
Cori E. Robinson


Words of nonsense,

Twisted lies

The tongues of serpents

The eyes of spies

All watching every move

The slightest of hand

What could one look prove?

Should their power consume my own?

If I do not exist then why am I here

No matter what you say I do exist.

I am here

You cannot suppress me

The suppression is just a fooling of yourself

The power that you think you have is nothing.

It is but another twisted lie in your favor

You may be able to erase me from that of written history,

But the earth will forever remember my footprints.

Every step I have ever taken tells its own story

It cannot be erased

Not with all of the force in this world

The greatest of torture

The worst of the cold

Each precaution cannot escape

The fact that I exist

Even after death your black cape

Cannot cover my very existence

Although memory might be altered

And words twisted and changed

This one thing will not have faltered

I existed and forever will

Despite anything and everything

I am here; I will forever be here

Even after my existence in your sight is gone

I will still be there.

Though no memory will exist

And no record will have survived

I had existed once,

And I will forever exist

Some things cannot be hidden

I am one of them.