The Sayn Chronicles Part 1

By Danath

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Sayn always hated the first day of school. He had moved around a lot when he was younger.  Having parents in the military did that to you. This day of school was different though. Today was the first day of the rest of his academic career at the school he'd graduate in. He had been dreading and wishing for this day for months now. His parents military service was up, meaning he'd get to spend the last two years of high school at the same place. He hoped to make a few friends who would recognize him at graduation before going on to college.

            He started thinking about his next class, science.  He usually did well in science.  It was usually the only class he looked forward to. He was heading up there early, having already eaten lunch. As he walked down the new school's hallways, the young fox felt eyes upon him. Some older students standing in a corner were staring at him. He looked away and hurried on, going around the corner quickly.  But one of them, a large wolf, stopped him by quickly moving in front of him, saying, "Where you goin' so fast?  What's your hurry?"

            Sayn was about two feet shorter than the big wolf.  Sayn was definitely not a weakling.  Being smaller than most, even other foxes, he worked out in gyms wherever he lived. Because of this training, he had a great body that the girls went for, and could usually hold his own against others when challenged.  He didn't have a chance against someone as formidable as this wolf and his friends, though.

            Sayn gulped, nervous of the imposing wolf, but answered, "Just headin' to class. If you don't mind." Sayn tried to step around him, but the the wolf just moved to block his path again.

            "What's wrong? Don't want to stay and chat?"

            "No thanks. I need to find my room."

            "Too good to stay and talk with us? Is that it?"

            Moving quickly, the wolf grabbed Sayn by the shirt and shoved him against the wall. His friends, a large bobcat and a nasty looking otter, stayed where they were, laughing at Sayn. His fright showed clearly on his face as he was bodily lifted off the floor by the wolf.

            "Hey, Drex, how long you gonna act like you're a big shot just to impress your friends? 'Cause you're sure as hell not impressing anyone else!"

            Drex dropped Sayn and rounded on the speaker, a skunk who stood about five feet away. The skunk showed absolutely no fear of Drex or his friends. He was a tall skunk, standing almost level with Drex, and wore a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. He was of a moderate build, and was obviously in great shape, as evidenced by his slim physique and the prominent muscles on his arms. He glared at Drex, who sneered back.

            "Come off it, Drex. Why don't you just go lift weights, do something that you don't need to have a brain to do besides this macho posturing bullshit. It's getting old."

            Drex grinned nastily at the skunk and said, "You protecting this little shit?" He pointed at Sayn, who had backed off from Drex and his friends and was now standing on the other side of them from the skunk. "Better protect him all year, then, 'cause next time I see him or you I'll beat the living shit out of either of you I see."

            He motioned to his friends, who hurried to catch up to him. They were all laughing at Sayn and the skunk as they walked away with Drex, still acting like they had scored some impressive victory.

            Sayn called out to the skunk "Thank you!" and then turned to walk away, but the skunk ran up to him and put his hand on Sayn's shoulder to stop him from going.

            "Where you going so fast? I showed up Drex, so now he's got it in for you. He's got a great command of the language, doesn't he?  'Beat the living shit out of either of you I see.' What a guy, huh?  Anyways, its all bullshit like I said.  He knows I'd kick his ass, so he's gonna go after you. Watch out for them."

            "Yeah. Heh.  Well, see ya."

            Sayn tried to walk away again, but again the skunk stopped him.

            "Hey, I wasn't finished! Listen, Drex and his pals will come after you again, so watch out.  If you see them, just get out of there.  You wouldn't stand a chance against them, although it looks like you'd be able to do pretty well. Must spend lots of time working out, huh? By the way, I'm Mark. What's your name?"


            "Well, Sayn, since its apparent you're new here, I'll show you around so you get acquainted with the school a little better.  Its pretty cool here, lots of stuff going on, and it can be pretty confusing if you didn't go through your freshman year here. What are you, anyways? Third year?"

            The constant barrage of talk was disorienting Sayn, who could only nod.

            "Great! The junior class was kind of small this year anyways. So listen, where's your first class?"

            "Science. Room 305."

            "Ok. I'll show you where it is. By the way, have you seen..."

            Sayn listened with half an ear as Mark rattled on.  He was glad he met Mark, who seemed pretty cool. He would have to watch out for Drex and his pals, but he'd been avoiding bullies like them his whole life. That wasn't a problem. As he started thinking more about the school and the barrage of information Mark was throwing at him, he started walking and nodding automatically as Mark took him on a tour through the school.

            "... got an hour before lunch ends, so I'll show you..."

            Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad. He'd always had to put up with jerks like Drex, but with Mark as an ally it wouldn't be so bad. He smiled to himself as he thought about how he could finally spend some time making a few friends like Mark instead of having to move away again.  Yes, he decided. This will be a fun year.

            "... and this is where the teachers conduct their weekly orgy."

            Sayn's head snapped around.


            "That got your attention, didn't it? This is actualy one of the gyms. There are two of 'em. This  one is kinda small, but it has a weight lifting area, a wrestling area, and storage to make up for that.  The other gym is more for games and classes and stuff. This gym and the weight training area is open to the public, so they're available all the time. The wrestling room and weight training area is through those doors. I doubt I need to show you how to use the equipment in there.  Looks like you know your way around a weight room," he said, smiling and pointing to Sayn's developed muscles on his arms, and then motioned to a pair of doors at the other end of the gym.  "The storage is over there," he continued, pointing again. "And these are the locker rooms, boy and girls. Here, I'll help you sign up for a locker."

            He opened the door and Sayn walked in with Mark following behind. Mark went in to the office and brought out a pad of paper with lots of names and numbers on it.

            "The coaches and teachers aren't here, so I'll just sign you up for one myself. How about number 138?"

            "Lots of bays, aren't there?" Sayn asked.

            "Yeah, lots of gym students, and some some of these lockers are for the public. Its never busy in here during school, though, especially during lunch. Most gym classes use the larger gym and the locker rooms over there. I think its easier to get a locker over here though. More free ones. Plus, Drex and his buddies use the other gym's locker rooms." He looked around, and, locating the right bay, walked over to it. "Hey Sayn, over here! Found your locker!"

            Sayn walked over to him and examined the medium sized locker.

            "Ok, thanks. What was the combination again?"

            "Just a sec, I'll go check."

            While Mark went to check, Sayn put his bag on the floor and sat on a bench that was in betweent the two locker bays. He put his elbows on his knees and lowered his head onto his hands, relaxing for the first time all day. Then he felt two hands start to knead his shoulders. He sat up with a start, then realized it was Mark.  He started to stand up, but Mark pushed him down.

            "Oh, give it a rest. You need to relax a little. You're pretty tensed up right now. First day of school stress or something?"

            "Yeah... oh, thats nice... right there!"

            Sayn had to admit the massage felt good, and didn't complain as Mark moved his hands lower, massaging his lower back. He actually arched his back and strethed out, it felt that good. When the hands were removed, Sayn looked disappointed.

            "Whats wrong?"

            "I just need a better angle to work from, is all.  Take off your shirt and lie down on your stomach."

            Sayn paused. He was usually very self concious about his body, and was uncomfortable with other people in general when he had even his shirt off.

            "Oh c'mon, I won't bite. Its a massage."

            Sayn decided, what the hell, and pulled off his shirt.  Sayn lay flat on the bench as Mark started the massage again, working his way down from Sayn's shoulders.  He kneaded in the exact spots Sayn needed it, relaxing him completely.   He worked each leg down to the toes, working through Sayn's jeans, then told Sayn to flip over so that he could work his front. Sayn balked at the thought, till Mark reassured him again.

            "Don't worry. I'm pretty good at these. It'll feel a lot better if I can work your front, too."

            Sayn figured he was right, so turned over on his back.  He lay his arms down by his sides, just barely squeezing them on the bench, and let his tail hang over the side.  Mark knelt by his side and started to work his shoulders again, kneading Sayn's muscles. Sayn began to relax even more. As Mark began to work lower, however, he realized he had sprung an embarrasing erection that was noticeably visible through his pants.  As Mark got closer and closer to it, he prayed he wouldn't notice.

            Mark noticed.

            "Don't worry," he said, smiling at Sayn.  "Massages will do that to you.  Happens to everyone I give a massage to.  You wouldn't believe what happens to the girls."

            Mark started massaging Sayn again, this time on his legs.  He stopped suddenly though.

            "This would be a lot easier and better for you if those jeans weren't in the way. Here," he said, and pulled off his shoes, then unzipped the front of Sayn's jeans. He forcibly lifted Sayn up to get to the button by his tail, and slid his jeans off completely.

            "Hey, hold on a minute!" Sayn protested futilely as he was being depantsed.

            "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing," replied Mark.  "This will be even better."

            Sayn started to protest again, but as he felt the skunk go to work on his legs, he realized that Mark was right - it felt a lot better without the jeans in the way. He hoped Mark wouldn't be put off by his erection, which was still visible through his boxers. Mark finished massaging both legs, and then, instead of finishing the massage as Sayn supposed he would, he gripped Sayn's ankles and moved his hand up Sayn's legs against the fur.

            Sayn squirmed as he felt his fur being pushed the wrong way. "Stop it Mark, that tickles!"

            Mark was strangely silent as he continued up Sayn's legs.  When he reached Sayn's midsection, he stopped.

            "Wow... you are very well hung for being a little fox.  At least eight inches... probably more!"

            "What! What are you do - oh!"

            Sayn stopped talking and gasped in surprise as Mark pulled his boxers down to his knees and gripped his balls with one paw and and his cock with the other. As he slowly started rubbing with both hands, Sayn could only moan.

            "Mark... what... are you... doing?" he managed to gasp out the words.

            Mark just smiled and said, "Maybe I didn't mention that I'm the school's best holistic massage therapist."

            The tall skunk kept stroking the little fox's throbbing cock, going up and down with one paw while fondling his balls with the other.  He kept the pace slow, however, causing Sayn to groan loudly and jerk involuntarily into his hand.

            "You... shouldn't be... doing... this... oh!  What if someone... uhhh... comes in?"

"I think the only person coming is you right now, Sayn."

            Mark started speeding up his strokes and used both paws on Sayn's cock, pulling to its full length with each stroke. Sayn was pushing into Mark's hand, going with the rythym and groaning the whole time. Then he felt something new. He looked up and saw Mark kissing his cockhead! He started to tell Mark to stop, but Mark suddenly put his mouth over Sayn's cock and sucked. Sayn couldn't even move. He was in ecstacy.  He lay perfectly still except for the occasional jerkings of his hips as they responded to Mark's tongue.  He started pumping more regularly, though, as Mark bobbed up and down on his cock. He stiffened up and shuddered as Mark slowly dragged his tongue across the bottom of his cock, and licked his tip to taste the pre that gathered there.

            "Oh god..."

            Sayn moaned again as the handsome skunk went back down on him, feeling his cock hit the back of Mark's throat. His cock started to spasm as he felt his orgasm approach.  He started frantically to shove as much of his cock as he could in Mark's mouth and bucked rapidly, groaning loudly.

            "I'm gonna cum..."

            He felt his cock go off as the waves of pleasue racked his body. The intense orgasm lasted longer than any he ever felt jacking off as he shot his load into Mark's mouth. Mark just gulped it down as Sayn kept spurting.

            As Sayn finished cumming, Mark slowly licked his lips and sucked Sayn's cock once more to clean it, catching the bit of cum that dripped out in response. Sayn himself could only lie there, breathing heavily. He finally recovered enough to sit up and thank Mark, but before he could say anything, Mark kissed him. Sayn's eyes got wide. He had never kissed another male before, and found he liked the experience. He felt Mark's tongue push past his teeth and probe his mouth. He melted into Mark's arms and enjoyed the kiss, reluctantly ending it as Mark pulled away.

            "Thank you, Mark. This is the best first day of school I've ever had."

            "Don't worry about it. That was the conclusion of our tour, by the way."

            "Too bad it ended," Sayn replied, smiling.  "I'll have to return the favor sometime."

            "You can, tonite. Some of my friends and I are going out to eat. Meet us at the F&N Restraunt tonite at about 6:30.  It'll be fun. You'll get to meet some very cool people. And afterwards, we'll find someplace private. But now, I think, you better get dressed and head to class."

            "Ok, I'll be there. Count on it! And Mark... thanks."

            "Don't worry about it. I'm just helping out a friend in need. Oh, and the combination is 10 to the right, 24 to the left, and 2 to the right."

            Mark kissed him one more time before standing up and walking towards the door. As he opened the door to go, he turned and smiled at Sayn, then continued out.  Sayn waved bye as Mark walked off, then just sat there watching the door and wondering, "What now?"  Well, he thought to himself, today is starting out pretty damn good.

            And tonite would be even better.