
Part One: The Making of a Titan

By: Daniel “Pendragon”


~There was a time, long ago, before the Age of Man, when magic still existed. This was a time before your recorded history, a time when the world was indeed quite different… filled with the Fae, Elves, Dragons, Unicorns… as well as wizards and sorcerers.

This was the time before the flood within your holy histories, the time when Atlantis still ruled the world, the time when that ruling continent sat just slightly to the left of Pangea.

Hugging the coast of Atlantis was a castle, the castle of a good and just King and Queen, not exactly the High King and Queen, but they had a decent sized rule as it was.  Within that castle, high within its highest tower stood their princess… the youngest of seven sisters.

But there was something special about that young, nineteen year old maiden, being that she was the seventh daughter, of a seventh daughter, of a seventh daughter. The potential for such a maiden is limitless, though at the time, she knew nothing of that.

But as many a man – and woman - has learned in their life, that fate decides to play with your life when you, in all your innocence… utter a single wish. Such was the case with the first female among our numbers. And also, as fate would have it, she came to me under another wish… one that I myself had uttered.


-         Excerpt from Alex Lockheed’s Journal

First Dragoon Knight, Aegis Order



My name is Diyana Elissa Titania, of the house Titania, seventh daughter in what felt like a long line of endless sisters to me.


Last of everything, that’s me, I thought inwardly, sighing deeply.


I stood naked before one of the high windows of my tower rooms, my maiden bosom – flat and boyish – borne to the winds coming through my window, while I looked down upon the populace below. Even should one of our vassals look up and see me, they would’ve mistaken me for a boy if anything. I was so comely and plain that I doubted any man would want me for love. But holding my head aloft, I smelt the salty sea air and felt the barest of smiles cross my face.


There are winds of change in the air, I thought, my coltish legs moving together so that my thighs pressed together, and I felt the east wind caress my bodice, giving me promises of the sensuality my body would someday possess.


I stood this way, for it was the only time when I wasn’t bogged down by impossibly frilly clothing. Even my panties, to a degree, were frilly. I didn’t like frilly, but mother and father insisted that I wear them to appear like a lady.


A soft smile crossed my face as I thought about them, and then felt that smile turn upside down as I lowered my gaze to the amulet hanging around my neck, and I thought then on how painful it would be to them all for me to leave. My parents, my six sisters… but I was the youngest of seven sisters, and the last to be married, and then, only to get rid of me.  I didn’t want to be the high paid, legal whore of some ugly lord who thinks they can use me to climb higher in status, and if I were to have children, then I wouldn’t want to subject them to that either.


But indeed, that fear of me becoming a high priced whore was indeed at hand, for tomorrow was my wedding night. All because some lord had saved up enough money to buy my dowry, and because of that, father had no choice but to give me over to be that highborn whore to that lord, to spread my legs for him.


Tilting the amulet upward so that I could look at it, seeing my reflection within the single jewel at the center of three tracks of etched gold, I fingered the ornate runes done in mystic along those tracks, with the single fire opal-like gem radiating within its center.


This amulet shall be your salvation; I repeated the words told to me in my mind from when I received the thing, which was under the most unusual of circumstances.


It was during festival, and amidst it all, I had wandered into the nearby wood, just to the edge of the fairgrounds surrounding the festival that had lain just outside the city gates. Amidst those woods, I found a gypsy wagon, and inside that wagon did I eventually find myself, but inside that tiny wagon, was a room larger than even the one I stood in now. It had been decorated in white and red satins, with ornate gypsy rugs arraying along the floor, and at its center, near to a stone fireplace – which led to the simple stove pipe outside – positioned atop a great red pouf, was a woman.


But this wasn’t an old crone of a woman like most gypsy women seemed to be, but rather a beautiful goddess… wrapped within a white bodysuit that displayed the fullness of her breasts, their roundness and her suppleness in its full form. She was so beautiful, that even I became aroused in her presence, and kneeling before her, I actually licked my lips as I saw her erect nipples.


As close as I was then, I could see that her bodysuit was made out of white silk that was so thin that it did nothing to hide her flesh, and from the way she laid, it was also artfully disarrayed that it revealed everything and hid nothing. Wrapping over her arms were some of the most beautiful and expensive looking silk robes that I’d ever seen, and all at once, I wanted to be like her… to have that beauty, to… to actually make love to her. I wanted nothing more than to suck from her breast and fondle her womanhood.


She lay there idly upon her red satin pillow, those traditional looking robes that most mystics wore spread open and hanging off her arms while her sizeable breasts continued to strain at her white bodycloth.


Lastly, she was even smoking idly from a hookah, something that no woman did… ever! The incense smoke in the fire was also muddling my head.


“Fate has brought you to me, my lady.” She said in a voice that seemed to echo slightly. “I can grant you a wish, but the power of that wish must be paid in silver.”


I paid her with all the silver that was in my coin purse then, three whole strips, each of which was the tenth part of a silver bar. And with that, I made my wish. I wished to be strong and beautiful, revered by all, but no longer of noble birth. And in return she did for me what no other gypsy before her had ever done before… she altered my destiny… or at least placed within my hands the means of doing so:


This amulet.


‘The trick, my child,’ the gypsy woman had said as I left. ‘Fate will present you with an immense number of probable futures, but the most potent, the most worthwhile to you; will happen by following the least obvious choice.’


That was a mere month ago, and already my destiny had presented itself with so many solutions. Many of which were all too obvious. And for the past few days, I mulled them all over, trying to find which was the least obvious… and then, at the dawn’s light after I had arisen, I had thought of a final choice for me to follow:


Leave… and start over.


There had been times when I’d wished that I were the daughter of a commoner… a simple little girl… but if this amulet was to change my destiny, then I would leave. Leave the castle, and then follow the ever-shifting markings that the amulet had.


Even when I had decided to leave and start anew, the markings had changed, and instead of being nothing but gibberish, they now displayed instructions for me to follow. The outer most track even had points and arrows like a compass to indicate which direction I needed to go.


Holding up the amulet again, I saw that it pointed outward toward the greater continent.


And so, that night, I planned my escape.




The castle was asleep when I got out of bed, flinging the sheets away from my naked bodice before I rapidly dressed in some simple clothes, pulling on my panties and undershirt, before some frilly under slacks, my petticoat and dress, good blouse, shirt and corset. I pushed some other things into a satchel, and then filling up a belt pouch with some gold, silver and other forms of currency, I pulled on a simple cloak before stepping over to my wardrobe.


Opening the wardrobe, I pushed the clothes inside aside and then reaching in, pushed on a secret knot in the wood at its back. Immediately, a door slid silently open at the back of the wardrobe, the thing set firmly within the wall and opening on well-maintained mechanisms that were as old as this castle. Stepping inside, I descended into the stairway beyond, and as quietly as I could, I descended those stairs, keeping one hand to the wall for balance while holding the front of my skirts up so as to not trip on them.


With everyone having prepared all day for my wedding night, the castle staff had all retired save for some of the guards, all of whom were easily avoided using this secret passage.


All the way to the kitchens, this passage coiled, and from out of one of the kitchen wall panels, one shaped to look like all the other wall panels. I then exited into the basement, found the right wine barrel, and turning the spigot, opened yet another secret passage and passed within; the great door sliding shut behind me as I entered. And then from here, it was a brisk quarter of a mile to the tunnel's entrance, through yet another secreted panel made of rock, hidden away deep within a cave.


Once outside, I found my way to the city docks and quickly bought passage onto a ship, with a little extra so that they would leave right away and allow me quarters of my own. Within the hour, we were on our way to the main continent.


On any other day, I thought, such a task would’ve been impossible. The kitchens would’ve been filled, the secret passages would be likewise filled with servants, and the winery would have a guard posted to it.


All this was proof that the amulet that I now wore, secreted beneath all my clothing, was indeed helping me change my destiny. Even as the captain had his boat shove off, a strong wind came in, hit the sails just right and sped us on our way.


And lastly, I actually was able to get a chamber all to myself. It was small, and cramped, but it was all to myself.  Above all, it was also lockable, so that I might sleep in the nude like I was used to without some sweaty sailor trying to take my virtue.


It was there that I slept most of the time, and for three whole days, we traveled across the Inner Sea to the Greater Continent of Pangea.




I struggled against my bonds, not bothering to scream, while thinking that this was indeed a change in fates. The pole against my back conformed sweetly to my back and the crack of my rear, while the ropes, chains and the simple bars bent around me to keep me in place, were expertly placed.


“I do indeed hope that you are comfortable.” My host spoke softly. “I like my meat tender.


The red dragon, a huge scaly thing, grinned openly, showing a solid framework of overlapping teeth that all curved inward – each tooth on the bottom row fitting in between two of the upper row – with four oversized cannies overlapping the row of teeth opposite them. As an added effect, he puffed a breath of smoke out of both nostrils at me, the twin gusts splitting at my mid section while plastering my clothes flat against my bodice.


“Oh, quite.” I said sarcastically, thinking that I must’ve been a fool to have believed in that stupid trinket. Strangely enough, it was still hanging neatly around my neck, pressed against my bodice. “It would help if you’d untie me though.”


“Nice.” He smiled, and took to inspecting his fingernails. “I’ve heard that one before. I untie you, you run off, and the next thing I know, there’s a legion of knights coming after me, who steel my treasure – my bed of all things! – And you live happily ever after with some roughish prince or something or other.


“Ha, ha, ha… Not!”


He rolled onto his back.


“Someday… I won’t even have to worry about that. Just one doomsday spell or one powerful blast of my breath, and BAM! Canned Fricassee… the lot of them.” He moved again, this time onto his side. “Y’know… you are kinda cute. I may just keep you as a thrall.” One of his huge claws reached out and rubbed my breasts, which, of all things, had budded overnight while I was on the ship.  Instead of the subtle flat chest that I had had before I left my rooms in the castle, I now had a pair of bulges at the front of my chest.


“Have you ever been loved by a dragon?” he grinned again, this time hinting at a lot more, while I noticed the sheath between his hind legs was bulging.


“No… I don’t think so.” I said, trying to hold my breath against his breath as he came close, breathing into my face. “You forget… I’m a virgin princess… hence the reason why you swooped down and picked me up after all.  Which means I’ve never felt any male extension between my thighs.”


“Ah, I see.” He smiled, and instead slid his talloned finger down the length of the ropes, the chains, and three bent bars around me to instead knuckle my virginity. In reflex, I felt my thighs press together while my womanhood clenched tightly.


“We dragons are ancient creatures, you know. I could become more human, more pleasing to you. I could make you want for no mere man again!  Ancient arts do we have… arts to make you orgasm continuously… arts to make you ripe prematurely from sheer pleasure…”


He was salivating now, and I found myself openly staring at the big brute.  But then my eyes focused upon his claw as it lifted, one talon sliding in between the folds of my shirt so that his warm talon slid in between my blossoming breasts. I closed my eyes tightly and turned my head away from it, dreading the moment when he would tear the clothes from me, assume that ‘more pleasing form’ and then make love to me right here on the pole. But just then, there was the sound of underbrush being crushed underneath a large foot, and both the dragon and I turned toward the sound.


There was a cloaked figure standing there at the edge of the clearing, a hood drawn over his features to hide them within a hole of darkness, while the cloak he wore hung all the way to the ground. In the stead of leather guards over the shoulders for the rain, there were a pair of huge metal braces; either one ornate and complicated in their design, their exterior glimmering like fire opal and crystal, while the layer just beneath that was a cream white in color. All of it was then lined in silver, including the cloak.


The only other discernable feature was the hilt of a sword peaking over one shoulder; its hilt large enough for perhaps three large hands to grip it.


“Hey you!” the dragon growled, planting himself on all fours as he reared his back, spreading his huge wings and flaring all the overlapping spines lining his back. “She’s mine! Piss off if you know what’s good for you.”


There was a pause, and the only response from the newcomer was that he simply tilted his head off to one side.


“I said piss off!” the red dragon roared, rearing on his hind feet before slamming back with his fore claws against the ground again, lunging with enough force to make my teeth chatter and my tits to shake and wobble from the impact tremor. That last bit was entirely a new feeling, and I quite enjoyed it really.


“I heard you.” Came the simple reply this time, his voice sounding metallic as he took a couple steps forward. “You are a young dragon, and immature in the agreements of the dragon Council and the other three races, so I’ll give you a choice. Return to Dragon’s Spire and live, or continue in this fracas and forfeit the remainder of your life.”


“Wh-what?” the dragon spat. “You dare order your lord?! We Dragons are the supreme beings of this planet. Our kind is older than the very earth you stand upon.  The entire existence of your race is nothing more than a heart beat to one of us. Away with you foul human... or you’ll find me picking you from my teeth!”


I looked between the two of them, one after the other, for the first time in my life seeing what could only be termed a standoff.


But soon, there was a low growl from the dragon, a deep rumbling that quickly rose into a raging scream before it leapt, and in a flourish, the new stranger actually sped forward and grappled with the thing.


For the first time since he had entered, the stranger’s cloak was thrown aside, showing what he truly was:


An Aegis Knight!


The knight, covered from head to toe by armor as all Aegis Knights were, strained against the powerful dragon as his armor flared open, the knight growing larger by the second before he became strong enough to simply throw the dragon aside.  Then in a flash, a hand lifted to his back and pulled out his sword, a thing so long that it must’ve been at least two meters long! The Dragon scrabbled back to his feet and leapt, screaming openly while a pilot light lit within either of his nostrils, ready to flame, but with a quick sidestep and a jab with his sword, the dragon coughed, collapsed to the ground and clutched his throat with both fore claws; his pilot having gone out.


By now, the Knight had practically doubled his size, but as for his mass, he had increased perhaps eight to ten times of what he was before.  As he stood before the dragon, the piercing scream that came from the dragon then practically shattered my eardrums, and the knight in turn, slid his sword to his side. Shifting his hands to take a new grip, I watched as the center section of the sword snapped outward with the sounds of metal sheering metal, opening a space where the segment of blade had just been. A moment later, that open space became charged with a brilliant white lighting while small blades opened up about the hilt; the movement turning a miniature eye at the apex of hilt, guard and blade, until the eye was straight up and down. The eye then opened on either side of the blade, glowing a greenish blue, and a moment later, the entire length of the blade appeared to be nothing but a solid bolt of blazing lightning, sparkling with greenish-blues that crackled and spit.


Enraged, the dragon’s eyes glowed a deep red, and he charged the knight, who took a ready battle stance, his great blade rising straight up and down.  And then he slashed as the dragon passed by, and when the dragon landed, it was to crash against the ground shuddering.  A moment later, the thing practically split in half.


My head turned in repulse, avoiding my eyes from the gristly sight while I fought the gag reflex.


There was nearly a minute of silence; and then I felt a hand lodge itself underneath the bar that was just beneath my breasts and wrench backward, and immediately I felt that the pressure there was gone! Blinking and then lifting my eyes, I found my vision focusing upon the knight, and all of a sudden, I couldn’t breathe. Not because of my bonds restraining me, but rather that I was watching a legendary knight freeing me from my bonds, and while he freed me, I had the chance to look very closely at something that was deemed lucky to see even once in your life.


The Knights of the Aegis Order were an ancient order that had defended mankind from the supernatural terrors and unnatural horrors that had plagued mankind in the very beginning. Since Adam and Eve, Humans had been plagued upon by all forms of strangeness, and to combat those disasters, many heroes evolved in a long line of greater and greater soldiers. From militia men to soldiers and from soldiers to knights that protected men from the mundane and from other men. Those knights eventually had to become even stronger during the Dragon Wars, and hence from the noble and holy Paladins that came from the knights, the Dragon Slayers were born. And then during the Mage Wars, when necromancers of all sorts assailed the world of men and all things magical on earth, the final order was given birth.


The Aegis Knights: The holy of holy knights, the Creator’s own Chosen!


They were in effect priests in armor, with their holy power insurmountably unparalleled save by the Prophets themselves.


But now that I looked closely at this knight, even as he removed the ropes binding my feet to the pole – that dragon tied some good knots, I mused rubbing my wrists – I noticed that he was more than just an Aegis Knight.  This was a Dragoon!


I nearly fainted when I fathomed that, and if not for him catching me, I may have done just that.


This Knight, in his transformed state, was indeed more than twice my size, possessing double-jointed legs, a tail, wings, and last but not least, a stylized dragon’s head; complete with the Crown of Horns: the mark of royalty among true dragons.


The Dragoons, the Knight Captains, I thought with a gasp.


Gingerly, I reached out a hand and pressed it against his powerful pectoral plate, a thick thing that connected to his back by a pair of thick pipes that lined his ribs.


“Are you alright?” he asked, his voce coming from behind an immense, decorated, kite-shaped plate, and I nodded absently before he rose to his feet and stepped off toward his fallen foe, and I couldn’t help but stare after him.


During the Mage Wars, the Dragons of good heart further enchanted the wielders of the Creator’s Armor and the equally powerful Holy Evangeleon Swords, which I took for the immense cross blade that he even now buried into the ground before the dead dragon, and holding it, knelt before it and bowed his head in prayer.


No one had ever seen what even a regular Aegis Knight looked like underneath their armor, and the Dragoons were no different, but some say that the dragoons were no longer humans beneath that armor. And so, lifting a hand to press against my bosom, I stepped forward, watching this giant knight as he prayed to the creator for forgiveness – of all things – for killing a Dragon; his great wings folding so that they overlapped one another underneath his cloak; which with his increased size, was nothing more that a waist-long campaign-cloak.


And so, I stood there in awe, staring at the Knight.


His outermost armor was of the same fire opal-crystal makeup that I had seen his shoulder guards were earlier; both of which now had lifted over his bulging arms to frame his dragon’s head, which had likewise extended outward and thickened. That seemingly delicate armor covered what must’ve been the heavier armor, the cream-white lined with silver plates that covered most of what was beneath. But where that armor didn’t cover, a shadowy black, a black so dark that it seemed nothing more than a hole in space, was. That blackness was bisected only by a strange color that didn’t seem like it would be found in any rainbow that I’d seen, an ultraviolet color, I believed, that rounded his major muscle masses. Other than those lines, that black was so black that it seemed to be nothing more than a hole in space.


And then, in only occasional places, were huge gems of dark, dark blue, all of them like Midnight Sapphires.


“May your deeds be forgiven,” I heard the knight say then. “And may you find your way into heaven despite your misunderstandings.”


As a dragoon though, I thought, I guess he would see the fall of even an evil dragon a heartbreak.


My eyes slid over his form one last time, and then I found the huge, layered series of plates between his legs, felt my eyes grow wide with astonishment at its size, and thought for a moment what it would be like for that to pierce my legs!


I then turned abruptly around to hide my blush.


One last fact of the Aegis Knights, from standard knight to the Dragoons, was that each and every last one of them was male. Women had indeed found their way as high as the Paladins, called Dians in their case, but there was not a singe female Slayer, and not a single female Aegis.


Just then…


“I am traveling to Vaulhaven, my lady.” The knight said just then, breaking into my thoughts. “You are welcome to travel with me if you wish. I believe it would be the nearest town of any sort.”


I turned around, seeing the Knight slowly returning to normal man-size, all of his plates folding over and into each other, some sections disappearing all together while he resheathed his sword.


In no time, he merely stood head, chest and shoulders above me.


“Y-yes. Yes, thank you. I would like that.”


He nodded, the solid blue slats of his mask’s sunken eyes focusing upon me.


“If you care to wait here, my lady, I will just go collect the dragon’s horde. I will return within a few minutes.”


I nodded, and hugged myself while he went away.


No sooner than he did, than I felt something grow warm beneath my clothing, and pulling open the strings of my shirt and unbuttoning my blouse, I withdrew the amulet, only to stare in wonder as the symbols and glyphs started changing again.


Once they finished, I squinted my eyes, and read.


Two paths now remain, one to the fore, and the other to the rear. The path to the rear will lead you back to the life once held, but the life to the fore will lead you to a whole new life. Choose.


I pondered this for a moment, holding the amulet in my hands for a moment before I took a hesitant step forward and watched as the glyphs changed again.


Your final path has been chosen, and no turning back is possible now. Take this amulet, and bathe it within the blood of a dragon, for a potion must be concocted and absorbed by the body to finish this first step forward.


Again I pondered this, for this was the first time that it had ever literally told me what to do. Even the little arrows on the thinnest and outermost tracks were both pointing at the dragon. And then stepping forward, I removed the amulet from around my neck, and holding it in one hand, bent downward before the growing puddle spewing forth from the deep, deep gash within the dragon.


I again had to fight the gag reflex, this time having to press my hand against my mouth to keep it in before I lowered the amulet into the pool of blood. Almost immediately, the Amulet began sucking up the blood, and at an enormous amount!  Several gallons seemed to be lapped up within the amulet, sucked in from its edges, into each glyph, and by the gem at it center itself. I left it in there for a full minute after the amulet actually got covered by the blood before I pulled it out, and beheld that the strange white gem that had been in its center now was a polished ruby in appearance now. Brining it over to some leaves I quickly wiped off the remnants that weren’t being sucked up, and once it was cleaned, I beheld it again and read the glyphs.


In a time of privacy, it read, you must bring forth the fluids of your feminine body, to link the amulet to your form.


This time, understanding came all too quickly, and I swallowed hard before I arched my back and flattened a hand over my virgin pussy that rested between my legs, and gasped at what it was asking me to do now.


“My lady?” came the Knight’s metallic voice, and I quickly replaced the amulet and closed up my blouse and shirt before answering.


“Yes?” I called back, turning round just as he stepped out from the bushes, carrying a huge blanket that was bulging from all the treasure.  I was most impressed that he was handling it with only a single hand.


“I was able to compress most of it down using my magics, but I’ll have to complete the rest of the process in a few hours. Hope you’re up to some walking.”


I smiled, folding my arms behind my back innocently.


“Just let me get my pack and satchel.” I responded. “That nasty dragon shredded up my good cloak when it was trying to catch me, which is a pity too.  That was my favorite cloak, and it looks like it may rain soon…”




And indeed, it did start to rain. A cold, wet rain that bore a slick down my bodice – trickling rain water down the crevice of my sunken chest – even through all the many layers of clothing that I was wearing.


Without my cloak, I got wet quite fast.


My new companion at last brought us to a stop when he saw that I was trying to keep warm by folding my arms about myself while struggling to walk in wet skirts… a good twenty extra pounds right there. Remarkably, though, he brought us to a place where the trees kept the heavy rain off of us.


I promptly collapsed to my knees, trying to press more of my body against itself to keep warm, and when I looked up at the knight again, my teeth chattering, I was surprised to see him removing his own cloak to place it around my shoulders. The huge thing fell in deep folds about my body to form ripples along the ground like I was the center pole in a circus tent. Absentmindedly, my fingers felt its fabric, and though it was as thin as cotton, it felt like a combination of silk and felt, and above all, was incredibly warm.


“I am truly sorry, milady. I should have done this long before now.” He said, his voice having that metallic sense to it from echoing inside his helmet. Then reaching to his back, he pulled something from a satchel hanging there, and removed a folded up wool blanket. “You should get out of those wet clothes, milady, before you catch your death. A little bit deeper into the wood, and you should be relatively free of the rain and away from my sight if you wish.


“I’ll build a fire while you’re doing that.”


He then nodded to me, and indeed then turned to start gathering firewood, an odd site to see such a massive hulk of armor in the midst of such a menial task.


I continued to watch the noble knight – his clawed, gauntleted hands reaching down to pick up firewood with a crunch of motion as those claws dug into the wood – before I gathered up his cloak about me and the blanket in my arms before I marched away into the wood.


I walked a good hundred feet, to sit underneath a great willow tree, and letting the cloak simply drape from my shoulders, I began to unlace my corset, and then my shirt. Pulling those apart, I then unbuttoned my blouse to reveal the cotton undershirt that was tucked in with all of the rest, and there, underneath its cloth, was the medallion. Pulling it out, I held it in my hands, read once again the instructions it asked for, and fingered the solid red gem now. Then sighing, I pulled off my many layers of upper clothing, and coming to a stand, untied the ties around my pleated pants before slipping my thumbs down along my bottom, and pushing the whole mess off.


My back arched as I did, and kneeling onto my skirts, my legs parted, and for a moment, I fingered the tight, unpierced folds of my womanhood before I removed the medallion from around my neck. Then taking a deep breath, I spread my vaginal folds with one hand, and inserted the medallion, leaving the chain dangling out.


For a second there, there had been an odd feeling of me inserting it as it rubbed against something inside of me. But for a short while, I simply laid there, listening to the rain falling about me, feeling goose pimples rise up against my bared flesh, while the breeze gently wafted my shirt about my bodice.


But then I felt something amazing begin to happen inside me as I felt the medallion beginning to warm my insides; the thing steadily rising in heat.  Tentatively, I passed a couple of fingers over my womanhood while I felt a tenseness upon my chest, and arching my back even more, centered my eyes on the tiny pair of lumps bulging from my chest, and the even smaller lumps rising atop those.


I felt blood pumping into my chest, my heart quickening as something wonderful began to beat between my thighs, and in wonderment, I lifted both hands to my chest, and pulling my undershirt up over by breasts, found that my nipples had compressed and hardened. Absentmindedly, I began to rub one, feeling yet more pleasure, and I closed my eyes at the feeling of it. And then between my legs, I felt the amulet move, and I gasped, holding onto my breasts while my hips rolled into the feeling.


I could actually feel the amulet turning, sliding against the inner walls as the gold coin-sized disk became horizontal inside me instead of vertical like how I had placed it there. And then the beating between my legs became a throbbing, my vaginal folds spreading apart of their own accord while something else between them hardened like my teats.


Slipping a pair of fingers into my bodice through that crevice, I felt a wet slick guide my fingers, and once I touched that taught bead of flesh inside of me, I gasped and moaned with the pleasure it lanced through me, and I felt that slick become a wetness.


There came a humming from inside my bowls as the amulet began to vibrate, sounding like a muffled crystal glass while someone ran a wet finger along its rim, the vibrating sliding along the walls of my loins, heightening in intensity before it burst outward in a solid jab into me. I gasped again, collapsing over my broadened knees as I felt a spasm rock the insides of my body, and then felt a build up of pressure inside of me, and finally… release.


Something burst inside of me then, a spasmodic releasal of fluids from some pocket inside me. But instead of spilling out onto the ground, it was instead absorbed by the amulet while it continued to vibrate its edges.


Again, it released a powerful burst of sound into my body, and again my hips rocked as they attempted to pound into the feeling, instead thumping against the ground as my body released another burst of fluids.  And again, it did this. And then again, still.


I became stupid with the pleasure, closed my eyes, shut off my hearing, my taste, my sense of smell, and devoted all the power within my mind into feeling that exotic pleasure, flopping onto my back and releasing even motor activity to it. The only movements my body left for itself was that which kept me alive, the subtle jabbing of my hips, and my fingers clawing at the ground.


In my virtual unconsciousness, a state that was only a few inches from loosing my mind, I somehow got the sensation of something strong touching my thighs, like hands keeping my legs apart, felt another pair of hands kneading my breasts, massaging my rear, while something long and powerful kept jabbing into my womanhood.


It was all I could do to keep from going mad.


The rhythmic climaxes of pleasure came in wave after wave, and that strange feeling of every muscle inside me down to the pair of taught muscles guarding the gateway into my body, all suddenly clenching as if to bend the piece of golden metal inside of me. I lost count of how many repetitions this happened after twenty-five.


And then the movements slowed, and even after the medallion inside of me stopped doing whatever it had been doing and drew dormant, my body continued its subtle motions, and my mind remained in the way it had been to feel only the pleasure.


At last, I opened my eyes to a gray sky shaded by the sweeping branches of the willow, my chest heaving with my heart pounding, while every so often, that remembered feeling between my legs repeated itself and my hips thrust upward into the air.


It was a long time before my mind started to come back to the point where I could remember things as simple as my name, and where I was.


Sitting up, I pushed my still wet hair away from my eyes, and then looking down between my legs, saw the chain still sticking out from between my legs.


I had been completed, I thought, and twiddling my fingers around the golden chain, pulled it slowly from my body, gasping at each centimeter it had to pass before it finally released itself and I fell back against the ground, closing my eyes while my loins calmed again.


And then I lifted the amulet, seeing that it now had a crystal-white sheen to it, with only a touch of red tint to it all. As I brought it up to my eyes, I witnessed the text along the tracks changing once again.


Blood of power and juices of passion mix as one, but your task is far from done. The next task arrives in the morning, so by this, heed this warning. The light of heaven, you must catch, with the lens through a patch, only the rising sun can we see, for knight cannot exist without thee.


It was odd how it had spelled night as knight, and for a moment, I immediately thought of my new companion, and turning over, holding the amulet with both hands still, I looked to the bead of red light where a fire was indeed now burning brightly.


Blinking briefly, I removed my undershirt completely, undid my hair, and placing the amulet around my neck, stepped out into the rain to wash off the dirt, grime and sweat. My eyes closed underneath the heavy down pour, and it was a simple matter of wiping away the slick about my body, even that sticky, maple syrup-like substance that decorated my inner thighs now. Then stepping back underneath the willow, I donned the knight’s traveling cloak around my naked bodice, held it closed with one hand, while with the other, gathered up my discarded clothes and moved barefoot back to the campsite.


My companion looked up to me with his faceless mask as I entered, he sitting atop a log.


“Welcome back, milady.” He greeted. “I must admit, I was starting to get worried about you.”


I smiled, and bowed my head before coming fully into the fire. “Diyana.” I said, and stepped daintily over to a tree branch hanging low close to the fire. “My name is Diyana, good knight. Though I was once a princess… I am no longer.”


I then began to drape my clothing over the branches, careful to leave my undershirt and panties fully revealed so that he could see them. I don’t know why I did that, but something inside of me wanted to appeal to the earnest wiles in that knight. I wanted him to like me more than just a companion.  Absentmindedly, I fingered the medallion between my budding breasts.


“Then you may call me Alex.” He said, and pausing in my actions, I turned to look straight at him from over my shoulder with my jaw open.


Like never seeing the face of an Aegis Knight, no one had ever known of the true name of a knight either.


“I…I am honored sir.” I turned around, letting go of the folds of his cloak. Thankfully, the shadows and the folds of the cloak over my breasts hid my naughty bits, but still, much of my bodice was displayed fully to him.


“Why?” he asked. “Is it not customary to exchange names when one comes upon a first name basis?”


“B-but… no one has ever learned of a knight’s true name.”


“Nonsense. No one ever bothered asking it. But I am very pleased to meet you sweet lady. I’ve never had the privy to meet a royal before.


I turned around and finished hanging up my clothes before sitting down across from him on the other side of the fire, sitting with my bodice still displayed to him like before. I was quite surprised that he didn’t make mention of my apparent nakedness.


“Why don’t you take your armor off?” I asked.


“I do. Otherwise taking a leak would be really, hard.” I had the sense that he was grinning at me behind his mask. “Many of us are nothing without our armor on, Diyana.  So for our protection, a law among our code allows us only to remove our masks only when in private or to another knight.”


“I see.” Inadvertently, I slid sideways, revealing more of my breast to him, enough that if one peered intently through the shadows, my still erect nipple would be very evident. My other nipple made a tiny lump against the bulge of my chest in the cloak.


“Alex, if you don’t mind, it’s been a long day, and I’m cold. May I use your blanket and cloak for tonight?”


“By all means.” He nodded, and I smiled at him.


It took me a bit to fall asleep. For the longest time, I simply laid there… listening to the rain.




I woke up much later to the touch of light against my eyes, and for a moment not knowing where I was, and so I simply rose from my coverings, pushing myself off the ground while my long white hair spilled around my face and eyes, and I delicately pushed a hand against my brow. But while I was lifting myself, my coverings were falling away from me, and soon I was laying naked there in a half sitting position, my virgin body prickling with goose pimples in the chill air, while my nipples hardened and pussy clenched between my thighs.


And then I sat up, like I usually did when I was sleeping within the palace, awaking like I always had, and when I pushed my hair away from my eyes and grunted against the cramps in my body, my eyes focused upon a crackling fire in front of me. A moment later, they focused upon a campsite, and seconds after that, I remembered that I was no longer in the castle. Memories began to click on within my head, each one screaming for attention one right after the other, and it was then that I realized that I was naked, out in the cold air, at a camp site, with… with…


I looked up, and saw the knight standing there before me.


His armor was all white, cream and glittering, and the suit or whatever that was beneath it was abyssal black… the true absence of color. But nonetheless, when he saw that I was looking at him, he opened up a blanket, and in my embarrassment, I snatched it from him and flattened it over my bodice.


“I’m sorry.” I voiced. “I’m used to waking up in private quarters.”


“I understand.” He voiced metallically, and strode over to where my clothes had been drying through the night, and lifting a hand, he fingered the subtle silks and cottons. Despite that his hand was gauntleted it seemed as if he indeed could feel through them. “Some of your clothes are still moist, but they should warm and be dry by midday.


“The storm left over the night hours.” He continued, and withdrawing my undershirt from the branch, brought it over to me. When I took that, he remained, staring down at me.


“What?” I asked slowly.


“Your medallion…” he voiced quietly, and squared his stance before me. “I was admiring it last night while you were sleeping.”


Immediately, I reached beneath my blanket and clutched the medallion hanging between my budding breasts to make sure that it was still there.  Then I looked up at the knight, looked up at Alex, wondering if he had been admiring me as a woman as well, for the only way to have seen that medallion, is if I had rolled over in my sleep to reveal my bosom.


“Tell me, Sir Alex,” I mused, rising to my feet though holding my undershirt and blanket before me. To my fore, I was covered from sight, but to my rear, any passerby could indeed see just that. My rear. “What indeed were you admiring?”


A vein was throbbing on my forehead, and I was beginning to sweat under the effort to keep my nervousness under control with my temper that he had actually looked. But then, that was all helped by the knowledge that he indeed did look.


He was a holy knight after all, I thought. Why would he be interested in any woman, anyways?


“I was attempting to figure out what culture had made it. But it seemed totally… unique.”


“It is.” I said, bowing my head, trying not to make eye contact with that piercing visor of his, my leg sliding one against the other to peak from underneath the cloth of the blanket. “I purchased it from an old woman.”


“Dressed in white, and seeming like a goddess?” Alex spoke steadily.


My eyes lifted to him while my head lifted in turn with a jerk. “H…how did you know that?” I asked.


But instead of answering me, he instead lifted his hands to the sides of his head, inserted his clawed fingers into three holes on either side of his head, and I watched something truly amazing. His mask separated into a truncated Y, and then separated, with the front and sides folding down into his neck guard, and the horns, head spikes, forehead and visor folding upward and then backward. With that revealed, I saw a pair of green within green eyes staring at me from underneath a hood of a black velvet covered in chain mail, and removing that, poking his head through the face hole, he shook away a mane of deep white hair that arrayed about his face in a haphazard way.


I collapsed to my knees, staring up at him.


I was looking upon the face of an Aegis Knight!


“I think, Miss Diyana that I should travel with you, instead of you with me.”




I couldn’t help but stare up at his features for several long minutes after he had revealed his face to me before I got my mind back. Excusing myself, my words stumbling over my own tongue, I took most of my remaining clothes from where they hung from over the branch by the fire and hurried away from the camp, forgetting to close the blanket about me, and absentmindedly, I thought I could feel Alex watching my backside before I ducked in past the shrubbery.


Hidden from view, I quickly made my way back to the willow tree where my medallion had taken the juices from my womanhood from the night before.  There, I collapsed onto the ground in a tumble, practically throwing my clothes and the blanket away from me before I knelt upon my heels and arched my chest before tilting the medallion upward with a finger to look at it.


There was a creamy look to it now, like it was a sphere with some strange milk flowing in it… all with a reddish tinge. The script around its edges was still as it was last night when I had milked the fluids from my body for its jewel, but as of yet, what it was asking for had still yet to happen.


He revealed himself to me, I thought to myself, reaching forward to take hold of my undershirt and pull it on over my head; the medallion pressing warmly against my skin between the twin mounds of my chest. For a brief moment, I fingered that place where the medallion rested, and then slid my hand sideways to my budding breast, cupping the small mound while wondering if the medallion had changed my body like that.


I sighed and sat back, feeling the wind blowing through my hair as I remembered that wonderful face of his. So strong, so handsome, with eyes several shades darker than my own… so intense… so noble… like a hawk.


I piled my hair up against the back of my head, allowing it to spill back onto my back. He even has the same color hair as me, I thought.  This little medallion is indeed playing with my fate.


And then, while I knelt there with my loins and rear open to the soft blowing of the breezes around me, those same breezes brushed through the branches of the willow tree I sat beneath, and a shard of sunlight slipped through it. For a second, I simply stared at it, lifting a hand to pass my hand through its warmth, but then I remembered the text from the medallion.


‘The light of heaven, you must catch, with the lens through a patch, only the rising sun can we see, for knight cannot exist without thee.’


“‘…The light of Heaven…’” I breathed, and quickly reached underneath my undershirt to pull the medallion out from under it, the undershirt’s cloth rising to reveal the rounded bulges of my chest again as I held the medallion out to the light.


Sparkles of light glittered around the medallion, and I saw streamers of those sparkles being sucked into the jewel at the center of the medallion. Only a few brief seconds were needed – so potent was the power of sunlight that it was over in only a matter of seconds – and withdrawing it from the beam, I saw that the milky substance had turned more of an amber color. It also felt so very, very warm…


But while I looked at it, again, the tracks changed and moved, their symbols shifting and realigning until all remained still once again, and with that, I read what new instructions were now before me.


A beginning and an end of all things does the light see, but the middle is what is planned for thee.  A day and a Knight have come, and you are now on your way to fulfilling your wish, but the Herb of Phish upon us needs be. Shorn from its bed, and chewed within, upon this surface shall you again begin…


I knew quite well, as to what the Herb of Phish was. It was a deadly poison, and the medallion needed me to chew it! Again, also, was Alex announced within its instructions, and looking back toward the camp, I wondered as to how that knight fit into its plans of granting me my wish of strength and beauty.


Whatever the means, I decided, I’d follow its instructions.


And so, I rose to my feet, and began dressing myself, lastly, wrapping the blanket about my shoulders like a shawl before I approached where I had left Alex behind.


But when I reentered the clearing, I saw a man, indeed very strong, but absent of any form of armor sitting upon a rock by the fire. Alex turned his head to me, regarding my blank expression for a moment.


“You seem surprised.” He mused for a moment, and I slowly edged into the campsite to kneel down opposite him across the fire.


“I-I’m sorry. I-I just never heard of a knight removing their helm. I thought that they never did such a thing.”


“There are some circumstances that allow us to remove our mask and helm… this is one of them.”


He got up and shouldered a backpack before taking his cloak from out of my hands, and replaced the blanket about my shoulders with that of the cloak.


“B-but where is your armor?” I asked, my mind finally catching on that something that bulky and massive was missing.


“Hidden.” He answered quietly, and for the first time, I saw the hint of a smile as one corner of his mouth lifted. “There will be several days left in our walk, Diyana.” He continued then. “We should leave now to get a good start.”


Nodding, I openly slid in behind his lead and we journeyed into the rising light of dawn.




All that day, I kept my eyes out for the infamous Phish Herb, and when I didn’t find any through the whole day, I began to get worried. We stopped twice during the day, having a small meal that Alex somehow produced out of his pack, just enough for two people.


I ate it in silence.


Alex himself hadn’t spoken much during the whole day, though he kept eyeing me through his peripheral vision.


And then at last, we halted late in the day, stopping at the side of the road and made camp.


For a time, while the sun slowly fell behind the trees, the two of us just simply sat there in the quiet; listening to the insects chirp, the crackle of the fire that Alex had built when we had stopped, all coupled with the sound of the wind. As the wind began to gain a chill, I promptly pulled my blanket up around my shoulders.


“How did you become a knight, Alex?” I asked at last, breaking the silence while my eyes lifted to look into his.


There was a moment of even more silence, and for a moment, I thought that he hadn’t heard me. And then…


“I’d been a farmer’s child once upon a time ago. The warlords changed that.”


“I… I’m so sorry.” I said, knowing exactly what had happened.


Before the Atlantean Guard had finally responded to the warlords who were attacking the mainland, they had already devastated everything.  Many were left homeless, still more, children no less, were left parentless.


Alex must’ve wanted revenge so bad. He would’ve trained hard, advanced through the ranks of the guard to the soldiers, then to the regular knights and finally to the Paladins maybe, and at a crucial moment, he, alone from hundreds of Paladins, would be chosen by holy right to become an Aegis Knight.


The two of us took to looking at the fire for a little bit more, continuing in our silence, before I finally cleared my throat and rose to my feet.


“I think I’ll go get some more wood for the fire.” I smiled, and noticed Alex look to the fire, and then to me as I turned to leave. In passing, I slid a hand across one of his broad shoulders for comfort… partially for me, but mainly for him.


The fire didn’t need any more wood, and there was a small pile resting next to it, but my nervousness was getting to great to bear. And so, I simply walked several paces, until only the soft glow of the light from the fire remained through the trees, before I collapsed to my knees.


For a time I just knelt there, idly picking at the grasses and the weeds, lost in thought.


I was beginning to feel something new in my bosom, like that powerful, powerful pleasure I’d felt when the medallion had been inside me, only much softer.  Nonetheless, I felt my teats grow firm with the thought of it and I smiled as my thoughts flowed onto Alex.


But then I felt the tips of my fingers tingling, and I stopped, as I looked down at the weeds collecting on my skirts, and simply stared at the unmistakable four-leafed, red-veined form of the Phish Herb laying there in a big bundle.


Quickly undoing the laces upon my shirt, I spread the cloth open to reveal the golden chain beneath before removing the amulet, rereading the inscription to be sure that its instructions were indeed correct.


They had not changed.


Dropping the medallion to my chest, my fingers then slid into the bundle of Phish herb, and lifting some of the poisonous substance before me, feeling my fingertips going numb already, I stuffed a wad of it into my mouth and began the chew vigorously. Immediately, I felt my tongue go numb while my jaw worked, my teeth gnashing the soft crunchy herb into a pulp. When I lifted the medallion to my mouth, my arms were already shaking from the weakness, and it was becoming more difficult than ever to breathe. But nonetheless, I spit the herb onto the medallion before taking up another wad and chewing it.


Though my vision was beginning to blur, and my mind was growing stupid, I could see the life of the Phish Herb being drained away, sucked so rapidly that the wind itself blew away what could only be called gray ashes.


Over and over, I continued this, going so far as having to plant a hand against the ground and lock its elbow to keep me from collapsing, while the effort of keeping my eyes open through this continued to mount. At last, a final mouthful went onto it, and this time, the moisture and greenness didn’t completely run out, and spitting out the last mouthful of the herb, I dropped the medallion so that it hung from my neck, its once subtle weight so strong that it practically dragged me to the ground.


My arms and legs wobbled unsteadily as I slowly pushed myself to my feet, and I slowly began to feel more and more of my body going numb… my neck, my breasts, my hips and legs. Idly, I lifted a hand to brush the hair away from my eyes, my other lifting to push the medallion back underneath my shirt again, and I stumbled forward again toward the light.


My arms felt as if I’d been sleeping on them all night, the pair together lacking any feeling, and didn’t even appear to be an extension of myself, but I made them work, holding me upright. The same went for my legs as I continued to walk, the numbness rising up to my navel, and for a time, I didn’t even know what gender I was any more.


My mind was growing numb, I forgot my name, forgot my past, forgot what I was supposed to be doing, but inside my head was a single avenue of clarity, a single light of impression as to where I wanted to be.




Drool escaped out of the corners of my mouth, along with a soft froth as I stumbled into the light, and though I couldn’t feel my lips at all, I uttered a word.




Sounds then roared inside my head, and all of a sudden, I was spinning, and when my head cleared, I was lying on the ground. Through the blur of my vision, I saw one person above me, and I smiled as I reached out to touch Alex’s face, and then I passed out.




When I awoke, it was ever so slowly. For a moment, I felt like I was wrapped in the womb again, unfeeling in every direction, as if I were floating.


And then I wiggled my toes, and suddenly I felt pressure increasing against my front and side, as if I were slowly lowered sideways into a corner; like floating through the water to the bottom of a pool. I sighed, and closed my fingers against something, my fingernails sliding against something tough and nearly hard.


Feeling within my body ever so slowly returned, and little by little, I felt portions of my flesh returning to me. I felt my lips pressing against flesh, and I licked them softly, renewing my knowledge of things that I’d lost before entering this darkness.


My senses became alive again, and I felt warmth from the nothingness, felt something firm and solid about me, smelt a sweet smell – like cologne – and I snuggled into the warmth. And then I began to think again, and ever so slowly wakefulness came back to me, and I pressed into the warmth like it were a warm blanket, huddling into myself a little, until at last, my eyes fluttered open.


And the first thing to greet my eyes was a broad, taught and chorded man’s chest.


My hand long-armed just then and I rose to see that Alex had been holding me, my body rising from out of a little nest of blankets and furs, but in the next moment, my weak arm gave out underneath me, and I collapsed back to the ground with a thud.


“Oww.” I groaned, rubbing my shoulder, and then started as I felt the blankets moving from Alex rising to a sitting position.


He and I looked at each other for at least a full minute, and I couldn’t help but notice that his features were an emotionless mask.


“You ate some Phish herb.” He said simply. “When you stumbled back into the camp, I had no choice but to administer the antidote to you. I assure you your virtue has gone unharmed, and you should be completely healed by now.”


I blinked up at him, and this time, more cautiously and using both arms, I rose up to lay against my side before him, noting that I was indeed still wearing at least my panties and undershirt, and that the medallion still hung around my neck. Nevertheless, I still lifted a hand to feel the press of it against my bosom underneath my undershirt.


Something was different, though, something, in which my poison-stupefied brain, was having trouble grasping. “A-antidote?” I repeated. “But I thought there was no antidote.” I paused, and closed my eyes. “I… feel different somehow.”


“There is an antidote.” He said in that same simple, mater-of-fact tone. “Milk.” He folded his legs before him then, offering me the blankets, which I pulled to me to keep me from the cool morning.


For a moment, what he said didn’t really strike me as anything significant, and then it hit me.


“Where did you get milk from way out here?” I asked quietly, forgetting myself in the question so much, dreading the answer equally so, that I let my hands fall to my lap with the blankets that had been covering me.


In return, Alex simply stared at me.


“Alex, where did you get the milk from?” I repeated.


Closing his eyes, he then closed his eyes, and lowering his head for a moment, he exhaled slowly and then began his explanation as he lifted his head to me again.


“The Phish Herb is not only a deadly poison, but it has other effects which flood the body with hormones and enzymes. To a man, these hormones and enzymes are relatively useless, but to a woman, it is an unbelievably potent substance for beatification.


“For those women who are brave enough to use the Phish herb, will either take a little at a time, slowly building up an immunity to the substance, until they can actually consume massive quantities of the herb. Though the woman becomes ungodly beautiful at the end of this process, she is unfortunately now poisonous.


“For those who know the herb’s antidote, milk, they mix the two together and consume it. The milk not only cancels out the poison, but it also enhances the herb’s beautification qualities ten fold.”


“‘Beautification…’” I repeated.


Just then, I began to catch on what he was getting at, and slowly, my eyes lowered to my chest, to see that even over night, either had increased by two sizes!




I noticed my hands then, saw that the ghastly veins that had been popping out before last night had now smoothed over, and looking down the length of my arms, saw that my skin as a whole had grown softer as well as smoother.  Rising to my feet, I looked over my body, feeling hips that had widened, feeling a pussy that had grown tight and firm.  And then I felt my breasts, both of which were just more than a hand full, and both firm and taut. Lastly, all that annoying body hair had gone, and turning my back to Alex, I pulled open the front of my panties to see that even my pubic hair was gone, and feeling it, felt how tight and smooth my crotch indeed was. Then lifting the front of my undershirt up, I saw my newly bulged breasts spill out into the air.


I couldn’t help but cup them both, before a thought came to me, and I actually had to pull my undershirt back over my breasts before, hooking its hem underneath the pair before I looked over my shoulder at Alex.


“Where did you get the milk from Alex?” I asked again.


I was surprised to see that he had risen to his feet, doing so, so silently, that I didn’t even hear him do so. He approached me however, and as I turned around, he came to stand before me, and I chanced to look into those hard, emerald green eyes of his.


Just then, he lifted a hand, and I felt the backs of his knuckles brush against one of my breasts, his thumb caressing my nipple for a moment, and in response, I felt both harden to his touch.


“Inside of me is a bit of magic,” he began, still caressing my tit. “I used it to speed up the transformation of your body while holding off the poison. A difficult thing to do while removing your outer clothing, all the while trying to keep you warm so that you can sweat the poison out in the meantime. At last, I used another trick of mine, another herb that helps a woman to lactate.”


“You sucked the milk straight out of my own breasts and force fed me…” I gasped, and in return, he nodded his acquiesce, and then removed his hand from my tit.


I was surprised to feel my back arch and my feet take a halting step forward to maintain that contact, but I recovered myself… I was supposed to be mad at him.


My arms lifted to fold over my chest, but with my chest all that little bit larger, I felt the bulges peaking out between my arms, and at last, I was forced to cover them with my hands. But looking at his face, feeling something within my loins begin to ache for him, my mind slowly gave way to my heart, and inevitably, I dropped my pride and the princess fa\xE7ade I’ve always been taught to use.


“Thank you.” I said at last. “Thank you for saving me.” I smiled then, now knowing a secret that perhaps very few women did.


“May I ask you something, Alex?” I asked, and immediately blushed.


“Yes?” he returned, turning to face me again.


“Wha… how… how did I taste?”


I saw a minute smile cross his features, the largest I’d ever seen him use.


“Like a land of cream and honey, Diyana.” He bowed ceremoniously. “Your children will be well fed. Now I suggest that you get some rest for today… I’ll tend to the fire. If you’re strong enough, we’ll leave on the next morning.”




Alex and I did indeed leave the next morning, but not before I myself, was able to find a private spot and suckle from my own breasts.  Though difficult, I imagine being fully awake while Alex was doing that to me. Before then, there had never been a more sensual time for me.


In the following days, the medallion had me doing more and more dangerous things, one of which got me catching a poisonous snake and milking its fangs onto the medallion, though there were some that were simple, like providing a unit of silver for it. This last was practically all of my remaining money, and I thought that if there was any one substance that it was draining from me, it was faith… and hope.


It was my faith that was being placed every time that I added an ingredient… but none was so exhausting to me than when I had taken the Phish Herb


Other substances were relatively simple, like pond scum, mistletoe, and whatnot. At the end of all of these, I had a multicolored jewel at the center of its three tracks, its lettering now glittering with the silver I had provided it with, and the once bronze tracks now gold. The gem itself seemed to shine with its own light; a multi-colored hew that was most dazzling, much like a fire opal was.


And now, there was a set of instructions, set in plain text instead of a riddle.


When you find yourself a moment alone, enter into the forest, and continue to walk in one direction until you come to a pool. In that pool, you must bathe with this medallion about your neck, and face your most strenuous trial yet. This warning, however, you must heed. Until this trial of endurance is over, the medallion cannot touch the water!


I pondered those words over and over while we walked, with late afternoon beginning to approach us to the point where the sun was beginning to duck beneath the tree line. Even when I had to go to the bathroom, Alex was there, his back turned to me to keep a watch out for danger.


But then, at last, Alex called a halt. “We’ll stop here for the night.” He said while unshouldering his pack and dropped it at a likely spot at the side of the road.


I watched him stretch for a moment, like a monstrous cat, he seemed now, with his clothing tightening over his muscle mass.


“I’ll construct a fire, Diyana, if you don’t mind waiting here for a little while. I need to go get some wood.”


Something clicked at the back of my head. “Yes, that will be fine.” I smiled deeply, forcing my smile to widen a little bit more while a solid lump of butterflies settled in my stomach.


“Stay here now.” He said sternly, pointing at me with his other hand on his hip. “This part of the forest is thick with wolves.”


I knelt there, smiling deeply again. “I’ll be fine, thank you Alex.”


He nodded at me one last time, and faded into the forest, as if it simply swallowed him. Then, I waited for the sounds of his footsteps to disappear, and after that, knowing his ability to walk and act silently, I waited another five minutes, and then promptly rose to my feet and trudged onward into the forest.


For the first few meters, I could hear the soft crunch of brush and twigs, and then the sound tapered off, and soon, I thought that I had lost my hearing, and clapped my hands just to be sure that I hadn’t.


It was a strange feeling, but for some reason, all sound other than my breathing, my heart beating within my chest, and the occasional snapping of a twig or a crunch of some leaves was silenced. Against my bosom, I could feel the medallion growing warm.


I traveled for a good fifteen minutes in that odd silence, before the forest opened up to reveal a small pool.


I stared at it, suddenly feeling my breathing and heartbeat accelerate as I looked down at it, its perfectly clear, crystal blue waters seeming like glass, while it sat within a basin like thing with a soft sandy bottom.  Reeds, tall grasses and soap moss were the only things that grew close to its shore.


Lifting my eyes, I saw that the sun had already fallen behind the trees, and only a glow above me remained of the sun. It would be dark soon, I thought lowering my eyes back to the pool, taking another halting step forward.  And then taking a deep breath, I stepped forward one last time, and kicked off my shoes.


Lifting my hands to the laces of my corset, I tentatively undid all the strings, allowing my swelling bosom to fall a bit again and breathing deeply with the release of my chest being bound up so much – before it hadn’t been a problem – before opening the thing like a jacket and allowing it to fall to the ground.


I had to pause amidst untying the synch string around my skirt to squeeze my hands together, my nervousness making them tremble so badly that I couldn’t get them to work properly before again going to work at the three draw strings that laid just before my lap. A quick unbuckle of the strap about my waist loosened my skirts about my broadening waist, and slipping my hands underneath the lips to spread the cloth, I pushed my skirts backward over my bottom before letting them drop to the forest floor.


Then arching my back, I was glad that my swelling bosom brought the strings to my wrap around shirt to bear, and it took only a minute or so to untie them all. My pleated leggings, the stylish pants a woman wore beneath her skirts, took only a pair of strings on either side of my broadening hips to untie before I slipped them off just like my skirts. After that, I had to sit down to remove my white silk stockings, and taking a moment to breathe, my arms crossed before me and pulled my undershirt off over my head.


I’d had chances to look at my swelling bosom since the night I had partaken of the Phish herb and learned of its wonderful qualities, and since then, I’d chanced to take a leaf or two, and then spend time suckling from my own breasts. Since then, I’d grown two more sizes yet, and the rest of my figure was filling out.  Lifting my slender hands to my breasts, I gently caressed the firm mounds of flesh, feeling my nipples harden beneath my touch to peak outward between my fingers.


Within the last week, I had learned more about my body than I had in all my nineteen years of life. I learned that I was a sensual thing, learned what could tease my bodice and entice it to bring forth that strange, unknown feeling of pleasure I had developed most recently.


I wonder what I will be like after this wish is fulfilled, I thought to myself.  Rising to my feet, I slipped a pair of fingers into the rim of my short pants, which had been drawing taut across my hips over the past few days, and had a tendency to slip up between the cheeks of my bottom, off over my hips. And there, I stood naked to the cool air, just as the last rays of the sun disappeared completely, and the sky became a bluish purple fading to orange.


Sighing, I looked down at the array of clothing I had just removed, the remnants of an old age of royalty in which women wore so much clothing, ‘that by the time a man finally got down to her bare bodice… he was too tired to do anything.’ That’s what my mother always said, and leading my sheltered life, I had yet to learn what she meant.


I knew that it was something to do with coupling, the bonding between a man and a woman, but what does a man do to a woman during that moment of intimacy.  I remembered a day that I had spied upon my sister and her lover, but I really couldn’t see what they were doing.


Lifting my hands to rest atop my breasts then, my arms framing the swollen pair and pressing them together, I stepped forward to stand before the pool and extended a toe to test the waters.


It was warm and inviting, like a freshly run bath.


And so, remembering the words of the talisman – to not get the medallion wet until after the ordeal was over – I stepped forward without further hesitation; the said medallion hanging about my neck even as I slipped into the limpid waters.


I was expecting the waters to be frigid or even cold, but as I lowered myself in, the waters rippling about my stomach, I was surprised that it felt like a warm bath. Lowering my fingers to brush against the surface of the water, I waited… and waited… and waited still.


The last traces of the sun disappeared, and a great deal of the stars within the heavens were now shining brightly, while the silvery glow of the moon could be seen as it rose. I began to wonder if the ordeal was me standing in one place for so long, and I also began to wonder if I had been duped into believing some great falsehood.


But that can’t be, I reminded myself. The talisman worked magic right before my eyes, doing things that a mundane thing couldn’t. And it must be powerful magics if it was altering my fate around me.


I again slid my fingertips over the surface of the water, almost dreamily, but then, at that moment, something inexorably began to happen.


High within the heavens, the moon was rising over the trees, the tips of its face casting its silvery rays onto the world below. Just then, I noticed mist rising over the pool, and a sudden radiance that rippled and cascaded its light across my body.


My hands immediately lifted to my chest, crossing one before the other with my hands held at the side of my face as I made a brief noise of exclamation; my lips forming a small O while I watched the rippling effect happening around me.


But then, I felt a growing warmth against my chest, and parting my arms, allowing my breasts to fall open again, so that I could view the medallion hanging between them, seeing its gem glitter in response to the rippling light of the pool. And then I began to feel the medallion dragging toward the waters, and gasping, I righted myself as it began to tug downward like someone trying to rip the thing off my neck. I grunted with effort as my hands lifted quickly to the chain to hold it back, while against my bare chest, I could feel the medallion growing warmer still.


I was beginning to feel as if I were keeping its chain intact, thinking that I was doing well on this ordeal, but then to my horror, the chain around my neck snapped; the thing dissipating right within my hands. I was about to break down and cry that I had failed already, after all of this, but then I found that the medallion hadn’t ejected into the water, but rather, was floating just before the apex of my ribcage above my sternum.


It had to go lower! I realized, seeing it rotating slowly there. But then the thing turned to me and stopped, its mystical glyphs pointing outward, and only the jewel visible to me within its three silver-lined, golden tracks.


I breathed heavily for a moment, feeling a tingling caressing my tits, feeling the tantalizing warmth of the waters washing against my midsection.  In response, I began to feel my heart pumping faster and faster within my chest, until I was breathing in and out in a steady rhythm, and I could feel my heart pumping blood through my body.  I felt it in my neck, and I opened my mouth to gasp and gulp my air, felt it pumping fluids into my arms and into my breasts, a tantalizing experience that ended at my areola.  Lowering my eyes at the reddened disks of flesh at the ends of my breasts, I watched them as they slowly swelled and broadened, their coloring turning from a soft red to more of a hot pink, and then watched as the crowns of my teats pushed outward and clenched; the pair becoming as hard as pebbles against my chest. I gave a particularly ecstatic gasp as they began to ache against my chest by how hard they had become.


Beneath the water, I could feel more blood pumping along the major arteries on the insides of my legs, felt my womanhood vibrating with each tantric pump, felt the twin folds beginning to tighten and then swell, just before pulling from my insides to reveal the pinkish flesh inside my body.  Something between them rapidly grew erect and hard, and lifting my hands to fold over the tops of my breasts, my naughty bits aching and throbbing all at the same time, I dipped my head back briefly so that water moistened the ends of my frost white hair.


My thighs pressed together before my head fell back forward again, bowing at my shoulders before I opened my eyes once again. For a moment, I stood there, breathing heavily through the passions that were clenching within my chest and throbbing within my loins, but then I felt them steadily widen as my sight fell upon the medallion still floating in mid air.


Its center jewel, the one thing visible on either side of the medallion, to both the fore and the rear, was shining brightly now; glimmering as if a light were shining through it and fragmenting as if through a prism. But I noticed that the light was intensifying with each spin and with each revolution the medallion made in mid air, the faster it spun.


Just then, however, something erupted within my bodice, a titanic clenching of the organs within my loins, which quickly erupted outward from between my legs in a jet of fluids that burst into the water like a cloud.  I gasped as that eruption burst for me, and the groaned and then moaned as a second and then a third jet of fluids erupted from me. And then, practically immediately, the shimmering of the waters about me churned, mixing with my fluids to turn to a luscious blue. This in turn, brought forth a response from the medallion as it halted in its rapid spinning, and then erupted with a burst of light that struck me fully in the sternum.


To me, it was as if in the midst of all my pleasure, the thing that had been pleasing me had all of a sudden plunged a stiletto deep into my chest.  My pleasure transformed into pain, and in the midst of it all, I felt my knees beginning to buckle.


My teeth gritted against it all, and I forced my knees to remain erect, and had to reset them again when the medallion slapped itself into my chest, practically knocking me back into the water if I hadn’t caught myself on the edge of the pool’s banks. That, in itself, however, was a nasty mistake when my hands burned from the grass, and I was forced to push myself off from it again, thrusting my hands beneath the waters.


That, at least, stopped the pain there, but inside my chest, it felt as if the knife’s edge of the gem’s light was pushing deeper, and deeper, until it pierced my heart.


I gasped as a different kind of eruption happened inside my body, and for the barest moment, I thought as if my heart had just exploded, and I lifted one hand after the other over the medallion plastered to my chest, half expecting blood to be pouring out of me. What I found, instead, was a moment or two of blessed warmth, feeling the medallion gently trembling inside of me.


But then the pain came again, and I cried out against it, my back arching in a spasm that made my breasts bounce and wobble atop my chest; my hips jerking forward while the medallion began to tear open my flesh in long, viscous streamers and wrap itself within them.


A low moan escaped my throat as I looked between my breasts as my flesh was tucked around the jewel, a moment before I felt trailers from it wrapping about my heart like tree roots around a rock in the Earth, while more roots spread outward around my body. I felt a pair slip upward into my neck, following the major arteries, and with a crunch that was most audible within my ears, felt them break into my skull and into my mind. I was sure that I wasn’t breathing as my mouth opened to gasp, as an infinitesimal number of little whiskers bored along the surface of my brain.


More trailers searched through my body, from my head to my crotch, and from my fingers to my toes. As they spread into my vaginal mound, I felt a deep impacting throbbing inside my loins, which lessoned the pain a little in the conflicting pleasure it caused.


For the second time, as I felt that throbbing within my virgin pussy, I breathed in deeply and quickly, trying to refill my lungs while the last of the trailers extended into my bodice, ending with a tingling sensation that enticed my nipples erect again. And then, the medallion inside my chest began to burn, radiating light as if it were the glass around the fiery void of a furnace; its super hot flames burning me from the inside. Then a starburst erupted from the jewel, its tips lancing outward to the hollow of my throat and down to the base of my navel, its sides encircling my middle to meet at the center of my back, practically cutting me in two, while a dozen radials erupted outward in lightning bolt formations. The painful part of all of this was that each laceration felt as if a separate knife were cutting me open to disembowel me, and then to rip my spine free from my back.


After a moment, all of those many slashes glowed a soft red against my bodice, which was the same color as the jewel was when I had first received it.


Immediately following that, the outer most track of the medallion tucked beneath my skin suddenly erupted outward; creating an ever-expanding ring that pushed my flesh up over itself as it passed beneath my flesh, scrapping along my bone and grinding in between my flesh and muscle. I could hear the scrape and crunching noises as it passed outward, ending just below my belly button, ringing my chest – forcing my breasts to bob briefly – as well as my shoulders, with its outer edges overlapping along my back.


The second ring exploded just after that, this one following the same course outward to ring my breasts – creating the same bounce as the ring came to an abrupt stop – ending just above my navel while lining my ribs. The third and final ring erupted just after that, and I thanked the Creator that it didn’t pass to far outward, overlapping my breasts, cutting the inner and lower most edges off of them, and forming a perfect circle around the jewel.


At last, one pulse after the other, more than I was able to count in my pain, erupted from the jewel to its outer most edges, each flash like a nova of icy fire that burned me to the barest nerve ending. The final flash erupted as a bluish white radiance that traced the lines and rings in my flesh, a blessed, wonderful cooling sensation that tingled my skin.


And then above me, the moon rose to shine fully over the water, and straight away, the light about me ceased, the pool’s radiance returning to that of normal water reflecting light and the pulsating blue-white light erupting from my flesh ceased its luminance.


I wouldn’t have been able to keep myself upright at all after that, no matter how much I would’ve wanted to, and so with my knees buckling beneath me, I collapsed into the water that was now cool and soothing. My arms lifted to hold myself, and in turn, pressed my breasts together. That motion, though, brought the press of something warm and remarkably smooth to my flesh between my breasts, and unfolding my arms, saw that the jewel was now planted right into my flesh


Ridges of hardened flesh held it in place, and running my fingertips over the now amber-red jewel, I felt a heart beat surging through it. It took me a bit to rise to a standing position again after all of that, and my legs quivered substantially and felt numb while my body dripped with water. Hefting and then separating my breasts, I arched my back to look at the jewel, and lifting a finger to caress it again, I felt a tantalizing feeling wash over me, and following that feeling with my fingers, I was able to trace exactly where the lines had traced my body only a moment before.


Settling back into the water, I took to resting for a bit before dunking my head and rising back out of the water again. Then tilting backward, I laid myself down atop the water, and floated there for a good while, staring up at the rising moon.


The size of the pool only let me float right in its middle, but whatever magical properties were in this water, soothed my aching body considerably.  At last, I lowered myself to my knees again, and looking through the water between my breasts, I lifted a hand to caress the jewel in the middle of my sternum. Another wave of feeling washed over my bodice, and caressing the thing a little more subtlety, I felt that soft throbbing beginning within my body, to the point where my nipples swelled along with my vaginal mound again.


I stared blankly at it as I continued to rub that amber jewel, making soft circular motions that created an ache between my legs, another at the peaks of my chest, and finally about the jewel as I did. It’s like a third nipple, I mused, giving off a soft chuckle as I leaned against the rim of the pool, noting that I wasn’t being burned this time, while my legs parted to the probing caress of my other hand.


I began to rub myself, sliding a pair of fingers in between my womanhood, finding that firm knob inside me and tweaking it. For a good five minutes, I coaxed myself into another sighing and gasping tizzy before I felt the walls of my pussy clench about my fingers, and a miniscule jet of warm fluids erupted into my hands, followed by a second. I sighed and moaned a few more times, until after a several moments had passed, another jet of water erupted into my hands, and rolling my shoulders over the bank of the pool, projected my tits up into the air to meet my rising hands to coax them.


I didn’t give a final climax to all this until the throbbing in my chest and between my legs finally ceased. Crawling out of the pool, still dripping wet, I felt revitalized, reborn with my torrid sexual energies, and standing upward into the moon’s light, I hefted a breast and sucked from the creamy milk of it, and then the other, finding it even sweeter and creamer than before this ordeal, before lying down upon the grasses, letting myself dry.


This means that my wish has been fulfilled, I thought excitedly when my body was only moist with water several minutes later. Sitting up, slicking my hair back with both hands, I looked to my breasts, measuring them, but found that they hadn’t changed. I looked to my still coltish legs, looked to my still spindly arms, and in a fit, I surged forward to the pool again to look at my reflection.


Nothing’s changed! I heard a voice scream inside my head, and rising, I looked every which way, spying a large boulder. Rising to my feet, I skipped over to it, and immediately tried to lift it. First, I tried by squatting before it, and then I turned and put my back to it, tried to wedge it upward.


Not one… bloody… centimeter!


I tried over and over, every way that I could think of to move it, but nothing happened. At last, I collapsed to my knees, tears erupting from my eyes. All of that… for nothing! Nothing but a stupid third nipple right in the center of my chest.


Gritting my teeth, I finally reared my head, and screamed out the cry of someone balefully betrayed.




It took a bit to compose myself, to stop shuddering and to stop crying.  I had wished to be beautiful, had wished to be strong, and wished to be a commoner. And after all that, all I got was this damn gem in my chest.


Maybe I should just give up and go home, I wondered to myself as I sifted through my clothing to find my panties. Holding up those panties, looking at the elastic bands, at the fine, soft silk, I remembered my time as a princess.


It did do one thing right though, I considered, I can be considered a commoner now. All I need to do is ditch this clothing and find some rags.


Sighing, I pulled my delicate panties on one leg at a time, the broad V of its front settling over my crotch and pelvis as its gold laced band slid over my hips and the back pulled firmly against my backside. My undershirt went on next – I having to pull its bottom edge over my tits to cover them, with the pair lifting and pressing together underneath my shirt – before one at a time, I pulled my white thigh-high socks on.


Absentmindedly, I began to pull on the rest of my clothing, not really concentrating on anything until I pulled my corset on and hand to readjust the three-dozen or so cinch strings all over again. Then finally taking up my slippers, I stepped forward, almost lazily, hanging my head as I made my way through the relative darkness toward where the campsite was.


“Diyana, where have you been?” Alex said as I entered. “I thought I told you to stay put. It’s dangerous in these woods.”


I sat down on the blanket I had used when we had first stopped. “I wanted to help gather wood,” I said, using the excuse I had planned earlier. “But I found a pool and thought that I could use a bath.” I said and then paused, and then added a bit more. “I lost my medallion in the midst of it all – its chain broke – and I’ve been looking for it since then.


“Didn’t find it.”


Alex was silent for a few minutes before speaking. “Do you think it’s lost then?” he asked, and in response, I fell sideways onto the blanket and wrapped it around my bodice.


“Yes.” I answered simply. “I’m very tired Alex, and not very hungry right now. I’m just going to go to sleep.”


There was another pause. “As you wish.” He said quietly at last, and I turned over so that my back was to him, all so that I could stare blankly out into infinity.


I didn’t get much sleep that night.




I awoke to the dawn mist spreading around me, and when I opened my eyes, I laid there for a moment, feeling the warmth of a freshly raging fire against the back, heard the crackling of the water popping inside the logs, and knew that Alex was already up.


For a good while, I simply laid there, before a growling stomach told that I was indeed awake, and obligingly, I lifted myself up from my bedding.  All that, for nothing, was the first thought that had entered my mind.


I devoured my food in silence, and in the midst of my meal, I heard a roll of thunder from overhead and closed my eyes tightly, cursing my damnable luck before going back into my meal of cured jerky, fruits, bread and some cheeses.


Once we had set off, a light rain began to fall, more of a mist than anything, all to compliment the heat that was steadily growing around me.  Shortly thereafter though, I felt a flutter within my heart, and a very brief, electric, full body throb.  Pausing next to a tree, my hand lifted to press against its bark as I clutched at my chest, and found myself clutching at the gem beneath my bosom.


“Diyana?” Alex said as he turned to me. “Diyana, what’s wrong.” I felt his hand on me this time, and I looked up at him.


“N-nothing. Just a flutter.” I said, straightening, pausing for a moment to see if I were about to get sick or fall over. “I-I think I’m fine.” This last came as a sigh.


However brief that had been, it nonetheless had felt so good!  So much that I felt my teats firm up a bit, and I folded a hand over my thighs as my vaginal mound tightened.


Alex helped me to walk a few paces until he was sure that I was indeed ‘alright,’ and the two of us again moved down the road toward the town of Vaulhaven. Several hours later, we passed the first traveler I’d seen since leaving the port city and getting captured by the dragon: an elderly man atop his wagon, perhaps heading to that same city on his yearly market day.


Shortly after that, the rain began to fall more heavily with heavier droplets, and it was then that we chose to pause for lunch. While I was waiting for Alex to prepare the food, me thanking him for sharing all his food with me, I felt that wave of feeling hit me again, this time starting as a definite wave from my jewel to flood over me not once, not twice, but three times.


I gasped with the first and bent over myself, clutching at the gem in my chest again, and by the start of the second, Alex was again by my side. “Diyana?” I heard him call my name as he touched me, and at the start of the third and final one, I arched my back, my breasts pushing into the layers of fabric surrounding them, while my nipples swelled outward and my pussy likewise swelled and clenched tightly underneath my skirts and panties. I gave out a low moan of pleasure, clutching my gem with both hands as my eyes squeezed tightly with the pleasure.


When the third released me, I collapsed forward, gasping for air as a tremendous pounding thrust a few times into my vaginal mound; each thrust piercing me deeply.


That took a moment or two to wane, but amidst it all, I felt something grow wet within my panties as my crotch moistened.


“Diyana,” Alex said again, helping me to rise. “Diyana, are you ok?” he asked, brushing my bangs away from my eyes, and staring intently into my face until I gave him a nod.


“My… my heart.” I said. “I-I’ve never felt it do this before.”


Arching my chest, as if I could look between my compressed breasts and through all the layers of fabric over it to my heart and the stone residing above it, my eyes instead drew toward the erect nipples atop my chest.  Both were the size of small marbles, and as I lifted a hand to flatten over the top of my chest to ease my breathing, I felt that either of my breasts had firmed up a great deal. My nipples were larger than they’d ever been, and my breasts seemed to be growing fuller!


What’s happening to me? I asked myself, and smiling to cover my nervousness and confusion, I turned to Alex. “I just need to get some water and food in me Alex. Help me up onto that stump would you? Thank you!”


I knew Alex wasn’t fooled by my act. From the corner of my eye as I drank some cool green tea he gave me from a special container, I saw the concern in his face.


It was comforting, really, having an Aegis Knight show concern for you. Already, he’d saved my life… and tasted from my womanhood at the same time. Maybe, just maybe, there was something there…


Again, we set off, and this time, the skies grew a little darker, the day warmer, and the rain heavier. So heavy, that at this point I was soaked to the flesh, and my skirts were an awful weight for me to endure as we walked.


But after an hour of that, perhaps because I may have been getting used to it, I barely noticed that my clothing was becoming uncomfortably tight about my bodice. MY toes ached inside my slippers, it was getting hard to breathe with my undershirt confining my breasts so, and my panties had slid into my rear for the umpteenth time. I didn’t even bother trying to untuck them again. But then, as the day wore on, with the afternoon approaching, I began to feel a feeling of euphoria overcome me. I walked lightly, practically skipping, and eventually, I settled into a small prance, dancing in the rain, forgetting about my woes of the morning, letting the rain patter upon my face and body.


“Are you feeling all right Diyana?” Alex asked, he pausing in his step as I actually did break out into a short dance for a moment or two before settling beneath a tree. Rain still dropped freely onto me from the clouds above.


I turned to look at him, panting heavily, but I didn’t get a chance to respond. Instead, all I managed was a sudden gasp as a heavy throbbing hit my gem within my chest, and the resulting feeling that lanced across my body in a flash, following the lines that had crisscrossed my body the night before, brought forth a feeling that was nothing short of ecstasy.


My back arched, my hands flattening against the tree at my back as my hips thrust forward, and I thought I felt my nipples harden almost immediately, felt my pussy clench and swell to press against my inner thighs while I felt that nib between my legs harden.


“Ah. Ah!  HaaaAAAA!!!” I cried out, feeling something within my loins tremble excitedly before a lancing pulse began to throb inside them. Words such as erotic, sensual, tantric, and such started to flood into my head, descriptions to feelings that I was now feeling all at once.


And amidst all of that, I began to change.


With each heavy and rapid breath I took, I felt my body expanding, growing larger, my flesh spreading and becoming firmer. With each heavy laden breath after the other, I provided fuel for the change, while with each breath, my heart pounded a dozen times to speed it along to the very ends of my body.


Opening my eyes, I looked down at my feet as my coltish legs lengthened right along with my arms and the rest of my body, the sensation beyond amazing, beyond sensual… perhaps even beyond erotic! I gasped and moaned as my body started to fill out, my nipples aching while my clit, pressing in between the folds of my cunt, extended and engorged itself with so much blood that I could feel it sticking out between the folds of flesh surrounding it.


And then, even as my shirt began to untuck from the waist of my skirts, my skirts sliding ever further up my calves and my corset remaining down about my belly, I felt a wash of power flow over me. It was as if it were all being pushed forcefully into the jewel at my chest; flowing into me in wave after sweet erotic wave, empowering me, enforcing my bones and muscles, making them grow now that my bodice had enlarged enough!


Deep in my chest I felt my heart begin to thicken, felt it race as it pounded blood throughout my body, and from head to toe, it felt, my veins and capillaries all thickened; my major arteries bulging from off my skin as blood coursed through me even more forcefully. I felt the motion of my life giving essence pounding in my neck and biceps, caressing me like a pair of hands, while at the same time, the major arteries down the insides of my legs pumped blood into my vaginal mound, and a vast network of more coursed into my breasts.  With this, I felt a groan leave me as the blood pounding about my loins forced my pussy to thicken and swell more than it ever had; the pad of flesh tightening and clenching as it soon pressed against the insides of my legs, while my breasts felt as if they were slowly being kneaded.


My legs parted then as I slid my hands over my bodice, feeling the sleeves of my over shirt slide slowly up my forearms, my hands eventually coming to cup my breasts as I felt the blood pumping through them underneath my fingers. Lowering my chin and eyes to look at them, I gasped openly as I watched them quaver with each pump of my heart, watched them grow minusculely with each forceful caress of my heart pumping through my chest. Thousands of veins all coursed to my breasts, with one or two thick arteries supplying either of the swelling pair, and all of them radiating toward my nipples. Right before my eyes, I watched those two tiny nibs thicken and grow larger than they ever had; the ache so bad that it felt as if they were being caressed and pulled upon, the pleasure from them forcing my eyes closed so that I could feel it all.


My nipples crowned mightily while the reddened disks of my areola supporting them grew wider and crowned outward. And then I gasped and gave a pause, repeated this twice more, as my breasts suddenly bulged in three quick bursts, and sighed in a long exhale as my nipples suddenly began to beat over and over again. A dozen or so of powerful throbs erected my nipples even further, pushing milk out of the great mass of glands behind them to stain the front of my undershirt, blouse and overshirt; turning them from merely moist to sopping wet. Both my nipples and the great gem in my chest, all throbbed accordingly, all pulsated pleasure into my body as it transformed.


And then I began to feel my life’s blood thread into the mammaries behind those powerfully erect nipples… felt those glands divide and thicken every which way, the process repeating itself over and over again, with each mass swelling larger than perhaps any woman had ever possessed.  Each and every last fiber was saturated with milk; which slowly dribbled out of the tips of my nipples now to further wet the front of my shirt.


To Alex, two great creamy blossoms could be seen spreading against my chest, and it wasn’t long before that sweet cream slowly began to trickle down the length of my belly.


I gasped as the ache in my chest intensified, and all of a sudden, I felt the same feeling of engorgement that was at the tips of my tits and between my legs, beginning to fill the whole of my chest. My hands lifted to start to caress my breasts as I felt their swelling suddenly double, felt their growing firmness bulge into my hands as that flow of energy that was coursing into me focused upon the muscle beneath my breasts. I groaned, feeling my pussy clench as something began to build up behind them, trying to keep them in as my shirts and blouse rapidly climbed up my stomach, and all due to that vast swelling my chest was experiencing. I felt a new ache of pleasure as the muscle behind my breasts coalesced and thickened, those fibers too breaking and severing themselves, thickening, and severing again in a constant cycle. I felt them become corded, felt my chest become layered and muscled, and just when they expanded as far as my slender body could handle, there was a crunch, and a release, and my ribcage began to lift.


I gasped as my lungs seemed to fill fuller and fuller, I taking the longest breath of air I’d ever done in my life as my chest continued to lift; my breasts now pushing against each other while flattening against my chest from the pressure of my shirt. And then, all over my body, there were more sudden crunching sounds as my skeleton transformed and I watched my body grow noticeably as each and every last fragment of bone suddenly thickened. But that wasn’t the only thing that was happening. My hips were widening, and while my chest continued to lift fraction by fraction, my shoulders broadened, keeping their width in tune with my broadening hips.


“Alex… wha… what’s happening to me?” I said, and then closed my eyes tightly again as my hips rotated of their own accord, my pelvis pushing outward while a greater arch curved my spine.


I sighed deeply then, feeling the pressure behind my pussy intensify, and I felt something smooth and wet push between the folds, moistening my flesh as a prickle began to massage the twin folds as the tiny hairs there retracted into my flesh. A gasp and then a groan followed another crunching sound as my hips suddenly flared widely, spreading the cheeks of my rear as they too thickened, and pulling the seat of my panties between them. I could feel my skirts sliding upward against my thighs now, and strangely enough, felt the waistband on them loosen, as my stomach seemed to compress in on itself. My corset became loose about my middle as my body lengthened again, and I banged my head against a tree branch.


Opening my eyes and rubbing my head, I looked down and gasped as I saw how tall I was now, But then my swelling chest obstructed my view of my feet, and I continued to transform.


My feet were beginning to grow tight in my slippers I could feel, and likewise, I could feel the seams all around them straining while my skirts slid up past my thighs and were now drawing taut across my hips and thighs.


I couldn’t believe how quickly I was growing, my tits swelling about twice as fast as the rest of me. But just then, just as all my clothing began to draw themselves tightly around my body with my growing form, something pounded into the stone in my chest, and that feeling of engorgement infused each and every last fiber in my body.


A tantric moan escaped my lips then, and the pressure behind the walls of my pussy just couldn’t hold it any longer, and a burst of fluids ejected outward into the front of my panties – sticky and warm, slick against the soft skin of my vaginal mound – ejecting with the force of my first real orgasm.  I gasped and shuddered, my back arching and my hips rotating of their own accord as my rear slid up against the bark, my cheeks spreading so that my swollen cunt pressed hard against the bark; my motions flaking off bits of tree bark. A second, smaller burst erupted from inside of me, followed by a short series of even smaller spurts; that warm fluid from each burst now beginning to trickle down the insides of my thighs while the moisture steadily climbed up the seat of my panties.


Such a wild feeling flowed through me as the build up started all over again, like a solid fist pressing against my womanhood as it built up in pressure once again for another climatic release. I could feel every muscle in my body rippling, prickling with energy, and in a sudden burst of energy, I grew again, taller, even larger than before.


About my waist, compressed and growing tighter by the moment, the straps and strings directly at the top my hips were loose and free, but they were tugging downward upon my widening hips. My short pants – my panties – were now edging into the recesses of my rear, the seat pulling firmly upward while the crotch slid downward; the elastic straps drawing as taut as they could. My swelling cunt, now a tough pad of clenched flesh, was now barely covered by a tiny triangle of cloth that had only recently hid my belly button; its white cloth moist and sticky from the fluids inside of me. So swollen had those twin folds of my womanhood become, that the two sides had drawn apart, and my erecting clit began to rub against the soft white silk of my panties, the three together forming steady contours in my panties, even as the straps began to dig into the peaks of my hips.


My skirts merely clung about my hips, sliding upward to reveal the sunken wedge that was my crotch to Alex, but my frilled pantaloons, with loops that held beneath my feet, had been drawn as taut and as tight as they could about my legs.


And so, finally, something tore.


I could feel the seams that pleated my pantaloons beginning to strain and then give way, and as I continued to grow taller, peaking beyond eight feet now, it felt, the seams began to burst, one right after the next.  Each pleat gave way at last with a final ripple, and still my body grew, transforming my frilly pantaloons into a pair of tights within moments, while my once ankle-long skirts became a simple wrap around skirt that was tightening about my hips, rear and pelvis with every passing second.


“Alex!” I called out in a moan of pleasure, my nipples thickening to the size of large beads now, while the blood pumping between my legs turned from a massage, to a deep, throbbing, pulsating push into me.


But Alex could do nothing more than to stare in awe at me while my form continued along in its transition.


The sleeves of my over shirt, having been drawn tight around my arms, were now slipping up to the crooks of my arms, and as they slid over my bony elbows, I felt the cuffs snap open one after the other. Shortly after that, my breasts, filled to bursting now it felt with my milk, began to lift instead of droop against my chest, attaching right to my heavily muscled chest it felt from how erect they both became, and the delicious pair began to strain my three layers of clothing covering my bodice.


And then, I felt a drawstring against my shirt snap.


Panting for breath now past the pleasure that gripped my bodice and loins, I looked down at the top of my shirt, and the solid shelf that was becoming of my still swelling breasts, seeing that one of the drawstrings that held my shirt closed had broken clean apart. The other two were straining between the widening expanses of my chest, the pair fraying in the middle with each passing moment. Then there was a sudden releasal, and I watched the next string suddenly shred apart and then snap, which was immediately followed by the third.


For an ever brief moment, I could breath unhindered now, and I gasped for breath as my breasts jiggled minutely with the freedom, but then they met the next barrier, that of my undershirt. I took several heavy gasps before the pressure began to press my breasts together again; the straps of my undershirt cutting into my shoulders while I felt the back of the thing draw tight between my shoulders.


Once before, no more than two weeks ago, this simple light blue thing hung breezily about my bodice, my breasts then being nothing more than a pair of tiny lumps against my chest. Minutes ago, they had been so full that I had to tuck the bottom underneath the pair to be able to support their weight. Now however, they strained against the garment, a broad loop that was barely covering up the third part of the mighty pair as they continued to engorge.


Twin teats, thick, and mighty, were already pulling apart the fabric away from each other, I felt a tear fray between my breasts, and giving out a subtle gasp, I felt my chest flex as my breasts continued to expand, and even more frays began against my back. And then there was a release as the tears began to shred my undershirt beneath my blouse, and I felt my nipples extend out from underneath them to press coaxingly against my silk blouse, while only a few pieces along with the neck and straps remained intact of my undershirt.


One barrier down...


With a layer of my shirts gone now, I could see the swells of my areola now, raising the crowns of my nipples, both of which formed thick nibs at their ends against the front of my blouse and remaining shirt while the tatters of my undershirt continued to tear and lift over the tops of my tits.


I heard a whimsical laugh escape my throat as I tentatively caressed my breasts again, tweaking my nipples and sending another sensual wave that slammed into my crotch and the buildup behind it suddenly intensified.  But then the energy that was pouring into me suddenly redoubled, and my whole body clenched as my muscles were fueled by that tantric energy, and a moan escaped my lips as my hips rocked against the tree; my fingers slapping to its sides and digging deep into the bark, tearing away huge flecks.


I could feel the folds of my pussy sliding against the tree’s bark as my legs lengthened, filling outward to press against my newly made tights to stretch its fabric, while my eyes lowered to my arms. There I saw that all the major arteries were thick and pulsating there, and lifting an arm, gulping my air now, I watched as the thick yet smooth skin began clenching, with each and every last muscle tightening and pulsating, sending wave after sweet wave of pleasure pounding into my crotch.


I straightened then, leaning against the back of the tree, feeling the front of my panties slide a little further downward, the remaining patch of cloth covering only my trembling and wet pussy. I could feel my chest heaving as I hyperventilated, especially when the thick knot of fabric between my legs – that of where all the seams of my former pantaloons came together – began to press between the folds of my cunt, my clit pressing erotically against it. It took only a couple of passes of my clit sliding against the twin layers of cloth to release another burst of fluids from inside me… three quick and very powerful ejections that flowed from me like water from a pitcher.  I shuddered and another burst, followed by a second erupted from inside of me right after the first three, my legs spreading while the pounding into me from the blood vessels surrounding my womanhood, felt like something thick, hard and gesticulating sliding in and out of me.


My skirts were now stretching directly across my hips, revealing the contours of my pussy to Alex from underneath their rims, showing him how it throbbed and quavered second by second. As another wave of pleasure hit me, I showed him the power of my pelvis as I jut my hips outward toward him, and yet another, minute burst of fluids erupted from my loins.


I couldn’t help but rub the twin folds, rubbing the layers of cloth tantalizingly over them, couldn’t help but slide a finger between them along the knot of folded fabric between them. The moisture there was so warm and slick, and in this cold air, a layer of steam rose into the air from my crotch. More steam rose from either of my breasts from the warm, fluid milk in my shirt.


My eyes closed tightly then, and the aching in my chest, from the swollen pair of nipples at their peaks, suddenly intensified into a pleasure so great it was painful, a pleasure so grand that it pulled a long, low moan from me. And the cause of this pleasure was the swelling of my nipples, the tiny marbles thickening now, growing larger, firmer, and pressing all the more against the silk of my blouse while either pulsated with the flow of blood. I felt as if they were being sucked and nibbled upon at the same time, and in favor of that invisible lover that was caressing me so, my nipples began to jet pulses of creamy milk, each one growing more powerful than the last as my breasts continued to pump larger and larger!


I gasped again, feeling another jet of fluids, this time from my aching and swollen pussy – the thing so swollen that I could feel its aching mass intruding into the base of the cheeks of my rear, all the way to the peaks of my thighs where they met with my hips.


And then, far below me it seemed, I felt my toes clenching inside my slippers, and not long after that, they forced themselves out through the base of my slippers, bursting open the seams around them before shortly thereafter, the tops of my slippers burst open to admit my feet. My feet, still covered by my silk stockings, wiggled their toes emphatically into the cool air as the stockings that covered them slipped over my bony knees and got caught by my thickening calves.


My arms clenched again then, and the hand that was fondling my womanhood suddenly clenched with my other hand balling into a fist just above it, and in that moment of clenching, my chest, my arms, my upper back and shoulder, all thickened minutely.


Each titanic pulse of blood through my body then, forced all of my muscles in my upper body to fill and thicken with a clenching motion, clenching and swelling with each passing second.


I heard more tearing within my ears as a tear in my over shirt began at the peak of my back from my collar, and then more tearing as, with my bulging shoulders, the seams from my neck to those great plains of flesh broke open as my neck thickened along with my upper back.


With the brunt of my shirt and blouse straining about my tits, either simply remained around them, continuing to stretch while my shoulders lifted from underneath them, my neck widening until it seemed to go straight from my head to my shoulders!


Such Power! I thought, and groaned as another burst of tantric pleasure erupted from my cunt.


My eyes opening, so thick was I in my pleasure that I hadn’t even realized that I had closed them, I looked down at my arms, watching as my forearms flared and my biceps bulged… the cuffs that had once been about my wrists now tightening into the pits of my arms. But as I lifted my arm, I watched as it began to thicken, with each beat of my powerful heart pumping blood steadily into it


I watched as my bicep steadily lengthened, parting from the rest of my arm in a long spherical, pipe-like mass, while the insides of my forearms sank and creased into a channel through the thickening pairs surrounding it. Turning my arms, I watched also, as my arms widened, the creases forming down their lengths, which were quickly bisected and then in turn trisected by even more.


The strength my body was beginning to feel was enormous, and as my upper arms bisected again – from my triceps bulging outward from the backs of my arms – I felt my clit harden anew at the wondrous feeling of power I was receiving. I giggled briefly as that clit bulged into a thick nib, peaking at the top of my vaginal crevice, and my giggling leveled off to an almost insane level as my bicep began to thicken outward and rise upward all at once; clenching and thickening into an ever-rising mound. All while this was happening, the tendons in my arms became super taut and corded, much like the rest of my body doing as each moment passed.


As I bent my forearm upward at the elbow, I watched as my bicep thickened and even split down its middle, the mass of hardened flesh pressing against my breast. The beating of my blood down my bicep added to that beating about my breasts, and I groaned, closing my eyes tightly, as my nipples thickened once again from the increase of such pleasure.


That pair of throbbing flesh was now a knot of muted flesh rising from my chest, the pair towering outward in an ever growing mass, all while continuing to leak my milk into my blouse and shirt.


The steady stream that was leaking from my breasts, which had been steadily trickling down between my breasts and along my stomach, now seeped into the wedge between my legs. There, the juices of my woman hood mixed with that of my milk, creating a wholly new substance which tingled as it immediately recessed into my pussy, and I gasped as a tingling sensation, like a giant tongue licking my pussy and coaxing my clit, was probing my insides. I gasped again, and jut my hips outward again into the pleasure as the feeling intensified and spread with the new substance, sliding up the front and rear of my panties into the crevice between the cheeks of my rear. All of a sudden, I was being pleasured in a new way, and my back arched, my shoulders rolled, and my fingers suddenly slapped to the tree to grip its bark – my fingernails cutting deep grooves into it – as a feeling like a ram plunging into my womanhood assailed me.


I screamed then, screamed with my pleasure, which rose in pitch and then slowly dropped into a low moan, ending with a deep-throated groan. There was a slow build up after I spilled another jet of seminal fluids into my panties, and the process repeated itself after a long back build of power, and when that ram assailed me again, my back slapped against the tree with enough force to rattle the leaves at its top.


Again, I screamed my pleasure, my fingers digging even deeper, my cheeks spreading so that my pussy could slide up against the raw bark of the tree again.


The rams which built up and pulsed into my loins after that, weren’t as strong now that I was ready for them, but each one, coming several minutes after each one, nonetheless brought a moan of pleasure from me. And in the time between them, there was still the feeling of a tongue caressing my crotch.


The folds of my pussy spread and swelled more.


With my eyes closed, I lowered my arms a little more to my sides and felt them clench and release, clench and release over and again, and to help the feeling along, I flexed my arms; my biceps pressing against my ripening tits and fueling yet another build up of pressure behind the walls of my cunt.  But as my arms bulged with my flexing, and the fueling of so much might and power into them, I felt my sleeves, what remained of them, tightening ever so fiercely about the crooks of my arms.  And then I felt every little bit of my bodice clench once again, my body entering yet another spurt of growth. In that moment, I felt my legs press into the fabric of my tights, the pink cloth beginning to stretch beyond its ability to hold, and then about my arms, I flexed again, my muscles thickening more than they ever did, and I felt the seams about my shoulders and the insides of the sleeves of my shirt burst open!


Underneath my silk blouse, which was already stretching wildly, my undershirt had torn and broke apart completely about my burgeoning breasts; the pair pushing outward through a pair of holes they formed, with the final threads sliding about the huge masses to tear open at their bases as my ribcage lifted and flared again. The remaining threads popped apart, with the band that was now clenching about my throat snapping open as my neck thickened with my chest pushing outward now. It took only a minute tensing of my upper arms to rip the final threads about my shoulders for my shirt to tear completely away from my body and float lazily to the ground.


Two down… One, I paused in my thoughts, and sighed openly… One more – another gasp – to go.


Just then, I felt something tightening about my middle, and lowering my eyes, swiveling my titanic breasts to one side, I lifted my hands to slide over the corset that had recently helped me to keep thin and only recently keeping my breasts aloft. As my middle began to thicken, that garment was now straining about my middle.


A smile crossed my face as I saw my flesh fill the tanned cloth, feeling my waist had clenched in on itself, narrowing as the minute sources of fat remaining in my body were driven out, and now with my body growing so large, so powerful, I began to feel my stomach too begin to tighten with muscle.


My fingers slid along the soft fabric of my corset as I heard a grinding noise come to my ears from all the many strings straining to hold on.  With my hips still widening, my back and ribcage broadening as well as barreling outward, my corset continued to compress on itself, forming ripples and layers in the fabric where it scrunched together.


And then I saw it. Saw the strings beginning to fray, heard the ripping and popping in the seams, and smiled even further with anticipation of impending release. And then at last, a string broke. My corset began to unravel, the broken string sliding through all the eyeholes, but my body was growing too fast for the string to unravel itself fast enough. More brakes appeared, each snapping open with a pop, and a loud ripping sound began along my back as the rear of that thick strap of cloth began to tear when the strings didn’t give way again.


Before, I had thought that popping a button was tantalizing and erotic, but being so strong as to rip your corset?


“Ha, ha, ahh… ngh… Ahh!” I panted as more and more rips occurred, more snapping of strings, and then closing my eyes and straining as hard as I could, I flexed my stomach, felt it tighten, and with one last mighty cracking POP, the front of it broke and shredded open into my hands, baring my tightening stomach.


I held onto the opened flaps of my corset as I slowly lowered it before my fingers grew limp and I let it fall to the ground at my feet before lifting both of my hands to caress my stomach.


There was a tightening near the top, right about my sternum and heart stone, and all of a sudden, my ribcage pushed outward and flared all at once, and I gasped as my stomach tightened in response and sunk beneath it.  The thickening bone of my ribcage created a crest above my stomach, even as my hips rotated a little bit more, sinking my pelvis and crotch even further between my thickening legs.


I sighed, and spread my legs; continuing to caress my stomach as my widening hips and thickening buttocks snapped the three strings on my skirts, leaving them fully drawn across my wide hips.


Beneath my hands, I felt a long crease form down the middle of my stomach, the thing beginning as three separate lines at top, middle and base of my stomach, before all three joined and creased my belly to the point of bisecting my sunken belly button. My crotch and rear clenched all at once, and I felt the warm and sticky juices that had been bursting from inside me and wetting my panties, slide up between the cheeks of my rear.


I gasped at that new feeling, as something newly erotic seemed to poke into my rear at the same time as my ripening cunt, and in response, my hips began to slowly rock as the blood pumping around my pelvis raised a new cry of pleasure from inside me.


A plunger dropped inside of me, and the most powerful orgasm in my life erupted in my loins, my hips jutting forward to release a wash of fluids so large that it slid up into my rear, and wet the insides of my legs down to my knees! I gasped again, groaning with the pleasure, as a seam upon the side of my skirt, following the swell of my hip, began to rend, while at the same time, a load of tears all over my crotch appeared both upon my skirt and the white slip beneath it.


It took only seconds for my skirts to completely shred around my waist and rear into a collection of thin tatters, and as the seat of my tights began to recede up into my rear, I gasped again, feeling my stomach crease again, this time right in half.


It happened as my stomach compressed in on itself, forming a definite hourglass shape as my waist compressed even more, creating a thick pair of pads on the top and bottom of my stomach; both of them rounding beautifully as they continued to tighten. But that wasn’t the end of it.


Two more creases formed as my tights became nearly as tight around me as my skin was, and along the top of my belly, another horizontal crease parted the perfectly rounded masses, as well as another pair of creases along the bottom half, bisecting my once flabby belly into a washboard. But still, that was not the end.


Framing that mighty pair, two more muscles thickened, while the rest of my stomach just bulged, becoming rock hard underneath my soft skin. That pair also creased in half, the two becoming four, framing the eight other folds of taut muscle, which continued to recede beneath the overhanging ribcage.


With my stomach widening again, a new strain occurred even as the last of the tattered strings of my skirts broke apart and fell about my feet.  Down along my stomach, with my widening hips and elongating legs, the strings that kept my former frilly pantaloons about my waist had miraculously remained intact during this whole transformation. Now the waist that had once been straight across my middle was now arching deeply beneath my muscled belly, which now was sinking between my hips and thighs, to bulge about my full and formed pussy.


My hands slid down along my pelvis then, sliding over those strings to cup the three where they resided over my cunt, just as another orgasm erupted inside of me. Again, I cried out in my tantric pleasure as a wash of hot steaming fluids erupted from my pulsating cunt into my hands; which was quickly followed by another and still another.


My back arched with my pleasure, and my hips bobbed forward and backward with each passing second, my fingers sliding warmly along the crevice between the folds of my pussy, even as the folds pounded beneath my hands, still swelling fractions of an inch per beat of my heart. But then, as if that thick pad of my womanhood had been a blockage for all the power that was flowing into me, all that sweet, delicious power, it thickened all over again, so much that it was a bulge between my legs, and all of a sudden that power flowed up into me through that crevice.


“Ah haa haaaaaaaaa!!!” I cried, jutting my thighs forward as the thick blood vessels in my legs suddenly all thickened and pumped that sweet strength into them, and one right after the other, the three strings that had slid down over my pussy, each snapped open.


My tights were now free to spread open in a spasm of growth that hit me, and almost immediately, the cloth became snug again… with the free cloth tightening once again into my crotch, with the sides of my tights climbing high to crest over my hips.


My legs began to crease with my thickening muscles then as the power in me now began to focus upon my long, long legs, and within seconds, Alex was once again able to view the contours and folds of my vaginal mound as the fabric of my tights wedged in between them.


I could also feel a grinding within my crotch then, coming from the thick bunch of sewed together fabric between my legs from my tights beginning to draw apart.


With the front broken, my rear took that moment to swallow more of the seat of my tights, and a good deal of fabric it was too, the cloth following the contours of my bottom to slide effortlessly between my cheeks to grow slick and wet with the sticky fluids erupting from inside of me.


Within the next few moments, I felt the straps to my tights, both of which looped beneath my feet, both snap off at the heels; my already tremendous weight keeping the straps beneath my feet as I once again rolled my back into the tree with my pleasure.


My hips rolled then, the cheeks of my rear spreading open to the sides of the tree again so that I could rub my cunt along the rough bark, leaving a sultry slick along its bark while those bulging cheeks began to tighten and clench of their own accord. My hands moved to my backside, feeling the twin cheeks slowly tightening beneath my touch; the pair coalescing, and then separating into three separate bulges, which then thickened and became corded and rock hard like most of the rest of my body already was.


So tight was the pair that either was tougher than steel as I clenched them again, sighing as the base of my crotch was squeezed between the pair.


I gasped and inadvertently clenched that mounding pair again as my pussy throbbed powerfully between my legs, squeezing out more of my fluids, and a sheaf of bark was scrapped off the tree with the strength of those two masses thick masses squeezing together. Clenching my rear even tighter, I gasped again as the fragments of bark were ground into fragments and dust.


I felt my thighs and calves suddenly bulge, the seams on the inside of my thighs tearing open as did those at my ankles, my tights now slowly sliding up to my calves while my once thigh-high socks began to gain stretch marks about my calves and thighs.


More power! More strength!!  I screamed inside my head, swallowing my air in one long gasp, and deep down within my loins, I felt a tremendous build up of seminal fluids, pilling powerfully behind the folds of my crotch. “More.” I said, jutting my pelvis forward. “More!” I screamed, and just then, an eruption of titanic levels burst from my pussy in three long orgasmic bursts.


And I screamed!




My shoulders rolled backward as they suddenly thickened, hardened and creased into four separate long overlapping pads of pure muscle, and coupled with my neck broadening straight to my shoulders and my back beginning to bulge the top of my shirt simply burst open into tatters. My blouse, already transparent from my sweat and the moisture of the rain and my own milk, had stretched itself skin-tight about my bodice, and just then, a tiny tear began against the front of my over shirt.


“More!” I cried out, orgasming again, feeling another rising right behind it, and I felt more tears along my back and underneath my arms, underneath the tattered remains of my shirt.


My biceps bulged outward, doubling their thickness in seconds, my triceps growing just as quickly, and I felt the sleeves of my silk blouse burst open with a mighty and loud snap! The seams lining my shoulders – now my neck – of that same silk blouse began to shred open… the fish-line like material cracking open while my nipples hardened, lengthening and broadened to increase the width of the tear between my breasts on my blouse.


My bulging calves and thighs began to tear open my tights in other places than the seams, breaking open over my thickening calves, which were already lined with creases as a huge pad of muscle running along the tops of my legs bulged outward into the tear. The seat, crotch and union of seams of my tights that were between my legs crawled further between the cheeks of my rear, forming a hard knot there as my cunt, still covered by the triangle of cloth that had been my panties, which, with my pussy so swollen, covered only the gap of my womanhood.


Opening my eyes a little bit more to see Alex, I saw that he was indeed incensed by what was happening to me – the bulge in his trousers thick and broad – and I smiled as his eyes lowered to view the contours of my crotch, and the erecting clit that created a bump at the peak of my cunt.


And it was so HARD! I groaned, feeling my clit quivering with the blood pulsating through my inner thighs and loins, the thing as large and as erect as either of my nipples where.


The tears around my calves broke wide open as they began to crease as well, my forelegs thick with long and taut muscles, while my bulging calves thickened and split into two separately growing masses, the two halves bisected near their base by a third that drew straight to my heels.


My feet were growing ever the larger, my toes spreading while my tights bunched around my knees and began to tear up to my crotch and about my legs until they were nothing but fraying tatters, which in less than a minute, were hanging straight down from around my waist while a powerful strain began just beneath my pussy.


My thighs bulged, my forelegs thickening into what remained of my thigh-socks; either of my thighs bulging to the width of my waist, while my calves were thickening to the size of my twin biceps.


So much POWER, I gasped, orgasming again, and this time, with little to absorb it, the juices of my body pattered down onto the ground like the rain, rising wisps of steam in the cool air.


And then it began, slowly at first, growing in strength as the bands of my former pantaloons began to cut into my hips and inner thighs. A low, shallow ripping could be heard within my ears even as I tilted my head back, my throat bobbing as I swallowed hard before that knot of seams bunched between my legs unfolded suddenly with a loud snap.  I gasped, with what remained of the knot holding there for a second longer, before with a mighty rending and further tearing, it unfolded three more times, and then literally snapped open with a burst of motion.


The resulting shock of movement so close to my womanhood made me orgasm again, and another wash of sticky liquids erupting from my cunt, and I felt long sensuous streamers dribble down my inner thighs, down to my knees, before sliding over my feet or dripping to the ground.


My panties were now nothing but those sensuous G-strings that the amazons wore to cover only their womanhood, with a knot of fabric rising up between the cheeks of my rear, with two more knots of fabric beginning to strain across my hips instead of over them.


My thighs bulged yet again, a sudden expanding that in a single heartbeat they practically doubled their size; either bulging even larger so that they were wider than my waist was.  And then I felt the creases in my legs deepen, my inner thighs sinking below the swelling muscle, as my outer legs began to bubble with more muscle, my calves flaring wide before tapering to ankles that were still narrow and smooth. Those inner thighs began to crease more than any other part of my body had before now, drawing chorded like no other part of my body had. Tendons drew my flesh outward to surround it and only it, as hundreds of these powerful muscles grew straight from around my swollen cunt and pelvis down to my mid thigh. My thighs now thickened and creased, thickened and creased again, growing longer still, sensuous, powerful and erotic; two bulging masses, which – apart from each other – were stronger than most of my body.


I caressed those thighs, even as they grew thicker still, merging with my powerful rear, which was smooth as silk only until I clenched it, which in turn thickened my legs even more when I did.




Just then, my chest began to bulge even more, rounding outward while my back flared, and power, unimaginable power as I’d yet to feel, began to flow into me. I felt like a giant… a titan… nay, even a goddess!




The strength of my orgasms began to rise to even higher heights, levels which, indeed, no mortal could’ve possibly have ever experienced.  And they were coming practically constantly now… my mind quickly loosing count as to how many I was experiencing!  Each one also brought with it a burst of orgasmic fluids, and I began to wonder if I were being drained of all the water in my bodice to make room for this power until my orgasms continued onward with only the existing lubrication.


I was stupid with the feelings of power and pleasure. I didn’t know who I was, didn’t know what was happening to me, nor did I care that Alex still stared at me like some evolving mortal into godhood!


My back, once a single shapely plane, began to bulge outward then, and the back of my undershirt shredded every which way as it did, drawing to the barest of strings as my chest lifted even further outward, my tits now twice the size of my head. The front of my shirt was also shredding into nothing, revealing my shapely bosom underneath my transparent blouse to Alex, revealing the pink and fully erected nipples that by themselves were tearing holes into my blouse.


My back creased quickly down the middle, creating two bulging masses, before a truncated M formed midway down to shape my mid back from my lower back, before a truncated W a little higher up bisected my upper back from my middle. The three portions seemed to me nothing more than masses – much like strangely cut steps of a stair – lying one on top of the other.


The holes my nipples finally made, allowed for even larger holes which slid quickly down my breasts to flatten against my chest, allowing my breasts to at last hang free, and I became immediately amazed as they simply sat atop my chest. They didn’t droop or hang, they didn’t sway uncomfortably; they just sat there, thick and powerful and bulging, still leaking my milk as it all attempted to rush out of those nipples sitting atop them. And my nipples! The pair had both crowned a good three or four inches from my chest, my areola thick pads that raised them even higher, and beneath them, a thick vein pumping blood right into them!


The tears along my neck and shoulders of my blouse lengthened until they burst open, the remains of my shirt falling around me as stretch tears began to form against my blouse against my back, and whenever a section of my blouse broke, it broke with an almighty snap!


My back thickened even more, my spinal column rising out of my back, pushing outward to arch most of all at the peak of my back, before it pushed outward again, forming a good two pair of chorded muscle groups that surrounded it, thickened around it and protected it. My shoulder blades pushed outward, my back flaring outward even more as my waist and middle lengthened, stretching my lower back muscles and stomach muscles to give my bodice and even more pleasing shape.


Against my stomach, another pair of bulging muscles folded outward, while against my back, the muscle grew to such a height that my spine actually pushed outward at its peak.


About my forelegs, the remainder of my stockings burst open into shreds, snapping about my forelegs likes showering confetti.


My bottom clenched tightly, squeezing more of my juices from the knot between them, my chest muscles thickening suddenly to twice their size, pushing my tits outward and apart, as my back simply bubbled with muscle everywhere; a popping sound like popping corn bursting coming to my ears from both piling higher with muscle.


And then at last, with a series of mighty snaps, my blouse shredded clean off my body, which left only one thing to me.


“Oh Gawd!” I gasped as the triangle of cloth now began to creep inside my crotch, and I felt a brief trembling along the three knots of fabric over my hips and between the cheeks of my rear.


An then there was a mighty snap that erupted at my side, slapping one of my hip straps about like a released band of rubber, before after a few seconds later, the knot at the base of my crotch also burst open.


I was naked, my body gyrating briefly before I collapsed to my hands and knees, breathing heavily as my body continued to grow.


Despite that my newly elongated arms were practically extended straight out, my breasts flattened firmly against the ground, and as my chest continued to push outward, my breasts continuing to swell, they flattened more and more against the sodden, muddy Earth. My thighs spread to allow for my pussy to feel the soft caresses of the wind and moist rain, the thing throbbing unbidden as my orgasms clenched and unclenched my muscles there in a steady stream.


And I continued to grow.


My mane of hair grew longer about my head; its frost white brilliance cascading onto the ground while my flesh seemed to be attaching itself to each and every last muscle and bone beneath it to super crease my body so that every sinew it seemed could be viewed.


My sides grew ever the more muscled, feathering with my ribs and amidst the pleasure that was still flowing through me, my mind’s ability of thinking digressed even more, and I felt it lower itself toward the mentality of an animal.


A rumbling growl started inside of me, and I felt the finality building up inside of me, until at last, one last shot of pleasure was dumped into me.  At last I reared, every little muscle in my body flexing as hard as it could as I screamed.




Inside of me, a final orgasm clenched all the muscles in my loins, holding them tightly while the blood in my body continued to throb inside of me, pounding inside me, erupting with my climax.


And then at last it was over, and I collapsed forward onto the ground, never so relaxed in my life, never so full of my pleasure, which left my body shuddering and twitching.


I simply lay there with half opened eyes, and breathed.



End Part One