Zeron Took a breath of the thin mountain air as he stepped from his tent into the midmorning air. He looked to the east, he could see the light from the planets twin suns just beginning to light the nearly bare mountain peeks, warming the usually chilly air. He could feel a slight cold nip at his skin through his red fox fur. At the moment he as nude, he didn't seemed concerned, the only other sentient who would mind was a hundred miles south of his direction, just now waking up herself.

 The first thing Zeron did was look across the nearby ridge to the caves a few hundred feet in front of him to the north, to see if the tribe of draganon's were waking up. Indeed the tribe was stirring, though three green ones that were on look out were still awake, now heading off to sleep in their personally made dens. Zeron had been studying the behavior of the mountain draganon's for weeks now. Some of the tribe looked in his direction, they weren't threatened by Zeron's presence the weeks he had been studying them. Actually the first thing some of the tribe did was walk up to greet him, looking him over curiously.

 This was actually a morning ritual with two of the tribe. they were two males, a red one and black one. Every morning they would approach Zeron before he could dress, just to sit and watch him. At first Zeron was uncomfortable with this, but he slowly figured they were just wondering why he was covering his body, as the draganon's had no need for clothing, seeing as they were non-morphic, and mostly non-sentient

 After the first few days, Zeron became used to it, dressing in front of the pair as they watched him curiously. Afterwards Zeron ate his breakfast, and tossed the pair some of his food, which they ate eagerly, then walked off to join their tribe. today was no exception: the pair came bounding up from their den, made by the green draganon female that lived in it with them. They stopped when they came within ten feet of Zeron's camp boundary, respecting the foxes space. Zeron chuckled at them and dressed quickly. Even though he was accustom to the two watching him, it still made him a bit uncomfortable.

 He walked a few feet to the large crate that held rations. He opened up a packet of power bars, looking back at the pair. He could see them paw at the ground with their front paws, licking their lips excitedly, expecting the free snack from the generous fox. He took two bars and removed them from their packets. He took three bites from each, chewing quickly. The last two bites he tossed to the male draganon's, one to each. They didn't fight, they each took one and swallowed it. They beat their tail upon the ground, like big non-morphic dogs, then bounded away back to the Tribe.

 Zeron chuckled and watched some old looking draganon's gather up small groups of the tribe, until all draganon's, about a hundred of them, were all grouped into uneven three groups, about thirty each. Zeron knew what this was, it was not actually a common ritual, it was battle practice. He sat and watched, taking a mental note of what he saw. it was nothing new to him, so turning on the digital camera next to the rest of his recording equipment was unnecessary. all the dragons paired up, going in three's or more where there were un-even draganon's. The first thing they did at these times, Zeron remembered, was basic melee practice: pouncing and clawing at each other, and defensive posturing and low hissing, practicing to be as intimidating a possible.

 It did take Zeron a few times of seeing this to realize the was a form of battle practice, proving the rumor that these creatures were semi-sentient, but then their existence was actually a rumor among Neo-Earth explores to begin with. Zeron turned away from this display, nothing new was happening, not even the other section of this battle practice, when the draganon's would practice using the offensive nature of the unnatural gifts they possessed that they used to alter their environment.

 Zeron turned to his recording equipment. It was actually a very rugged laptop, connected to a radio transmitter, the digital camera, and a voice recorder. Zeron brought up the voice recorder on the laptop, playing "day one". mostly to hear his own voice.

 "Day one." the crisp clear recording of his own voice began. "By the Neo-Earth calendar, it is now January twenty third, 2300 hours, year is zero-nine-eight of our planets independence. I have arrived at the designated site to study behaviors of the draganon, a creature I thought that was once a rumor, but now as i see them for myself, it is not so."

 "As  rumored, the draganon's are very similar to non-morphic dragons from Earth, only smaller. they are non-morphic in shape, on average they seem to be eight feet long, a third of that length being tail, also they posses a small bone plate sloping off theirs heads, protecting the base of their necks, like that of a protoceritops from Earth. Transmissions from Skye from the forest to the south, the common draganon seems to average only seven feet. Another difference has immediately been discussed as of the few hours we have been here: the common draganon seems to have smooth scales, while these mountain draganon's seem to have slightly thick scales on them, with softer appearing scales along there belly.

 "One thing is common, draganon's seem very friendly and rather intelligent. Upon arriving at my intended camp sight, several members of the small tribe approached me. They came over it me, sniffing me and my crates of equipment, as well my  land rover. As my first attempt to test their rumored intelligence, I spoke aloud to them, that i was only here to watch them for several months, and that I had no intention of harming them. To my surprise they responded to me! they simply nodded and some walked off, others stayed to watch me set my tent and equipment.

 "I can see the sun setting the the west. It a good thing too though, the massive jet lag from going from one planet to another, I'm still on Neo- Earth time, having the planet fall to night wont effect my sleep cycle much. Tomorrow will begin my studies of these creatures, I am exited to see if the rumors are true. Can these creatures really manipulate their environment like no other creature known can do?"

 Chuckled at his own voice, the thought that he once was so courious and mystified at the draganon's abilities was silly, because he was so used to see it now. It took only two days of study to realize that a draganon's color determined what they could manipulate: red could manipulate fire and heat, green could manipulate plant life and the ground isself, they were the builders of the tribes dwellings, blue could manipulate water and ice, and black, could manipulate death isself, as well as shadows. To Zeron, black seemed the most useless, and dangerous of all. He wondered once how the black draganon's could be so docile, if at there whim they could drain the very life from something, as he had witnessed to one black draganon out on a hunt.

 Zeron cycled to an empty voice slot on the laptop file, and began his daily report. "Its the beginning of week three of my studies. I am now recording by the local time." Zeron paused the recording to check the laptops clock. "Its now oh-six-hundred. The tribe is beginning a battle practice, but I have yet to see them fight with anything other than themselves to tone their skills.

 "I'm still courious as to the draganon's other behaviors, like warfare, which they are obviously versed in. Also eventually I will have to ask one of the "elder" draganon's about they're governmental structure, though it will be difficult to get a response from something that cant speak." Zeron paused for a moment before continuing. "I am also courious to their breeding habits and other mating rituals. They are obviously semi- sentient, so there must be something to them in that realm that is unlike non-sentients. I believe this to be true, for I have not seen any such behavior out in the open like what could be expected from non-setients."

 Zeron stopped the recording, he looked back to the tribe. The battle practice was still going on, the pairs now switching role, who was once the attacker, now the defender. But something interesting caught his eye: it was the two males draganon's, they had stopped fighting and were walking back in Zeron's direction. Zeron started the recording again, feeling this important, the two never came after breakfast.

 "Damian and Pyro are coming my way. I felt it necessary to record this, as it isn't normal of them to come my way after they've got some of my breakfast." Zeron had given names to the two, that he felt appropriate, base solely on their color. He watched the two carefully, they were walking slowly, like they were sneaking away from the battle practice. They stopped at the boarder of Zeron's camp and looked at him for a second, before bounding off to the south, down the side of the mountain.

 Zeron quickly jumped up and followed the two. What were they up to? Zeron had to know. He had never seen this behavior before in the draganon's, sometimes they left to hunt in pairs, but it was the way the two stopped at his camp, like they wanted him to follow. He didn't need shoes to tread the rock mountain surface, even downhill, the weeks of treading the outdoors had hardened the pads on his feet. Even so, he couldn't gain enough speed to catch up with the two, that and they were fast. Zeron thought he must have been mistaken, it was like they were trying to loose him rather than let him follow.

The mountain dropped down after going a few yards. The drop was not steep, it was merely a small slope that went down a good hundred yards. Though the area of the tribes was barren and rocky, the lower area was woodland, covered in trees that were a type of broadleaf, instead of pine which would be expected at this elevation. It was at this point Zeron lost the two draganon's as they darted into the thick forest. Zeron stopped to catch his breath, trying to process as much of the thin air as he could before continuing.

 Zeron stepped into the forest, walking carefully. He didn't want to alert the two draganon's on his approach, now sure they were not inviting him. He suddenly realized how stupid sneaking was, he had seen the draganon's taste the air with their long tongue in the same manner snakes do, so they would know of his approach before they saw him. Zeron was about to turn around when he spotted the two.

  They were in a tight grove of bushes, standing so they were to each others side, facing in opposite directions. It was like they wanted to be alone or just needed some privacy, Zeron could hear them rumbling, nuzzling into each others sides. Zeron couldn't tell what was going on, at fist, then it came clear. At the same time they spread out their rear legs, giving full view or their sheaths to the other, Zeron eyes followed, he could see them swelling. They dipped their heads down between the others legs, and nuzzled between the others legs, their tongue flicking out to lick each others swelling sheath.

 Zeron watched in silence, as the draganon's sheaths swelled, their thick members becoming hard at the other touch. simultaneously they coiled their tongue around the others member, dragging it into their maw. Zeron's scientific curiosity vanished at this point, it was obvious they were pleasuring each other, but most importantly, Zeron didn't know why he was watching, but sat in silence and did so nonetheless, this sexual action was important to note. Zeron noted that it was apparent the draganon's had lips and cheeks, uncommon to reptilian creatures. The two opened their maw wide, wrapping their lips over the others member, Zeron could hear a soft suckling sound, watching as they bobbed their head slowly over the others member, spreading their legs back and out more to so the other could more easily take in the others cock.

 Zeron watched carefully at Damian, he could hear the draganon moan he he sucked Reds cock. After a bit he slid his lips of Pyro's member. Even after the cock was free of his maw, he still took the time to slurps his tongue off form the cocks underside, before dragging it off the tip, picking up a drop of pre from Pyro's tip. Zeron watched, not aware of his hand pawing at his crotch, as he watched Damian let Pyro's cock to spring up and down as his tongue left, the member having no more support to keep it pointing straight.

 Could here himself moan, finally realizing what he was doing, feeling his sheath swell. As he came back to his senses, he noticed to his surprise the two had stopped pleasuring no another, and were looking right in his direction, smiling, there cocks still hard. Zeron meeped loudly, embarrassed and confused that he found watching this so arousing. Quickly he rose to his feet and fled, leaving the two to there own business.

 It took Zeron only a few minutes to arrive back at his camp. The draganon's had moved to free-form fighting, having mock mass battles that dotted their territory. Zeron fell down as he jumped into his tent, breathing heavily to catch his breath once more. He hadn't quite figured out why he ran, it might have been the way that the two draganon's had smiled at him, like they were giving him a show all along. Inside the tent he felt better, its insulated walls a comfort from the cold of the outside. Though it didn't take long before the heat became uncomfortable. It was this reason Zeron slept nude inside his tent, it was meant for near arctic temperatures, and the mountain nights weren't even close to be that cold, especially while sleeping in a very warm sleeping bag.

 Within minutes of sitting down inside the insulated structure, Zeron began to pant. His fox tongue dropped out of his muzzle, dripping is saliva on his lap. He felt like removing his outer garments, He was about to remove his long sleeve shirt, but then he remembered the two draganon's and their smiles. He felt confused again, not even realizing his level of panting increasing at just the thought of watching Damian and Pyro sucking on each others member. Zeron meeped to himself, deciding it best to just leave his tent.

 He pushed aside the curtain that separated the interior of the tent from the outside. He stepped out, the felling of the cold breeze made him shiver, his body had become accustom, albeit scorched, from the heat inside the tent. It only took him a second to notice the two forms, sitting on their haunches ten feet from his camp. It was Damian and Pyro, the two were wagging their tails, and smiling at Zeron.

 Zeron smiled back nervously, he knew why they were here, though but was unsure of even that. He walked up to the two, making sure to stay several feet away from them. He chuckled nervously, and figured it best to say something. Zeron wanted to make sure he had just stumbled in on something he wasn't supposed to see.

 "Umm, look, I'm sorry I followed you two. I'm sure its none of my business what you were doing. And I'm sure your Tribe will never find out." Zeron just spouted out words at this pint, their stairs making him nervous. He knew he made a mistake though, he was only assuming that male male intercourse was forbidden, forgetting that draganon's were merely semi-sentient. Like non-sentient dogs that mount other male ones in captivity, is action might be considered normal.

 Damian and Pyro exchanged a glance and chuckled. At least Zeron though it was a chuckle, it was more like a cross between a growl and the croaking of  frog. Zeron felt a little embarrassed, especially when the two dragons chuckling turned into a laugh, though it sounded like a roar, but Zeron could easily tell. Zeron got a little mad at this point, he didn't like the idea of being laughed at.

 "Well ok, so your tribe doesn't care." Zeron said, the two nodded back and grinned wide. "So you led me out there?" another pair of nods. "Why?" Zeron asked, though he felt stupid, sense draganon's couldn't speak.

 The two draganon's looked at each over. Zeron just stood and watched as they gave him an answer. Damian stood to the side and arched his spine, stretching his fore limbs out in front of him, his claws pawing at the dirt. He spread his legs out, showing his his nice sheath once more. He lifted up his tail, and Pyro stuck his nose between Damian's legs, flicking his tongue over his friends balls.

 Zeron meeped and whined, he could feel his sheath swelled as he watched this. The two stopped and smiled at him, turning away to make sure nobody from the Tribe was watching. They grinned at Zeron and bounded off, rejoining the tribe in its battle practice. Zeron slumped to the ground after they left, it was sure to him by now he found their actions arousing, though he still wasn't sure why. He had never took an interest in males before, why now?

 A beeping sound from his radio drew his attention. He walked the few feet to it, and picked up the microphone. "Yes?" he responded, very unprofessionally.

 "Hey Zer." came a females voice, it was Skye calling in. She was a cute dino female who Zeron had worked with in the field on several occasions. "Just the daily check in, I know its a little late. Tag, says the jungle Tribe he's been studying moved, they were chased off by some Goliath's, so he has to move camp. I'm just glad he's ok personally."

 "Goliath's huh?" Zeron said, trying not to think of his current situation. "So they don't give up. Guess the jungle draganon's have good reason to mistrust everyone." Zeron remember Tag mentioning having to call in a firepower off the ship to protect himself s from: "massive automatons" that he saw crashing through the jungle where he was planning on studying jungle draganon's, the more morphic of the species. Tag was sketchy on the details of these creatures, but he did note they had extremely poor vision, so ignored his truck while it wasn't moving, and seemed immune to direct "magic" of the jungle draganon's, which made them a threat to the species survival. Fortunately the Goliath's, as Tag named them, weren't at all smart, and the draganon's used that to their advantage while battling them.

 "Well what about you?" asked Zeron, he could feel his thoughts towards Damian and Pyro creep back. He shook his head to make them go away, keep his mind focused no the Skye's daily informative. It was sure to him that now he wanted to yiff with the pair, or at least watch. Zeron was a man of science, though he new he never liked males before, if his mind was to change he'd let it happen. There was no use in fighting something he couldn't resist, besides, what could it hurt? Nonetheless he had to keep his mind on track, there would be a time to explore his thought, now wasn't it.

 "Well nothing new, my Tribe is just as happy and cheerful as ever. Not really as entertaining as anyone else's." Skye responded. "What about you? " she asked. Zeron meeped again, he was hoping she wouldn't ask him about his day today. He didn't want to mention his encounter.

 "Another battle practice." He said, he whined softly, the image of the two draganon's sucking each other coming back to his mind, making his sheath swell. His mind made him feel things, he could feel two imaginary tongues, one coiled around his balls, and the other lapping at his sheath. He did nothing to fight them back, the thought was too strong. He tried to remain calm, not wanting to worry Skye by making any strange sounds.

 "Skye, have you witnessed any mating habits yet?" he asked, wondering if what he saw was happening elsewhere. Though he wondered if it was just his hormones talking now. The idea of Skye being yiffed by a draganon filled his mind, which he shook away quickly. He had known her too long to start thinking like a teenager. Skye was his friend, not a potential lover, and he didn't want to think of her otherwise. It would make working with such an attractive female difficult.

 "Well yes actually. It seems the males bear no hormones. I've seen a female pounce a male and stimulate him. He just laid there really calm. Freaked me out, I've never seen such behavior outside of a porno movie." Zeron murped, he could feel his cock growing in his pants. He started to paw at his pants, the feel of imaginary draganon lips around his cock made him whine softly again. Why did Skye have to describe what she saw, a simple 'yes' or 'no answer would have sufficed. "Why? Do you have something to report?" she asked back?

 Zeron had to drop the microphone, barely hearing Skye's question. The though of receiving oral became too great. Without stopping to think what he was doing he unzipped is pants, and pulled out his erect member. He gave it a few strokes with his palm, his cock leaking pre down is shaft. That seemed to silence his arousal, though he still kept his hand on his member as he responded to Skye's question.

 "Um no. Still nothing about sex. Mountain draganon's seem to be more discrete." he said And the males with more sex drive. He thought, pawing once more at his member. Zeron's anal muscles began to relax, and he spread out his legs. The feel of a phantom cock could be felt sliding in and out of him. "Skye, have you been approached in any way?" Zeron asked, and immediately regretted it, though he did not feel his hormones fade.

 "Approached? Do you mean have the draganon's came on to me?" She asked "No they haven't, why? What's going on up there?"

 "Nothing!" Zeron snapped out of fear, his cock growing a bit limp, his mind being forced to trail away from sex. "I mean, I was only wondering. After all these draganon's seem so unafraid of us, and also so friendly. And the fact is their semi-sentient means they could very well consider it and consentuate." he responded, making such a damn good excuse to his question, his cock became rock hard again. Zeron's mouth opened and he licked his lips, a phantom cock entering his maw as he imagined sucking upon the tasty member, having it thrust in and out of his mouth.

 "Well that may be true, Zeron. But remember only the females of the common draganon have an sex drive. And as much as i'd love to yiff another female, I'd have to pass and go rape me a male, after all I could so resist the initial defensive attack i witnessed that I forgot to mention. "Zeron paid no attention to the obvious sarcasm in Skye's voice. By this time Zeron's hand was covered in pre, and he could feel his member pulse, so he stopped stroking himself, afraid of what might happen if he orgasmed, and was thrown back into reality from the pleasant imaginative yiff.

 "Well allright Skye. I should get back to observing now. Talk to ya tomorrow." Zeron said, putting his cock away and zipping his pants back up. Slowly the phantom sensations faded, as he came back to  reality.

 "OK then. Don't do anything stupid." Skye said, before ending communications. Zeron was glad actually her voice was gone, just hearing her seemed to stimulate him mentally, though Damian and Pyro had successfully done that. He turned back to the Tribe. He saw to his embarrassment  a few draganon were watching him from their distance, among them was Damian and Pyro. Their were two others, but Zeron couldn't tell their gender. They were adults by there size, and by the looks on their faces, they liked what they saw the fox doing. Zeron gulped a bit. It came clear to him the they all might very well be more open about sexual acts than he had imagined.

 Zeron continued studying the Draganons all that day and into the night. At twelve that night, almost the entire Tribe was asleep in there dens, only the night guards were awake now, laying at key locations around the Tribes territory, keeping a lookout for any trouble that might could their way. There wasn't much to record of this day, except around twelve-hundred, during the Tribes battle practice when they were using there "magic" powers, some of the Tribe used ones he hadn't observed yet, so had to turn on this digital camera.

 Though the day was still unusual, Pyro and Damian, had stopped by Zeron's tent several times that day, sometimes bringing a friend with them, at ten thirty, twelve, two, and three (the hours between twelve and two the pair were out hunting, while draganon's are lizards, they are omnivorous, and so eat either plants or meat, but must leave the tribes boundary to find a supply of either). Zeron only recognized one: the green female that lived with them. Zeron tried to ignore them all by looking busy, but he knew, that they knew, that he had nothing to do except observe. So around three that afternoon, Zeron gave the onlookers something to watch: he unzipped his pant and stroked his hard cock for their amusement.

 It wasn't difficult for him to get hard, all day long he hoped that Damian and Pyro would come and yiff him, though he knew now that public sex was the only taboo the tribe seemed to have. Damian and Pyro, and whatever other draganon was with them, would smiles at this site, licking their lips and pawing at the ground, like they wanted to yiff the fox. Sometimes they looked behind them, seeing if anyone was watching, but there was always somebody staring blankly in there direction, wondering what the excitement was.

 Zeron took his time to note the amount of food the draganon's ate. It was common for the tribe to go out" hunting" at twelve in the afternoon. They would each eat some themselves, around twenty pounds of sustenance each.
And would gather about fifty a piece to eat that night and the following morning (the green draganon's were essential for this, there powers over nature allowed them to form temporary carriages to carry to food). But today was different. While true the draganon's ate their usual personal food, and brought more back with them, they ate as a grope at ten that night, but they ate all of it.

 It was at this time Zeron forgot his sexual appetite to observe this, switching on his camera. The red draganon's had lit the carriages the green draganon's had made, the wooden tools burning in a circle around the camp. This in itself was unusual, it was like they were celebrating something. All the draganon's ate, while this was normal for all non-aquatic based draganons to have no "pecking order", all draganon's, young and old, ate what they could, none were ignored of their rightful food. And at night the guards ate what they wanted, some taking shifts for their personal, nightly hunt.

 But tonight the guards ate along with everyone, gorging themselves on the meal, by there own choice, they receive little of (it was this choice that Zeron wondered if the night guards were a secluded order of draganon's, which would give an indication of philosophy and over such things amongst them). The tribes ate and fought in random games amongst each other. Some even escaped from the gathering into their dens, or into the forest and mountain, in twos or three's. Zeron knew what this was, indeed witnessing this action this very morning. This led Zeron to the conclusions this must be the only "mating ritual" the mountain draganon's had, even though it was obviously a bisexual occurrence.

 It was then at twelve the draganon's celebration slowly winded down, the draganon's coming out of the forest and rock formations, and leaving others dens to return to their own. The rest that only celebrated by mock battles went straight for there dens to sleep, except of course for the night guards, who went right for there posts. Zeron shut off his camera, and saved it onto his laptop, making sure to back it up on the larger "black box" that stored all received data, anything that Zeron either typed, recorded, or spoke through either his microphone, or over his radio, was recorded there.

 Zeron yawned, stretching his arms above his head. He hadn't acknowledged the sun had gone down until now, even though it was obvious it had, seen as it was dark and cold now. He stood from the ground and stretched his legs now. He looked out over the now still tribe territory, not even the night guards had left, there nightly hunting shifts were not being held tonight, all were filled and so were on duty tonight. Zeron thought is best to note this in his log, but a yawn escaping his maw let him know he was too tired to do such a thing.

 Zeron took off his pants and underwear, taking off his long sleeve shirt last. He strung his pants and shirt over a cord he had strung from his radio antenna to the front tent pole, which he hung his cloths on. He took a whiff of his underwear, and whuffed in disapproval. He walked to his truck and tossed in his underwear onto a pile of dirty cloths in the back. It was difficult to wash clothing literally light years from the closest civilized planet, so he had brought lots of cloths for the mission, wearing them weeks at a time, like he had done on other missions of exploration such as this one.

 He stretched out his arms and legs, letting the cold breeze blow around him. He looked over to the night guards in the distance, they could see him, but seemed uninterested in the nude fox, focused on their duties. He whimpered a little to himself, all the attention he had gotten today made him expect more. The cold breeze blew by again, making the fox shiver. He ran into his tent quickly, letting the weighted tent flap to shut behind him.

 Inside the tent began to warm him, and he strangely no longer felt tired. His mind began to remind him of his day, and the phantom sensations returned. It was like he could feel paws touch him, over his sheath, rear and chest. Zeron whined a high pitched whine, pawing at the locations on his body where the sensations could be felt. His body began to rise in temperature, the fox panting slightly as he pawed at his balls. His sheath began to swell and his tail raised, Zeron rubbed at his tailhole, spreading his legs over the phantom cock that returned to his hole.

 Zeron suddenly shook his head, the phantom sensations fading from him. He had just realized something that made him feel embarrassed. It wasn't that he was fantasizing about males, no, that had already become accustom to him, it was what he realized he didn't realize before. He never had a cock inside him before, how did he know what one felt like? He felt silly now, it might have been the fact he was a scientist, it was his desire to understand things, and his personal belief one should never jump to a conclusion that made him stop think about what he believed a cock would feel like.

 Zeron grinned to himself, a wide almost evil grin. The only way he'd know for sure is if Damian or (or and) Pyro paid him a visit. This idea aroused him again, having one of them between his legs would be a perfect indication of how a member would feel in him, even though the draganon's seemed well endowed, it might be a tight fit. Zeron still smiled, and didn't care, in fact the idea of it being tight sounded fun, then he remembered it might actually hurt, his ass had never been stretched in such a manner.

 Grinned evilly again, still the only solution to his problem would be to experience it for himself. He creeped over to the tent entrance, seeing as it was too big to stand straight up in, and pushed aside the door flap. He looked out into the darkness, and saw nothing moving. The first place his eyes went were to Damian and Pyro's den, to see if they were emerging from it. But there was nothing. Zeron felt a slight wave of sadness sweep over him. He was expecting to see the two, possibly even a third if he was really lucky, but then realized he really never received an indication that any of them wanted to yiff his foxie ass. It was just very explicit teasing all day, no indication of any real desire on anyones part to yiff, except Zeron's.

 Zeron now felt a bit upset, he was hoping that he would get to yiff the two, they seemed so interested, but indeed it was only in his mind that they were going to do something to im this whole time. Zeron growled a bit, the though of being teased by non-sentient creatures made him mad. But that wouldn't help, he had to study these creatures, and the last conversation that he wanted to have with the captain of the Explorer XI was that he didn't want to study them anymore cause he though he was going to yiff with them, in a group with only males no less.

 Zeron sighed and sat down on his sleeping bag, the feeling of anger flooding away to a sense of frustration. He didn't feel like pawing off to creatures he'd never sleep with, even if the next day they presented themselves to him again. To him they'd be teasing even if they didn't realize it. He yawned again, feeling tired, his body becoming easily accustom to the heat of the tent, the outside air being about forty or thirty degrees for a while now. He sighed, and laid back onto his sleeping bag, not bothering to climb in it just yet. He still thought of Damian and Pyro, even though now he figured they never wanted to yiff him. He pondered a bit if their was a way he could get them back, such an interaction might be interesting, though it would never appear in his report.

 He heard something from outside, and his ears perked, straining to hear the sound. It was a crunching of sliding dirt, and the scratch of claws. Zeron could feel his heart pound, out of fear, and excitement. Could it be that Damian and Pyro weren't teasing him after all? Zeron could hear the sound again, this time faster paced, but he couldn't determine if it was coming closer, though it was close. He sat up a bit, wondering if it was some creature going though his camp. The though of a dangerous wild animal outside scared Zeron, the thought of eminent death was part of his job, its how he stayed alive.

 He could hear the curtain brush aside, and his heart leaped up into his throat. Something ran into his tent suddenly and quickly. Before Zeron could do anything, something was on top of him, pinning him to his sleeping bag. He could feel claws poking at his wrists and ankles. He gaps, another form slid in, going to Zeron's side. Zeron could feel a tongue lick over his muzzle, and the claw on his left hand rising, letting his hand free to move. Zeron could only guess what it was, for he already knew. He turned on the light to his side. He closed his eyes as the second darkness became illuminated. As his eyes adjusted as he look into the face of who was on top of him, it was Damian.

 Damian rumbled down at Zeron, bending his head down against to lick over the foxes neck. Zeron sighed with contentment, lifting up his head, giving the draganon full view of his throat. Another tongue flicked over the right side of Zeron's muzzle. Zeron turned to look, staring into the face of Pyro, laying down at the foxes side, his legs spread out behind him. The two draganon's paused in their licking, Zeron lifted his head to look between Damian's legs. Zeron grinned wide, the draganon's pink member already hard, the tip glistening in his pre.

 Damian grinned at the fox, knowing what he was looking at. He wagged his hard cock around as he shook his tail like a dog. Zeron gasped a bit, watching the pre flick off his cocktip. Damian lowered himself closer to Zeron still keeping the fox pinned. He rubbed his hard member over Zeron's sheath, resting his tip between his balls encased within his furry sheath. Zeron whined and tried to move his legs. He wanted to wrap his legs around the draganon's waist and receive that cock into his tailhole, but the restriction of being subdued was rather annoying, although arousing. He managed to press his seth against the cock as it slid over him. His own canine cock wasting no time, growing rock hard to meet Damian's meat.

 A soft rumbling caught Zeron's attention, some of it anyways. He could feel a claw scritch over his chest. Zeron knew it was Pyro, and pressed his furry chest up into his hand. Zeron panted as both males touched him. Pyro scritched at the back of Zeron's head with his other hand, turning Zeron to face him. Zeron followed, not fighting at all even as Pyro slid his tongue into Zeron's muzzle, slurping at the foxes tongue. Zeron murrred licking and sucking on the tongue inside his mouth, wishing Pyro would use his cock instead. He could feel Pyro slide his claws down Zeron's belly to both his hand Damian's cock. Zeron and Damian whined together as Pyro griped both their cocks, squeezing them together as he stroked them.

 Zeron thrusted into Pyro's hand. Pyro leaned closer to the fox, opening his maw. Zeron could feel it wrap around his muzzle, had this been any other situation, Zeron might have thought Pyro was trying to suffocate him. Zeron opened his own muzzle easily, locking his lips around Pyro's as he kissed the draganon deeply. Zeron could hear Damian grunt and moan. Zeron felt the cock slip off his own, and out of Pyro's grasp. Zeron and Pyro came up from their kiss, Zeron lifted his head, watching and feeling Damian slide off his legs, moving his cock and waist down between Zeron's legs.

 Zeron grinned, spreading his legs, wrapping them around Damian's waist. He scritched and rubbed at Damian's tail base, pulling his hips closer, eager to feel what a cock felt like inside him. Zeron moaned as he felt the draganon's tip press against his ass. Zeron's tailhole relaxed as he expected Damian to slide his member inside him. Damian took his time sliding his cock into Zeron's tailhole. Zero grind his teeth and whined, the member was almost too big to fit inside him, seeing as he was never stretched this way before. His legs tensed up, dragging Damian closer, still he wanted to draganon inside him.

 Damian didn't slide his cock fully into Zeron, not wanting to hurt him. Zeron still pulled hard on his legs, moaning as he felt the member inside him. He arched his spine, pressing his chest up and his tailhole back onto the draganon's cock. Damian moaned as he felt the foxes tight passage, he let Zeron drag him closer. Zeron whined as his legs tensed up, and he got an extra inch inside him, as anal passage now stretching out around the draganon's meat.

 Zeron let his muzzle open letting out another deep moan, his anal passage forming nicely around Damian's cock. Zeron could hear Damian moan again. Zeron could feel the draganon's hips buck back under his hand, then forward against his ass, a coordinated feel the the draganon's large cock pumping into his foxie tailhole. Zeron Jerked his head back and grunted as Damian began to fuck him, starting out very slowly. His Legs relaxed around Damian's waste, tightening up only as the draganon's hips went forward. Zeron looked over at Pyro, watching the draganon watch intently as Zeron was fucked, his own draganon meat poking out from the side of his legs.

 Zeron reached out, and rubbed his palm over Pyro's cock, pressing down into the fabric of the tent as he did so. Zeron could hear Pyro moan, Zeron wrapped his fingers around Pyro's cock, stroking him softly. He could still feel Damian hump him, the black draganon moaning, his tip dripping pre into Zeron's hole. Zeron moaned, his muzzle opening and his tongue pressing out, imagining the red draganon's cock in his muzzle that was only a few feet from him. Zeron heard Pyro whine, standing up and spreading his legs out, letting Zeron stroke him as he wished.

 Zeron grinned at Pyro, he pulled on Pyro's cock. Pyro squeaked, a surprising sound to Zeron, he pulled on him again, wanting the draganon to stand over on him so he can hold his member in his muzzle. Pyro squeaked again, walking over to Zeron's head, getting the point. Zeron smiled as Pyro stood over him, hanging his thick cock over Zeron's head. Zeron moaned as he opened his muzzle and pulled down the dragons cock. He sucked on the dragons large cocktip, stroking and pulling still on Pyro's member. Pyro whined, feeling Zeron suck on his tip. He arched his spine down, pushing his cock closer to Zeron's face.

 Zeron let out a muffled moan, taking more of the draganon's cock into his muzzle. He loved the feel of its length over his tongue, and his lips wrapped tightly around the pulsing draganon meat. Zeron ass still throbbed with Damian's cock, the draganon increasing his thrusts, getting Zeron's hole nice and loose. Zeron's let go of Pyro's cock, his head moving to rub over the back of Damian's head. Zeron could hear, both of them grunt with pleasure, Pyro now thrusting into Zeron's maw rather hard and fast, catching up with Damian in their desire to fill both ends of Zeron with their seed.

 Zeron grunted around Pyro's cock, with each thrust both into his ass and down his throat, gladly awaiting their orgasms, this would be the first time he had ever need filled, and tasted cum ever. Zeron could feel his own cock throb, noticing now that Damian's smooth belly scales massaging it. He tried to bob his head up into Pyro's thrusts, the the strain on his neck was too great. Zeron just laid his head back, his face being pounded rather painfully by the strong male. Zeron didn't mind, too lost in his own sexual bliss.

 Zeron heard Damian gasp, the draganon panting. A wave of warm liquid flooded into Zeron's anal passage, making him whine, biting down on Pyro's sensitive meat. Zeron's tail hole spasmed, it was obvious that Damian had cummed, it was what Zeron wanted. His legs tightened around the draganon's waste, his hand rubbing over the draganon's tail, urging the draganon to fill his fox passage. The sensation was incredible, Zeron felt his own orgasm hitting, spraying Damian's belly with foxy cum.

 Zeron heard Pyro squeak again, hissing as the fox bit down on his cock, his rear legs tensing up, clawing at the tent floor. Zeron could feel the draganon cram his cock farther into Zeron's throat, arching his spine and raising up his head and tail, panting with pleasure. Zeron's jaw relaxed over the draganon's cock, though he bit down again, seeing if indeed the draganon enjoyed such mild abuse. Pyro whined again, returning the bite with a hard thrust downward, followed by his own orgasm hitting.

 Pyro's cum splashed into Zeron's muzzle. Zeron quickly gulped the first wave down. He moaned with delight as the second and third waves came. Zeron took the time to savor the flavor of Pyro's seed, getting the full flavor after sampling both waves. Pyro's seed tasted surprisingly cool, like mint, with only a trace of iron. It was creamy, though felt unusual as it slid down Zeron's throat. Still he drank Pyro's seed, managing to actually suck it out of his cock, like he would soda from a straw.

 Several seconds past before all were drained. Zeron could feel Pyro pull his cock slowly free of his muzzle. He took his time to suck on it as it left, licking at its cock tip during the fraction of the second it cleared his foxish lips, and hovered above his his. Zeron could feel Damian's cock soften, sliding out of his filled ass and back into the draganon's sheath. Zeron unwrapped his legs from the dragons waste. Zeron slurped over Damian's face, grinning happily as the draganon returned his lick with one of his own.

 Pyro laid down at Zeron's head. murrring as he leaned over to lick Zeron face as well. Zeron sighed happily, grinning an evil grin. He was still mentally aroused, having gotten t experience everything he had been thinking of this whole day. Damian laid down next to Zeron,  snuggling close to the nude fox. Zeron heard a murrr escape his own throat. He wrapped his arms around the draganon, feeling the other warm body of Pyro sliding up behind him.

 Zeron smiled, even though the tent was plenty warm without draganon's curling around him, Zeron felt like this was appropriate, snuggling with the two male until the mourning. Zeron yawned, already comfortable when Damian lifted up his head. Zeron sat up, seeing Pyro also lift up his head. He studied their expressions. A look of either worry of fear was on their faces.

 "Is something wrong?" Zeron asked them. The sound of his own voice breaking the few seconds of eerie silence among him and the draganon's. The two looked at each other, and then at Zeron. To zeron they looked sad now. then, just as quickly as they had come, they left Zeron's tent.

 Zeron stood as the left, rushing to the tents flap to see where they were heading. He watched them dart back to the tribes territory. The night guard took note of the two arrival, but did nothing of it, only going back to their duty of lookout. Zeron returned to his tent. He sat on his knees, pondering what had just happened. Why had they just suddenly left? Zeron turned out the little lamp that had been on this whole time, and he sat in darkness. He wondered if it was actually forbidden for draganon's of the mountain region to yiff though's outside their tribes? Oe was there another reason that they left. Guilt?

 Zeron sighed, he decided not to worry about anything, technically he broke one of his own rules, a rule that all explorers are supposed to follow with sentient species of other, unknown worlds: don't fuck with them. though only the morphics of the planet Devan were the only known non-terran 'morphic, the rule was still written when the first explorers set foot on Neo-Earth, almost a hundred years ago. The rule was more of a joke, 'fuck' was meant in the sexual sense (don't engage in intercourse with them). It was put in for everyone's safety, including the newly discovered creatures themselves so as to not exchange any STD's, and to avoid any abnormal culture the race ay have.

 Nonetheless, Zeron had fucked with the local sentients (semi - sentients are still sentient enough), and enjoyed it fully, to his own surprise. Zeron laid back down his his sleeping back, yawning once more. Zeron really wasn't much of the paranoid type, only when it came to a direct possibility. It wasn't likely anything bad would happen to him, but still he was courious what Damian and Pyro were so spooked about. Zeron could feel his eyes closing, his mind drifting off to sleep.

 Tomorrow will tell. Zeron thought, right before he fell asleep.