The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 22 – Won the battle, but not the war

Everyone looked at Dranonica was shock and fear. Dranonica grinned; she had Mystica, the Dranonica and the Pendant in her mouth. She wasn’t going to chew, other wise her Pendant would get damaged.

She felt a shearing pain run through the top of her mouth. She roared and out of her mouth flew Mystica and the Dranonica, covered in saliva.

Dranonica flinched in pain; the top of her mouth had been cut with Mystica’s blade. Dranonica turned around and flew back up the cliff. She stopped on a ledge and looked back at the group.

You may have won that battle… but you have not won the war… Fasgo and I will reign supreme!” She turned tail again and flew off back to her castle.

Mystica and her Dranonica landed by Link and his. Zelda, Ayra and Oni were wading around in the water looking for Elira and the other Dranonica were calling out for their Dranonica friend.

Mystica wiped the saliva from her face, “I am never doing that again…” She panted.

Did you remember the Pendant?” Link asked her. Mystica smiled and reached into her pocket. She held up the Pendant.

You doubted me?” Mystica looked at it. There seemed to be live fire inside it that kept moving around in a mysterious fashion. There was a cry of joy from the lake.

We found Elira!” Ayra shouted, “She is here!” Ayra and Zelda dragged out the limp body of Elira.

Is she dead?” Zelda asked, “Is she still breathing?” Everyone crowded around Elira. Ayra pressed one ear down on Elira’s chest.

I think her lungs are filled with water,” Ayra said, “let’s test out the wonders of the Pendant.”

Jazko told us that it should only be used in the paws of a pure heart or a sage,” Mystica said holding it up.

Mystica, you may not be a sage, but bringing a friend back to life is a pure thing to do!” Link said, “Get on with it!”

I really don’t know how to use it, but I’ll take a guess and say we have to use our brains,” Mystica said nervously. She placed her paw with the Pendant in it on Elira’s chest and thought about Elira coming back to life again. Nothing happened for a bit but then a bright light blinded everyone and a powerful wind blew all around everyone.

When the light and wind died down it revealed Elira, breathing and alive.

Yes! It worked! It worked!” Everyone shouted with joy, jumping around and dancing. Elira sat up and shook her head.

You are alright Elira!” Oni shouted happily.

Everyone turned round to the troop of Dranonica that had saved them all from Dranonica. Their heads were bowed and they had their eyes closed.

I’m sorry we couldn’t find your Dranonica knight,” Mystica sympathised.

We have to get used to it I guess,” the leader said, “After all, in wars comrades will die…”

Well, lets get going to Lon Lon Ranch and revive Janine! And then get going on to save Saria. We only have a little bit of time before Dranonica recovers and comes back with vengeance!” Link suggested. Mystica nodded.

Get on our back’s, we will drop you off there,” the leader Dranonica said. Everyone boarded a Dranonica and they flew off into the sky. The sun had just begun to rise, a dawn of a new day.