All about the author…


First of all, you have GOT to be crazy for opening this and worrying about who I am and why I write.


Well, I am Joey Porter. About the player that’s about all I would like to reveal at this time. If you ask if I have ever been to a convention … the answer is no. I am still trying to get to one. More than likely it will be Anthrocon in PA. Hopefully I will get there this year two thousand two. Just look around for the 6 foot blond guy with a tattoo of a wolf baying at a purple moon on his right arm.


Hopefully I will have another Tattoo to show off … of Corsi.


Corsi … the main star of the story and my personal character…


(PLEASE do not try and play her anywhere… already had a run in with one fur that tried to be me. Not a nice scene)


Corsi is a part of me and I am a part of her. Corsi is the embodiment of everything I wish I could be in real life and all the little fetishes I have. But I have other things about myself that I do not show in her. In real life, I am shy … Corsi is not. So if by chance we DO meet in real life … do NOT treat me like I am her.


Lone is my other Character. Lone Rielen Wolfe is the full name. He was also my first furry character. Playing him, he acts too much the gentleman. But truthfully, he is a fun character. Now … why does Lone have a thirteen inch dick? It’s a joke. In the place I USED to role play him, everyone was sporting eighteen inch and twenty-four inch dicks … some one them prehensile … everyone was huge and unbelievable. Lone was given HIS length for the idea to BE oversized but not large compared to others … thus he was small and … here’s the joke … unlucky. Now he has moved on and everyone around plays something believable. But I won’t change that part of him because it was a part of him that made him stand out.


One of the bigger comments I have is how the hell does one pronounce ‘Yoiko?’ … (Yoh - e - koh) I hope this clears that up.


Well I want to keep this short so I’ll leave it at this and give you the e-Mail to send comments and criticism.


Or contact me on ICQ


It’s set up that I have to authorize you mainly so I do not get blindsided.


Catch you later and please remember to keep your keyboard clean. Saran wrap works well!


Now …… SPOILERS Questions and answers …






Go no further if you have not read the story in entirety






Okay … One of the more popular questions is … why did I kill Red?


Half of the reason was personal. The player did things to me that hurt me personally. I killed the character off because I needed Red dead for the storyline. I wrote the chapter with the ending I did because I wanting to immortalize how I felt about him. Why did Red need to die? Red’s death was to signify the end of Corsi’s past and the progression to the future. Yes the story is yiffy as hell but there’s a point to my madness.



Why did Greyson die?


Greyson was written in with the destiny of death. He was brought in to die. So the name of the magazine could change and the name of the story would be understood when it changed to the name Corsi INC. I gave him the death scene I did because I truly care for the player … even though I make fun of him on a daily basis … he’s still my favorite kitty.



There are so many characters in Corsi INC and so many names dropped. How can I get in?


You don’t. Everyone in here is a close friend of mine. Asking to be let in will only irritate me.



Why did I start this thing anyway?


EASY! Alps … just Alps. Alps Aris Sarsis. I read and loved his stories. Always being the fur to speak my mind, I wrote to him and he replied. I told him I was on Tapestries and he made mention of being on there himself. We ended up talking for a long time and he became my best friend and inspiration. THANK YOU ALPSIEKINS!!!


Why am I furry in the first place?


Again … This time it’s Jeremy Bernal. I used to be sort of a half hearted furry. I liked the comics I liked the art but never fell into the lifestyle. Then I saw one piece Jeremy drew and it changed me. It was a picture of his site mascot Sasha dressed in a red leather jumpsuit and ripping a leather jacket off herself. That one picture was the turning point. I traced the pic back to and then started meeting people … and talking to furs … and enjoying spending time with everyone in the fandom. I am sure I would not be furry as I am now if it was not for that picture Jeremy drew. The only thing is … I don’t know how to tell him that without coming across as a fan boy. So I just stay where I am until I get the chance to tell him and thank him myself. For now I will thank him here. THANK YOU JEREMY!!


Next question … hey, just ask … I’ll answer you I promise.