Shadows of the Night


-- Part 1 --

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 "Hey! Yand!\xA0 Time to wake up!\xA0 Time to go!"

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 Yand opened his eyes only to see the room spinning out of control.\xA0 Feeling his stomach turn, he immediately closed his eyes again.\xA0 An unbearable pounding headache prevented him from thinking clearly and every thought increased the pain.\xA0 He finally managed to force the words out, "What...time is it?"\xA0 His words came out of a dry and raspy voice.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 "Time to go home!"\xA0 The voice repeated.\xA0 Yand felt a hand rest on his shoulder. "You need help to get up?"

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 "No."\xA0 He opened his eyes carefully.\xA0 To his relief, the room stopped spinning.\xA0 His head rested on a wooden table, with numerous mugs lying in front of his muzzle.\xA0 1.2. 3. 4...\xA0 He lost count after seven mugs as his head pounded from the effort.\xA0 Lifting his head, he looked around and finally remembered where he was:\xA0 The Dancing Unicorn Pub.\xA0 He realized he was the only remaining patron.\xA0 The barkeeper and his three barmaids busily cleaned the pub.\xA0 As he carefully stood up, the bouncer stood besides him with a bearish grin splitting his muzzle.

Yand yelled to the bruin, "What are you smiling at!"\xA0 He quickly regretted yelling as his legs gave out and crumbled onto the chair.\xA0 He placed his paws on his head, relieving little of his headache.\xA0 Feels like someone used my head as an anvil.\xA0 The room began to spin again, and he felt his stomach turn along with it.

"You!"\xA0 The bouncer replied, laughing this time.\xA0 "You should see yourself."

"Bruno! Don't make fun of Yand!"\xA0 The barkeep yelled disapprovingly from behind the bar.\xA0 "You know he's been through lots!"

"Still no reason to be drinking like he does!"\xA0 The bouncer replied disgustedly.

Yand barely understood the rest of the conversation between the two except for a few words here and there.\xA0 All he knew is that they were talking about him.

"Well, instead of putting more guilt onto the lad, why don't you bring him home on your way home!"\xA0 The barkeep replied sternly.\xA0 Yand laughed in his mind.\xA0 A large bruin being ordered around by a stout pig.\xA0 Only his headache prevented him from laughing out loud.

Bruno sighed loudly, "Come on, pup, let me help you to your feet."\xA0 Yand had little choice on the matter, since Bruno placed both hands around him and easily lifted him to his feet.\xA0 The sudden movement made the room spin faster and his legs gave way again.\xA0 Fortunately, Bruno held him up.\xA0 "Come on, pup.\xA0 A good walk home will do you some good!"\xA0 Bruno half-carried Yand out of the pub.

As the door opened, the cool air cleared some of the cobwebs from his mind.\xA0 He shook his head in hopes of clearing his mind.\xA0 Instead, the street turned upside-down, making him feel sick again.

"See you later Yand!"\xA0 The barkeep snorted as they left.

"See you," he barely managed to reply, his throat cracking under the strain, as he awkwardly waved goodbye.\xA0 With Bruno's help, Yand started his walk home.

They both remained quiet for a while.\xA0 Yand took the time to enjoy Bruno's warmth surround his cold body, his strong arms supporting his weak body.

"What are you smiling at?"\xA0 He heard the bruin ask him curiously.

"How I am enjoying this, you carrying me home.\xA0 I have always hoped for this."\xA0 He heard himself say, to his great surprise.\xA0 What have I just done!\xA0 Yand\x92s face burned from embarrassment, even though the words spoke true.\xA0 Yand secretly yearned to be intimate with the large bruin.\xA0 He spent most of his time in the pub just looking at Bruno's body.\xA0 His large frame held a powerful chest.\xA0 His muscular arms connected to equally muscular shoulders. \xA0His strong neck held a beautiful head with a strong muzzle, strong jaw and deep brown eyes.\xA0 Dark black fur covered his entire body, except for light brown fur that ran from under his neck to cover his chest and firm yet fat stomach.\xA0 Bruno always wore tight clothing that emphasized every muscle on his body.\xA0 Yand felt himself getting excited and wiped the thought from his mind.

"You know I only like females!"\xA0 Bruno replied.\xA0 Yand turned to face the large bear.\xA0 The grin on his face told him he was far from insulted.

"It is your loss, Bruno!"\xA0 Yand laughed back.\xA0 "You do not know what you are missing!"\xA0 He let his stubby tail rub against the large bear's crotch.

"Now, now!"\xA0 Bruno laughed back. "Control yourself."

This was another reason why he liked Bruno so much.\xA0 He could tease the big bear without any fear.\xA0 All furs accepted male-to-male relationships.\xA0 It was part of nature.\xA0 Still, some took offense when you teased them like he did Bruno.\xA0 He wanted so much to hug the bear; but held back, knowing full well that would be going too far.

Bruno suddenly stopped, looking around frantically.\xA0 Yand tripped over his own feet.\xA0 "What is with the sudden\x85" Yand started to ask as he tried to regain his balance.

"Hush!"\xA0 Bruno growled.\xA0 "Something is not right."

Confused, Yand looked around.\xA0 He listened intently and heard nothing.\xA0 Suddenly, he realized what Bruno felt: The unnatural silence.\xA0 Not a sound could be heard.\xA0 The air felt as quiet and freezing cold.\xA0 Yand finally noticed his rune tattoos itched and burned.\xA0 Danger?!?\xA0 Yand cursed at himself for being so drunk.\xA0 His thoughts cleared with the sudden surge of adrenaline as he carefully eyed the alleyway.\xA0 Nothing.\xA0 Only bare walls, empty streets and shadows.\xA0 Even in all this emptiness, he felt as if someone or something watched them.\xA0 Yand felt Bruno's uneasiness.

"Let's get out of here!"\xA0 Bruno growled quietly.

Yand nodded in agreement.\xA0 As he took his first step, he felt something grab his foot.\xA0 He looked down and saw a black claw holding onto his foot.\xA0 Wha\x85?\xA0 Another claw formed from the shadows and grabbed his other foot.\xA0 Both claws held his feet firmly onto the ground.

He heard a loud growl coming from Bruno.\xA0 He turned to his companion and found him in the same predicament.\xA0 "Yand!\xA0 What's going on?!"

Before he could answer, more hands reached up at Bruno's legs and started to pull him down.\xA0 Numerous red eyes opened in the shadows.\xA0 With every pair of eyes that opened, new voice started laughing or whispered, "Fresh meat!"

Slowly, the claws pulled more and more of Bruno's body into the shadow, dragging him down to his knees.\xA0 Bruno slashed frantically at the hands with no result.\xA0 "Yand, help me!"\xA0 He growled.

The bruin's pleads and fear snapped the dog into action.\xA0 Using a finger, he burned a sigil in the air.\xA0 Once completed, he channeled a small amount of Chaos into the sigil, amplifying its effect.\xA0 A powerful bolt of lightning streaked from the sigil, hitting a pair of eyes near his feet.\xA0 The ground exploded sending stone and dirt shrapnel flying everywhere.\xA0 A few pieces nicked him and drew blood.\xA0 As his eyes readjusted from the bright flash, the voices laughed louder as another pair of red eyes opened where Yand struck.\xA0 No effect!

Bruno hollered in pain.\xA0 "They're eating me alive!"\xA0 Yand quickly turned to the bruin again, and saw the claws tear his flesh.\xA0 Blood trickled down from the torn flesh as the shadows absorbed all the drops that fell on the ground.\xA0 The claws continued to drag the bruin down to his waist.

"Bruno!"\xA0 The rottweiler drew five more sigils in the air, each flaring in sequence.\xA0 He released more of the Chaos into each rune, shaping the unstable energies into the desired effect.\xA0 This time, the ground exploded all around Bruno.\xA0 The result was the same as before.

"Yand!\xA0 Help me!"\xA0 Bruno pleaded, as the claws dragged him down to his chest.\xA0 More claws came out, grabbing his arms, tearing his flesh.\xA0 "Help me!\xA0 They're eating me alive!"\xA0 Fear and panic overtook Bruno as he frantically fought against the shadowy claws.\xA0 As the dog saw the claws grab Bruno, he realized that they had not dragged him down, only held him in place.\xA0 Why?\xA0 He pushed the thought aside.

Desperately, Yand channeled pure Chaos bending and shaping it to his will.\xA0 I have to save Bruno and there is only one way to save him now.\xA0 He wrapped the random energies around Bruno.\xA0 As he started to pull Bruno out, a surge of agonizing pain almost made him lose his grip on the magical energies.\xA0 His mind flashed back to the empty mugs sitting on the table.\xA0 His stupor made focusing and holding his magic difficult.\xA0 His clouded mind forced the Chaos to pull Bruno free of the shadow claws' grasp.\xA0 Bruno hollered in agony as Yand pulled him up to his waist, claws ripping his skin and muscle as they slipped.\xA0 What Yand saw almost made him lose control of the Chaos.\xA0 The claws tore open Bruno's entire stomach.\xA0 Large gaping claw and bite marks ravaged his torso.\xA0 Bruno hollered in pain, sending chills down Yand's spine.

He focused once more, hoping to pull his friend free.\xA0 The claws, unwilling to let go of their prey, held Bruno tighter.\xA0 He pushed himself to the limit, and beyond, and still nothing.\xA0 The claws slowly started to pull the bruin down again.\xA0 Yand struggled to keep conscious as the strain burned his mind and froze his body.\xA0 He cursed at himself again for drinking so much ale.\xA0 It made it impossible for him to channel all he could.\xA0 I can not give up!

"HELP ME!"\xA0 Bruno hollered in a weaker tone.\xA0 Yand's blood froze as he heard his friend scream, seeing the life drain out of him.\xA0

Desperate, Yand channeled even more Chaos.\xA0 The sudden surge sent a wave of scorching fire through his mind.\xA0 His vision began to blur, as his body slowly\xA0 numbed.\xA0 He fought against the Chaos, to keep it from consuming him, and against his mind threatening to blacking out.\xA0 He released all the pure Chaos he could spare onto the ground and pulled as hard as he could with the rest.

Yand heard blood curdling screams all around him as Bruno's body flew towards him, hitting him square on.\xA0 The sudden impact pushed the dog over the edge.\xA0 His body failed him completely, and his vision blurred and faded.

He barely heard Bruno's weak voice tell him,\xA0 "Thank you, pup,\x94 as the warm, comfortable embrace of darkness consumed him.


\x93That is what I remember,\x94 Yand finished.\xA0 His hands idly played with their bonds behind the chair he sat on.

"How come you have not been attacked by these," the thin weasel smiled, "'Shadow Demons\x92, is it?\xA0 You barely have a scratch on you!"\xA0 He examined Yand closely from across the wooden table.\xA0 "Compared to Bruno, you\x92re in perfect health!"

Yand simply looked at his accusers and wondered how true those words were.\xA0 Physically, he felt fine.\xA0 Mentally, Yand felt close to the edge of insanity.\xA0 All those close around him died, and he had no clue as to why.\xA0 Everyone he loved, gone!\xA0 Now, Bruno, his closest friend, may be dying.\xA0 This was all he thought about ever since he woke up in his cell.\xA0 No one told him of Bruno\x92s condition, which made him worry even more.\xA0 All he came up with were more questions.

"Answer him!" The second guard yelled in his face as he leaned his bulk on the armchair.\xA0 Yand smelled a mixture of ale and stale meat in his breath that mixed with a heavy sent of sweat and grunge from his fur.\xA0 Probably did not take a bath in months! Yand thought, smiling inwardly.\xA0 What are you thinking!\xA0 This is no laughing matter!\xA0 "Well?"\xA0 The gorilla growled again.

"I do not know!"\xA0 He barked back in his face.\xA0 "I just do not know!"\xA0 He repeated, almost whispering the words this time.\xA0 Unsatisfied with the answer, the gorilla fought the urge to strike the prisoner.\xA0 With rage in his eyes, he stood up and lumbered besides the smaller guard, leaning against the far wall.

"Well, the way we see it, you attacked Bruno and almost killed him.\xA0 If he hadn\x92t managed to knock you out, he\x92d be dead!"\xA0 The weasel\x92s small blue eyes stared accusingly.\xA0 "Just like the incidence in Bastian.\xA0 All the town folk dead except you.\xA0 You were found unconscious in the Town Square."\xA0 The weasel added.\xA0 He leaned back on the chair and waited for Yand to reply.

Yand could not remember what happened that night at Bastian.\xA0 He only remembered going to sleep.\xA0 Then, he awoke, three days later, surrounded by strangers.\xA0 Yand found himself lying in the Town Square with every building in town destroyed and all its people lying everywhere dead.\xA0 He discovered burn marks that radiated outward from his body.\xA0 This was proof enough for the strangers to take him prisoner.\xA0 Too weak, he could not fight them.\xA0 The courts found him innocent due to lack of evidence.\xA0 This did little for his reputation as it made him look like a criminal who managed to beat justice.\xA0 Only Bruno and the barkeep of The Dancing Unicorn Pub believed him.\xA0 What is his name again?\xA0 Yand racked his brain trying to remember the fat pig's name.

"Maybe his magic is finally getting to him.\xA0 Driving him, you know."\xA0 The larger guard did not finish his sentence, but Yand knew what he meant.\xA0 Chaos energy have been known to consume those magis foolish enough to use more than they could control.\xA0 Of those who were not consumed, the power drove most of them insane.\xA0 "Maybe it finally drove him\x85'bananas'" Both guards laughed at the joke.

Yand seriously considered those words.\xA0 Am I going crazy?\xA0 Has Chaos finally taken over my mind?\xA0 Yand shuddered at the thought.\xA0 All the evidence pointed towards that conclusion.\xA0 Is it possible that somehow, in a crazed state, he killed everyone in town under the control of Chaos?\xA0 Is it possible that the Chaos used his subconscious to create those shadow demons to kill Bruno?\xA0 He closed his eyes and slumped his forward.\xA0 I need a drink!\xA0 They all remained silent for a while, not a one wanting to consider the idea of Yand going insane.

"Well, might as well take him to his cell.\xA0 He\x92s our prime suspect."\xA0 The gorilla finally spoke.\xA0 Yand could hear uneasiness in his voice.

The weasel sighed in relief.\xA0 "Good idea."\xA0 He stood up and walked behind Yand.\xA0 "Don't try anything stupid."\xA0 The guard ordered. \xA0Yand knew how empty that threat was.\xA0 Even with his hands tied, he could still channel Chaos to free himself from those weak bonds.\xA0 Yand thought it best to comply for now.\xA0 If he tried to escape, it would only make him look guilty.\xA0 Either way, he had no idea as what to do next.\xA0 His head swam in so much confusion that he followed the guard meekly.\xA0 His thoughts fell back to his fallen friend and wondered if he lived.\xA0 Bruno, I am sorry!


Yand paced back and forth in his damp cell, trying not to think.\xA0 The small cell gave him little room to move, which frustrated him even further.\xA0 He slouched forward on the low, stinking cot.\xA0 He hated small paces, being confined.\xA0 More than a few times, he came close to simply blasting the prison walls open and walking out.\xA0 He took a deep breath and convinced himself against it.

His eyes scanned the scantily furnished room.\xA0 Only the small cot and a wash basin sitting on low stool decorated the room.\xA0 Solid stone made three of the walls, while a metal grate made the fourth.\xA0 A small barred opening, facing the metal grate, allowed sunlight to pour in his dimly lit room.\xA0 Depressed, he still fought the urge to blast his way out.

His eyes landed on his reflection in the washbasin besides him.\xA0 Only now did he realize how bad things were.\xA0 His once shiny fur now lay dulled and matted.\xA0 His eyes no longer shone bright blue; but instead, looked sunken and a dull gray.\xA0 What once used to be a proud rottweiler, now only a common mutt stared back.

Angered, he swiped at the wash basin, sending it crashing to the wall, water spilling all over the floor.\xA0 He lied face down on the cot, tears rolling down his face.\xA0 He felt so alone.\xA0 His family dead, most likely by his own hands, and his best and only friend most likely dying because of him.\xA0 If Bruno ever died, he wondered how he could live with himself.\xA0 I almost feel like I am mated to the big lug!\xA0 He let a low chuckle escape admits his tears.\xA0 I must be going crazy!

"Don't tell me,\x94 a deep low voice rumbled.\xA0 "You broke your wash basin again!"

Yand turned towards the grate.\xA0 A large white lion stood on the other side.\xA0 His uniform strained under his large muscular frame.\xA0 If Yand did not feel so depressed, he would have found the lion sexually attractive.\xA0 Right now, though, it was the last thing he wanted to think about.\xA0 He simply nodded and laid his head back on the pillow again.

"Don't worry, son.\xA0 Things will get better!\xA0 Don't give up."\xA0 He purred through the bars.

Yand looked back at the guard and smiled weakly.\xA0 "Thanks."

The guard smiled back and added, "I'll get you a new one."\xA0 With that, he padded away.

"Cute as he is smart."\xA0 Yand whispered to himself, somewhat smiling.

"So are you!"\xA0 He heard the lion reply.

He looked back and noticed he was long gone.\xA0 Stupid!\xA0 You should know that leonine have amazing hearing!\xA0 Yand still smiled though.\xA0 I must be going nuts!\xA0 Teasing at a time like this!\xA0 He turned his head back in the pillow.\xA0 He liked this guard, compared to the others.\xA0 Only he believed him innocent.\xA0 All the others thought him guilty and treated him as such.\xA0 The white lion took the time to talk to him as he did his rounds.\xA0 Most likely feels pity for me or something!\xA0 Though, it felt nice to talk to a friendly fur.

Pushing all thoughts aside, he closed his eyes and blanked his mind, trying to find peace in himself.\xA0 Slowly, he managed to push all thoughts, doubts and emotions aside, and managed to find a semblance of peace in himself; something he has not felt in a long time.

His inner peace shattered as he felt a presence in the room. Most likely the guard with my new wash basin.\xA0 I never asked his name!\xA0 Shaking his head angrily, he pushed those thoughts aside.\xA0 The feeling of presence grew stronger.\xA0 Suddenly, Yand heard many soft, high pitched laughers as his tattoos itched and burned.\xA0 NO!\xA0 A wake of fear washed over his body.\xA0 Quickly rising to his feet he looked around.\xA0 It can not be, not here!\xA0 He frantically looked around for the source of the laughter, looking at every shadow.

His eyes scanned the dark corners of his cell.\xA0 One by one, pairs of red eyes opened in the shadows, even that cast by his body.\xA0 Yand staggered backwards onto the grate.\xA0 "No!\xA0 You can not be here!"\xA0 Yand yelled in disbelief.

"Oh, but wes are."\xA0 Voices whispered from the shadows.\xA0 "Yous have created uss.\xA0 Wes do your bidding."\xA0 Laughter echoed from all the shadows in the cell.\xA0 "Wes have killed for you!"\xA0 The voices laughed louder.

"No.\xA0 Not true.\xA0 I have not created you.\xA0 I know I have not asked you to kill."\xA0 Yand hollered back at the voices.

"Yess, yous have!"\xA0 The voices insisted.\xA0 "Your Chaoss told uss so!\xA0 It told uss to kill at Basstion.\xA0 It told uss to kill your friend Bruno.\xA0 Wes follow your orderss."\xA0 The voices laughed again.

Yand placed his paws over his ears, trying to shut out the laugher, with little effect.\xA0 "Your lying."\xA0 Yand replied, half heatedly.\xA0 Yand realized that what they said made sense.\xA0 It is quite possible that Chaos slowly took over his mind and soul, forcing him to do things he would not do; conscious or unconscious.\xA0 Could it be that the Chaos used his subconscious to do these horrific deeds?

"Yess."\xA0 The voices replied as if they read his mind.

Yand closed his eyes and covered his ears again, shaking his head in disbelief.\xA0 "No.\xA0 I am not responsible.\xA0 It is not my fault."\xA0 Tears rolled down his eyes as he pictured his destroyed hometown of Bastian and at his friend who lay at the brink of death.\xA0 His legs failed him as he fell on his knees.

"Yess.\xA0 All your fault!\xA0 All of thems!"\xA0 The voices laughed louder.

"NO!"\xA0 Enraged, Yand channeled Chaos and formed a focused ball of energy.

"Yess!"\xA0 The voices cheered and encouraged him.\xA0 "Yess!\xA0 Do it!"

Yand threw the ball of Chaos at the far wall, which exploded on contact.\xA0 As the dust settled, a hole stood where the ball struck and the voices laughed louder.\xA0 Yand howled at the eyes and formed another ball.

"YAND!"\xA0 A voice called out behind him.\xA0 "What are you doing?"

"The voices.\xA0 I have to stop the voices from killing again!"\xA0 Yand replied as his ball of Chaos grew larger.\xA0 He heard his cell door open; but paid little attention to it.\xA0 All that mattered was the destruction of the shadow demons.

A hand rest on his shoulder.\xA0 "What voices, son?"

"Do you not hear them.\xA0 They are all around the cell."

"I don't hear anything, or see anyone."\xA0 The voice calmly replied.

Yand looked up, and noticed the eyes no longer stared at him.\xA0 Only the gaping hole remained.\xA0 "They were here!\xA0 I swear they were!"\xA0 Yand turned around and saw the white lion crouched besides him with a worried look on his face.\xA0 "You believe me, do you not?"\xA0 Yand asked, unsure if the Shadow Demons really existed.\xA0 "Tell me I am not going crazy!"

The guard said nothing and stared back into his eyes.\xA0 Yand could not read anything from the lion's stare.\xA0 Slowly, he felt a sudden feeling of loneliness again, no one understanding him. He felt so exposed, so vulnerable and so alone that he wanted to curl up and die.\xA0 But, the lion\x92s gaze held his as he helplessly continued to stare back.\xA0 Slowly, the guard leaned forward and wrapped his arms around him and held him tightly.\xA0 "It\x92s all right son.\xA0 Don't worry.\xA0 It\x92ll work out."\xA0 He reassured warmly with his purring voice.

Yand, dumbfounded, let himself be held for a second.\xA0 Then, he collapsed on the lion's chest, both physically and emotionally.\xA0 His concentration waned, and his Chaos ball faded.\xA0 Yand let himself cry, not able to contain his emotions any longer.\xA0 Yand could barely remember the last time that some fur showed him compassion.\xA0 It felt good; and, he no longer felt alone.\xA0 Yand continued to cry, not able to stop and not wanting to.\xA0 He wrapped his arms around the large lion, hugging him tightly.\xA0 "You believe me, do you not?"\xA0 Yand asked again, trying to hold onto any glimmer of hope.

The lion did not reply.\xA0 He purred as he sat on the cold ground, holding him tightly.\xA0 A large paw caressed Yand's head, while the other held him tightly in his lap.\xA0 Yand did not care that the lion did not reply.\xA0 He felt safe and no longer alone in the lion's strong arms and paws.\xA0 With every stroke, the leonine caressed a worry away as he slowly fell asleep.\xA0 He closed his eyes, letting himself being carried away by the relaxing sleep.


Jason Smith /
This story Copyright © 1999 by Jason Smith
Do not redistribute in any way without his explicit permission.
Last Updated: March 11, 1999