A New Beginning

Red was the first to awaken cuddled close to Yoiko. He kissed her tenderly on her cheek as she slept in silence. A few minutes later, Corsi awoke as well stretching with a tiny Yawn.

Red whispered, "Good morning my pet."

"Good morning my master. I think we exhausted her a little too much."

Red giggled softly trying not to wake Yoiko, "I don\x92t think she\x92s gonna be complaining any time soon."

"I doubt you will be either the way you bleached her."

Red blushed for a moment, then a concerned look crossed him, "Corsi, I just thought. You never came did you?"

Corsi shook her head no, "A lot of times I don\x92t. But I don\x92t really mind. I get off on giving an orgasm more than I do getting one."

"But, I don\x92t want you to feel left out." Red commented.

Yoiko smiles as she opened her eyes, "Neither do I." She then giggled softly looking across the room. "Forgot to turn off the TV."

"I don\x92t think any of us were in a position to do that hun." Red said and he hugged her tight and kissed her softly on the cheek.

Corsi sighed in content lounging on the arm of the couch. Her eyes drifted to the clock on the wall, "HOLY CRAP IT\x92S ELEVEN ALREADY!!! Mako\x92s picking me up in an HOUR!" Corsi jumped down off the couch and bolted into Red\x92s room.

Yoiko turned to kiss Red tenderly with a smile.

Red chuckled, "What was that for?"

"What? I can\x92t kiss the wolf whose cock is up against my ass?"

Red blushed once again unable to say a word.

Yoiko giggled, kissed him again, and stood up still naked as the day she was born. "I don\x92t think I\x92m getting dressed today."

"WHA?!?" Was all that a shocked Red could get out of his muzzle as he stared at the beautiful rabbit.

"I\x92m just kidding silly."

"Yoiko, What\x92s gotten into you lately?"

"Oh just really happy I guess. It\x92s your day off right?"

"Well yes but\x85"

Corsi ran out from the bedroom and into the kitchen. A moment later she whizzed back out and into the bathroom.

Yoiko giggled, "Think we ought to help her?"

"Might be a good idea." Red nodded. As an afterthought he added, "But don\x92t get dressed."

Yoiko turned looking questioningly to the black wolf. "And you were talking about something getting into ME?"

Red offered only an innocent shrug and a not-so-innocent grin.

Yoiko\x92s turn to blush, "We will talk after Corsi leaves."

Red beamed and jumped from the couch. "Alright, You get her stuff in the kitchen, and I\x92ll help groom the mouse"

"And later I\x92ll help groom you, and you can help me with a little problem I have."


Neither Yoiko nor Red bothered getting dressed after all, as the very nervous Corsi rushed her way out the door. Red threw a bathrobe on to help her with the large bag of food and returned upstairs when Mako arrived to pick her up. The two sped off.

Yoiko was lying on the couch with a light silk robe covering her. "Red, sit down hun."

Red had expected her to be still giggling as she was all morning and not to be so reserved. Rather than comment he sat down for what he felt was going to be a long talk.

After a few moments of silence Yoiko spoke, "Red, tell me about last night. How do you feel about me?"

Red was still taken aback and surprised that he was placed on defensive so quickly with Yoiko. "I didn\x92t expect it really. I mean what about Jaxx.?"

"Jaxx is a little different Red. Jaxx doesn\x92t prefer to be intimate with women. He just likes to watch."

"So you and he aren\x92t dating?"

"No." Yoiko paused a moment obviously very nervous. "Red, how do you see me?"

Red stared to piece together what Yoiko was getting at. "Yoiko hun, we have been living together for three years now right? I have been dreaming of what we did last night for three years. You are beautiful hun."

Yoiko smiled shyly, trembling as if scared to move.

"What\x92s wrong hun?" Red said after a minute.

Yoiko knew she couldn\x92t hide it any longer, closed her eyes. "Red, hun\x85" She swallowed hard. "I\x92m still a virgin."



Mako had been getting ready for this week. Corsi rode on the dashboard sitting on a toy couch glued down. The two had been talking for some time heading out for a sightseeing tour of her old town.

"You have to be honest it still feels weird knowing your parents are so famous." Mako smiled.

"But the way I left Mako, I don\x92t know if I could ever face them again." Corsi stared blankly out the window sighing softly.

Both of them kept silent for a moment until Corsi finally spoke again. "I guess I could apologize to them."

"Hun you can you know."

"Yeah, but do I really want to go out to California to do it?"

Mako looked over to her surprised and slowed down, stopping on the side of the road.

Corsi was puzzled as to why. "Mako\x85why did you stop the car?"

"Didn\x92t anyone tell you?"

"Tell me what?\x85Mako what are you talking about?"

Mako placed her far larger hand on Corsi\x92s. "Hun\x85 your parents live just outside town."

Corsi swallowed hard and shivered in a mix of shock, fear and anticipation. After a moment Corsi closed her eyes whispering, "I need Master Red."

Mako hit the gas, spun the car around and kicking up a cloud of dust and tire smoke, almost flew back to Red\x92s apartment.



Red was still in shock not knowing quite what to make of the revelation. "Yoiko, let me get this down one more time. You\x85want me\x85to be your first?"

Yoiko smiled innocently at shade factor too high to register. She nodded softly.

Red shook his head waiting patiently to wake up from the dream this all just had to be. He didn\x92t. "Yoiko I would be honored to\x85Hell I have wanted to forever\x85but not like this. Tonight\x85I want to give you a night to remember."

Yoiko smiled leaning into Red kissing him hard and passionately.

Their kiss broken by the sound of screeching tires.

"What the hell was that?" Red exclaimed, turning to the window.

The knocking at the door came a moment later. Yoiko answered to a breathless Mako holding Corsi. Red was at the door a moment later. "What\x92s going on?, he asked.

Corsi was kneeling in Mako\x92s palm. "Master Red can I ask a favor of you?" The mouse said in a very quiet tone.

Mako smiled, Yoiko had no idea what to do and just stayed at the door listening.

Red taken aback that she had returned at all took a moment to answer. "Sure Corsi, anything you need."

Corsi swallowed hard. "Call my parents\x85It\x92s time to talk to them."

Red and Yoiko stood surprised at the sudden change in the mouse that only the day before never wanted to see them again. Red nodded and turned in a beeline for the phone. Yoiko invited the bat inside.

The three went quiet while Red was on the phone.

"Hello, Mr. De Allura?"


"It\x92s me Red."


"Yes I\x92ve been fine thanks. Look something just came up over\x85" Red was cut off by Corsi\x92s father.


"Yes\x85she is."


"No I think it would be better if you all talked in person."


"Cause she\x92s very upset right now."


"Like I said Sir\x85" Red was cut off again.



"I don\x92t think she\x85"


Corsi hopped over to the phone and put on her specially made headset while Red and her father argued.

Red sighed. "Fine Sir, she is getting her phone set now."

Corsi closed her eyes and clicked over. Yoiko and Mako stood by for support while Red stayed on the line.

Her voice trembling Corsi spoke, "Dad?"

"Corsi where have you been the past five years?"

"Dad I\x85"

"We thought you were kidnapped or worse."

"Dad I\x85"

"You should have talked to us sooner. Your mother was\x85"

"DAD would you shut the hell up and let me fucking talk?"

A stunned silence was left hanging on the other end of the line and in the apartment.

"Thank you. Dad what I was trying to tell you is that I\x92m sorry for leaving the way I did."

"Corsi dear. I\x92m the one that should be apologizing. After you left, your mother and I were talking, we stopped looking for stardom for three years and hoped you would come back and be a family. We ended up at that point getting \x91found\x92 so to speak. The rest you must have seen on screen."

"Actually dad I haven\x92t seen any of your movies."

"Corsi, where have you been? I was one of the grossing films of last year?"

"Well dad, Master Greyson and I\x85?"

"MASTER??? What have you been doing? Prostitution?" Her father yelled.

"No, no, no dad. It\x92s not like that. I loved him just like I do Master Red. It\x92s just a fun lifestyle I like to lead."

"And now Master Red too? Corsi I swear if he hurts you\x85"

"Now wait a minute David. You don\x92t understand. She asked me to call her pet and her call me Master," Red interrupted. "No one is forcing her, and I love her with all my heart. I would never want to see your daughter hurt.

David De Allura went silent for a moment, "So the two of you \x85 are in love with each other?"

"Yes dad."

"Yes Sir"

Well\x85" Corsi\x92s father said seemingly confused, "How exactly do you two \x85 I mean can you actually \x85 What do you two \x85 do \x85 exactly?"

Corsi as frustrated as she was, couldn\x92t help but laugh. "Maybe we ought to talk about this in person dad."

Mako mumbled, "Could always tell him the Nine Inch Nails reference."

Corsi glared trying to suppress a laugh, "MAKO! Behave!"

"Is Mako a pet of yours?" David giggled from over the line trying to join in the mood lightening.

Corsi and Red\x92s eyes went WIDE with surprise.

"Look you two, I\x92m sorry for getting like this. You just took me by surprise, that\x92s all."

"David, why don\x92t you come down to the apartment?" Red offered.

"I was just about to ask that. Tracy should be home in the morning. I want to see you with her. Mind if we both come down for lunch tomorrow? She\x92s going to positively flip when she hears you are back."

"That\x92s a good idea," Corsi answered. "It will make things far easier."

"Okay sweetheart, I\x92ll see you then."


"Yes, Corsi?"

"I love you." Corsi said, her voice trembling as a tear started falling into her fur.

"I love you too sweetheart."

Corsi and Red hung up and almost immediately she was full of tears, And smiles. "Master Red, can I ask you a favor?"

Yoiko picked up the about-to-be-famous mouse setting her on Red\x92s shoulder. Mako walked over standing on the other side of Corsi scratching her ear to give the mouse a little tension-breaking giggle.

"Sure my pet, anything."

"Well I want to give my parents something."

"What\x92s that Corsi? Mako asked.

Corsi\x92s grin turned positively evil. "A heart attack."


The four had set up the living room to Corsi\x92s specifications and were quite content with their work. Mako, having Sunday off as well was coming by early to help with last minute things. Red had suggested to Corsi that since Mako and her date didn\x92t go as planned that they head out to dinner. Yoiko had retired to her room and after the two had left, he sat down for a moment to relax."

"Red?" Yoiko called from the other room.

"Yes hun?" Red answered, standing to his feet and walking over to her room.

"Can you give me a hand in here sweetheart?"

Red opened the door and started to walk inside. The room was dark, save for candles lit around the room centering on the bed, and Yoiko. She hadn\x92t a stitch of clothing on her and looked more beautiful then ever. Red stopped, finding himself staring blank into her eyes, speechless.

Yoiko giggles, "Mom always said I had a flare for the dramatic."

Red swallowed hard stammering out, "Yo \x85 Yo \x85 Yoiko you look gorgeous!"

"So are you going to stand there or come lie down with me?"

Stunned, yes. Stupid however Red was not. He finally smiles and sat down on Yoiko\x92s bed. Silk black sheets. "And here I said I wanted to make this special. Yoiko, how long have you been planning this?"

"A year or two. But don\x92t worry about that not, come, I don\x92t bite."

"You don\x92t?" Red did his best to appear disappointed.

Yoiko giggled and pulled him down to her side. "Silly wolf."

Red cuddled close to her and kisses her warm and tenderly on her soft lips.

Yoiko returned the kiss with a desperate hunger, her tongue slipping past to caress his, A sigh of pure contentment escaping her muzzle.

Red stroked his hands slowly down her side. He scratched gently at the base of her cotton ball tail making Yoiko gasp and lean into his fingers searching for more. She let her breath out slow and evenly as she pulled Reds robe aside.

Red helped her shrug his robe back and he casually tossed it to the floor. There they held each other for a while. The warmth of each other\x92s nude bodies arousing them as their kissing rose in passion with the heat of the room.

Red whispered to her. "Sweetheart, lie back and relax."

Yoiko nodded, "I love you Red, I have since I moved in here with you."

Reds smile went bright and wide, "I love you too sweetheart"

"Then show me"

Red took the hint kissing her gently on the cheek, down slowly to her neck. His hands crept along her body as if in worship of the sacred shrine of Yoiko\x92s body.

"Mmmmmm, Red" Yoiko stammered as she massaged the nape of his neck. Her body was in the care of him and nothing was going to make this moment end.

Red kneeled down following his hands, softly kissing at her silky thigh. Yoiko gasped at the unexpected touch. His tongue licking sensually up through her short fur until he met her warm and tender womanhood. Carefully he licked across just the surface of her tender slit, letting his tongue brush the very tips of her fur.

Corsi was the first ever to lick her like this but with Red it just felt far too right. Too long she had lived with him fantasizing about this night when she would make love to the hunk of a wolf. Now here she was with him, scratching his fur and squirming to his soft and erotic tease.

Red snaked his long tongue into her gently as he could. He has wanted to be with her for all these years and he never said a word either. He was going to savor this moment and make sure everything was as perfect as he could. He drew out his first real taste of her, sweet as a cherry. He lapped his way back into her depth once again much to her delight.

Yoiko shivered with each stroke of that gorgeous wolfs tongue into her. Each shiver hitting her with a delicious wave of pleasure. Each wave bringing her that much closer to the edge of a cascading ecstasy. She was almost in the brink of madness when Red slowed down to a soft tease, leaving her just on the edge and keeping her there.

Red finally sat back up. His hard and throbbing cock pressed just against her glistening sex. Yoiko could feel each pulse against her and whispered softly and desperately, "Please Red, Take me."

Red was not ready just yet and just let the crown of his shaft probe into the rabbit\x92s pure body. Yoiko\x92s soft cries of desire gave the wolf exactly what he wanted. He had brought her to the height of her pleasure. Now slowly and carefully he slipped his shaft within her.

Yoiko barely felt the bite of pain that went along with her deflowering, and a moment later it was forgotten with the blast of an orgasm unlike she ever felt before. She held close to him, her body shaking, as every inch of her soul seemed to erupt with intense pleasure leaving her longing for more.

Red was 100% willing to comply. Probing deeply into her, his slow methodic stroking carried her orgasm on for what seemed like an eternity. Her depth squeezed on him incredibly tight and he was not going to last too long at all. Not with how tight Yoiko was.

She wasn\x92t either and felt the onrush of a second and more powerful orgasm begin to swallow her with every sensual drive of Reds hot throbbing cock. "Oh Red\x85 Oh God I\x92m cumming again!" And her body released squeezing tight on the poor wolfs shaft. He couldn\x92t hold on a moment longer himself and exploded into her coating her deflowered sex in his thick white cream. The hot sensations driving Yoiko to even greater proportions collapsing her to the bed in a quivering mass of rabbit. The wolf held her tightly in his strong arms as her ravaged and pleasured body succumbed to exhaustion and passed out.

Red kissed her tenderly on the cheek whispering softly to her as she slumbered. "I love you Yoiko. Good night."

And as he fell asleep next to her, he never noticed the crystal hanging in the window but he could swear he heard someone crying off in the distance.

Joey Porter (Copyright 2001)