Interlude: Polly’s Dream
copyright Eric Chambers
no redistribution, reposting, or altering w/o permission

  The scene opens with a green pasture, darkly overcast, strong winds rolling over the grass like waves.

Enter Polly and Bob from opposite sides, both nude.

  The winds whip around Polly’s hair and ruffles her fur.

  Bob stands motionless, no movement at all, staring.

(White flash)

  Polly approaches Bob And wraps her arms around him, pulling herself closer to him.

  Polly (eyes closed, snuggling against Bob): mmm...Bob...

  Bob (staring): ....

  Polly (pulls back, looks at Bob, worried): Bob....?

  Bob (still staring, motionless): Don’t you ever wonder why we never stayed at home, stayed up late and cried? Don’t you ever wish we could; if I was different, and you existed, and we lived in a place that’s fair: a peaceful world.

(White flash)

  Polly (scared, pushing herself away): What? Bob...what does that mean...?

  Bob (staring, motionless): ....

(Lightning clashes)

  (White flash)

  Polly (appears at other end of field, facing Bob): Bob...?

(lightning strikes Bob, white explosion)

  Polly (screaming over the noise, reaching out): Bob!

(Fade to black, hazily come back to reality)

  Polly sits upright in her bed, breathing hard, with a scared expression on her face. She realizes where she is, sighs, and plops back down on her bed, her head hitting the pillow.