Working Relations

By Michael Luvar Barnes



Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Darke Katt, Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W. Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner. Michael Taillong, Eric Taillong, Erica Taillong, Evan Taillong, Lorene Taillong, Rachel Maximillion, Alexander Maximillion, Jenni Maximillion, Angela Markson, David Bateson, Michele Fawn, Lara Justain, Jake "Jazz" Phillips, Christina Landry, Cam Manson, Teresa Shadow, Ashley Steel and Ashton Lynch are owned and \xA9 2000, 2001, 2002 to Michael Luvar Barnes. Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. Bryce Landry is copyrighted \xA9 to Bryce Landry. ZigZag, Brandy and Maxwell are copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and are also used with permission. Ertai Maxwell and Roland Bloodthunder are copyrighted to Luke Collins. Their owner Chance Wolfhog copyrights Dartanya Nightblood and Chance Wolfhog. Live "Lively" Wire Katt is copyrighted \xA9 to her player. All characters besides the above appearing in this story unless otherwise stated are copyrighted \xA9 2000, 2001, 2002 to Michael Luvar Barnes.


This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina Online comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story. Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of fiction and I in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead (without permission) is just a coincidence.


Chapter Four


     Before him two fleeting shadows vanished heading into opposite directions. Lifting his blades he took off after them.

     ”This is Voltage, I am heading into the sewer access point at Section B.” Voltage muttered into his communicator’s microphone which was embedded into a strip of black tape he had along his chin on both sides. Along with two other strips that were on his forehead vertically. They made up his ‘war paint’ and also served to hide sensors.

     ”Telemetry is good. We have locked onto the two targets moving away from Chance. They are the target humans sir.” A red headed chinchilla said while keeping her eyes on the screen in front of her.

     ”Order Voltage to take them out. And recover their bodies.” A man with a glowing green mechanical eye said. “He owes us something for his freedom.”

     Voltage leapt over a knocked over stone pillar and sped along after his prey. Speeding up he moved with lightning speed and grace and leapt in front of his target and shoved both of his swords through body armor and bone. Pulling his swords free Voltage paused for a moment as his target fell back gasping its last breaths.

     ”Please…spare my daughter.” The human female said as her blood ran freely all over the stone of the sewer passageway.

     Voltage carefully removed the damaged and bloody armor from the body and bandaged it for transport. He would not seek the other human that day. For any reason other than he could not stand to dishonor a dying person’s wish.


     “Voltage here, target one acquired. Target two is nowhere to be seen. Police presence detected approaching my location.” Voltage said using his electrical powers to home in on police radio frequencies in the area and listen in.

     The mission equipment manager, the same chinchilla as before, confirmed Voltage’s message.


     “Yes the police have been alerted of his presence. And are entering the sewers to investigate. The human’s child must have changed into her hybrid form on the run and found help with some purebloods.”

     ”Indeed, Chance come home with your catch.” The green eyed man said smiling revealing his fangs. His dark furry features hidden by the shadows.



     Voltage hefted the body over his shoulder after putting his swords away and took off running.

     At that moment Chance opened his eyes breathing hard. More shameful memories of his previous jobs for the people who made him as he was.

     A killing machine.

     Now a sex machine owned, contractually, by none other than ZigZag. It left a bitter taste in his mouth, that his cover for now would be that of a pornography star.


     “And since when have I ever been involved in stories about prostitutes?” Chance smirked at his weak joke based on the definition of the word. “Oh yea, last week’s film with Christina and Lively. Ouch.” Chance said remembering Lively’s shocking portrayal.

     Slipping out of bed Chance wandered over to his bathroom. Not bothering to turn on the light, he looked at himself in the mirror. All sorts of bitter feelings swirled through his mind as he stood before it. In his bed lay Teresa, who was laying awake waiting for him to return.


     “Why don’t you try sleeping without me being there? Or better yet, go home?” Chance said in the darkness in his usual cold tone.

     ”Can’t do that. Been renting my place out to a family of immigrants.” Teresa yawned.

     ”Hmm, now you’re behaving abnormally. According to your mission, shouldn’t you try not to act humane?” Chance said with a deathly serious tone.

     ”Yes, but… I like my free will.” Teresa replied matter of factually.

     ”Understood.” Chance then remembered Teresa’s proposal. “Were you serious about marriage?”

     ”We have known each other long enough right?” Teresa smiled.

     ”You’re practically my sister in that respect. Our genes for fighting, survival and endurance. All come from the same source.” Chance said trying to fight his urge to grin.


     Continually he lost his duels to hide his emotions those days.

     ”Hmm, well, you are my big brother in some respects.” Teresa giggled.


     Patting the bed she smiled at Chance in the dark.

     ”Not again, I am not a machine….” Chance sighed leaving the bathroom and laying back down. He faced away from Teresa feeling bad for ignoring her silent request.

     Teresa sensed Chance’s loneliness and hugged him from behind.


     “Then just sleep knowing you have nothing to fear.”

     ”Fear, yea…forgot what it feels like.” Chance admitted closing his eyes and letting sleep come to him immediately.


     Normally the day would begin at the studio with it being opened; today however it was closed for insect spraying.

     “Someone has fleas!” ZigZag said disgusted before sticking her tongue out. “Okay who is it? Fess up!” ZigZag demanded. “This treatment is costing this company hundreds of dollars. We can film a few movies away from the studio, but some have to be done there for the convenience since this is a heat wave we are enduring!”

     No one said a word yet everyone looked at the new double stripe magazine staff and let that be their mutual answer.

     “Well?” ZigZag asked looking in their direction. “Does someone have hygiene issues? I would not mind buying some flea dip and a flea collar. They have them available in many styles.” ZigZag said dead serious on solving this problem.

     “No one in this group has fleas. What about Chance there?” Crodelia said looking at the growling Chance.

     “Why accuse me? First of all, I am incapable of getting the little pests. My genetics are good.” Chance smirked knowingly. “Sides, we know Crodelia doesn’t have them, she has no fur.” Chance said commenting about the reptile.

     “Then who is it?” ZigZag said while looking at everyone suspiciously.

     “Um it could have been Tabitha’s new pet cat I had watched the other day…heh.” Sabrina smiled knowing she was in trouble.

     “WHAT?” ZigZag yelled. “Of all people it would be Sabrina who violates the rules. Well this is coming out of your retirement fund.” ZigZag teased. “Let that be a lesson to all of you.” ZigZag said sternly. “Now,” Crossing her arms ZigZag smiled. “Let’s get busy!”


     With that everyone went about their daily tasks, albeit a little modified. Lara was doing Lively’s hair and fur over with a comb while Sabrina looked for something to do.

     Sabrina had recently finished her daily assignments and was now seeking something to help out with.


     “What could I do right about now?” Sabrina wrinkled her nose. “I cannot think of anything!”

     “I know that look, it is the look of someone without something to do.” ZigZag said. “You know you would not have this problem if you had just signed a contract with me to perform all those years ago. I cannot believe it has been nearly five years already. How about you?” ZigZag smiled while leaning on Sabrina’s shoulder.

     “Yea, been a while since you mentioned a contract to me of that kind. I guess I am not really important.” Sabrina said while looking around the parking lot.


     Sabrina saw Chance step on a caterpillar and reworked time to change its fate by having Chance pounced by Teresa before it was crushed.


     “And all I have after my work are my powers that defy logic. I am such a freak.” Sabrina sighed wondering if that butterfly that the caterpillar would become. Would cause a plane crash somewhere. Or do something else to history because she saved it.

     “If you mean that in the bad way, then you are wrong! If you meant it in the way I normally take it to mean then since when?” ZigZag joked. “Seriously why don’t you go home and ask your parents if you could baby-sit or something? That way, you could confirm if that pet cat of your sister’s is really flea infested. You know the one you watched without my permission, that you ignored the whole time?”

     Sabrina blushed remembering the incident well. The cat had gotten loose and attacked Chance’s foot. Needless to say Sabrina had to rework time so the little thing still had a head at the end of the day.

     “Okay but what are you doing?” Sabrina asked as ZigZag slipped her arms around her shoulders. “I thought you had changed ZigZag.” Sabrina frowned.

     “Relax, it is a present. A designer flea collar that looks like jewelry.” ZigZag removed her hands and smiled.

     Sabrina looked down and saw the necklace and shared in ZigZag’s smile.


     “It’s nice, thank you. But, if I know you, you were just trying to cop a feel.” Sabrina said walking to her car.

     “Maybe I was.” ZigZag smiled as she joined James at his van. “What are you doing Mr. Coyote?”

     “Trying to determine if this was a biological attack. You never know what designer diseases those things that bit the others could have been carrying.” James said seriously.

     “James relax, they were just fleas.” ZigZag said sticking her tongue out. “Bleh.”

     “Yea, that’s what they said about Hitler. ‘He’s just one man.’ And we all know what that ‘man’ did.” James softened a bit. “Though I am not one to talk. Still we have to be careful. I do not want anything happening to this studio.” James silently added. “To you especially.”

     Jazz started to assemble his keyboard and danced his fingers across the keys once he was finished. Ian Dobson’s furry paws hefted a saxophone out of a velvet lined case. The two smiled and started to play a soft tune they had previously decided on playing.

     “Catchy and relaxing, wanna get married?” Teresa said to Chance while hanging onto his arm and rubbing her furry cheek against his shoulder.

     “What? Married? Um, damn, err…” Chance froze up.


     The previous evenings conversations hitting him in full like a brick to the windshield that was his mind’s stability.

     “See?” Teresa said letting go of Chance and taking her winnings from Bryce and Ertai. “Told you he would do that.”

     “You three are worse than children!” Novala said to the three as she watched their transaction.

     “Novala, gambling is an adult game.” Zan said tugging on a few hairs of his mane.

     “Whatever,” Novala said walking away from him, her white bushy foxtail waging back and forth as she walked over to speak with Thenia, her older sister who also worked for ZigZag’s double stripe. “Thenia how are you feeling now?”

     “Lousy, just leave me alone okay little sister?” Thenia said snapping at her sister.


     Thenia walked off to sulk about her recent break up with her long time boyfriend. Her thoughts were away from her new job and centered around her personal problems.

     Jazz and Ian stopped playing and started talking. “Hmm, so any new prospects on the music scene?” Ian asked while checking the valves on his instrument.

     “Nothing too big, though, I did manage one secret music project while I was working here. A company that helped me becomes recognized as a competent composer. Recently selected me to compose the music for the last greatest work they have made.” Jazz adjusted the settings on his keyboard. “With any luck I will be immortalized for sure.”

     “Nice though fame is not my game ya dig?” Ian coughed a bit before opening a bottle of water. “Hot day eh?”

     “Yep.” Jazz said joining Ian in drinking some refreshing water. “Makes you think how nice it is to have air conditioning.”



     Sabrina stopped her car in front of her parents home. She sighed remembering how it was growing up there.


     “I never realized how overprotective they were till now.”

     The skunk walked slowly towards the front doors. She wanted to turn and run screaming for cover thinking of the horrors that lay within. Okay annoyances really, that would be inflicted by her sister that day. But the ‘gift’ on her neck called out to her.
     “What would your boss think? She is one of your closest friends and annoyances. And without her you would not be able to afford the nice comfortable apartment, away from Amy and her comments I might add.” The voice said.

     “Oh be quiet. I could easily arrange history so that Tabitha never owned the fuzz ball.”

Sabrina shook her head. “But that would be mean.” Silence was all Sabrina had heard since arriving and she gasped and used the key her parents had given her. “Oh my god someone has killed the family and stolen everything!” Sabrina cried pushing open the door to find her family sitting in the living room while Tabitha played with some dolls on the lush carpeting. Her pet cat lay nearby purring with a new collar on.

     “Oh dear someone’s brain has gone rotten from all that science fiction junk that has gone into it.” Sabrina’s father said while putting down his copy of Time magazine.

     Sabrina deadpanned right there as her mother came over and led her daughter to a spot on the couch.
     “Relax Sabrina have a nice glass of water. Its natures intended treat for a hard day of work. Of course,” Sabrina’s mother’s voice dripped with sarcasm so thick, her words almost appeared in the air before her. “If you would tell us the kind of work you did… Tabitha did mention one Christmas party she went to…where Ms. Claws as it were, was not wearing panties. Just where do you work dear?”

     “How come Tabitha is not yelling her head off?” Sabrina asked. “Why are you all so calm?” Sabrina asked throwing the topic of discussion in another direction hopefully.

     “Well it’s the cat honestly, the little thing has done some good. Isn’t that right my power puff princess pink ranger super cutie?” Sabrina’s father said in a light hearted voice.

     “It’s white ranger daddy.” Tabitha said while playing with her toys calmly.

     “I came by to ask if I could baby-sit Tabitha for a while.” Sabrina smiled hoping her parents would not realize she had ulterior motives.

     “Why? We are not dying for silence for once. If you listen real good, you will discover that we have what we have sought since you were an only child.” Sabrina’s mother smiled.

     “Right, okay…” Sabrina said as her mind worked fast and she came up with a suitable plan.


     Think like ZigZag.


     “Well how long has it been since you two have had the house to yourselves?” Sabrina said subtly hinting at something she never thought she would.


     Sabrina’s mother and father looked at their eldest daughter for a moment, glanced at Tabitha, then back at Sabrina.

     “What the?” Sabrina said confused as to what had just happened.


     Sabrina found Tabitha in her arms along with an overnight bag and the door securely being locked behind her.


     “Well little sister how about we go play my new Game Cube?” Sabrina asked smiling.

     “Cool Jeeny down the street has one. She has that insanity game.” Tabitha said in a carefree voice. “What games you have?”

     “A few though we could stop by the store and get you some, just…get your cat off my spine!” Sabrina said cringing as the feline hung on for dear life to her back.

     Tabitha hopped out of her sisters arms and held out her own and whistled. The black kitty let go and hopped right into her arms and purred. “His name is Karn, but I call him Mr. Fluffy. You remember right?”

     “Karn?” Sabrina asked while rubbing her back with the back of her hand. Remembering the reason’s why she saved it from Chance’s claws a few days ago. And wondering why she was being punished like this. “Who named him?”

     “I did, it’s a cute name right?” Tabitha asked rubbing her kitty’s tummy.

     “Strange name but you have been playing those games I gave you I see.” Sabrina asked loading Tabitha’s things into her car.

     “Yes they were fun, could you get me the sequels?” Tabitha asked sweetly.

     “You have changed a lot Tabitha. What could have done it?” Sabrina thought to herself as she loaded her sister into her car before getting in also. “Sure I will get you anything you want can I see your pet cat?”

     “Here.” Tabitha handed Karn or Mr. Fluffy to Sabrina and giggled as he latched onto her arm with his teeth and claws.

     Sabrina winced as she checked through his fur and found no fleas were evident.


     “Well there goes my evening.” Sabrina thought while wincing as Tabitha removed the mouse death machine from her arm. “Well it is good he doesn’t have fleas. But now I still have to cancel my plans.” Sabrina thought as she smiled at her sister as she prepared to start the car engine.

     “Sabrina why are you mad?” Tabitha asked.

     “What do you mean?” Sabrina smiled genuinely surprised at her sister’s question.

     “Karn says you’re angry because you cannot spend time with that fox guy I saw at your place kissing you.” Tabitha giggled.

     “Oh did you tell mom and dad?” Sabrina asked worried.


     She had not introduced Chris to her parents. And since she was seeing him intimately she did not want to get the speech from her dad.

    “No and are you mad you cannot play games with him tonight?” Tabitha asked.

     “Since when did Tabitha become so mature?” Sabrina thought to herself. “And the cat talks to her… Wait she cannot be a witch.” Sabrina swallowed as those thoughts entered her mind.

     She had her own issues with her own power. And now a little kid was going to be able to do strange stuff as well? It was a nightmare situation if Sabrina had ever been in one.

     “Sabrina what does mature mean?” Tabitha asked as her cat purred.

     Sabrina froze. Her sister was reading her thoughts somehow and it finally registered as unusual.


     “Tabitha…can I ask you one thing?” Tabitha said to her little sister.

     “Sure but shouldn’t you be driving now?” Tabitha asked pouting.

     “In a moment but since when could you talk to animals and read other people’s thoughts?” Sabrina said trying to not sound upset.

     Tabitha looked thoughtful for a moment and after a while she smiled.


     “When Mr. Fluffy came to live with me. You know he is a wittle kitten, but he used to be a big kitty.” Tabitha smiled while petting her cat.


     “That cat is something else.” Sabrina wondered if the cat had given her sister these powers of reasoning and telepathy and if so would it be permanent?

     “Sabrina!” Tabitha whined. “I want to get going! I want to watch my tapes!”

     “At least her lungs are the same.” Sabrina thought starting the car and pulling off. “And if those tapes have a big purple dinosaur… I am going to hurl.”



     Chance held Teresa’s hand as he napped in his living room on the couch. The couple had enjoyed an evening out and now was trying to sleep. A knock came at the front door and Chance got up. Teresa stirred as well, her lean frame sitting up and yawning.

     “Whoever it is chase them away will you? I need this rest.” Teresa said sleepily.

     “Okay.” Chance said walking to the door and reaching into an umbrella receptacle.


     Chance reached for a baseball bat, then a golf club. Finally his hand rested on an umbrella with a titanium rod inserted in it. A hidden implement of a good beat down if there ever was. Standing with his arm which held the weapon hidden. Chance opened the door.

     “I knew it was you… You took so much away from me!” A female wolverine cried as she pointed a gun at Chance’s face and fired.

     Teresa was up and over the back of the couch as Chance was shot pointblank range in the face. She drew a throwing knife and knocked the silenced weapon out of the woman’s hand. Leaping back over the couch she grabbed hold of the woman and delivered a knock out palm open hit to her muzzle in one swift movement. She pulled the woman inside the door. Yanked Chance out of the way and slammed it shut.

     Chance held his forehead and pulled it away. A little blood but the bullet hurt nonetheless.

     He hated that.

     “Who are you and talk…oh Teresa you knocked her out already.” Chance said as he went to clean his head wound.


     “In the old days you would have dodged it completely. It got the side of your head right?” Teresa asked tying up the attacker.

     “No she hit me dead on. Luckily I was made bulletproof.” Chance said wiping away the blood.


     He noticed the bullet had bounced off his forehead and impacted the ceiling of his home. With a growl he realized he would have to fix his roof.

     “You’re slowing down. Hmm is that a good thing?” Teresa winked.

     “If you are done teasing me. I would like to know who she is before she becomes another… Hospital patient.” Chance said changing his mind about killing her. He just did not have the heart anymore. And the dreams they just made it worse.

    “What the hospital? She knows something and we follow procedure and interrogate her. Or turn her over to our people and they will deal with her, if we do not want to be involved.” Teresa said flatly. She threw the woman into the loveseat. The motion shook her awake. Teresa straddled her hips and glared at her. “Talk fast.”

     “He knows what he did.” The woman said flatly. Her eyes showing no fear.

     Chance and Teresa both sniffed.


     “Human.” They said simultaneously.

     “Old friend of yours?” Teresa asked getting out of the woman’s face.


     “I killed her mother when I was younger, one of many missions. I never forget a scent or a dying wish.” Chance sighed. “She asked me not to go after you. I did not even though I could have easily got you also.” Chance said unapologetically. “Sorry if you’re in pain over it. But I was made to kill your kind.”

     “My kind? We are all human descendants. Even if your more animalistic you killer!” The woman flexed her arms and popped the ropes that held her.

     Teresa was on her in an instant. Her knife at her throat ready to end her days. “Hold it or your going to be ventilated.”

     “Teresa do not mix up your sayings.” Chance said pulling her away.

     Teresa looked at him with surprise.


     “She is obviously prey. Why not deal with her?” Teresa said irritated with Chance’s soft heartedness.

     “You still see them as that? Heh I thought as much. That is another reason why I wanted to leave. Your all crazy for allowing that man’s hate to get to you.” Chance said.

     “But the humans want to wipe us out!” Teresa said with an edge of anger to her voice.

     “They are hiding from us!” Chance pointed at the wolverine as she stood. “She came for revenge. She failed and I do not really care if she tries again.”

     “Why? Are you feeling guilt?” The woman asked. Her eyes gleaming with hate for Chance.

     “Do you want me to suffer for what I did? No I do not feel guilty. I just do not wish to kill you at the moment. But that could change. Get out before Teresa decides to forget I am here.”


     Chance walked away and went to his refrigerator. Reaching inside he withdrew a already made sandwich and started to eat. His wound had already sealed up and he had forgotten about it. And he had started to forget about the angry wolverine woman who had tried to kill him…for the moment.

     “Just leave? Just leave? How can you be so careless?” The woman let out an angry sigh and walked to the door. Opening it she turned. “I wanted to kill you. But now I see what you are. A cold unfeeling individual. And your job shows that you’re sick as well!”

     “And how would you know that? You like hanging around the adult video section. Naughty girl you are Zephanie.” Teresa smiled.

     “How do you know my name?” Zephanie asked. “And furthermore our information network told me.” Zephanie said.

     “It is in your pocket on all your identification.” Teresa said holding up Zephanie’s change bag.

     “Give me that back!” Zephanie demanded.

     “No I rather would like to get something out of this encounter. Be it your life or your identification. And waiting in line for replacements will surely be a bitch as well!” Teresa smirked.

     “Teresa.” Chance zapped the item out of her hand as she glanced at him.

     Zephanie caught it and then left in a hurry. The wolverine looked back at Teresa as she stood watching her as she walked down the street. Closing the door Teresa picked up the gun Zephanie had dropped inside.

     “Chance what is going on with you?” Teresa said pulling the clip out of the weapon and checking the ammunition. “Hey her gun was loaded with armor piercing rounds. How come your brain is not littered upon the floor?”


     “Electromagnetic fields produced by my body have interesting effects on metal I guess.” Chance shrugged.

   “Not likely something is not right.” Teresa said. “And letting her go was just plain foolish.”

     Chance laughed then. He laughed for a long time. Finally when he relaxed enough to stop he smiled. It was a soft smile filled with so many emotions.


     “I just realized that fate has once again dragged my tail into the spotlight.” Chance smirked. “I just realized that I have no real choice but to allow my dreams to guide me. Even if they are nightmares.”

     “There is no fate.” Teresa said shaking her head. “Fate is not real. Only love and other emotions are.”

     “Always the romantic or the trickster. You’re a mouse I expected you to be more timid as you got older.” Chance said finishing off his sandwich.

     “Seriously though sweet talker. Someone gave her a weapon with one non lethal round. Every other bullet in this thing could have killed you and me.” Teresa said handing the gun to Chance.

     Chance sat the weapon down and looked at the hole in his ceiling.


     “I have to fix the roof tomorrow. After work I will fix the roof.” Chance said distantly.

     “Anyone can tell your trying to hide something.” Teresa said. “And your little declaration about your dreams is so not you.”

     “I hide nothing.” Chance said as he walked away from Teresa slowly.





     Sabrina looked at the cat staring at her from the foot of her bed. Tabitha slept in her guest room. And had obviously left the door open after she went to bed. Sabrina now regretted having done the same. Even if it was to hear if something happened during the night.

     “Are you demonic like I suspect?” Sabrina whispered.

     “No, something different, but I am not a demon.”

     Sabrina looked at the doorway. Tabitha stood there speaking for the feline.

     “What are you then?” Sabrina asked picking up her glasses.

     “William Bates!” Tabitha said her hair flying up as wind started to rush into the room from behind her.

     “No!” Sabrina wailed.

     Sabrina sat up awake. Her nightmare over but Tabitha’s cat was sleeping at her feet just like in the dream.

     “No more late night gaming sessions for a while.” Sabrina said breathing hard. “This cat however is just plain strange. If it gave Tabitha weird powers. How come nothing has…oh dear.” Sabrina looked around and realized she was no longer in her bed. She was now sitting in the middle of a cobble stone street. Suddenly she was back home in bed, covered in dirt from the street. “What just happened?”

     Lively stirred as her phone rang. She smiled at her sleeping lovers and picked up the phone.


     “Hello, if this is not Jinx with news about my order hang up. If this is Sabrina please stay on the line while I prepare to turn you into a toad.” Lively said picking up the phone.

     “There is a strange cat doing strange things nn my home right now!” Sabrina said.

     “A cat? Whose cat is it?” Live Wire yawned.

     “My sister’s.” Sabrina replied.

     “Oh dear let me guess. She has strange new powers. And acts differently yet has no real idea about what is going on?” Lively smiled.

     “Hey that is exactly right.” Sabrina said relaxing. “So you can help?”

     “No the cat is what we witches like to call a familiar. She is stuck with it at least until she dies. Then it will move on. Very lucky girl to be blessed at such an age. She probably does not act so hyper anymore does she? And her taste in things is better right?” Lively said while rubbing the furry back of the man next to her.

     “She still plays with dolls.” Sabrina said dryly.

     “Of course she does now bring her to me in the morning. And I will expose her to the world of magic. But knowing you, you already have dropped the phone. And rushed your sister to the hospital to get a cat scan.” Lively sighed.


     The phone lay on the bed as Sabrina was already burning rubber down the street with a very startled Tabitha.

     “Where is Mr. Fluffy?” Tabitha asked sweetly.

     “Left him at home. I need to get you to a doctor. I will not let this happen to you.” Sabrina said.

     “Let what happen? Sabrina?” Tabitha cried.


     Her soft sobs of confusion made Sabrina stop the car and groan.

     “Tabitha I thought it could not happen. But the strangeness that follows me around has touched you also. Kid you’re a witch and so am I in a way.” Sabrina finally said to her little sister.

     “Just like that charmed show? Ooh maybe mom has another daughter!” Tabitha said forgetting her tears and confusion.

     “I hope not.” Sabrina said.


     She rolled down her window to get some fresh night air and nearly wet her nightclothes as Tabitha’s cat leapt in her window. It hissed at her and then bounded over her shoulder.

     “Mr. Fluffy.” Tabitha and Sabrina said at the same time. Only Tabitha was happy to see her pet.

     “Okay time to go home. I can deal with this there better than in the car.” Sabrina said turning the car around and going home.

End of Chapter four.