shuttle.


    Aboard the Vulpine Class Shuttle

    Cmdr. Whitetail opened his eyes calmly, to see a swarm of twelve green dots sizzling towards his shuttle. Almost as if in slow motion, or so it felt, he destroyed another six mines, then snapped the shuttle in to a series of intricate – and to the sounds of the shuttle – unexpected movements. All around him, the tortured shuttle creaked and squealed, forced to do manoeuvres its makers had never anticipated. Never once, did Cmdr. Whitetail’s calm break, as he reached out with his mind, sweeping the ship for Corporal Inari’s presence. He did not find it, but when a torpedo exploded near his shuttle and a horrendous squeal of vaporising metal and strident alarms of warning alerted him to the hull breech – he had new problems….

    Instantly, everything not secured within the shuttle streamed past and was sucked out the gaping hole in the fuselage of the shuttlecraft. Cmdr. Whitetail knew he only had seconds to do what he must, and he slapped the emergency hatch closed, temporarily sealing off the cockpit. As laser blasts began tearing in to the shuttle, he struggled in to a vacuum suit and affixed a small oxygen tank to the belt. Securing the straps, he swore fluently and thrust the throttle levers fully forwards, charging towards the largest of the Starcrushers….


    Bridge, Aboard the Flagship, Dark Talon Fleet

    Dispassionately, the black droid watched the shuttle come streaking towards the flagship…as if it were intending to ram it.
    "Shields up - activate forward ensnarement beam." It spoke calmly.
An emerald green beam shot out from just under the nose of the flagship, then encapsulated the shuttle and gripped it in a magnetic field.
    "Sensors indicate the shuttle’s drives have burned out Commander." Come a flat voice.
    "Bring it in to hangar bay two. Have twelve trooper droids await it in the bay." Replied the Commander.
Without warning, the shuttle leaped forwards and at that microsecond change of speed, the ensnarement beam was broken… Two bluish-green torpedoes streaked from the shuttle and two seconds later, the ensnarement beam generator erupted in a millisecond of flame – as the two torpedoes sizzled through the minuscule gap that the beam had punched through the shields of the Starcrusher.
    "Damage report." Inflected the Commander without emotion.
    "Forward ensnarement beam is totally destroyed." Answered a droid, in the same flat, emotionless voice. "Hull breech deck 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. Two forward turbolaser batteries extensively damaged and inoperable."
    "Droid repair crews to undertake immediate repairs." Calmly spoke the Commander. "What status on the – "

    A violent tremor ran through the bridge of the flagship, and nearby consoles exploded in flames.
    "Report!" Spoke the Commander.
    "Report – lost defensive shield generator to bridge." Come the reply.
    "Track that Vulpine class shuttle, it might try another attack." Growled the Commander.
As they sent out sensor sweeps, the returning screen showed negative. Blinking its electronic eyes, the Commander stared out at the empty wastes of space, then back at the sensor screen….


    Aboard the Vulpine Class Shuttle

    Like a leech, the wounded shuttle clung to the side of the massive Starcrusher. Cmdr. Whitetail smiled grimly, knowing all too well, the blind spot bubble that existed this close to one of these ships. Cmdr. Whitetail shuddered and rechecked the seals on his suit. Satisfied, he broke the doorway his magnetic boots went thunk as they gripped the deck. It was the last sound that was heard, as the ships' atmosphere sizzled out in to space. Carefully, he made his way down the shuttle hall and opened the emergency hatch. He took a glance at the wall of the Starcrusher – twenty feet away. Gauging the distance, he returned to the shuttles cockpit and worked furiously at the autopilot…then tapped the execute button. A small countdown began, and he smiles grimly once again, then made his way back to the open hatchway, then affixed the safety line to the small hook inside the hatch.  He bent his knees slightly, then slapped disengage for the magnetic couplers. With as gentle leap, he sailed across the distance and smashed heavily against the side of the Starcrusher. There was a frightening crack – both from him and his suit faceplate, and he bit back a cry of pain. Pain tore its spectral claws through him, as he groggily reached down and reapplied the magnetic couplers on his boots. As he disengaged his harness, that held him tethered to the shuttle, there was another crack from his faceplate, as a hair-fine split began working its way down the protective plate. Knowing he had only minutes between life – and a quick and painful death, Cmdr. Whitetail glued his eyes to the hull of the Starcrusher and hurried as quickly as he could. Reaching a small magnetically sealed maintenance hatchway, he removed a magnetic scrambler from his suit belt and within moments – the red hatchway light turned green.

    Tearing it open, he crawled inside and was immediately flattened by the gravity onboard the Starcrusher. Only slightly above the standard he was used too on Meldaron – after his brief spacewalking, it was more than enough. Summoning his strength, he rose and turned about and pulled the door shut behind him. Gasping, he crawled through in to the maintenance airlock, whence he shed his cumbersome suit and tenderly placed a paw against an obviously broken rib or two. Waiting for the airlock to cycle, he reached out with his mind once more – and found no answering presence of Corporal Inari….


    Bridge, Aboard the Flagship, Dark Talon Fleet

    A chirp alerted the droid Commander.
    "Yes?" It asked.
    "Maintenance hatch D4-K72 has opened by itself." Come a metallic voice from the comlink.
    "Send six droid troopers to investigate." Replied the black droid. "Have repair droids inspect the hatch."
    "By your command." Come the flat, expressionless voice.
As the droid commander turned away, he saw the holopad shimmer in to life…and a 3’ high hologram of Admiral Uzuri materialised.
    "Commander." Admiral Uzuri spoke.
    "Admiral Uzuri." Replied the droid flatly.
    "What news Commander?" Admiral Uzuri spoke, as she rested her black metallic paws on her hips.
    "Admiral – we come under fire from a Vulpine class light shuttle, some damage was recorded and is being repaired, even as we speak." Answered the Commander. "Sensors lost track of the shuttle and – "
    Admiral Uzuri cut him short. "How did it pass through the mine field Commander?"
    "Admiral – the pilot of the shuttle displayed un-organic like reflexes, but last sensor contact showed the shuttle had been hit with a laser torpedo. It was extensively damaged, and its hull would have been breeched." Answered the Commander.
    Admiral Uzuri’s eyes narrowed in anger. "How did you permit this to happen Commander? I had entrusted you, to ensure that nothing could get through the Stargate…."

    A red blot suddenly appeared on the tracking sensors, as it streaked away from the Starcrusher.
    "Admiral – shuttle on sensors. Your orders?" Spoke the Commander dryly.
    "Destroy it!" Admiral Uzuri shrieked in rage.
Turning away, the droid Commander issued the order…and a millisecond later – a brilliant emerald turbolaser beam streaked out…and the shuttle exploded in to millions of shards.
    "Shuttle destroyed Admiral." Answered the droid emotionlessly. "By your command."
    "I have my suspicions Commander…take the fleet to yellow alert. I do not think this was an accidental encounter." Admiral Uzuri growled dangerously. "I do not like this at all…. Admiral Uzuri out."
As Admiral Uzuri’s hologram broke apart, the droid Commander turned and issued the yellow alert order. It felt no semblance of emotion at all, be it fear, apathy or compassion…but it knew its job – and did it exceptionally well….


    Admiral Uzuri’s Quarters, abandoned Maloner Class Outpost, Asteroid belt, L3-9W2.

    Admiral Uzuri sat, her thoughts turning over quickly in her head, as she stared down at the data that scrolled swiftly over the small computer monitor. It listed everything that the Meldaron’s had on Corporal Inari – and Admiral Uzuri found it to be quite interesting. A soft chirp from the door alerted her to company.
    "Come – " Admiral Uzuri growled, as she closed the computer’s display.
A young female Jackal headed creature entered, then bowed respectfully and barked a short series of words. Admiral Uzuri listened, then nodded once in understanding. Bowing again, the young Jackal quickly made her way back out.  Quietly, Admiral Uzuri rose and activated the holopad, then knelt respectfully upon it. After a few moments, the hologram of her mistress wavered in to view.
    "Speak – my servant." Growled the Dragon.
    "My liege – the first objective has been met. I have Corporal Inari Vanstar in custody, and await your orders." Admiral Uzuri spoke reverently.
    "Excellent Admiral… I commend you." Nodded the reptile. "I assume that there was no difficulties in obtaining her?"
Admiral Uzuri looked down, and then she snapped her gaze up and smiled cruelly beneath her polymer mask.

    "Mistress – Galen, your servant who brought her here – did not run a check for a tracking device…consequently, I have a feeling – that someone is trying to hunt her down…and potentially stage a rescue mission." Admiral Uzuri spoke quickly. "Shall I – "
    "No – have him brought to you… Call me when you have him before you, so I may witness his punishment." Whispered the Dragon. "You have done well Admiral – I am most pleased."
Before Admiral Uzuri could offer her thanks, the hololink was broken. Chuckling evilly, Admiral Uzuri put a comlink message for Galen to meet with her in the main operations room. His voice displayed no semblance of fear – just a mocking indifference towards her, as he felt, that he was better that the Admiral. This was not lost on Admiral Uzuri, who only nodded and broke the comlink message.


    Aboard the Flagship, Dark Talon Fleet

    Cmdr. Whitetail had only just shed his heavy suit, and opened the inner hatch to step through, when a dozen droid troopers appeared at the end of the maintenance catwalk.
    "Halt!" Come ones flat metallic voice.
Calmly, Cmdr. Whitetail walked down the catwalk, until he faced them.
    "Where – are you going? You are not authorised to be in this area!" It droned.
    "I’m going to Alterion II." Cmdr. Whitetail spoke calmly.
    "Alterion – " Began the droid.

    Like a furred cyclone, Cmdr. Whitetail unsheathed his laser sword, activated it and tore in to the momentarily confused droids. As they scrambled for cover, he laid in to them, cutting many in half, beheading others and crippling still more. Within six seconds, their laser bolts were being ricocheted away by Cmdr. Whitetail’s sword, as he wreaked carnage amongst them. Within twelve seconds – he had deactivated and sheathed his laser sword and smiled grimly.
    "Just some light practice – " He grunted, as he began trotting down the catwalk.


    Main Operations, Abandoned Maloner Class Outpost, Asteroid belt, L3-9W2.

    Admiral Uzuri stood patiently, the hologram of her mistress watching on, as Galen was led in to the chambers. As he smugly approached, then saw the expression on the holograms face, his smugness evaporated and his eyes widened in fear.
    "You have displeased me – " Began the hologram. "For the last time…Galen."
    "I – my liege – I can explain…." Galen stammered.
    "No more excuses Galen. You have fulfilled your assigned purpose, and now, your usefulness to me is at an end!" Growled the hologram dangerously.
Without warning, Galen snapped his hand out and Admiral Uzuri was knocked flat to the ground, as were the four troopers. He turned tail and fled back through the doorway, just as Admiral Uzuri crawled back to her feet, and let out an angry snarl of rage.
    "Security – stop him!" Admiral Uzuri shrieked in to her comlink.
Immediately, red alert alarms began their strident shrieking, the crimson lights blazing. Disinterestedly, the dragon hologram looked on, then spoke.
    "Admiral Uzuri – you have free reign. Do what-ever it takes…."
With that, it broke apart and dissipated.


    Star fighter Bay, Abandoned Maloner Class Outpost, Asteroid belt, L3-9W2.

    Galen skidded as he rounded the corner of the metal lined hallway, and it was only this freak slip, that saved him. Six Jackal troopers spotted him and lay down a withering hail of laser fire. He shrieked and rolled, then unsheathed a green laser sword and charged them. Their muzzles betrayed their alarm – and their pain, as he tore through them with joyous abandon. With only seconds to spare, he fled through the closing blast door and run across the permacrete deck, to the waiting star fighter. Scrambling up in to the cockpit, he sharply slapped the controls and activated the engines. Just as they were cycling up and the shields were shimmering in to existence, two large laser cannons swivelled out and down, and pointed directly at the star fighter.
    "Nooooooooooo!!!" Galen began to scream….
These two laser cannons fired – and the star fighter exploded in to flaming wreckage…instantly killing the vulpine in the cockpit.

    Back in Main Operations, Admiral Uzuri removed her black gloved paw from the switch…and smiled cruelly. Turning away, Admiral Uzuri issued orders to the waiting Jackal troopers, who bowed, barked in understanding and fled the room. With a sigh of apathy, Admiral Uzuri left Main Operations and returned to the shuttle bay, where her shuttle had been prepped for her departure.As Admiral Uzuri watched, the drugged and unconscious Corporal Inari was loaded in to the waiting shuttle. Nodding her head, Admiral Uzuri strode purposefully up the ramp and in to the cockpit.
    "Set course for the fleet – maximum speed." Admiral Uzuri barked sharply to the droid.
Quickly, the shuttlecraft leapt back out in to the deadly asteroid field…and as it streaked away; Admiral Uzuri smiled cruelly and touched a small green button. A sickening shockwave bucked the fleeing shuttle and the droid piloting it stared at the sensors…which show the crater where the starbase had been….


    Med-Bay, Maloner Base, Maloner, Pearldinea.

    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea walked weakly in to the room, in which Corporal Glider sat propped up in bed, his pallid face looking at her, eyes haunted.
    "Ma’am – " Corporal Glider croaked.
    "At ease Corporal…you’ve gone to hell and back…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke, as she patted his shoulder. "We all have…."
    "I – why did she…." Corporal Glider gurgled. "Inari – "
    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea nodded and sighed. "It was not her Corporal. It was a rare species of creature – called a Xenomorph. Sadly, Pt. Trolganza, who, even still, the Med-Techs’ are battling to save his life, killed it."
Corporal Glider’s eyes widened incredulously.
    "Yes – it was a Xenomorph. From what pieces we’ve been able to uncover, of this puzzle, there was a plan to instigate the war between Meldaron and Schinicin once again – but when the Xenomorph failed in this, it decided to destroy the Meldaron High Command. This too – met with failure. I know – as it nearly killed me in the process and yourself…but you are not a member of the High Command. It would appear – that you were an unfortunate victim – who stood in its way." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea whispered.
    "How – " Corporal Glider gasped. "Have they found – "

    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea gave the human a drink of water then set the glass down, her paw trembling.
    "For reasons unknown – Corporal Inari – has vanished. We can only pray, that she was kidnapped, as the bodies of the High Command, and others, have been found." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea sighed.
    "They want – her for her ‘talents’." Corporal Glider moaned sadly. "I knew this would…lead to trouble…."
    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea blinked. "You think that they would try – "
    Corporal Glider swallowed. "I…don’t think. I know."
    "Then may Millar protect that poor Vixen’s soul…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea wept.


    Aboard the Flagship, Dark Talon Fleet.

    Cmdr. Whitetail used every trick he knew, having honed his commando training to a razors edge, to avoid the patrolling droids. He found it dangerous, as their reflexes were well above any normal human or non-human that he had ever encountered. Finding a disused storage chamber, he hid himself away and let himself fall in to a deep, healing trance. Every nerve was singing a song of fear, but quelling the riot within him, he let his powers be turned partially back in on themselves, as he began his rapid healing….


    Some Days Later…


    Smuggler Starbase, Altreides System

    Instead of returning to the orbiting Starcrushers, Admiral Uzuri instructed the droid pilot to land on the smuggler’s starbase. As the shuttle touched down and Admiral Uzuri made her way down the hatchway, she spotted the waiting droid troopers.
    "You there!" Admiral Uzuri snapped. "Take the prisoner and have it confined in secure quarters."
    "By your command Admiral." Answered a droid, as they stepped forwards and walked up in to the shuttle.
Admiral Uzuri stared around her, displeased with the slow repairs to the new base, for the Dark Talon Fleet. As she walked across the permacrete flooring, a sharp agonising pain drove her to her knees, and forced a shriek of heart-wrenching torment from her throat. It was as if someone had just driven a white hot spike deep in to her chest, and as the pain slowly faded away, Admiral Uzuri became aware of two droid troopers helping her.
    "Get away from me!" Admiral Uzuri gurgled, her voice choked with pain.
Obediently, the two droids stepped backwards, and watched as Admiral Uzuri staggered from the shuttle bay.  Her pulse raced within her crushed body, and each step, even assisted with the aid of the powered armour, felt like it weighed a thousand tonnes. Leaning heavily against the wall every-so-often, Admiral Uzuri staggered down to the Med-Bay. Here, she collapsed in the doorway, and with supreme effort, crawled back to her feet and promptly collapsed again. Bone cracking convulsions tore in to her, and her throat locked tightly, barely open enough to allow her tortured form to breathe.


    Med-Bay, Smugglers Starbase, Altreides System

    "Help…me." Admiral Uzuri gurgled, as she slithered to the cold decking.
Swiftly, the Medi-droid approached and crouched, then as if her body weighed no more than a piece of paper, it picked her up and laid her on a diagnostic bed. A tube snapped out and a soft blue light emerged, then ran its way down her body, then back up again. When it had completed its preliminary scan, it folded itself away again and the droid reached up for the catches to Admiral Uzuri’s mask. Admiral Uzuri choked and writhed in torture, then she felt the droid unclasp the air hoses. They hissed softly, then fell silent. There was another hiss – as the seals were disengaged and the droid carefully lifted away the polymer helm – to reveal the face of Uzuri….


    Once – Uzuri had been a beautiful, raven haired vixen, her glossy fur a beautiful shade of russet, the triangular ears tipped with midnight black fur, the creamy white underside of her muzzle and throat gleamed like the stars at night….

    That was over fourteen years ago.

    Now, her once beautiful features were pallid, the little fur that remained was matted and rotting, as was the white, dough like flesh on her muzzle’s cheeks, the bridge of her nose and her head. Having been encased in the polymer armour for so long; her physical body had begun to slowly decay.  Even at the slight touch of the Medi-droid, more fur and hair sluiced away, as did a large section of the rotting skin. It retrieved a small sonic manipulator, and set to work. Under the droids ministrations, Uzuri lay as still as she could, as she felt the rotting flesh being lifted from her face and head, the burning tenderness of the new flesh being revealed to the harsh light. As the droid worked without saying a word, it slowly released the clamps on her outer body armour and lifted it away…with the sickening sound of tearing dead fur and skin. Uzuri tried not to scream, as the droid worked…but her anguished wails rang out, as it shed more and more of her rotted and pallid fur and skin. Beneath the black polymer body armour, Admiral Uzuri’s crushed form became obviously apparent. Deep, angry red scars matted her once attractive body – results of where the Medi-droids had worked – repairing her body as best they could. Indeed – it had been a miracle that Uzuri had even survived…being crushed as badly as she was.  They replaced her ruptured internal organs with cybernetic replacements, replaced and reinforced her entire spinal column – using an especially hardened form of nearly indestructible but highly flexible metal. A mixture of microscopic fibre-optics, which was reinforced with a molecular sheathing, and intensely intricate miniaturised chips were implanted, and grafted in to her reconstructed central nervous system. What proved to be the greatest challenge, was to reconstruct a completely new skeletal system, from the middle of her neck down.

    This metal skeleton was light as a feather, but intensely strong. It was designed to support weight in excess of one thousand kilograms, per three centimetres of     length, an its width was about as thick as a piece of paper. Inside the hollow bones, lay nerve conductive electronic musculature and a myriad of miniaturised electronic impulse conductors, which gave Uzuri a remarkable sense of touch – and a phenomenal strength. What took the longest time, was the flesh that was laid over this entire form – had to be specially grown from her own skin cells – then the nerves, blood vessels and other vital life sustaining organic systems had to be spliced in to the cybernetic systems….

    Admiral Uzuri woke some time later, to feel the pressure of the medical bed beneath her. Her body still burned like fire, but as she weakly raised her head, she saw the long familiar black polymer armour covering her form once more. Groggily Admiral Uzuri croaked in pain and the Medi-droid rolled over and looked down at her.
    "Report – " Admiral Uzuri croaked.
    "Admiral – you had experienced substantial damage to some of your central nervous system components, and there is significant degradation of the left hemisphere of the brain, some haemorrhaging of the cerebral cortex and major damage to the lymph glands." It spoke dryly.
    "Continue – " Admiral Uzuri growled, as she squeezed her eyes closed.
    "Major damage to the aorta, some scarring evident of the heart and dysfunctional cybernetic control systems." It rattled on. "I have repaired the systems and done what I could to repair the other damage – but it is only – "
    "Only what?" Admiral Uzuri growled, her eyes cracking open.
    "Admiral – it is only transient. Your organic systems, as a result of being encased within the armour – are severely degrading. You have an irreversible form of necrosis of the epidermal layer, and an inoperable brain tumour…."

    Admiral Uzuri’s eyes snapped open in alarm.
    "A – what?" She shrieked, then began choking.
    "An inoperable brain tumour Admiral. It has been present for some time, and is in an impossible place for surgery. To attempt surgery, would surely kill you." It spoke calmly.
    "With all the modern medical facilities at your command – " Admiral Uzuri growled.
    "Admiral – you misunderstand. I can not operate – as to do such would kill you. Further, any other attempts at alternative repairs would irrevocably damage your delicate cybernetic systems – which would – likewise kill you." It droned. "There is nothing that I could do."
    "So – I’m going to die?" Admiral Uzuri gurgled weakly, shock gripping her.
    "Yes Admiral – you are going to die…all organic life forms die sooner or later. In your case – at the present rate of decay – you will have, at best computations – less than a year to live." It replied calmly.

    Slowly, Admiral Uzuri slipped her polymer helm back on, then resealed it. Climbing from the bed, she glared at the Medi-droid and left the chambers. Admiral Uzuri glared at the droid as she departed, but bit back the words of rage that filled her. Striding throughout the base, like a veritable black killing machine, Admiral Uzuri’s rage grew and grew, as she marched in to main operations, then slammed her paw down on the holopad transmitter…and waited. Moments later, the holographic form of her mistress wavered in to view. Admiral Uzuri wasted no time….
    "You cold hearted reptilian bitch!" Admiral Uzuri shrieked, her paws clenched in rage.
    Staring back at her, the holographic dragon blinked, then smiled slowly. "So – my pup has finally gotten some fangs!"
    "How could you do this to me!" Screamed Admiral Uzuri, shaking in anger.
    "How?" Come the sibilant hiss. "I told you Admiral . I made you – and I can break you just as easily. Yes, you are nothing to me Uzuri…nothing. You are merely a tool, that I created, to achieve my goals."
    "What – perchance – is that?" Growled Admiral Uzuri, as she looked away.
    "I sought a way, to avenge the death of my father…and when I saw you, it was the best way I could strike back at those who had hurt me…. You were that means of my revenge Uzuri…. I used you to achieve my revenge – and it would appear, that you have failed me." Sighed the Dragon. "I had hopes for you Uzuri…I really did."
    Admiral Uzuri stared at the Dragon, then her eyes narrowed. "So little do you really know about me…."
Before the Dragon could reply, Admiral Uzuri shut down the holonet transmitter.
    "Commander – " Admiral Uzuri shrieked in to her comlink. "Prepare the fleet for imminent departure…for the Schinicin starship yards…maximum speed!"
    "By your command – Admiral." Come the response.

    Making her way back to the hangar bay, Admiral Uzuri rounded a corner and saw something that brought her to a dead stop…  Cmdr. Whitetail stood resolutely before her – his laser sword held ready at his side.
    "You!" Admiral Uzuri shrieked, as she snatched her own sword from her belt and ignited it.
    "Its been – a long time…Uzuri." Cmdr. Whitetail growled. "I told you – that I would hunt you down…."
Admiral Uzuri shrieked in rage, and charged him, but Cmdr. Whitetail blocked her savage and uncontrolled slashes, but it drove him backwards – in to the shuttle bay. Again and again, Admiral Uzuri slashed, thrust and feinted, steadily driving the startled Pearldinean backwards. Feinting, Cmdr. Whitetail slashed to the right, and Admiral Uzuri’s laser sword flicked down and blocked it with such force, that Cmdr. Whitetail nearly lost his grip on his own weapon.
    "You’re getting old – Whitetail." Admiral Uzuri taunted him. "Why don’t I just do Meldaron a favour – and cut you down now?"
Cmdr. Whitetail choked and parried a sizzling slash, their combined laser swords sparking sharply with incandescent flames.
    "I may be old – but I am still your better Uzuri." Cmdr. Whitetail gasped, as he went on the offensive, making Admiral Uzuri step back hurriedly.
A squad of a dozen droids clattered in to the shuttle bay, and took of offensive positions. Cmdr. Whitetail flicked a glance at them, then narrowed his gaze and turned his attentions back to Admiral Uzuri.
    "Can not fight a fair battle Uzuri?" Cmdr. Whitetail panted, as they spun apart and stood staring at each other.
    "I do not need my troopers – to give an upstart fawn a hiding." Admiral Uzuri growled, her eyes narrowing.

    A soft hiss of an igniting laser sword made Admiral Uzuri spin around sharply, and Corporal Inari let forth a whispering squeal, as Admiral Uzuri’s laser sword singed the fur on her chest, as she leapt up and over the black armoured Admiral Uzuri.
    "Corporal Inari – run!" Cmdr. Whitetail screamed at her, as he pressed the attack on Admiral Uzuri.
Just as the droid troopers opened fire, Corporal Inari deflected their laser shots and laid in to them with reckless abandon, as she fought her way towards one of the star fighters. Her muzzle wrinkled in anger and more than some fear, Corporal Inari laid waste to the droids, as Cmdr. Whitetail continued pushing Admiral Uzuri backwards, forcing her to the edge of a deep lift shaft. With a snarl of anger, Admiral Uzuri fought back and began making Cmdr. Whitetail struggle to repel her attacks. Dispatching the last of the droids, Corporal Inari scrambled up the side of the fighter and leapt in to the cockpit. Watching helplessly, Corporal Inari slammed the canopy closed and began cycling up the starfighter’s shields and other systems. Twenty droid troopers boiled in to the hangar and immediately, they snapped up their lasers and began firing at the starfighter. Corporal Inari squealed and flattened the firing stud on the fighter’s control stick, as she swung it around.

    Droids scattered and disintegrated, as the firepower of the starfighter tore them apart. Glancing once more at Cmdr. Whitetail, who had begun pressing Admiral Uzuri back – Corporal Inari wept and thrust the levers fully forwards…and leapt out in to the darkness of space.  Flicking a glance at the fleeing starfighter, Admiral Uzuri snarled in rage – and Cmdr. Whitetail seized his chance…. With a savage lunge, he snapped out his paw and using his powers, violently shoved Admiral Uzuri in to the elevator shaft…he heard her anguished screams, as she plummeted downwards, but he spared her not the slightest sympathy. He ran across the permacrete decking – and leapt in to the cockpit of another fighter. Even as another wave of droids clattered in to the hangar, Cmdr. Whitetail growled and slammed the starfighter’s engines to full throttle and scorched across the decking – then out in to the blissful silence of space….

    Five minutes after he and Corporal Inari had fled – the elevator rose…and the limp form of Admiral Uzuri appeared once more…. Her armour was scuffed and dented and she appeared to be dead. Staring down at her, the droids looked on, seeing the former menacing form of their Admiral – lying sprawled and broken on the lift platform.  Admiral Uzuri’s crimson eyes, in her mask, were black and dead – and there was not the slightest hint of life. However, after a few moments, one of the black metallic paws quivered, and slowly clenched as the blood red eyes glimmered, this light glowing brighter and brighter, as they blazed with an unimagined anger….


    Altreides System, Approaching the Stargate.

    "Commander – " Corporal Inari gasped, breathing heavily, as she whispered in to the ship to ship comlink. "How did you know – "
Cmdr. Whitetail, in his own stolen fighter, glared down at the instrument panel, then sighed and depressed the comlink switch.
    "Corporal – I used my powers to help me track you – along with your tracking chip. I am just glad – that I did manage to find you…."
    "Sir – there is something that you do not know – " Corporal Inari whispered, then her voice broke in to sobbing. "Admiral Uzuri is – "
Without warning, their threat displays blazed in to life like Meldaron Kulnar trees.
    "Save it Corporal – there will be time enough to tell me…when…we make it back to Maloner base. Set your coordinates Corporal Inari – I’ll be right behind you…."
    "Sir – I can not leave you – " Corporal Inari wept.
    "That is an order Corporal…now!" Cmdr. Whitetail snarled, as he spun the fighter down and away.
Cmdr. Whitetail flicked a glance down at the ship to ship navigation systems, just as Corporal Inari laid in the coordinates…and his eyes widened in horror.
    "Corporal – no!" Cmdr. Whitetail screamed.
With a sizzle, the navi-comp on his fighter shorted out, as a laser blast rocked his fighter. Cmdr. Whitetail swore and threw himself against the twenty droid fighters that swarmed towards him….


    Med-Bay, Maloner Base, Pearldinea, Maloner.

    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea came back in to see Corporal Glider, who was recovering well. Her own extensive wounds still pained her, but Dr. Kaldorianas had administered powerful painkillers, which took the worst of the pain away.
    "Hi Glider – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke. "How are you feeling?"
Corporal Glider stared down at the artificial hand and sighed, then flexed it experimentally, feeling the tingle in his wrist.
    "Well – as you can imagine…I’ve felt better." Corporal Glider sighed.
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea nodded weakly, then pulled up a chair and sat beside his bed.
    "I know – and I wish that it did not have to turn out like this." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke quietly. "We were fortunate – "
    "Fortunate?" Corporal Glider suddenly snapped in rage. "Fortunate?"

    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea stared at him, then swallowed and bit back her own anger.
    "Yes – Glider!" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea whispered, staring at him intently, making his tremble. "We were some of the lucky ones. We survived. Many did not."
    Corporal Glider swallowed, then shivered. "I – I’m sorry I snapped your head off like that. I’m just worried sick – about my daughter."
    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea sighed and gave Corporal Glider a gentle hug. "I know – we all are. Now, not only has Corporal Inari vanished, presumed to have been kidnapped, but Cmdr. Whitetail has likewise vanished…."
They both looked up, as King Reyard strode in to the chambers.
    "Cmdr. Whitetail – is undertaking a mission – with my full consent." Spoke the King softly.
Both Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea and Corporal Glider struggled to rise, but King Reyard waved a hand.
    "My liege – I heard that he…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea began. "How could – "
    "Regardless of what you heard Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea – he is undertaking a very important mission that will prove to be quite dangerous. Only those who strictly had to know…did know, and know where he has gone."
    "Sire – I am, as you know – the Commander in charge – of the entire Meldaron armed forces…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea began.
    "I know Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea – and I wish I could have told you in time, but it was a mission that could not wait. I am sorry, but until we can find the rest of the traitors amongst us, we can not divulge such information."

    "My lord – with all due respect, I must be given all relevant information, if I am to pursue my orders." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea growled quietly.
    "I know – but this is not a secured area Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea. I will not discuss such things, here, nor now. When you have been given clearance to return to your duties, come to Crown Palace – and you shall be fully briefed." King Reyard replied quietly. "I can not tell you any more information."
Dr. Kaldorianas entered quietly, then nodded to the gathered anthro’s. Without wasting a second, Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea collared the young doe.
    "Doctor – am I, or am I not, fit to return to active duties?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked pointedly.
    "Well – " Dr. Kaldorianas admitted. "Whilst there is still a lot of work remaining to repair the damage done – I honestly can not see holding either of you here any longer. However – I want you both to only undertake light duties…."
Corporal Glider and Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea nodded quickly.
    "Then you’re free to go – but I want you both back in here, at least once a day, so I can check on you both."

    Corporal Glider glanced at Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea, who nodded and spoke.
    "We will, Doctor – we promise."
Satisfied, Dr. Kaldorianas nodded and added something in to a datapad held in her paw, then walked off.
    "Shall we your highness?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
    "My shuttle is outside – gather your things, and follow me." Spoke the King dryly.
    "Corporal – you wish to join me?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
    "No thank you Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea – I just want to do some research, and see if there is anything Inari may have left – that may alert us as to why she was, we pray, kidnapped."
Both King Reyard and Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea looked at Corporal Glider, who shuddered and walked off, his head bowed in grief.
    "He’s taking this hard – " Began the King.
    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea watched Glider go, feeling a tear well in her eyes. "Yes sire – all of us, who knew and loved Corporal Inari – are feeling this loss…."


    Alpha Barracks, Maloner Base, Pearldinea, Maloner.

    Corporal Glider slumped down on to Corporal Inari’s immaculately folded sheets covering her bunk, then dragged the footlocker over before him. With a sigh, he fumbled it open and stared down at the contents of the locker. Everything was in perfect order, uniform pressed and folded, ordinary clothing likewise folded, her treasured possessions laid neatly…but what froze Corporal Glider’s heard – was the picture of Silverfox…. Corporal Glider felt the burning tears rise, and he clutched the picture tightly to his chest, as he wept heartbrokenly, not only for his dearly beloved lover and wife – but also for all the friends and family, that he had lost, to this senseless war.  As he wept bitterly, something caught his eye, tucked in to a hidden panel in Corporal Inari’s footlocker. Easing open the catch, he pulled out a small datapad and activated it…then his mind fell away, written on this datapad, was the following –

    "17th of Kulnak, 3114 –How I wish I could stop these dreams – that have been haunting me for all my life. No one knows of them, not even my father. I wish I could explain them to others – but they would not understand them. The evil has not been destroyed, as I can feel its presence calling me…mocking me in my sleep. It lies curled and waiting, calling out to me. My mother had the conviction and force to face it, and it cost her more that I can ever know…. This evil must be destroyed – as much depends on it. I have tried to make my peace with Millar’s – and even she does not answer my prayers. I know what I must do – but Millar’s forgive me – I am so frightened…. I have yet to come in to my powers – and if I do not leave now, then I surely will drag those I love down in to this dark chasm – in to which I must go.  I pray – that with Millar’s strength assisting me, that I may do what I must – and stop this evil before it is too late. More dreams have been revealed to me – that my mother had a sister. I must try to find my Aunt – as I pray – she can help me in that which I must do. If I fail – then it is my most desperate plea, that the Meldaron forces use what information I have hidden in this datapad, to plan their attacks. I know the attack of the Schinicin starship yards is coming – I am sure of it. What I do not know, is when…."

    Corporal Glider wept, as he laid down the datapad, then reached for the comlink at his belt. He knew instantly, that Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea would need to see this information…and the sooner the better….


    Shuttle Bay, Aboard Smuggler Starbase, Altreides System.

    Progressively, Admiral Uzuri regained her footing, then flexed her hands experimentally. With a shudder and a muttered curse, she trembled again. As two droid troopers approached her to assist, she backswept her laser sword and decapitated them both.
    "He will – " Come Admiral Uzuri’s choking voice. "Pay dearly for this insult against me!"
Limping, Admiral Uzuri walked up the ramp of her shuttle and snapped her orders at the droid pilot. Quickly, he transferred her across to the waiting Starcrusher flagship.


    Aboard the Flagship, Dark Talon Fleet, Altreides System.

    Admiral Uzuri wasted no time, in marching up on to the bridge of her flagship, and resuming her command.
    "Commander!" Admiral Uzuri snapped. "I want every available ship in the fleet to converge outside the Schinicin system…."
Turning to look at Admiral Uzuri, the black armoured Commander turned back and issued the orders.
    "Time to the Schinicin system Commander?" Admiral Uzuri growled.
    "Two days at flank speed Admiral." It replied calmly.
    "How many vessels will we have for the assault?" Admiral Uzuri scathed.
    "Ten Starcrushers – " Began the droid, and continued for some time.
It was an impressive amount of Admiral Uzuri’s fleet.
    "What information do we have – that the Meldaron’s and Schinicin have not been alerted to our approach?" Admiral Uzuri replied, as she rested a metallic paw on her snout.
    "Admiral – strongly suggested that we launch a diversionary strike against another system at the same time…to draw off forces from the Starship yards. Current scout information reports there is only three Maloner class cruisers – " Spoke the Commander. "Only one of which is operational and manned, holding guarding position over the Starship yards."

    Admiral Uzuri was quiet for a time, then she nodded.
    "Launch the strike at your discretion Commander. Maximum damage – but carry out a strike and fade. Our most important quest lies in the capture or destruction of the Meldaron / Schinicin reserve naval fleet at Schinicin. Have all commands alerted, and ensure the droid troopers are prepared to swarm the ships and take them – destroy them if they can not be successfully captured." Admiral Uzuri spoke calmly, her voice almost as emotionless as the droid.
    "By your command Admiral." Replied the Commander.
Carefully, Admiral Uzuri rose – then as she took a step; she clutched at her head and shrieked, driven to the ground by a sharp stabbing pain that tore in to her mind. Shrieking and convulsing on the deck, Admiral Uzuri writhed under the merciless agony, as the droids watched impassively.  Tearing off her polymer helm Admiral Uzuri slapped her black gloved paws to her snout…then when she looked at them she was shocked to see the red gleam of fresh blood staining them both. Choking and gasping, Admiral Uzuri barely called out to a droid for assistance, before a sickening blackness crashed down upon her….


    Stargate, Sirius System

    As Corporal Inari’s starfighter leapt from the Stargate – Corporal Inari let out a strangled choking gurgle and slapped her paw to her muzzle. When she looked down at her gloved paw, she saw a thin rivulet of blood had come from her nose. Sniffling, Corporal Inari wiped her nose with her sleeve and drew great gulping breaths. She had always hated the Stargate's – and what they done to organic creatures…but Corporal Inari knew, there was no other choice…. Before her, lay the Sirius system, and already, Corporal Inari could feel the palpable evil that emanated from the nearby source. Swallowing, Corporal Inari dove away from the Stargate, and headed towards a distant planet…and she hoped…it was uninhabited. Corporal Inari needed time to compose herself – before she sought out this evil presence…and did battle.


    Crown Palace, Maloner, Pearldinea.

    "He did what?" Shrieked Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea in sudden rage.
    "Lieutenant Commander – I would strongly suggest you not raise your voice at me!" Growled the King warningly, his mane bristling.
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea stared down at her clenched paws, then slowly opened them and shuddered violently.
    "My lord – forgive me…. I have not been…myself of late." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea trembled.
    "I quite understand Lieutenant Commander…trust me. We’ve all been badly shaken, by this surprising attack against us." Answered the King.
    "Sire – I must accept full responsibility – for what befell our people. I should have been more vigilant in my surveillance." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke, as she hung her head.
    "Nonsense Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea – there was no way…you or your highly trained forces, could have detected the Xenomorph…. It was impossible." Rebuked King Reyard. "Do not blame yourself – for what has happened. It was tragic, yes, but our forces need you to be strong…and too lead them."
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea looked down at the floor, then glanced shyly up at the King.
    "You’re right Sire…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke, as she drew herself up proudly. "I was made Commander in charge of the Meldaron armed forces, and if I can not show leadership…then I should retire my commission."

    Nodding, King Reyard fixed Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea with a steely eye.
    "You should – " He began.
    "However – I won’t…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea growled, her conviction becoming like tempered steel. My lord – forgive me, but our people…my…people, need me."
Without waiting to be dismissed, Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spun around and marched snappily from the chambers. King Reyard watched her, then smiled grimly and nodded in total agreement.
    "Aye Lieutenant Commander – they do." King Reyard whispered softly, as he watched Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea leave. "They do…."


    Starfighter Battle, Altreides System.

    Dodging a hail of laser fire, Cmdr. Whitetail’s fighter blew apart two of the droid piloted fighters, but another twenty were even now, launching from the Starcrushers.
    "Well – " Cmdr. Whitetail gasped, as a near miss sizzled past his cockpit and left a carbon burn across the fighter. "Deerinea – you always said you wanted to be there…when I made a mistake…this could be it…."
He swung the snub nosed fighter around, then slammed the throttle full open and charged back towards the waiting Starcrushers….


    Bridge, Flagship of the Dark Talon Fleet

    "Commander – " Spoke a droid. "Incoming Starfighter."
Turning his gaze to the starfighter that streaked towards them, the metallic Commander blinked his electric eyes and waved a hand.
    "Shields up – fire starboard side turbolaser batteries." It spoke bluntly.
As the command went out, the starboard turbolasers began blasting, their intensely deadly beams sizzling through space and the tracking computers trying to follow the swift starfighter. Again and again they fired, as the fleet starfighter scorched down along the Starcrushers side and slipped down underneath.
    "Commander – it is too fast for turbolaser batteries to track – there is no way that these turbolaser will shoot it." Answered another droid.
    "Cease fire – scramble four flight squadrons to intercept and destroy starfighter." Spoke the Commander calmly.
    "Hold – " Come a choking gurgle. "That order."
Incredulously, the black Commander droid turned to see Admiral Uzuri dragging herself back to her feet, blood soaking her nose and muzzle. With a growl, she spat bloodied phlegm on to the deck.
    "Leave it be!" Admiral Uzuri gasped, struggling to breathe. "I know where he is going – and I will deal with him myself."

    Blinking, the Commander bowed. "By your command, Admiral."
Admiral Uzuri stared out at the starfighter, as it spun away and tore off for the Stargate.
    "Yes – Whitetail…I know where you are running too – but I also know – that you’ll not like the consequences…." Admiral Uzuri growled weakly. "Commander, set course for the Schinicin starship yards – maximum speed."
    "By your command Admiral." Answered the droid.


    Two Days Later…


    Schinicin Starship Yards, Schinicin System

    Crews, droids and others swarmed in, along and over the massed ships at the Schinicin Starship yards. There was over a thousand vessels held here, but only a hundred of which, were of significant value as battle-craft. Hanging in a nearby orbit, the Maloner Class warship hung, watching over the starship yards with organic and electronic eyes. Indeed, they were blissfully unaware of what was – even now – slipping in to attack positions all around them…or so it appeared.


    Bridge, Flagship of the Dark Talon Fleet, Schinicin System

    Admiral Uzuri smiled evilly, as she looked down at the fleet-wide status board, which showed green across the board.
    "Fleet – this is Admiral Uzuri – commence capture operations in three… two…one…now!"
As one, her fleet consisting on five Starcrushers, fifteen destroyers and thousands of star fighters uncloaked and swarmed the Starship yards….


    Schinicin Starship Yards, Schinicin System

    Shrieked alarm klaxons wailed, and red warning lights burst in to life, as the starship yards come under assault. Having been previously warned of an attack, the Schinicin and Meldaron forces were caught off-guard, but they rallied and instantly, the supposedly disabled vessels – began laying down a withering hail of turbolaser fire and laser torpedoes…. Even as the attacking fleet began mercilessly pounding the assembled vessels, from around the dark side of the planet – come another sixty warships….


    Bridge, Flagship of the Dark Talon Fleet, Schinicin System

    Admiral Uzuri stared in horror, as the Starcrusher Zurnaran exploded, under the immense firepower of the retaliating warships. Admiral Uzuri's own vessel was getting a hiding, and already, the shields were reduced to sixteen percent.
    "How – how could this happen!" Admiral Uzuri wailed, wringing her paws in grief. "They were defenceless – easy for us to launch a sneak attack…."
Shocked in to disbelief, Admiral Uzuri watched her impressive fleet get blasted in to scrap all around her…and within moments, only three Starcrushers remained capable of fighting.
    "Call them back – " Came Admiral Uzuri’s stunned gasp. "We’ll flee – now!"
As the order rang out across the fleet – Admiral Uzuri stared at the damage reports that was overwhelming the onboard computer ability to display.  Her own flagship wilted under the merciless bombardment, but it turned itself and with the barest of hull plating left – cloaked and streaked away, another Starcrusher labouring to follow…but it was caught by a dozen Maloner warships – who systematically blasted it in to scrap….


    Schinicin Starship Yards, Schinicin System

    A resounding cheer erupted from the Schinicin and Meldaron forces, as they resounding beat back Admiral Uzuri’s fleet…. They assessed their damage and loss of life, which was quite substantial, but an overwhelming sense of achievement still filled them. They had done what many thought would be impossible – and beaten the Dark Talon Fleet.  As word went out that the threat from the Dark Talon Fleet was, at the least, severely limited millions across the galaxy celebrated joyously….


    Somewhere in the darkness of space…

    Having fled blindly through the Stargate, his navi-comp destroyed, Cmdr. Whitetail had jumped to a previously unknown Stargate…that had never been plotted. As his fighter came to a rest, he stared around him at the empty blackness and shuddered – then unbuckled the safety harnesses and reached for the toolkit. If he could not repair the navi-comp…then more than likely, he would remain out here…until he died….

    Little did he know, but less than sixty thousand parsecs away, on a small, insignificant icebound planet – his ship had been detected by an ancient tracking station. Its computerised systems, shrouded with hundreds of years of dust and neglect, blinked and come back in to life, slowly cycling itself back up. When it had come back to full operational status, it began flashing a message for the organic creature – that should have been watching for things like this…. Sadly, the organic that should have been watching – was now a dust coated skeleton, the grinning skull with a round hole through the centre of its forehead, in its right hand, was clutched a rusted pistol….

    Attention, alien vessel detected – attention, alien vessel detected….


    Maloner, Pearldinea

    As word of the near annihilation of the Dark Talon Fleet spread, the soldiers, civilians and others across Meldaron, hugged each other and began victorious celebrations. Such was the extent – that King Reyard officially declared a day of national celebration, and the party that ensured, was almost as boisterous as that, which had celebrated the end of the second great war…fifteen years ago….


    Bridge, Aboard the Flagship, Dark Talon Fleet

    Admiral Uzuri sat, her head clutched in her black armoured paws, as she tried to encompass the hiding that had just been handed out to her…. Never had her fleet suffered such a catastrophic defeat…and of the five Starcrushers and fifteen Destroyers that had taken the field, only this one – the flagship – had managed to limp away. A soft chirp from the holonet transceiver alerted her to what she dreaded – and as Admiral Uzuri composed herself and glanced at the origin of the transmission, her fears were well grounded….
    "Commander – inform my mistress – of my failure, and also tell her, that I shall be reporting in person…." Admiral Uzuri spoke quietly, her voice broken and lacking the sharp defining edge of her previous smugness. "Have my shuttle prepared for an immediate departure."
    "By your command – Admiral." Nodded the droid.
With a last longing look at the bridge of her flagship, Admiral Uzuri turned and made her way to the turbolift, her head bowed….


    Planet of Nar’sha, Sirius System.

    Corporal Inari climbed down from her stricken fighter, to see the angry muzzles of the waiting Jackal troopers. Without even bothering for their angry growls for her surrender, she slowly raised her hands and surrendered calmly. Two of them advanced and relieved her of her laser sword, which was belted at her waist, then bound her paws tightly with binders…then led her away. Corporal Inari went placidly, offering no resistance to them at all.


    Two Days Later, City of N’Chath, Planet Sirius, Sirius System.

    An armed and armoured shuttle touched down gently on the pad, and four droid troopers led a white furred figure and hustled it in to a waiting turbolift
Corporal Inari was led from the turbolift, by four, armed droid troopers. Her head was downcast, paws manacled before her. As they stepped forwards, Corporal Inari glanced up to see the imposing figure of Admiral Uzuri standing at the far end. Corporal Inari's eyes widened in horror, as she realised, just who this black armoured vixen figure was....
    "Guards – " Admiral Uzuri's soft menacing growl emerged. "Leave us – "
Obediently, the droid troopers released Corporal Inari, stepped backwards, done an 180 turn and marched back in to the waiting turbolift, whose doors
closed and whisked them downwards. Admiral Uzuri came forwards, but Corporal Inari swallowed and banished her fear, staring back at the imposing black armoured figure.
    "Corporal Inari – " Admiral Uzuri breathed. "My mistress is quite - anxious - to make your acquaintance."
    Inari swallowed convulsively. "I know - Aunty."

    Admiral Uzuri looked sternly at Corporal Inari, the red eyes gleaming from the helm. "So - you've finally come to admit the truth?"
Corporal Inari stared at Admiral Uzuri, then walked over and rested her paws on the railing, then sighed tiredly. Uzuri stepped closer, her metallic feet ringing on the steel deck.
    "No - I have come to admit - that you were once Uzuri Vanstar, my late mothers sister...." Corporal Inari began, her back to Admiral Uzuri, as her whispery voice spoke. "Captain of the Meldaron armed forces, during the – "
Admiral Uzuri growled dangerously, silencing Inari.
    "That name - and rank, no longer holds any meaning for me!" Admiral Uzuri snarled in rage.
Corporal Inari shed a single tear, then turned to face the black armoured vixen behind her.
    "No!" Corporal Inari whispered. "It is still relevant. You've only suppressed it deep down within you! Please, come back with me...I can have you forgiven for your crimes...."
Admiral Uzuri turned away, then spoke - her face hidden away behind its black polymer helm, her voice was genuinely touched with remorse.
    "No - it has gone too far, my niece. You can never know, of the crimes that I have committed.... I can never be forgiven, despite your good intentions. Not only that, but my mistress holds too much over me. Indeed - others thought as you did - but they were all killed, by my paw." Admiral Uzuri spoke quietly, and then gestured and the turbolift door at the far end hissed open, and out stepped four new droid troopers, who approached. "Now - my dark mistress will complete your training...."

    "Aunty - Uzuri – " Corporal Inari pleaded. "Please, I can heal you of that which is destroying you...please let me help you!"
    "It is - too late Inari. My crimes can not be forgiven, nor can this sickness which plagues me be cured. No. My mistress is your new mentor now. She will consummate your training...." Admiral Uzuri spoke quietly, as she then gestured to the droids. "Take her away!"
    Inari stared at Uzuri, then bowed her head. "So - my aunt - is truly dead..." Corporal Inari wept, as the droids led her back towards the distant lift.
    "Hold!" Commanded Admiral Uzuri.
Obediently, the droids stopped.
    "Inari – " Admiral Uzuri spoke, as she turned to look at the sobbing vixen, who gazed back compassionately. "You are powerful - even I acknowledge that. Please - do not make the same mistake that I made...as we can see the repercussions of my crimes...."
Corporal Inari made a move to speak, but she only turned her back and was led away by the droid troopers. Uzuri watched them go, then turned away, and stared down at her black metallic paws...that shook with her sobbing…


    Somewhere in the darkness of space…

    Tearing at his hair, Cmdr. Whitetail swore and re-adjusted another set of contacts inside the navi-comp computer. There was a sickening jolt of electricity and his strangled shriek as he was smashed back in to the chair.
    "Wrong – wire…." He gasped, then tentatively made another connection.
To his surprise, the entire shipboard systems flickered, then went black… As his gaze snapped upwards, the massive shape of a Schinicin Starcrusher, which had just emerged from the Stargate…and now hovered dangerously overhead, darkened the cockpit. A emerald green ensnarement beam lashed out and gripped his stricken fighter in a magnetic grasp, then inexorably drew it up and in to the bottom hangar bay….

    Cmdr. Whitetail slumped back in his chair, fearing that this would be the end of him…. There was the clank of magnetic constrictors locking, and then his cockpit hatch was released. As he stared up resignedly, prepared to meet his demise, he saw the grinning snout of a hulking male Tashan wolf, that locked its powerful paws about his throat and dragged him from the ship, as easily as if he were a fawn. Cmdr. Whitetail kicked and clawed at the vice like grasp, but he was too weak to make any serious attempts to break it.  Dragged out and down, Cmdr. Whitetail gurgled and felt his eyesight blurring, as the Tashan squeezed tighter and tighter. Before Cmdr. Whitetail blacked out, he saw the human figure approach, then his face betray his displeasure…. It was a person, which Cmdr. Whitetail had sworn – would die for his traitorous action, the person, was Captain Fitzgerald….
    "Drakmariakas – don’t kill him yet." Cpt. Fitzgerald growled, as he watched Cmdr. Whitetail slither to the deck. "I want to have some fun with him first…."
    Drakmariakas grunted, then a cruel smirk spread across his scarred snout. "I never knew you liked males?"
Cpt. Fitzgerald glared at the Tashan, who howled in laughter.
    "I did not mean it that way!" Cpt. Fitzgerald snarled. "Take him to cell bay 2."

    Drakmariakas giggled, then grabbed the unconscious Pearldinean and dragged him away. Snorting in contempt, Cpt. Fitzgerald turned and stared at two droid troopers.
    "Keep an eye on him…I do not trust that Pearldinean." He snapped.
    "Sir." Answered the droids, as they clattered off across the deck.
Satisfied, Cpt. Fitzgerald walked up on to the bridge, then ensconced himself in the command chair.
    "Report." He snapped sharply.
    "Sir – all systems nominal, awaiting destination coordinates." Answered a droid.
    "What system is this?" Cpt. Fitzgerald growled, as he looked up, where the overhead star chart flickered in to view.
    "Sir – this is the system known as Terra – " Began a droid calmly.
    "Terra?" Cpt. Fitzgerald yelped, as his eyes snapped down to the droid.

    "Yes sir." Answered the droid bluntly.
    "Oh – sweet Millar…it does exist!" Cpt. Fitzgerald gasped. "Those legends were true…. Launch a shielded and cloaked reconnaissance drone, to sweep through the system and report its findings."
    "Yes sir." Replied the droid. "Done – reconnaissance droid has been launched."
Captain Fitzgerald stared back up at the star charts, feeling the blood drain from his face.
    "If Terra really does exist…then what was Commander Whitetail searching for here?" Captain Fitzgerald gasped softly.
    "Sir?" Asked the droid.
    "Nothing – " Cpt. Fitzgerald muttered. "I was just thinking aloud…carry out your orders."
    "Yes sir." Nodded the droid.


    Cell Bay 2, Blacktalon, Schinicin Starcrusher, Sol System,

    Drakmariakas dragged the unconscious Pearldinean down to the cell bay 2, then roughly slammed him in to a wall, dragging the unconscious Cmdr. Whitetail back in to consciousness.
    "Well – wake up!" Drakmariakas snickered.
Cmdr. Whitetail gurgled weakly, his knees feeling like they had turned to butter. Roughly, the large Tashan backhanded Cmdr. Whitetail, and there was a wet snap from Cmdr. Whitetail’s muzzle and his anguished choking cry.
    "I have not even started on you yet…." Drakmariakas smirked. "You won’t die…but you sure will wish that you had!"
Sliding to his knees, Cmdr. Whitetail stared up at the massive wolf, which smirked and struck him again…slamming him back against the cell wall. Cmdr. Whitetail gurgled and crumpled like a sack of bones…and Drakmariakas bent down…intending to grab him again…but Cmdr. Whitetail had led the Tashan in to a deadly mistake….

    Rolling and snapping his leg out sharply, Cmdr. Whitetail’s hoof connected solidly with the lower right leg of the Wolf. There was a grisly wet snap, and the Tashan howled in mindless rage as he fell, his leg shattered. Cmdr. Whitetail scrambled away and rose – then with another well placed kick, he broke four of Drakmariakas’ ribs…then seized the Tashan by his head.
    "Give my regards – " Cmdr. Whitetail snarled in rage. "To the gatekeeper of hell!"
Just as Drakmariakas began to howl – Cmdr. Whitetail flexed his muscles and twisted…then broke the Tashan’s neck. As the great body bucked and writhed, Cmdr. Whitetail retrieved a pistol and a set of electronic security keys. Grimly, he made his way from the cell bay, after checking the remaining cells…and finding them empty – he made his way cautiously, every sense alert to the danger of being discovered….


    Bridge, Blacktalon, Schinicin Starcrusher, Sol System.

    "Where is that idiot wolf?" Cpt. Fitzgerald growled, as he began pacing the bridge of the Starcrusher. "He should have been back by this!"
After another five minutes, Cpt. Fitzgerald snarled and summoned a droid.
    "Go to cell bay two, and find out what is keeping Drakmariakas…." Cpt. Fitzgerald demanded.
    "Yes sir." Spoke the droid, then turned and left the bridge.
A hint of uncertainty rippled through Cpt. Fitzgerald’s head, as he considered that maybe something had happened…but dispelling these thoughts as ludicrous, having seen Drakmariakas in action…he knew that Cmdr. Whitetail wouldn’t pose any threat to him….

    Ten minutes later, there was a beep from the comlink and Cpt. Fitzgerald snapped it open.
    "Drakmariakas – you better have a real good – " Cpt. Fitzgerald snarled.
    "Captain Fitzgerald – if you’re a religious man…then you had better start praying…." Come Cmdr. Whitetail’s angry growl in response. "I killed your little pet – and what remains of that tin can…you’ll find on deck twenty four. You had better learn to run Captain…because I’m going to kill you…."
Cpt. Fitzgerald’s eyes widened in terror, and he punched the red alert alarm. Instantly, the warning klaxons shrieked and the crimson lights blazed.
    "You – " Captain Fitzgerald gasped.
    "I killed him Captain…quickly and painlessly. You on the other paw – after I saw what you’ve done to that Gazelle trooper…." Cmdr. Whitetail seethed.
    "I didn’t – it was…." Cpt. Fitzgerald gasped.
    "I know your stench Captain – and its all over her…. I’m coming for you Captain…and all your little droid friends can’t help you, as I’ll take them apart one by one if I must, to get to you!" Cmdr. Whitetail promised solemnly. "So you have a choice – either surrender now, and take your own life…or what until I catch up with you…."

    The comlink went quiet.

    "Attention all droids!" Cpt. Fitzgerald screamed. "This is a code red warning! An armed and extremely dangerous Pearldinean male is loose on this vessel, and he will not hesitate to shoot to destroy. I want him found – and captured alive. Close all the blast doors…and begin draining the oxygen from the decks!"
Cpt. Fitzgerald watched the massive steel blast door slam closed, sealing the bridge, and as he glanced at the security monitors, all through the ship, other blast doors were clanging closed…but to his horror, one by one, the decks were vanishing from the monitors.
    "Report!" Cpt. Fitzgerald screamed.
    "Sir!" Answered a droid. "We’re loosing the primary data cores…something is eating them away!"
    "Switch cores…and seal them off!" Cpt. Fitzgerald screamed.
Hurriedly, the droid typed furiously at the data terminal, its metallic fingers blurring, but even as they struggled to swap over the cores – they found the same ferocious damage was annihilating these as well.
    "Damn you Whitetail!" Cpt. Fitzgerald shrieked. "What have you done?"

    There was silence, and then Cmdr. Whitetail’s soft menacing laugh. "You like it Captain? They’re nano-drones…a few thousand started – now there must be hundreds of thousands, soon, millions, hundreds of millions…."
    "Answer me!" Cpt. Fitzgerald wailed.
    "What they’re doing Captain – " Cmdr. Whitetail’s mocking laugh come again. "Is eating away at your central data cores…. Voracious little things…aren’t they? When the data cores are attacked, they’re turned in to what looks remarkably like finely chopped fluff…. A shame, as the data cores controls the Starcrushers systems…don’t they? I must admit, these nano-drones aren’t too bad, for a bunch of microscopic little engineers…are they?
    "What do you want?" Cpt. Fitzgerald wept. "Please…stop them…."
    "What do I want?" Cmdr. Whitetail whispered. "You’ll see soon enough – Captain."
Captain Fitzgerald stared around him in horror – searching for a way to escape. Only by controlling his fears, and knowing that Cmdr. Whitetail couldn’t get through the blast doors….

    A soft glow began to form in the centre of the blast door to the bridge, and an acrid smoke began emanating from the door. Captain Fitzgerald stood in stunned horror, as the droids suddenly began convulsion, then toppled over and lay motionless on the deck. Still, the blast door lock continued melting, then with a squeal of tortured reinforced steel – they ground open and the bloodied form of Cmdr. Whitetail strode purposefully on to the bridge of the Starcrusher…his laser sword gleaming wickedly.
    "What do I want?" Cmdr. Whitetail snarled. "Lets see – how about…revenge!"
As Captain Fitzgerald snatched his gun from its holster, Cmdr. Whitetail leapt…and there was a sharp hiss and a clatter of steel. Captain Fitzgerald shrieked as he stared down at his severed forearm, and the hand still gripping the pistol…lying on the decking.
    "You…can’t kill me!" Cpt. Fitzgerald wept. "I’m a Meldaron officer…I demand the right too be…."
Cmdr. Whitetail stared at Captain Fitzgerald, then stepped backwards and nodded, then deactivated his laser sword.
    "Yes – that is true…I can not kill you…." Cmdr. Whitetail whispered; his muzzle curled in anger.
Captain Fitzgerald began to smile smugly, but his face paled as he seen the weakened Angelica appear in the doorway. Her muzzle was wrinkled in agony and hatred, as she slowly stepped closer.
    "Commander Whitetail – I hereby wish to resign my commission in the Meldaron armed forces…." Angelica spoke, then tore the rank insignia from her uniform and cast it down, as she unholstered a pistol.

    "As you can see Captain…" Cmdr. Whitetail spoke calmly, as he stepped away. "I can not kill you – but one who is not a member of the armed forces…can."
Captain Fitzgerald fell to his knees, then burst in to tears. Unmoved by his emotions, Angelica brought the pistol up…then emptied the entire clip in to him…at close range. Even after the gun clicked empty, and the smoking, charred corpse lay on the deck; Angelica’s paw still squeezed the trigger on the pistol. Cmdr. Whitetail had to forcibly remove her hand from it, then sharply slap the Gazelle across her muzzle to get her to come to her senses. When she did, Angelica seized Cmdr. Whitetail tightly, then buried her muzzle against his chest and wept in horror….


    Palace, City of N’Chath, Planet Sirius, Sirius System

    With a hiss, the turbolift come to a halt and opened, permitting Uzuri to lead the sobbing Inari out in to the massive throne room. At the far end of the throne room, sat a young human woman, whose evil presence chilled everything within the chamber. Uzuri marched Inari forwards, then stopped, thirty feet from the seated woman.
    "Corporal Inari Relahstar…." Growled the woman, as she rose, the robes falling gracefully from her form. "How nice – to meet you…my new student."
Inari fell to her knees, overcome by the sickening evil that swarmed her. Bursting in to tears, Inari felt weak…drained of her will to fight.
    "Yes – bow at the feet of your new mistress. I have watched you – my young Vixen…most intently…since the moment of your birth. Yes Inari – I know a lot about you…and you are the sole reason…for why I embarked upon this quest to destroy the Meldaron and Schinicin…."
Inari glanced up, her sky blue eyes wide in horror.
    "I see the recognition in your eyes Inari…you know that I speak the truth, don’t you?" Sneered the woman, as she stepped closer. "Yes…I can feel your fear…give in to your animal nature Inari…give in to your anger! Let it consume you, as with its power…you can stand beside your Aunt…as her equal!"

    Weakly, Inari rose, then with a supreme effort, she drove out the anger…the fear…that was trying to claim her spirit.
    "No – " Inari gasped. "I will not be corrupted – as you did my aunt. I will not follow the evil such as you. I shall be destroyed – before I submit to your callous cruelties!"
    Uzuri leaned down, then gazed at Inari. "You still do not understand – my niece. You do not have a choice…."
Scornfully, the robed woman laughed then ran a hand along Inari’s muzzle, tenderly stroking. Inari wept, feeling the flesh of her muzzle…being frozen by that touch.
    "Millar protects me!" Inari whimpered. "You may do to me as you will – but you will not break my spirit!"
With an angry snarl, then woman spun around and savagely backhanded Inari across the snout, driving the young vixen to the floor.
    "Do not ever mention that name in my presence!" Shrieked the woman, her eyes blazing with a silver fire.
Inari crawled back to her knees, then clutched at her fractured muzzle and wept bitterly, but still, crushed her anger and fear deep within her.
    "Inari – " Uzuri growled softly. "Please – stop resisting her…. You will not win – "

    Suddenly, the doors of the turbolift exploded, and their combined gaze was drawn to the explosion, as Whitetail strode in to the palace chambers, his laser sword gleaming. With a shriek of command, he snapped out his paw and pointed at the robed woman, then screamed a series of ancient words. With a shriek of agony, the robed woman staggered backwards, her body convulsing and rippling….  With a hideous ripping sound, the human form tore apart, as a draconic figure tore its way free, then began growing in size…its shrieks of reptilian rage deafening in their intensity and pure evil. Uzuri, momentarily caught unawares, snapped her gaze around – and Inari seized the opportunity to snatch up her laser sword and leapt up over Uzuri’s head, kicking her sharply in the back of the head and driving her to the ground….
    "Inari – run!" Whitetail screamed, as he ran to her. "Run!!!"
Inari needed no further encouragement, and she vanished down a dark staircase. Uzuri leapt back to her feet, then unsheathed her own laser sword and faced Whitetail.
    "So – the fawn has returned…for another hiding?" Uzuri gurgled, as her feral red gaze narrowed and glared at him.
    "You are mistaken Uzuri – if you think that you will defeat me!" Whitetail shot back, as he lunged and drove her back under a hail of strokes.

    Neither of them saw the Dragon, as it narrowed its silvery gaze and vanished down a wide passageway, which sealed behind it.  Taking the offensive, Uzuri began retaliating, driving Whitetail back further and further…towards the edge of a dark pit. Whitetail parried her lightning like thrusts and strokes, but his strength sluiced from him rapidly. With a powerful slash, she got him off balance and her armoured foot slammed in to his chest…and he vanished in to the dark pit….
    "You were a fool Whitetail…and you’ve paid the ultimate price for your stupidity…." Uzuri chuckled, as she slowly walked down the stairs, her heightened senses alerted to the slightest noise or movement.
It was just as well, as when Uzuri reached the bottom of the staircase, Inari’s emerald green laser sword burst out of the shadows – and it was by the barest of margins, that Uzuri managed to parry the surprising lunge. With a snarl of rage, Uzuri retaliated, driving Inari out…and on to the maze of catwalks, which lay beneath the Palace….

    They battled for many minutes; Inari steadily being forced back, as Uzuri continued her merciless barrage. It wasn’t until Whitetail leapt down behind her and slashed across the polymer armour, which Uzuri really got warmed up. His laser sword – either by the angle or just pure luck on Uzuri’s part – did not slice in to the polymer armour, but only scored a deep scar over it. Swinging around, Uzuri thrust and Whitetail, then he leapt up and over her, kicking her in the back and driving her to the deck…six feet away. Uzuri staggered back to her feet, then tore off her protective polymer helm, to reveal her rotting muzzle, and the blood that flecked her snout and mouth. Uzuri glared at the two Anthro's who opposed her. Her muzzle betraying the rage and hate that consumed her, Uzuri glared at them with loathing. Swapping the sizzling red laser sword from one metallic paw to the other, Uzuri coughed and spat a bloody froth on to the decking. Both Inari and Whitetail stared back, each armed with a laser sword as well. Inari's shone green and Whitetail's was blue. Inari flicked a glance at Whitetail, who did not - even for a second - take his eyes from Uzuri. With phenomenal speed, Uzuri burst in to violent attack, leaping the ten feet between them and her metallic feet slamming in to the unprepared Inari's chest.

    With a choking gurgle, Inari was thrown from the gangway and crashed heavily on her back, twenty feet below. A whispery scream of agony was torn from her, which distracted Whitetail. Seizing the opportunity, Uzuri began her ferocious assault, steadily driving the weakening Pearldinean backwards. Whitetail squealed, as he parried dozens of thrusts and slashes, the two laser swords crashing and sparking against each other with incandescent spark flying. Sweat stung his eyes, as he slicked his ears back and done a back flip up on to a higher vantagepoint.  Pacing angrily, Uzuri glared up at him.
    "You're only delaying the inevitable – " Uzuri growled, her muzzle wrinkled in loathing and an indescribable look of pure insanity possessed her eyes.
    "I don't want to kill you - I never did!" Whitetail gasped, as he stared down.
Uzuri's laser sword wavered and dropped an inch, as a hint of uncertainty crept through her mind. Whitetail watched as Inari crawled back to her knees, one arm obviously broken and hanging uselessly. Whitetail dropped back on to the decking, his boots clanging on the steel gangway.
    "Uzuri - I knew your sister...a beautiful, kind and loving person. You too - are like her. You've allowed your anger to control you...." He spoke, maintaining his cautious stance.
    Uzuri swallowed and her laser sword dropped an inch lower, as tears glimmered in her eyes. "My - sister...."
    "Yes Uzuri - your younger sister. Silverfox Relahstar. I know what happened to you - and I can forgive you, for what you have done. Please, let me help you - I can cure the disease that is eating you...."

    Uzuri stepped backwards then turned her head away, as the tears sprang from her eyes - then she disabled her laser sword.
    "Uzuri - please.... Let me help you!" Whitetail began - as he approached.
At the far end, Inari staggered in to view - and she stood shaking and clutching her broken arm, tears of agony streaking down her snout. Whitetail cautiously approached, then laid a sweaty paw on her black armoured shoulder.
    "Uzuri - let it out.... Drive out the anger, the hurt...it has poisoned you for far too long...." Whitetail whispered consolingly.
Uzuri kept her back turned to him, the sobbing tearing her apart, and her breathing becoming ragged and torn. As Inari came closer, Uzuri suddenly exploded in to pure rage driven madness.  Snapping down and away from Whitetail, Uzuri unsheathed two laser swords - and activated them. Caught momentarily off guard by this turn of events - Whitetail was a microsecond too slow...to raise and arm his own sword.... Uzuri slashed out and there was a sizzling sound, then the unmistakable stench of cauterised flesh and seared bones.... Uzuri squealed with laughter, as her left pawed sword sheared straight through Whitetail's neck...decapitating him. Kicking the corpse over the edge of the gangway, Uzuri watched it vanish down in to the heart of the fusion reactor, hundreds of feet down. Chuckling, Uzuri turned to face the wide-eyed Inari....
    "He was – " Uzuri growled, then chuckled and choked. "Good - but a fool. He should never have allowed himself to get that...close."
With a shriek of mindless rage, Inari erupted in to a white furred tornado. Admiral Uzuri gurgled and staggered backwards, under a hail of Inari's vicious sword strokes. Steadily and unequivocally, Inari, fuelled by her hate - drove Uzuri backwards. Their laser swords clanged and sparked, as Uzuri edged backwards further and further, becoming increasingly alarmed at the incredible skill and rage that drove this younger and more fragile young vixen. For fifteen minutes, Inari slashed, thrust and battered at Uzuri's defences, then with a despairing scream of pure and utter despondency - she brought her sword straight down in a savage overhead slash.

    Uzuri flicked a blade up to intercept it - but there was a sickening crack - and Uzuri's eyes widened in alarm.... A split second later, the unimaginable pain tore in to her very soul, as she felt the mortal wound that Inari had driven down though her shoulder. Snapping her sword around, Inari twisted away and glared at Uzuri...who put a gloved paw to the smoking slice through her right shoulder pauldron. As Uzuri brought her paw before her - she saw it was slick with her blood....
    "How – " Uzuri gurgled, feeling her cybernetic systems beginning to malfunction.... "Please - just kill me!"
Inari glared at Uzuri, who dropped to her knees and choked up bloody phlegm from deep within her chest.
    "No - Aunty – " Inari growled. "I will not kill you.... I would not be so cruel – let me heal you…."
    "Please!" Uzuri gurgled.

    Inari's eyes widened in morbid terror, as she looked at something behind Uzuri. Her muzzle fell open and the laser sword clattered to the deck, falling from her limp furry fingers. There was a soft sibilant hiss of something scraping across the steel gangway, and its ominous creak, as something massive crept across it. Uzuri just managed to turn her head - to see the gaping maw of the Dark Star Dragon descending, its 4' long canines gleaming.... As Uzuri tried to scream - the Dragon snapped its jaws about her chest...and bit down....  Inari watched in stunned horror - her soul chilled by the very evil that permeated this monstrous creature. As Uzuri's polymer armour coated body bucked and convulsed within the jaws of the dragon, it bit down again...and Uzuri's lower half crashed down to the decking. As the Dragon swallowed convulsively, it turned its silvery eyes towards the horrified Inari - who felt her very soul being sucked from her body.
    "My dear Inari…." Snarled the Dragon, as it unfurled its wings and glared down at her in unimaginable hate. "Now – I shall have my revenge! Your mother killed my father…and now… shall I kill you!"
As it leapt, Inari threw back her head and shrieked in abject terror….


To Be Continued…