Author's preface:
During my research into the late professor Stein's notes on the writings and stories of the Leptictidium auderiense civilisation, I unexpectedly came across references to a poem-tale of one young Runner boy's pledge of love. Digging deeper, I managed to find a few fragments of translated text, but nothing that would make the story complete. However, as more fragments emerged, I was soon able to piece it all together.

The story is written in free, quite repetitive verse, and takes place during summer solstice, which marked the beginning of the Runners' New Year. I have taken the liberty to fill in the blanks in the text where pieces have been missing or translations left unfinished, but most of it comes directly from the leptictids themselves. Professor Stein wrote no foreword of his own, so let's plunge right into...

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The Runners' Tales:

Turning Night Whispers

by Winter
from translations made by professor Anton Joseph Stein, OBE

In briefest night after longest day,
the Runners talk to their spirits.
Turning Night, hear the dead whisper.
Hear a Runner talk to his spirit.

Said To-i-To during Turning Night:
"Spirit, oh spirit, I broke my promise to Thee!
I went to see my beloved, we spoke,
but I did not confess to my love."

Said To-i-To, ears flat with shame:
"I failed Thee, I let down my vow.
One year ago, on Turning Night,
when spirits gather to hear our vows,
I promised to pledge to him my love.
The boy, the mouse boy who lives but a day's run away.
My love for him I swore to tell,
but my courage broke, oh spirit."

On Turning Night, when the dead whisper,
when the Runners talk to their spirits.

Said To-i-To on bended knees:
"Please, oh spirit, grant me courage!
Let me find my beloved and tell,
let him know that my love is so true."

Said To-i-To to the spirit of yore:
"Help me, I shan't fail my vow!
This year I speak on Turning Night,
when spirits gather to hear our vows,
I promise to pledge to him my love.
I shall run to the mouse boy who lives but a day's run away.
My love for him I swear to tell,
with Thy blessing, oh spirit."

When the dead whisper to the Runners,
on Turning Night they talk to their spirits.

Whispered the nightwind to young To-i-To:
"I hear your prayer, my child, my boy,
oh Runner, child of the lands.
Your heart is true, let your soul be brave."

Spoke the spirit while To-i-To wept:
"Run to him, my son, to your love,
run and fear not your heart.
With spirits' blessing, child, run,
and tell your soul's truth to him.
Go to the mouse child who lives but a day's run away.
Swear that your love, to him you will tell,
and my blessing shall go with Thee."

On Turning Night, when the New Year is born,
when Runners talk to their spirits.

Said To-i-To to the spirit of Turning:
"This year I shall not fail Thee, oh spirit!
This year my love will ring true,
over the mountains and across the glens."

Said To-i-To as New Year dawned:
"Thank you, spirit, for my courage,
for my hope that is born anew.
Thanks for Thy blessing, oh spirit.
I shall run now, run to his side,
run to the mouse boy who lives but a day's run away.
I swear my love I will tell to him,
as true as Thy blessing, my spirit."

As Turning Night ends, and a New Year begins,
a Runner runs to meet with his fate, only a day's run away.
At New Year's birth as Turning Night ends,
To-i-To runs to his lover's embrace.