Workplace Relations By Michael Barnes




Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W.Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner Michael Taillong and Eric Taillong are owned by me. Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. ZigZag is copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and is also used with permission.



This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina Online comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story. Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of fiction and I in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead (without permission) is just a coincidence.




Chapter 10

New faces old problems


ZigZag watched as everyone pitched in to clean up the new studio location. She was sure she would not have to lift a finger as long as she kept on grinning like she was. “Okay move that desk over there then move that computer there… Hey Sabrina!”


Sabrina walked in wheeling in a set of boxes marked fragile. “That your new Amiga workstation equipment?”

”Yes I put together a new setup with help from Eric” Eric was happily sweeping up a pile of broken bottles.

”No wonder you got this place cheap ZigZag. Squatters were here” Eric finishes sweeping and ZigZag checks his work.

”Err you missed a lot of stuff in the corner to your right. That is not like you something wrong?” Eric nods

”I turned off my enhanced abilities so I can’t tell where stuff is as easily as before” ZigZag puts her hand on Eric’s shoulder.

”What about Anthony… He will and your… Blind” Eric shrugs ZigZag’s hand off and smiles. “I can handle myself… Um where did I put my cane?” ZigZag sighs and hands it to Eric.


While this is going on David and Jake both carry in some recording equipment. “Let me guess Jazz you got this stuff from a relative right?” Jake nods and sits the box in his arms down and wipes some sweat off his forehead.

”Yea but we need to pay him back before things turn bad” David shrugs and heads out of the building to get another box as Jazz sits in a chair and takes a break. Lara and Angela are painting ZigZag’s new office under threat of pain by ZigZag if they don’t finish quickly.

”I do hair not… Not walls!” Angela swipes Lara’s nose with her roller.


“Aw shut up im used to typing and keeping notes and paying bills and and…. Damn I got paint on my shoes”

Eric pops into the room and yells “You missed a spot!” And ducks out as a empty pain can is thrown after him. By twelve everyone is tired except for ZigZag who smirks as everyone gives her evil glares.

”Eric ZigZag is that way stop glaring at the wall already!” Angela faces him towards her and he frowns. “Your mad I didn’t help? Well sorry I am wearing my good clothing after all”

Eric slips on a spot of paint on the cement floor and cracks his head on the ground. “Owwww”


”Finally! The place is… Not even close to completion!” ZigZag took mental notes of what was left to bring in.

”Yea well ZZ maybe we would be done if you had helped!” ZigZag ignored Eric’s comment since he was looking at a wall when he said it. “Carpet the rooms then install the studio lights and the new power lines and we’re done. Leave all the equipment in the main lobby like planned and bring in the carpet!”

Jazz came out of one of the rooms holding a tape measure. “I have all the measurements for each room! We are ready to cut and install the carpet… Oh and I couldn’t find any of that expensive carpeting you have in your home ZigZag for your office… They said it would be in next week”

ZigZag frowned. “Well a little set back is nothing compared to being out of business for almost four months”

”And the retailers are running low on Double Z products so we have to get into production unless you want me to tell the distributor he can release those extras in storage?”


Angela asked ready to pull out her cell phone. “No need I have read over Eric’s work and it is good albeit disturbing he could write such stuff” Eric blushes and taps his cane on the ground.


Everyone laughs as Sabrina comes in carrying some drinks. “Here but something strange just happened… This guy who kept asking me can he work for Double Z studios and I said I am just the Webmaster followed me… And he’s outside right now. He can’t be much older than Eric or Angela for that matter”


Eric smirks. “Hire him I am sure we need new faces around here since it is just down to us… And besides I am sure we can get some blood tests done as soon as we get another medical examiner… err Angela I hope you can handle it!”

ZigZag looks at Eric and smiles. “But you did such a good job last time!” Eric looks at Jake who is drinking a cup of water.

”You call him a good job?” Eric says pointing at Jake.

”Hey! I am not a bum I am a professional! Now excuse me cause that guy looking in that window is freaking me out” Jake walks into another room as Eric says.

”I will get rid of him… Give him your number right ZZ?” ZigZag glares. “Alright my number…”

 Eric blinks at the sunlight. He had been in the basement busy with a project of his for a while. “I finally got together a list of people for interviewing!” Eric had spent the last two days home making calls and checking references.

Forgetting about the fellow who followed Sabrina he was totally absorbed by his work hiring new people. Looking at his watch Eric remembered he had… Nothing else to do.

”Wow… Hmm um err… Oh hmmm damn it! Mike would know what to do!”


At that moment.

”Your not a natural born Human Michael!”  Krystal said with anger in her voice.


Michael was tied up with chains and was on his knees before a group of elderly people with Krystal sitting amongst them. “Time out! You’re the one who grabbed me! Damn it I knew I should have just stayed home! Now I am doomed to death in a far off land… Oh well I was wasting my life anyway. So how are you going to kill me?”


Everyone in the courtroom started whispering. “How can you act like this at a time like this young one?” Michael thought for a moment.

”My brother messed up my mind… Something about me going insane with revenge and well I think my personality was effected by his tampering permanently even though he claims he “fixed” me”

Everyone stares at Michael and he sighs as the leader of the elders speaks. “You know the location of our city and you cant ever leave if we chose to let you live but someone must take you in” Michael was gazing off into the distance as he heard this.

”So I can’t return again… Home… I was wasting my life anyway” Krystal sighs. “I will take you in if you want?”

Michael thought for a moment. “Okay” The elders nodded then dismissed Michael’s case. “Next up is the case of the missing sheep…”

Walking out of the courtroom Michael was in his human form only he looked more civilized than he normally would. His claws were clipped and his fierce exterior was one of calm. Krystal smiled.

”So how do you like our society?” Mike shrugged. “It’s okay… Still isn’t the dirty polluted metropolis I am used to” Krystal smiled.

”Your jokes are the same… So how much to you remember of me?” Michael thought for a moment.

”Not a lot brain still jumbled Jane. Tarzan need food” Krystal laughed so hard she nearly fell into the path of an oncoming vehicle. Michael caught her and held her.

”Watch it or you might laugh yourself to death” Krystal’s eyes watered as she caught the joke.

”Who said my jokes were bad?” Eric looked up sniffing the air.

”Mike somehow I feel I may not see you again… Or will I? Oh well almost nightfall! Time to reestablish my legend at the studio with some new faces” Eric dons his jumpsuit and takes a folder in hand.

It had been two days since ZigZag started filming again and the scripts he wrote were running out fast. “Ugh… I don’t want to think about the mess in Studio A…” Eric stuck out his tongue as he realized.


“I have no ride… Mike… Oh right Angela!” Angela came out the house and looked at Eric standing on the porch with a sad look on his face. “Cheer up your brother is fine now let’s get you to work… Are you sure the night shift is what you want? I mean you do have me… Sitting at home… All alone eating ice cream… Some spilling on my…”

Eric covered his ears and said. “Stop it! Must concentrate on work!” Angela sighed.

”Oh Eric” Eric was totally caught up in other problems on his mind and didn’t catch the hint of hurt in his girlfriends voice. “Why wont you just act like a jerk for once?” It was true Eric showed no real interest in what Michele had hinted at not so long ago. He was as unmovable as a tree.

Angela enjoyed the long cuddling sessions but she expected more. More from someone who could do so much with the power he had. “Ange?” Angela blushed with her eyes closed at her thoughts as Eric wondered why she didn’t respond.

”Angela I have to get to work!” Angela snapped out of her day dream and was glad Eric was unable to tell she was blushing as she lead him to the passenger side of her car. “Finally lets go! I have work to do!”

Angela pulled off sighing as drove. Eric looked at Angela and touched her cheek with his left hand. “I… Am sorry I know your hurt because of me… Or something I did”

Angela thought “It’s what you won’t do… And Michele’s teasing isn’t helping at work” Eric started feeling bad and wanted to know what was wrong with Angela as she drove.

Grabbing his cell phone he dialed up ZigZag who was filming late at the studio trying to make up for lost time. “I am sorry ZZ but I need to handle a problem…” ZigZag listed to Eric’s tone.

”Oh I think I have an idea what you’re talking about… But I need those scripts… Or we could use mine… heh” Eric’s eyes widened at the thought. “Fine this is more important see the newbies tomorrow”

Angela stopped the car and gripped the steering wheel. “Why did you do that? Your needed and I am mad at you right now” Eric got out of the car and counted off possible things that could be wrong with Angela.

”What could make her so angry with me? I might have to cheat a little…” Concentrating Eric tried to unlock his mind reading ablates and gasped in pain as his time locked mental block prevented him from doing so.

”Are you okay!” Angela heard Eric’s loud gasp and rushed to his side.

”If you hated me you would have stayed in the car… Look tell me what is up with you… Is it the possibility your life could be in danger due to your association with me period?”

Angela felt like hitting a wall as she answered through clenched teeth. “No… We talked about that…” Eric reached for Angela and she batted his hand away.

”Just get in and we can go home… I’ll move out you don’t need my company” Eric grabbed Angela. “I love you! Stop this! You just moved in! Come on tell me!”

Angela let it all out in one tear choked sentence. “WHY CANT YOU MAKE LOVE TO ME!” Eric stunned tensed every muscle in his body till they all cramped up. The pain was nothing compared to the realization he had.

”I… I…” Eric took off his glasses and felt them with his fingertips. “Well why cant you!?” Eric let out a ragged breath. “I don’t know why… I never thought of having relations with you…. Maybe in the back of my mind but…”

”You’re going to be twenty this year!” Eric looked down.

”I know… If this is something you really want I will leave it in your hands…” Angela hugged Eric and cried into his shoulder. Eric felt terrible. “My body hurts like hell from me tensing up and cramping… I want to cry out in pain but I cant Angela wants me and I don’t know if I can understand why I don’t want the same… I need advice and fast! Mike where are you!?”

Michael on the other side of the planet was having troubles of his own. “Come on Mikey I wont force you unless you want me to”

”Krystal! I um err haven’t done this before! Just calm down and don’t make me do this!” Krystal tied an apron around Michael’s waist and handed him a cookbook. “You can cook for my parents… I know you can so get to it!”

Michael sighed and hung his head. Living with Krystal was hard enough on him. Sure he was always looking at her and she returned his looks with a smile and a grin. But lately he was getting feelings that Eric needed his help.

”Okay I will cook for you but how do I use this stove again?” Krystal narrowed her eye’s at Michael and he smiled. “Heh um okay ill figure it out on my own” Michael got the ingredients he needed and got to work feeling even more nervous about meeting Krystal’s parents.


Michael wiped the food off his face with his hands as Krystal’s father glared at him. “I would do worse if my daughter didn’t love you so much! It’s because of you we moved back here! Your kind hurt her!”

Michael frowned “NO Anthony is not my kind he is evil and as such he is…” An alarm sounded inside the house.

”What’s wrong?” Krystal looked at Michael with fear in her eyes “Someone has broken into the city!” Michael jumped up.

”Demoniqe! Damn her! Shit I knew something like this would happen… If she hurts anyone here ill…” Michael crushed the fork in his hand. “That is IT let me at her!” Michael took off running out the door and it closed shut behind him as Krystal sighed.

Demoniqe frowned at her companions especially the one who stepped on the trip wire and set of the alarms inside the city hidden in a valley in the upper mountain ranges of Asia.

”I told you not to stray too far! Now we have to turn this from a peaceful slaughter into a full scale fight!” A black furred wolf smiled.

”So how are we going about this? Still use the explosives?” Demoniqe’s reply was quick and sharp.

”No use the poison gas and flame throwers! Drive them out of their houses and shoot them or burn them! It end’s tonight Human kind is at an end!”


Michael walked towards the valley entrance where Demoniqe was. He was back in his true form and he was carrying a sword. His sword he had taken it with him on his trip and recently he had gotten it back.

”Michael Taillong… You’re here? Hmm strange but oh well I will skin your traitorous hide soon enough” Michael breathed in slowly and calmly as he raised his weapon.

”I don’t want to hurt you… I told everyone to stay back and let me talk you out of committing suicide… But what use is it? You can’t leave and you cant live here… Your hate is so great… So being the only one here who can truly understand both sides… I will be your executioner”

Michael charged the group of human hunters without a sound.

Eric breathed hard as he lay in his bed next to Angela. “Wow… An hour… Unbelievable” Eric blushed fiercely as he tried to answer Angela who was resting her head on his chest.

”Yea…” Eric rubbed Angela behind the ears. “I guess I beat Michael to the punch! Boo ya! Hehehe sigh” Eric smiled at Angela who smirked.

”Well I said I wanted you to behave like an idiot err normal guy and I got my wish” Eric pulled Angela closer and felt a sadness I his heart. Had he made the right choice? Or was this really his pain and sorrow?

Michael held his red blade as it dripped slowly onto the grass of the entryway to the valley of the last remaining human’s on the planet. He felt wrong for what he did and he also felt it was something they had coming.

Demoniqe lay there breathing her last. “You are strong… Michael Taillong… I hope you and Krystal live… Happily… Something they took away from me… My so called friends…” Before his eye’s Demoniqe became human and died.

”What!? She was… All this time… Huh? I am confused!” Krystal with a crowd advanced on Michael.

”Yes she was one of us… Human’s and fur’s are alike underneath it is hard to tell the difference between your blood and ours without testing equipment… We have survived many things over the centuries… Michael for executing the criminal Demoniqe you may ask of one thing… And I know what it is… Sadly”

Michael smiled “Yes I would love to continue living here so im staying but can you get me a towel I was kind of messy” Krystal gives a weak smile as she looks at Michael.

”So I am a hero… Wow that is so cool! And I know the secret that Eric told me is true after all! We evolved from them or they evolved from us… Forget it im going to score! Oh wait I just killed one of her kind along with a few of my own… Nah ill still score!”


“I won’t ever go home… Cause I am there” Michael walks away and smiles looking up at the sky. “Advanced societys rock after all… Hmm I should have gotten more meaning out of this but… Im going to score!”

Michael thought raising his sword high.

Eric walked into the studio and was surrounded by David, Jake and Sabrina. “Eric… Something is different about you today… What could it be?” Eric smiled.

”Well I don’t like to brag but… I completed this game I have been playing for the longest time… Course that was after me and Angela made love but besides that I finally beat that game!”

David and Jake’s jaws dropped and Sabrina smiled. ZigZag poked her head out of her office. “Did I hear Eric say what I think he said?” Angela handed ZigZag her morning cup of coffee.

”Yep” Angela said with a giggle. ZigZag smiled and was about to pounce Eric and give him a hug when she remembered the coffee in her hand.

”You sabotaged me girl!” Angela winked at ZigZag.

”Yea I know about your hugs and Eric doesn’t need one isn’t that right? Eric?” Eric was sitting at Angela’s computer having hooked up his special keyboard he was typing away.


“Yea I have an idea for a script… You don’t mind as long as I change our names eh Angela?” Angela growled and Eric eeped.

”Okay okay… Just playing. Say where are the new guys?” ZigZag drank her coffee and pointed at Studio A.

”They are in there getting blood tests… After all you have to be sure” Eric yawned.

“Cool just watch out for that Ertai character… Funny now that I think about it… We hired Foxes this round… Hmmmm” ZigZag whistles innocently as Eric and Sabrina sigh.

”She will never change… Or she does then changes right back” Sabrina hands Eric a cup of coffee and he smiles.

”Thanks well time to be going home” ZigZag looks at a clock.

”It’s three in the afternoon… Eric. Plans for you and Angela he he he” Eric shakes his head.

”No I just… Need to go… Excuse me” Eric sipped his coffee as he left the studio quickly and hailed a cab.

ZigZag ran over some production notes while Sabrina handed a printout of orders to Angela who was distracted by thoughts of Eric.


”I just want to be close to you!!!” Sabrina poked her head into ZigZag’s office and held in a laugh as she waved over Jake as he was walking by with a pile of tapes in his hands.

”What’s up and who’s singing off key?” Sabrina pointed while snickering into ZZ’s office.

”HA HA!” ZigZag casted a death glance at Jake and he fell back as she shoved past Sabrina and lifted him by his collar off the floor.

”You didn’t see or hear a thing! Tell anyone and your dead!” Sabrina tried to slink off but felt ZigZag tug on her tail.

”Same goes for you!” Eric wandered into the hall and just stared.

”I don’t want to know… I really just don’t want to know” Eric walked off with a smile.

”Um you can let go now Zig I cant breathe!”

End of chapter 10


Email me at with questions or comments.