Aquatic love affair


A story from the Northwestern Park series

By Mike Charger AKA Michael Luvar Barnes

This story is copyright \xA9 2002 to Michael L. Barnes, all characters appearing are the intellectual property of Michael Luvar Barnes.


This story is dedicated to Delphi the one who requested it. After realizing that it was my own habits of writing that were at fault with my early attempts at this story. I started to write in a new way with all my stories. All thanks to Delphi. And with this new way came a seriousness that I have sought since I lost it a while ago. I can now write as freely as I want. Thanks for the idea material to work with Delphi. And I hope some story elements I added do not take away from the story you wanted.




     A young man of about 19 years age exited his black Mystique Porsche. It was a new model car that ran on an electrical and ethanol engine hybrid. Very pricey but when you were Jason Voxtree, son of a very wealthy Asian family; you could usually get anything you wanted.

     Nearby sat an entryway to an underground rapid transportation system that was automated. Students who lived off campus used it. Right now only a few buildings or so, actually housed students on campus. Plans for new buildings were in the initial building phases and were to be designed by the students and built with grant money from the city.


     Jason walked past it; and approached the entrance to a large building. Stepping up to the wooden doors activated the automated security system. It verified Jason’s identity and allowed him entrance into the looming construct. It was a large gym used for any kind of workout one could imagine. Thanks in part to recently donated high-tech equipment that allowed for workouts in different gravity fields. No one knew where the technology came from. But the rumors said aliens were on the campus.

     Jason believed a lot of things, but the existence of E.T.’s, in Northwestern Park of all places, was not one of them. “Gonzo dropped by with a few dozen grants and new gym equipment.” Jason said sarcastically, laughing at the rumors that aliens would actually be interested in the most advanced school, in both racial and technological terms, in the country. Though strange things did happen in town as a result of so many people flocking to the surrounding areas. 


     The identification system was set up to allow guests into areas where normally only students could go. The I.D. system was well worth the grant money that paid for it, in view of the high-tech protection it also offered. The campus’s rapid transportation system, which was for students living in Northwestern Park and a neighboring community known as Southwestern Park, was also linked into the security system.


     But Jason’s mind soon forgot all about security measures for the large campus as he walked into the pool area. The building housed an Olympic sized swimming pool and he intended to use it as a meeting place.

     ”Hey stranger.” Eva said stepping from the shadows near the entrance to the pool area. “Nice night to swim isn’t it? But that isn’t why you’re here is it?” Eva said giggling.

     ”What are you doing here? I was supposed to meet Evan…for swimming lessons.” Jason said hoping his pause was not noticeable by the large female dolphin, who stood before him.

     ”Yea right…you came here to fuck my brother right?” Eva said smiling. Her advancing motions made Jason look fearful. Eva observed this and stopped.

     ”Guh…um err no! Nothing like that!” Jason said stammering. It was obvious to him that he was looking scared his secret would be out.

     ”Liar. He is sick by the way,” Eva explained. “So I am here to act as his substitute. You want to do it on dry land or in the water? How about the showers?” Eva said musing. She ran her hands over her slippery nude form. “Oh and please don’t just leave me adrift. I know you swim both ways.”

     ”Ah yes the breaststroke and doggy paddle. Yea that sums up my swimming talents. See ya later then!” Jason took one step forward and Eva stepped in front of him. Jason scowled at her. “What are you doing?” Jason asked wondering what the hell he had gotten himself into.

     ”Nothing much except blocking your way dummy, come on I am just like my brother only a female. I can comfort you while he is away sleeping off whatever bug he has.” Eva pressed her body against Jason’s and she could tell he loved the feel of her skin against his bare arms. Seeing if she could go further. She ran her hands over Jason’s chest and pulled off his t-shirt making the man moan. “Hmmm, seems you enjoy this a lot more than you are willing to admit.” Eva said as she pressed her beak to Jason’s lips. Feeding him her slender tongue, Eva massaged Jason’s mouth with it, gently running it over whatever it could reach.

     Jason pushed Eva away from him and smiled. Then he said something completely off center. ”Evan is okay with this right?” Jason asked. “I was trying to go for monogamy or something like that.” He finished his sentence with a pat of Eva’s rear.

     ”Right. Like I would tell him I was spying on you guys. And seeing as how you and my brother are not dating, just fucking.” Eva nudged Jason’s chest with her face.  “I think this is okay. In fact I may snag you as my own boyfriend.” Eva said with a wink.

     ”What makes you think I want you? I came here for sex nothing more!” Jason said lying.

     ”Oh really?” Eva said smirking.

     ”Really.” Jason replied with as much bravado he could muster. “Why I could walk out of here right now.”

     Eva cocked her head; a lopsided grin appeared on her face as she stuck her arm out. Blocking Jason’s fake attempt to leave. “You’re not going anywhere.”

     Jason smirked and walked towards the showers. “Coming?” He said grinning; it was fake courage since he had never been with a woman before. But he liked it. “Hmm maybe being macho is how guys deal with fear?” Jason thought.


     “Not yet but I will be soon enough.” Eva said clandestinely with a wink.

     Once inside the showers with Eva, Jason stripped off his shorts and proceeded to look Eva over slowly. Her shiny sleek body looked so beautiful to him. He had to have her.


     Eva stepped over to Jason slowly and rubbed the back of her hand against his crotch. She got the reaction she wanted immediately. “Hmm nice. Now do what you want with me. No you are not imagining things. Just have fun.”

     ”…I must be dreaming.” Came Jason’s reply to Eva’s offer.


     Jason quickly took hold of Eva and pulled her to him. Kissing her chest, he licked her large nipples with delicate slow strokes of his tongue. Eva gripped Jason by his cheeks and pulled him up face level and kissed him. Laying down Eva spread her legs as her tail flapped against the wet tiles of the shower room floor; she licked a finger and ran it over her vulva. Her genitals were pinkish red in color and it was not lost on Jason that she was aroused.

     ”Take that and put it here.” Eva said as she stroked Jason’s cock.

     Jason descended onto Eva gradually. And proceeded to shove his cock into her roughly.


     “Oh!” Jason cried as Eva’s love muscle gripped his cock tightly. Taking hold of her ankles Jason spread Eva’s legs and plunged into her tight pussy over and over.

     “Yes push it in deeper!” Eva exclaimed about the pleasure she was receiving


     Jason’s body brushed against Eva’s slippery flesh with every thrust of his hips and it made his sensitive skin rub against her as he shoved himself in and out of her opening. “I am!” Jason cried as he looked into Eva’s eyes. She looked at him panting and letting out all sorts of sounds as she rubbed Jason’s back with her hands.

     Eva suddenly gripped the blanket beneath her as her tail began to flop against the tile as orgasmic pleasure overtook her body. Jason let out what seemed like a cut off moan, as his balls were rubbed just slightly rougher against Eva’s skin by her movements.

     ”Jason~!” Eva cried as she felt him explode inside her.


     Eva then sighed as the human stopped for a moment and then started thrusting again catching Eva off guard. It took a dozen or so more wild slaps of Jason’s hips against Eva’s pussy to set off another orgasm. Eva threw her arms around Jason’s neck and pressed her beak to his face and slipped her tongue into his mouth suddenly.

     Jason was caught off guard by this but still returned the favor by wiggling his tongue against Eva’s larger probing organ. Pulling away from Eva’s kiss. Jason panted. “What was that for?” Jason said as he pulled his sensitive shaft out of Eva.

     ”What was that for? That was…very satisfying.” Eva lay back against the concrete floor; and looked up at the ceiling of the showers. Then looking into Jason’s eyes Eva smiled. “Jason will you be my boyfriend?”

     ”Yes of course.” Jason said as he smiled back at Eva. “I feel that this is the beginning of something beautiful.” Jason licked the end of Eva’s beak and then kissed her. “If sudden.”

     ”Don’t worry, things will work out. Now are you ready for more?” Eva asked as she reached down and grasped Jason’s tool.


     ”Yes~!” Eva said playfully as she kissed Jason again.

     Meanwhile from the shadows crept Evan. He had watched the whole scene and smiled to himself satisfied his work was done. ”Okay now that I have actually found Eva a boyfriend. Time to walk the straight and narrow myself…. Nah I have more fun with guys anyway.” Evan thought to himself smirking as he crept back into the shadows to wait for the couple to leave. “Damn maybe I should have brought something to read, looks like they are starting again.”

The End