The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 28 – Battle Commence

Aww come on guys!” Elira begged, “You have spears don’t you?”

Yes, but they are made out of wood. You know, snaps very easily?” One of the Gerudo’s answered. “Why not? At least give it your best shot eh? If you don’t help then you will all die for sure!”

Yes! And if we fight we will die for sure!” The Gerudo began to walk off. Elira jumped up from her begging position and ran in front of the Gerudo and grabbed her paws and got down on her knees again. Elira held the Gerudo’s paws to her head.

Come on! I don’t ask you for much! The least you can do is help in a little battle!”


Man, they have been like this for ages…” Janine exclaimed, “How do you think she could persuade them Zelda?”

I’m a princess, I scream, skip and look pretty. I don’t think,” was Zelda’s reply. Janine looked over to Link.

What do YOU think Link? Wow that rhymes… Any way, how do you normally get people to do what you want them to?”

Threaten them with a sword,” Link answered. Janine rolled her eyes.

I’m sitting between a aggressor and a hollow head… can it get any worse?” Janine sighed. “Huh? Did you say something Janine? I didn’t hear you!” Zelda asked. “Ok, an aggressor and a hollow head that can’t hear…” Janine sighed again. “What? You’re gonna have to speak up Janine!” Zelda shouted. Janine growled.

We have arrived!” shouted Mikau. “INTELLIGENCE!” Janine shouted with glee. She jumped down from her rock and ran over to the Zora’s and Dranonica. Zelda turned to Link, “Did you hear what she just said? I didn’t hear her.”

Any luck with the Gerudo’s?” The Dranonica leader asked. “Not yet Mr… uh…” Janine began. The Dranonica held up his paw, “Just call me Kazki,” The Dranonica replied. Janine nodded.

Please!” Elira begged.

No!” The Gerudo replied, “Not in a million years!”

How about now? Now would do nicely!” Elira grinned.

Elira, I have listened to you, gone along with your decisions if they were reasonable… but to fight the most powerful creature on the earth? Do you think I am mad Elira?” The Gerudo growled.

It would help a lot!” Elira smiled. The Gerudo grunted.

This is my final word. NO!” The Gerudo walked off. Elira followed her, “If you won’t help us then I will have to follow you constantly saying ‘Please come help us! Please come help us! And I can do it!” Elira warned. The Gerudo shrugged and walked through the crowd of Gerudo’s watching.

Please come help us! Please come help us! Please come help us! Please come help us! Please come help us! Please come help us! Please come help us! Please come help…”


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank…”

I mean it!” The Gerudo growled pointing at Elira. Elira bowed and skipped back over to the group.

They are going to help us!” She grinned. “That’s Great! Bravo!” Link said jumping up from his rock. Zelda looked around worriedly.

Where’s Fasgo?” she said nervously.

BRAVO!” Link shouted down her ear. “Ok, Ok! Yeesh, I’m not deaf you know!” Zelda snapped rubbing her ear. Janine shook her head and sighed.

Well then, lets get going to Hyrule field!” Mikau said. Everyone followed him. Janine, Link, Elira and Zelda made their way to the front of the queue with Mikau and Kazki.

Hopefully the Gerudo’s will follow shortly,” Elira said, “They have to get their weapons ready and they have to prepare themselves for battle.” Janine nodded, “It was fun watching you try and convince them,” Janine giggled. Elira blushed, “It was down right embarrassing! I had to get down on my KNEES! On my KNEES! I mean come on!” Elira protested.

Fasgo sat on the land above the Water temple.

I can wait for a long time for you to come out… I will be ready for you…” He growled, “Your oxygen supply will run out shortly…”

His ears pricked up and he smelled the air.

An army…” he growled, “an army of mainly Zora’s and Dranonica,” he said smelling the air. “I smell… I smell the princess,” he opened his eyes and grinned again.

Someone wants to fight me no doubt. Time for me to show them who is all time powerful!” He took off from his spot and flew towards Hyrule field.

Janine looked around the field.

Hey, aren’t Ayra, Oni and Mystica supposed to be here?” she asked, “Surely it doesn’t take them this long to get a sword and shield…”

Maybe they are hiding somewhere…” Zelda piped up. Janine looked shocked.

You HEARD me?” She said sarcastically. Zelda looked at Janine with a puzzled look, “Did you say something? I wasn’t listening sorry…” Janine smiled, “That’s the Zelda I know!”

Look! Up there!” A Zora shouted pointing to the sky. The sun had begun to rise and a shadowy figure of a large creature loomed overhead. It came closer and closer and then landed in front of the army.

Fasgo stood up on his hind legs and looked down on the army that had challenged him. He wore the Pendant proudly around his neck and stuck out his chest so that everyone could see that HE had the Pendant.

You challenging me?” Fasgo snarled. Link nodded his head. Fasgo nodded his too.

Zelda, you stand out of the way,” Elira told her, pointing to a near by tree. “But what shall I do?” Zelda asked, “I don’t know. Cheerlead or something,” Elira replied. Zelda smiled and nodded, then the smile wiped off her face, “But I don’t have any Pom poms! I can’t cheerlead without Pom poms!” Elira pointed to the tree again. Zelda bowed her head and sulked to the tree and sat down at the base and pouted.

Fasgo laughed. “Well then, I’ll let you make the first move,” he sneered.