Working Relations
By Michael Luvar Barnes
Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Darke Katt, Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W. Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner. Michael Taillong, Eric Taillong, Erica Taillong, Evan Taillong, Lorene Taillong, Rachel Maximillion, Alexander Maximillion, Jenni Maximillion, Angela Markson, David Bateson, Michele Fawn, Lara Justain, Jake "Jazz" Phillips, Christina Landry, Cam Manson, Teresa Shadow, Gemini Steel and Ashton Lynch are owned and \xA9 2000, 2001, 2002 to Michael Luvar Barnes. Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. Bryce Landry is copyrighted \xA9 to Bryce Landry. ZigZag, Brandy and Maxwell are copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and are also used with permission. Ertai Maxwell and Roland Bloodthunder are copyrighted to Luke Collins. Their owner Chance Wolfhog copyrights Dartanya Nightblood and Chance Wolfhog. Live "Lively" Wire Katt is copyrighted \xA9 to her player. All characters besides the above appearing in this story unless otherwise stated are copyrighted \xA9 2000, 2001, 2002 to Michael Luvar Barnes.
Cast for Working Relations
The following is a cast list for Working Relations the sequel to Workplace
Relations. This cast list may change or be added onto before the final release
of the first chapter of Working Relations.
Past and Present Studio Employees’
Species/Race: Tiger-Skunk
Occupation: Double Z Studio’s owner.
ZigZag has undergone some changes since meeting Eric Taillong and his brother.
Namely having her body chemistry and DNA altered through viral infection. But
other than that, she remains a friendly person.
Not as friendly as she used to be since she is in a relationship with James
Sheppard. A monogamous relationship filled with love. Recently she has been
holding everyone together and even started a new magazine to take up some of
the new space in the new Double Z Studio’s location. Since Eric’s sister blew
up the first.
Will ZigZag have any interesting adventures? Or will she just remain the
matriarch of the studio. Watching over her friends and workers. Just wait and
Species/Race: Skunk
Occupation: Web designer, artist and controller of fate.
Sabrina is back with an upgrade of sorts. Now having the power to alter events
in history at will. Will Sabrina be tempted to make the Amiga king of the
computer world with her fickle powers? Or will she fight on the side of good or
something like that.
Actually Sabrina for the most part is the same. But now has doubts about her
reasons for working at Double Z. Did she willing want to work there. Or did
some outside force push her into the job?
Live-Wire “Lively” Katt
Species/Race: Feline
Occupation: Sorceress/Actress
Lively still works at Double Z studios, but now has started to experiment with
more powerful forms of magic. May god have mercy on the staff members.
Occupation: Chief of operations
Yea the guy with a mysterious past routed in murder and paid assassinations is still around. He stays at ZigZag’s side even though originally he was sent to kill her. Now having powers like that of Eric. What could possibly go wrong, you might ask? Everything. Currently runs security at the studio. Though it is not exactly necessary seeing as how he has a stock pile of cash sitting around from previous jobs. His age is not really known for sure… But he does have at least a few secrets left.
Species/Race: Domestic Feline
Occupation: N/A
see also “The Taillong Family” section
Eric has been missing since the end of Workplace Relations. His family and
friends know nothing about his whereabouts,
Eric is on Neveran. Angela’s alternate Earth reality home world. Raccoons are
the dominant species due to a previous war that sapped the resources of the
planet. Though the Neveran’s have space flight technology. They will not flee
their homeland for some unknown reason. They seek to restore it by any means.
Eric may just end up dead if he tries to stick his neck out. But he currently
suffers from a case of amnesia. His powers useless to him for the most part,
until he regains his memory if he ever does…
Ertai Maxwell
Species/Race: Red Fox
Occupation: Wizard/Holy warrior/actor
Okay it may be stretching it a bit with that holy warrior bit but Ertai has
knowledge of magic all kinds sealed inside his head. He has a spell for almost
any situation just short of alien invasion. And can be counted on for
wisecracks and his twisted sense of humor.
Species/Race: Red Fox
Occupation: Actor
Roland’s trademark headband is a common sight in all the movies he is in. A
recent addition his contract was reworked so he would be a permanent cast
member at the studio. An outgoing and funny person, Roland has come to
understand and various dilemmas at the studio surrounding the others; and tries
to help when he can.
Secretly married at a young age. He has yet to disclose this to his fellow coworkers. Someday he may disclose he is also a father as well.
Bryce Landry
Species/Race: Red Fox
Occupation: Studio janitorial agent, Actor
Bryce may be paid extra for having to clean up his own
messes. And that of the other actors but it is slowly driving him insane; with
time his fragile fox mind could snap… Just kidding. Bryce may complain about
his extra work. But he doesn’t mind. He knows he is a vital part to the studio
mechanics. And thus he works his ass off (pun intended) to make a living.
The friendly sort, Bryce’s relationship with Michele may be encountering rough
water soon, with the reintroduction of another old flame into his life again.
Christina Landry
Species/Race: Red Fox
Occupation: Actress
Bryce’s sister may appear in the same films as him but never the same scenes. Their relationship is pretty much that of “Don’t talk to me ever because you got a job where I work. And I work in a porn studio!”
Christina has a crush on Chance but never mentions it to him. She just keeps to herself. Unbeknownst to most she has an obsession over Japanese anime and foreign songs. And can speak fluent Japanese. Though do not expect her to speak it in front of anyone she knows. Since her mastery of the language is incomplete because she believes it to be so.
Species/Race: Neveran (Raccoon)
Occupation: Former studio secretary
Angela or Lunicia is now hiding in unspecified woodland.
Along with Darke Katt and Dartanya. She misses her boyfriend Eric who is the
father of her unborn children. She is expecting a multiple live birth. How
many? Not too sure now that she has no access to medical equipment where she
Lunicia is a proud warrior princess. She could outfight and outshoot anyone in
her younger days. Though she is older than Eric. She tends to behave like his
equal rather than superior. Unlike other females of her Race, Lunicia believes
males should be treated fairly and equally. Not like slaves.
Darke Katt
Species/Race: Domestic Feline
Occupation: Former studio janitorial agent
As pissed off as ever. Here comes Darke Katt to do her old
boss ZigZag a favor; taking in Angela and Dartanya as roommates. Darke hopes to
find some reason for her surprising bout of kindness. Hopefully the profanity
level will not jump off the scale with her around.
Darke is actually a very nice person. Her past hidden by her dark yellow-eyed
exterior, only one other knows her deepest secrets, in the mean time she
doesn’t mind company at her house in the middle of nowhere. Just as long as
they help her out in her garden or else there will be hell to pay.
Species/Race: Deer
Occupation: Camera operator
Cameraman filming porn at varying pay pretty funny,
Cameraman having a mean streak priceless, David is not thrilled about Cam
moving in on his turf. She is faster. Doesn’t screw up and seems inhuman. David
is wary of her for some reason but still manages to find time to read and
listen. ZigZag may have to actually confront David about his attitudes towards
Cam. Will he quit? Or stay. That is the ultimate question.
David does not get paid as much as those he films. His emotions are as dead as
a rock when he is filming. He has quality talent but he is starting to show his
age. He worries more about his mother Caroline who is laying in a coma at a
medical facilty. Why not a Nursing home you may ask? That is a secret that will
be kept by David for the rest of his life if he so chooses.
Michele Fawn
Species/Race: Deer
Occupation: Actress
Michele is the pinnacle of rumors and gossip at the studio. If there is
something going on she lets everyone know. Now she is feeling a little rundown
as of late. Hopefully nothing will happen to make her have a nervous breakdown.
Species/Race: Wolf
Occupation: Studio hairdresser and stylist
Lara is David’s girlfriend. Their relationship is very special to them and as of yet. They have not, consummated their love. David feels he should marry Lara first. Lara points out that he is not getting any younger or any less stony. Though they have been known to sneak a few kisses here and there they have not actually said I love you to each other. ZigZag is heard to be formulating a plan to kill two birds with one sniper shot.
Lara is member to a family of Wolves with human ties. Nothing much else is known about her but she is worried that her secret may come out sooner than she wants it to.
Species/Race: Rabbit
Occupation: Musician, Electronics’ professional
Jake is the Bunny man of the studio. He is the reported
energizer bunny of the music industry. That was until he hit a wall that he has
never really been able to climb over since he hit it. Jake prides himself on
his musical talent. Which has been in everything from animes (which he is a big
fan of) to video games. Jake has done it all.
But Jazz’s own professional talent has been put to the test time and time
again. Will he falter? Or regain his previous glory? And what happened to all
the royalty money due to him from his past songs?
Species/Race: Skunk/vampire bat hybrid
Occupation: Actress
Dartanya has broken up with Chance. Chance is the furthest thing from her mind.
She now obsesses over Eric. Almost to the point she wishes she never
volunteered to protect his mate. But deep inside she wants to believe she will
earn a place in his heart or rather bed. She knows Eric loves all his friends.
She just wishes it was deeper. Can Dartanya make her life any more complicated?
And what of her immortality? She cannot make herself age normally like Eric has
set himself to do. All for Angela, let us pray Darty does not try to take her
out of the picture…
Angela and Dartanya are best friends. They are slowly starting to like each
other. But Angela refuses to let her get close to Eric. The stigma that males
are nothing but toys for females is in the back of her mind. Even though
Dartanya loves Eric just as much as she does.
Species/Race: Wolf/Hedgehog hybrid
Occupation: Actor
Chance is the same old hybrid he always has been. Except his
sister concerns him. Even though they are creations of a secret society. They
are just as humane as anyone else. Though Chance is a bad ass. Since his defeat
by Angela’s mother, Chance has been training every free moment. Due to his
powers he has stamina unlike no other. His recent break up with Dartanya came
after they realized. They were comforting each other through sex. Though they
still are friends. Chance has his eyes set on an old flame.
Teresa also known as Shadow was Chance’s girlfriend back home. Where they were
made. Will Chance find love this time around? Or will he be destined to
fighting himself and others on his quest to find out the truth about his
Species/Race Chipmunk
Occupation: Camera operator
The quirky yet sometimes determined second new camera hand
at the studio in recent years. Cam decided to travel the country after loosing
her job at a local television station to another camera operator, who was
sleeping with the boss.
Needless to say the bitter feelings remained about being fired and as such she
is trying to make David quit. Needless to say she has greatly underestimated
Species/Race: Mouse
Occupation: Actress
Spy. That is the job this mouse has, black from head to toe with white hair. She likes to keep her sight set on one Wolfhog who she also has eyes for. Needless to say events surrounding her are just as mysterious as her last name.
Species/Race: North American Bald Eagle
Occupation: Actress
Just as strange as her boyfriend Ashton. This Eagle gal loves her whips, chains and gags. Heed the warning signs when around her. Or else you may end up with things in places you never wanted to be there in the first place.
Species/Race: North American Bald Eagle
Occupation: Actor
Highly intelligent and very kinky. He spends his time when not performing reading poetry and scooping out all the others at the studio. And I do mean all the others.
Species/Race: Clydesdale Mare (horse)
Occupation: Actress
Showed up one day looking for work. With her goody-goody personality and heart of gold. One wonders why she is working at the studio in the first place.
In reality she has young siblings to support. And a daughter living with her ex-boyfriend. Even though she knows he spends the money on drugs and prostitutes she still sends him child support in the hopes that he will give her custody someday.
Sean Hunt
Occupation: Actor
A man of Irish decent, even if he swears his accent is
because he lived in Ireland and is not from there. Sean still has a winning personality
and an anger that can match Chance’s. Though he lacks the strength Chance has.
He can win a contest of will any day.
Sean loves poetry and is known for his strange quotes. He detests the color
green and hates evil people and spirits. Which he can detect. Lively thinks he
is a mixed breed, Sean says he is pure collie.
The Taillong Family
The Taillong family is covered in a different section due to the storyline that is emerging concerning this family. Think soap opera/mafia family/good VS evil before reading further.
Species/Race: Hybrid Feline/Hedgehog
Taillong family ties/ First son born to Evan and Lorene, husband to Krystal
Living comfortably with his wife. Krystal who has taken the last name Taillong now, Michel has yet to learn of what exactly happened to his brother. At times childish and at other’s fearless. Michael is a very courageous person at heart.
Deep down inside he still
Species/Race: ‘Human’
Taillong family ties/ Wife to Michael
Krystal’s story is not that easy to explain. She is a Human
being. Descended from humans who survived the original war that caused the
destruction of the original Human society. Thousands of years later
Civilization is again on the rise to where it once was. But the Humans that did
survive are now capable of assuming animal forms. Such is Krystal’s ability to
change into a Skunk. Though it was revealed that Human and Furry DNA is
identical. Except for cosmetic changes. Krystal’s people still consider
themselves the only ‘real’ humans left. Even though interbreeding has occurred.
She looks very much like Sabrina only her hair is yellow and she doesn’t wear
glasses. Her goal in life is to keep her family safe and to understand her love
Michael more. Maybe someday the whole story about how they came to be together
will be explained better.
Species/Race: Domestic Feline
Taillong family ties/ Second son born to Evan and Lorene,
Eric is Erica’s twin brother. They are identical except for
the fact that Erica is a girl. Just a reversal of the chromosomes that make a
living being gender wise. Eric currently is missing and everyone he knows
wonders what happened to him. His sister however may know everything, including
what happened to her brother and how he is doing.
He may return home soon since his children are due to be born.
Species/Race: Domestic Feline
Taillong family ties/ First daughter born to Evan and Lorene, Second wife to Anthony Maximillion
Erica is the sadistic daughter of Evan and Lorene Taillong.
She is the mirror contrast to her brother in some respects. And is also his
closest friend, and secretly she harbors a deep love for him.
It is said she shares a bond with him, one so close that they may even share
the same soul. Strange concept, but considering she currently lives with a
madman she is married to. No one knows for sure how sane she is or for that
matter how her children will be raised.
Species/Race: Mountain Lion
Taillong family ties/ Father of Michael, Eric and Erica Taillong, husband to Lorene and current family leader
As head of the American Taillong family. Evan has since been
in hiding from various parties. Along with his wife Lorene, he experimented on
his own children to create enhanced life forms. Capable of turning, or
reverting to a powerful human state.
It was all a part of a massive world wide experiment to create super warriors.
It was successful and due to his work. Beings like Chance, Teresa, and his own
children exist.
Species/Race: Domestic Feline
Taillong family ties/ Mother of Michael, Eric and Erica Taillong, wife to Evan and second head of the family
Being the wife of a brilliant man is not easy, but Lorene
covers for herself and her husband well. Feeling guilty for years that she
never wanted her first son Michael. And even went as far as to offer him up for
experiments. Lorene has struggled with inherited mental conditions. And the
ones that cropped up after her betrayal of her children’s trust.
Abandoning your own children to strange authorities is not an easy choice. And
Lorene has and still is paying the price. Her husband Evan however shows no
visible signs of the guilt he has over the whole event.
The Maximillion family
The Maximillion family has ties with every organized crime in the world. And since porn is sometimes considered a crime to even look at, own, or even buy, in some areas. Some funding has gone into a studio owned by Anthony called One X. Since that is his underworld name. A counter balance to the good the Taillong family offers. Think soap opera/evil VS good. When reading below.
Species/Race: Lion
Maximillion family ties/ Mother of Alexander and Jenni, First wife to Anthony Maximillion
Rachel loves, hates, and fears her husband Anthony. He is a
true psychotic evil man, yet she remains by his side and would even brave hell
for him. She is the only one that knows what has happened between Anthony,
herself, his brother and the Taillong brothers over the previous years.
Her two children Alexander and his sister Jenni. Obey her yet she fears her son
may be killed by his father because of his ambition. She also harbors some
resentment for Anthony’s second wife. Even if having more than one wife is
Species/Race: Hedgehog
Maximillion family ties/ Father and head of household, husband to Rachel and Erica
Rival studio owner, evil asshole, many names point to this
man. Former military security expert and orphan. Anthony sought revenge against
his father, and ended up with an even greater unknown enemy.
Yet his pet peeve is the twin brother of his second younger wife Erica. Anthony
is a GAA or genetically altered assassin. His hidden powers are much greater
than one would suspect. And as such he has a firm grip on the underworld as its
leading boss figure.
Legitimate, illegal, it is all just business to him.
Species/Race: Lion/Hedgehog hybrid
Maximillion family ties/ First son of Rachel and Anthony, stepson to Erica
Ambitious son of Anthony, wants to murder his father and
take over. Harbors a resentment for his second mother. The reasons behind it
are not clear. However was recently along with his sister living in a secluded
mansion estate in Rome.
Fluent in over twenty languages, he is like his father a GAA. But he is one by
birth, he has yet to use his powers however.
Species/Race: Hedgehog/Lion hybrid
Maximillion family ties/ First daughter of Rachel and Anthony, stepdaughter to Erica
Jenni is the happy, evil little child of Anthony. He is very proud of her sharp intelligence and cute ways. Jenni however has predominantly hedgehog features than her older brother. Many things are expected from this little girl as the years go on.
Misc. Characters
Species/Race: Fox
Occupation: Currently looking for work
Chris is Sabrina’s boyfriend and best male friend. They have many things in common and love to be together. He has an apartment in the city, but mostly stays at Sabrina’s living off the residuals of his last job. Which was lost due to government crackdowns on crooked businesses. Leaving him an innocent victim in the whole mess.
Species/Race: Skunk
Occupation: Young witch
Tabitha is Sabrina’s younger sister and a young witch. While Sabrina is more of
a person imbued with a single power. A very powerful power at that. Tabitha is
a young witch, like Live-Wire she can cut loose with magical abilities once she
is trained properly.
Karn, or Mr. Fluffy is Tabitha’s familiar or magical assistant and friend.
While Karn is actually far older than Tabitha. And has a humanoid feline form
of any apparent age from young to old. He acts as Tabitha’s pet cat and best
friend all in one. And mentor to some extent.
He has a wide arrangement of powers, and is sort of like the Ryo-Oki of this
story. With Tabitha acting as Magical Pretty Girl Sasami… That is as close to
an anime comparison as I can make when describing these two.
What does the future hold for this new main character? You will just have to
wait and see.
Note: When the word Human appears singled out. It only means that the Humans appearing in my story are purely human anymore. Read the previous series and see for yourself how twisted the previous plot was when concerning them. Hidden cities. Epoch journeys. Yes I will enjoy writing this. And I hope you enjoy the updated cast list design.
Michael Luvar Barnes