Lone Wolf
First draft written 11/6/01

Revised and finished 2/19/02

By Michael Luvar Barnes

First story from the Northwestern Park series

This story is copyright \xA9 2001-2002 to Michael Luvar Barnes and as such all characters appearing; are the intellectual property of Michael Luvar Barnes. This story should not be distributed without permission.


Authors note: The below was something that came to mind. I have always wanted to do a furry transformation story that was erotic and did not suck like one I did previously and never showed to anyone but one other person. Since then I have been trying to perfect my way of doing such a story and well; what better way to start than with a small love story.

     ”I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” And so that was the beginning of Lucas’s relationship taking on a whole new level with his marriage to his sweetheart Amy Bearheart. She was part Native American that would explain her last name. But things were not what they seemed.

     ”I am so happy!” Amy walked away with her husband and smiled and waved to everyone. “Come on! Look happy!” Lucas smiled and waved to everyone also and laughed. Amy stepped into the limo waiting for her and her husband. That would take them to the short reception that followed the wedding. Amy and Lucas wanted to get home and rest and only stayed for a half hour at the reception. Later that night…

     ”What do you mean that you have no interest in sex?” Lucas sat in the living room of the apartment he shared with his former girlfriend now wife and just seemed more amazed than angry.

     ”I have no urges like that. I am sorry. I guess I am not wired like you are…” Lucas stood up and thought about his options. He started to speak them aloud to his new bride.

 ”I could go out and get drunk. But I do not drink! I could sit on my ass and mope, but nah. Okay I will go for a late night walk I need to think. Man I knew that while we were just living together that she wasn’t all into the idea but this is silly. Our wedding night and I am left high and dry!”

   “Wait! Stay home and be with me. Don’t go…I am…sorry….” Amy stepped in front of Lucas and started to cry. Lucas felt his heart melt but he also felt something else inside of him.

     ”No. I need some air. I won’t go far I promise!” Amy nodded and sat quietly sobbing on, the couch. She watched as Lucas left and felt it was time her love knew her secret.


     Lucas walked outside of the apartment building. Looking around he sighed. The apartment complex had a long road that connected it to a major road. That had bus stops along the way. It was on the west side of Northwestern Park. Lucas started to walk along the exit road. A forest surrounded the complex and he felt uneasy about walking about like this at night but he was so upset.


     “I wait about ten years now; to lose my virginity and what happens? My wife is wired in such a way she doesn’t want me like that…. I don’t know what I will do. If I force myself on her it would be nothing more than rape.” Lucas tried to smile. “I guess for her I have to just stick with the old methods of keeping sane, heh.”

     Lucas looked around feeling uneasy. Like there was someone watching him. Facing towards the apartment complex he noticed the lights were out in his apartment. Thinking Amy must have went to sleep he walked a little further. Just down the main road was a 7-Eleven and a cup of coffee seemed good right about then. A loud snarl was heard and Lucas knew that he was in some shit and started running.


     “Snarl!” A mysterious beast said. Making Lucas bolt while cursing.

     ”SHIT!” Lucas cried as he felt jaws close on his right leg as he lifted it in mid sprint; and yank him back into the woods. He slid at a slow pace clawing at the ground hoping to stop his body from being dragged deeper but he could not and turned over to at least get a glimpse of his attacker. It was a wolf. A large wolf that looked at him with familiar eyes.   “Nice protected species,” Lucas started to say. “Let me go and…aww hell go ahead and kill me I have nothing to live for. All I have is pain…Just end it…fuck that! I want to live! I love my wife! Damn it let me go!” Lucas eventually just let himself be dragged for over half an hour. He felt his shirt ride up his back and dirt get onto his clothing and skin. But soon enough, the wolf stopped dragging Lucas and walked around him eyeing him up. The animal stopped and looked at Lucas almost as if waiting for him to make a move. “So you want me to give you a reason to attack?” Lucas said.


     The wolf seemed to smile as its muzzle opened slightly showing its fangs. Suddenly the beast started to whimper and moan and before Lucas’s eyes changed shape. It became the form most associated with anthropomorphic wolves and on hands and knees sat before Lucas panting. “Lucas… Surprise!”

     ”A-a-Amy?” Lucas knelt and lifted Amy’s furry face and she licked him across his.

     ”Yes…this is my secret shame…and,” Amy panted. “Also the reason why I thought I could not have sex with you while I am human.” Lucas frowned as a hundred reasons came to mind but an answer came with them.

     ”You are afraid you will hurt me?” Amy whimpered and hugged Lucas.

     ”Yes. Also I don’t honestly feel as horny as I do in this form; when I am human. And since I know I will make a lot of noise in this form. I brought you here. We don’t need the neighbors to hear now do we?”

     “This is such a fantasy of mine. But how did this happen?” Lucas shuddered as Amy ran a claw up his face and then kissed him, worming her long tongue into his mouth.

     ”Mate with me now… You’re my first. But I am honestly ready for this… And maybe you wont get hurt too badly after all…” Lucas pulled off his clothing after standing quickly; and hugged the woman he loved to his body and kissed her while caressing her. Amy snaked a clawed hand down to his privates; and grasped his penis and slowly stroked it. Lucas felt her privates and found them to be wet also. Slowly the two, still embracing, descended to the ground and lay together. “Put it in me please!” Lucas ran his hands over his wife’s furry chest and smiled.

     ”I have waited for this moment for the longest time…I just don’t want to ruin things by cumming too soon.” Lucas rubbed Amy’s clit after finding it in her furry muff and rubbed it hard. Making her shake and moan. “Before you have had some fun yourself. And now that I have you primed…” Lucas pointed his shaft at Amy’s muff and slid easily into his furry love; and moved his hips back and forth. His instincts demanded he enjoy himself enough to orgasm and give her his seed. Amy clawed his back as he brought her to new heights of pleasure. She had never been able to enjoy herself like this alone when she was younger and was finally able to do what she wanted; with the man she wanted. Lucas grunted as he gripped his wife’s furry sides and drove himself home. He felt the beginnings of his orgasm and Amy sensed it.

     ”Go ahead….” Amy managed to grunt before throwing her head back and howling her orgasm. Lucas knew they had both came early but hoped he would have the strength to do it again and again as many times as possible that night as he came and cried out his own passion.

     Amy having halfway recovered bit Lucas on the shoulder hard and smiled as she lapped at his blood that came from her bite. “Why did you do that?”

     ”It’s kinky” Lucas smiled at Amy and lay on his love still breathing hard and wondering if it would be that good every time.


     The next morning found Amy and Lucas at home in bed covered in hair and sweat. Amy had returned to her human state and made love to her husband that way. Much to his surprise she still had the strength she possessed as a werewolf and took control of the situation and made love to him most of the night when he couldn’t muster the strength to continue on his own.


     “So how are you feeling now Lucas?”

     ”Happy very happy, and a little warm.” Lucas said looking at Amy who smiled.

     ”Then the bite I gave you to give you my little ‘shame’ has worked.” Amy said while Lucas looked as if he had figured as much.

     ”Okay so I um,” Lucas began to say.

     ”Can change at will into a wolf? Yes. You should have more stamina; and this way it should be easy to have children. I soooo want a little boy!” Amy said smiling at her husband.

     ”Well when should we know when I can change?” Lucas said as he smiled and sighed.
Lucas then watched as Amy held up his hand. He noticed long nails coming out of the tips of his fingers.

     ”Nice claws you have there” Amy said grinning.

     ”The better to scratch you with my dear!” Lucas hugged Amy and for the rest of the day he made love to his wife and made sure she was happy with him by doing anything she wanted to be done. Up to and including biting her in various places and positions.


The end

End notes: When I originally wrote this. I thought it was crap. Shows what I know. I can be so moody at times. Well I rewrote this bad boy and now am publishing it as apart of a series of stories. Taking place in a town, where the out of ordinary is ordinary. This will be the first story of the Northwestern Park series.


As always email me at Mike_Charger@hotmail.com for a fast response (since I am offline most of the time these days) try sonicmike@juno.com