Valentine part 2Enter the Wolf


By FuzzWolf


This story is of an erotic furry nature, featuring much sex and some BDSM. This story and the character of Valentine are Copyright of FuzzWolf.  The character of Darrius is Copyright of I. Edge Gerena and In The Wynd Enterprises. Nicholai Wolf is copyright his player.



Nicholai Wolf slammed his patio door shut and immediately cowered inside his living room, safely out of view of the glass door.  He put his paws to his muzzle, and sat trembling for several minutes, his cock still dripping over his ample balls onto the floor. He made little eeping sounds and muttered to himself. What had he done? He’d always liked to watch, sure, but he had never really done anything about it. He had just been sitting on his balcony, enjoying the cool night air, when he had noticed that his neighbour across the way, an extremely sexy little dog that he had lusted after for months, had carelessly left his blinds open while playing with a kitty friend. Nicholai couldn’t help himself, he had become entranced.  He kept watching as his neighbour enjoyed one of his most intimate fantasies, becoming more and more aroused as he watched. He couldn’t help himself; eventually he had had to release his growing erection, letting his cutoffs slip to the floor. He hadn’t been shaken when the white dog had opened his eyes while being thoroughly fucked to see him. Knowing he had been seen made the moment all the more exciting and erotic. He had stroked himself to orgasm and only then, as his body came down from the pleasure rush, did the fear grip him.  The subject of his passion had looked up to see him as his cock finished spurting its load. Nicholai hadn’t waited to lock eyes with him again, he had turned and fled, tail between his legs.


Now he sat and wondered what to do next.  Should he move, spend the rest of his life avoiding his neighbour. Nich wasn’t sure he could look him in the eye after what he’d seen, what they’d both seen.  On the other paw, he hadn’t really seemed to mind being watched. At least, it looked like he was still enjoying himself despite having seen Nich.  Was it too much to hope for that maybe he had liked being watched? Maybe he had got off on it, but that really was too much to hope for wasn’t it.  Nich’s tail couldn’t help but wag a little at the thought though. The young wolf straightened his back and sat up. He had come to a decision. This was too much of a good chance to blow. He had watched his neighbour coming and going, loving him from afar for months now. Now that they had shared a moment of sorts, even from a distance, he wasn’t going to let this get away. He would go over there and introduce himself, hoping that the cute pup wasn’t offended, hoping that they could be friends, and hoping for something more.  Having made up his mind, he realized it might be prudent to wash the cum off his paw and sheath, maybe even put some clothes on, before going across the way. Smiling and hopping merrily, he moved off to his small bathroom to get cleaned up. 



Meanwhile, in a larger studio apartment across the way, Valentine gave a little sigh as his friend slipped out of his tailhole. Not being a canine, Darrius had not been locked to Val, but he had stayed firmly inside him for a good half hour anyway, just to enjoy the feeling of being inside his good friend. Darrius stumbled backward, weak at the knees. He landed heavily onto a nearby beanbag that was as black as his fur.  Val slowly let his grip go on his sturdy wooden trunk and turned around to sit, leaning his back against it. He turned to look at the exhausted and very sweaty black cat. “Was it good for you?” he practically purred. Darrius looked up, smiling mischievously. “I haven’t felt this good in a long time, too long a time.” He responded, leaning his head back and letting out a very long, relaxed breath.


Val closed his eyes to think for a moment.  He was thinking about the rather handsome wolf he had caught watching him. He wondered if he should tell Darrius, what would he think? He had already decided that he kinda liked it.  It made him feel sexy to be watched like that.  He wondered if the wolf had ever watched him before. He couldn’t remember doing anything recently that would be of interest though; his sex life had been rather sparse until this evening. He was a little saddened by the wolf’s sudden disappearance from the window, he hoped he hadn’t scared him off. When Val was in a mood, he had an infinite capacity for yiffiness. He bum had felt full and satisfied at the time, but now he longed for more and it seemed his friend was drained. He began to feel himself stiffen in his sheath again as he thought of the big wolf. Mmmm, how good it would feel to be tied to another canine again. The twinky little dog quivered with girlish glee as more yiffy thoughts filled his head. He jumped suddenly as he heard a knock at the door. Startled, he looked to his larger friend. Darrius had nearly dropped off. He rubbed his eyes and got up. “Can you get that Val, I’m a bit sleepy now.” He said as he shuffled off to the darkened back room where Val had a spare bed. “Suppose so,” Val muttered as he looked around for something to throw on to answer the door.


Valentine finally spotted his little nightgown that he wore when it was slightly too cool to go to bed nude as he usually preferred.  It was a simple little cloth gown with flowers embroidered along the shoulders. Since he was so lean and slight a person, a child’s size actually fit him about right. Not perfect though, he realized as he looked into the mirror. He could see the underside of his fuzzy, white ball sack in the mirror, dangling just below the gown’s edge. Thinking that perhaps whoever was at the door wouldn’t notice, especially if he didn’t open the door all the way, Val thought it would be okay and approached the door. He opened it just slightly at first…


Nicholai rung his paws together with nerves as he waited for someone to answer the door, hopefully the right someone. He hoped the aftershave he had splattered on helped to cover the scent of his obvious fear caused by how nervous he was.


The door opened, and the two canines looked at each other, locking eyes again. Val could smell the lust on the wolf, the scent of male arousal was too strong to cover up.  Nich looked Val up and down, he couldn’t stifle the growl of arousal upon sight of the little Sheppard’s partially exposed balls and the obvious thickening in the sheath he could see outlined under his gown. The growl scared Val a bit, making the little dog jump back a little. Nicholai growled again, beginning to approach.  They looked deep into each other’s eyes and knew instinctively what they wanted, they knew how this would be played.  They had slipped back in time to the instinctual state that their ancestors had survived on. The exchange of menacing, lustful growls and fearful whimpers had perfectly defined their roles.


Val ran! He leaped away into the room, his fight or flight response kicking in.  Nich retained the small presence of mind to slam the door shut before pouncing to pursue his prey. In his fear, Val tripped over one of the many toys strewn about the floor. He had the misfortune to land face first, his tail up in the air. All Nicholai saw was the smaller canid on the floor, his backend raised with furry balls dangling, enticing. Nich pounced as Val tried to scramble away. He had the white dog pinned down by the neck. Val stopped trying to get away, the wolf was bigger and had proved faster than he. It was clear who was the more dominant animal now. Sensing that the dog has given in to him, Nich released his killing hold on Val’s neck and began to explore his new prey. He rubbed and tugged on Val’s hanging balls, making him shiver a little. Nich growled menacingly to make his point as he stripped off his clothes. Val didn’t dare look back, which would be an extreme breach of mating etiquette. The growl kept him in place as he waited for the wolf to have his way with him.


Nich finished stripping, revealing his cock that had become fully hard during the impassioned chase. Before his prey could move, he was on his back once again, this time naked and ready. Nicholai used his claws to shred the gown that covered the little dog. He held him close, leaning down to breath, heavy and lustful, in his ear. He moved his muzzle to the back of the small dog’s neck. He took it in his jaws, in a deep mating bite as he thrust his cock under the white furred tail.


Val half screamed, half moaned at the pain both on the back of his neck and from his tail hole as he was opened up by the thick, lube less wolfcock. He quivered and cried as the wolf took him as he would any bitch in heat in the wild.  The wolf fucked him with wild abandon, his cock pounding in and out of Val with pure animal passion. Val raised his rear slightly in the air as his captor tightly gripped his shoulders, claws raking into his fur. The effect was that the mad thrusting was now even harder and deeper than it had been. Val squeezed his tail hole down on the invading cock, causing the wolf to whine in painful pleasure. Val’s own cock had now slipped fully from his sheath, it glistened, rock hard, with precum.  Val wished he could touch it, even if just for a second as even a passing wind across its surface was enough to make him quiver. Gods, he’d never been this hard before!


Nicholai had never felt anything like this before.  The sexy little dog was the best he’d ever had, he could stay here forever but he knew his body wouldn’t let him.  He was just too pent up to slow down or extend this mating. His knot rapidly began to form now, thickening to huge proportions in a matter of seconds. Gritting his teeth, he thrust harder than he had before, his knot made a satisfying pop as it locked him inside his too-willing victim.


Val threw his head back as if to scream, but nothing came out. The feeling of the wolf’s huge knot entering him and forcing him open even more was beyond what he could express by a mere scream of pain. The initial pain subsided quickly and was replaced by what Val craved most. The ultimate feeling of being totally filled that he could only get this way, by being tied.  His cock strained to hump into something, anything. It wasn’t needed though as the wolf was now so deep inside him that each hard thrust assaulted his most tender spots deep inside. Val’s body couldn’t take more than a few minutes of the wolf’s deep, hard thrusting, the smell of male all around him, the wolf’s heavy balls slapping against his own smaller pair before his body just exploded. His balls drew up tightly to his body and launched a mighty load through his straining dogcock. He cried out as the orgasm shook him to his bones. He looked down in surprise at the white puddle just in front of his forelegs. He’d shot the entire length of his body and another two or three inches beyond his paws.  That was just the initial pump of his cock.  He had three more powerful bursts of cum, each a little weaker than the last until his balls were empty, leaving his cock a dribbling mess. Val collapsed in weakness, his nose nearly ending up in the little pool of cum in front of him. The wolf followed him down, not quite done yet. Val quivered with little sparks of pleasure from each thrust as the wolf continued to pound into all those pleasure giving spots inside that were now almost overloaded.


Nicholai smiled inwardly in satisfaction as his little captive’s body shook unbelievably with pleasure before collapsing. Nich was close now, very close. He leaned in to get better leverage determined now to fuck this tight hole for all it was worth and to cum just as hard as his bitch had.  With all the strength he could muster, Nicholai pounded the smaller fur below him, making him whimper and whine with pleasure. That spurred Nich on; his furry thighs became a blur as they thrust faster and faster, driving his solid rod like a red-hot iron into the quivering tail hole beneath him. The pressure in his huge wolf balls built and built with each deep thrust until he couldn’t take it anymore. Nich howled long and loud as his balls released his huge load at long last.  The dog beneath him moaned again as he was filled up, his drained cock giving one more weak spurt as Nich’s load pressed him deep inside. Nich panted for a moment before falling over, exhausted. 


The pair instinctively rolled over onto their sides while the tie remained. “My name’s Valentine.” The small, white dog panted. “Nicholai,” the wolf responded as he licked the wound on Val’s neck “Pleasure to meet you,” he added sheepishly.