Workplace Relations By Michael Barnes



Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W.Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner. Michael Taillong, Eric Taillong, Erica Taillong, Evan Taillong, Lorene Taillong, Rachel Maximillion, Angela Markson, David Bateson, Michele Fawn, Lara Justain, Jake "Jazz" Phillips, Christina Landry are owned by me.

Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. Bryce Landry is copyrighted \xA9 to Bryce Landry. ZigZag, Brandy and Maxwell are copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and are also used with permission. Ertai Maxwell is copyright \xA9 Roland Bloodthunder. Dartanya Nightblood and Chance Wolfhog is copyright there owner Chance Wolfhog. Live "Lively" Wire Katt is copyrighted \xA9 to her player Live "Lively" Wire Katt




This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina Online comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story. Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of fiction and I in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead (without permission) is just a coincidence.



Chapter 16





James stood over the bathroom sink and looked at his face in the mirror wondering. “When did all this begin?” ZigZag came up behind him and hugged him.

”When did what begin?” James smirked

”Nothing ZigZag nothing”

Eric meanwhile pulled himself up out of bed and yawned. After Sabrina had basically told him off the other day he went to find out the reason why via James. James was no help seeing as he was refusing to say anything.

”Damn him… And his secrets damn it all!” Eric was beyond upset. He hid it but when someone you really cared about being in your life says things that hurt you it is not easy to forget.

Angela opened an eye and patted Eric’s pillow looking for him. “Eric?”

”Kitchen” Angela got up and yawned. Padding softly to the kitchen she kissed Eric and stood beside him as he fumed as he cooked something light.

”Sabrina?” Angela said as Eric sharply replied breaking the fork he was stirring egg yolks with.


Angela backed away and walked to the bathroom not wanting to accidentally take some of Eric’s wrath intended for the skunk.

Sabrina woke up and nudged Chris. He sat up and quickly went into the shower. “Just another day…” Chris did not hear her because he was busy with his showering.

Eric finished his breakfast and made himself calm down and went out to the car. Angela followed carefully. Even if Eric was not the abusive type he could go off and break a window.

”So many strange things going on… At least Jeri is gone” Eric smirked knowingly about something as Angela said this while walking towards the car.

”Heh” Eric said as Angela started up the car.

The drive to work was silent like it usually was. Eric was already back in his shades and had his cane ready. Since Sabrina had made him feel so angry with himself and his situation. One thing though was most on his thoughts.

”Those nanites in Jeri should have degraded by now but Anthony will have her checked by a doctor anyway. Man I need to kill that guy… Whoa now there is a bad thought… Though I wonder if I think this way because of what I am? A monster… I thought this way about myself for a while… Even before I realized I could control it… Could I go berserk again? Like a few years ago? And what more are my thoughts as confused as I made Michael’s? I need to work to get my head cleared”

Angela looked at Eric and sighed. At work the day went like normal. Jazz messed with his music. Eric sat around doing nothing cause he did his work early and was meditating. Sabrina was fending off Bryce who kept asking about her love life. And David and Lara made eyes at each other. Yet things were fast approaching a breaking point with the filming as the actors started to show signs of fatigue except for Lively who like her nickname was lively.

”Come on guys you can keep on moving right?” Chance just gasped for air under her as she sighed and got off him. ZigZag just called out.

”Break for… (Damn they are out of it…) The rest of the day till seven! So eat drink and sleep guys it’s going to be a long night!”


Bryce groaned as he stood and put on a robe handed to him by Michele. “Tough day?” Bryce just frowned. Christina laughed at him.

”Your hopeless bro” Bryce just kept on frowning as he went to a spare room used for sleeping… It had iv’s ready just incase and Bryce felt he needed one so he got Lara to put one in since she became the studios on hand nurse after completing the training so she could get extra pay.

“Bryce just relax and let the bag fill you with fluids you obviously need… Bryce are you smoking anything?” Bryce said no and just closed his eyes.

”Good cause if anything shows up on your blood test your in trouble” Bryce said nothing cause he knew he was clean.

”Looks like I need more ginseng or something”


Sabrina walked to Eric’s office door and knocked.

”May I come in?”

Eric sighed, “Get away from the monster Sabrina… I am evil incarnate so fear me! Or die… Of course you can come in! You’re a close friend and besides I forgave you ten seconds ago”


Sabrina smiled at Eric’s comment thinking it was a joke. Eric who wasn’t joking smiled back knowing Sabrina thought it was a joke. “So how are you? You haven’t eaten anything. Angela is worried about you… I mean you were attacked while you were away”

Eric faced his computer “So what? I deal with all my problems with careful thought insane moves and an occasional comment… Damn I get more like a super hero every day…”

Sabrina chuckled and handed Eric a form. “You need to sign at the X. The new Internet service line you had installed. Service bill already has come” Eric signed the paper and Sabrina smiled and left.

”At least he isn’t angry with me anymore…” She thought heading to her own workplace thinking of the relations with and between her co workers.


At Anthony’s offices hidden lab facilities

Anthony stood beside a sealed chamber that was filled with water. He had Jeri inside of it and she had an oxygen mask on. The chamber provided a means of checking a person over with precision instruments and also a means of performing a lie detector test.

”Now explain again what happened?”


Jeri looked at her boss and frowned “My sisters were captured along with myself by Eric. He treated us then left us alone at which point hours later into the night when we has just managed to work ourselves free. Agents of… Attacked us… And you know the rest”

Anthony looked at a technician and she nodded. “You told the truth… Again. One more question are you in love with Eric?”


Jeri forced herself to be calm to fight the feelings inside her and try and beat the machines around her as they checked her vitals. “No”

”Your lying” The technician was about to speak and Anthony nodded. “Yes I know the machines say she isn’t but she is… Perfect… Seems we have a replacement for James of sorts… What shall you do? Leave my organization or stay and one day prove your loyalty… I know you Jeri just try not to leave too soon… Ah but then the question comes to mind… Angela what about her?”

The workers in the room stood in silence as Anthony spoke. “Surely Eric loves her… Not as deeply as most or James after I killed his wife… Ah but then again I could order you to kill her… Or just leave you to wallow in your own self-pitty… I do not see how you could ever like Eric… Unless it was when you took that trip… Yes that trip back in time. Hoist her out of that thing and get her a towel”

Anthony left and Jeri felt a need to kill well up inside her. “Anthony…”

Eric smiled as he saw James and ZigZag leave. It was just him and Angela and he liked it like that. “Angela lets lock up after I clean out the studio” Eric took a step in and said.

”Sigh things never change ewwwwwww!” Angela broke down laughing as Eric continued to mop up and use a wet dry vac. After he was done he put his suit in a plastic bag and tossed it into a dumpster.

”I need a new one… I slipped twice” Angela smiled.

”It happens at least you don’t hit your nose anymore” Eric smashed into a wall and held his nose.


”Not your fault” Eric said while choking on his blood. Eric soon had his nose under control and left with Angela. At that moment Chance came out of the shadows and smirked.

”Are you sure about his?” Chance said to someone behind him.

”Yes… Brother remember no funny business. I am to capture the targets and take them to the base… You shall remain here and make your cover story a good one after assisting me”


Chance nodded and walked away with his sister. Dartanya meanwhile was above on the roof of the studio looking at the moon. “Oh Eric…” Darty took off and went on her way home.

Lively was at home reading a book thinking of her two lovers. “I wish the guys could come over hehehe” ZigZag had let everyone go home early at Eric’s urging. Lively was glad but now she was lonely somewhat. “OH well at least this novel is good I wonder who wrote it” Lively was reading a science fiction novel. It was quite old and written years and years ago by a famous writer who mysteriously vanished along with his wife.
They left two sons and a daughter behind. “Eric Taillong!? But Eric is… Nah must be a relative or something…”


Eric and Angela drove along when suddenly Eric heard the squeal of a trigger for a bomb charging. Angela grabbed Eric and leapt out of the car and rolled along the deserted road as the car exploded.

After the two stopped tumbling Angela stood and smiled. “Angela… What the hell!? How did you?”

Angela did not answer instead she shoved Eric out of the way of a ball of energy. “AHHHHHH!”


Angel fell knocked out before Eric as he leapt to his feet. “Chance!? But… WHY!?” Chance smirked.

”Taillong did you think you were the only one I owed?” A wolf girl came up beside Chance and smiled. She wore an elitist uniform of a commander of a special forces unit from Area 51.

”Hello Eric… I am Mellisa and this is my brother Chance. How nice of you to have allowed him into your group… Though it was meant to be humiliating which it has… I feel that it is time you released my brother from your little honor thing”

Eric spit on the ground cracking his knuckles and neck muscles “Do the words fuck you mean anything?” Chance blinked.

”Eric… You have never cussed before…. Oh yea we hurt Angela”

Eric ran at Mellisa then jumped behind her and kicked her square in the back. Chance grabbed Eric and shocked him. Eric stumbled back as Chance put his head down and hands to his side and ran at him and hit him dead in the chest.

Eric felt a charge go through his body as Chance hit him and flipped him over his head like a bull would. “Like my power?”

”What the hell are you?” Eric says smirking while standing again holding his chest.

”My brother and I are GAA’s with one enhancement… Electric eel DNA was used though it is a basic animal it worked fine and lo and behold we can do this!” The two charged up and sparks flew all around them. Forcing the power into there hands they let loose with a blast that lit up the sky faintly.

When it was over Eric stood there holding his arm and rubbing it. Chance and Mellisa stood there in shock. “Eric… What the hell are you?” Chance said staring along with his sister. Eric had blocked the attack with his now numb left arm. He was able to do so because of the nanites in his blood acting as a surge protector.

Eric laughed as his arm stopped feeling numb. “Well you may not know this but a few years back I took a trip… A trip that changed my life for the better” Eric pointed a finger at Chance and hit him with a stun pulse then did the same as Mellisa ran at him.

”Foolish people always fail when it comes to taking me down” Eric carted the two down the road along with Angela who was slung over a shoulder.

”Last time I take this route”



ZigZag glanced at Eric as he sipped his tea. “Answer me this… Why did you do it Chance?” Chance coldly looked at his friends.

”My sister… Family comes first… I owed her and I still do since I failed” Bryce pointed at Chance.

”I thought you were cool!” The fox’s nerves were plucked and he wanted answers. He knew his sister liked Chance and he wanted a response.

”Go back to school kid… Besides I am cool as you put it I just have my honor issues” Eric sighed and muttered.

”Ya and could you explain why you never used your power the first time you attacked me? When I broke your back? Sure you recovered fast and freaked out the hospital staff but still. Why?”

Chance spoke ”You are weak… Or so you were thought to be weak… How could you block me and Mel’s attack like that?”

”He has nanites in his body… That is how… And it is also how he can see now… How long were they dormant?” Mellisa asked as Eric took off his glasses and everyone gasped as they saw his eyes were no longer grayish around the pupil.

”Heh since right before my trip they activated” Angela walked over to Eric and hugged him.

”SO you don’t have to change your eyes anymore?” Eric nodded.

”Yea the nanites repaired my eyes when they came online… I guess you all need to know well it’s late and this is a LONG story…”


ZigZag yelled at Eric. “ENOUGH WITH THE EXCUSES!” Eric eeped and said.

”Yes ma’am I shall try to keep myself non hysterical like some people” ZigZag calmed down. Angela swapped Eric for his joke. “It all happened in 1998… That year was rough and well things were not as easy as you think… It was also the time I first ran into Jeri” Darty perked up at the mention of her other rival’s name.

”That woman… Grrr that makes two I have to get out of the way…” Darty yawned and laid her head on Chances Shoulder. Eric noticed this and did not care in the least. But Mellisa did and was trying not to frown.

”Jeri the one who Anthony wants to kill you?” James glanced at Eric as he said this.

 “In truth we were married… In another life… I don’t want you to say a word until the end of my story… It is a long story as I said and well… Sad really but oh it was so wonderful back then… We were young had children and all and loved each other… But were not in our own bodies… You see a freak accident at a testing facility on the area 51 premises caused us to turn into energy and be thrown back in time… To materialize in the bodies of my ancestors, Mary and Thomas Taillong…”

Darty is the first to speak. “You want us to swallow that insane piece of crap? Your lucky Sabrina hasn’t gone into shock!” Sabrina laughs.

”I love science fiction… Though sometimes I feel my loyalty for the genre waning” Sabrina pets a small Optimus figure in her purse with a paw nervously as she tries to remain sane.


Angela slaps Eric. “You don’t love me! How could you say such a thing!” Jeri walks in the front door with Michael and locks it.

”Cause it happened… And Mike here can prove it” Michael smiles at everyone. Lively smiles and checks him out.

”Your cute” Krystal opens the door with a key she has. And frowns at Lively while in her skunk form.

”Leave him be he is my man!” Michael smiles then grows serious as he puts on a pair of glasses and pulls out a stack of papers.

”These are copies for each of you of the evidence Eric left that he went back in time back in 1998… But I should let him continue his story….” Eric looked at Angela then Jeri and says.

”You still love me… I am sorry but we only had to behave that way to protect the timeline… If we had not you nor myself would not exist as we are… Or not at all…”

Jeri punches Eric in the jaw then stands over him as Jazz and David hold her back with the help of James. “I have her guys… And since when do you think you can hold back a GAA?” Jazz and David let go of Jeri and James seats her.

”Eric I still love you all right! How could you dismiss our feelings for each other like nothing!?” Eric shook his head sadly.

”NO it is not like that… Honestly I just have to… Oh… Mike take over” Eric sat alone in a chair trying to sort through his feelings. Darty just tried to probe his mind but felt blocks set in place recently.

”Eric…” Darty sighed and just stayed next to Chance who looked calm as his sister sneered.

”On July 18, 1998 at 9 o clock pm a biker on a deserted and supposedly secured dirt road ran into a time portal disrupting it with his unusual physiology… The time traveler who incidentally lost her loot from the past got sucked into the past along with the disrupter… The scientists had no idea that this would happen… They knew the return portal would open within a hundred mile radius but… Never in front of Eric Taillong!” Mellisa spat.

Jeri sighed as Mell continued. “You see Jeri was that traveler… She was the most likely candidate other than her sisters who are currently being brainwashed to suit our needs after it was found there parents could not be trusted… So they were spared the fate of Mother and Father… Who were I am sad to say taken offline for good and replaced with more competent sentient AI’s”

Jeri leapt so fast only Mike could see her in time as she drew a knife and went for Mellisa’s neck with the blade. Mike kicked Jeri into a wall before she could kill her target. “YOU BITCH! YOU LIE!” Jeri got up and sat down without attempting further to kill Mellisa as she laughed, Chance glared at her and she shut up.

”Oh but it is true… Much like how you lived the lives of people for years on end till you each mutually checked out… How did you say it happened? You both were sitting in the living room of your home in England and just died at the same time… Thus throwing you and Eric back to the future to rematerialize as your physical true selves again… Eric evaded capture and left on his confiscated bike… Which belonged to Mike”

Michael coughed. “Yea I was going to say something like that… Jeri you know what you did was honorable… You could have said fuck the timeline and left Thomas or rather Eric… But you two worked together and managed to keep time on track… As far as WE know… Originally from what Eric tells us our ancestors were poor but thanks to his novel series he made them rich thus that is why we collect royalties to this day… And the five or six movies based off the books he wrote… As Thomas”

Sabrina raises her paw and Mike points at her. “Question… What exactly prevented them from returning... What happened?” Mike looked at Mellisa and she looked at Chance.

”Sabrina it was found that due to the disruption. Jeri and whoever it was could not make it back until they lived out the peoples lives they had fallen into… From the computer models Eric’s DNA which is unlike any other GAA’s caused the problem when he collided with you and the nanites you collected merged with him in the time portal. The nanites malfunctioned and well we are not sure but the temporal energies caused them to short out and you both to turn into energy… What I would like to know is why did you not say screw you Eric and just leave Eric then Thomas as Mary and change the future? You could have avoided a lot of heart ache by not existing…”

Darty snorted. “I know how that is…” Mike looked at Eric as he just sat there.

”The nanites contain evidence of what happened… Proof of what really caused us to evolve as we are today… Human and Animal as one… Two different races combined… They told me the truth… I know… So why risk sending someone back in time to get what you needed? Your base is built over top the original human ran Area 51 from centuries ago… Ah but the ruins were just that eh Mell?”

Mellisa smirked. “Yes… We needed nanites that were alive… So we sent Jeri back… But she did not loose all the nanites… Or nanomachines… No she did not some were found at the scene of the accident… And so even non functional they provided us with enough info on processors that we are able to create the machines we use today at the base… I am only telling you all this because none of you will live… Except for Lively, Chance, and the other GAA’s including myself… Oh and Dartanya too cause I need a pet”

Darty blinked “Um right….” Eric shook his head.

”They know the risks besides your people will not make a move against us… Because I have made a deal with the devil… Anthony has already sent a clone to replace you… She will be taking your place for two weeks. Not to gain info no… Anthony has agreed to hold you and interrogate you IF you do not give the two of us the truth behind the GAA project!”


Mellisa looked at Eric and knew he wasn’t lying. “Damn it if you want to know so much… Fine… We were all created to be human killers… Infiltrate any human colony and kill… We are perfection… We are those who would kill their own mother if ordered we are abominations! HAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Angela socked Mellisa in the jaw. “That’s for shocking me bitch! Oh and for telling us such horrible things!” ZigZag looked at James and said.

”You see she has that cute quality that Sabrina has… That’s why I think Eric likes her” James nodded like he was actually listening instead of playing along with the joke.

Eric looked to Mike who looked to Krystal. “She isn’t lying… Dumb reason to kidnap someone… Unless you want other secrets?”

”Anthony does… Take her away Jeri” Jeri got up and opened the door. There stood two black suited men and Anthony and Erica.

Lively glanced at Erica. “Your as hot as your brother meow” Lively winked and Erica just blushed as Angela and Darty secretly cursed her for her raunchy attitude. ZigZag shook her head smiling.

”She’s like a younger me!” James hugged ZigZag.

”Naw… OH yea your right…” ZigZag nudged James.

”You don’t agree!” Eric stood and looked at everyone.

”There is a book I published as Thomas after our last child was born… Um err anyway you should all read it… I called it future paradise…”

Angela said something that startled everyone else. “What happened to Mary and Thomas’s souls? Where did they go?” Eric smiled.

”We temporarily merged… For the remainder of their lives we were all one… At times they could control us and we them but in the end it was a mutual agreement that they would live their lives… So we cooperated and let them control us.. That first year was hell… I chased Jeri o rather Mary as Thomas for that whole year… When we finally met we all just had a talk… It took a day for all sides to be heard. Its all in the novel future paradise… Trust me it is a good read”

Lively nodded “I am reading it now” Anthony and Erica coughed at the same time.

”The prisoner please? I am a busy man” Rachel came up behind Erica and shoved her to the side.

”Yes he has a date with me” Erica got up and snarled.

”With the both of us!”

”Now ladies” Anthony said in a debonair voice. “I am man enough for the both of you” Eric swore everyone woman in the area swooned. Eric knew he was in for it that night. Michael knew he was going to get lucky. ZigZag looked at James and he shook his head. Darty grabbed Chance and snickered. Chance sighed and smiled back. Mellisa grew tired of the eyes everyone made at each other and said.

”Anthony just take me where ever you intend to take me before I kill you all!” Anthony snapped and his men took her away.

”Eric we should cooperate more often…” Eric smiled as ZigZag said.

”Ahem excuse me Eric. Go screw yourself. Thank you Eric” Anthony left laughing to himself.

”Eric do you love Jeri? Jeri do you love Eric?” Eric and Jeri said at the same time.

”Only time will tell” Everyone groaned as they left. Jeri sighed and left last as Michael and Krystal smiled at Angela and Eric.

”You have some explaining to do Eric… No book is going to explain what you said tonight to your true love…” Michael and Krystal went his room and then heard him scream.

”WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY ROOM ANGELA!!!?” Angela giggled and looked at Eric.

”Not as much as I am going to do to Eric if he does NOT tell me what happened in 98!” Eric sighed and walked to the guest room and opened the door for Krystal as she pulled the traumatized Michael into it.

”I will tell you… Again only this time… In detail same as that book I wrote back then… Here is a copy you could read at… Gulp…” Angela was inches away from Eric’s face.

”Forget the book… Just get in there and prepare for a long night” Eric hung his head.

”Yes ma’am”

End of chapter 16

Next chapter takes place in the 1800 century… Or as I call it the neo 1800 century, my my wouldn’t you love to know what I have planned for the next chapter… All I will say is this. The regular series continues in chapter 18. What I have planned next is a LONG love story… With plenty of science fiction and more of Sabrina slowly going insane.
Chapter 18 will have the break in of area 51 by Eric and company. But also will it have more on Lively? What else am I planning? Ah well don’t worry cause trust me you will love it!