The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 10 – The story unfolds more

Mystica and Link walked out of the room and the Dranonica guards returned to their posts inside the room to guard the Princess.

So… that Pendant… it holds more power than any of us had imagined… and it is in the hands of Dranonica…” Mystica thought out loud. She shook her head.

Can we go meet the Kokiri?” She said happily afterwards. Link looked at her and pulled a face.

You change emotions real quickly!” he pointed out.

Yeah… I’m so glad you noticed!” She said. She grabbed his paw and dragged him to the Kokiri children.

Link maybe they can tell us some things about the Dragon Pendant! Maybe they can tell us more about Saria, and Dranonica and what happened and stuff!” Mystica said excitedly.

Yeah! Yeah! Calm down girl!” Link said while pulling away from Mystica’s grip. He caressed his paw while Mystica stood and waited. He then continued to follow Mystica. The Kokiri were still playing in the water, but Mido was sitting on the side with a towel around him, looking very depressed.

I guess he misses Saria even more now she is dead,” Link said to Mystica.

Yeah but Saria won’t be dead for long will she? We are going to get the Pendant!” Mystica said enthusiastically.

Don’t be so optimistic Myst… you could get a shock, be prepared for the worst,” Link explained.

Well as I say, aim for the star’s even though you may hit the roof! One day we will get it Link! Like the Tri-force all those years ago, we got that right?” Mystica pointed out. Link looked down at the ground. “The light always shines though the darkness Link, we gotta try with all our might and hope for the best!” Mystica walked off to talk with the Kokiri. Link sighed.

She’s right,” he thought to himself out loud. He then walked over to Mido to talk to him.

Hi Mido, why are you looking so glum?” Link asked while taking a seat next to Mido.

Just missing Saria… I still can’t believe she has gone…” Mido sulked.

No worries, we will get Saria back,” Link re-assured him, “tell me what happened that night that Dranonica came then… please.” Mido looked up at Link and nodded.

Well, Saria had come to visit us. You know, she wanted a break for a bit. Anyway she had found this Pendant that attached itself to her and she couldn’t take it off. When the Pendant attached to her is started to glow green and Saria glowed white. We all tried different methods like hitting it with a rock and deku nuts. But we gave up ‘cus we kept on accidentally hitting Saria in the process. But she is happy 24/7 so she wasn’t angry about it. But that great big dragon came down from the sky and demanded the Pendant off Saria. Saria refused to give it to the dragon. The dragon got real angry and roared and swiped at Saria with its claws. It kept on hitting Saria, we all tried to stun the dragon with the Deku nuts, but nothing happened. The Dragon swiped at us with its tail, we just went hurtling into the bushes. There was nothing we could do. But watch and listen to Saria being killed. It was horrible! I thought that sages couldn’t die Link!” Mido said in desperation. Link nodded.

I know how you feel mate, Dranonica killed one of my friends in front of me. There is nothing any of us can do really.” Link’s face turned serious. Mido continued on.

Anyway. The dragon finally killed Saria, leaving her in a bloody mess on the floor, we all ran to her after the dragon retrieved the Pendant off her. The Pendant began to glow black and the dragon glowed white. Then it set the whole forest on fire with a black and red flame. The remaining five sages came and took Saria’s body. We all ran for our lives out of the forest. The fairies didn’t survive the fire…”

What? The fairies died?” Link asked in amazement. Mido nodded.

But Navi and Tatl escaped… they were lucky.” Link turned to look at Mystica playing with the Kokiri.

Where are Navi and Tatl now?” Link asked.

They came with us to Zora Domain, then changed their minds and went back to the forest. They said they were not going to leave their home because of a ruthless dragon. They can be so stubborn sometimes… Do you think you could go to them and make them come back Link?” Mido asked looking up at Link. Link looked back and smiled.

I’ll try my best,” Link stood up and walked over to Mystica who had now jumped into the water and was splashing the children.

Mystica… when you grow up you are supposed to do a little thing called ‘mature’,” Link said jokingly. Mystica looked up at him and smiled.

Yeah but I never actually wanted to grow up so nya!” She stuck her tongue out at him and splashed him with water. Link shook himself.

Yeah…. Just like Lake Hylia… hmmm… Myst we must go to Kokiri Forest, come on! Say good bye to your friends,” Link told her. Mystica waved goodbye to the kids and jumped out of the water and shook herself dry.

Why are we going to Kokiri Forest then?” She asked.

To find Navi and Tatl and make them come here,” Link answered, “come on.” They both waved goodbye to the Dranonica, Zora’s and Kokiri and walked on to the Forest.

Did you find out what happened to Kokiri Forest then?” Link asked.

Erm… no. I was too busy playing you see, hee, hee!” Mystica giggled.

Well I did!” Link told her.

Oh great! Good to know someone here does the work properly!” Mystica laughed.

Yes, I know. Listen, Dranonica apparently brutally murdered Saria in order to get the Pendant. The Pendant began to glow black on Dranonica, and green on Saria…” Link said.

Whoa! Saria is the sage of the forest right?” Mystica asked.

Yeah… and?” Link asked.

Well, Saria’s colour was green. Does that make Dranonica some sort of black sage? Maybe the Pendant only attaches itself to a sage!” Mystica pointed out.

You may have a point… But we don’t have enough evidence for that. But I must admit, it is very strange that it started to glow green on Saria I must admit…” Link said.

Oh look! It’s Chase and Epona!” Mystica pointed out changing the subject. Chase and Epona were standing by the entrance to Kokiri Forest.

Ah brilliant! When we come out of Kokiri Forest we can hop on them and go back to Zora’s domain! If Navi and Tatl are willing to come with us that is…” Link said.

Great let’s go in! Sooner we get Navi and Tatl back to Zora’s domain, the sooner we get to kick Dranonica’s butt!” Mystica said enthusiastically. She ran in and Link followed her.

A black shadow we watching them from a safe distance so they couldn’t see him in the darkness, but he could see them. His cloak fluttered in the wind and he waited for Mystica and Link to return out of Kokiri Forest…