Workplace relations By Michael Barnes



Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W.Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner   Zig Zag is Copyright \xA9 Max the Black Rabbit. Michael Taillong and Eric Taillong are owned by me. Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza.


This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina Online comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story. Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of Fan fiction and I in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead (without permission) is just a coincidence.




Chapter 4




A week after the explosion that left Eric and Michael further in the dark. Eric helps his brother load some of their things into a large container for shipment. “Okay this has gotten out of control and strange… Almost like it was planed by some crazy god who wants nothing more than to laugh at us” Michael looks from behind a box. “Excuse me you mean laugh at you right?”


Eric sits on the steps to their apartment and drinks from a soda bottle. He feels the same people watching him and his brother. “Mike there still there”

Michael continues loading things. “Duh I know they are not going to go away and we will not lose them the best we can do is just I don’t know have a hidden computer lab and do stuff”


Eric shook his head “You always let your writings get to you. Now you want to make them REAL?” Eric continues  “A computer lab for what Mikey” “I want to do stuff like I said like um… Okay so I don’t know but at least we have moving money…”

Eric shuddered “Don’t remind me please don’t I don’t like this why the hell did I get that money? What is this all leading to and why do I think that you don’t care that I think that this was a set up?”


Michael ignores Eric and sits down. “Lets look at the disk tonight!” Eric frowns “No I will look at it you make sure that we have a house to send this stuff too!” “I have already planed our move okay? Sheesh there’s a nice big house in a suburb that we will both like… Though its not a mansion since SOMEONE doesn’t like money all of a sudden…”


Eric walks away from Michael and upstairs tapping his cane away. Entering the now deserted room Eric trips and falls on the Coffey table. Eric stands then feels along the wall for the couch.


Sitting Eric sighs and thinks “I should have told him that my eyes have gotten worse soon I wont be able to see nothing but shadows… Ill be blind and it’s my fault… I should have not gotten so mad then bam I messed up my own sight with my power”


Eric sits blinking remembering that sometimes it works and some times it doesn’t. As his vision comes back to what it was which was not so bad just blurry. Eric grabs the laptop and puts in the CD and waits. “ What’s this? Hmmm” Skimming through the video files and information Eric smiles then gasps.

”Mike come here!” Eric calls out and Michael outside hears him from an open window. “Okay…” Michael comes upstairs then stands as Eric shows him what he saw. “It’s the formula for the chemicals and its a um message from that guy” “You forgot his name already?” Eric snickers and turns to Michael “For his protection Mike” Michael laughs “Your so lame”


Michael watches the computer screen then asks, “Seeing as how im not a nerd like you what is this about?” “Michael you’re smarter than me… Anyway Jack basically is telling us that he faked his own death since he could not control his transformations anymore after experimenting with the formula on himself. Its an enhancer only it enhances what the user wants depending on placement”


Michael sits “Okay that’s kind of strange” “Well it depends on where the chemical is placed on the body. It’s absorbed through the skin or can be ingested. Since we swam in the stuff diluted it still messed with my eyes and our bodies. As I lose more and more of my sight I find myself needing to use my physic sonar”


“Huh? What is that” Eric closes his eyes “I can picture how a room looks like by feeling it with my mind… People cant tell I am doing this cause the touch is so faint” “So basically your mentally feeling people up right?” Eric blushes “Yes…” Michael swats Eric with a pillow. “Okay then if that is true how come you always are falling and tripping?” “I don’t have control over it fully. It comes and goes as it wants”


“Your talking like its alive and wild” “Isn’t it? Think about it we don’t know what this stuff did and we took a bath in it basically also we don’t know how the heck it will affect us further as we age. Jack and his brother who goes by X used this stuff after their father created it at a secret lab after faking his death. X found his father still alive at this secret lab after he was sent there in a security detail… Big mistake X killed his father and stole the substance then during a plane shipment of the chemical to offshore lab by Jack some of it fell out and onto our land”


Michael stands and punches a hole in the wall. “So Jack ruined our lives?” “No it seems that the plane was hit with a missile from another plane” Eric nods as Michael asks “The government is in on this?” “Duh they have been watching us!” Eric senses his brother’s rage and then sends calming emotions to him.


“Stop probing my head it gives me headaches” “How could you tell?” “I can I have some of your abilities I think…” Eric thinks for a moment “Hey then maybe this stuff effects you in the same way as it does to a relative” Michael and Eric look at the computer. “Yes there is some research notes too and from what I can tell X can transform also…” Michael looks at the window “Jack said he was going to an island to live out his days”



Eric continues “It seems that the transformation was too much for him to stand and it made him feral when he changed so he killed people…. He killed his son also by mistake” Michael looks worried “What if one of us ends up changing into a monster?” “Huh?” “Think about it Jack and X were brothers and they both could change… If one of us can so can the other?” “Maybe but they have different genes than us”


Eric comes across a file “Hmm lets see what this is…” Eric stares in horror at the screen. “No no way is that it?” Eric plays the video footage again. “It’s the being that… Jack could become I guess…” “What is that? Thing?” Eric reads some of the research. “Homosapien… what the heck is that Eric?” “Stop reading over my shoulder and from what I can tell… Remember ten years back they found million year old fossils and remains of an old civilization that predates our own?”


“Yes it was all over the news I remember how everyone was all excited. Thinking that Alien beings had lived here before us on this planet” “Well you do remember how all of a sudden the story left the news and the scientists who found the fossils were later found dead?” “Yea they said they committed suicide” “Well I think I know why…. This being that Jack turned into is our ancestor… He de-evolved back into this creature… Or evolved into it… From the data it’s more of an advancement on any physical structure a fur has… Incredible enhanced strength speed and what really freaks me out are the three hearts…”


Michael spits out some Coffey he had gotten before he came up “Whoa… Three hearts? how!?” “The formula combines the best attributes from the human genome with that of…. Alien DNA… Were talking a whole new race completely compatible with our own.... The bastards tampered with DNA to do this” “Duh” Michael thinks for a moment then gasps


“If the public knew this…” “They would not accept the fact that someone went to a lot of trouble to create this stuff for what? Well I don’t know fully. But one thing is certain from this data the fossils contained a mutation virus one so virulent that everyone at that time was infected. The DNA altering enhancement formula was engineered from this virus. They called it their plan for domination” Michael stares ahead blankly as he tries to come to grips with the fact that… He may not be… Anything remotely normal on this world.


Eric grabs an old book “Remember that like a thousand years ago there was a race called humans? Well I think that humans were called Homosapiens our common ancestor until they changed. Think about it history is like so gapped back then and when the modern era came humans were not around anymore. So either they changed or we killed them all off”

Michael thinks “Yea all our tales of terror from legends center around the hairless apes and how they destroyed. Movies were made about them and there terrible strength and power… No wonder a perfect plan…” “For terror Mike for terror and with this formula in our systems it seems at we ourselves will one day change” “For the good or bad bro?” Eric looked away from Mike and he sighed and went back to packing.


The present


Eric leans up from over the computer keyboard he is at and looks at the clock. “Enough remembering the past time to take on the future” Eric stands and walks for the door to the computer room. Going upstairs he stops in the living room and sniffs “Hmmm oh its nothing but Mikes chili…” Eric laughs as he spots his brother is sitting at the kitchen table drinking gallons of water trying to cool his burning mouth.


“Shut up man this stuff burns ahh it burns!” Eric shakes his head then looks at piece of paper sticking out of the fax machine in the living room. Walking over to it Eric pulls off his shades and starts to read with the help of his power. Feeling over the pages with his mind he gets a clear as normal 20/20 vision picture in his head in less than 2 seconds.


“Mike you are certified as a video editor right?” Michael glowers at Eric “Duh I did manage to take the classes at that school… I still need to go to college and…” Eric cuts him off. “Well seeing as how my Job at ZZ studios is a clever cover for other things hehe ZZ has sent me a fax asking me to find some replacement employees since she fired some of the staff due to them being on the take…”

”What? I thought there was only one on the take?” Eric sits at the kitchen table with the fax “Yep but she was discovered by most of the staff so she bribed them all to keep quiet that she was spying for One X studios owned by grrrr Anthony Maximillion” Michael slams his fist into the table. “Go… On don’t let your rage make you change again…”


Eric calms down and his hands grow their fur back “As I was saying ZigZag caught the spy with my help and surveillance work and fired her on the spot with pay… She’s too nice isn’t she?” “Yep Zig Zag is okay firing her with pay and all… I guess but as a boss?” Eric smiles “Come on you know you want to… Besides you wont be cleaning up funny spills…”


Michael laughs so hard he cries as Eric sighs and waits for him to finish. When he does he takes one look at Eric’s sour face and laughs some more. “I will be in my room”

Walking Eric trips over his feet as he exits the kitchen. Michael stops laughing and sighs

”I would have caught you but I was laughing at you at the time which reminds me Ha ha ha ha ha ha” Eric slams the door to his room shut and shatters the doorframe. “Watch it man that’s the third door this week!” Eric mewls out an apology and smiles remembering his sister used to mewl all the time when dealing with authority figures like there parents.

”Erica…. Oh well ill find you and when I do we will party till we drop after all it is a new decade starting. One that I am sure will not be without dangers”


The next morning

Eric is looking at the fax he got and reads off the following again as he sits on the bus.


Eric do me a favor see if you can find replacements that can fill these positions that were well emptied as of yesterday evening when I found most of your co workers/my staff knew who the spy was you informed me of and were on the take from her. They said something about being paid by her not to say anything... Anyway do this for me and I promise you wont have to worry about me pestering you when you go on your excursions.... For a week what follows is the list... Pick carefully and make sure you pick some cute people like your brother who you said is certified for Video Editing.


Remember cute as in looks… Personality well as long as they don’t try to avoid people like you do that wont matter... unless there insane in which case...


The message went on like that for a while and Eric skipped to the bottom. “Okay now I think ill get a paper on the way to the office and then start calling around…. Who am I kidding?” Eric thought, “I don’t know the first thing about hiring people!”



Eric busy with his thoughts had gotten off the bus and was walking along tapping his cane when he ran into a lamppost. At that moment a young light brown rabbit was hurrying along when he stepped on Eric’s back in mid sprint.


Eric who was bleeding from his nose again growled in pain and embarrassment as he was helped up by another passerby. “Are you okay? Here’s your cane” Eric said thank you to the stranger and immediately began to form plans for revenge on whoever stepped on him.


“Im going to kick their ass whoever stepped on me” Eric thought as he walked along sniffing quietly tracking the scent of his target.



Jake Phillips a sound engineer and former famous videogame music composer. Was just exiting the doors of a bus in front of his apartment. “What a day! I miss the job appointment and I step on a cat! What else can go wrong?” “Jake your rent is due!”


Mr. Wong A Jack Russell Terrier with Japanese origins and Jake’s landlord was there in front of him waving an eviction notice “I am your landlord and as such you will pay your rent to me on time or leave!” Jake muttered “More like warlord” “What was that!?” “Nothing look all I have is…” Jake looked in his wallet and saw he had the money to pay his rent but he refused to pay his roommates share. “I have my half but my roommate…”

Mr. Wong narrowed his eyes behind his small frames “Listen here my niece is not a bum! You are! She say you took her rent money and now what is this?” Mr. Wong snatches the money from Jake “Here it is!”


Jake sighed then slowly repeated to himself “Faith Focus Control! Faith in believing that Mr. Wong will one day see that his relative is a bum! Focus when wanting to get a job and Control when I finally KILL KELLY MY ROOMMATE!”


Jake ran upstairs with the landlord right on his heels. Eric was just getting out of a cab after pulling his head in the backseat window. “Boy you act like a blood hound the way you were calling out directions… That will be $34 dollars for your fare” Eric used his powers and found the price was actually higher than what the cabby said. “Thank you for your kindness but”


Eric handed the cabby a hundred dollars and he simply asked shocked “How could you know?!” “I have my ways good day sir” Eric waved good-bye as the cabby drove off. “Its people like him that make me want to believe in the world again and not hide from it once I finish my self proclaimed mission”


Jake was tossed in front of Eric by two burly dogs. “And its rude people like yourself that make me wanna scream!” Eric was about to step on Jake’s back after recognizing his scent when he was hit in the shoulder by a suitcase then he was soon showered by things.

Jake was holding his eye as he stood “Hey! The furniture in the place is mine Mr. Wong!” “You’re a thief your lucky I didn’t want to call police now get out of here!”

Jake looked at Eric and said “Sorry I stepped on you if you want I could be your throw rug for a moment so you can get your revenge” As Jake was prepared to lay down on the sidewalk again Eric stopped him and picked up a piece of sheet music.


“This is yours?” “Yes Mr. cat?” “Don’t call me that I am only 19 you can call me Eric. Do you write music Jake?” “Yes and why do you ask?” “Oh well I work for a studio and we need a new composer and sound engineer and I was wondering since you seem to be out of work and out of most of your equipment…”

Jake jumped as his expensive keyboard crashed to the ground from upstairs “You can keep that the rest is ours for back rent!” Eric finished “Is gone now how would you like to be ZZ’s studios new sound guy?” Jake was at the point of going upstairs and risk another fight with those two dogs that threw him out when he heard Eric’s job offer.

”Really!” “Really Jake” Jake paused “How do you know my name” “You would not believe me if I told you but believe this I tracked you down for revenge and now I am offering you a job” “Where at again?” Jake said as he salvaged his clothing “Um a very famous studio now follow me please”



ZigZag was fuming “How could you do that Rebecca!” ZigZag had come out of the studios and had paint thrown in her face by none other than her former employee who was with some other One X studio actors. “I gave you back what I owed you… Now maybe your freak fur will match!”


Zig Zag had never felt so hurt as she thought “To think I gave her severance pay not that she needed it!” Zig Sag was about to shed a tear when a familiar voice called out. “Zig Zag what happed to you! Who did this?” “James…” Zig Zag grabbed onto her boyfriends shoulder and buried her face into it as she pointed at Rebecca and her friends.

James was barely aware of the black and white paint getting into his clothes and fur because he was seeing red… But he did nothing but take ZZ back inside the studio where she was seen to by the remaining staff who rushed to her attention while James marched over to the laughing 1 X studio actors. “Your lucky if your boss didn’t have stuff on me I would have kicked your tail’s all over the place!” “Yea like you could anyway!”

Rebecca left with her new friends who were now quiet. James was about to enter the studio and find ZigZag when. “Sheppard you were smart not to harm my actors… Next time remember though even if she is your woman I will still crush her and there is not a thing you can do to stop it… Unless she accepts my business deal”

The limo pulled off and James shook visibly as he entered the studio




Eric had gotten off the phone with a temp agency when he got paged “ZZ is in trouble! Damn!” Eric called his brother “Mike are you awake?” Michael opened his eyes and got out of bed and hit the speakerphone button. “Yes I am now what is it? I don’t start work till tomorrow”


“Come to the office NOW!” “Alright!” Eric put away his cell phone and hailed a cab. Telling the cabby where to go he got the comment “You don’t look like no porn star I have seen sonny”


Michael climbed into a four door red station wagon and drove off after activating his custom security system for the house. “That should stop any would be criminals” Michael thought as he took off.


Eric was punching a wall as everyone else stood back “Does he do this often?” Michael smiled at one of the actresses. “Only when someone he cares about is attacked” When Eric was done the concrete was cracked and people were muttering things like don’t tick off the Blind dude.

Eric calmed down enough from his workout to stop his transformation. “Eric your paws they’re bleeding let me help” Sabrina wrapped Eric’s hands as he smiled with his eyes behind his shades.


Chris Sabrina’s boyfriend had recently moved to town and was snickering at Sabrina’s bedside manner. “Picked up a few tips from Amy?” “Shut up Chris” “Okay okay”

Eric then sat down and looked at James who was waiting for ZZ to come back after she took off in tears just as Eric showed up. “Have I seen you before James?” “No” “Eric stop bothering the man let him be!”

Michael scolded his younger brother then went back to his old self “So who wants to play Pokemon with me?” Michael was shuffling his Pokemon card deck when the actress that seemed to like him scooted away from him on the couch they were on as soon as she saw the deck.

Eric seeing his opportunity to take revenge for yesterday’s laugh-a-thon decided to show his nice side for once. He laughed


“Ha ha ha ha ha ha!” everyone looked at Eric taking there attention and snickers away from Michael who was trying to hide his cards based on the popular video game. “Eric your laughing?” Everyone turned to the door to the break room and saw ZigZag standing there with a wolf fem. “I can’t believe it!” ZigZag said incredulously


Eric stopped and suddenly blurted out “Well you said I was too anti social… Who’s the wolf babe?” “How do you know I am a wolf? And further more the name is Lara blind boy!” Eric sneered, “I can smell you no offence but as they say when the eyes went my other senses got better oh and nice comeback with the blind quip what’s next?”


Lara emitted a low growl and ZigZag stopped Eric who was growling back as everyone watched Eric show more spirit in front of them than he ever did. “Humph what is it you said I would do here besides Hair ZigZag?” “Make up and also I need to tell you what my studio does…”

Lara went white as ZigZag finished explaining to her what went on “No thanks I think ill be going now” “Wait don’t just leave not until you hear what I do” Sabrina was trying to hold in her laughter and started giggling which spread to others as Eric said. "Consider yourself lucky that YOU don’t clean up after them..." Lara started laughing then pointed and laughed as Eric stood there.

. Eric began to get mad again and they quickly remembered what he did to the wall when he pointed to it. “Remember? He he heh”


Silence was soon heard and Eric simply said “Ill see you later” Grabbing his broom Eric walked off only to fall on his face. “Medic…”


Next week


Eric and the rest of the staff old and new stood in the largest studio on the rented lot. ZigZag had decided to throw a party but before she did Eric made it clear that she owed him twice and ZigZag reminded him that he was the cause of her hidden problems. “So Eric you have to clean this up also right?” “No well yes just drop it Jake”


Eric walked off tapping away with his cane the bright lights bothering his eyes “I need to install a dimmer switch” “Good idea” One of the actors yelled while partying.
Eric was mingling with the crowd “Who would have thought I would be at a party… At a smut studio as my mother would say”


Suddenly the music suddenly cut out as ZigZag walked back to the party with “Anthony Maximillion! What the hell are you doing here ya evil conglomerate bastard who thinks he can compete with us with his phony One X studios supposedly the most classy Adult studio on the continent!”


Everyone looked at Michael who shrugged “Hey I know my stuff so sue me” “I may very well do that Michael Taillong… Compete with you that is” Michael smirked and sipped his wine while Eric looked freaked.


Suddenly the new secretary Angela spoke while trying to calm Eric with her hand on his shoulder. “ZZ why is he here?” Zig Zag looked at Anthony and he smiled and spoke. “I offered to buy this place from ZigZag for more than she could ever use and you know what she told me? Its not for sell so I went and investigated and found that she doesn’t own the land and she’s renting from someone else yearly… Guess who that is?” “Who since you seem so sure about it!?” Angela snapped.


Anthony pointed at Michael then Eric. “They do” Michael spited out his beer that he had in his other hand and shuddered. “No we don’t… Do we Eric” Michael was trying to hint to Eric not to answer truthfully as Eric thought back to a meeting they had with ZigZag a few years ago when they first came to this town.

A few years ago


Eric and Michael walk into a real estate office they were directed to. “So were buying a property Mike?” “Yes its perfect its being rented by some studio but hey we just kick them off of it then wham we have our um I don’t know electronics store!” Eric taps his way to a chair and sits. “Well I hope the real estate agent comes back soon”


Eric sighs, “Eric well how are you?” “Well my power to “see” came back and I’m happy as a clam Hehehe” “Why?” “Some beautiful person just entered the offices but she is slightly upset and seems to be wearing some tight clothing…” “Eric you didn’t!?” “No I feel faces with my mind and surroundings… her outfit comes up to her neck and it seems to be tight fitting”


Michael smiles “But have you ever well you know” “NO I don’t do that besides its not right to use my power like that unless I am involved with the person” “Oh right mister honorable” “Mike I know you have some of my physic seeing power and I know what you do when checking out women” Michael blushes then looks at the door as it opens.


Eric smiles as he realizes it’s the person he saw earlier with his mind. “Hello my name is Michael and this is my brother Eric” “You seem a little young to be extortionists” “Huh?” ZigZag frowns “Don’t play dumb! The real estate agent told me you intend to kick me off the lot and build an electronics store? What kind of nonsense is that”

Eric laughs “My brothers kind hello. I am sorry maybe we can continue renting the property to you?” ZZ waves her hand in front of Eric’s shades. “So your blind?” “Legally but I can see shadows” “With those on?” “Yes even with my glasses on”


Zigzag sits and waits for the agent to come with the contracts. “So how much?” Michael looks confused “What?” Zigzag turns to Eric “Hmm well what did you pay before and don’t lie I can tell when someone lies” “60 a year” “Hmm that will do but I know you paid 100 thousand with the old owner he was about to raise it when he died. Considering you make at least a few million a year worldwide that is a fair price yes?”


Zigzag smiles “Cheap why?” “I don’t believe in money I have no use for it besides food and living expenses and I don’t have a need for it really seeing as how I cant see like others can” Zigzag thinks “Are you playing games with me? Come on how much really” “I said 60 will be fine Michael are you okay with that?”

”NO well sort of but we cant extort the lady” “You speak as if your any younger than me” “Well I guess I am by at least two years I think” “You both are crazy ill have my lawyer deal with this” “No wait if it will make you feel better how about 70?” Zigzag worked her magic as she argued with the two brothers.

”I’m leaving” “Okay back to 60 then come on we don’t want you to leave unsatisfied were new at this” Zigzag wondered if they were just some rich brats playing around with her. ZigZag smiled again making Eric grin inwardly “I am never unsatisfied but what is your game?” “None just send your lawyer then if you don’t believe us…” “Eric stop making decisions im the oldest so I should say what goes! Now excuse me cause I have to go”


Michael leaves in a hurry asking were the bathroom is. Eric taps his cane as he sits. “Look my brother is not like other men he’s sort of childish and well acts like it when he’s not hormonal” ZigZag wondered why her clothing wasn’t having an effect on both brothers considering Michael could see her fully.


“Kid do yourself a favor and just let a lawyer handle this your obviously not able to” Eric reached out and grabbed Zig’s arm and held her so she couldn’t exit. “Your not used to kindness are you? Look just once take a chance and do something and take this discount! We just want to lay low were not like others and I shouldn’t tell you that”

”What your gay?” Eric pulled his paw back and scratched Zig with his claw by mistake. “NO WAY!! Its complicated but lets just say that things are not what they seem” “Okay you convinced me but if I see more than 60,000 on my rent notice this month I am hurting you both” Zig said with a wink that made Eric smile after she left.


The present

”Yes we own the land” Anthony Smiled and laughed as everyone gasped in surprise except for ZigZag who knew all along “Yet you work here why is that Eric? Are you some sort of pervert OR should that be Furvert?” “I am blind ya ninny! Course I can’t speak for Michael…” “Hey! You’re the one who asked me to work here!” Michael smirked and sipped from his beer then his wine bottle… Yes I really do mean wine bottle “So Anthony long time no see how is your brother?”

Anthony thought for a moment “He is missing much like your twin sister Eric oh but is she really missing?”


Anthony pulled out a picture of a feline dressed in explicit clothing… She looked just like Eric only feminine. More gasps were heard since the photo was rather large and everyone could see it. Eric was speechless and Angela let go of his shoulder. “You dress in drag?”

”No” “Then what is that picture err who is that picture of?!” Eric snapped his cane in half “My twin sister Erica only other person who could be in that picture he pulled out I assume…. YA BASTARD!!!” Eric leapt at Anthony who swatted him with his diamond tipped cane. Eric stood holding his cut muzzle. “You will be glad to know that after she ran away from the hospital she grew up in a foster home… Now she works for me Eric and there is not a thing you can do to break her contract MUWHAHAHAHAHA!!”

Eric looked down defeated “Okay so you have blown the lid off on me and Mike owning the land and you now somehow have gotten my sister to work for you… But what you don’t know is this…” Eric looked Anthony dead in his eyes “Besides just doing janitorial work here I write the scripts and have been since I came to work here when I was 18!”

Anthony was taken aback and Eric smirked “Yes that’s right I am the one who wrote the script for Dangerous Evening affairs that netted this studio a few hundred thousand in the first two months it was out and ya know what else? I was the one that asked to do night work here…. I don’t have many friends I don’t go out much and I have no need for money but heh I cant just sit back and be lazy like Mike there who is eating during my dramatic speech”

Everyone glanced at Mike who was shoving a slice of pizza in his mouth. “Yea Eric is the type who does weird things… He decided to be a janitor at this studio while writing the scripts secretly! Anthony you thought you came here to embarrass me and my brother for giving a discount in rental fees for ZZ Studio’s use of the land… If Eric wouldn’t kill me for doing so I would give her the land besides SURPRISE!” Michael pulled out a remote and tapped a button.


Anthony looked up as two cans of body and fur paint splashed him. Anthony calmly as everyone was laughing took out a napkin and cleaned his face. “And unlike your actors who pulled such a mean prank on ZZ we used washable stuff that wont need turpentine and other things to get it out so consider yourself lucky that Lara cleans fur so well or you would have gotten a bill for what you did to her”


Michael smiled and high fived Eric who missed it and slipped and bashed his nose on the edge of the table and then landed on the ground as his nose bled. Anthony smiled and laughed “Eric you’re still I still have Erica goodnight”


Anthony growled and walked out as blue paint dripped from his quills. “Eric are you okay?” Eric looked at Angela then winked at ZigZag. “Yea and that cat girl is not my sister I am sure of it…” Eric spoke to Michael quickly “How could she… I mean where has she been??” “I don’t know Eric but this strange situation has just gotten worse”

End of Chapter 4


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