Workplace Relations By Michael Barnes



Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W.Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner. Michael Taillong, Eric Taillong, Erica Taillong, Evan Taillong, Lorene Taillong, Rachel Maximillion, Angela Markson, David Bateson, Michele Fawn, Lara Justain, Jake "Jazz" Phillips, Christina Landry are owned by me.

Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. Bryce Landry is copyrighted \xA9 to Bryce Landry. ZigZag, Brandy and Maxwell are copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and are also used with permission. Ertai Maxwell is copyright \xA9 Roland Bloodthunder. Dartanya Nightblood and Chance Wolfhog is copyright there owner Chance Wolfhog. Live "Lively" Wire Katt is copyrighted \xA9 to her player Live "Lively" Wire Katt




This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina Online comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story. Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of fiction and I in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead (without permission) is just a coincidence.



Chapter 15





From Eric Taillong’s journal

Entry 130

May 6,2001

Recently events have left me confused as to exactly how I came to be able to turn into a human. I reason the human shape I can take was for fear effect due to people being afraid of humans. Plus humans are stronger than most furs would believe. This is only a guess but so far it is all I have to go on as to why a human.

Mix this with a DNA altering process and you have yourself a being with the best qualities of human and animal. Different results come from different splicing or what type of fur is treated with this process. I am a descendant of felines and wolfs so I have enhanced agility and stamina and can take a lot more pain than most.

Unlike my brother Michael who shows more of our heritage in the way he looks. Basically has all of the above but he doesn’t have to transform to gain access to all these qualities.


Neither do I since we can selectively consciously enhance certain natural abilities and features of our normal fur forms.

An unnatural effect of the treatment is the toughening of the skin under the subjects fur when adrenaline in the subjects system reaches a critical point. When transformed the skin is already hardened which leads to issues of how flexible its and yet retain an ability to stop bullets that are not armored or high-powered shells.

Instead of fight or flee… We so called Genetically Altered Assassins tend to go over board and kill their enemy or fight with more rage than normally possible in response to a situation. More recently it has become known that the human population that exists hidden from public has gained some evolutionary abilities also over the many hundreds of years since furs came about.

Namely the most important ability to human survival is the ability to assume furry form. This is due to the original virus that started this whole evolutionary mess. Furs came from humans or rather evolved because of that virus.


 Some humans were resistant in that era to it and didn’t die or change. As a result they adapted to a world that was no longer human friendly. My research shows that society is just now reaching the technological equivalent of what it was when ran by mankind.

Or rather early mankind this time around we have more advancements in science and have more earth friendly stuff. Ancient nuclear reactor sites are buried deep underground and will remain there forever hopefully.

Sigh I don’t know what else could possibly explain this current world crisis that isn’t even known. It has come to my attention that recently the third generation of GAA’s has come of age… This is the group Brandy and Maxwell are apart of coincidentally.

Anthony will try something… When I don’t know.

Eric closed his laptop and looked over the ocean waves. “Man history sure is a bastard to understand… When it’s hidden… Hmm why or rather was I changed to have this power? Research? No it has to be something else… For the future?”

Eric yawned and lay back on his beach blanket. He was at his beach house he had recently bought from an elderly Cheetah couple and was happy to come and help them move some of there things to there home in the city.

After the work was done Eric thanked them and went back to the beach to enjoy his first vacation from everything except his research ever. “Life is good” Eric frowned as three shadows blocked his sunlight.

Eric looked around and realized he and the three others were the only ones in the area. “Eric Taillong we have come to get you” Eric stood up and patted some sand off of his shorts and Hawaiian shirt that flapped in the wind since it was unbuttoned.

”Jeri, Cherry and Cheryl… Also known as Sheri which is your middle name heh Damn it come on I need a break!” Cheryl lifted her left hand and stopped her sisters from attacking Eric as he took on a fierce look.

”Master Anthony has asked us to keep you on your toes… A break like this is not what is needed… Cherry take him!” Eric flipped away and took off his glasses and changed his eyes.

Blinking as they adjusted to being able to process light into images. Eric slanted his eyes and smirked. “Just you and me funny boy”

”What are you hitting on me?” Eric said looking very much like a confused Sabrina as Cherry ran at him. Eric hopped on his butt and kicked her in the chest sending her back a few feet but not knocking her down and rolled back until he was in a crouched position.

Eric waved his tail back and forth and relaxed and let the talent within him for fighting take over. Eric hopped at Cherry making her doge to the left. Taking this opportunity Eric leapt into the air and came down on her head with his bare feet knocking out her out with a blow to the side of her head.

Jeri waved Cheryl back and leapt on Eric’s back. Clawing into his back Jeri had a firm hold on the stunned Eric. Eric flipped on his back squashing Jeri under him and then backfliped off of her and then slammed his elbow into her face with a quick drop.

Standing Eric said. “No more games”

”Fine… “ Cheryl and Eric circled each other claws out. Eric blinked and Cheryl came at him and landed a glancing slash to his face. Eric spun quickly and kicked Cheryl in the chest both combatants fell but hopped right back up and began to trade off blows.

Eric blocked mostly while Cheryl moved him towards the water. At the last second Eric felt ocean under his feet and around them and tried to retaliate but Cheryl was too fast and finally shoved Eric off balance with a punch to his chest and then leapt on him and pressed his head against the sandy bottom of the sea drowning him.

Eric held his breath and repeatedly flexed his left leg to deliver a hard blow to the back of Cheryl’s head and shoulders but she was immovable. “Die Eric!” Eric stopped struggling and just stared up at Cheryl from under the waters surface.

Going limp in her hands Cheryl held Eric under the water for a few more moments. Counting to sixty over ten times then let go of him. Eric’s eyes had long since closed and a look of peace was on his face.

”It is over mission complete” Eric opened his eyes and rose out of the water. Cheryl turned just in time to see him connect to her jaw with a right cross then a left hook and finally Eric ended his attack with an uppercut that sent Cheryl sailing into the sand near her sisters.

”Take that you insignificant assassin! Man that was lame… Oh well good thing I took yoga” Eric walked away with his blanket and laptop computer. Walking to his car Eric paused and backhanded Jeri just as she came up behind him. Placing his things in the back seat Eric kicked Cherry away from him then stood outside of his car.

All three sisters were there and ready with blades. Eric pulled out his cane and with a swift flick he extended it.

”Oh come on a twig against two Katannas and a pair of Sai’s?” Eric growled and ran at Cheryl as she finished speaking.


Eric stood breathing hard over the three sisters. They all were cut and bleeding. Some of the wounds would normally take stitches to seal but Eric knew they would all heal in hours completely. Tying up the sisters Eric loaded them into his rented station wagon.

Getting into the drivers seat Eric bandaged his wounds, thought for a moment and then got out and bandaged the women’s arms and legs. Leaving there chest wounds alone since he did not want to seem like a pervert.

”If they looked as if they would bleed to death I would have done something about there upper body cuts… But they are okay for now” Eric then started up the car and drove to the beach house on the other end of the beach.

Eric had earlier decided to use the opposite end of the beach for his thinking spot instead of directly in front of his own new home away from home because he expected trouble. Lifting two sisters under each arm Eric unceremoniously carried them into the house and dumped them on a couch.


Brining in Cheryl last and his things he had taken with him. Eric dumped her next to her sisters then set about cooking something to eat. “I have to interrogate them and the only way I know how is to make them want to talk to me… Damn it I can’t just harm them! Anthony would… Me I can’t. Michael would try and just romance them… I can’t so I will do this my way”

Cherry opened her eyes and looked around. The fight had been bad and the blind guy had beaten them in the end she thought, as she smelled food in front of her.

”What is this?”


Eric came into view from the shadows from where he had been watching.” Beach Party Four set we’re filming one of ZZ’s summer movies here… What do you think this is? Im holding you captive until I feel like letting you three go! Duh”


Jeri and Cheryl both sniffed then opened their eyes. “Like you I also become very hungry after i fight. I can go without food for a long while when not in a combat situation but our bodies are different. Girl’s here is the deal. Answer my questions and you get to eat as much as you want”

Eric slid the coffee table where the seafood platter sat and then said. “Don’t and you starve until you do simple no?” Jeri laughed and Eric looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

”Your not very good at this are you Taillong? Bah I can go without food for a while” Eric smiled and Jeri frowned.

”Oh yea by the way your bodies used up more fat cells during the process that healed your wounds… You’re in need of some calories and bad… So I’ll set up IV’s just incase you decide to play tough… I know you guys have feelings like me… You do act like normal people same as me… So how about it we talk and get to know more about each other and you get to eat…”

Cherry’s red bangs fell over her eyes. “You do know we will kill you” Eric took his turn to laugh.

”Listen I outclassed you with a ‘twig’ and you still want to kill me… Fine be that way but on one condition. We eat then you talk then we fight… Fair?” The three sisters looked at each other and then nodded.

Eric pressed a button and the cable ropes he had tied them up with unsnapped from behind them and fell to the floor. Eric knew he was worse off than the sisters. He had a fractured skull multiple cracks along the bones in his arms from blocking the swords, which could not cut his flesh only scratch it.

Eric was weak and in pain but hiding it. The sisters were better off since they shared in the day’s activities they also were hurt. The major injuries had sealed somewhat but what was more Cheryl had broken ribs from a nice kick Eric had landed on her during the fight.

Jeri’s left shoulder was broken. The first time Eric had checked the women over he had missed some internal damage but later he found out the truth. All four of the GAA’s in that house were each at less than half fighting capacity. Eric sat and made another plate of food for him self. The sisters stared him as they ate. Eric sighed. “So where were you born and how did you become like you have?”

”Like you we are second generation as far as the science that was used to make us who we are” Jeri said cracking a lobster shell and leering at Eric who jokingly gulped.

”Yes but our parents had help from yours. Nothing really different as far as background, we went to private schools like you and we didn’t have many friends…”

They ate in silence. Eric felt his arms and head slowly stop aching. The last half hour of the meal left tension in the air. Would the women carry out there orders? Or would Eric get away without much property damage.

Cheryl, Jeri and Cherry stood and flexed there arms and looked at Eric as he dropped the fork holding his last bit of fried shrimp. “Mommy!” The girls leapt on Eric and pinned him.

Jeri got up and began to stomp on Eric’s chest. Eric flung the women off and stood slowly coughing. “You were foolish Eric… Kind but foolish…” Eric shrugged and ran for his life.

The women were right behind him gaining ground fast. Eric ran into the upstairs guest room and locked the door. Claws exploded into the wood then were raked down shattering the door’s frame. Eric sat on the bed holding a shotgun.

”It is loaded with stun shots” The sisters smirked.

”Only two shots Eric… So one of us will get to you” Eric smiled and fired twice dropping two of the women. Eric calmly fired again as Jeri glanced at him and then fell from the electric pulse.

”Oh I forgot to mention I use stun shells I made. Two shots per charged cartridge hehehe” Eric left the room after tying up the women and went to sleep.


”Darty! No biting! Lively calm down and… UGH!” ZigZag was having a nervous break down.

”No talent in the new bunch at all! How did they manage to get through the screen test?” David shrugged and put his eye back to the view piece on the camera. ZigZag looked over the script as she waved the actors off to take breaks.

”We may have to switch to one of Eric’s easy scripts… Sabrina you know where they are?” Sabrina shook her head.

”No but Eric knows where all my files are including that diary of studio life I will turn into a novel… Oops” ZigZag smiled.

”Girl don’t worry… Maybe we need to switch actors and what exactly are you doing in here I might add Sabby?” Sabrina blushed.

”I got lost…” Sabrina put away her note pad and left the studio. ZigZag wondered if she was really writing a novel.

Angela was handling pr about Darty. Chance wasn’t an issue since his identity was not fake and he was just another face in the crowd but Darty seemingly appeared out of nowhere so getting legal documents out that certified she was of age and such was a pain.

”Where is my crazy boyfriend when I need him?” Eric at that moment was asleep when.

”ERIC!” Eric woke up to a scream. “HELP!” Eric ran out of his room and found the sisters being accosted by android agents.

”Great I was wondering when they would start operations again… At least my friends and the studio is not involved… Time for action… Oh I forgot no heroic sayings… I am not a superhero after all” Eric transformed and leapt from the top of the stairs to the floor below and snatched Jeri from one of the androids.

”Taillong stay out of this!” Eric shoved his cane thorough the machine man’s head then yanked it out. The man leading the androids growled low at Eric then calmly issued orders.

”How inefficient… Unit zero show him why he should not resist us and unit one take the women outside” Eric untied Jeri and she got up and attacked unit zero. The android was covered in synthetic fur and looked like a wolf like most android models used by this agency that was attempting to kidnap the women.


Eric was about to fight the machine fur when Jeri leapt at him and started to claw at it’s eyes.

Unit zero slashed Jeri with a blade that came out of it’s wrist and she fell as her blood spurted onto Eric’s floor. The man ordering the androids returned after putting away the other women and scowled. “She is useless now! Your venom was for the boy… No matter leave them!”

The two left as Eric bent over Jeri. “No… I knew… Mom and Dad would… Guh… Not stop them for long… Eric listen we were not born naturally… Unlike you we were cloned in a lab located in Area 51 one of the most… Advanced labs in the world is there… Do not let… My sisters…”

Jeri stopped breathing as Eric scooped her up into his arms. Eric carried her to outside his house as it exploded. “Sigh… Not my beach house… Oh well at least it was insured!” Eric walked along with Jeri until he came across his burning rental car.

Reaching inside the flames he got out a modified med kit and proceeded to get a pint of his blood out of his body and inject it into Jeri. “Hopefully the little machine’s in my blood stream can help or if not then you die…”

Eric looked at his burned arm and smirked as it healed. Changing back to normal he waited for the police to arrive. “Something tells me that I have some spying to do later…”


Hours later as Angela drove Eric home she questioned him about why Jeri was with them in the back seat.

”She was hurt badly and I helped her… Agents of evil attacked her… You do not need to know more” Eric was deliberately leaving out the nanite part due to three reasons. “One she would think of me as being some kind of machine. Two reason number one is an excuse and three im so full of it”

Angela nodded “You always help others… That is why I love you so much” Eric smiled and kissed Angela on the cheek and put a paw on her shoulder.


“Aww your so cute you two! So how are you going to help me get my sisters back?” Eric sighed.

”When I feel like it for now just relax… Your wound hasn’t healed… That machine that attacked you used a blade made to cut our flesh so your lucky to be alive… God must like you or something” Jeri smiled and brushed her hair out of her face.

” I always knew I was lucky… But now you know the truth about our parents…” Eric shrugged.

”I thought your parents were foreign so I guess that means they were made using foreign parts eh?” Jeri growled. “Sorry bad joke”

”Yep” Angela said pulling into their driveway. “Your welcome to stay in the living room… That is a nasty wound you got from what Eric described of it” Jeri looked at her shirt and the blood stains in it.

”Um got any spare clothing?” Eric snickered and soon Jeri was dressed in black. “Okay it is official you’re a freak Eric” Eric tossed Jeri a phone.

”Call your boss and tell him what happened we um are going to just watch some tv in the bedroom. Make yourself at home. The weapons locker is in our room so if anything happens…” Angela smacked the back of Eric’s head.

”I understand what Eric is trying to say is no matter how bad you are he will help… Me on the other hand is staying out of this as best as I can” Jeri smiled and nodded dialing the phone.

Eric and Angela retired for the night as Jeri plopped down on the couch. She talked quickly to Erica who asked. “So are you hiding your emotions well?” Jeri wondered what she meant.

”Yes I hide my pain about my sisters well” Eric smirked on the other end of the line as Anthony and Rachel watched an opera performance from there booth she stood just outside of.

”No… About my brother… You have a problem of falling in love with your targets… You still have orders to kill him no matter WHAT he has promised you! He may be able to help or he may not… Either way he must die…” Erica hung up and returned to her seat next to Anthony who seemed to be enjoying the show a lot.

Jeri sighed. “Eric must die”


The next day Sabrina stopped by Eric’s house with a request from ZigZag.

”I don’t care if he is on vacation! We need a script or something to keep these new guys under wraps and don’t return without Eric or something from him!” Sabrina sighed as she recalled ZigZag’s feral glare and smile as she said those words to her.

Sabrina pushed open Eric’s door seeing it was cracked open a bit. “Hello?”

”Hey Sabby!” Eric let go of the ceiling with his toe claws and shook Sabrina’s hand mainly to keep her from passing out.

”You scared me! You were like some alien thing hopping down to kill me!” Eric shrugged. “Anyway we need your help… Who is she?” Sabrina looked over Eric’s shoulder at Jeri as she sat munching on junk food.


“Hello I am Eric’s killer… Nice to meet you Sabrina how is your little sister? I hear she knows one of the next generation GAA’s at her school” Sabrina’s blood drained from her face.

”Tabitha! Involved with one of those killers!?” Eric frowned as Sabrina looked angry.

”Sheesh overreact will you! She is in no danger. Kids that young cant fully be aware of there gifts… We must let ourselves remain hidden until the time is right for us to reveal ourselves to the normal furry population”

Sabrina’s voice took on a darker tone. “Your forgetting Eric… They fear what they don’t understand… If things went your way you would be an outcast… If I had my way if I was you I would keep on hiding…”


Angela and Jeria blinked as this exchange went on. “You must understand Sabrina we will not harm the future! I don’t know why your afraid Tabitha may become involved but I am sure nothing will happen to her or anyone else”

Sabrina glared at Eric and said. “Just give me what I came for” Eric tossed her a disk and gave her a shamed look.

”Eric your just dangerous I have come to realize that and I may quit the studio soon… I need the break from the insanity that seems to follow you!” Sabrina left Eric hurt and broken.

”When one of the kindest persons in your life starts to hate what you are… Then you know something is wrong…” Eric walked into the basement determined to find the answer as to why Sabrina felt the way she did.

Sabrina on the other hand felt just terrible about what she said. “Tabitha doesn’t need problems like that at her age” Sabrina smiled at all her memories of her sister. “Yes no problems at all”

End of chapter 15

Okay sorry this is late but I had to rework some parts. Set up future chapters and stuff. I hope you enjoyed it. A good chapter and the beginning of something more.