The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 1 – Daily chores

Okay Janine, I’m first tomorrow! If you get in first then I will have to feed you to the Cuccos in Kakariko village!” Mystica growled.

Ha! Yeah right!” Janine teased.

Your right… I may not feed you to the Cuccos… But I can do MUCH worse…” Mystica warned.

Go ahead… Any way, we need to let the horses out for a run Myst, would you mind doing the honours?” Janine asked directing Mystica to the horse stables. Mystica opened the sliding doors and walked in. She unhooked the latches keeping the horses in the stables and the horses trotted out neighing at each other. It was Janine’s job to gather eggs from the Cuccos and Malon’s was the milk the cows.

Mystica’s ears twitched, a cold shiver crawled up her spine. Something was wrong, she thought to herself. She climbed up the wall and walked along it until she had a clear view of Kakariko village and Hyrule. She remembered her dream last night and quickly turned to look at Death Mountain. Her dream had shown Death Mountain crumbling to pieces, but it was fine. Perfect even. It did not look like anything had happened.

Mystica!” she heard Malon shout from beneath her. “Link isn’t coming back you know! It’s pointless looking out for him!”

Mystica looked down at Malon and smiled. “I am not looking for Link, Im over him! I was checking out Kakariko… that’s all.”

Uh huh… sure,” Malon teased.

Really Malon! I’m not looking for Li-“ Mystica stopped through mid sentence. She looked down, her heart filled with sadness. She was sub-consciously looking for Link and she knew it. “So what if I was?” Mystica answered.

Malon smiled, “I’m sure he’ll come back Mystica… After seven years…”

Mystica jumped down and ran into the house she was sharing with Janine and opened up her wardrobe. Today she was going to deliver milk to Hyrule castle and wanted to look her best. She picked out her favourite garments, her icy blue tunic. She changed and walked down to the ranch where Malon was waiting with Chase, her albino horse, hitched to a cart and the milk aboard the cart.

Mystica jumped on the seat and grabbed Chase’s reigns. “See you all in a bit, I’ll be back my night fall if you’re lucky!” Mystica called.

I’ll be awake Myst, don’t worry,” Janine re-assured her. Mystica set off with Epona to Hyrule castle. She stopped at the gates and the guard let her in. She hauled the milk to the castle on foot and waited in front of the drawbridge. The bridge opened and Mystica walked in with the milk and hauled it into the kitchens. She started making her way back when she swore she saw a figure run to her left. She turned around. Nothing.

My eyes playing tricks on me… hate it when it does that…” She said to herself.

Mystica?” She heard a masculine voice say behind her. She quickly turned around, her claws bared and she attacked, not giving the man a chance to get her. There on the floor lay a fox in a green tunic moaning while massaging his face. Mystica pressed her foot on his chest. The dark shrouded his face.

Tell me, who are you?” She demanded, she would take no crap off any man.

You don’t remember me? I’m Link…” Mystica’s jaw dropped. She moved her foot and let the fox stand up. He stepped out of the darkness. Mystica’s eyes scanned his face. He was Link! His paw that was massaging his jaw has the tri-force of courage on it. Mystica was speechless, this was the Link who had left her seven years ago…