The StudioPhotogenisis


An original story by Kathmandu


This story is copyright (c) 2000 Kathmandu (David White) and is covered under the Berne Convention and international copyright laws.  This story may NOT be posted or used on any commercial or pay site without my written consent. Any other posting only by expressed permission of Kathmandu. Any other reposting is a no-no and is forbidden. Where reposting permission is given, all titles and headings including this one must be included. I'm easy to get along with, just ask.


The following material is of an explicit sexual nature and intended for adults only. If you are not an adult, if you think you might be offended, or live in a country/state that prohibits such material, please do not read.


This is an original fan fiction story and uses the characters and situations created by Eric Schwartz, Max Blackrabbit and others. They belong to their respective copyright holders and this story is not endorsed or recognized by their creators. If you are the owner of one of the characters in the story and you have any objection, please let me know so I can change it or do whatever needs to be done to your satisfaction.






"Cut," Zig Zag said in her normal, husky voice. She didn't need to yell since the cameraman was no more than an arm length from her. "How we doing on time Kidd?"


"Good, I have more than I need at this angle Zigs. You want to set up for the money shot or the backdoor scene? Script calls for the backdoor but I don't think Rod can hold out that long. No offence there, big guy."


“Big is right and it’s why I make the big bucks,” Rod said in a humorous tone as he batted Zig Zag’s tail out of his face.


"Not yet Kidd. Call Steve on the intercom and tell him to grab a 35mm camera and tell him we are moving the stills shoot up. I want to do the stills now instead of this afternoon. I want publicity shots for the box and the website and I like this. This is perfect." She looked up at the video monitor showing the live feed from Kidd's camera, "I like this angle, it would be a killer publicity shot for the video." She turned and looked down at the handsome male fox she was straddling, "You OK Rod? Think you can hold up for a couple of minutes while I get some stills, stud?" She twisted around and ran her hand through his chest fur then playfully pinching his left nipple.


"I think so babe, but it's going to be rough. It would help if you didn’t do that.” He said with mock sincerity. 


She slapped his sweat soaked thigh fur, "You're a professional, suck it up, big boy," she said as they both shared a laugh. A few minutes passed when a breathless Christy ran into the studio, "Ziggy, Steve had to run out to the distributors to straighten out an order, stop at the UPS office and drop off some proofs. He said he needed to pick up some film for the 35mm while he was out and would be back in plenty of time for the stills scheduled after lunch."


"Damn, OK Christy thanks. Kidd, can you do the stills?"


"I’d have to take this steady-cam rig off and it will take a while to put back on and get it adjusted, can Rod hold out that long? We lose the money shot, we lose half a day shooting. I don’t need to remind you of your own rules regarding male actors. Zigs put a definite limit on the guys and they had a two hour rest period between ejaculations. Kidd smirked at that, knowing most studios push their actors to four or five a day. It also made for a lot of dribblers where as Zig’s policy helped ensure the guys could paint the walls when they let go. He had to admit, it did sell videos.


"Hell, who else is here? How about Tina?"


"She can handle the 35mm but I doubt she has seen the digital rig yet, let alone operated it. Every one else is gone for the day or out of pocket. The computer nerd may still be around."


"Kidd, her name is Sabrina and she is a friend of mine. Call her that again and I'll CASTRATE you, slowly." Zig Zag flashed her quite large, tiger-like smile at him in mock anger with a glint of mischief in her eye.


"Hey, sorry, boss. No offence intended. I just meant that maybe she can show Tina how to use the digital camera, she's the one who showed me."


"Good idea, maybe I'll keep you around and relatively intact a little longer. Ask Tina to pop in here, will ya?"


"Sure," Kidd used the headset microphone to call Tina on the intercom. A few seconds later Tina showed up at the door of the small studio, she looked at Zig Zag perched in a reversed position over a prone and straining male fox with only his legs and tail visible.


"What's up boss?" She looked at the scene with a slightly jaded eye. Wasn't the first time she had seen the boss like this, nope, not by a long shot. It was a porn studio fer crissake.


"Tina, I need a favor. I want some publicity shots for the video and this light and angle is perfect but Steve is out and you are the only one here who can handle the stills. Kidd can't unrig the cam, Allen is tied up with the lights and sound so it is you. It's gotta be quick before poor Rod here either blows or goes limp. Since the 35mm is out of film, we have to fall back and use the new digital rig. See if you can get Sabrina to show you how to operate it and get back here quick."


"Ok, Zigs. I'll give it a shot but I'm not promising anything." She grabbed up the camera and briskly trotted off to the closet that served as Sabrina's workspace. Tina thought about the skunkette as she all but ran to her office/computer room. The girl was shy to a fault and still skittish about working here at the studio. Tina was surprised she was still working here, truth be known. She would still blush whenever she worked with even mild stuff, the hardcore stuff would probably give her a coronary. Zigs was attracted to her for what ever reason, probably the same way cats are attracted to mice or satanic priests are attracted to virgins. Speaking of virgins, how Sabrina and Zig Zag managed to spend an entire weekend together not end up lovers is amazing. Especially when the boss took a shine to you like she did with Sabrina. But then, most people are trying to get into Zig Zag's pants, not the other way around. Zigs had it bad for the girl, still did in fact. The shiner seemed to have cooled her jets for the moment anyway.


The relationship between the two changed completely when they got back from the convention. Before, Sabrina would avoid Zigs like the plague and the boss had teased her mercilessly. After the trip, they treated each other as old friends. Tina wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't seen it herself. The black eye was quite the shocker too. She had pressed Zig Zag for the juicy details. Zigs finally admitted that she had gone too far with Sabrina and the kid had knocked her for a loop. But what had really surprised Tina was the revelation that the computer guru was straight. She would have sworn the skunkette was at least bisexual if not a true lesbian. Apparently Zig Zag had seen it that way too and it had earned her a black eye.


Looks like it did them both some good though, they are a lot more relaxed around each other. Tina had almost fainted dead away when she saw Sabrina actually put her hand on Zig Zag's shoulder. Before, Sabrina would have bolted from the room if given the opportunity. 'Strange how things work out sometimes,' she thought as she arrived at Sabrina's closet/office. She knocked and poked her head in the doorway, "Sabrina, we got a minor emergency."


Sabrina looked up from the webpage she was working on, turned around in her chair and looked up at Tina. "Sure, what ya got? Win-Doze hang up on you again?" Sabrina smiled a little, teasing her about the miserable bloatware she preferred to use on her office PC.


"No, not this time. Zig Zag wants to take some publicity shots using the scene she is acting in right now but Steve is gone and the 35mm Nikon is out of film. I know how to use the Nikon but the digital camera is new to me and I haven't the foggiest notion on how to use it."


"But the shooting schedule calls for the stills this afternoon." Sabrina picked up the memo everyone received in the morning as to what was shooting and where, even the janitor, Darke Katt, got a copy.


"Yeah, I know but Zigs really likes the light and angle now and thinks it would be ideal. Show me how to use this thing, I gotta get back quick. Rod and Zigs are pretty much stopped and waiting on the camera. Hopefully Rod hasn't ... um... lost interest or finished already."


Sabrina's cheek fur is white and sort of thin which allowed Tina to see Sabrina blush with embarrassment. Ah, innocence, Tina wondered where she had lost hers. "Come on girl, you work in a porn studio for pete's sake. You gotta get over it or you are going to be miserable working here." She handed the complicated looking camera to Sabrina, "Anyway, enough about that, show me how this thing works."


Still blushing, she looked over the camera then held it to where Tina could see it. "OK, this button turns it on. The thing about digital cameras is that they are not instantly ready; it takes a few seconds for the microprocessor to boot up. Once it is ready, this green light will come on. You turn on the view screen using the menu selector here on this menu window over here. Here is the battery indicator, if it flashes, you have to save the last frame and shut it down or you can lose it." She turned it over and pointed to a button, "This is the shutter button, pushing the button about half way sets the auto focus and pushing it all the way takes a picture. It takes a second for the camera to release the shutter so you will have to wait before you can move. It also takes a second or two for the camera to reset for another picture so the flash can charge.” Sabrina looked up from the camera and saw the glazed look in Tina's eyes. "You're not getting this are you?"


"I'm sorry Sabrina, I guess not. I don't have time to learn either. Can you set it up so all I have to do is push the shutter release?"


"This really isn't that type of camera, it's a very professional rig. Here, I can set it for automatic but you will still need to set the auto focus for the first shot." She pressed several buttons and flipped a lever then handed it to Tina. "OK, remember to push the button halfway to let the camera meter the light and focus, then press the button all the way. Try it."


Tina pressed the button then waited a second then pressed the button all the way. Nothing happened so Tina pulled the camera down and looked at the front of it just as the flash went off. "Oh damn!" she said as purple spots swam in her vision. "What happened?"


Sabrina had her hand over her mouth trying to keep from laughing but not succeeding very well. "You have to wait a second or two before the shutter releases


Tina was blinking repeatedly, waiting for the spots to fade, smiling at her faux pas. "Sabrina, I just don't have time to learn this, the shot may already be ruined. Zig Zag has a talent for these things and if she says it's good, it is. You can take that to the bank." Tina handed the camera back to Sabrina. "I know you are uncomfortable with what we do here and I wouldn’t dream of asking you to do this ordinarily but could you take the pictures? I'll help you frame the shots if you could operate the camera. "


Sabrina was mortified, the thought of being on a sound stage while a video was being shot, while Zig Zag and Rod were um... "acting" just about caused her to panic. It was hard enough to work with the nudity and sex from pictures and video captures, there was no way she could actually take pictures. She could feel her cheeks burning and Tina could see the panic behind her eyes.


"That's OK, hun. If you don't want to do it, that's ok. It's a lot to ask and I'm sorry. Could you show me again how to use this real quick?"


"I... uh, I'm sorry. I have enough problems just walking in the front door, let alone taking pictures of people um, doing it."


"I know, I shouldn't have asked."


"It's OK, I just didn't expect it, is all. If it is really important to Zig Zag, I can take the pictures. What the heck, It's not like I haven't seen them this way before, just not in the ... flesh. Let's go before I chicken out." Sabrina stood up and they both headed off to studio one B at a trot. They passed Darke Katt the janitor on the way. Sabrina had been shocked to find out Darke made more than a couple of the newest actors that worked at the studio and Sabrina herself even. She wondered at that until Zig Zag pointed out that Darke cleaned up a porn studio. It was very hard to find good people for that job. Oh yuck, no wonder. Darke stopped and stared as the two girls passed her in the hallway. She shook her head and returned to pushing her cleaning cart.


The two of them entered the stage and all conversation ended abruptly when they saw Sabrina enter. They all knew how she felt about what they filmed at the studio. Zig Zag's jaw fell almost to the floor and Kidd almost fell over. The expression on Sabrina's face showed she was ready to bolt any second, her cheeks almost hot enough to burst into flame. There sat Zig Zag facing away and straddling Rod, her hips slowly grinding over his. She was thoroughly impaled upon his ample and still erect maleness. Rod was batting Zig Zag's tail out of the way so he could see what was going on.


Allen looked up from the sound recorder and said, "Well I'll be, hey Kidd, best bury me with a warm jacket when I die 'cuz hell just froze over." They both laughed.


Zig Zag gave them both a harsh look and said, "Knock it off guys. What’s going on Tina?"


"I didn't have time to learn the whole Chinese alphabet in time to take the pictures so I asked Sabrina to help me out."


Zig Zag looked at the near panicked expression on Sabrina's face. "Sabrina, girl, you OK with this? You know you don't have to be here and I wouldn't have asked you to do this, right?"


"I uh... I couldn't um... teach Tina to use the camera; it's too complicated to show in a couple of minutes. So I uh... volunteered." Sabrina sort of looked away as she spoke, too embarrassed to look Zig Zag in the eye.


"Well, this is an interesting development," Zig Zag said as she watched a very nervous Sabrina, "You think you can hold the camera steady enough; you look like you are about to fly apart. Relax girl, it's just a couple of people doing what people do."


"I know, but I uh...well ... I know it's silly but um...I..."


"It's OK, really. Just try to remember you are among friends and we are just doing our jobs. And speaking of jobs, time to get back to work. Kidd, set up the angle we had for the last shot, ok right there. Sabrina, see that? I want some high-resolution stills like this. Think you can do it?"


"Um, let me try." She moved over towards Kidd Wolf and held up the camera to her eye: "Yikes!"


"What?" asked Zig Zag.


Sabrina gave a nervous laugh, "Uhm... extreme close up." The rest of the room laughed at that. Sabrina adjusted the camera and began moving around trying to frame up the picture then she said, "Say cheese!" There were several groans and snickers at that. The camera whined then flashed. Sabrina looked at the viewer on the back of the camera as the picture showed up and motioned Tina to look. She looked at the picture and nodded her head.


"Take a lot of different pictures darlin' so we can choose the best ones," Kidd said as he got a look at the picture himself. Sabrina then began taking more pictures, changing angles and camera settings. She had taken several photography classes in college and was fairly competent behind the lens, just not doing porn. Being an artist and knowing what makes good pictures for the web site and video box pictures, she started to get over her nervousness and began to get into the photo shoot. After a few minutes, she had lost most of her initial shyness and became wrapped up in angles, lighting and shutter speeds.


Zig Zag repressed a laugh when Sabrina forgot herself and began giving the two directions, "OK Zig Zag, can you lift up just a bit so we can see Rick, that's it." Flash, "Now, lean back some. Great." Flash, "I'd like to try something Zig Zag, could you bring your tail around and place it on Rod's leg? Yeah, that's it!" Flash, "Now run your hands through your tail, perfect" Sabrina looked at the scene, then spoke to Allen," Can you move that light over to the right some, I want just a bit of shadow." Allen reached over and moved the light, a smile on his ursine face. "That's it, right there. Zigs, could you raise up and let Rick almost come out, I think it would be a killer shot with your tail right there. Yeah, that's it." Flash.


"Damn, looks like I'm going to be out of work soon." Kidd quipped, smiling at the transformed Sabrina.


Sabrina looked up from the camera and looked at Kidd, then looked at Zig Zag and Rod posed there in a very lurid and pornographic position. The realization of what she was doing and the fact she had gotten so into it caused her to panic. She set the camera down and all but ran from the studio.


"Kidd Wolf, your days as a male are numbered," Zig Zag said as she watched Sabrina flee from the room.


"What I say? I gave her a compliment. Oh hell."


Rod started squirming under Zig Zag and said in a slightly quivering voice," Zigs, you gotta get of now, I'm about to... lose it....uh.... ahhh!" He began ejaculating just as Zigs crawled off. She looked back at him and just rolled her eyes.


"OK, Let's break for lunch. Everybody back here in two hours." Zigs said as she sat down on the bed next to Rod and gently stroked him as he finished his orgasm. "Sorry Rod, you think you can be ready for this afternoon's shooting?"


"Yeah, you know me boss, I'll be fine. Sheila will be pissed off though, you draining me and all." He reached over and gave her a peck on the cheek, "Thanks."


"Hey, I take care of my employees, what can I say." She reached over to the 'necessary cart' that was next to the bed and grabbed a couple of towels, throwing one on Rod's head. "Be sure to hunt up Roxicat before this afternoon's shoot, I want you hot, hard and ready so we can put this film in the can this week."


“Hey babe, I don’t need a fluffer. I’m always hot, hard and ready when I’m with you.”


 “Yeah, well I still want you to use her, that’s what I pay her for. As I said, I like to take care of my employees.” Zig Zag looked at the studio door and said, somewhat distracted,   "Speaking of taking care of employees, I've gotta go talk to Sabrina. I'll be surprised if she is still working here after today."


He grabbed the towel and dried the fur on his face then proceeded to clean himself off. Zig Zag wrapped herself in the towel and walked over to the stage door and walked down the hall to Sabrina's office. She quietly tapped on the door. She didn't hear anything so she opened the door slowly and peeked in. Sabrina had the desk drawers open and a collection of Sabrina's personal items were strewn on the desk, a few things were in a cardboard box, the largest being some sort of robot toy. Sabrina was sitting at the desk with her head in her hands. "Wanna talk about it kiddo?"


Sabrina lifted her head and looked at Zig Zag, plainly evident she had been crying. "I don't know, how can I... you are...ah...and I'm not...I...I'm sorry Zigs. It's just that I uh..." Zig Zag noticed she wouldn't look her in the eye.


"Sabrina, look at me." She hesitated then looked Zig Zag in the eye. "Girl, I know what you are going through, just about everyone who works here does at some point. You are afraid to admit you work at a porn studio and it terrified you to find that you have a talent for some aspect of it. You feel dirty and ashamed, right?"


Sabrina just looked at her, sniffling and rubbing her nose.


"Let me tell you about the business some so you can get a better idea of what goes on, ok?" Zig Zag sat down on the corner of Sabrina's desk. "First off, this is a respectable business not some sleezeball racket that finds hookers to do it on film for a hundred bucks a shot. I take care of everyone who works for me as best I can, I treat them like they are my family Sabrina because that is what they are ... what you are. This studio generates a lot of money but almost all of it goes back into it. I make a good living at it but I am not rich because I pay everyone extremely well and I do not skimp on the production either, everything's first class. Tell me, you would be making a good living as a web designer at half your salary, right?"


Sabrina just nodded.


"There is a good reason for that, I want you to stay here and be reasonably happy. It's the same with everyone else working here. It also helps with the conscience problems that arise now and again. We hurt no one, we provide a product which makes people happy and we are environmentally friendly." Zig Zag picked up her tail and began running her fingers through it, straightening out the fur to produce the striking stripe pattern which is her trademark. "We are not bad people, Sabrina. We are not sickos or perverts either. It is a job, not an excuse to have sex all day long. To most of us, acting isn't really sex. We are producing videos, not having sex and filming it, there is a big difference. The actors end up sitting in a studio naked and freezing until the shot is set up and ready for shooting. When you do act, it usually isn't to your personal liking and can even be uncomfortable, the shot is what is important and nobody cares how it feels. The guys have it especially bad since they have to perform on cue and may have to act four to ten scenes and multiple takes of each in a day of shooting but they are limited to just a few orgasms and it has to be visible and on cue so it can be filmed. There are a lot of guys who think they want to be actors, Sabrina but they find out quick it isn't all that much fun. 


I look for couples to film, preferably married couples. Almost everyone working here is dating or married to another crew member and we really do enjoy each other's company. I won't put people together unless I think they are truly compatible and probably would be sleeping with each other anyway and I won't ask them to do anything they are uncomfortable with.


I make no apologies Sabrina; it is what I do to pay the bills. I try to make sure we are the best in the business and the orders and cash flow tell me I'm doing a very good job. Ask just about any single guy about Zig Zag and ZZ Studios and they will have heard of them at least. That is high praise for an adult studio, other studios would kill for that."


"Zig Zag, I understand that and I'm not a prude or anything, I still manage to work here remember. It's just that I am not the sort of person who is comfortable around such umm... openness. I was raised in a rather restrictive family and I think my father will have a heart attack if he ever found out I work for an adult studio. Hell, I'm still waiting for the little talk about the birds and the bees from Mom and I'm over 21, you get the idea."


Zig Zag smiled at that, she never got that little talk either, it was more like on the job experience. She had learned well in any case. "Well, all I can say is I hope you decide to stay with us but if you can't get used to what we do here then please find something else, I don't want you to be miserable working here. Give it some time and think about it. You are the best thing we have had come along in a while, girl. Before you set up the web site and took over the graphics chores our sales were flat, good but flat. Since then our sales and profits have risen 20% and if the whispers I heard at the convention are true, we may be looking at a major change at the distributors, setting us up with worldwide distribution which could double or triple our sales and a deal for our own adult toy line. That's mainly due to you my dear. Use to I had to farm out the art duties to a graphic arts house and they would stick their least senior artists with us since no one wanted to work on it. It was OK, but they didn't try very hard. I am a firm believer that the box art is what sells a video initially, content gets you the repeat customers. The first video with a "Sabrina" cover broke our previous sales record the third did even better.   In fact, I will be very surprised if you don't hear from Kathmandu Studios and that sleezeball Oscar trying to steal you away."


"Really? I'm not that good an artist Zigs. I'm ok, but I don't think it's that great. I don't understand."


"You are much better than you think. And you have no idea how hard it is to find an artist, or anyone with any talent to do this sort of work. I went through 4 graphics houses before I found one who would do anything for the studio. Hell, Oscar does most of it himself and he is colorblind. You are probably one of the best in the business simply because there are actually so few in it. I really think the studio would suffer if you were to leave but I want you to do what is best for you. Do me a favor and think long and hard about working here before making a decision. If you do stay, you will have to get used to seeing this around here." ZZ dropped the towel revealing her stripped fur nakedness, "You are going to see this sort of thing all the time girl, and it’s a part of the job. You are going to see Rod, Kidd, Sheila and a whole host of others like this. You are likely to see us having sex while filming and you could catch a couple doing it for fun in an empty room occasionally." Zig Zag smiled, "Shooting schedules can leave you rather "frustrated" and you simply have to find release sometimes."


Sabrina just sort of looked at the wall behind Zig Zag, trying to keep from showing the panic she was feeling. She knew ZZ was attracted to her and she was afraid this was another come on. Still Sabrina wondered if that was something of a cop out on her part.  What Zig Zag was saying had the ring of truth and it had occurred to her though that if she was going to work at the studio, she was going to see a lot more of this sort of thing.


Zig Zag read the expressions on Sabrina's face and shook her head. "Girl, I told you I would respect your decision and preferences, this is not what you think. You have to get used to nudity around here. It's getting to be a pain in the butt for a lot of the actors working here to cover up just for your benefit. I have managed to arrange shooting schedules so you were not around until today and I certainly wouldn't have brought you onto the soundstage. Time is coming though where I can't keep doing this juggling act and you are going to see more and more of this."


Sabrina looked down at her hands and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize I..."


"No need to apologize Sabrina, it's not that big of a deal. Go home and think about what we have talked about and let me know your decision in the next couple of days. I want you to stay but I will respect your decision either way." Zig Zag stood up and put the towel around her neck, not making any attempt to cover up and walked out the door and down the hall. Sabrina just stared at the door for a while, mulling over what she had said. She then went back to her desk and continued to clean it out in silence. She picked up the box containing her personal items and without a word, walked out of the building.


 Zig Zag watched on the security camera as she left, a small tear forming on her cheek. "I should be used to it by now," she thought as someone else left her life because of who and what she was and what she did for a living. Zig Zag called Kidd on the intercom and cancelled her afternoon shoot, no way she could handle it.


The next morning, Zig Zag was sitting at what passed as the front desk that Christy used, talking on the phone with the graphics house to beg them to take the studio back and not doing very well at all. As ZZ upped the fee by another two thousand dollars, Sabrina walked in the door. Zig Zag looked up and nearly dropped the phone. She fumbled with the receiver then graciously told them goodbye as fast as she could but it still took a few minutes and then hung up. Meanwhile Sabrina walked by, waved and went into her office. By the time ZZ reached Sabrina's office, Sabrina had already left again.


ZZ walked out of the office and spotted Sabrina's tail passing around a corner. "Sabrina, hold up a second," she shouted after her. Zig Zag rounded the corner and stopped dead in her tracks. Sabrina was standing in the hallway … very nude. Zig Zag’s jaw dropped and could only stammer, "What... what's the deal?"


"I thought about what you said yesterday and I talked with Amy, my roommate. I told her about what happened and she gave me a reality check."




"Yeah, she slapped me on the back of the head and 'You idiot, you work at a porn studio,' and walked off. I thought about it all night last night and made my decision to stay, for a while anyway. There was a psychology class I took in college that sort of touched on this sort of problem and I figured the only way I can get used to the nudity around here is to join the crowd, so to speak."


Zig Zag looked Sabrina up and down a second, noticing that although she didn't have a stitch on, Sabrina had nothing showing, which wasn't all that unusual for furry folks. The fur covered everything fairly well for those who had it, if it were long enough anyway. Although, something usually peeked through, that's one reason clothes were worn. There was something odd about Sabrina's fur though and as she looked closely she realized that the pretty young skunkette was wearing a fur colored bikini. It blended so well with here natural coloration and fur texture it made her appear naked. The bikini looked far more natural than the fur colored pants that Sabrina wore normally and which were all the rage a couple of years ago.


The problem was that although Zig Zag knew Sabrina was wearing clothes, her mind still screamed "nude" which was quite enough to turn Zig Zag on. Considering Sabrina was not interested in other women, this produced an emotion Zig Zag hadn't felt in a very long time, embarrassment.


"Well, I do have this bikini on, but I figure it is close enough," Sabrina said as she pulled up the string encircling her waist.    


"I had to look hard to see it, anyone just seeing you walk by would swear you were naked as a jay-bird. That must be quite the scandal at the beach, where ever did you find them?"


"They came as a set with a pair of  'Naturals' long pants like what I normally wear. I have never worn them before now, too scared to I guess."


"Well girl, you look good in them. I have said it before, but I will say it again. If you ever decide to give acting a try, I can make you a star." Zig Zag leaned in close and whispered huskily in Sabrina's ear, "And if you ever decide to change your luck, I'll be waiting." Zig Zag then placed a very light lick on her cheek and pulled away.


Sabrina, having been the target of Zig Zag’s advances many times in the past took it in stride and just smiled and said, "Not a chance, for either idea. Sorry."


"Oh well, can't blame a girl for trying. Anyway, you think this is going to help?"


"I think so, I'll just have to give it a go and see what happens."


"I'm glad you decided to stay with us, I doubt I can get our account again at the graphics house, especially after I told them to wrap their contract in barbed wire and shove it up their.... um. Anyway, I hope this works."


"Me too. By the way, any chance for a raise?"


"Hahahahahaha! You go girl. I'll see what I can do. Damn, I don't know which I find sexier, your body or your brains..."


"You are actually going to ‘find’ is yourself being late for the scene you rescheduled from yesterday with Rod."


"Oh shi...! Here." Zig Zag pulled off her blouse and tossed it to Sabrina, "I gotta hurry, geeze. Come on, give me a hand on the way." Zig Zag began walking briskly towards the studio. On the way she pulled off her bra and tossed it to Sabrina then hopped on one foot then the other as she kicked off her shoes. Sabrina picked them up as well.


Sabrina trotted up behind her and asked, "Why so fast? You are the boss, certainly they can wait."


"The film crew is union, I have to pay them whether we are filming or not and they are damned expensive."

"Oh." was all she could say. Zig Zag paused for a second and pulled of her skirt and panties and handed them to Sabrina then trotted into the studio. Sabrina followed close behind. ZZ walked over to the ‘necessary cart’ and grabbed a towel and walked over to Kidd, putting the towel around her on the way and then grabbed a clipboard with the script and read over it. No one took notice of Sabrina as they were all busy setting up the shoot. She walked over to a folding table and stacked ZZ’s clothes on it, neatly folding them. As she stood there, her attention on arranging the clothes, the entire studio was absolutely silent as everyone’s attention was focused on the nude Sabrina standing there, except for ZZ who was going over the script at that moment.


The silence came to Sabrina and Zig Zag’s attention about the same time and they both looked up. No one dared to say anything, the sight of Sabrina standing there nude after yesterday put everyone in absolute shock. Sabrina finished folding the clothes and then nervously looked about the room at the silent faces. She built up her courage and stepped into the room, spun around in a rather graceful pirouette then bowed to the onlookers who suddenly began clapping and laughing with a few wolf whistles thrown into the mix. Zig Zag couldn’t help but laugh and clap too. Sabrina then blew them all a kiss, turned and walked out of the studio.



The End