By Danath

For Cashew Lou


* * *


Del Revlis always enjoyed working out. At least two hours a day, four on weekends, at the local gym, not counting his time as a trainer there.  He would usually go for the weight exercises, but enjoyed the aerobics just as much. The slant towards heavy lifting left him with a body that many would call over muscled. Del knew that there was no such thing as being muscle-bound, and could still reach one arm over his shoulder and the other up between his shoulder blades, something most people said only golfers should be able to do. He enjoyed dispelling the mythos of the muscle-bound furry.

Huge biceps, well-muscled legs, golden fur on tightly stretched muscles and skin, a lovely dark brown mane combed backwards, and a white-furred chest that filled and stretched even a XXL shirt made this six-foot-six, 250 pound lion a god-like figure to the other gym goers.  Most people felt that for the amount of work that Del put into his body, he deserved all the praise and recognition he got. Del certainly thought so. Though he was one of the nicest guys you ever met, and he did make a conscious effort to remain humble, he did feel a certain amount of pride in his achievements. He had obtained the nearly perfect muscle body and he knew it. Consequently, he loved to show it off and reveled in the stares of shock and lust that greeted him wherever he went. His clothing selections didn't help, as the perpetual warm weather allowed him to wear rather revealing clothes. A pair of sandals, a baseball cap, a too-small tank top, and a rather large, but light Hawaiian shirt made up the majority of his wardrobe.  The main reason people stared, however, was because of his pants. Or rather, his tight, stretchy black biker pants. He loved to wear them, as they were both comfortable, and, with the right adjusting, showed off his immense package perfectly. Sometimes too well, as he was fined more than once for indecent exposure. Hence the Hawaiian shirt, which he used to hide behind whenever the cops were around.

            His life had settled into a regular routine.  Work, play.  Work, play.  Work, play.  He enjoyed himself immensely. His current flame, a co-worker named Lian, was another heavily muscled black and white cat. A very generic species, his body was developed very well, almost as well as Del's. They were quite a pair as they walked down the street near their apartment. Lian wasn't as showy as Del and usually wore clothes that didn't expose as much. He preferred to leave things to the imagination. The 6' cat normally wore baggy shorts and a t-shirt, extra-extra-large of course. They got on well with each other and often spent their nights together.

            This was before they met the mouse, of course...


* * *


The phone rang loudly over the quiet music playing in the background and the purrs of the two groping cats on the couch.

"I'll get it," Del said. He swatted Lian's hands away from his butt as he got off the couch and stretched. He picked up the phone from its place on the wall of their apartment.

            "Just leave it, Del. It's too late at night for people to be calling."

"It'll just take a minute." Del grabbed the phone. "Hello?"

            "Lian Revlis?"

            "No, this is Del Odiv.  Can I help you?"

            "Del? Even better. My name is Hobster Funx. I have a special exercise training program I'd like you and Lian to try."

            "Wait a minute... who are you?"

Lian stood up and walked into the kitchenette, calling over his shoulder as he went, "Who is it, Del?"

            Turning from the phone, Del replied, "Some Hobster Funx guy. Wants us to try an exercise program."

            Lian poked his head out the door. "Never heard of him. Do you know him?"

            "No," Del replied. "Probably saw us at the gym and wants us to advertise for him or something."

            "Mr. Odiv? Mr. Odiv?"


            "What do you think? Will you and Lian meet me for coffee so I can make an offer? I doubt you'll be able to refuse my program once you learn more about it."

            "That good, huh?"

            "That good."

            "Fine. Tomorrow, noon, at The FM Cafe."

            "Oh, thank you! You won't be disappointed! Trust me! Thank you so much! I'll see you tomorrow!"

            After Hobster hung up, Del looked at the phone quizzically. Strange guy, he thought.

            Lian walked out of the kitchen with two cups, one of coffee and one of hot chocolate. Del took the coffee gratefully as Lian ruffled his mane.

            "That stuff'll stunt your growth, you know."

            Del took a gulp and flexed a bicep right under Lian's nose, expertly making the muscles pop out.  "You think?"

            Lian grinned and grabbed Del's arm, squeezing the muscle as he gave him a peck on the cheek, then led him back to the couch.  As they sat down next to each other, Lian asked, "What did our mysterious caller want?"

            "We're going to find out tomorrow at the FM."

            Lian put his hot chocolate on the coffee table and pretended to look shocked and put his hands on the sides of his muzzle. "Oh Del! Whatever shall we occupy ourselves with till then?"

            Del grinned and set his cup down as well.  He lay flat on the couch and half pulled, half led Lian to crawl up on his chest. Lian grabbed him by his shorts as Del nuzzled his neck. "I have a few ideas," he purred silkily into Lian's ear.

            Lian laughed and said, "Why not? I've always had a thing for hunky lions with no brains!"

            "You little..."


* * *

The FM Cafe, actually a bar, was semi-famous for the types of furs it attracted and the music it played. "FM" meant the radio, and furs were constantly changing stations to fit the mood of the bar. It usually filled with the gym regulars in the evening due because of its proximity to The Oasis, the local gym. A sign on the counter read "We Don't Need Bouncers For A Reason." Del and Lian could usually found playing pool, drinking coffee, hot chocolate, or an occasional drink at the bar, or else groping each other on a couch in the back. As they entered on their lunch break that day, they chose a seat in the corner in a rounded booth. The FM Cafe served as a restaurant as well as a bar, and the food was reasonably good. A waitress came up and they ordered drinks, deciding to wait to eat until Hobster showed up.

They were making small talk and unobtrusively playing footsie and groping each other when a short, timid looking gray mouse with thick glasses came up to the table.

            "Lian and Del?"

            Lian looked up at the mouse and said, "Hobster Funx, I presume?"

            "Y-yes, I am. May I sit down?"

            Del replied this time, never taking his eyes off Lian. "Sure... grab a chair."

            Hobster pulled up a chair and sat down in front of them. His feet didn't touch the floor. As he was about to talk, the waitress tapped him on the shoulder. He shrieked and fell out of his chair. As he nervously got on his feet and readjusted his glasses, Del and Lian looked on in bemusement. The waitress looked a bit ruffled as she helped him up.

            "Sorry, sir, but I was just wondering what you wanted to drink."

            Hobster glanced around at the curious faces staring at him before stammering out a reply. The insides of his oversized ears turned a bright red as he talked.

            "Um... uh... coffee p-please."

            Del grinned at the waitress and said, "Better make that a decaf."

            The waitress nodded at Del over Hobster's protests as he scrambled back up onto his oversized chair. Since most of the bar was designed for larger than average furs, Hobster's four-foot stature looked ridiculous as he peered at them through his thick bifocals.

            "Now, Del, Lian, I have something very special to show you."

            Del grinned and winked at Lian.

            "Well, Lian, I think that his special package might be worth checking out."

            Lian grinned back as he caught on.

            "You're absolutely right. We must carefully examine his special package."

            Hobster looked curiously at them both before continuing.

            "Now, I have a few things I need to check with you first, before I continue."

            "Did you hear that Lian?"

            "Sure did. Listen, Hobby, we're both clean, ok?"

            Hobster looked confused.  "What are you talking about?"

            "Well, your special package," replied Del.

            "And what you'd like us to do with it," added Lian.

            Hobster stared curiously at them for a moment longer before realizing what they were talking about.  He started to blush deeply and stammer.  Del smiled and reached over the table. Easily picking him up by his polyester suit coat, he dumped him right between himself and Lian.   Hobster kept sputtering as Del grinned at Lian over his head.  Lian rolled his eyes.

            Hobster's eyes went wide as he felt Del's paw clutch his thighs. He tried to speak, but only a little squeak came out. Lian was next, slowly rubbing Hobster's other thigh and knee. Every time Hobster tried to talk, Lian or Del would poke him in the side and continue rubbing his legs and butt. This continued for a little while. When the waitress walked up with the coffee and menus, Del and Lian both pretended nothing was happening. Hobster looked petrified.

            "What's the matter with him?"

            Del looked at Hobster, then back to the waitress. "Him? Oh, he's a little out of it. That fall left him a nasty bump on the head. Don't worry, he'll be fine."

            "Thigh... program for... uhh... exer... ooh! Rubbing thigh program exercised..."

            Lian broke in before he could say anything else. "We'll take three of your lunch specials, please."

            The waitress gave Hobster one more funny look before turning back to the kitchen.

            "Del! Don't go to far, ok?"

            "He's just too cute not to. I can't help myself!"

            Lian looked at Hobster's quivering face. His mouth was shaking and he was muttering something. Del was right. It was cute. Lian removed his paw and put a comforting arm around Hobster's quaking shoulders. Hobster glanced gratefully up at him and sank into the muscled arm. Then Del unzipped his pants. Hobster sat straight up and smacked his midsection on the table as he tried to squirm away from Del and Lian. They started laughing as Hobster poured out some incomprehensible stream of babble. Lian quickly pinned him to the bench seat by grabbing his shoulder with the arm that was wrapped around him before. He leaned down and spoke quietly into Hobster's ear.

            "Don't worry, just relax. Del knows what he's doing. It means he likes you. I like you.  If you really want us to stop though, just say the word."

            Hobster looked at Lian in a frightened, curious way. Del paused and looked at him. Reassured, Hobster nodded his assent.  Then, as Del's paw crept back onto his thigh, he froze up. Lian gently rubbed his shoulder as Del started rubbing his groin area. Hobster slowly started to relax as Lian kept crooning into his ear. Del's paw had just reached Hobster's growing erection as the waiter showed up with their food.

            "Ok fellas, what's wrong with him now?"

            Hobster was leaning into Lian's chest with a look of absolute bliss on his face. Del looked on innocently as Lian patted Hobster's shoulder.

            "We gave him his medicine. Always knocks him for a loop," Lian said.

            "Uh huh. Right. Listen guys, just try not to make a mess on the floor."

            Lian started to protest, but the waitress just rolled her eyes and walked away. Del laughed. Lian glared.

            "What the hell are you trying to do, Del? Get us thrown in jail? Again?"

            "It's ok, Lian, she won't tell anyone. She's cool."

            "Yeah, well, Hobster's ice.  We better take lunch home."

            "Agreed. And don't forget to bring the food."

            Lian laughed and stood up, grabbing Hobster's briefcase and coat as he walked past them.  He paid at the front, put the lunch in some styrofoam trays, and then waited impatiently as Del carried Hobster out in his arms.

            The waitress just smiled.

            The drive home was uneventful, broken only by Hobster's moanings from the backseat as Del continued to massage and rub him all over. Lian couldn't help but grin at Del's behavior.

            Del carried Hobster into their apartment and laid him down on the couch. Continuing to rub him, Del started to pull off his pants while Lian got Hobster's shirt off.

            "Lian, he is just so cute.  I can't believe this!"

            Hobster lay on the couch naked, foot twitching occasionally, and small chest rising and falling rapidly. His face a picture of ecstasy. Soft, light gray fur covered his entire body and a tail that looked too long for his body lay on the floor beside him.

            Del started to stroke Hobster's plaintive erection, a good size for his miniscule frame. He grinned as he worked Hobster's quivering body into a state of constant arousal. Lian massaged his shoulders and chest as Del grinned again and bent his head down. Gently, his tongue came out and licked the base of Hobster's erection.

            Squeaking loudly, Hobster thrust upwards suddenly and came, spurting small gobs of cum onto his chest.  His erection stayed constant.  Grinning devilishly, Del looked up at Lian.  "Should we see how many times we can get him to shoot?"

            "Del, you're insane."

            "I'll take that as a yes."

            Del started stroking Hobster again, running fingers up and down his legs, and gently fluttering them over the throbbing cock. He grabbed it suddenly, squeezing and stroking as Hobster came again. Smiling, Del kept rubbing until Hobster was ready again. This time, Del took Hobster's entire length into his mouth at once, an easy feat. He made Hobster cum three more times in his mouth before releasing it and smiling at Lian.

            Then Del looked surprised, but only for a moment. Lian was completely nude and standing behind the couch, staring at him lustily. Grinnning, Del quickly stripped and stood up. They embraced, passionately kissing each other, everything else forgotten for the moment as they stumbled in each other's arms to their room, especially the small, gray mouse contentedly sleeping on their couch.


* * *

            A few hours later, Hobster woke up. Blinking rapidly, he sat up and groped around for his glasses. Finding them on the coffee table, he put them on and examined his surroundings. Lifting himself off the couch, he looked for his clothes, slightly panicking when he couldn't find them. The chill air excited him though, as he felt a sense of risk in traipsing about a strange house naked. He padded to the only closed door, the other door an open one leading to a shower. He felt sticky and realized that he was covered in cum. He hoped it was his, or at least someone he knew. Through the door, he heard muffled snoring.

            He quietly opened the door and, waiting for a bit to allow his eyes to adjust to the dark, padded to the bed in the center of the room. His eyes made out the digital display on the clock on the headboard. It read 4:23.  The two intertwined lumps on the bed were covered in blankets. Hobster gently tapped the one nearest the door on what he assumed to be the shoulder.

            Hobster squeaked in fear and ran to the door as Del turned over, the blanket falling off his face, to reveal an open mouth and lots of sharp white teeth. Trembling, Hobster made his way back to the bed and gently tapped Del again. Still asleep, Del's arms grabbed Hobster and lifted him onto the bed. Hugging him close to himself, Del muttered something about "Mr. Teddy" before lapsing back into snores. Hobster's head was right underneath Del's arm and his own arms were pinned to his sides. Pressed tight as he was against Del's perfect body, and, being naked, he couldn't help but become aroused, something he hoped Del wouldn't find out. His feet found Del's sheath and he stiffened in fear. What would they think of him, being in their bed like this? He gently tried to extricate himself, but Del was too strong.

            Squirming harder, Hobster closed his eyes and strained as hard as he could in Del's iron grasp.  Panting, he opened his eyes.  Staring at him was a pair of beautiful, grinning blue eyes. Hobster gasped as Del chuckled.

            "Hello cutie."

            "Del... I... uhh... umm... I was trying to wake you, and you grabbed me, and... ummm... this isn't what it looks like!"

            Lian poked him in the back and snuggled up to him, pinning him between Del and himself. Lian stretched a paw over Hobster's body to rest on his thigh as he gently spooned him. Del, not to be outdone, carefully put his thigh between Hobster's legs and rubbed his balls with it. Hobster groaned at the treatment.

            "Well, Lian, what now?"

            "Don't look at me, Del, you brought him home!"

            "Del, Lian... we really should not be doing..."

            Hobster squeaked again as he was squeezed again from both sides. Del laughed and hugged Hobster and Lian a little tight before sliding out of the bed.

"Geez, Hobster, your squeak is driving me crazy. You are way too cute for your own good."

            Lian nuzzled his neck and clasped hid arms around him, sticking one leg through Hobster's as he pulled him tight against his crotch. Del removed his and instead put his arms around both.

            "I agree wholeheartedly."

            Hobster squeaked again and closed his eyes as Lian rubbed his large ears.  While unable to say so, he loved the attention these two were paying him, and he especially loved how large their sheaths felt. That reminded him of why he wanted to talk to them in the first place, however, and he immediately snapped out of his dream-like state. Squirming out of the bed, he willed his erection to go down as he tried talking to Del and Lian. Del crawled back into the bed after Hobster got out, and now he and Lian were cuddling to the extreme and grinning at him. He promised himself not to join in as he tried to tell them why he wanted to speak to them.

            "Listen, Del, Lian... I want to tell you why I called you. I have a new product that I believe you will absolutely love."

            Lian and Del stopped groping each other long enough to stair at him disconcertingly. It was obvious they were playing with him as he struggled to keep his pitch going.

            "So what I'd like to do is explain what it does and give you some free samples to test. The drug hasn't been approved yet. It's the product of years of research I've conducted, and now I believe I got it right."

            "You know, doc, that's great, but what is it?"

            "Its di-carbodium molecular synthosis syntrate carbine hydroxide plutonic bi-sulfate.  But I've codenamed it Mr. Chips.  As to what it does, it essentially increases muscle mass. And no, it's not a steroid."

            Del and Lian stopped groping altogether and stared, this time in blatant curiosity.

            Encouraged by this, Hobster went on. "I'd like you two to try it. I've tried it myself and it doesn't work. There has to be a significant amount of muscle mass to start with, or it won't work. I don't have nearly enough, though I am working on it. I believe you two are the best candidates for trying it out."

            Del and Lian looked at each other before nodding. Leaping out of bed, Lian grabbed Hobster and Del gathered his stuff. Setting him down on top of their kitchen table, Lian gazed at him as Del handed him his bag.

            "Well," said Lian.  "Tell us more."


* * *


"So you see how it works? It shouldn't be very strong stuff, and my hypothesis suggests you'll gain about three inches on your penises and muscle mass will increase by five percent over three weeks of use."

"That's great, Hob. When can we start the program?" asked Del.

"Immediately," replied Hobster.  "I have enough here to start you off."

"Good. Now when are you moving in?"

Hobster choked and sputtered on the coffee Lian had made earlier. "Move in with you? What are you talking about?"

Lian put a paw on Hob's shoulder. "Well obviously you'll be moving in here while we're on your pill. We want you around both health and safety reasons.  In addition, you'll be able to research your test subjects easier."

Del also added a reason. "Besides, you're too damned cute to let out of our sight."

Hobster blushed. "I suppose you're right. It would be safer for me to be around you guys twenty-four-seven."

Lian grinned at Del. "And that means long hours at the gym for you!"


            Del grinned back at Lian.  "He'll be a bundle of muscle by the time we're done with him."

"Not funny you guys..."


* * *


"So Hobster, how long before this pill starts to work?"

"Well, lets see."  Hobster looked at his chart. "You guys took the first dosage at two o'clock.  It's now six. It takes around twenty-four hours, according to my calculations, so there's still a while to go yet. And remember, I'm not saying which one of you took a placebo, so one of you won't feel any change at all. If you do feel a change... remember, this stuff takes three weeks of constant use."

            Lian grinned.  "Well, what should we do till then, Del?"

            Del looked hungrily at Hobster, who was completely unaware. "Gee Lian, I don't know."

            "Maybe we should exercise."

            "With Hobster?"

            "Of course."

            Hobster looked up at the sound of his name to find himself staring at two extremely muscled, large, and obviously naked very male bodies that were making straight towards him.

            As they carried him off to the bedroom, all he could do was smile and think about how fast they could undress.


* * *


Hobster squeaked many, many times that night.


* * *


Del rolled over and smacked the alarm clock. Too damn loud for it's own good. He sat up and stretched. He poked Hobster in the side, who was currently lying on top of Lian. He looked smaller than he did last night, he thought absently as he stumbled to the bathroom. Hobster groaned and rolled away from Del's paw. He fell off of Del and then off bed entirely.


            Rubbing his head, Hobster stood up and looked around blearily. He blinked at the blanket covering Lian, who seemed really high up for some reason. Must be the bed, he thought, and walked around to the foot of the bed and fumbled for his glasses. Putting them on, he glanced back towards the bed, looking a little puzzled, then went to the kitchen and started brewing coffee.

            Del stumbled in a moment after the coffee was done, taking the mug Hobster handed him thankfully. Sitting at the kitchen table, he sipped the coffee and stared at the fridge.

            "Last night was really... long."

            Hobster looked up.

            "Does Lian usually want to go that long?"

            "No. That’s probably one of the few times we've even snuggled for more than four hours.  And he wanted to fuck longer than that!"

            "I know... I fell asleep with him still pounding me."

            Hobster shifted uncomfortably in his chair and grinned.

            "Not that I mind, you see, it's just rather uncomfortable in the morning."

            Del smiled and took Hobster's paw.

            "You know Hobster, even if this drug therapy thing of yours doesn't work, I still want you to stay here with me and Lian."

            Hobster blushed and smiled.  He looked at the table as Del squeezed his paw.

            "Well? Will you?"

            Hobster looked up, a determined look in his eye.

            "Yes. Yes I - Del?"

            Del was staring behind Hobster, at the door to the bedroom. Hobster looked quizzically at Del, then turned around in his seat to see what the problem was.

            And promptly fell off his chair, squeaked in fear, and crawled to Del's leg, which he promptly latched on to, though not necessarily in that order.

            "Lian? Is that you?"

            Lian looked at them curiously.

            "Yeah... who else would it be.  What are you guys looking at?"

            "Hobster... who got the placebo last night?"

            Hobster's quaking voice floated up from beneath the table. "Uh... oh geez... you did, Del."

            "Del, if you don't tell me what's going on... is this some kind of game?"

            "Lian... go into the bathroom and look in the mirror."

            Lian glared at them before spinning around and walking back into the bathroom. Del looked at Hobster, who was still clutching his leg.

            "Hobster... did you see that?"

            "Yes... and I can't believe it. No way could it have worked that fast. My calculations -"

            "Damn your calculations, Hobster! What the hell-"

            "HOLY SHIT!"

            The floor shook as Lian charged back into the kitchen. Hobster, who was just about to crawl out from beneath the table, squeaked in fear and zoomed back under.

            Lian stood about a foot and a half taller than normal. His body, heavily muscled and large to begin with, now had about twenty-five percent more muscle tissue. His arms, thighs, legs, chest, and the rest of his body looked about ready to pop from all the extra muscle. The most disconcerting thing about it all was that his penis, a good eight inches to start with, grew to around a foot or so. His tail looked thicker, and his fur was about half an inch longer all around and much silkier looking than before.

            "Hobster... WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?"

            Hobster peered at Lian from under the table. After making sure he was in no imminent danger, he took Del's mug from the table and offered it to Lian.



* * *


"So you see, you're still perfectly healthy. The tests I ran on you reassured my hunch. You simply grew more tissue. It activated and increased production of certain natural steroids and hormones and such in your body. I didn't expect it to work so well. Since you had so much muscle to begin with, its effects were accelerated. Your height is probably permanent, I'm afraid.  That's from all the stretching your body had to do to accommodate your increased mass. Your..."

Here Hobster stopped and let his eyes travel down Lian's still nude body and rested on his midsection.

            "...penis is also going to be permanently enlarged.  The muscle tissue will probably wear off, like any muscle tissue, if you don't exercise it. But you keep working out like you do on your normal schedule and you'll be just as buff as you are now."

            Lian kept eating voraciously, not lifting his eyes from his plate.

            "So I m so gawdmmed hngree?"


            Lian swallowed noisily and looked up at him.

            "So why am I so god dammed hungry?"

            "Well, you obviously need to feed yourself more... the generation of new tissue took a lot of energy. You're probably just finishing up now and you need to refuel."

            Lian grunted and went back to eating the large stack of pancakes on his plate. Del walked out and sat at the table with two plates of pancakes, one for Hobster and one for him. He set one down in front of Hobster, then walked around the table behind Lian and squeezed his shoulder before sitting down. Lian looked up, irritated, before returning to the rapidly diminishing pile of pancakes before him.

            "So this is going to be permanent?"

            Hobster looked unsure of whether Lian thought it was good or bad to have the change permanent. He answered in a completely neutral voice, "Yes."

            Lian didn't appear to react. He went back to eating his pancakes. Hobster tried to start a conversation once or twice, but gave up after Lian just grunted replies and Del wouldn't say a word. After finishing his pancakes, Lian looked up. Del sat quietly, looking at him thoughtfully. Lian was about to say something, but suddenly snapped his mouth shut. His expression softened.

            Del nodded almost imperceptibly, so subtly that Hobster missed it as he dug into his pancakes.

            "Hobster, go home."

            Hobster looked up.  "Why?"

            "Just do it, Hobster."  Del turned to him. "No questions. Just go.  We'll call you later."

            Hobster quickly found his clothes in the bedroom and emerged fully dressed. He walked to the door and nodded goodbye before leaving.  As he was closing the door, he thought he could make out the faint sounds of a large cat crying.


* * *


Hobster kicked a stone as he walked down the street. He made his way to a bench and sat down. Head in hands, he stared dejectedly at the pavement as he thought about the situation he had put Del and Lian in. They were so nice to me, he thought, and I ruined it for all of us. I never should have asked them to try it.

            He sat on the bench for three hours thinking these thoughts before finishing the trip to his apartment. He walked to his bed and grabbed his favorite stuffed animal from the pillow, a large dark brown teddy. He lay down on the bed and cried himself to sleep.


* * *


The phone rang insistently as Hobster blearily reached a hand out for it. His eyes blinked rapidly as he picked it up, ears twitching. He glanced at the clock. 8:00 AM.  He slept through the whole day and night.

"He... Hello?"

"Hobster... this is Del."
"Del... I'm so sorry... I don't-"

            "Don't say anything, Hobster, it's all right. We knew we were guinea pigs from the beginning. We don't blame you. You told us there was a chance of the unexpected occurring. How soon can you have your things packed?"

"You mean you still want me to move in with you?"
"Yes. And prepare more of that solution... I'm taking it now too."

"But... the effects..."

"Look... Lian is real shook up over this. We've been together for a long time now, and I don't want him to go through this alone. He's never liked the spotlight. He'd never be as flamboyant as I am. Being over seven feet tall will put him exactly where he doesn't want to be."

"I'm so sor-"


"Hobster, be quiet and listen. I'm going to take the same dosage he did. I'm going to be taller and bigger than him so people will stare at me instead of him. It won't bother me as much. It'll take him a long time to get used to his new body."

            He paused.

"Between you and me, though, he looks really sexy."
Del put extra emphasis on the 'really'. Hobster managed a choked laugh.

            "I'll be packed in three hours."


* * *

