Workplace Relations By Michael Barnes



Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W.Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner. Michael Taillong, Eric Taillong, Erica Taillong, Evan Taillong, Lorene Taillong, Rachel Maximillion, Angela Markson, David Bateson, Michele Fawn, Lara Justain, Jake "Jazz" Phillips, Christina Landry are owned by me.

Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. Bryce Landry is copyrighted \xA9 to Bryce Landry. ZigZag, Brandy and Maxwell are copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and are also used with permission. Ertai Maxwell is copyright \xA9 Roland Bloodthunder. Dartanya Nightblood and Chance Wolfhog is copyright there owner Chance Wolfhog. Live "Lively" Wire Katt is copyrighted \xA9 to her player Live "Lively" Wire Katt




This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina Online comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story. Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of fiction and I in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead (without permission) is just a coincidence.



Chapter 18



Lively waltzed into the studio offices wondering where everyone was. James and ZigZag sat in ZigZag’s office and called Lively to see them.

”What is going on?” Lively asked while twirling a finger making it spark up.

James didn’t really care that Lively had electrical powers but her partners on camera complained a lot about it. Though sometimes they did not so it was a win win situation. “Nothing much after Eric told us about his little accident I looked into it… And he wasn’t lying”

ZigZag cracked her neck. “What else is new? That guy always does strange things…” ZigZag looked at her claws and remembered something important. “I have to go my nails need trimming and my feet need massaging and my back… You know the rest James darling” James laughed.

”Oh your appointment… I will look after things around here” James said while smiling. He knew ZigZag always liked to keep her appearance up more now than ever as a distraction from her constant asking of James to train her and his refusal.

Lively zapped James on the nose making him snap to attention. “Listen Coyote tell me what is going on!? Where is everyone?”

James rubbed his numb nose “They are out for the day setting up for YOUR birthday party!” Lively blinked and blushed as she remembered.

”OH! That… I forgot about it” ZigZag put a hand on Lively’s shoulder to get her attention as she was on her way out.

”How could you forget your own birthday? Oh well James can take you right James?” James nodded and checked his watch.

”They should have rented that gazebo days ago but I bet you they didn’t and now something has gone wrong”

As James predicted something did go wrong… Eric stood over the leader of a gang of young men. The studio-sponsored party for Lively was supposed to go off without a hitch. But after securing the place in the local park for it, a local gang of teenaged thugs decided to cause trouble so Eric dealt with them while everyone set up.

”Sigh… Okay get up… Get up!” The leader muttered something and Eric slid his foot under his head and flicked him up and then caught him by the neck. The scrawny punk whimpered as Eric tightened his hold. “Get the hell out of here lest I beat your nose into your brain!” Eric tossed the guy over his shoulder shocking passerby’s who quickly kept on walking. Eric pulled out one of the canes he carried in his jacket and unfurled it. It came up to his head and Eric wondered why until he realized it was his first cane the original one he had ever gotten. “I must have picked this up this morning in my rush”


“Ah the same cane I gave you Eric quite the collection under that jacket” Eric recognized the scent and the smell of the woman talking to him and quickly switched on his sight.

”Doctor Caina!” Eric hugged his old friend while stepping on and over a gang member who was picking himself up off of the ground to run away with his friends. Darty leapt over gracefully behind Eric as Angela walked over and glared along with Dartanya at the older woman.

”It still even has the engraving I had placed on the top segment… Oh who are these two young ladies?” Eric finished hugging his older friend and introduced her.

”These two are Dartanya and Angela. Angela is my girlfriend and Darty is just a friend. This is doctor Caina Heart the one who first treated me for my blindness years back when me and Mike were on the run from various government killers and psychos”

Mike looked up at the mention of his name but he wanted to get the food started so he decided to wait to talk as Krystal handed him his equipment. “Okay gloves cooking utensils now for the meat… And veggies” Jazz gave Mike the thumbs up and Michael smiled at him.

”Don’t forget the really bloody rare stake for me!!!” Darty called over to Mike who was handed a bag filled with blood and a slab of meat.

”Mike are you ok?” Krystal asked as Mike gulped and remembered his recent donation to Dartanya. Proof of which lay under the bandage on his arm.

”Yea just… Everything is blood with her… So what’s our next assignment after this cook out?”

”Choosing names for your child” Krystal said patting her belly and flicking her tail about.

”Ah that…. Hmm I should really be in shock but I am okay” Mike tossed his things onto a table nearby and ran screaming on all fours his tail waving behind him.

Caina laughed her badger features taking on that of hysterical laughter. “Your brother is quite silly as always. So can I take a look at your eyes?” Eric took off his shades and smiled.

”You can see! Surgery right? Illegal surgery I am assuming they gave you new eyes?” Eric shook his head and put on his shades.

”No nanites repaired the damage to my eyes… Quite advanced stuff even if it is centuries old… But sometimes I mentally turn off my vision… I have learned to see without it and most of my…”

”Training was done with the lack of sight… You were able to see shadows and some light when you left my care… What happened after that?” Caina asked while looking deep into Eric’s eyes making Angela growl.

”Can we continue this over at the table I don’t like the way Darty is staring at you from that tree…” Angela said glancing at Dartanya who was sitting on an upper branch listening to them talk. Eric escorted the elderly doctor to the table and introduced her to everyone. Settling down David took over cooking as Krystal chased down her man. Eric started to explain a few things.

”Doctor Caina here was the first one to identify the cause of my blindness… It is a rare condition that came about due to my untamed mental powers I had even before the alterations were made to my genetics…”

Doctor Heart smiled at everyone being friendly. “Yes he caused his own blindness… It was mental energy backlash from his rage at his parents leaving him… I heard they are back in your life now somewhat?”

Eric nodded. “I met them… I hold no ill will towards them but… Besides that please continue” Eric said quickly while raking the top of the wooden table with his claws making all around him shudder from the screeching noise.

”ERIC!” Angela scolded him for being so harsh.

”Don’t mind him… He was that way when he first walked into my cabin with Michael a few years back…” Eric frowned as he remembered then smiled as Mike ran by him with his skunk woman right behind him telling him to calm down.

Two soaked furs stand under a large umbrella. One of them is obviously older due to his height and protective stance of the smaller feline next to him. “Don’t worry bro I have everything under control… This doctor is the foremost expert on head related trauma. If she can’t help you then no one can… Sides being on the run for a while now makes you tired…”

Eric coughs and sniffs clawing at the bandage over his eyes. “Just help me to her door” Michael guides Eric to the cabin door which opened automatically.

”Come in come in!” Eric is hustled by a badger to an examination room. Mike was suddenly sitting on a couch and had a book in his hands.

”Now that is just freaky… She even put slippers on my feet and toweled my head fur… All while I was blinking… Okay now im afraid… Nice carpeting though” Mike said as he dragged a foot through it after kicking off a slipper.


“Eric I am going to scan your brain now. Just relax and… Asleep?” Eric fell asleep on the examination table and Doctor Heart went about her examination. Waking hours later Eric rubbed his eyes and blinked. He saw clearly until he accidentally disconnected the cable
that led to a band over his forehead.

”Lie still that was supposed to give you your vision back while you were in my care. It actively blocks your mind powers so you can see… The cause of the nerve damage to your eyes is your fault yet… Well just look at this” The doctor attached the cord to the band and soon Eric could see.

”What’s that tingling?” Caina laughed.

”Your eyes silly now you see this” Caina showed Eric a video diagram of Eric’s cells being damaged by some invisible force.

”That’s a sample from your eye nerves… Don’t ask how I got it you would not believe me” Eric gulped and asked.

”What about it? You said I have powers and such um explain?” Eric wanted to keep the rest of his strange abilities to himself for the time being.

”Well Eric are you ready to eat?” Eric stopped remembering and greeted Lively as she came over and spoke to him. Mike was back and had a leash connected to a collar around his neck. Krystal held it and tugged on it whenever Michael moved.

”Okay I will not run so stop tugging on my leash!” Krystal put the leash down and Michael bolted for his car only to be tripped by James who showed up with Lively. “Damn you James!!!”

”Thank you for stopping him” Krystal said while smiling and retrieving Michael.

James nodded then glanced around. “Why is he acting like that? Any problems?”

”No I told him I was pregnant and he flipped out”


“Ah doesn’t it always?” All the women glared at James and he turned slightly red with embarrassment. ”What did I do? It is true right?”

”No…” Eric said calmly.

”And how would you know?” Lively asked

Eric grinned and sighed getting a far away look in his eyes. Until Angela swapped him across the back of his head with her paw as hard as she could. “You already know how he knows… Eric what about your promise to Jeri… Even if I do hate her guts you made a promise to get her family back!”

Chance walked up. “Yea and to get revenge on the ones who nearly killed her!”
Dartanya hopped on Chances back and wrapped her wings around him.

”Also this will finally prove if you’re a killer or just a really cute guy” Angela growled at Darty and she hissed back. Eric rolled his eyes.

”Whatever… Point is I need to do this”


Caina shook her head. “What is it with you people? Always with the covert stuff if you really want to make an impression on the enemy and do all you say why not sneak in with me since I do still do consulting work for Area 51 when they have trouble making the computers work”

Michael smiled and finished eating his third plate in as many seconds. “Look we all have connections Jazz get a hold of your gun runner family members in Mexico… We need armor piercing rounds and lots of them… James make sure the weapons van is running smoothly we need some new shock absorbers for it and rig it with a parachute. Krystal I want you to stop looking at that book of names. I am naming our first born after that guy who has a crush on Sabrina and watches her from the Shadows”

Everyone looked at Max BlackRabbit as he stood up from behind a bush and coughed then walked away whistling like nothing was wrong. Sabrina shuddered and muttered something about the babysitter. “Guys are you sure Eric should do this alone? I mean I do not want to end up drawing a mural on the side of the studio in his honor if he dies… We all care right? Someone else should go with him!”

Jeri walked up slowly carrying a duffle bag. “I will… Oh and happy Birthday Lively… These selfish people have all but forgotten about your birthday” Lively did not say anything.

”Just leave your gift with the others on that table… I just… Sigh”

”Live wire… I know your upset about what happened on this day years and years and years ago” Eric began to say but was interrupted by Lively screaming in his face.

”I AM NOT THAT OLD… Oh I see your joking… Hehe heh…” Lively calmed down as Eric rubbed his ears along with the others in the area.

Silence followed except for the sounds of Dartanya and Chance making out. “Chance she is just using you man” Bryce said to Chance.

”So… What” Chance replied with.

”Sad thing is ZigZag must have behaved in a similar manner in the old days… Before the Eric Taillong era…” David said while looking at a novel as Lara stared into his eyes. James coughed.

”Right…. Anyway we need a solid plan and we need to organize!” Jazz got off the phone.

”I called my Auntie in Nevada she said a hotel chain she owns could set us up with rooms for the night… But I have to play at my eighth cousin’s second wedding in three weeks. Also my third grandfather says I have to go to Otakon and sell his stuff… He is shipping it to me from Japan in about a day…” After Jazz spent the next half hour running down the list of his MANY relatives he finally got to the point of his long-winded speech. “So finally my cousins in Mexico say they have some Special Forces gear they can send us since you need some tougher stuff than what you have…”

Eric nodded “Right! Our gear is too old we need light weapon reflective stuff! Jazz stop off at my house and I will give you one of Mike’s servers in return for the guns. I am sure you can sell it to a family member or something…”


James and ZigZag sat on her front porch watching the sunset. It was a beautiful dusk as birds flew to their nests for the night. James was just going over his past so deeply that he neglected to feel ZigZag rest her head on his shoulder and fall asleep. “I am so sorry…”

Eric and Angela were being more physical at the moment as they lifted weights in Eric’s basement. “Tell me Angela why are you so… Built? You never before joined me in weight lifting… And you sure like to bend in ways I have never seen when we” Angela dropped the weight in her right hand and sighed.

”Eric I love you with all my heart…” Angela hugged Eric tightly and kissed him. “But I am not a real furry” Eric gasped as Angela nipped his neck. With her teeth she nibbled on his jugular vein. Eric gasped more in pleasure than shock. “Please try and understand” Angela stopped and just held Eric. Eric for the first time realized just how strong his girlfriend was. “The other night when I leapt out of the car with you I violated my orders… I panicked not believing you would save us… I lost faith in you my love… I took the job to watch you… My commanding officer is very interested in your DNA Eric… She believes you could help our people… For you see I am really a…”

Michael came down the stairs and stopped. “Oh sorry guys… I thought I would work out also but I see your getting friendly heh” Mike smiled and walked back up the stairs and locked the door before closing it.

”Your really a what? A GAA? Or something… Else…” Eric felt something wet slide from his eyes and he realized for the first time in a long while he was crying.

”I am an from another planet… It is a whole new playing field now that you know this Eric… I am a rouge agent now and they will try to kill me… But it is worth it… I love you… At first I thought it was something of a lie to fool myself into not feeling guilty for lying to you and lying with you in bed… I played my role then I realized I actually meant all I said and did even when I complained…”


Eric smiled weakly still crying. “My whole life is messed up Angela… Loving you has helped me out a lot… Not all the money I have but you… Even if you do max out my charge cards with our friends on occasion… Angela no matter what happens now… I want you to know I love you more than anything…” Eric began to remove his shirt and from there things got really pleasant, as you would expect when two lovers express themselves physically.


Krystal smiled at Michael as he lay with his head on her lap looking at television as she scratched behind his ears. “Your so cute like this… Just like a kitten” Mike purred.

”Yea but man they are loud down there…”

Krystal poked Mike in the arm. “Stop listening to them!”

”I cant help it I hear them through the floor… And have you noticed Angela is quite built? I thought she was smaller than that as far as muscle size”

Krystal smiled “Yes I did… I find it quite strange”

Mike smiled as the sounds downstairs stopped. “Wow they are done that quick?”

Krystal was about to say something when a loud roar was heard. “I don’t think they are yet Mikey and well… You see…” Mike frowned.

”No not now… You bite too much! Oh geez…” Mike tried to run but was grabbed by Krystal who dragged him by the arms into the guest room and locked the door.

At the studio

Dartanya and Chance and Ertai along with Christina all sat around in the break room of the studio. They were the only ones left in the building since everyone had the day off. Lively seemed happy again when her two lovers came and picked her up so they could “celebrate” at her apartment. Darty lazily draped her wings behind her as she sat across from Chance who stared at the ceiling. “So what do we do?”

”We leave Ertai alone with Christina and go home together… Your place is great for my morning workout since it has room for you to fly it has room for me to flip around as I stretch” Dartanya smirked.

”One of these days I will make sure you don’t leave my bed again if you catch my meaning” Ertai snorted.

”You’re both insane… Chris want to go to the movies? I hear that new CG movie is a hot ticket”

”Sure just do not try to make out with me we are just friends…”

Bryce burst into the room. “Where is my wallet?” Dartanya tossed it to him.
”Thanks!” Bryce rushed out.

”Why did you have that?” Chance asked still looking at the ceiling.

”No reason other than we used it for a prop in a streetwalker scene” Dartanya smiled to herself and stood up with Chance following her.

A few days later Angela and James were talking about tactics Eric could use to get into the base.

”How do you know so much about military tactics?”

”James I just know my stuff… Still Eric should try and get in and out without causing much trouble… Plus he will have two in tow if possible”

James nodded and sipped his coffee. “Just think of it… Eric is going to fight… And this time he will have to possibly kill yet he will go through with it”


Angela was sipping her coffee when a smile came to her lips. “Eric is strong he will do his duty… As I have…”

James was about to say something but stopped as Angela continued to smile as she drank. “…”

Eric stepped out of the basement dressed from head to toe in his fighting gear. It consisted of a skintight Kevlar body armor suit with black fatigues over it. “How does it look?” Lara swarmed him with clippers and scissors and before he knew it Eric’s hair was trimmed and pulled back in a short ponytail.

“Now that is nice” Lara admired her work.

”I repeat Lara I am not a porn star” Eric frowned

”But you look the part from your…”

”Do not say that name… I swear I was high that day” Eric snorted as ZigZag laughed at him.

”You were you drank Mike’s rum cooler and were as flighty as a bird” Dartanya giggled.

”I can cast a few luck spells…” Lively was flipping through a spell book. And Eric raised an eyebrow.

”Nah all I need is my trusty…” Eric put away the knife and sighed. “I am so pumped for this… My muscles feel great my eyes are like a hawks… I mean I am in fit physical condition and I love it. Everyone trust me when I say I can handle this… What will be will be” Angela slapped Eric.

”I want you to fight not give in! Think about it!” Eric rubbed his face and nodded.

”So Mike when do we leave?”

An explosion threw everyone off there feet as the front of Mike’s house vanished. Gunfire rang out as a team of soldiers swarmed the room. “Freeze!” Eric’s head snapped up as a voice he recognized rang out.

”Shana Wind…” Shana a Tiger with a scar over the right size of her face stood before Eric dressed in fighting wear similar to his. Her black hair cascaded down the back of her head in a long braid.

”Eric Taillong… Nice to see you!” Shana kicked Eric in the face knocking him out.

”Another GAA?” Lively asked.

”Worse… Much worse” Shana said as her team of five men took up positions in the room.

End of Chapter 18

Shana Wind a vicious killer from Eric’s past attacks once again. She captures Eric and holds him in an abandoned military base. Will Eric survive her games or will he fall prey to his genetics and kill Shana to escape? Next chapter the truth of lies and life