The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 8 - Din, Farore and Nayru

Link and Mystica stayed in their position, thinking of a plan of action against Dranonica.

Link… Dranonica is really powerful… I mean we have attacked her but she has that Pendant to protect her! We need to get it off of her…” Mystica growled.

Yes… but how?” Link asked, “It is going to be really difficult I’m afraid…”

Mystica sighed and wrapped her arms around Link’s body and hugged him.

Doesn’t it make you feel so helpless?” Mystica sighed.

Yes… It does…” Link sighed. He hugged Mystica back. Suddenly, a bright light shone from the sky right in front of Link and Mystica.

What is that?” Link thought out loud.

I don’t know,” Mystica replied. Suddenly, three figures started to form in the light, one blue, one red, and one green.

We know of your troubles young hero’s,” The voice seemed to echo around Link and Mystica. Suddenly, the light spread and engulfed Link and Mystica inside it.

Who are you?” Link asked, “What do you want?”

We are Din, Farore and Nayru… I am surprised you have not remembered us, Link.”

Link and Mystica gasped.

We do not have much time, we have had just enough power to create this hologram of us… we need to tell you something you may find very important…”

Link and Mystica listened with anticipation.

We were captured by Dranonica, because she has the Pendant. You may want to know more about it. This Pendant contains powers that Dranonica is able to control. As you know, it has the ability to heal the wounded, cure the sick and revive the dead. But there is much more to it than you think. It’s powers drained out energy from us, and we are contained in a realm of evil, which we cannot escape because of our loss of power… But do not fear about your friends. They are safe… but are being used only for evil causes…”

What causes? What has happened to them?” Link asked impatiently.

Dranonica is creating an ultimate fighting machine for herself. She used the powers that she drained from us to give power to the creature. Nayru’s power so that he could have power over the seas and weather, Din’s power for fire abilities, and Farore’s to have power over the earth. But your friend, Ayra, showed the most Loyalty. This loyalty was given to this creation so that it would not turn against Dranonica. Oni showed most strength, his strength was given to this creature so that it would be a fierce fighter and get hurt less easily. Elira, her courage gave the beast the courage to defend Dranonica and the Pendant at all times. But then we have the Princess of Destiny. Zelda. She showed the most wisdom, in which was used so that the creature can tell the weakness of the enemy, and know the best route and angle at which to attack the enemy.”

Zelda is still alive?” Mystica asked.

Yes, she is. Now, all together, these powers have created the ultimate fighting machine. It’s name is Fasgo, even though not all the powers have been added to him, they soon will. Watch your backs at all times…”

The hologram started to fade away.

What? What’s happening! Hey! Where are you going?” Mystica asked, realising the light around them was turning black.

Our power is running out… We… Must… go… good luck… hero’s.”

The hologram faded away, leaving Link and Mystica in the ruins of Hyrule castle in which they were before the hologram.

Link and Mystica looked at each other.

So… Zelda said that the shrine in which the Pendant was kept was in Death Mountain right?” Mystica asked Link.

Yeah, that’s what she said, why?” Link answered.

Why don’t we go up there and check it out? Maybe we might find something interesting there…”

Good idea lets go!”

The two of them stood up and began their walk out of Hyrule. They passed the fiery blaze of the market and exited to Hyrule field. In the distance they saw their horses.

Chase! Epona! Over here!” Link shouted. The two horses raised their heads and galloped over to their owners.

Suddenly, a shadowed creature jumped down from the drawbridge and frightened the horses. Mystica and Link held on to the reigns. But the horses were much too powerful and they wriggled free and galloped off. The shadow had glowing purple fire on its tail and yellow eyes that glowed in the dark.

Right! That does it!” Mystica growled. She took out her sword, and Link copied. The two ran towards the creature ready for attack.

The shadow gracefully jumped between them ending up behind the two. There is jumped on their backs and pinned them down. Growling and breathing down their backs.

Just out luck… getting into this trouble…” Mystica sighed.

The creature howled and barked. In the distance, Link and Mystica heard the pounding of paws and the odd yelps.

Oh no… there is more of them!” Link gasped. Before they knew it, their swords and shields had been stripped of them and they were being carried away into the night.