Working Relations

By Michael Luvar Barnes



Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Darke Katt, Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W. Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner. Michael Taillong, Eric Taillong, Erica Taillong, Evan Taillong, Lorene Taillong, Rachel Maximillion, Alexander Maximillion, Jenni Maximillion, Angela Markson, David Bateson, Michele Fawn, Lara Justain, Jake "Jazz" Phillips, Christina Landry, Cam Manson, Teresa Shadow, Ashley Steel and Ashton Lynch are owned and \xA9 2000, 2001, 2002 to Michael Luvar Barnes. Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. Bryce Landry is copyrighted \xA9 to Bryce Landry. ZigZag, Brandy and Maxwell are copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and are also used with permission. Ertai Maxwell and Roland Bloodthunder are copyrighted to Luke Collins. Their owner Chance Wolfhog copyrights Dartanya Nightblood and Chance Wolfhog. Live "Lively" Wire Katt is copyrighted \xA9 to her player. All characters besides the above appearing in this story unless otherwise stated are copyrighted \xA9 2000, 2001, 2002 to Michael Luvar Barnes.


This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina Online comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story. Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of fiction and I in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead (without permission) is just a coincidence.



Chapter 2


     David sat with Lara at a drive in movie theater located just outside of the city. He had been putting off that date for a long time because of his own insecurities with his age and Lara’s age. Things were already strange enough with the stares they were getting in public because he was a herbivore and she mostly ate meat. Some may have thought it was the perfect set up to end in tragedy but David did not think that way and never did let his thoughts drift onto that path.

     “Dollar for your thoughts?” Lara smiled glancing at David’s stern face.

     “Isn’t that saying supposed to go something like “Penny for your thoughts?” Lara?” David asked while keeping his eyes locked on the movie playing on the giant screen.

     “Yes but I was hoping to get you talking about anything, you feeling alright? You actually smiled a little.” Lara teased.

     David nodded slightly. “Yes,” David smiled. “I am happy with you and I just hope nothing happens to change our lives.” David took the wolf’s hand in his own and smiled.

     “I would like this moment to never end but, the movie is over. I didn’t get much out of it other than the romance, what about you tall, silent, and sweet?” Lara said.

     “I enjoyed it for something based off of a book. It has potential to become a good movie trilogy.” David said as he started his car after removing the speaker attached to his window.

     Lara sighed. “David what did you talk to ZigZag about the other day when you two stepped off alone?” Lara smiled in a predatory way showing she had no intention of giving up this line of questioning without a suitable answer.

     “I talked to her about why we have not been intimate and she offered up a list of suggestions as to how that can change. I also have issues about myself and I feel pathetic for being that way.” David admitted as he put the van into gear and pulled off.

     “David I have not been pressuring you have I? I heard about what happened between Eric and Angela and I just thought that being forward at all would chase you into another novel.” Lara glanced at the stack in the back seat most with receipt’s still stuck in the covers.

     “I read to escape reality yes. But you have not been pressuring me at all, I thought I would be pressuring you by saying anything about it.” David said glancing at Lara as he said you.

     “What is wrong then besides what you have told me?” Lara asked. “Can’t you just behave like a normal guy for once? Just give into your instincts.” Lara suggested.

     “My instincts are as follow when I am around you. I want to run. I want to run till my legs ache. My mind says otherwise, I want to be closer to you. I think I will take ZZ up on one of her suggestions.” David said as he pulled onto the interstate.

     “And what is that? Nothing too strange I hope?” Lara said.

     “Nothing like that. She said something surprising, something about therapy and that she knows someone very good. I think she has used this person before but for what, I don’t know.” David said darkly leaving little as to wonder what he was talking about.

     Lara frowned also and thought about something happy to throw her back into a contented mood. “David before we spend money out of our pockets. Why don’t we just try something I have in mind instead just once?” Lara grinned seductively at David as she said her words softly.

     David started sweating. “Okay, I agree.” David said nothing else as he tried to keep his fear filled thoughts out of his head as to what she could have planned. She was a wolf after all.




     The next day was the day Cam was scheduled to show her stuff. And David had a battle plan. “Okay, we need to distinguish this girl. Really get a feel for her.” David said while Bryce and Michele stood with him chatting. “If she doesn’t have what it takes, then I am off to see my mother Caroline as soon as she bungles the filming job. Got it you two?”

     ”But should we use one of ZZ’s cursed scripts to test this woman with?” Bryce asked a little timidly.


     ”Hell yes! I want to have some fun for once!” Michele said giggling.

     David nodded. “Yes this will determine if she can handle this job or not.”


     Sabrina listened in outside of Studio A and shook her head and looked at Lara who waited outside with her.

     ”Sabby that girl is in for something isn’t she?” Lara said frowning. “I cannot believe David is taking his frustrations out on a new studio member. I say that cause ZigZag is going to hire her. She did hire Teresa and she is pretty vicious on screen, and off, from what I hear.”


     Lara like Sabrina avoided the actual filming and only dealt with the others on a less personal level. A level that involved talking to them with their clothing on.


     Sabrina looked at the wolf with a serious expression. ”Have you ever seen a building implode?”

     ”Yes.” Lara said.

     ”It is like that only you’re inside it exploding.” Sabrina replied.

     ”Ouch.” Lara smiled. “Is it that bad?”


     “Of course I am only guessing. I have yet to actually see an adult movie. In fact I have only read bits and pieces of the scripts. So I have a general idea of what is going to happen so I can draw it for the covers on occasion.” Sabrina said with pride in her voice.

     Lara nodded. “Yes but you are not sure what is going to happen.”

     ”Oh I am sure,” Sabrina said pushing her glasses up on her face. “Cam is going to either show David some talent or fall on her face.”

     Lara shuddered. “In that room that is something you do not want to do.” She said while pointing at the closed studio doors. “Fall on your face that is.” Lara giggled.

     “Something Eric would have done and has done repeatedly while cleaning. How do you think Teresa is handling that position since it is her turn this week?” Sabrina asked.

     “Better than you would have,” Lara smiled. “Of course you’re getting special treatment from ZigZag so you don’t have to do that. I wonder why?” Lara said while walking away.

     “HEY! It is not my fault my butt looks cute to that woman!” Sabrina yelled after her coworker. “I actually said that out loud? Sheesh.” Sabrina slapped her forehead. “I hope no one else heard that.” Sabrina muttered.

      ”I did.” Chance said walking by with a smirk on his face.


     “You don’t count because with your “hearing” you can heat a pin drop on the other side of town!” Sabrina said walking away with her head held high.

     “Not yet anyway.” Chance smiled. “Take care Sabrina.” Chance continued on and vanished into the hallway leading to the front of the building.

     ”Did he just say something nice?” Christina said stopping as she passed Sabrina. “And to you of all people.”

     ”Jealous?” Sabrina regretted saying it as soon as it came out.

     ”…I have to get ready, packing and all, for a photo shoot at a modeling agency. ZigZag set up the whole thing. I am flying out tonight and well I will miss ya guys for a while. Just make sure my brother takes care of himself for me while I am gone will you?” Christina smiled at Sabrina with forgiving eyes.

     ”Okay!” Sabrina nodded. “Sorry about what I said Christina.”

     ”It is okay, I know he doesn’t want me, at least as long as I am a normal woman.” Christina swished her tail as he went on her way.



     Cam arrived in front of Double Z Studios and looked at the bright sun as it sat behind the sign that sat on top of the building. “Okay I can do this. I can do this little interview and that will be that.” Cam groaned as she realized that if she got the job she would probably crack under the pressure. “But it is not smut, it is an art form. Yea that is how I can handle this.”


     Cam reached out and opened the front doors. Once inside ZigZag, with James acting as security, greeted Cam.


     “Hello I am ZigZag!” She said with a smile.


     Flashing her smile, ZigZag made Cam look visibly uneasy. So she turned to James who looked mildly agitated about something as he looked at Cam sizing her up.


     “Uh hello ma’am.” Cam said offering her hand.

     ”Just call me ZigZag.” ZigZag said grinning taking Cam’s hand and crushing it in her strong grip.

     ”Okay,” Cam grunted as her hand was finally released. The look on her face caused ZigZag to smile even more if it was possible. Cam looked at James who greeted her.

     ”Welcome. Would you mind coming through the metal detector.” James said. He was not asking Cam he was telling her. It was the way his eyes pierced Cam’s soul that showed he was dead serious emphasis on the word dead.

     ”HUH?” Cam said startled by the way James acted. “What is this all about? This is just a film studio right?” Cam asked.

     ”The original studio was bombed. We have procedures now, which prevent certain…troubles.” James said pausing before he said an explicative, which would have been inappropriate.


     James still held a lot of hate for any who would try to hurt ZigZag. Including himself, because originally he was sent to kill her. Now he loved her with all his heart, and the mere thought of her in his arms at the end of the day; made his heart soar and his protective nature even fiercer.


     “Currently we are implementing the new safety measures with possible new crew members and guests.” James explained. “So you see we have to scan your things and send you through the metal detector.” James looked at Christina who stood off to the side in her uniform. It was a one-piece dress that was half black and half white; it flowed down to her knees and matched the pumps she wore. On her chest over her heart was a patch with her name and the studio logo. “Then Christina here will hand wand you if you alarm. Most fur’s do for some reason.” James then looked at Bryce. “Bryce here will run the metal detector equipment. If you alarm he will then have his sister scan you.”

     Bryce as per orders stood next to the detector and when Cam stepped through he tapped it slightly and caused it to alarm. Cam looked shocked and a little afraid. ZigZag took note of the fact that most fur’s felt guilty after alarming even if they did not have any ill will towards anyone else. They just did not want to be accused of anything it seemed.


     “Come over here please!” Christina said smiling.

     ”Wow a lot of foxes I see.” Cam said looking down the hall at Ertai and Roland.


     They stood together waiting for their “leader” Bryce. Known as the idiot trio they hung out with each other and usually Christina tagged along becoming an unofficial fourth member.


     ”Yes I work here with my brother; Bryce.” Christina said smiling. “Like Las Vegas, this is a family business.” She said jokingly.


     Bryce noticed Cam’s blushing. ”Not that kind of family business.” Bryce said while he chided his sister with a look. “Christina scares me too much for me actually have thoughts…of the inappropriate kind. No matter what kind of reputation foxes have for being yiffy,” Bryce said while watching his sister move the metal detection wand over Cam’s curves. “My sis is just so damn bitchy for me to do anything with her. Sides I love Michele and that is that.”


     “Damn right,” Michele said while grabbing the small fox from behind. “He is mine he, he, heh.”


     Christina shot Bryce an evil look as Michele carried him away. Finding nothing that could have set off the metal detector Christina spoke softly to Cam. “Your clear.” She said smiling.


     “Uh…thanks I guess,” Cam blinked as James handed her purse back to her. “I just did not think that there would be such stringent security here.” Cam said as she watched Ertai and Roland move towards the metal detector.


     Ertai and Roland pushed a cart and sat the metal detector onto it before rolling it away.

     ZigZag came over and smiled. She was doing a lot of smiling she thought. But it was funny that she was actually having fun again at work since so much sadness had occurred previously. “Since Eric had vanished, I thought I would not be my old self for a long time.” ZigZag said silently. Taking hold of Cam by the shoulders, ZigZag maneuvered Cam over towards the hall leading to her office. “Since you are not trying out for a actress position. No blood test is required officially. But we still will need a blood sample for other reasons.” ZigZag flashed her smile. “Follow me please.”


     “Why do you need blood then?” Cam asked in a curious voice. Very reminiscent of a younger Sabrina who had her start at the studio also under “strange” circumstances.

     ”For other reasons.” ZigZag said trying to not scare Cam off. Even though she did have the last name of a very well known mass murderer.


     Cam followed ZigZag while asking. “Um what other reasons?”

      ”Insurance reasons. Do not worry things will not get worse Cam.” ZigZag said reassuringly.



     ”Insurance form B covers internal injuries. Insurance form C covers any and everything else. And organ transplants are covered by form D.” ZigZag was going over the insurance forms with Cam. “Oh and do not forget to fill them all out.” ZigZag advised Cam as she handed forms A to D over to her.


     Cam gawked at the forms before her. ”Is this job THAT dangerous?” Cam asked with apprehension in her voice.


     ZigZag laid it out to Cam truthfully. ”Yes sometimes but these forms are outdated somewhat. We should also cover detached limbs but…ah yes,” ZigZag picked up form A and read over it. “Form A clause 12 covers that.” ZigZag said as she glanced at Cam.


     Cam started to sweat. ”Um maybe I should go….” Cam said as she stood up.


     ZigZag stood up from behind her desk and stopped Cam with words. ”Why? Is it the setting and how things seem strange?” She asked.

     ”That and the fact I may loose a kidney!” The chipmunk looked genuinely concerned. But Cam also knew she needed the money. So taking a deep breath Cam continued speaking. “And also I don’t know how long I can stay with the job….” She admitted as she looked down at the carpeting. “Nice carpet,” Cam thought. “Oh great now I am thinking about the carpet when I should be thinking about my future. I am so pathetic.” Cam thought feeling miserable.

     ”If it is an issue of personal safety woe,” ZigZag said while smiling. “Do not worry. James is highly skilled at anti terrorist tactics. Teresa the mouse you saw in the front break room is also of a military background like James. And on top of that I can bench press over 1200 pounds.” ZigZag had to smile with pride as she said that she could lift over a thousand pounds. It was true. While she was muscular, most thought she had normal strength. But in reality she was infected with a little microscopic organism that altered her body’s chemistry; allowing her some super powers, if you could call them that.


     Cam saw one of ZigZag’s arms tighten and flex as she said those words with that same smile on her face. Cam stopped staring at the limb, and said. “Whoa…so um…this is weird…I thought ex military types went for security jobs?” Cam asked. Then it hit her. James was doing security. “But what about Teresa?” Cam asked. “If she has some military background, which is amazing considering how young she looks, why is she here?”

     ”She’s an actress.” ZigZag said. Sitting down she relaxed again. “Well tell me now if you want to finish off the health insurance forms or not. Our main cameraperson David is the oldest one here but you couldn’t tell just by looking. He could cover easily if you come to a decision not do this. But we have needed another professional for a while. Having to shoot multiple times to cover all the angles is tiring,” ZigZag said. “On David at least.” ZigZag added as an afterthought. “I was thinking about implementing a remote camera system for him to use…but hiring living people works just as well.

     Cam had to ask. “What about the actors? Do you have enough?” Cam asked. “Are you also hiring other new people? I know this may sound silly. But I hate being the only new person at a place…like this.”

     ”I know how it is.” ZigZag said sympathetically. “In fact I got into the biz with a few friends years ago. Since then I have matured and learned some tact.”

     Bryce burst into the office suddenly. He looked like he was exhausted. “There is a problem! Michele keeps jumping me before our scene and I am dying ZZ! I am dying!” Bryce said while looking panicked. “She is killing me slowly and painfully!”

     ”There you are!” A female voice said as it came up behind Bryce and grabbed hold of him. Michele stuck her head in and smiled. “Oh hi ZigZag.” Turning her attention to her boyfriend. Michele began to tug on his arm. “Now you are mine little foxy!” Michele said with a domineering laugh.

     ”No please! No more! Let me get some fluids into me! Oh gawd help me ZZ!” Bryce clawed at ZigZag’s doorframe as Michele pulled on him. “You’re supposed to be a vegetarian for the love of mike!” He exclaimed to his girlfriend.

     ”I like my deli meats!” Michele exclaimed as she pulled on Bryce.

     Cam just stared at the whole scene. In the end Bryce let go and was carried off to a back room. “Um…is he going to be okay?”

     ”Remember we have a high fox percentage.” ZigZag giggled as she said this and Cam had to laugh also. “So if he is not we can replace him.” ZigZag said with a wink. “Aw don’t worry. Bryce bounces back easily with a few healing spells from Lively.”

     ”Ah…I see.” Cam said not believing ZigZag mentioned magic. But maybe one of the forms mentioned its use in this industry, somewhere. “So I guess I can do this. No I can do this.” Cam thought to herself. “Okay ZigZag. I want to join your team!” Cam started to read the forms in detail. After a while it made sense. Only one of the forms was real. The rest were scare tactics Cam realized. “But why would someone make fake forms? What kind of hiring policy does Double Z Studio’s, have?” Cam thought. Then she figured it out. “They only want those who are capable of laughing at themselves.” Cam thought as she signed all the forms after reading them and smiling herself while thinking how impossible all the stuff written on them had to be. “They also cover accidental infection by a biological agent also? That has to be a joke!” Cam thought. Never believing once that the forms contained nothing but truth.

     Eric had written them up before he left. After that he dumped some money into ZigZag’s lap to invest in companies that were sure winners. He wanted her to pay off all her debts and somehow profits had steadily increased since he had started working for her. Now they had leveled out and with him out of the picture ZigZag had to find a new means of brining in the cash and investments sounded good so she went along with Eric’s plan.


     ZigZag waited while Cam looked over the forms carefully again. “What is it? You signed them already with your real name right?” ZigZag asked. Because of what Jake had done.


     Jake had filled out all the forms with the name “Jazz Phillips” because he was recognized in the music industry under that name. Later on she found out what he had done. And made him fill out new forms to be submitted to the only insurance firm that would cover the studio. Which was incidentally owned by one of the rabbit’s relatives who had taken Eric’s insurance forms as some of the available types of insurance. Jake’s brother was world famous for having the most unusual things covered by his company. And so since strange things starting happening to those in, and to, the studio itself. His type of insurance was practical.


     “Yes I did. What do I do now?” Cam asked ZigZag as she collected the forms and placed them in a folder which she laid in a bin marked “out” that sat on her desk.

     ”You have to show us what you’re made of. Your creditably is good but. You only worked for a local news station back home. You have field experience, which is good. Since we sometimes film outside. But…are you ready to actually shoot a scene?” ZigZag asked Cam while looking at her sincerely hoping she would not chicken out.

     ”No.” Cam said in a soft voice.


     ZigZag wasn’t surprised by Cam’s answer. So she figured some encouragement would do the girl good. ”Come on girl. You can do this!” She said smiling and unconsciously flexing her shoulder muscles. With her new strength came precise muscle control that one would not go into detail about.


     Cam gulped. And thought to herself. ”I can do this, I need the money. Besides ZigZag is kind of nice.”

     ”Why thank you!” ZigZag said giggling. “That is very kind of you to say. Why my own boyfriend has not complemented me in as many hours.” ZigZag said knowing James would hear her.

     ”Sorry my love,” James said as he was suddenly by ZigZag’s side. “Have I told you how much I love your kind attitude towards others?” James said half jokingly as he took ZigZag’s hands in his.

     Cam blinked in shock. “How did he get in here that fast?” She said before she slapped her forehead as she added. ”Oh and sorry about the complement/silent thought. I sometimes think out loud when nervous.”


     ZigZag giggled again and stood up and opened the door for Cam wrenching it off its hinges for the second time that week. ”Oops! Please James, call for Jazz.” ZigZag said.

     James acknowledged ZigZag’s request. “Jazz.” He yelled. “ZigZag’s door needs fixing!”


     Jazz dressed in Eric’s jumpsuit appeared out of nowhere with a tool kit. “Thanks Jake.” ZigZag said as she let go of the door handle.

     ”Don’t mention it.” Jake said as he got to work on the door while under James management.


     ZigZag pushed Cam away from the agitated Bunny. “James see to it that Jazz is compensated for his extra job as handy man. Also tell Teresa to be prepared”

     ”What is his real job here then?” Cam asked her eyes showing curiosity and some of her innocence.

     ZigZag walked along side Cam towards Studio A. ”He does our musical composition. A feline by the name of Eric used to hold the position he is doing. He did some of the remodeling around here. And installed our T-1 lines for live web casts.”

     ”Did he quit?” Cam asked.


     ZigZag did not answer and the rest of the walk to studio A was done in silence. Besides it was a very short walk.

     ”Here we are!” ZigZag pushed open the door and then closed it behind Cam after sending her in. There was a single area that was clear as to where the shooting would take place. It looked like a scene stolen from a harem. Pillows were piled all over the place. Silk seemed to be the material the sheets were made of along with various draped cloth hanging from the ceiling.


     David standing up walked over from the director’s chair and handed Cam a script. ”Read over it and then feel out the scene.”

     ”Excuse me?” Cam said confused.

     ”I want you to use your better judgment. Just wait for the actors to arrive. Until then read the script, it should layout how things are to be shot. The parts in red are key for close ups. Unless I say something during this “test”, follow the script and do not be afraid. Just do the job.” David said with a solid look of distaste on his face. He was hoping he made it clear to Cam with the look that he did not like her.

     ”Yes I will do the job.” Cam said while gaining impertinence in her voice. She wanted to make it clear that she was not a pushover.

     David noticed and silently accepted her challenge for control. ”Excellent.” David looked over a copy of the script himself as he spoke. Even though his expression was stony he did turn a few shades of green. “Also be warned…ZigZag wrote this script. If you have ever seen a mature film done by ZigZag then you should have an idea of what to expect.”

     “Well I have actually.” Cam admitted while remembering the previous night. She had rented a few tapes produced by ZigZag before she had stopped acting in her studio’s films. She was lucky most are always rented out, the video store clerk told her, so with her loot Cam went to her hotel room and watched them. She was interested in them purely to see what she would have to watch being done. She hoped to learn how to force herself to relax and do her job. “Filming with these other’s around including the actors may prove to be a problem.” Cam thought.

     Bryce dressed in Arabic clothing came into the studio and sat down on the pillows. “Okay I am ready for this…I know my lines I know what to do and when to…but why am I so damn scared?” Bryce asked. “And is this clothing the right clothing for a harem set up? Is this movie accurate within ninety nine point nine percent, to match any historical records known to exist on harems?”

     David calmly answered Bryce while still looking the script over. “Good questions Bryce but no time for answers.” David said without an ounce of pity in his voice for the younger man. “Just be grateful Michele is the one who gets to dance. But the lord knows that woman has no groove.”

     A hair spray bottle impaled itself on David’s rack. An oily mist appeared as the buck turned to find Michele standing behind him pissed.


     The female deer walked over to him and glared. “Aw shut up you dirty old man.”

     David flinched barely at the comment. “Whatever.” He said as he pulled the can off his antler. He had to admit it though. Michele was strong for her age. She was the second oldest at the studio. But acted like a teenager at times. David faced the younger chipmunk that seemed to be studying the script. “Cam get ready.” David said to her.


     “Hello my name is Cam.” Cam said taking Michele’s offered hand in hers.

     ”She passes the first test.” Michele thought. “Hi my name is Michele and that is Bryce my boyfriend. We work together onscreen and off screen.” Michele said.

     Normally people would avoid touching known adult movie stars. But since Cam had done so freely. Either she was absentminded, or she just did not give a damn. Either was good. Because Michele liked people she could get along with.


     “Oh…that is nice.” Cam said blushing.

     ”Oh not another Sabrina! Come on relax and just get behind a camera. Oh and I am Bryce as you already know. My friends like to call me foxy.” Bryce said.

     Michele glared at Bryce. “I am the only one who calls you that! Are we just friends?” Michele said in an angry voice.

     ”Um no. I was joking.” Bryce just got into position on a large pillow and smiled. “Cam um don’t worry things will work out. David is a good director/cameraperson.”


     “Okay time to show them what I got.” Cam thought as she stood behind one of the camera’s set up. Pulling her lucky filming hat out of a pocket she had it stuffed into on her khakis. Cam pulled it on and pulled her hair back behind her shoulders. Cam noticed how Michele had no hair other than her fur. It was not uncommon for some furs to have hair and others not to. Cam wondered why it was like that. But the simplest answer was some furries were more animalistic than their human origins.

     Humans had hair. Animals did not. And when genes got all mixed up during the incident that occurred thousands of years ago. It was assured that some people or rather furs. Would look more like a human being than they would have thought so. According to the bible as it existed in that time. God created all in his image. That was one of the main excuses used to explain how all species could interbreed. If it was not explored fully, the truth was they (furries) all originated with ordinary humanity eons ago.


      “Scene one take one and action!” David said smoothly after sitting down.



     Jake and James looked over the footage Cam shot in the editing room of the studio. Jake was busy with mopping up the mess in Studio A previously but now he was back doing what he loved.


     “It looks okay.” Jake said. “Now for some music, some editing and we are done! Oh and Sabby update the site. I am sure we can make this a purely net release for our gold card club members.”


     “Yea I will remember to do that.” Sabrina took notes from outside the editing room.

     Teresa wandered into the hallway with her favorite evening coat on. “What is that gold card club all about?” She asked Sabrina.

     Sabrina filled in another page with notes before answering. “It is for those who have a really fast connection and who are willing to pay a monthly fee to see exclusive content. Usually we wait a while before sending anything shown on the net to video. But the footage Cam took probably is worth a few raises or at least extra signing bonuses for the new hires when ZZ finishes hiring them. If she plans on hiring any more people. We seem to have some decent new folks around. Including you.” Sabrina smiled.

     ”Oh well I am ready to go anytime you are.” Lively came up behind Teresa.

     “Where are you two going dressed like that?” Sabrina asked.

     ”She’s taking me house hunting. Hmm I wonder if I can get a place uptown?” Teresa said as she spotted Cam walking out of the break room with a check.

     Cam smiled at the piece of paper while thinking. “Wow these guys may be strange but I am sure I can get along with them well enough. Besides Ertai is a hottie and I just made more than I could have made in a month. Hmm maybe the danger is worth it. Of course I should ask if ZigZag was joking or not about that blood sample talk.” Cam wondered as she looked at the bandage on her arm.

     ”Wow I thought so myself for the longest time but no one actually said it!” Ertai said while winking at Cam who blushed. “You seem to speak out loud when excited. Hmm I know I could have some….”

      Lara punched Ertai in the shoulder. “Stop that! Don’t make us initiate the “Sabrina clause”!”

     ”I’ll be good.” Ertai said in a fake whimper.

     “Looks like this place is getting crowded. And if you don’t need me I will be going Jake.” Sabrina said putting away her notepad.

     “Okay see ya, remember what I said about the cover for this tape. But run it by ZigZag first for me will ya?” Jake asked as he continued reviewing the footage. “Bryce should be dead, how can he do that again, and again, and…you get the idea James.”

     “I don’t know talk to him about it.” James said gruffly. “I should be watching the front but since we did lock the doors everything should be okay with Christina pulling secretary duty this week.”


     Jazz smiled. “I have been meaning to ask. What is the Sabrina clause?”

     ”Hmm you must have fell asleep during our last meeting. Well it was added to all our contracts when we renewed them. It states that if anyone makes unwanted advances on a fellow actor or coworker while on the premises. We have the right to cut their pay for a set number of films or horse whip them.” James said with a blank look on his face. “And I think your right, Bryce should be dead after that one move.”

     James and Jazz moved their head’s first to the right then to the left as they watched the monitors.

     ”Must be the yoga he does.” Jake offered as he wiped the fog from his shades.




     David sat in the middle of the wilderness behind his home waiting for Lara to start the evening’s activities. He was dressed in old clothing as she had suggested and he was expecting something wild to happen. “Oh man, I am too old to be felling this way. I am better than this.” David was commenting to himself about his emotions going out of control. Something was in the air that was making him antsy and he could not quite tell what it was.


     “You are not too old, and I intend to make you feel young just like you look.” Lara said appearing from the shadows in front of David. Her eyes glowed in the moonlight.

     “You!” David said as he realized who was originating the smell. “Sheesh are you…in heat?” David said in a low voice.

     “Forced heat, something I researched. Now run.” Lara laughed. “Go on run, trust me.”


     David sat on the ground for a bit longer before standing and bolting. His hoofed feet catapulting him around trees faster than he had ever done in his life. Finally when he thought he had made good leeway into the woods he stopped and was pounced on from behind.




     Three figures stood in the recesses of darkness near Double Z Studio’s watching and talking amongst themselves.

     ”Eric is dead.” Shadow two said. “As far as our plans are concerned that is. He lives but where is out of our reach. Unless you propose we save our grandchild?”

     ”No, let him…endure he will come back I have no fear except that he will go insane from the power…should we have tampered with life so long ago? I wonder…just how far should we have gone in trying to save humanity with our belief that once people could not suffer they would want. No seek peace for eternity?” Shadow three paused. “Humans seek suffering, but why?”


     "It is not fair, but why do they? Why do people have to suffer?" The first shadowy figure said agreeing.


     "Chaos, pure and simple and unless someone comes along that can clearly defy nature itself. Chaos will reign supreme. And that place, right there is the center of a hell storm that will consume all. You know how life defines a person right?" The second shadow asked.


     "Yes I do. Through experiences and living a person shapes the world around them to suit their selfish needs." Shadow three stated with an indifferent voice.


     "So tell me, is it wrong for us to shape the world as we see fit time and time again? Using our own children as simple tools generation after..." Shadow one stopped as someone approached his and his companion’s positions in the shadows.


     "Hello?" Teresa said sniffing. "Strange, I don't sense them anymore...I will have to put this in my report." Teresa saw three falcon's sitting on the studio rooftop and shook her head. "Damn wildlife is even drawn to this place..." She muttered entering the studio.


     "Well?" Shadow two asked Shadow one.


     "Hmm, I guess we still need to manipulate the world a little longer. And also it is time to use the fox. Ertai should have no problem handling what is going to happen.... His own libido should prove an interesting weakness to be exploited indeed."


End of Chapter two


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