A Fine Time


Well, good things come to those who wait. I am finally back. What a time I had! Oh, yeah, lots of fun here. First off I contracted Pharyngitis, then when I was put on Penicillin we discovered I am violently allergic to it, then I somehow managed to get Mononucleosis, and I also have some kind of bacterial infection eating away at the right side of my face. Tons of fun! Don’t worry I have not forgotten about the story, nor do I plan to quit writing about it. I am going to try to upload one chapter every month or two {they will be longer chapters now that I have more time to do them} so just check back to the site occasionally. I also have several other things going on. I am in college, writing and RPG type story with a friend in California, and actually developing a PC game with several friends, plus I am still writing two other novels, and trying to get one published, so please bear with me.


            I never received any responses to the character invitations {which I guess could considered to be a plus in some cases} but could at least one of you guys/girls please tell me what you think? Well in any case you should find the story becoming very interesting soon {a bit of archeology is coming up} so stay tuned {occasionally at least}.


