Chapter 19



Over two weeks had past and the ships crew grew very eager to get back on land. Devilfox had taken to his chores with the added benefit of having Carrot as a new incentive at night. Lone and Nidaja were getting along well too. Lone’s nightly massages and the on deck training really helped with her seasickness. And Alps and Nita were just being … well … Alps and Nita.


The only thing really wrong was Corsi. Every night, something tugged at her as she tried to sleep. Most nights were spent wide awake and staring at the ceiling. Tonight was no different. They were scheduled to arrive in the morning and she needed to set her mind at ease somehow. It was ever since the night after she and Uri played with the slaves.


Morning broke and the call came from the crow’s nest that land had been sighted on the horizon. Everyone rolled out of bed amidst sighs of relief they had finally made it back home. The royal court greeted the queen and party with few festivities, Nita was not fond of them, though the mouse was overly fawned over. Most if not the entire court had never seen a fur so small. They all thought Alps had been exaggerating when he told of her true height.


Corsi rode on the queen’s shoulder as she made her way, under guard of course, to the castle where she would be spending the majority of her time.


As the group walked in, Nidaja followed Nita close behind with Lone right by her side. Uri tugged Devilfox behind on a leash proudly on his request. Everyone else hurried along and upon her entering the hall where Nita’s throne sat, Uri released her fox to go about his business.


“Well mistress mouse, here we are.” Nita said happily. “Home sweet home.”


“I promised Yoiko I would call her once we arrived and I am very worried about her.” Corsi squeaked. “She took ill before we left and…”


“And you want to check in on her.” Nidaja finished for her. “We have no phone here as we are in an electronically dead area of the world. Everything within a hundred miles of here is the same to be honest.”


“Would you mind if I went to talk to her? I haven’t even been able to think straight for the past weeks.”


“You don’t have to ask. I will have a few of my best men take you to Layleaux?” Nita offered. “We are through the proceedings we needed to care for anyway.”


“Thank you kindly your majesty.”




Nidaja and Lone had kept to themselves most of the morning while Nita caught up on lost time with work in the kingdom. The pair headed right out after a long discussion and into the front courtyard to one of the fighting circles to practice.


“How about we try weapons Miss Nidaja?” Lone offered standing just outside the circle. “That is unless you do not think we are ready for that just yet.”


A direct challenge… and in the middle of the queen’s court... Just the introduction brought the attention of nearly a hundred furs.


“Choose your weapon Lone, and no you are not ready.” Nidaja said with a confidence as she picked up a weighted wooden sword.”


Lone chose a long staff from a rack nearby the ring and tested its weight by giving it a spin in his hands and around his back. “Miss Nidaja, you of all furs ought to know better than to under estimate my abilities.” Lone commented coldly as he tapped the staff on the ground once leaning into a ready stance. “Ready?”

“Ready. Same rules?” Nidaja answered


“Same rules.”


“Half contact?”

Lone shook his head with a smirk. “Full”


“I’ll call Misty out for you after the fight then.” She replied with a twirl of her sword.


The entire crowd looked over to Lone is utter shock that anyone would speak in such a disrespectful way to the general.


“No magic of course.” Nidaja offered and lunged forward at Lone with a hard drive down with her wooden blade.


Lone responded easily with an overhead block but his adversary feinted and thrust in straight. Lone was ready. This was his main weapon and a casual parry sent the sword left. Sword out of the way, a quick spin sent his staff cracking across her head loudly dropping the mighty general to the ground.


The crowd went dead silent as they witnessed the scene before them. This new wolf dressed like a slave just dropped their general. And he did it impossibly quickly.


“Good hit Lone. That will leave a mark.” Nidaja said sitting up.


“Any time you are ready to continue…” Lone smirked as he settled himself down in a defensive stance.


Nidaja snapped back to her feet and crashed in hard in a close shoving contest.


Lone leaned onto her teeth barred muzzle and gave her a soft kiss on her nose just before launching her back and making her stumble. He rushed forth with two quick jabs that were blocked haphazardly driving her back still to regain her balance. She knew she was going to be close to the edge of the ring and in an effort to keep from going out of the ring, she lunged up and into Lone with the intent to parry and get into the center of the ring. She instead was greeted to Lone taking hold of her wrist after dodging her swords lunge and spinning her back around with her own momentum to launch her right back in the direction she had come.


Lone stopped completely and rested his arms on his weapon smugly. “That’s two Miss Nidaja.”


She looked down having fallen outside the fighting circle. She snapped her head up with a displeased growl. Her eyes focused onto his amethyst orbs just as he gave her a quick wink. It was obvious to her that Lone was the better fighter with weapons but why would he wink. Did he know how she had grown to feel for him or was it for something more?


Lone turned, walking over to the other side of the ring to allow Nidaja to ready herself for the next round. One more point and Lone would be the victor. She ran inside the ring and charged at him. A foolish mistake she knew but she wanted to get this over with. But instead of a parry, Lone took the brunt of the hit and with a quick drop down to her knees; Nidaja drew her sword hard against Lone’s belly quite hard.


This was wrong. Lone should have had her but she made her contact and scored a point. She could not let this happen. She deserved to lose this battle and to her conclusion, he was allowing her to win.


Lone lunged in with his staff leading in quickly. It was all Nidaja could do to block his strike. She countered driving in with her sword but Lone was already prepared. He knocked the blade to the side, rolled away from her, and got back to his feet while Nidaja came back at him. He turned to her and Nidaja kept her distance this time allowing plenty of room. Lone jumped and came down with his staff, leaving himself wide open and vulnerable. Nidaja took the advantage and blasted him in the chest as he came down and she slit easily underneath his leap.


Lone lay on the ground for a few moments. The blow took the wind out of him. Twice in a row, Nidaja was given her point. Nidaja leaned down to him to help him to his feet and immediately jerked him closer to her with a disappointed growl of a whisper. “I know what you are doing. Miss me again and the next blow will kill you. Now fight me and beat me… slave.”


Lone’s face drew down. He stepped over to the side of the circle and readied himself for the final attacks. Nidaja, to everyone’s shock, dropped her sword only to pick up a razor sharp blade. She was more than serious about her comment.


Lone shook his head and gripped his weapon ready to fight for his very life.


Nidaja came in fast. She was using her magic this time. Lone knew she would. She was angry and almost wanted to kill him. He predicted her movements perfectly. Their weapons crashed in a blur of wood and steel. Lone kicked her front leg out sending her just slightly off balance enough for the taller wolf to take an advantage. A split second later, she was disarmed. Nidaja’s sword flew through the air and landed off to the side and out of the ring, blade first. Lone’s weapon came in the momentum across her muzzle and then over the back of her head in one fluid motion. Nidaja was out cold before she even hit the ground.




The general came around a few moments later with quite a headache. Lone had been accosted by four guards with three others lying on the ground unconscious. “General Razelle, what shall I do with this slave?” Came a bellow from a hulking giant of a black wolf with a patch over his left eye.


“Release him immediately!” Nidaja snapped in response as shakily she tried to get to her feet.


Lone had been severely beaten while Nidaja was out but still with as battered as he was, he stumbled over to her and gave Nidaja a hand to her feet with his last ounce of strength before collapsing to the ground.


“What did you do to him?!?” She screamed as she took her sword in hand, storming over to her soldier and biting back the pain that burned through her. “I should have your head for damaging my slave and sparring partner.”


“Sorry General Razelle but we thought…”


“Never mind what you think. Would I be fighting him in a ring if there were really a problem with him?”


“Well…” he stammered.


“The answer is no. Now go get Misty and pray to the gods you didn’t break him.”


Lone slowly started to get to his feet, his movements very stiff and slow. To everyone’s astonishment, he up his weapon and walked carefully to Nidaja’s side. “Is this soldier bothering you Ma’am?” Lone asked as he leaned on his staff to support himself.


“Now Lone, don’t you go getting gutsy on me. Commander Azia may lack manners but she is perhaps my finest soldier and with you hurt…” Nidaja stopped short looking over to Lone and those deep purple eyes shined with the same look as they did before when he gave her that wink. “Fine … Azia, have at him.”


“With pleasure.” He answered, but as he began to unsheathe his sword, Lone's weapon snapped down onto his paw with an audible cracking of bones and a blur of his staff.


Lone was more than able to take a good beating. He was used to being flogged, paddled, caned… Like a half assed soldiers were going to keep him down. His weapon whirled in an impossibly fast flurry of strikes and jabs that sent the soldier reeling back with every blow until he fell back on the ground with a loud thud.


“That was for hitting me from behind. I wanted to return the favor.” Lone commented to the unconscious battered wolf.


“Lone… I think we need to have a little talk … In private.” Nidaja said as she stepped up to his side and addressed one of the furs watching the ‘show’ off to the side. “Carrot, would you please go and get Misty? I think we are both going to need her expertise.”



Nidaja’s chambers… Some hours had past since the fight and when they had stopped off to see Misty; she gave him a full physical only to be surprised by Lone’s … physical attributes.


Corsi had already left and by now should already be at her destination at the next town to call her wife. Lone lay on his owner’s bed to rest for the afternoon. His body was badly bruised and the stiffness of his injuries were settling in.


Misha knocked on the open door with Uri as Lone spent his time staring at the ceiling. Nidaja was still down with Misty. “Come in Ma’am.” Lone said softly with the pain settling in.


“Nidaja sent us up to see you and let you know that you put her number one general next to us, in intensive care.” Uri said with a soft giggle. She sat on the edge of the bed. Her actions, treating the hulking warrior like broken glass.


Misha added in “How in the world did you learn to fight like that?”


“I was trained in both the arts of pleasure as well as weapon combat since I was able to hold a stick. I am more proficient with a weapon as an extension of my hands than Nidaja.” He said flatly. “It’s been years of constant practice for weapon proficiency it appears that I am not as skilled in hand to hand. I can take Nidaja down on occasion but it’s more often than not that she can out skill me.”




Uri finally spoke up after a few minutes, “You have beaten Nidaja?”


“Never in best of three but yes I have.” Lone replied with a groan as he tried sitting up. His body was very stiff and sore.


“And you are her slave now? You can outfight the general of the lupine army and are just her slave?” Misha blurted out, quite startled.


“Misha!” Uri exclaimed with a displeased glare.


“No… it’s alright really Ma’am.”


“What’s alright?” Nidaja asked as she made her way in. “And Lone, you lay back down. I want you healed quickly, not making yourself even worse. Your injuries are beyond my magic so rest is what you need.”


“It’s just a bruised rib mistress. I’ve done worse to myself really.” Lone replied as Nidaja breezed past and sat down on the bed.


“Very well then Lone, You are ready to get up for another round?”


Lone shook his head ‘no’ and laid back down to the bed obediently.


“Would you two please excuse Lone and I? I have a few things I want to discuss with him … in private.” Those last words of hers coming out as more a demand than a casual comment.


Uri stood up and walked away with a smirk, as did Misha. And as the pair walked off after closing the door, Lone and Nidaja heard them muttering off as they left.


Nidaja was hurt but not nearly as much as Lone. He received quite a beating at the hands of her soldiers after being struck on the head as he was. She sat down next to him speaking softly. “How do you feel Lone?”


“Like I have had the hell beaten out of me.” Lone said with a laugh and added, “And not in a god way either.”


“You know Lone. Before you, no one had ever bested me once in hand to hand or weapon combat. You have done both. You are better than anyone in my entire army. You have to teach me your secret on how you can fight with a staff like that.” Nidaja said as she lay down on the bed next to him. She rested her hand down to his chest, stroking her and down through the fur of his chest in casual affection.


“Mistress, define the word, weapon.” Lone said plainly as he brought his hand up to hold hers. He turned to her with a soft though expressionless glance. “There is a reason I ask.”


One of Nidaja’s ears flattened in puzzlement as she replied; “It’s a tool to be used as an advantage over your opponent.”


“That is why you lost.” Lone swallowed hard. He was still in great pain and though he tried, he failed in his effort to hide it. “A weapon is not a tool but a part of you when used. It is an extension of the warrior. Thinking of the weapon as an object will limit its use and eventually … you will die at the hands of someone that thinks of a weapon in the proper manner.”


Nidaja stared blankly at him. Here was a slave, beaten and bruised, and he sat here in her bed telling the general of the lupine army that she did not know how to properly fight. Her anger inside quickly faded once she remembered he did just beat the hell out of her in combat. “Well then Lone, teach me how and teach my soldiers how to fight.”


“Mistress Nidaja, I do not believe that your soldiers would like to be taking orders from a mere slave and teach them as a weapons master.” Lone whispered softly back to her. “But I will train you in private how to teach them while I see to your other needs.”


Nidaja smiled softly. She tightened her grip on his hand as she leaned in to kiss him full tilt on the muzzle. She leaned back on the bed again, allowing her hand to slip free from him as she did. “Fair enough. I don’t plan on releasing you soon anyway.”


Lone looked back to her a little surprised by the choice of words, not to mention the kiss. He leaned over on the side that didn’t hurt like hell. “Mistress, Might I ask you a question?”



“Since I enslaved myself to you miss, you have been most affectionate to me. Oddly so.” Lone started. “Here and there you do little things to show affection and even kiss me as you have. Even when I bested you in combat in front of Nita’s court, you defended me. Why?”


Nidaja drew a deep breath in as she turned back to the giant of a wolf to answer. “Lone, as wonderful and fulfilling as Alps is and as talented as he is, he is not the right one for me and he belongs with Nita. I need a servant that can cater to my personal needs a little more to my liking. And as well, someone I can relate to on a more personal level of friendship.” She said plainly. “Besides, you give a great massage.”


Lone smiled with his voice softening in tone. “So you want me as your pleasure slave as well as your trainer in weapon combat.”


Nidaja nodded softly moving a little closer to him until she was pressed tightly and snuggling against him. “That’s about the size of it. After all, it’s what you were trained for. You had your freedom with Corsi and I do not want to take that away from you but in this country, a slave that is disobedient reflects poorly on their owner. So you will have to stay with me. You have much to learn about our ways here and the ways we do things.”


“Mistress Nidaja, I have studied this country in detail on the voyage over when I was not attending to you or Corsi. I know what will be expected of me and I am ready for that. I assure you I will not disgrace the house of Razelle in any way.” Lone replied as he rested his muzzle carefully to her cheek.


“Well Lone there are two things I want you to take care of since you are my servant.” She whispered as she stroked her fingers along his side and down to his hip. “First thing, when it is just you and I, no more Mistress Nidaja, just Nidaja will do.”


“Lone was getting a little excited from being this close to such a beautiful wolfess. It was only late afternoon and light still shone through the open castle window to illuminate the room. “Very well Nidaja, and what else would I be able to do for you?”


“I want to se what Uri was so flustered about. I know she likes to watch quite often. I have seen her out the window with Alps and I and… well… the entire time we rode home she kept looking you up and down like a piece of meat.”


“She saw Mistress Corsi and I the first night we were aboard. She must have been a little taken aback by my endowment.” Lone admitted obediently but a little nervously.


Alps is rather large himself Lone. Are you so certain that you are larger than he is?” Nidaja challenged.


“I know I am.”


“Tell me then.”


“I am thirteen inches at full length mistress.”


You could almost hear the romanticism screech to an abrupt halt as Nidaja screamed, “WHAT?!?”


Lone nodded sheepishly and repeated himself to her.


“You’re kidding.”




“No one is that… big.”


“I am.”




“I shall prove it.”


Nidaja, always willing to accept a challenge, “Consider it your first order.”


His body very stiff and nearly immobile, he stood to his feet and turned away from his mistress. He untied his leather brown pants and let them drop to the floor letting his flaccid length drop free like the trunk of an elephant. He turned to Nidaja over his shoulder, “You sure you want to see this?”


Nidaja sat up carefully in her bed folding one arm over the other with a displeased scowl over her muzzle. “Show me.”


Lone turned himself around baring himself to her with hands on his hips in defiance. He said nothing at all as he watched the look of shock spread over her muzzle.


Nidaja was speechless. She crept closer as if in utter amazement and looking upon the eighth wonder of the world. She reached out, taking his dangling length in hand and as Lone drew in a slow breath with her touch, his shaft slowly swelled in the tentative palm of her stroking paw until he had reached a full erection. “Dear Goddess!” was all she could come out with, just staring at it for a few moments.


“Am I to assume that means you approve of me Nidaja?”


Her hand wrapped tightly around that long cock that was almost as big around as her forearm. Lone was so large she wasn’t exactly sure what to do with the thing. At nearly twice the size of Alps, he was almost too large. But with all her talking up, she couldn’t exactly back out at this point. “Okay, this I have got to try.” She said nervously even though she tried to keep her dominance over her servant.


Lone bit back the pain rushing over him as he crawled up the bed and atop his more nervous owner. “Just relax Nidaja. Let me take care of you.” His hands slipping down along her sides carefully and then under her… armor? “Nidaja… we have a slight problem.”


Nidaja quickly got up and pulled the ties that held on her chain-mail skirt. She let it fall to the floor and kicked it aside as if it were a regular old piece of clothing. Her top piece was already removed and all she had on at this point was a pair of black lace panties. She looked to Lone out of the corner of her eye as she faced her bode away from him and carefully slid the scant piece of clothing down to the floor making sure she was nice and bent over for him to see everything she had to offer him.


She slipped back up and onto the bed, looking Lone over in fine detail. Her newest acquisition… His taut chest, thick and well groomed grey fur, his chiseled abdomen, his handsome and solemn muzzle, the gleam in his lavender eyes… everything about him was everything she could ask for. A magnificent specimen indeed. She lay down on the bed with a soft grin to hide her nervousness about the one part of him that there was a little too much of. “Come on over Lone.” She nervously whispered.


“Nidaja, I request something of you before we continue.” Lone replied with a bow before moving.


“Very well. What is it? But make it quick.” She cooed as she traced a fingertip along her panty line.


“You are going to have to trust me to take control over you if you want me to be that intimate with you.” Lone said softly as he crawled up alongside and slightly over her.


Nidaja swallowed hard, still a little nervous, she was quite relieved that she didn’t have to think about how exactly she was going to fit that monster of a cock inside her. “Very well Lone, please me.


Lone leaned into her with a tender kiss. His muzzle locked with hers in a soft passion that had built up over the weeks of their being together aboard the ship and watching her sleep. All of it burst forth into that one hot hard and passionately blissful kiss. His large hands roamed down from her cheek and through her neck fur to carefully settle down over her voluptuous breasts. He cupped one in hand, letting his knuckles pinch her perked and wanting nipple as he gave an affectionate squeeze.


Nidaja melted into Lone’s perfection of intimacy. The giant wolf was well trained and the feelings that shivered over her left her with a deep inner pleading for more of what he had to offer. She returned the sweet kiss to her new slave and slipped her arms around him to embrace him.


Lone pushed her easily back down, breaking the kiss with a soft and comforting grin. “Relax my dear. Let me take care of you.” He whispered to her. Lone leaned back into her to this time, kiss her on the sensitive fur of her neck. He was half atop her and roaming his hands down further again through her belly fur.


Nidaja rested her hands down to her sides. Without being able to touch Lone, she soon realized that she was fully able to concentrate on Lone’s affections. Her body felt intensely alive. So intense was his tease over her body, so sensual his touch that she felt like she was ready to burst already and he had just started.


Lone continued along, working his sensual touch along Nidaja’s supple figure. Those hands slipping down along her thighs as he snuggled himself close to her and alongside her. His gentle kisses trailed down over her chest and over her perfectly rounded mounds, slipping one of her aching nipples into the warmth of his muzzle.


Nidaja drew in a quick breath as she felt Lone’s tongue flicker over her nipple. She felt a deep shiver running down over her entire body with the feelings of Lone’s claws scratching along the soft flesh of her thighs. She ached for him with her quivering sex in a desperate need for his touch. Her hand reached out, unable to keep still any longer and caressed through her lovers head fur and the velvety fur along the crest of Lone’s ear.


Cautious and slow, Lone sifted his fingertips through the deep green tuft of vaginal fur, letting his palm cup over the warm and needing slit. He teasingly slid just one fingertip through those delightfully sweet petals with his soft kisses continuing to work down along her belly to her navel and then past still until his warm breath swept over her soft and desperate sex.


The wolfess mistress was reduced to a green whimpering ball of fur. Her body was on fire with an aching need for release. “Lone… Hurry… please…” she pleaded with him.


Lone’s tongue barely stroked along her moist wetness causing Nidaja to moan loudly with the sensual pleasures she received. But instead of continuing immediately, he blew a cool breath over her hot slit and stroked his claw tips over her thighs as he looked up into her eyes.


Nidaja grabbed his head fur in frustration. “LONE don’t you dare stop.” She all but screamed out in her frustrations.


Lone was certainly a professional, though having his muzzle forced against her nearly ruined his plans. He knew what needed to be done and he had to take things slowly as he could. He ran his broad tongue carefully down her sweetness, settling down on her tight depth. He pushed deeply into her, snaking that long tongue along to taste her tender walls inside. The tip of that pink muscle flickering up against he super sensitive ridges just inside.


Nidaja wailed out as an orgasm shot through her like wildfire. Lone’s expert teasing sending her over the edge into intense waves of bliss, leaving her to buck insanely against Lone’s attentive muzzle. But what really got to her was the next feeling that shot into her.


Lone and that thin sleek muzzle of his fennec grandparents… He slid that muzzle inside her with utmost care, leading in with his well trained tongue. He parted his lips on the side of his snout to breathe. Deeper and deeper he probed into her warm depths until he had stretched her a fair deal and was able to give her a feeling she had never dreamed of. Lone ran his tongue along her cervix.


Nidaja, only feeling a small amount of pain at first and having it fade quickly, couldn’t believe what she was seeing before her eyes. She could only stare in shock and amazement as the wolfox muzzle-yiffed her. And with his tongue licking over her insides as he pumped that snout into her like a cock with a tongue, she wasn’t certain how much more she could handle. “How… How did you…” She whimpered through the sweet bliss.


Carefully Lone drew his long and thin out of her, letting his tongue swirl in teasing circles as he withdrew. He looked up to the amazed wolfess with a casual grin when he pulled his snout free from her. “It’s all in the training Ma’am.” Lone whispered as he licked the delicious nectar from his lips and crawled up the bed and over atop her. “Are you ready?”


Nidaja reached down to Lone’s thick and throbbing cock. She wrapped her fingers around it and gave him a slow sensual caress. She felt so intense at that point, the though of pain didn’t matter anymore. She wanted him inside her, filling her completely and she was not going to take any excuses for hesitation.


Lone allowed his mistress to guide his length to her as he mounted himself atop her. Just the tip of his shaft teasing at her burning womanhood. Gently, he pushed forward to inch his length inside her.


Nidaja drew her breath sharp. That thick rod impaling her was larger than anything else she had ever had inside her before. Surprisingly though, it was only slightly painful as it slid into her snuggly. Lone’s earlier administrations had worked to ready her for that massive member. She closed her eyes, gripping the sheets tightly and enfolding her legs around his waist to draw him deeper along. “All of it…” she managed shakily. Painful it may have been but it was more incredible than she could have ever imagined.


Lone’s teeth clenched tightly as to his surprise, Nidaja was able to take nearly his entire length at first. And with the next thrust, she took him in to the hilt. For a moment, he relaxed against her in soft admirable passion.


Nidaja held her slave around his neck as she returned the deep sensual kiss with an equal fiery passion. For a few moments, she relaxed with him in the sweet bliss of being in his arms and filled with his gigantic cock. As the initial pain disappeared completely, she eased her hot depths against him in sensually fluid motions. With his sheer size, he hit every pleasure center inside her, working her into a beautiful ecstasy. “Take me easy Lone. You are bigger than anyone I have ever had before.”


Lone growled softly as he carefully slid his long shaft out to leave her depths empty of him and just the head of that cock within. Again he squeezed the entire length into her taking his time in a long and slow methodic tease. “Dearest Nidaja, trust me when I tell you I will use the utmost care. I want you pleasured.”


Nidaja wailed out as she held her arms tightly around his shoulders. Lone drove her to the peak of pleasure and beyond. She was getting to the point she didn’t really care anymore. Her claw tips dug into Lone’s back as she pumped her hot pussy up at him to drive that monstrous length into herself to pry her tight hot sex apart every time. She bit down on Lone’s neck hard just to keep from screaming out.


Lone yelled out with the bite for her. He reflexively sank himself into her inviting sex right down to the hilt again. Her hungering pussy, tighter than anything he had been with her in a long time and he drove himself down into her, meeting each pump up and onto him. He gritted his teeth holding himself from screaming out any louder in his own pleasures. Just then, he felt her go rigid underneath him and her grip tighten around and onto him.


“Oh Goddess! I’m cumming again!” Nidaja screamed out as she was hit with a hurricane of ecstasy rushing all around her. Her body was convulsing all over with the deep and exciting pleasures until she couldn’t scream any longer. But her orgasm didn’t stop just there. Lone pumped her pussy nice and easy until she was reduced to a quivering ball of green fur with her deep and penetrating aftershocks and over stimulation.


Lone rested himself for a few moments just grinding his length deeply within her. “Are you feeling better Nidaja?” He whispered as he stroked his fingertips through her long head fur.


“Not yet Lone,” she demanded, “On your back.” She flipped him onto his back for him with him still deeply inside her. “You rest and close your eyes Lone. I want to play with you a little.”


Lone nodded obediently saying nothing. He rested back thankful that the pain he was in that kept him from exploding within her was gone in this restful position.


Nidaja leaned forward, holding onto his shoulders. Slowly and methodically se impaled herself onto his thirteen inches of wolf cock. She twisted herself onto him, shifting herself in ways that would give the most pleasure to her lover. The slick and squeezing walls of her depths rushed and massaged his thick and penetrating cock as her sweet juices running down the shaft and into his soft fur.


Lone let out a long, deep growl with the intensity of his pleasure. He held Nidaja’s waist, guiding her repeated thrusts down onto him and letting himself be used by his mistress. Not that he would mind in the least at all. Nidaja seemed like the perfect owner for him. She was forceful and demanding, kind and sweet, not to mention sexy and powerful and tight as a snare drum.


Nidaja couldn’t get enough of him even though there was more then enough of him. Her body bucked down onto him, repeatedly taking every inch of that length within. All at once, she felt that familiar sensation building within her and her eyes snapped wide as she barely managed to scream. “Oh Goddess! Already?” before she was slammed with yet a third orgasm rocking through her already ravaged and tired body. She collapsed down onto Lone’s chest, quivering as her orgasm continued to roll slowly through her and flood her until she was overflowing with ecstasy.


Lone rested on the comforter, still solid as stone inside her and on the edge of cumming himself. He stroked his fingers through Nidaja’s head fur again as she lay there atop him in the blissful aftershocks. “I do hope that you are well satisfied Nidaja.” He whispered quietly to her.


Nidaja sat up on his shaft, catching her breath. “Not… Yet…” she panted, lifting herself off of him and letting his shaft flop against his belly. To Lone’s surprise, she kneeled on the bed turning her back to him and arcing up, inviting Lone to fill her yet again. “Take me as if I was your slave Lone. Let’s see what you can REALLY do with that thing.”


Lone sat up and crawled off the bed to the edge. Nidaja knew exactly what he had in mind and backed herself up to the edge as well and bent her hips up just as Lone sank his rod into her. She gripped the sheets tightly knowing this was going to be a hell of a ride. “Very well Nidaja.”


Beyond lovemaking, beyond sex, this was turning into pure lust that drove that thirteen inch tool into the general. She was already stretched and painless. All that was left to feel for the both of them was enjoyment. She wanted him hard and he was going to give her everything she wanted. Lone pounded himself into her like jackhammer. He took hold of her hair and tail for leverage much to Nidaja’s delight and surprise. Between the two, the bed shook and slid across the floor with just the sheer force of Lone reeling back and slamming his cock into her time and time again.


“Yes Lone! Fuck me! … OH SHIT!” Nidaja screamed as her fourth orgasm slammed into her like a ton of bricks and without any warning at all this time. She came long and hard only being able to hold onto the bed and take every deeply thrusting inch of Lone’s length while her pussy quaked and shuddered along with her.


“Mistress…” Lone growled. “I am going to cum as well.” He was already too far along to hold back even a moment longer. He shot a long thick rope of his seed deep inside before he pulled that monster free from hr and showered her rump and back.


Nidaja turned herself over with Lone’s spasming cock erupting with what seemed like gallons of cum blasting over her breasts and muzzle like a fire hose until Nidaja sat up and took hold of that snake and drew him into her cum soaked muzzle to suck the last few shots of his seed out of him and force the wolfox to scream out in the added intensity until his knees gave out and he fell to the floor completely and absolutely spent without even the slightest thought of his injuries.


Nidaja lay back down on the bed panting heavily. It had been a long time since she had been able to get into a little rough and tumble sex and with as long as Lone could hold back… she was completely satisfied through every pore of her body.


Lone stood back up and lied next to her giving her a soft and tender kiss on her cum stained cheek and licking some of his own seed from her.


“Now my servant, I am satisfied.” Nidaja let out with barely a gasp before passing out cold.


Lone didn’t even bother getting covered either and closed his eyes, passing out in exhaustion with her.




The pair were awakened by a loud commotion outside their window. Several hours had past and the sun had gone down leaving a soft moons glow over the landscape. Lone’s body was stiff as a board but still got himself up and made his way over to the window.


Down below, Corsi was already back. The caravan wasn’t back and she had traveled with just a pair of soldiers and they looked as if they had just run a marathon rushing their way back.


Nidaja got herself together as well and quickly slipped on a silk robe. “What’s going on down there Lone?”


“Corsi is back already. Something must be seriously wrong.”


To be continued…



Corsi Corsi INC and Lone are Copyright 2002

Joey Porter

All characters contained within

are used with permission and

are the sole property of their
