Pandaman and Duncan – Chapter 2
Written and conceived entirely by Pandaman, AKA Bryce Johnson
Story copyright Pandaman (AKA Bryce Johnson) 2002, all rights reserved.

After snuggling tightly with eachother for a fair amount of time, Duncan suddenly sat up and broke the silence.

"Oh my, I... wow, I didn’t really realize how messy this would get. I’d better... you mind if I take a quick shower?" Duncan moved carefully down towards the other end of the couch, a mite bit shaky, and picked up his boxers. He was still naked, as he never really needed to change that up until now.

"Oh, be my guest. Oh wait, too late for that, huh?" By now, Duncan was half-staggering towards Panda’s side of the couch, to climb out and head for the shower. As Duncan passed Panda, who was still lying down, Panda halted Duncan by putting his paw on his leg for a moment. Duncan turned around and looked down at Pandaman.


"Oh umm... Well, this..." Panda trailed off. Perhaps he hadn’t thought through what he was going to say thoroughly enough.

Duncan gently moved Panda’s paw off his leg and said, "Hey, we’ll talk when I get out, okay?"

Panda nodded, and Duncan again made off towards the shower, boxers clutched in his paw. When Duncan shut the door, Panda got himself up and went into the kitchen to wash his paws and arms off. He first waited until he heard the shower turn on in the bathroom – somehow it seemed inappropriate to wash this off so obviously "in front" of Duncan.

As Pandaman scrubbed the mostly-dried specks of cum off his paws and arms, his thoughts began to congeal into something that was beginning to make worded sense. Not to be confused with the kind of sense things were making a moment ago – that kind was wordless, perfect, living only in Panda and Duncan’s emotions. Panda just had to think.

Even though the overwhelming passion of the moment had left, his... love for Duncan had not. At this realization, a pang of joy sped through Panda’s body – He never wanted to think that he was taking advantage of his friend for sexual pleasure, and he never wanted to compromise their friendship for a moment of lust. But it hadn’t been lust – that’s what Panda understood. And that brought calm to a momentary spark of worry.

All that contemplation, that worry, that anxiety – Panda’s brain was working too hard and too fast. Pandaman resolved to just try to calm himself down a bit and wait for Duncan to get out of the shower so that they could talk. He was sure that Duncan was doing the same thing.

Panda shut off the sink and headed back towards the living room. Duncan would probably be out of the shower in a few minutes, and Panda needed to sit down again. He went over to his grey, overstuffed chair and turned it a bit so that it faced the entrance to the kitchen (which had the entrance to the bathroom right next to it), and almost fell over on it.

And there he sat, still sort of shocked and pleased about everything, mind empty, until Duncan emerged from the bathroom some few odd minutes later. Duncan propped the door open with the little stool Panda always used to keep the door from swinging shut, kept the fan on, and began to head over to the living room. He sat on the edge of the couch and looked over to Panda.

"Get up for a moment, will you?" Duncan asked.

"Alright.." thought the panda, but he didn’t actually say anything as he stood up and walked over to Duncan, who too was standing up to meet Panda. When they got close, Duncan walked a few paces closer and hugged Panda again, his head coming to rest near Panda’s shoulder. Panda eagerly hugged back – he definitely needed this. Duncan was still a bit wet, but it didn’t bother Panda a bit. Somehow, it could only make things lovelier.

After parting from one another, Duncan looked up and said, "Panda... I just thought that you might need that, since I knew I needed one partway through my shower."

"Again, you’re absolutely right... Duncan..."

"I knew it." They both smiled.

"D’you want to sit down?" Panda asked somewhat timidly.

"Yes, that... Yeah, okay."

And with that, Panda and Duncan again climbed into the couch enclave and tried to figure out what to say to one another. Neither one of them had been looking to thrust themselves into a romantic relationship, and certainly not with one another. But then again, love didn’t give them time to decide one way or another – they simply happened to walk into it and it wasn’t going to let them go.

"Um..." Panda began, feeling utterly brilliant.

"Want to know what’s on my mind?" Duncan inquired.

Pandaman, realizing that that’s exactly what he wanted to know, responded with a "Yes."

Duncan half-giggled and then said, "Okay well... The first thought that’s coming to me right now is that... I’m kinda going to have a hard time saying this but... but, I never thought that someone else doing... what you did to me would or could feel so much better. It’s like, the same thing is happening, but at the same time, the simple fact that I’m not doing it enhances it." Duncan paused, perhaps thinking.

"And everything else, all the emotions and feelings and words seem to revolve around you. You know those stories where people have been good friends for years and then suddenly they have sex or do something sexual, and then everything just goes to hell?" Pandaman could only nod; his mouth seemed to have stopped working. "Well... they feel guilty right away and it just messes everything up for the future and it seems to be irreparable. I’m feeling many things right now about you and me, but none of them is guilt... at least I don’t think so."

Pandaman put his knee up and laid his left paw on it, and put his other on Duncan’s paw. He closed his pawfingers gently around it, and said, "I hope not, Duncan. Except that... I didn’t even know you... that you were gay." Panda felt weird mentioning the word "gay", although he didn’t know why.

Duncan spoke softly as he replied, "Well Panda... funny you mention it, because I don’t think that I even made that clear to myself until now. I had thought about it once or twice before... when I was thinking about things. And my thoughts are my own, you know, so when I thought about furries of the same sex, it only makes sense, I guess."

Taking this in, Pandaman said, "You know, you’re right. It seems as though before I had any sexual attraction to men, I was still thinking about them a lot."

The tangent in their conversation had come to a close, and so the room grew silent again for a moment. Duncan eventually started back up with, "So er... what now?"

"The question of the day, without contest."

"Hmm, yeah. Actually... mmm."

"Mmm? Yes?" Panda looked curious.

"It’s another frightfully embarrassing thing."

"I think I can handle it." Pandaman winked at Duncan.

"But I’m not so sure I can." Duncan began to stir slightly.

"I believe you can, Duncan. And I’d like to know... and try not to be embarrassed, no one here is going to make fun of you, or think less of you, or anything."

Duncan exhaled, but relaxed a bit more having Panda’s paw on his own, comforting him. "I know you can’t, Panda. This is... it’s like a personal inhibition." Determination spread onto his face. "And a stupid one at that. I’ll see if I can say it."

The fox tried to take a deep breath, but since he suddenly felt rather silly, exhaled sharply and begin to laugh. Panda also got a chuckle out of this, but he was still more focused on what Duncan was trying to tell him. Laughing seemed to take some of the edge off things, so Duncan finally managed to say something to Panda.

Or rather, tumble something at Panda, "wswndringfywngetf" being the best-written translation of it.

Pandaman looked at him, confused, and slowly replied, "Uhh, what was that? Come again?"

"Sorry", Duncan said quickly. "Let me try that again." Duncan began saying this next part very steadily, almost as if reciting a poem poorly in front of a class, "I-was-wondering-if-you-wanted-to-get-off." Duncan finished saying it, and then slumped back a ways on the couch.

"Oh, honey," Panda almost choked. Did he just say "honey"? "I think I’m good because ahm... Because I masturbated just before you got up. You damn near caught me, I think."

Duncan regained enough of his composure to say, "I did? All I remember was seeing you playing a game when I got out of bed. And you were still doing it when I came back out of the bathroom."

"That’s the thing. When you first came out of the bedroom, I had one paw inside my boxers and I was praying that you didn’t catch my er... squirming about before I stopped myself hearing the door to the room open." Panda shot a playfully angry expression at the bedroom door's hinges.

"I sure didn’t realize anything was going on. You probably could’ve been totally naked, because boxers on or off with my glasses off, I doubt I would have been able to make any distinction."

Pandaman cleared his throat, half-nervous and half-suggestive. "Actually, you probably could."

"Why is that?" Duncan looked puzzled.

Panda’s mind began to boggle slightly. Could he possibly finish this conversation with Duncan? "Wait, wait," his mind retorted. "Of course you can." All the same, had Pandaman been wearing a shirt with a collar, he’d have to grab the edge and pull it free momentarily to let out a bit of hot air.

"I can show you." What? That wasn’t what he meant to say! He was supposed to tell Duncan, not show him!

There was no disguising Duncan’s pleasure at hearing that statement. Pandaman surmised, amidst his mind racing, that Duncan had probably thought about this in the shower too. And also, if Pandaman truly had not wanted to say such a thing, he truly would not have done so.

"Hehe, okay."

What the heck. Duncan was bound to see it sooner or later, and as it panned out to be, it was sooner. Pandaman was terribly nervous – absolutely no one that he knew of had ever seen him naked before, except during showers his freshman year. "Like that counts," Panda thought.

Trying to minimize the amount of shaking in his paws, Pandaman lifted his paw that had been over Duncan’s and sat parallel to him. He leaned on his side, grabbed the bottom of his boxers, and pulled them free so that he sat bare on the couch. Then, he made himself do the same on the top part of his boxers. As he slipped them down his legs, and eventually off of his body entirely, it became clear to Duncan as to what Panda was talking about earlier.

Most pandas had white fur on their penises, Duncan knew. But Pandaman was different. His crotch fur was stark white, and in contrast to what was usual for the species, to further make contrast, Panda’s penis and scrotum were darkly colored and... furry. (Panda had found out through a bit of online research some time ago that this was due to a recessive gene that he apparently possessed) Now Duncan understood it all – seeing both a dark spot and a light spot in Panda’s crotch area would have distinguished him as being either naked or having the oddest pair of boxers.

Duncan also noted that Panda didn’t have a sheath like he did. Another misconception that was easy to have without seeing (or hearing about) many different species of furry naked. Not even in shower class did he notice much beyond the other foxes (who had gotten short glimpses possibly because that they were the same species as him, and therefore his eye had wandered).

Pandaman just sat there, letting Duncan look all he liked. However, it did feel kinda weird to have himself exposed now, and with such a fierce erection that he couldn’t control. Uncovering himself before someone was, Panda supposed, the ultimate gesture of being completely open with that person. For in this state, he quite literally had nothing to hide.

What shook Panda out of his thoughts at that moment was a kiss from Duncan. A very assertive and emotional kiss would snap anyone out of anything and Panda wasn’t the exception. When their lips parted, Panda breathed, "Whoa."

Duncan was still leaning close when he said, "I gotta tell you, Panda. I thought that I was going to be scared when you took those off, but I’m not. I was scared that you’d be so big that you’d rip me apart, but you look to be... perfect."

His way with words was so... nice. Panda had occasionally felt slightly disappointed that he was only around five inches and not nearly so "giant" as a giant panda could be believed to be. And in this case, it was an absolute benefit – further reinforcing that they were meant for this. Duncan’s words sunk in further now.

"Rip you apart? Y-you mean that you’ve thought about having anal sex? With-with me?" Panda was flattered at this thought. Sex was a very powerful thing, and although he did want it, he knew it was possible that Duncan might not even think about it until much later on.

"Enter part two of my shower’s thought flow."

"My god, Duncan..." Panda twisted his upper-torso to look completely at the brilliant fox. "D’you reckon you want to? Today? Now?"

"I can’t say the thought hadn’t crossed my mind."

"Duncan, as I understand it, first times can be rather painful to begin with. And since neither of us know how-"

"Well, we can figure it out. I love you, Panda. All of you. And I trust you to be able to work it out so that I’ll be as comfortable as possible."

"You are the cutest fox in the world, you know that? I still say you should be a supermodel or something."

"Panda... I want to make love to you." Duncan had to pause, perhaps at his own bravery. "And I can tell that you probably wouldn’t mind it either." Duncan made a subtle nod towards Panda’s crotch area.

"Impossible to lie like this."

Panda sidled away towards the side of the couch and began to hoist himself over the edge. Duncan looked after him and said, "Where are you going?"

"I have something which I think will make this much easier on both of us. One second." Pandaman disappeared into the bathroom.

He came back a momentarily with a special kind of lubricant that he had used beforehand on his paws so that he could get a bit of anal stimulation when he was alone. This kind of lubricant was very friendly to both fur and skin, washing out of fur easily and not damaging skin. In fact, you didn’t actually need to wash it out at all. It was formulated to act as a sort of skin cream as a secondary benefit, so simply leaving it wherever would cause no harm at all.

Panda began to cross the room towards the sitting fox when he stopped partway there and began to look unhappy about something.

Duncan looked concerned. "What...?" he said.

"This is only lubricant here, Duncan. I remembered that I don’t have any condoms."

Duncan took a deep breath. "That’s okay," he said after a few more moments had passed.

Panda looked over to him, still not really happy. "No, it isn’t, Duncan. I don’t want to get you sick because of me, nor me from you."

Duncan had an almost unnoticeable, wry smile upon his face then. "Don’t you remember that we just went in for our full physicals and medical checkups a few weeks ago? You weren’t too keen on it, so we worked out our schedules so that we’d go on the same day? We’re both absolutely free of everything, and..." Duncan let his breath out for a moment. "... and we’re both virgins. The chances of us catching anything between then and now are... " Duncan thought. "Let’s be serious, what chances?"

Pandaman conceded to Duncan in thought. Having unprotected sex would definitely be irresponsible, but at the very least (in their situation), it was only a little bit irresponsible. Pandaman finally pushed away his minor disappointed look and said, "I guess so. You’re right. We’re safe for now, at least. But in the future, when we’re not so safe, we’ll have to be more ready." Panda chuckled. "Listen to me, ‘I don’t have any condoms.’ Of course I don’t, I never expected be using any."

With that, he resumed walking back over the couch, and set the lubricant on the armrest. "One more thing," he told Duncan and this time, went to the bedroom. After a bit of ruffling and shuffling about in the room, Panda came back out with an armful of bulky pillows. Going over to the couch, he set them down on the armrest and climbed into the couch on his knees. Again, the sudden remembrance that he was naked startled him.

"You know, I just realized how strange it is for me to be going about doing all these things naked with a hard-on."

"Nah, not strange. Let’s a have a look at this." Duncan reached over and grabbed the tub of lubricant and read it to himself. Meanwhile, Pandaman arranged the pillows on to the armrest in order to make a place for him to lean up against. Duncan looked over at Panda after presumably reading the relevant information on the tub. "Wow, this is really great stuff! You’ve obviously done your homework on what’s best to use." Duncan then looked a bit... off, so to say. "Umm... Pandaman, how are we going to do this?"

Panda turned back around and crawled next to Duncan, who was on his knees holding the lubricant. Panda set a paw on Duncan’s chest, took the lubricant and set it behind him, and then said, "Well, first off, you won’t be needing these." Pandaman let his paw fall gently down the side of Duncan’s chest and, meeting it with his other paw at Duncan’s waist, took the edge of his boxers and pulled them down.

When Panda’s paws met Duncan’s knees, Duncan leaned back on the couch to let him take them completely off. Panda tossed them lightly over the edge of the couch and took his own, still lying where he set them earlier, and tossed it too. Then, he grabbed the tub, unscrewed the lid, and dipped his pawfingers in, taking a fair amount out. He handed it over to Duncan, who held it for a moment as Panda explained.

"Okay, umm, here’s how I have it figured in my mind. I’m going to use this lubricant on myself, and you can use it to lube up your uhh... yeah. (Panda didn’t want to say "ass", sounded too callous.) And then, I’ll lie back on these pillows set up here," Panda motion towards the pillows he set up all along the armrests of the couch, and along the crease in the middle, so as to make it a comfortable incline for him to lie on. "Once you’re done, I’ll be lying here, and you can err... straddle me and I’ll hold you up gently, so that you don’t tire out from standing bent-kneed over me. You shouldn’t be too heavy, so it’ll be alright," he added from the questioning look from Duncan. "You can use your legs to keep yourself steady and I’ll control the up and down movement. Umm... then just hold your tail out of the way and relax. You can tell me how fast you want to go and when you want me to stop, and I’ll do it. Okay?"

"I love you, Pandaman."

"And I love you, Duncan Nathanson."

So Panda scooched back to lie down on his pillows, and carefully applied the lubricant to his penis. It had been practically begging to be touched for a long time, and now that it was, it was feeling very good very fast. Panda worried momentarily that he wouldn’t last very long inside of Duncan, assuming everything went well. But all he could do now was try and hope for the best.

After he was done getting everything ready, he looked at the ceiling, figuring Duncan might not fully appreciate being stared at right now. He felt movement, and looked down. Duncan was walking towards him and came to a stop over Pandaman’s rigid member. He bent down slightly and Panda held him on each side, a ways under his armpits and kept him steady there for a moment.

Duncan’s tail brushed Panda’s footpaws, which felt good and actually tickled a bit. Panda looked up at Duncan. Or rather, he beamed up to him. "Are you ready?"

"I think so. You can take me down now, slowly..." was Duncan’s reply.

Panda slowly lowered Duncan down until he was almost sitting directly over his penis. He paused for just a flicker of a moment and continued down. Panda’s penis first touched the very bottom area between Duncan’s legs and Duncan grabbed his sheath and balls and held them up. Panda moved his pelvis until it went to the other side of Duncan. There, he felt a wet spot near the tip of his head. His member nuzzled it a bit and he began to slowly work Duncan down over it.

"Relax, Duncan, as much as you can." Pandaman lowered him about a centimeter.

Duncan was panting from excitement, "Yeah, *huff* okay. I’m trying to *puff* relax." Panda’s glans began to slip past Duncan’s hole. The lubricant was doing wonders, and Duncan appeared to be very relaxed. So far, he was able to slip in without Duncan gasping out in pain. That was a good sign.

By the time that a little bit more than his head had entered Duncan, the fox suddenly gritted his teeth and tensed up all over. Panda stopped, hoping he hadn’t hurt him. "Duncan, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I’m sorry... I just got this massive instinct to tense up, but I’m trying to relax again. It’s okay, you can go down more now."

This pleasure was driving Panda up the wall. Feeling just this much of Duncan’s inner-warmth surrounding him was more intense than anything he’d felt before. His head was probably leaking precum now, which (with an inward chuckle) Panda decided would lube things up a bit more if his ample supply of lube ran out.

Panda nearly had Duncan down to the base of his penis when Duncan visibly strained again and his footpaws clenched onto the couch. The sudden tightness around Panda’s member was a strange feeling. Duncan was saying "oh, oh, oh" over and over again.

"Should I pull out?" Panda said, ready to lift Duncan again.

"No, it’s okay. This time it was a sudden surge of pleasure and I lost control again. You must’ve hit my prostate or something."

"I dunno, but I’m relieved that it was pleasure and not pain. I don’t want to hurt you."

"You aren’t, this hasn’t been too bad. Any time I’ve felt pain so far, it was immediately replaced with pleasure, so it didn’t last long enough to hurt anyway. You can go on now." Duncan grinned, he wanted it to go on.

Panda let him down the final inch or so until finally he could feel Duncan’s tail resting easily between his own legs and Duncan was sitting squarely on him. Panda let out a faint breath and then just lay there for a minute. The tender pulsing warmth surrounding him, inside and out, was a feeling he wanted to savor.

Once he thought both of them were comfortable, he asked Duncan if he wanted him to pull out a ways. "Okay, I believe I’m ready," was Duncan’s reply. And so, Panda began to slowly lift the fox off of himself. As he did so, Duncan closed his eyes and sharply sucked in air through his teeth. He looked like he was enjoying it, even if it did feel weird, so Panda just kept going until only his head was left in and he could feel the coolness of the outside again.

"Duncan? You okay still?"

Duncan released a quick breath and said, "Yeah, I’m okay. That was the weirdest thing I’ve ever felt, but it was weird in a good way."

"I’m glad... really. Okay, I’m going to just take you up and down slowly until you and your body get used to this, and so that I can end up going faster without hurting you."

"See? You’re smart, you’ve already got this figured out."

"I’ll take that as a yes. Okay..."

Panda began to lower Duncan again, a bit quicker this time. He felt Duncan’s insides, coated with lubricant, give way even easier than before, and Duncan didn’t make any sharp judders this time. All of this was very calming to Panda, who was understandably anxious about his friend to begin with.

After again letting Duncan down to rest on his pelvic area again, he started to push him back up almost immediately, although he was still pushing slowly. Duncan seemed to be doing just fine, enjoying the ride, as it were. Panda was somehow managing not to totally lose control of himself, and he supposed that was because he was concentrating very hard on doing this right.

Panda and Duncan continued this slow thrusting for a while until Panda had basically gotten to the point where he could go in one continuous motion. When Duncan came down all the way, Panda thrust his hips up slightly and Duncan took the momentum with his legs and pushed himself up just a bit, Panda still gently holding him steady.

Physical limitations basically overcome, Panda began to go at a steadily quickening pace. Duncan repeatedly came down firmly over his shaft, his tail brushing Panda’s bent knees (and occasionally, Panda’s balls) and then back up again. Duncan was again very hard, with his penis pitching and bobbing to the ever-increasing motions Panda gave it. Duncan began to pant, his heart beating rapidly in his furry chest. Panda was breathing very hard as well, his chest noticeably expanding and contracting as his craving for more grew.

With every thrust into Duncan, both of their sets of footpaws tightened onto the couch for a moment before relaxing again as Panda pulled out a ways. And with increasing pace, Panda felt another kind of tightening deep inside himself. He knew his orgasm was near. He was going to... orgasm inside Duncan, his best friend, and now truly, his lover.

Now having reached that critical moment of pleasure when your orgasm is unstoppable, Panda continued thrusting, but also leaned forward towards Duncan. Duncan also leaned towards Panda’s head as much as possible without pulling himself off. Panda snuggled his face right next to Duncan’s furry sheath and balls, which were eager to release their own orgasm at the hint of an additional sensation. With Panda’s face and fur suddenly arousing them, Duncan began his orgasm almost immediately.

Panda came first, on a final inward thrust into the fox, and then half-thrusted and twitched as his cum spurted out of his black furry head, deeply imbedded into Duncan. Duncan, from both the anal stimulation and Panda’s head, came moments later on top of Panda’s head, back, and then onto the couch behind Panda.

Both of their orgasms lasted longer than any previous ones that either had had prior to now. Panda shot deep inside of Duncan, and Duncan came high over the panda. Duncan also felt Panda’s breathing heating up his pelvis in hot bursts. Duncan could only pant, his tongue nearly lolling out of his mouth. Until at last, their climax tapered off, and they regained a bit of their heads.

It was over. Panda and Duncan had shown nothing but their absolute cores to one another. They could not hide anymore, after this. And it felt... enthralling to be able to feel that way. Released from some pathetic corporeal shell that someone else had cruelly set upon them. At least... while they were together, now and thereafter.

The aftermath, or afterglow, or however else it can be put – cannot be transcribed. The feelings were too powerful, the emotions too immense, the event too majestic. Anyone who has found true love in another of any form knows the way that this is. And the way that it stays.

This panda and this fox had found what each of them needed most, and so after re-viewing themselves, they began to view things with a different mind. They had changed, and so could they look and re-acquire the world. And love.

This overwhelming bliss did wear off a bit, once they faithfully returned to planet earth. The rest of the evening was spent with nary an awkward moment between the two anymore. Panda, taking care of the physical aftermath of their coupling, Duncan simply unable to speak for a time. But when speech did return to him, they never stopped talking until late that Saturday night.

"Panda... I know we both realize what we need to think about now." Duncan had a serious, but not exactly depressing tone.

"About being gay in a small community which has openly shunned and oppressed any hint at it. Yes, Duncan. I figure that as long as we’re smart about it, we’ll be fine."

"Yes... your house is private though, Panda. I can... we can come and be us here. As long as we’re safe about being friends at school, everything will be fine."

The fur around Panda’s eyes got wet slightly, now. "Duncan... You know how I cried when I thought you were moving. When your dad got sick and told everyone that he had to leave and he was taking everyone with him... and then-" Pandaman’s voice broke up slightly, he sighed and then continued uninterrupted, "... then, when I invited you over, for what I thought was the last time..."

Duncan, who was now sitting on Panda’s bed in the dark of night, cuddled closer to his furry companion. He listened to Panda’s heart beating in his chest. Panda was alive... there was a god. Panda went on, "I tried to make it some sort of best night ever thing. But our favorite cheesecake was still frozen and just didn’t taste right without the time to thaw it out... and I was left so speechless at times when I wanted to say how much I cared for you... and all that other stuff. That was the worst night of my life."

Duncan shakily inhaled, held by Panda’s arms. "I wanted to tell you that I loved you, but it felt weird saying it. And I just... I just prayed to whatever that’s out there to let you stay." Panda sniffed. "And something answered... because when that call came the next day and you told me that you’d be staying..."

Now Duncan came in, because Panda now felt too broken up to continue. "Yes... But please, tell me what’s on your mind."

"I don’t want to lose you now. Not after coming so close before and with being so close to you as I am. I won’t cry for that because it hasn’t happened, but... I worry."

Duncan nuzzled close, "We’ll be careful as long as we remember. And anything short of brain damage wouldn’t make us forget." Duncan kissed Panda’s arm. "We’ll be alright, I’m sure."

Pandaman and Duncan felt immensely better having addressed that particular issue somehow... for neither wanted to but both felt that they had to. It could be serious, neither knew. And now that that was settled, they felt free to go on with whatever else came to their minds.

Even later into the night they reminisced, Panda relaying stories about Duncan that he had never told before (such as when he secretly watched Duncan masturbate while he was outside the room, and how embarrassed he was about it, since, he said, it was "totally invasive"), and Duncan pointed out things to Panda about himself that came to him now as being ironic. Panda had sort of unwittingly and somehow unknowingly hit on Duncan many times before, but neither truly recognized it that way until this day.

And what a great day it was for the couple. But as their bodies began to complain by making Panda dyslexic (a side effect of being tired to him), and with Duncan being able to understand it, they eventually decided to call it a night and rest. In actuality, no conscious decision was actually made.

Duncan fell asleep in Panda’s arms, and Panda dozed off moments later, from the peace of knowing his friend found complete serenity in his arms. What a wonderful feeling indeed.