The Reign of the Dranonica

Epilogue – 7 years later

Wow! I can’t believe it has been 10 long years since we defeated Fasgo!” Ayra giggled, “Who’d have thought our lives have gonna back to normal since then!”

Lucifer! Keep away from them matches!” Mystica shouted, spotting her 5-year-old son holding a box of matches. Link began to laugh.

You should be setting him an EXAMPLE!” Mystica snapped at her husband.

Hey! You have been getting really aggravated lately!” Link smiled, “Lighten up girl!” Mystica growled and picked her son up and held him on her lap.

So where are your two?” Mystica asked Ayra, “Leave them with Mikau?”

Ayra nodded, “They are only 1 year old and they seem to know how to swim.”

What do you expect? Their dad is a Zora!” Mystica grinned.

What about Janine and Elira? Where are they?” Link asked.

Janine’s asleep and Elira is attempting to wake her up,” Mystica answered.

Link nodded, he then turned to Ayra, “Is Mikau coming over?” He asked. Ayra nodded, “He said he wanted to take the kids swimming. Again.”

It’s so strange…” Mystica said, “This has been the longest time Hyrule has been calm since we all first met.”

You’re right Myst. It just isn’t normal is it?” Ayra replied. Everyone shook their heads.

Janine and Elira walked out of the wooden hut that was built at the end of the Ranch. Another extension had been made over the last 10 years. Mikau and Ayra had a special bit of land built with a lake next to Lon Lon Ranch. Mystica had suggested it be called ‘Short Short Ranch’ and the name caught on.

Mikau walked through the door made there with his two kids hanging off his arms.

Everyone sat around in a circle together.

Mikau! Buddy! How have you been?” Link asked.

Fine thanks Link, you?”

The conversation between the two men carried on like this while the four friends talked about their lives.

Do you ever get the feeling that life is too perfect like this?” Ayra asked.

Yeah, I’m half expecting something bad to happen!” Mystica smiled. Janine rubbed her head.

What’s the matter Janine? Got a head ache?” Mystica asked. Janine nodded her head.

Elira kept of hitting a spoon against a frying pan to wake me up…” Janine moaned. Elira smiled.

It was the only way to wake you up! I tried shaking you, poking you, tipping water over you and roaring…” Elira said counting off her fingers as she pointed out all her methods. Janine rubbed her head harder.

Well, I’m surprised Zelda hasn’t appeared,” Ayra grinned. Mystica grinned too.

She wouldn’t be able to take it in that I got Link instead of her!” Mystica smirked. Lucifer started to pull at Janine’s dress.

Aunty Janine! I’m going to be four soon!” He said with a big smile on his face. Janine smiled back.

That’s really nice!” Janine answered back. Lucifer then walked over to Elira and told her the same. Elira patted him on his head.

Cute kid. If only all kids were like Lucifer!” Elira smiled.

Was Ayra cranky when she was pregnant?” Link asked Mikau.

Mikau nodded, “She was constantly eating… man I had to live off fish!”

Mikau… your stomach can only digest fish anyway…” Link pointed out. Mikau thought.

I had to live off a little bit of fish!” Mikau nodded.

Any way… How are Oni and Syaki doing?” Link asked.

Fine, they are going to be the worlds best swimmers by the time I finish with them!” Mikau smiled.

Although Oni and Syaki were twins, they looked different. Oni was white with light blue spots and Syaki was a light shade of blue with navy spots. The two of them got on pretty well with each other, but were a little dense.

Remember, when they are three, take them to the Deku tree for schooling. The Deku tree teaches the Kokiri there too,” Link said. Mikau nodded.

I’ll try to remember that then!”

Little did they know that deep in Death Mountain, there lay an egg. It had lain there for years, before Muljula had died. It then began to wobble a bit and crack.

A tiny claw emerged from the egg covered in blood…

The End

Or is it?