This story is rated x, contains lots of Male on Male sex, and if you are a minor or offended by such things you should not read it at all.


David's Song

I turned off the thruway and started down one of those non-descript highways. The map said I was heading towards Lake Champlain, that sounded okay to me, I'd never been there before. The recording session's were done, the album was in print, the record company had finally agreed to release it, but not after several calls from the lawyers, and we were done. All done.

Bill and Rob had split as soon as we all agreed it was finished, Reed a day after, but Keith had stayed until last night. He wanted one last go around, I still wasn't sure fully why, I guess there was a part of him the rest of us had never really gotten to know. But he had been a good friend, and I honestly didn't mind as much as I might once have. Hell lets be honest, I enjoyed it almost as much as he did, and like I said, he earned it.

So we were all done. The band was history, our contract was filled, and even if our final album turned out as bad as the previous one, I was still pretty well heeled and probably set for life.

I flicked my tail and watched the highway signs. Now all I wanted to do was find someplace to be alone for a while and discover myself, or rather, discover this body we had all paid so much to put me in so many years ago, to get our gimmick, to get a contract, and so become one of the more successful heavy metal bands of the decade.

I yawned and stretched as I put gas in the car, grinning to myself as the attendant stared. "Probably never saw a six foot two panthermorph before," I thought to myself. I was getting deeper into the sticks, I'd crossed over into Vermont only a few minutes ago and hit the first gas station I saw. It was still spring, so it was a bit chilly out. I had on a longer overcoat, my fur wasn't that thick, I'd been living in climate controlled comfort ever since we had made it big. For that matter I didn't even know if I could get a winter coat.

Another thing I'd have to learn about I guessed.

Getting in the car I turned back on the highway, a two lane road now and headed north. I hit Burlington about four in the morning and found a camping goods store outside of the city a ways. I snoozed in the car until they opened and then headed in to do some shopping.

"May I help you ummmm, Sir?" A rather perplexed woman asked from behind the counter.

"Yeah," I smiled using my most pleasant voice, "If you could just point me to the camping goods?"

She nodded and directed me to where I wanted to go, and I spent about an hour picking out what I figured I needed. A few good knives, a back pack, bedroll, some clothes to keep me warm in case I couldn't grow a heavier fur coat. Some foodstuffs. I remembered some of the things my old drill sergeant in survival training had taught me, and made sure I had the basic emergency supplies. I also made sure everything was the best quality.

I also bought a dog collar with a pouch for my license, and such. Figured it might be safer than pockets if I decided to go fully native. After all, I needed some place to keep my ID and credit cards right?

"We don't get much like you around here sir," she said as I paid for my things, "If you don't mind my saying. . ."

I smiled and waved my handpaw, "I don't mind. I just wanted to do some camping. Used to do a lot of it before I made this change and I'd always heard the Green Mountains were nice. Thought I'd check it out."

"Well just be careful, it's not hunting season, but a lot of folks might get spooked by you."

I nodded, "Thanks for the advice."

Heading back to my car I sorted out my things, packed the backpack I'd bought, and looking at the trail guide I'd also purchased I headed into the hills. I decided to start south of mount Mansfield and found a likely place to pick up the trails. Once I got there I pulled out my cellphone, called the rental car company, told them where to find the car and threw the phone in the trashcan in the parking lot.

And I was on my own.

It was tough going at first, I didn't have any shoes, I wanted my foot pads to strengthen up. I did have sandals that I could wear, but there weren't that many rocks just yet. I did wear shorts, just to keep me modest, and a hat to keep the sun out of my eyes.

Three hours later I was starting to develop some minor but interesting aches. I worked out to keep in shape, but hiking with a forty pound pack isn't like working out. Five more hours and I was truly exhausted but I had made it to one of the lodges on the trail. It was mostly empty, but I got some very worried looks from the gal who was running it and the two guys and gals staying there.

"Hi, I'm Dave," I said paying the dollar and change for a spot to toss my bag. "I'm heading north."

They nodded at that and I sat down to make my dinner over a little camping stove. After I ate I just sat on my bunk in a dark corner and listened to them chat until I got tired and fell asleep.

The first two weeks were like that, there weren't many people on the trail's yet. And in some places higher up snow wasn't uncommon at all. I did find a few people who wanted to chat a little, but quite a few people I think either found me a little too strange to talk to, or wanted to be alone with their own thoughts as well. About forty or so miles south of Canada I left the trails and struck off into the forest. It was pretty unpopulated up here, with lots of unsettled spaces. I only had about a week's ration's left, it was time to start living off the land.

* * *

I squatted naked before the entrance to my cave. Well naked except for my heavy winter coat. I hadn't been wearing anything for over half a year now. As my body had gotten used to the elements there really wasn't any need. I picked up the carcass of the rabbit I had been eating, the abilities of my body did live up to the company's claims, letting me hunt almost as well as the real article, and eat the same way too if necessary. The claws, night vision, enhanced smell, and hearing, were also a big plus. My special forces training didn't hurt either.

I hadn't seen another human being in six months now, and except for playing tag a few times with a local female cougar who seemed to think I'd make a prefect daddy for her cubs, I'd had a lot of solitude. I finally felt at home in my body. That might sound strange as it had been over five years since I was put in it, but all of those years I'd been on stage, or in the studio, making music and making money. I'd needed this time to just get in touch with me, and all my abilities. I'd had twenty five years to learn the body God had given me. Ten months in the forests of northern Vermont had finally put me fully in touch with the one I had bought.

Spring was in the air now, another month or two and I'd probably have blown most of my winter coat. Especially if I headed out of the mountains or further south. I looked around me and nodded to myself. It was time to rejoin society, I stood and stretched as the sun rose, then gathered what was left of my things and headed down the mountainside.

I decided to head to a truck stop down by the highway. It was about a twenty mile trip, I'd scouted it out once a few months before the snows came, in case of any emergencies. It was I figured it was as good a place as any to go. Closer too.

It was about six in the evening when I finally made it to the stop. Most of the trucks here were either heading south out of Canada or north to it. Not one of the busiest places in the world, but it was still a decent size. I got a rather surprised look from the cashier as I came in, but no complaints when I paid for a shower stall. I may have been keeping myself clean, but I hadn't bathed in a while, winter and all that, so at close quarters I'm sure I smelled just like an animal.

Surprisingly the showers were set up to deal with furry people, and when I came out an hour later feeling like a new man, or panther rather, I noticed a few other things here and there as well. Obviously there were a lot more people who had made the change to fur in even this industry.

I headed to the diner and sat down to a real cooked meal, first I'd had in ages that I hadn't had to catch. I noticed a few other morphs come through while I ate. It was nice to see I wasn't the only one here. Of course I did get a few looks, being I was only wearing shorts and sandals, the coat hadn't survived. But I didn't really care.

I was about halfway through my dinner when suddenly a guy stopped next to my booth. I looked up and there he was looking at me. He was a pretty big guy, six ten at least and arms as big as my thighs. About the only thing that wasn't buff was he didn't have a flat stomach, but he sure wasn't far from it. I looked up at his face, clean shaven, short, but not too short, brown hair. I'm a pretty big guy at six foot two, he was bigger.

I met his eyes then and it all just stopped for a moment. Then he smiled and suddenly sat down across from me. I just kept looking at him as he waved the waitress over.

"I'll have whatever he's having and you can put his bill on my check hon," he smiled and sent her off to place his order.

I just kept staring at him not sure just what was going on, I think the fur on my neck and shoulders must have been bristling cause he suddenly reached over the top of my head and started to actually scratch my ears.

"Good Kitty" he said in a voice that sent a thrill down my spine and lord help me if I didn't purr. It was just too bizarre but his fingers felt too good. When he stopped I opened eyes I didn't know had closed and leaned back in the seat totally unsure what to do or say. He just smiled at me until the food came and ate it while I went and finished mine.

He smelled good, in a way I couldn't describe, and he felt comfortable. When I finished I waited while he ate, and then paid the bill. He got up then and hooked a finger through the ring on the collar I wore because the shorts had no pockets.

"They say if you feed a cat, he'll stick around." He chuckled and looked at me. "Come on Kitty, we've got places to go," and he almost dragged me by the collar out to his truck. I say almost because I was by no means resisting. I climbed up into the cab, got into the seat and watched as he sat in the driver's seat and fired the rig up, easing out onto the highway and heading south towards civilization.

"Always liked cats," he said checking the mirrors as he rolled down the road. "Often thought of getting one as a pet, but always too worried that I might lose 'em, living out of the truck and all that.

"But when I saw you sitting there in the diner, looking half starved and all covered in that thick winter coat I figured, what the hell, I can take a stray in. Especially a nice cute kitty like you." And he turned and gave me a wink and I suddenly knew exactly what he wanted.

I must have stiffened a little cause he laughed.

"You can always say no kitty, but don't knock it if you haven't tried it."

I looked at him again, and out the windshield then back at the sleeper behind the seats. The thing is I had tried it, well I'd tried it but not exactly in the roll he obviously had in mind, and part of me had enjoyed it. I looked back at him and wondered what it would be like. He was definitely big, all over too, I noticed glancing at his crotch.

He reached over again and played with my ears again for a moment and I melted on to the console, eye's closed.

"Hmmmm, that a yes kitty?"

I pulled my shorts off and tossed them on the floor of the cab, head still on the console, eye's closed, and re-arranged myself slightly so he could see my furry rump letting my tail curl around the seat. I couldn't help it, he made me feel funny inside and made me wonder what it would be like.

He chuckled again, "Looks like a yes to me."

I woke up a while later, as he eased the truck into a rest area. I stretched a bit and yawned, enjoying the way his eyes roved over my body. I'd never had a man look at me like that before, and it was an interesting experience. It was late and the area was pretty deserted so I didn't put my shorts back on when I got out of the truck to hit the rest rooms. I was acutely aware of him following behind me on the way in and the way back, my tail dancing a little more than usual on the return trip, especially once I crawled over the seats onto the large soft bed back there. It was quite the little nook, with a TV and a fridge and a few other items, but I turned to look at him as he climbed in with me, and began to slowly strip before my eyes.

"The name is Paul," he said slowly as first the shirt, and then the pants came off. "You ever done this before kitty?"

I shook my head slowly no, my eye's sliding down a very wide and strong chest to stop at his underwear that was showing a rather large bulge.

"You do know what I'm gonna do to you right kitty?" he said softly, grinning a bit as he rubbed one large hand over his crotch, making the bulge twitch.

I nodded moving closer to him on my hands and knees, my head getting close to his groin, the strong scent of male musk filling my nostrils.

I nodded my head.

"Good kitty," he whispered and pulled off his shorts, his cock springing free and hitting me in the muzzle. I blinked with surprise as he laughed, reaching up with a pawhand to grab the base, and look at it. He was big all right, eight inches and still growing. I had a good sized cock, but then I had paid for it. He was bigger. A lot bigger.

"Still sure you want something that big inside you kitty?" he teased.

I started to lick the head and he moaned softly.

"Ooooh, I guess so."

I let my tongue explore his length, lapping lightly at the shaft as it throbbed in my paw getting harder and bigger. Eventually opening my muzzle and just sucking on the whole length. The taste was interesting, especially now that precum was leaking out of his cockhead. I'd eaten a lot of women out in the past, this was a thicker deeper taste. I wondered what cum tasted like?

I wasn't going to find out tonight however as he pushed me away and let his own fingers run over my body, and through my fur.

"Always wanted to fuck a cat," he sighed, "And then when I saw you morphs start showing up I kept hoping that one day one of you would cross my path."

I purred as he stroked my body, stretching out on the bed, tail slowly curling and uncurling. His fingers were talented, I couldn't but help to relax.

"Oh my sexy little kitty, I just can't wait to feel that tight furry ass against my hips." He said and then rolled me over onto my stomach. I spread my legs as he stuffed a pillow under my hips, my tail was dancing around quite a bit as I watched him grab some kind of lube and apply it to his fingers.

When he stuck one of those fingers under my tail I almost jumped! His other hand quickly pushed my ass back down as he worked that finger slowly inside me, getting my asshole slippery.

"Nice and tight... I'm gonna enjoy this kitty." He smiled at me and then started to lube his pole. I shuddered at the thought of that much of him going where his finger had just been. It was thick, damn near as thick as a soda can, and probably close to a foot long.

"Will it fit?" I asked softly, the first words I had spoken since I'd met him.

He smiled and grabbed the base of my tail firmly with one big hand as he leaned in and fitted that big fat cockhead under my tail. I could feel the hot flesh pressing against my assring, pushing harder and harder as he leaned forward.

"Don't worry kitty, I'll get it all in, I promise."

I nodded and gave a broken purr, which came to a sudden death as I felt that huge head suddenly force it's way past my tight ring. My eye's going wide at the sudden pain of it. I clenched my ass down tight at the invader but of course I wasn't able to push it out, the only way it was going was in. All the way in.

"Damn kitty but you're tight!" he hissed between his teeth. "Try to relax a little or you're not gonna enjoy this much."

I growled a little and tried to force the muscles of my ass to do just that.

"I ain't pulling out now kitty" He almost growled back at me. His grip getting harder.

I took a deep breath and hunched my hips back at him, driving him just a little deeper.

"Oh, I get the idea, get it all over at once..." he nodded to himself and slowly drove all of that huge cock into my bowels.

My eye's were watering and I was growling pretty loudly by the time his hips pressed up against my ass. It felt like someone had wedged a 2x4 up my butt, and not without a nice amount of pain either.

"I can't believe I'm finally inside you kitty." Paul whispered roughly in my ear. "God's the way your thick fur feels against my body, that thick tail against my chest. And oh so tight and hot around my cock. You were worth the wait."

"Just start off slow and easy please!" I almost whined softly back at him.

He chuckled and nibbled the back of an ear which gave me a shudder. "I've done virgins before kitty. Don't worry"

He laid there on my back, letting me take more and more of his weight for at least a minute before he pulled out, and then added a second coat of lube to his shaft before sliding back in.

It hardly hurt at all this time, surprisingly, and I gave a little wiggle of my hips experimentally and found the pain was quickly fading.

"That was fast," he snickered and gave me a few slow strokes.

I spread my legs a little wider and curled my tail over his shoulder as he slowly fucked me with that monster cock, my asshole starting to feel an interesting and rather enjoyable warm feeling rather than the burning of that first entry. My guts were also starting to feel pleasantly full.

"Good kitty," he whispered again and placed his hands over my paws pinning me in place on the bed. "Now it's time to make you mine. . ." and with that he started to fuck me with harder, more demanding strokes, his balls bouncing lightly off of mine as his long thrusts drove his hips against my ass. In and out, rearranging my insides to accommodate his needs and desires. In and out, he just pounded me with his cock, with his body.

The feelings were incredible, the whole idea of this big strong man fucking me like I had fucked so many of the groupies before, pinning me to the bed, using me for his pleasure. I couldn't have stopped this now if I had wanted to, and my body was telling me that I sure didn't want to! Loud purrs of pleasure filled the sleeper as Paul's energetic rutting rocked the bed and probably the whole sleeper.

It seemed to go on for ages, I'm sure it was at least a half hour, probably longer, the man was a machine and so obviously enjoyed what he was doing to me. I could feel hot little driblets of precum leak into my ass. And many times he described in graphic detail how my black furry ass looked with his thick white cock plunging in and out of it.

My own cock was rock hard and leaking as well now, and I was starting to beg for his cum. I wanted it, I needed it, and I told him so more and more. I wondered what my screaming fans would have thought, what all those girls I had fucked would have said, if they could see me now, grinding my ass back on some stranger's cock and begging to be fucked. He laughed again and suddenly bent his head down and seized the back of my neck between his teeth and like a cat in heat I instinctively arched my back and clamped down on his cock with my ass. Going off like a rocket I shot my load into the pillow underneath my hips in one of the most powerful orgasms of my life.

A moment later he came with a loud groan and pumped my ass full of his seed, collapsing on my back and pinning me to the bed with his body as he shook and panted through his own orgasm while I twisted and purred beneath him. The feeling of his pulsing cock, and the flood of hot cum into my belly just added to my orgasm and I floated off in bliss.

"Kitty like his cream?" he whispered in my ear some time later.

"Kitty loves his cream," I purred exhausted.

He twitched his cock inside me and pulled out a little, I flinched just a bit.


I nodded, "A little."

"You'll get better with practice." He assured me.

"How much practice?"

"I think once a day should be a good start," he snickered.

I purred, "I was hoping for twice..."

He smacked my butt and I gave a slight yelp as he started to pull out.


"Well kitties do love their cream" I laughed and gave another yelp as he pulled out all the way.

"I think someone's eyes are bigger than their 'you know what'"

I sighed and nodded as he cleaned up with a towel, and then pulled me under the sheets with him, tucking me under his chin and cuddling up against my back.

"You have a name kitty?" he asked

"Of course, but what would you like me to be?" I rumbled pulling his arms closer. Suddenly I had an idea of what it was Keith had enjoyed.

"Marcus sounds good to me."

I nodded, yawned and fell asleep then.

The next morning he bought me some new clothes at a truck stop. Basically a loincloth that hung down Indian style with a slit in the back for my tail, a new nicer collar with a tag saying who I belonged to, and a better pair of sandals than the old beat up ones. I did convince him to let me spring for some jeans, work boots and a few shirts. I told him there would be times I wouldn't be able to wear that outfit, but he told me until he told me otherwise I was to dress in that skimpy string and cloth affair or wear nothing at all.

He made it clear then that I was his pet, and he was planning on using this pet often and that I wasn't going to have much say in anything that went on for sometime. He even bought me a leash and used it to make it clear.

All I could bring myself to do was lean up against him and purr, and rub up against him when he pulled out of the truck stop..

"I thought you said your ass was sore?" He said as my hands started to rub his thick cock through his jeans.

"I can't help it," I sighed, not able to understand why either. After all I had gone through to have my 'freedom' from the band, here I was pretty much some trucker's glorified sex slave and I was already loving it. I just couldn't help myself, maybe it was the lack of human companionship for the last six months. Maybe it was the need to let someone else take control for a while. Whatever it was, I couldn't keep my paws off of him.

"Keep that up and I'm going to pull off at the next exit and fuck you hard and fast." He warned.

I gave his cock a squeeze, "I'll be waiting for you on the bed Paul, ass propped up and ready."

Ten minutes later he was sliding into me once again and I growled at the pain.

"I warned you kitty!"

"Just do me, please, just do me..." I moaned.

He did me all right, hard and fast, and for the first few minutes it hurt like hell, but by the end there I was grinding back against him and begging for his cum once more. He held me and kissed me when he came, cleaned up and got back in the driver's seat. I crawled out a little while later, curling up on the seat because my ass was way too sore to sit on.

"You okay?" he asked noticing the way I was laying in the seat.

"Just sore."

"Well you can't blame me this time," he laughed.

"Of course I can, you're way too big and feel way too good."

"Un-huh" he nodded, "I wasn't the one waving my ass in the air back there."

I sighed, "You're the one in charge here, not me Paul."

He gave me a look then turned back to the road. "I'm not forcing you to do anything Marcus."

I laughed and he gave me another look, I put a paw on his arm to stop him from saying anything, "You don't have to force me to do anything. I'll do it willingly." I held up my paw again as he opened his mouth again, "Don't say anything, I can't explain it. I don't know why or how, if I should be worried or if you should be happy.

"This is all new to me Paul. I've never done any of this before, and all I know is that for right now you got the kitty you always wanted. All I ask is that you don't break this kitty cause I sure don't know where the limits are yet and I don't want to go racing by them accidentally."

He nodded. "Maybe you should crawl back up into the sleeper and crash for a while, turn on the TV if you want, just use the headset so it doesn't distract me."

"Sure" I nodded and climbed back up.

I flicked through the channels a bit, watched some news, caught up a little on local events before I eventually fell asleep curled up on Paul's bed.

Much later that night when he pulled in for the night I couldn't help myself and started to rub up against him again. He laughed and refused to fuck me, but teased me until I was almost whining, at which point he taught me how to suck him off, and afterwards returned the favor. The next day we delivered his load, and picked up another one, so we were busy unloading and loading. I sucked him off again that night, my arms were sorer than my ass at that point. And fell asleep with the taste of his cum on my lips.

The next morning however I awoke to my face being pushed into a pillow as he rolled me over and spread my legs. I managed to flick my tail up out of the way as he mounted and worked his thick cock up my ass. He'd used a generous amount of lube and the pain wasn't much as he took me. By the second stroke I was pressing back and arching my spine under him to accommodate every last inch.

"How's your ass Kitty?"

"A lot better now that you're in it" I purred huskily back at him.

"Good, cause I've got a heavy load to deliver today and a lot of hard driving to get it there." He chuckled.

I just purred louder and tried to spread my legs wider for him.

He wasn't kidding either. He let me have it for a good half hour. I know because the clock was only inches in front of my nose and every time I opened my eye's there it was. He grunted and groaned and fucked my ass, telling me several times how nice and tight I was. Not only did he work up a sweat, but he got me pretty sweaty too. The cab was awash in the scent of male sex and hormones, the loud smacking and squelching sounds of his thick well lubed cock pumping my ass filled the small area.

I came before he did, I think my tightening down as I shot my load finally pushed him over the edge, I could actually feel his cock swell with each blast, expanding my ass just a little more, and then that wonderful warm feeling pouring into me as he poured his seed up inside of my bowels. I never knew it could feel this good, I damn near passed out.

He laid on top of me for a while after that, just holding on to me. I was content to just lay under him, pinned under his heavy body, purring there, tied to him. Eventually he slid out of me, my back fur was soaked with his sweat. I giggled as he wiped his cock off on my ass fur, then grabbed a towel and cleaned up his cock and my ass.

"Let's go rent a shower," He yawned.

"Think they'll know what we were doing in here?" I giggled.

He smiled at me, "They know me at this truck stop, part of my regular route. And they know any cute young guy riding with me, has his ass wrapped around my cock." He winked, "Just don't let any of the other guys wrap theirs in it."

"I didn't know truckers were that hot for kitty ass" I grinned.

"Most aren't, but then I have a reputation for getting prime beef, so don't be surprised if even the straight ones decide that a little walk on the wild side might be a nice change of pace." He chuckled.

"Prime beef? Is that what I am?" I teased.

"Well after I pound that sweet ass of yours enough I'm sure it will be nice and tender!" and he gave my ass a swat that made me jump.

We hit the shower and then got breakfast. I noticed I did got a lot of knowing looks from the guys who worked the stop as well as the waitress who called Paul by name. A few of the other drivers said hello as they went by and more than one sized me up and winked or leered. It didn't tempt me at all though. I was more interested in the women in the place than the guys, with the exception of Paul of course. They all knew I was sitting there with a load of his cum up my ass, and I kept smiling every time I thought of that.

"What's so funny?" Paul asked.

I told him and he smiled. "Yeah, I think it's a safe bet they know that. At least the ones who know me."

I smiled, "Good."

"Kitty like being my bitch?" he teased.

"Kitty loves walking around with an ass full of your seed." I purred at him.

"I guess that's a yes."

"Watch out or I'll get you all sweaty and smelly again before lunch!"

He laughed and we finished breakfast in good spirits and left to several knowing winks when I slinked out in front of him.

Life settled down to something of an interesting routine after that. Paul had a pretty healthy appetite and I was game for anything he wanted to do. He fucked me at least twice a day, morning and evening, and sometimes more than that. If we got laid up for a day waiting for a load, well I got laid all day and filled with a lot of loads, all hot and sticky. He was a prize stallion all right, once banging me eight times in a row over the course of about twelve hours. I walked funny the next day but the smile plastered on my muzzle made it evident that I wasn't complaining. We also had sex in quite a few interesting places, and he had an interesting collection of toys and other devices that I was sometimes subjected to.

The only thing he wouldn't do was let anyone else fuck me, I was happy with that, I had mentioned to him once I really didn't want to be taken by another guy and he never even suggested it. However he did fuck me a few times in front of some of his friends, and had me suck one off once after the guy got so horny from watching that Paul felt sorry for him. I didn't mind that so much, Paul would often drop subtle hints about the way something was going and if I didn't object, he'd do it. But once I gave him the power to do something, he'd never ask again, and he'd force me if I resisted. And of course sometimes I resisted, because sometimes I wanted to be forced.

So I was happy, and so was he. All I had to worry about was pleasing him, and pleasing him pleased me. He didn't ask about my past, we talked more about him when we discussed anything personal. He did ask once why I was letting him do this to me.

"If I told you that you felt and smelled good, would you believe it?"

"You mean you like the way I feel inside you?"

I blushed, "Well that too, but I just mean the way your presence feels. Kind of hard to explain, but since I became a cat I've just noticed some people are more comfortable than others. And you're real comfortable."

"So for that feeling you're willing to be a sex toy for a highly oversexed and slightly perverted truck driver?" he laughed.

I shrugged, "Do you know that this is the most stable relationship I've ever had in my life?"

He gave me a long glance then, at this point we'd been together three months, and it was May. "This is stable?"

I nodded, "Yes, for me it is. Another month and this will also be the longest relationship I've ever had."

He shook his head, we had already had the 'where is this relationship going discussion', actually we had it at the end of our first month together when I wasn't showing any desire to leave yet and he wasn't looking to throw me out. We'd discussed it and I told him I had to be somewhere in September, but till then I was his property and would be happy to stay with him if he wanted. I think part of him wanted a permanent deal, heck I think part of me wanted it too! But the life of a gay man, and being another gay man's fucktoy, while being attractive oddly enough, wasn't where I wanted to go. And he understood that decision.

"You must have led a pretty messed up life Marcus."

"Well, it alternated between a lot of hard work, constant travel, and some pretty insane parties for a while. I've spent the last year trying to get my feet back on the ground, and" I glanced over at him and leered, "found being pounded into said ground by a big horny trucker to be quite a liberating experience."

He thought about that for a little while, we were driving down a back road in Florida and it was pretty late at night without any traffic.

"Into the ground huh?" He said after a bit, and pulled the truck over.

He then dragged me out into the rain, stripped naked, and threw me into a large bit of mud on the side of the road, where he fucked me unmercifully for nearly an hour.

I didn't stop laughing until we made it to a shower, looking like something from a Greenbay Packer's game, several hours later. It was definitely an interesting, and rather enjoyable, experience.

* * *

Paul's birthday came on June third.

"So what are we doing for your birthday?" I asked.

"There's a party at the Stanton's place this weekend, I thought we'd show up."

I didn't recognize the name of the place, and we'd already been through this part of his route several times, "Stanton's?"

"He's a local haul driver, used to be an over the road jock like me. He throws a big party once a year for his trucker friends, usually invites a lot of cute local talent too," He leered at me when he said the word 'talent'.

"Just what kind of talent?" I asked chuckling.

"Young guys and gals who're more than happy to get fucked after you get a drink or two into them." He laughed. "Stanton himself is solely into guys, but there are always some guys there who like gals as well."

"Sounds like a fun time," I chuckled.

"Don't go getting any idea's kitty," he smiled. "Those gals are for the drivers, not driver's little pets."

I mock pouted, "Awww. . ."

"Besides," he snickered, "You'll be too busy pleasing me!"

I smiled and perked my ears up, "Well in that case, maybe you should get a little practice in!"

"Practice?" He looked over at me.

I slid a paw over his crotch, feeling his cock start to stir a little. "I seem to recall there being a nice secluded truck stop just up the road, and you haven't fucked this kitty in hours," I purred and giggled. "Wouldn't want me to think you're slowing down in your old age, would you?"

"Old Age?" he mock growled. "In the back, naked, now!" He commanded jerking his thumb over his shoulder.

"Yes Master!" I grinned and took off my loin cloth and wiggled my butt in his mirror as I clambered up into the sleeper. A few minutes later the truck stopped and Paul climbed in pulling his own clothes off, mock growling at me.

"I'll show you who's old!" he laughed grabbing my ankles and pulling my legs apart.

"Ohhh, I can't wait!" I purred and curled my tail around his nice thick cock as I laid on my back, watching him move closer. Tails were such neat things.

Grabbing the bottle he quickly lubed his thick pole and putting my legs over his shoulders leaned in and bent me back, raising my ass off the bed as he pressed his cock head against my pucker. With a soft grunt he pushed forward and popped the head inside my body, causing me to groan in pleasure as inch after inch slowly worked it's way up inside my body.

I raised my head and watched, enjoying the sight as he loomed over me, watching his cock disappear, one of the advantages to getting fucked on my back. A moment later as he started to pump that thick monster in and out of my tight ass, the feelings of him rubbing hard over my prostate started me to shivering in ecstasy. That was the other advantage to this position as he bent me further in half, my ankles locking behind his head as he grunted and panted above me, taking me deep. I held on to the bed for dear life, claws digging into the sheets as my head spun with pleasure, his heavy balls beating against my ass on each plunging thrust of his cock. Loud growls and purrs escaping my lips between babbled encouragements for him to fuck harder and faster, and cum, cum, cum!

He didn't take his time, and just let me have it, but it was still a good twenty minutes before he bottomed out one last time and with a loud groan pumped his cum deep into my ass, my own rock hard cock jetting out my cream in time to his pulses, coating the black fur of my chest with thick white gooey streaks. I went limp beneath him basking in the after glow as he ducked his head down and licked my cum off my fur.

"Mmmm, kitty cream," he snickered. "So, think I'm too old for you yet?"

"Maybe we'd better do this again, just to be sure. . ." I gasped catching my own breath.

He laughed, "If we didn't have a delivery due today, I would. But break's over kitty, maybe later tonight."

I sighed and nodded as he slipped out. A few minutes later we were on the road again.

That weekend we rolled into the party at about nine. Things were already going apparently, there were a lot of trucks and cars parked in a big field out front and you could hear the music when we climbed out of the cab. I walked over to Paul and leaned up against him, he had me in the smallest g-string loincloth combination I owned, with some interesting gold colored arm and leg cuffs. It was a rather interesting get up, I agreed it made me look pretty sexy, along with some of the ancillary jewelry.

Paul put a big arm around me and grabbed my ass, pulling me closer and making me purr.

"Let's go inside and see, Marcus."

I nodded and padded along side him barefoot. The weather was nice out, and apparently Stanton owned quite a large spread of property, there weren't any neighbors within sight.

"Nice and private."

"Yeah, makes it easy to let go without anyone complaining."

At that point we walked in the front door and Paul quickly introduced me to our host.

"Stanton, this is Marcus, my latest toy." Paul grinned. I noticed several people turned and looked at that. I preened a little at the attention, there was a lot of lust being aimed my way.

"Still picking the hot ones I see." Stanton laughed. He was a pretty big guy himself, almost as big as Paul.

"It's a gift," Paul chuckled.

"Welcome to the party Marcus."

"Thank you," I smiled and shook hands, snuggling a little closer to Paul for the benefit of the onlookers.

"Ah, so a one man cat are you?"

"I do what he wants," I grinned, "Whatever he wants. . ."

"Woah, definitely a hot one Paul!" He laughed.

"Tight too," Paul smirked and I tried to blush, tail curling.

"That so?" He leered at me. "Well I'm glad you could make it. Make yourself comfortable, I believe you know where everything is."

"Sure thing Mike."

With that Paul dragged me off to get some drinks.

"This is nice," I commented looking at the crowd. There were a lot of truckers here, and an equally large number of young men and women who were mixing with them.

"Yeah, he really knows how to throw a party."

"Where does he get all the umm," I grinned at Paul, "Party Favors?"

Paul laughed, "Word of mouth partly, between eighteen and twenty one there aren't a lot of places they can go to.

Plus quite a few of them are looking for a Master and don't

be surprised to see a few of these with some of the truckers here on the road after this."

"Trucker groupies?"

"Look who's talking," he snickered and gave my ass a squeeze, almost making me spill my drink.

"Hey, I'm a conquest, not a troll!" I protested. "You literally dragged me out by my collar."

"What were you doing in a truck stop then, hmmm?"

"Actually I'd just hiked in from the wilderness," I leaned against him. "You caught me while I was having my first real meal."

"Really? I thought you'd been dropped off by someone."

I shook my head and took another sip of my drink.

Paul shook his head and laughed, "Wow, here I thought I was getting a groupie and instead I was dragging off some unsuspecting guy and raping him."

I ran my paw down Paul's pants, "I wouldn't exactly say rape. I was pretty willing after all."

"And totally inexperienced."

I nodded. "But worth every inch!" I purred.

"You're gonna be a hard act to replace, Kitty."

"Oh, I'm sure you'll find someone better," I grinned. "You have a lot to offer after all." I nodded over to one of the couches. "Looks like someone is getting the party going."

Paul followed my nod, where one of the girls had striped naked and was being bent over a couch as one of the truckers pulled out his cock and started to push it into her cunt. A minute later a young man was pushed over the same couch next to her and another trucker slid a rather large cock up his ass. The two truckers were laughing and chatting with each other, going on about the relative merits to fucking gals or guys while they took their time.

"Ah, Tom and Chuck. They're always the ones to get the ball rolling," Paul chuckled.

"More like their balls," I grinned watching them fuck. The two bent over the couch were already having their mouths used as another two truckers dropped their pants moved in.

Paul laughed at that and dropped into a large easy chair and pointed at the table in front of it. "Dance for me, Marcus."

I blanched embarrassed. "Me? Dance? On that?"

"Yes," he nodded, "I want you to dance for me, nice and sexy."

I looked at the table, it looked sturdy enough, "But I've never done that before."

He growled and said softly, "If you don't get on that table I will not only NOT fuck you tonight, but I will tie you down and fuck someone else right in front of your face."

I got up on the table and started to dance to the music.

"Ahh, better, Kitty. Much better." He smiled and leaned back in the chair.

I did my best to grind and strut to the music. The alcohol helped, a lot. I didn't feel too embarrassed at first, and as I got more into it I started flashing my ass at him, flagging my tail, and all that kind of thing like I'd see the dancers at the strip clubs do. I noticed that quite a few of the people starting to watch me, not just the truckers either, and from some of the reactions I was getting I guess I was doing a decent job.

Paul watched me for a while, sipping his drink and making the occasional comment, telling me to shake this more or do that. After a little while he told me to lose the loin cloth and I tossed it to him with a grin. The tip of my own cock was peaking out of it's sheath at this point and that got more than a few comments.

"Okay, Marcus, get down here and give me a lap dance!" Paul smiled, pulling his pants off and throwing his shirt to the side. There were quite a few gasps from the younger crowd who I guess hadn't seen many cocks this big before.

I got off the table and crawled into his lap, rubbing and grinding against him, rubbing that big thick dick through my back fur and running my tail against his wide chest, letting it tickle under his chin and nose. I could smell his pre cum as it started to ooze, and noticed we were attracting quite a crowd. I could hear several whispered comments that I could never take something that big. That I'd split apart.

I grinned and rose up and started to rub the head under my tail, letting the pre slicken my tailhole.

Paul grinned and spread his legs a little. "Just a second," and I felt something cool smear under my tail. A moment later I felt his hands on my hips, "Okay, Kitty, time to do the pole dance." He whispered in my ear. "Give your audience a nice performance."

I looked around at the people watching and wiggled my ass, fixing my eyes on one I winked and pushed down, a loud purr escaping my muzzle as Paul's cockhead forced it's way past my tight assring. I paused there and twisted my hips a little, feeling Paul's hands grip a little tighter. I curled my tail around his shoulder and slowly lowered myself another inch, then another. Slowly I worked myself down till I got to the halfway mark.

The people watching were riveted now, and quite a lot were getting pretty randy with each other as they watched. I gave a soft moan and started to shimmy up and down, going a little further on each down stroke. Another inch, and another and then I just pushed down all the way and ground my ass against Paul's groin, taking all of him and reaching down to fondle his balls. Several of the people watching were open mouthed, I smiled at them all and purred nice and loud, then started to bounce up and down, hard, on Paul's cock, shimmying and swaying in time to the music, twisting and rocking. It didn't take long before they were all naked and fucking, and sucking, like mad before us.

I arched my back and worked harder. Paul's hands were moving my body now, hard and fast, his hips were bucking up against my ass now. Several of the 'party favors' head their eyes glued to Paul's cock as it pounded me, you could almost hear the slurps as we fucked. Of course each and everyone of them had a trucker behind them, fucking them hard and fast too. I smiled and started to shiver myself, Paul nodded to one of them, "You, suck my Cat's cock off," he ordered. She scrambled forward on hands and knees, the trucker behind her moving forward with a grin as her mouth sucked in my dripping cock.

I moaned as her talented tongue started on my shaft, and Paul's movements became more demanding. I was close and I could tell he was close as well. Bearing down with my ass muscles I tickled Paul's chest and ears with my tail. I could hear the grunts getting deeper as he manhandled me on his cock, all the time the girl's slurping and sucking on my cock driving me closer and closer myself. Until suddenly I couldn't take it anymore and with a low growl I tipped my head back and came, pumping thick gobs of cat cum down her throat, all of which she gulped and swallowed like a fiend. Just as I started to buck and shudder Paul gave a loud grunt and pulled me down hard, firing his own seed deep into my ass.

We both bucked and groaned and shivered deliciously through our orgasms. Paul's copious cum leaking out of my ass and coating his balls. The little minx stopped sucking out my load as I finished cumming and then went and ducked her head down to lick the excess cream off of Paul's balls, making him shudder and twitch inside my ass rather delightfully. I just collapsed back against him and purred brokenly while we both caught our breath.

Eventually we got up and got some new drinks. We continued to wander the party, more like an orgy at this point. Half the people were talking, and half were fucking. Quite a few appeared to have paired up, and more than a few were off in private rooms, not wanting to put on a show I guess. Paul was as naked as I was, and quite a few came and flirted, but he turned them down. Quite a few more came and asked Paul if they could take me for a ride. He turned them down too as I rubbed up against him.

Next he took me in the den, with me draped over the arm of a couch. I was panting and purring loudly as he fucked me, the sounds of his sweaty hips slapping my ass filling the room, the music was louder here. He was taking his time with me, when his friend Mike came in.

"Hey, that looks nice Paul," he grinned stroking his cock. I licked my lips as I looked at it. He was nicely hung, and his balls looked nice and full.

"Ever been sucked off by a cat before?" Paul grunted between thrusts.

"Can't say I have. May I?" and he nodded at me.

Paul smiled, "It would be his pleasure, trust me." He laughed, "Go right ahead."

Mike smiled and got on his knees before me. I opened my muzzle and started to lick as soon as he got in range. A moment later my nose was in his crotch hair as he grabbed my ears and started to slowly fuck my face. I laved at his cock and swirled around it with my tongue, sucking and licking as Paul's fuckthrusts drove my muzzle down on his shaft. I could taste cum both, male and female. I assumed the male flavor was his. I suspected he'd fucked several prior to coming in here. I purred at the thought and the nice mix of musky flavors.

"Oh! Keep purring, that feels nice!" Mike sighed.

"Don't I know it!" Paul grunted and redoubled his efforts, causing my body to arch up between the two, a carnal spring being compressed and stretched between two large hunky males. I just purred and growled, twisting and sucking and concentrated on pleasing these two men.

Eventually my hard work was rewarded as Mike fired off his load, filling my muzzle, his hot seed shooting over my tongue and down my throat. I swallowed it hungrily and grabbed the base of his cock, milking it dry just as Paul filled my ass with another hot load, causing me to groan and shudder as he filled me with his heat.

We paused again for a few more drinks, then Paul took me on my back on the kitchen table. He had me sixty nine with some cute young guy who must have been all of eighteen while he fucked me. I could tell from the way he was doing me it was really turning him on. I had to admit after the number of drinks I'd had, it was turning me on too.

After that one we kissed quite a lot, and snuggled and kissed some more, until he fucked me against the wall in the living room, which by now had turned into a total orgy. A few more drinks and we ended up outside howling at the moon while he did me doggy style on the porch. Or maybe that was kitty style?

"See any girls you want to fuck?" Paul asked me rather surprisingly while we where taking another break and having a few more drinks.

"A few I wouldn't mind, but that's not why I'm here stud." I purred and ran my paw down his side. He was still a bit sweaty, his body warm from all of his exertions with me. I smiled and leaned closer and slowly started to lick the sweat from his body.

"Just want to make sure you're having a good time, Kitty."

I smiled, "As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

"In other words, as long as I'm fucking you, you're happy."

I laughed, "Guilty as charged," and I purred deeply and said in a husky voice, "Master."

He gave my ass a squeeze as I gently licked the sweat from his body. Mike came by then and we chatted for a while. All three of us needing to recharge for a bit. We were watching as one of the guys and one of the gals competed for the title of Party Slut, fucking and sucking anyone at all interested in them. Both appeared pretty talented and weren't lacking at all in willing partners. It wasn't long before all three of use were sporting hardon's again. Mike, like I said, was pretty well endowed, not as long as Paul of course, but a bit thicker. He was eyeing my ass again.

"Sure I can't fuck your pet Paul? Never fucked a cat before and I've been watching him move. Looks like he's quite the lay."

I blushed and my tail curled again.

"He is that, Mike. Really tight, and he knows how to work his ass. Really a great fuck."

I ducked my head a little, ears flicking.

Paul put a finger under my chin and lifted my head and looked into my eyes. "Care to entertain our host for a little while Pet?"

I felt kind of warm all over, till this point I'd never been fucked by anyone other than Paul, but Mike was kind of cute, was also quite the hunk, and had a really nice cock on him.

"Whatever you want Master," I purred.

Paul grinned at me, "Sure Mike, fuck his furry little brains out. I'll watch."

Mike smiled and grabbed my wrist, "Let do this in my bedroom, I don't want any interruptions.

When we got to his room he grabbed me and gave me a long deep kiss, his strong hands grabbing my ass and massaging it pushing his tongue into my muzzle and tasting me. He pushed me back until I was against the bed, then picked me up and tossed me on it. A moment later he was on top of me, kissing and nipping at my body, hands exploring my furry form while I ran mine over his smooth skin.

Grabbing my legs he moved them up and getting the idea I bent back and let him put them over his shoulders as he pressed that fat cockhead against my ass and pushed. He didn't use any lube, but I was so slick from all of Paul's cum and the lube we'd used earlier that he slipped right in. I groaned as he slid in, opening me up wider than Paul ever had. He was thick alright. When his balls hit my ass I flicked my tail up between his legs and whacked his ass with it. He got the point and started to fuck me in nice long strokes. Taking his time and savoring my tight heat as I twisted and rocked back against him. He kept this up for a good half hour, I think my eyes were rolled back in my head by then, I'd already cum once and my cock was still dripping when he pulled out.

"Roll over cat, time for the back stretch" he laughed and smacked my ass as I rolled onto my stomach and spread my legs. I noticed Paul had some young guy on his hands and knees and was fucking him slowly. He winked at me as he watched, positioned behind us so he could see my ass getting skewered. The kid had an expression of mixed pain and pleasure, and was moaning softly. Guess he hadn't had anything that big up him before. I remembered suddenly he was one of the ones betting I couldn't take all of Paul earlier when suddenly Mike grabbed my tail and slid in under it.

And off he went indeed. He started to fuck me hard and deep and for all he was worth.

"That's it Mike, give him all you got! He can take it!" Paul laughed, and my own ears could pick up the slapping of his hips as he started to pummel the kid before him as well.

Mike took his words to heart apparently and started to pound me as hard as Paul ever had. I purred and moaned, pushing back against him all that I could, my poor abused prostate taking even more punishment as I clawed the sheets and twisted my hips beneath him. He was pumping away like a steam engine, grunting and panting loudly in my ears. The only reason I figured he hadn't cum so far was all the times he'd undoubtedly cum so far tonight.

On and on it went, harder and hotter, his sweat dripping onto my back as he covered me and pounded my ass. I lost all track of time, and just reveled in the feelings. My own cock was rock hard and begging for release, the friction of the sheets beneath me combined with the banging against my insides causing my toes to curl and pushing me ever closer to the edge.

"Here it comes cat!" he growled suddenly and arching his back started to pump my ass in short fast strokes, his whole body shuddering, moaning loudly as I felt that fat cock swell in my abused ass and fire thick shot after shot up inside my bowels. The thought of having yet another man's seed in my body, tipped me over the edge and I came on his sheets, my ass tightening down even more on his spurting cock, his moans turning into a loud growl as I tightened up and quaked through my own orgasm.

He collapsed on my back then and wrapped his strong arms around me, holding me tight against his body until we both finally were just laying their, panting heavily, out of breath.

"Damn cat, that was something else."

"Thanks," I said softly. "That was fabulous, you're unbelievable yourself."

"Want to trade me in yet Kitten?" I turned and looked at Paul who was pulling his dripping cock out of the young man he'd been fucking while he'd watched. I could tell he must have cum shortly after we did.

I lowered my ears and blushed, "No Master, not at all."

Paul grinned, but I noticed the young man he'd been fucking looked a bit crestfallen at that, and shot me a look that spoke volumes. I was a bit surprised by that and filed it away as Mike and I slowly separated. Paul gave the kid a hug and a pat on the ass, then helped me off the bed, I was a little unsteady after Mike's hard pounding.

"That was quite sexy, I must say Marcus." He gave me a hug and a rather passionate kiss. "Always wondered what we looked like fucking."

I smiled at him. "Next time we fuck, give someone a camera then." I laughed and hugged him back, then gave Mile a hug who was finally getting to his feet as well and looking like he'd just run a marathon. Which my ass felt like he had. I twitched my tail and gave my butt a shake. Everything down there felt nice and warm. I wondered if I'd be sore tomorrow.

We went out to get a few more drinks and something to snack on.

"Who was the kid?" I asked.

"Jealous?" Paul grinned.

"No," I smiled, "But he sure seemed to not want off your cock. Not that I blame him," I purred and nuzzled Paul's chest. "But surprised to see someone else so quickly captivated by your spell, like I was," I smiled.

Paul laughed, "He's a local. Works at the truck stop. I suspect he's had a crush on me for years. He just turned eighteen last month so Mike asked him if he wanted to come to the party. I figured I might as well see how he fit." Paul snickered.


"And he fit pretty good. Some training and he might be worthwhile."

"Not unlike me, hmmm?" I tickled him a little, "So that's why you wanted me to fuck with Mike."

"Well that and I did want to watch you with someone else once. Don't want to be the only guy that ever experiences that hot little panther ass of yours. Too bad he's not a cat..."

I laughed at that and snuggled him some more, as an idea percolated through my head.

Excusing myself to run to the bathroom I tracked down the kid and approached him. The look he gave me still spoke volumes, he was jealous, and I think I could guess why. I grabbed him and dragged him into a bathroom, shushing him until we were alone.

"What do you want?" he asked looking daggers at me.

"You're pretty hot for Paul, aren't you?"

"What's it to you?" He almost spat it out at me.

"Listen kid," I sighed, "drop the attitude and answer the questions."

"Yeah, okay. I'm hot for him. He's always been nice to me, he's built like a hunk, and now that I've felt what he's like I want him again. If it wasn't for him running into you, I might have gotten him too! Now he seems to be all hung up on cats."

I nodded, "Yeah he is that. Now what you don't know is that come September we have to part ways."

The kid looked shocked.

"Yeah that's right, this is only a temp deal. We both have different directions to go in, and we know it. But I want to find someone to take my place after I'm gone."

"Yeah, but I heard him say that 'if only I was a cat' back there."

I blinked, "You were snooping on us?"

"Hell yeah, since you two got here. Didn't you notice?"

I looked down and grinned, "Well um, I was a bit more focused on someone's..." I snickered.

"Yeah I noticed."

"Well would you be willing to be his property? Do whatever he says? And he can be mean and tough sometimes. It's not all sweetness and fucking."

"Hey, I'm sure he can't be any worse than my old man or growing up here. But again, I'm not a cat and I don't think I can afford to be one."

"Well think about it long and hard. Then think about if you'd like to be a cat."


I grabbed a pen off the counter, and grabbed his arm. "If the answer to both of those is yes, call this number in a week," and I wrote on the inside of his arm. "And maybe you can get what you want. No guarantees though."

"You can get me turned into a cat?" He blinked.

"Sure, but only if you want it. Think about it though, if you don't think you'd enjoy being a cat, then Paul won't ever enjoy you. It's an all or nothing deal.

He pondered that a moment.

"Yeah I guess it would be," he said looking me up and down. "You seem pretty happy with it though."

"Yeah, but it didn't come overnight, just remember that."

"I will, and thanks for talking with me. I understand what you're trying to do, and I'll think about it. I wouldn't want to screw up by doing a half assed job. I won't call unless I'm sure about it."

"Good, take care..." I looked at him.


"Carl, okay. Bye."

And I slipped out and rejoined Paul. I suspected that the kid would call. I had a gut feeling he'd be okay as a cat too. Tomorrow I'd call my office and arrange things.

Paul and I finished off the party with a slow easy screw back out on the porch again, watching the sun rise. It was romantic, and sexy, and a lot of fun. We fell asleep and didn't wake up until noon. Someone had draped a blanket over us, more for sunburn I think than modesty. The weather was just wonderful. All in all it was a good party and after a hearty breakfast, we got cleaned and dressed said or thank-you's to the host and left.

A few days later we were driving through a town and I saw a music store up ahead.

"Could you pull over a minute please Paul?" I asked. "I'd like to get something from that store."

"Which one? The Music store?"

I nodded.

"Well don't be long, there's no good place to park this rig here."

"I'll be quick, I promise."

He pulled over to the side and I jumped out, I wasn't wearing much, the loin cloth, my collar, a vest. I chuckled to myself, someone was about to get one of those 'you'll never believe it!' stories.

I walked in and immediately was the focus of everyone in the shop. Fortunately there weren't many people there. I pointed at one of the two who seemed to work there.

"Excuse me, I'm in a bit of a rush. Where are your acoustic guitars?"

He blinked and eyed my outfit, I could see the gears spinning. "Unnn."

"Don't worry, I'll make it worth your while. Now, the guitars?"

He pointed and I turned and stopped as I looked over the selection.

"Got any Ovations?"

"One, it's in the back though."

"Get it, and the case."

He looked at me.

"I said I was in a rush, Go!" and I pointed to the back.

He blinked again and went.

I turned to the other one, who was looking at me closely. I pulled out my credit card and license. I knew what was coming.

"I'll also need a tuning fork and two full sets of strings." I handed him the card, and turned to the guy he was talking to. "Sorry to interrupt," then back to the first worker who had just looked at my ID and whose eyes were now about as wide open as they could go. "Put his guitar on there too."

"Woah! What are you doing here?" he said looking up.

"Buying a guitar," I grinned. "And I don't want to be rude but I'm pressed for time. So could you," I motioned to the register, "Please?"

"Oh yeah! Definitely Mr. Bayer."

I noticed a book of country music songs in the rack, Paul was a total country nut, it was all he ever listened to. "Add this to please," and I tossed it on the counter.

At this point I noticed the other guy standing there with the Ovation.

"Dave Bayer?" he asked as he handed me the guitar.

"The one and only," I laughed and quickly took it out of the case, checked the sound, which was perfect as Ovations always are. I re-cased it and looked around at the guy who's guitar I was also paying for.

"Wow, thanks for the guitar man, I love the latest album."

"Yeah," The guy at the register put in, "is it true it's gone platinum already?"

I looked at one then the other, "Platinum? 'Death's End'?"

They both nodded, "Where have you been?" The customer asked, "Its been all over the radio all year."

I grinned as the one behind the counter finally gave me the receipt and my card back.

"Taking a long needed vacation and living in seclusion mostly." I handed back the paper.

"Anybody want anything signed before I go?"

I signed the customer's guitar, and two copies of our last album, turns out each of the guys there had a CD of it. Then grabbed my stuff and ran out the door.

I think it was less then ten minutes and I was back in the truck as Paul eyed the guitar case.

"Interesting." He said and put the truck into gear.

I dropped the book of songs on the console. "Pick out your favorites and I'll learn them for you," I purred and pulling out my new axe, just taking a few minutes to run my hands over it and explore it's shape and feeling.

"You look like you're about to have sex with that thing!" Paul snickered.

"Oooooh, yeahhhh," I purred deeply. "You'd better believe it!"

I got the fork out and tuned it up quickly, then spent the next two hours ripping through every Charlie Daniel's song I knew, which was quite a few. Paul was something of a fan, then moved into Hank Williams Jr. and mixed in a few other tunes that I'd heard so many times on the radio, that I had them down pat.

"I'm impressed, Kitty," he smiled when I finally stopped as we pulled in for dinner. "You sure can play. I would never have expected any of that."

I purred and rubbed up against him, "Thanks for stopping at the store."

"Sure. If I had known you could play and sing so well, I would have bought you a guitar myself."

"Let's eat!" I purred, my arms were really sore, I hadn't played in almost a year and the muscles weren't exactly used to such a performance yet. I was also starving suddenly as well.

"Sure, Marcus."

Eating was 'fun'. My hands and fingers were sore and stiff, after such a work out that I had trouble handling the fork and knife. Felt kind of weird at first until I just realized how much I'd worked out the muscles in ways they'd not been in a while.

"So where'd you learn to play like that?" Paul asked.

"Started when I was a kid. Been doing it ever since," I smiled.

"Green grass and High Tides."


"That's the song I want you to learn to play for me."

"Just that one?"

"Oh I'm sure I'll have a few others, but that's the one I really want to hear you sing."

I nodded, "I'll find some sheet music for it."

The next month passed pretty quickly, I would play for Paul every night, he really didn't seem to tire of it. For me it was much needed practice, after a year of not playing my fingers and muscles needed a lot of reconditioning. For the first week I was tired and sore after each session, but it quickly got better. By the end of the month I was just about back to form.

As for Paul, well the sex was as good as ever, and when we finally hit August it started to take an almost desperate edge to it. We both knew that I'd be leaving soon, that our time to part ways would soon be coming. So we tried to fit a lot of things into it.

Or more like we tried to fit his thing into me a lot!

It was both funny and bittersweet that the end of August found us at the truck stop where we'd first met, way up north in Vermont.

"Last time I was here I picked myself up a stray," Paul grinned. "Looks like this time I'm about to lose him though."

I smiled back, "More like you dragged him off."

"Well I didn't hear no kicking and screaming." He smirked.

"Oh that came later in the back of the cab."

"True, true, and it still seems to keep coming every night."

I blushed under my fur, "I'm really going to miss that you know."

"Me too kitty. Me too. I'd ask you to stay but I can see it in your eyes that your mind is already moving on to new horizon's."

I nodded, "Yes, I have a life and a career to get back to. I admit I've loved all the time we've spent together, but I have to get back on my own road now."

He nodded at that, "Yeah, I know. Gonna be hard traveling alone again though."

I grinned at him, "You know, I'm not terrible hungry, why don't we go make up for some of that alone time in advance?"

He snickered, "Sounds good to me kitty, lead the way!"

We ran out to the truck then with him pinching my ass all the way, then fucked like minks until dawn.

I awoke in the back of the truck, we were moving, and yawning, I crawled out into the passenger's seat.

"What time is it?" I asked blinking my eyes awake.

"Two PM, We're just about to cross over the tri-borough into New York."

I nodded, "Think you can get me to Madison Square Garden by six?"

"Yeah, shouldn't be too tough, traffic isn't so bad on a Saturday. Why there though?"

I smiled and leaned over to give him a kiss, "All will become clear in time."

I then sat back and played for him on the guitar, finishing up with 'Green Grass and High Tides Forever' just as we pulled up outside the Garden. I pointed out a spot for him to pull the truck over and in, down to the delivery ramp area.

"You sure? It looks crowded."

There were a lot of trucks and people there, obvious something was going on.

"Yeah, they'll let you in." I had made a few phone calls to make sure there'd be no problems when I called to confirm for the show.

He showed the guard at the gate his papers and they waved him in. He pulled around to a parking spot and shut down the truck.

"Well I guess this is it." I sighed.

"Guess so, wish I had something to give you, but nothing really came to mind."

"Well you really have given me quite a lot over the last months you know," I smirked at him.

"Come to think of it," he grinned evilly back at me, "I think I'm gonna give it to you one last time too!"

"Hey I gotta be there at Six!" I yelped as he suddenly hauled me into the back of the truck.

"It's Five Thirty, I got thirty minutes of prime panther ass and I'm gonna sink my dick in it one last time!"

And he pushed me down on the bed face first and a moment later I felt the fat head of his cock jab under my tail. I couldn't help myself, I shifted my hips to center him on target and pressed back myself, giving a loud gasp as he popped inside.

"Still a well trained kitty fuck toy, aren't you Marcus?" He snickered as he slowly slid into the hilt.

"Oh gods yes, you trained me well Paul. Just hold me and fuck me one last time, drain that snake deep inside my belly."

"You got it kitten!" he whispered in my ear and then started to pump his hips hard and fast, the sound of his hips slapping into my ass filling the cab as my tail curled over his shoulder and around his strong arm.

He kept a good hard pace, and he kept it for a lot longer then I thought he could. He pounded me with all his might, not wanting to let me go I guess, but knowing he had to, and working out that frustration and desire with what was something of a brutal fuck. Just as I heard the clock beep six o'clock, he cried out loud and then bent down and bit me hard on the scruff of my neck, his cock firing off heavily inside my ass. I could feel it pulsing, a thing alive, pouring his hot seed deep into my bowels, shot after shot as his whole body shook and bucked on top of me.

I came hard all over the covers and into my belly fur beneath him. Racked with the shudders of my own convulsions. We were still catching our breath when someone tapped on the door. A few moments of confusion as we gathered our wits and I grabbed a towel to wipe myself off and pull myself together. Looking out the window I saw what I expected and turned to Paul, who was now sprawled out on his back.

"Two things before I go Paul, besides the fact that I think you know how I feel about you and I do know how you feel about me."

He looked at me and nodded.

"First is I want you to leave the radio on the station I set, you'll know why soon enough, but I want you to hear what I really do and I want to do it for you once tonight."

"The second?"

I smiled and reached over to open the door, "I got you a kitten. I don't know if it'll work out or not, that's up to the two of you. But I know he wants to be here, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Yes he's not me, but in the long run, that's probably a good thing. Plus you get to train him yourself!" I snickered as a younger version of myself climbed up into the cab, the kid from the party, now made into a catmorph like myself.

Paul blinked and sat up, "What?" and he looked at the kid then back at me, then at him again.


"The kid from the party, Carl, remember?"

"Woah... oh I remember all right. But how?"

I smiled, it was nice seeing Paul at a loss for words. "Don't worry about hows and whys. Just give it some time and see if it works."

He nodded and then smiled, "Don't worry Marcus, I will. Thanks, thanks for everything."

"Thank you Paul!" I purred and turning the radio on, pulled on my jeans and left the truck, running for the entrance.

Paul pulled his new kitten closer and smiled snuggling with him, they'd talked a little bit when Marcus had left, listening to the radio. He'd have to fire up the rig and leave soon, but Marcus wanted him to hear something, and he was going to wait for whatever it was. The DJ was going on about the big benefit show that was playing the Garden tonight, and Paul was starting to have suspicions when the announcer suddenly said: "Ladies and Gentlemen opening tonight's charity benefit, the former lead singer and guitar player of Cat's Growl, who's current album as you all know has just gone double platinum, David Bayer!"

Paul blinked at the rather loud applause wondering just who this David character must be when it suddenly died down and a familiar voice came on...

"Thank you, thank you all for coming tonight. Before I play a few tracks from Death's End, I want to do an oldie but in my opinion goodie. This goes out to a special friend of mine who I know is out there listening tonight. Paul, this is for you, Green Grass and High Tides Forever bud."

Paul smiled in his cab, listening to one of the best cuts of his favorite song he'd ever heard as he fired up his rig and pulled out of Manhattan with his new pet.


Green Grass and High Tides Forever

(The Outlaws)

In a place you only dream of
Where your soul is always free
Silver stages, golden curtains
Filled my head, plain as can be

As a rainbow grew round the sun
All the stars I've love who died
Came from somewhere beyond the scene you see
These lovely people played just for me

Now if I let you see this place
Where stories all ring true
Will you let me past your face
To see what's really you

It's not for me I ask these questions
As though I were a king
For you have to love, believe and feel
Before the burst of tambourines take you there

Green grass and high tides forever
Castles of stone souls and glory
Lost faces say we adore you
As kings and queens bow and play for you

Those who don't believe me
Find your souls and set them free
Those who do, believe and love
As time will be your key

Time and time again I've thanked them
For a piece of mind
They helped me find myself
Amongst the music and the rhyme
That enchants you there

Green grass and high tides forever
Castles of stone souls and glory
Lost faces say we adore you
As kings and queens bow and play for you