The Room mates




By: Juliette Eliz. Peterson

All characters © Juliette Peterson 2001

Do not steal or reproduce!

All rights reserved


Keyanna (Key-on-uh) -Female Panthress

Motaru (Mo-tar-ou) -Female Wolf

Naziu (Nah-ze-ou) -Female Fennec Fox

Okina (Oh-Key-nah) -Female Cheetress

Potekii (Poe-Tek-ee) -Female Panthress

Rokya (Row-kye-uh) -Female black Panthress




[In Keyanna and Potekii’s apartment]

Keyanna: "Potekii! It’s time to go now. We’re going to be late!" [Sitting at the vanity in the bedroom, she finishes brushing her long, tan, silky hair.]

Potekii: [puts her sweater on and grabs her purse] "We wouldn’t be late if you hadn’t been hogging up the bathroom!" [She makes her way to the door.]

Keyanna: [also grabs her purse and scrambles for her keys] "I hope you know we’re taking my car; I at least can find my keys." [The panthress smiles inwardly.]

Potekii: [makes a frustrated grunt] "It was your fault they got lost!" [She looks bitterly at the floor, and sighs.]

[The two head out of their apartment and hop into Keyanna’s car. It’s dark out and the streetlights are on. A few cars drive past them, one blasting some loud music.]



[In Motaru, Naziu, and Okina’s apartment. Clothes and dishes are strewn about the living room, the bedroom is covered in clothes, magazines, tampons, and make up.]

Okina: [Slowly and lethargically emerges from underneath a pile of clothes on the couch. She looks at her watch, stretches and yawns.] "Hey aren’t Potekii, and Key supposed to be here soon?"

Naziu: [Hurries past Okina and grabs the clothes frantically.] "You stupid, lazy, mooching, good for nothing, little..." [Is interrupted]

Okina: "Hey, hey now! What’d I do?"[She puts a paw out to stop Naziu]

Naziu: [Gives her a ‘You know very well’ look] "You’ve been sleeping for three days straight, you’re not helping to clean, [Her voice raises.] you’ve been eating my Jujubes and the rest of my candy stash!" [She continues to pick up things surrounding Okina] "You think this is okay behavior?"[Glares at her evilly, flicking her bushy tail around.]

Okina: [Tries to decide. She looks this way and that] "Well…sure, why not?"

Naziu: "OH! You’re hopeless!" [Runs into the bedroom and puts the stuff away.]

Motaru: [Opens the door carrying three large groceries bags.] "I got all the stuff on the list Naziu!"

Naziu: "Finally!" [Continues to clean up.]

Okina: "What list?" [Acts all dazed.]

Motaru: [Stops and stares at Okina on her way to the kitchen.] "Dude, you are not going to be like that when they arrive are you?"[She starts to unpack some groceries.]

Okina: [Looks sheepishly up and down at Motaru.] "No. I’ll get some clothes on." [Gets up and goes into the bedroom. She was wearing only a bra and biking shorts.]

[The living room now looks presentable.]

[Potekii and Keyanna pull into their friend’s apartment’s parking lot, and walk into the lobby. Potekii adjusts her hair a little as her and Keyanna wait for the elevator.]

[Okina comes out into the living room. She’s wearing her pajamas. The other two are too busy setting out the chips, dip and whatnot, to notice her.]

Naziu: [Glances at Okina] Hey could you go in the fridge and get the onion di-[She looks at Okina again and gives her a look of utter disgust] "You are not wearing that!"

[Naziu and Motaru are both fully makeup, dressed up, and have their hair all nicely fixed. Okina, on the other hand, was wearing an old pair of pajama pants and a T-shirt. And most likely no bra, since she never wears one to bed. Okina strokes her orange hair a bit and wipes the crustiness out of her sky blue eyes.]

[Potekii and Keyanna walk in. They too are fully dressed and etc.]

Potekii: "Oh this is a slumber party?" [She looks disappointed the she didn’t know]

Naziu: [Puts on a cheery face] Hi! Welcome! Come on in!

Motaru: [sighs] "Yeah, it’s a slumber party [sarcastically] and you forgot your pillows! Tut tut, I told you we don’t have enough pillows for all of us!"

Keyanna: [nudges Potekii] "They’re kidding! You know Okina… lazy as ever!"

Everyone: [laughs and sits down on the couches]

Naziu: "Well we could have a sleep over party if you guys think that would be okay!" [She looks around with a smile still plastered to her face. She nervously twists her red hair around her finger.]

Keyanna: "Um, hun, we didn’t bring any clothes or…pillows." [She looks at Motaru and shrugs]

Naziu: "You guys can fit into our clothes!" [She pauses] "Well, except for mine!"

Okina: "Yeah we aren’t that short. [Pause] no offense.

Potekii: "Tehehe, I haven’t had a sleep over since I was twelve!"

Motaru: "Hmmm, We’ll discuss that later. Let’s watch a movie first!"

[The girls get comfortable and lay out on the floor, eating chips and candy. Half way through the movie Okina gets up and goes to the bathroom.]

Motaru: [Gets up and stretches.] Man, I need a break! [She leaves the room]

[A few minutes later she comes back in her pajamas and is holding a bunch of pillows.]

Naziu: "What are you doing?" [She gets up and stretches.]

Motaru: "Have a pillow!" [She passes out pillows to everybody.] "I thought I’d slip into something a little more comfortable." [She strokes her silky pink pajamas.] "Anyone else want to?"

Potekii: [Yawns] "Sure!" [She undoes her bun. Her long blonde hair falls around her shoulders]

Keyanna: "Sounds like a plan!" [Keyanna also takes out her ponytail.]

[The girls go into the bedroom and pick out their favorite pajamas from the dressers.]

Naziu: "Wow these are some really cool boxers! I haven’t see them before."

Motaru: "Oh yeah, got ‘em at half price form Abby-cozies yesterday."[She watches the girls pick through her clothes]

[Okina steps out from the bathroom, which is attached to the larger room. The girls are all getting dressed.]

Okina: [scratching herself.] "Oh, so you’re all staying? Cool." [She lies down on her bed.]

Potekii: [Jokingly.] "As long as you don’t snore we are!"

[Motaru and Naziu look at each other briefly.]

Keyanna: "I snore."

Potekii: [looks at Keyanna all confused.] "Really? I don’t think so! I mean I never have heard you…"

Keyanna: [Pulls the shirt she’s going to wear down over her head.]"Yeah, but you snore worse."

Potekii: [Becomes mad all of the sudden.] "Don’t you start that again!" [She storms out of the bedroom.]

Naziu: [Getting her PJ pants on] "Man, someone’s got some PMS!"

Keyanna: "More like MS! She’s been like this all week too!"

Naziu: [Chuckles a little.] "Really now?"

Keyanna: "Yeah, like big time."

Motaru: [Laughs a bit too, and pokes Okina on the bed]


[They all finish getting dressed and start to head back out into the living room.]

[Hours pass and the movie is over. Okina is asleep on the couch. The other girls are just sitting around, listening to the mechanical sound of the VCR rewinding the tape. In the hallway out side of the apartment, many heavy footsteps are heard coming down the long hall, and stopping really close by. The people in the hall mumble to themselves.]

Potekii: "Is that your neighbor?"

Motaru: [Slowly.] "Oh. I don’t know." [She quickly looks over at Naziu.]

Naziu: "Our closest neighbor is Rokya. She’s single, and she doesn’t have big feet."

[The doorbell rings.]

Naziu: [Looks around panicked] "Motaru you get it!"

Okina: [Dreaming, she hears the phrase "Big feet" and immediately she looks down to find that her feet are enormous! She faintly moans.]

Motaru: "Uhhh, okay here I go." [She walks up to the door. Her hand touches the knob and she takes a deep breath. She turns the knob slowly, her palms turn cold, sweat forms on her body. She closes her eyes, turns the handle and…] "Hello?" [She opens her eyes.]

[Three rugged looking wolf males in trench coats stand, waiting outside the apartment door. One of them has a suitcase and an evil grin.]

[The closest one to the door speaks up.]"Hi I’m sorry, this must be the wrong apartment. I’m looking for a Miss Rokya, do you know her?"

[Everyone except for Okina is suddenly behind Motaru, all of them are curious about the strange visitors.]

Naziu: "She’s in the next room over, C-36"

[The panthers look at each other, silently sharing some unknown thoughts. The taller one smiles at the group.] "Thank you. Sorry to bother you ladies."

Motaru: [Shuts the door and locks it.] "Phew!"

Naziu: "What was that all about?!"

Motaru: [Very confused.] "I don’t know. I, I really don’t know! This doesn’t make sense!"

Naziu: "She never has any guys come over to her house. I talked to her recently in the elevator, and she doesn’t have a boyfriend."

Motaru: "Yeah, she really keeps to herself too. Strange. I guess she has some kind of social life though; she has girlfriends always coming over, but it seems like they just probably sit around and talk or something."

Potekii: [In a very doubting voice.] "How do you know so much about her?"

Naziu: [Rolls her eyes.] "She’s been here way before us! And people talk honey. We know a lot about our neighbors. We have inside information, we have-

Keyanna: [Cuts her off.] "Getting just a little bit side tracked honey. Why are there big tough male wolfs coming over to her house at 10:00 at night?"

[They all look around, miffed. The wall dividing the two apartments, though thick, was being pounded on. It started soft then became louder and with more force. They all rushed over and put their ears to it. They could hear someone sobbing.]

Potekii: [Quickly backs away and covers her mouth with her hand, gasping.] "They’re going to kill her! They’re murderers!"

Keyanna: [Shocked.] "Why would you say that!"

Potekii: "Well, remember in the movie we were just watching [Is interrupted.]

Keyanna: [Aggravated at her.] "Potekii! It was a movie."

Naziu: "Psh, yeah really! Sorry, but that movie stuff never happens in real life, sweetie."

Okina: [She wakes up. Drowsily she speaks.] "Unless it was based off of a real-life event."

Naziu: [Crosses her arms and gives her a look.] "Who told you ‘you could wake up?’"

Potekii: [Waiting for them to finish, she continues to go off into a TV fantasy land, talking a mile a minute.] "Anyway, they killed her father or someone first, right, because she’s all crying and pounding on the wall. You know why? She won’t tell them something they need to know, so they can’t kill her because she has the crucial information. You follow? And…"

[They all look at each other like she’s nuts.]

"…Since she has the info, they can’t kill her, so they are trying to make her talk and they can’t because this information is crucial and the bad guys can’t win. She keeps on crossing her arms and buttoning her lip because if they find out the info then the world will end and become miserable or something!

So finally…"

Everyone: "Finally!"

Potekii: "Yeah, finally right now they’re going to do something bad to her to make her talk." [She puts her hands to her mouth]

Naziu: "Where’s the duct tape?" [She looks around and goes in to the kitchen.] "I’m sorry Potekii, but that’s ridiculous!"

Okina: "You’re going to need a lot more than duct tape!"

Motaru: "You guys! This is serious! What if Potekii’s right?"

Keyanna: "Ha ha ha!" [She stops.] "Well, whose going to believe a dumb blonde like her?" [She bites the corner of her lip and looks around the little apartment. Inside she has an uncertain feeling.]

Potekii: [Gets enraged at Keyanna.] "That’s it! I’m sick of you making fun of me all the time! You’ve been so mean to me lately, and I haven’t done anything to you!" [She knocks Keyanna to the floor and starts beating on her.]

Naziu: [Grabs the duct tape and runs into the living room.] "Five bucks on Keyanna!"

Motaru: [She tries to get the girls away from each other and gets punched in the shoulder in the process. She backs away.] "Fine. Ten bucks on Potekii!" [She shakes hands with Naziu.]

[Okina goes over to the wall dividing room C-35 and C-36 and listens closely.]

[Keyanna pulls hard on Potekii’s hair. Potekii gets on top of Keyanna and scratches as hard as she can. Keyanna manages to pull Potekii down to the ground by her blonde hair, and she punches Potekii’s stomach. Potekii puts her arms up, but Key catches them and pins them to the ground. Keyanna puts her knees on Potekii’s abdomen and smiles in Potekii’s anger ridden face. Keyanna looks up at Naziu.] "I win!"

Naziu: "Ha! I knew it! Pay up Motaru!"

Motaru: [She sighs.] "Fine, now that you got that out of your system lets-"