All characters and profiles © Eric Chambers
No redistribution or alteration without permission.

Main Characters

Tara Maliki – The Tragic Princess
(Brown and Black Tabby)

Age: 16

5’6’’ 120lbs

Eyes: gray

Hair: cut short/brown

Typical teen. She’ll follow the crowd…. always. Goes for the "in" thing: clothes, hairstyle, and unfortunately…her personality. Past incidents have left her with low self-esteem, especially around men. Obviously a flirt, and has no problem playing "dumb" to impress guys. A bit of a racist, this will put up a barrier between her and some of the other characters, but as an underlined trait she wants to friends with everyone (low self-esteem) she just doesn’t even realize she’s doing anything upsetting to anyone else. Her father has had a lot to do with this: a true "man’s man", works at a steel factory and expects dinner on the table when he gets home on the dot. Her mother is a slave. She lives in the kitchen, a 1950’s conservative personality, nothing but family values is expectable, when not in the kitchen, she can be found in the den, studying the bible.

Current job: cashier at Holy Word Christian Book Store

Music: Whatever is popular

Quote: "I will not be ignored, you rat bastard!"


Bob Sands – A Male Trapped Within Himself
(Light and dark shaded gray mouse)

Age: 18

6’1" 135lbs

Eyes: brown – wears John Lennonish glasses (black frames, clear lenses)

Hair: down to neck – dyed grey

Antisocial. Very afraid of others, he avoids anyone he doesn’t know or who doesn’t come up to him first. He does have his moments of sarcasm or slight anger (if pushed over and over again), but is never really aggressive unless it’s life or death, or would he do anything to hurt or cause pain. Due to his family life and past relationships, he wants everyone to like him, he just doesn’t know how to approach others. Depression and differences with his mother got him kicked out of his house, and feeling like a disappointment to everyone, kept him under a bridge. Very few know him personally, he keep quiet even if he’s comfortable and really only speaks to Polly and Alex, who he met when she gave him a ride to his bridge, and who he has known since high school, respectively. Has been known to hide away from society for months at a time.

Current job: none, struggling writer (occasional thief (of food only))

Music: grunge

Quote: "...I’m sorry."


Polly "Nicole" Evan – A Female of Herself
(White arctic fox)

Age: 18

5’4" 145lbs

Eyes: green

Hair: dark blond

Independent. Spirit of a protester (politically active). She always felt that her life was fake, as if in a movie. She will do almost anything to experience "life" as she feels it is supposed to be lived. Has a crush on Bob that she keeps to herself, but cant help occasionally flirt openly; she sees in him a kindred spirit and a chance to live free, but she doesn’t see how he can be so cold to everything at times. Lives what others see as the perfect life: both parents and sister, middle class, nice house and steady job…. she feels she must break the chains of suburbia and make a name for herself. Polly and Tara have just known each other most of their lives, they met in school (Polly was in the 3rd grade and Tara was in the 1st). Polly moved there when she was 9, and Tara being a relatively close age (7), they were a lot alike starting out. Polly, being older, always watched out for Tara from bullies, bad grades, and Tara’s own parents (Polly's sister was 3 at the time, and Polly already didn’t like her; so partly she wanted a little sister she could be friends with as well). later on, as you can see, they became different, just as some friends do, Tara got into cheerleading and being wrapped up in being popular to get the attention she never got from her parents, and Polly pushed away everyone, including her family.

Current job: Waitress at The Colombian coffeehouse

Music: alternative

Quote: "Sorry boys, Mr. Manners just left. And I was so hoping to watch you two put bodily fluids in someone’s food."


Alex Renford – The Sorrow of a Loner
(Flying fox (fruit bat))

Age: 19

5'10" 145 lbs

Eyes: light hazy green with gold flecks

Hair: down to lower back, blood red with silver streaks, kept in ponytail

Born into an abusive family, his father, who now resides in prison, killed his mother when he was 5, he was the only witness. This caused severe emotional problems among the most obvious: disregard for life, hatred towards most, pent up feelings of pain & sadness. His worst fear is losing someone he loves again so he locks away most emotion. He is highly intelligent and intuitive but cares so little about life that he doesn't bother to show it. Usually depressed he rarely talks or interacts with others. He stays alive with the hope that one day he may be able to experience happiness. He can relate most with Bob, whom he considers a friend, same with Polly (who’s around Bob), and despises Tara who sees him as a vagrant.

Current job: various (whatever job he can find for food and rent)

Music: death metal

Quote: "Hey man, we’re not rats, we’re Rodent Americans."


Minor Characters

Jerry Kennisen – A Seer of Color
( Brown and black banded raccoon)

Age: 16

5’ 10" 155lbs

Eyes: brown

Hair: black, down to about eye level, parted down the middle

A talented and giving person. Lives near his ailing mother’s house to take care of her, his step-dad having long since passed. Lives, and has a loving relationship with, his high school girlfriend, a rather hyper, blond and white furred rabbit named Amber. However, he is rarely at home nights due to putting all his energy in his punk band, Hedgecore; this causes a strain on their relationship. Joining him in the band is Andrew (a blondish-brown rabbit), and Ryan (a white and brown marked mouse).

Current job: Bass player, lyricist, and backup singer of punk band Hedgecore, artist

Music: punk


Thomas Boyland – A Bully
(Orange and white striped tabby cat)

Age: 18

6’ 0" 210lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: bleached blonde, short, combed back

A bully plain and simple. Claims to have "fucked every bitch in school", his next target, as he has bragged to his friends, is Tara. Like Tara, he goes for anything popular: clothing, music, attitude; also claims he will "beat the shit out of any ‘fag’" that he comes across. Active in sports, baseball and football mostly, believes only real men play sports and anyone who doesn’t is one of the preverbal "fags". Has a violent past with Bob and Alex, mostly consisting of Thomas and his friends beating the shit out of Bob and Alex. Strangely, he is friends with Tara’s father.

Current job: Cashier at Recent Army clothing store.

Music: Whatever is popular, especially rap.


Vincent Smith – A Lover
(Brown and black collie)

Age: 18

5’ 11" 160lbs

Eyes: Dark brown

Hair: Black and brown patched (long: down to shoulder blades)

Lovable. Not "flamingly" homosexual, but enough that most know in this small town. Met Bob while he was in the hospital, soon after being hired at The Colombian, Polly asked him to lend his couch to Bob for a few night, not wanting him to go back to his bridge. Being Vincent, he had other ideas, only fueling Bob’s confusion.

Current job: works out of his house as a computer programmer, and now waiter at The Colombian

Music: folk, alternative, and some punk


One Thing to Know:

Calling a rodent a "rat" is something of a racial slur. Not a good idea to do it.