This story contains SEX and Adult situations. If you are underage or offended by such things do not read!! Copyright 2001 Rael Bayellis



I laid on the bed shivering, my body twisting and muscles spasming. There wasn\x92t much pain per se, but the whole process was uncomfortable and I drifted in and out of unconsciousness many times throughout it.

I had come to Jimmy in trouble. Lots of it. It wasn\x92t just that I was broke, or that I was in debt. I was wanted, and not just by the police. I had fallen a long way in a short time and I was in trouble, deep trouble. The kind of trouble that either gets you dead, or in jail for a long time and then dead.

I didn\x92t even want to think about that part.

So I had come to Jimmy. Jimmy was an old friend, as much as I had friends. I had helped him out a long time ago with his business and getting started. Some of what he did was illicit, but not much. With the \x91people\x92 he worked with, quite a lot was legal, and society was often quick to look the other way on some of the shallower moral issues.

There was one thing he did do that was illegal. It was something anyone could get done, if they were rich enough and had connections enough and thought about doing it in the first place. And if they knew about it. Few did. Jimmy did however, and he had made the right connections to make it work. Now only a small number of people knew about him and what he did. What made it illegal wasn\x92t doing it, because no one knew it was done, what made it illegal was that the technology was stolen, Jimmy wouldn\x92t say from where.

"Jimmy, I\x92m in trouble," I had said coming to his back door late at night.

"So I\x92ve heard." He let me come inside. "What do you want me to do about it?"

"I want the treatment, it\x92s my only hope."

"There\x92s no going back you know. It\x92s a one way trip."

"I know Jimmy, I know. But I don\x92t see how I have any choices, I\x92m not gonna turn state\x92s evidence, even if I thought they could keep me safe, I\x92m not that kind of guy."

"You could tell Mr. Terrin that, surely he\x92d understand."

"No, no he doesn\x92t. I tried to tell him that. He doesn\x92t trust me, I have no more options."

"I see." He pondered a moment. "You know for me to do this for you, it\x92s gonna cost me a lot of money."

"I know Jimmy. I\x92m willing to work it off."

"You sure about that? You realize what it means?"

I nodded, "Yeah I know. What choices can you give me?"

"First I have to tell you, they\x92re all female."

"What!?" I looked up at him, "Jimmy, please don\x92t do that to me, after all we\x92ve been through. You owe me."

He sighed and shook his head, "Doesn\x92t matter. I don\x92t run males here, and those that do tend to run gay males. Bottoms. I don\x92t think you\x92d like that. Besides, I don\x92t have any of the stuff to do a male. And it would take me weeks to get it."

I looked down at the floor again and sighed, "Bad enough I\x92m losing everything, now I gotta lose that too."

"Hey it\x92s not that bad, I\x92ve run a few other guys through it. None complained to me after the got used to it. Not like you\x92re gonna be a eunuch you know."

I nodded, "What species do you have?"

"Lets see, I got a couple of equines, half dozen fox, a wolf, an quite a few felines."

"What kinds of felines?" I asked looking up again.

"cougar, tiger, jaguar, regular domestics, a couple of lionesses and a leopard."

"Any idea how good they are?"

He looked me over and smiled, "Still like cats, don\x92t you?"

I blushed and nodded, "Yeah, always a weak spot."

"Well remember that really hot one I used to have working here?"

"Jocell, oh yeah I remember her\x85" I had a few pleasant memories of some rather expensive nights.

"The leopard is based off of her. Been saving it special. I can make you her. Or rather close enough to be her sister. But\x85"

Always a but. "But what?" I asked.

"It\x92s not cheap."

"I know that," I sighed.

"You\x92ll have to work it off."

I grimaced, "For how long."

"A year."

"A year!" I almost yelled and looked up at him. "Jimmy is that anyway to treat your best friend?"

"You don\x92t have any friends, especially now, and you know it." He said frowning at me, "It could happen to me what they\x92re trying to do to you. And I told you this stuff is expensive."

"Hey, who helped you get started here? Who gave you your first break?" I held my temper in check, I knew I couldn\x92t afford to piss him off. I really had no other choices.

He sighed and raised his hands, waving me back into my seat. "I know, I know. Listen, anyone else, it\x92d be 5 years. Don\x92t think I\x92m not cutting you any slack. I\x92ll also let you keep 5 percent of what you bring in, and cover your initial wardrobe."

I relaxed back in my seat. I knew how much his \x91girls\x92 made, that sounded about as fair as I\x92d get. "Okay Jimmy."

"One last thing, and this is the hardest and you need to agree to it now, because you can\x92t change your mind and I will enforce it."


"While you work for me, I own you. Got it? And all that ownership implies."

I looked up at him again, and tried to think of what to say. Nothing came to mind, so I just nodded my head.

"Good follow me."

He lead me down to a room in the basement. He messed around on a computer some. He pulled out the forms that gave the agreement between him and his new \x91working girl\x92, me. I read them over, it was as he said. Then went to a hidden safe and pulled out a case.

"No going back after this. You still sure?"

I nodded again.

"Okay, strip."

I removed all my clothes, jewelry, rings, everything.

"I\x92ll burn all this before I leave," he said, "I don\x92t want anyone thinking you came here."

Then he handed me some pills to take. After that he pulled out the largest needle I\x92d ever seen and shot me in the gut. Oddly enough it didn\x92t hurt. I think the pills had something to do with that. Next he lead me to a bed in another room, locked me in and left.

Then the nanobots started to reconstruct everything about me. Sex changes were commonly done this way. So was most plastic surgery. But no one had ever made morphs this way, they were built in the labs, or bred from other morphs. But Jimmy had found a way, and he used it on people who wanted to disappear for good. There was no coming back, and very few people knew about Jimmy.


"Rise and shine!" Someone called out and light suddenly filled the room.

I groaned and covered my eyes. I felt dizzy and my mouth was dry.

"Here drink this," the voice said. I carefully grabbed the glass thrust into my hands and tried to drink. My whole face felt funny and it took several tries to get started.

"Easy, take it slow, everything is different now."

I found that to be an understatement, but on the third try I was able to swallow, and quickly drained the whole glass.

"Now, eat these."

I was handed a tray, and as my eyes finally started to focus I saw it was full of cubes of some kind. My stomach growled loudly and I started in on them. Chewing was also different, but it didn\x92t take me long to eat everything there.

"Good girl!" the voice said and I looked up and finally saw who owned the voice. It was Jimmy. He laughed. "The look on your muzzle is priceless Keasha!" And he ruffled my headfur and ears.

I didn\x92t know what was worse, that he did it, that I liked the feeling of his doing it, or that I now had headfur and two upright ears on a cat morph\x92s head.

"Ya\x85 Yao\x85" I growled and tried it again. "Vio\x85 voi\x85 vis."

He put a hand on my muzzle, "Don\x92t try to hard, it takes a little getting used to. You\x92ll be able to talk soon enough, but first we need to get you cleaned up, and into your room." He smiled at me. "By the way, you\x92re gorgeous."

I looked up at him curious.

"Don\x92t worry, I\x92ll show you in a few. Now lets get up."

It took a moment to stand, and then he led me on a few laps of the bed. I could smell something foul in the room and it didn\x92t take me long to figure out it was me. We then went out to a shower room and he taught me how to clean myself, take care of my fur, and myself. By the time he was done I was starting to feel comfortable in my new body. And I was starting to talk as well.

"Now, come over here," he said after I had gotten dried. "look!"

I looked in the mirror and my knees almost buckled. He was right, I was gorgeous. I had spent enough money on cat girls, I had even dated few of the free ones. I stood about 5\x92 7", had dark fur all over my body with long black hair on my head, long shapely legs, and a firm and generous, but not overly large, chest. My stomach was flat and my ass tight and well rounded. My thick tail danced behind me. I was hot all right.

"Wow\x85" I whispered. I had already found that I had a nice sultry voice. "You sure delivered on the looks alright Jimmy."

He smiled, "Sure did. And from now on it\x92s Sir, unless we\x92re in private, then its James."

I nodded, "Yes James."

He smiled even wider at that. "Well Keasha, we\x92re almost done. Let me take you up to your new room. We\x92ll see about some clothes later on."

I nodded again, and turned back to the mirror looking again as he led me off.

When we got to my room he followed me in and closed the door behind us. I smiled to myself at all the mirrors, standing naked in only my fur before one, letting my hands, or should I say paws? Roam slowly over every inch. It was intoxicating.

I suddenly felt Jimmy\x92s hands on my body and blinked as he moved against my back, leaning against me, his hands stroking down my sides and up my belly, grabbing at my tits, working the flesh. I gasped in surprise "What?" my tail flicking up between his legs.

His naked legs.

I gasped and took a deep breath.

"Now now." He warned. "I own you remember? And as your owner, I get to train you!" he laughed.

I shivered and closed my eyes as he pressed his naked body against mine. I could feel his erection pressing against my back. He was bigger then me now, and stronger as well. I doubted I could stop him.

But he was right. I was now a whore, his whore. For the next year I\x92d be selling my body to make him money. I had better get used to it. I had no choice.

Besides, he smelled good, my nose was filled with the masculine musk of him, and I had to admit I liked it. I had done some experimenting in my youth, so it wasn\x92t my first time with a man, so I wasn\x92t freaked by that.

Also his hands, as he played with my breasts and nipples it was an unbelievable sensation. I leaned back into him, and rubbed against him. He chuckled some more and ran a hand down my stomach. I gasped again as he reached my sex. The initial shock of not having a cock was as great as the sensation when he slid a finger into me. So was the realization that I was already slick.

"God you\x92re such a slut, aren\x92t you?" he whispered in my ear. I could feel the heat rushing to my face as I tried to blush. "Afraid about being a woman. Ha! Wait till I get my dick inside of you."

I spread my legs further as he slid a finger up inside, causing me to moan softly. "You bastard," I shivered. "what did you put in that thing?"

"Nothing" he laughed and bit my ear, making me moan again, "Jocell was a real slut, so you got wired like her I guess. Plus I never saw you keep it in your pants as a guy." He pushed me down onto the bed, then rolled me over onto my back. "And now I get to be the first guy to fuck you." He kneeled between my legs and grabbed his cock, stroking it before me. "This is gonna hurt some, because you\x92re a virgin. Just relax and don\x92t fight it."

I nodded and looked at the huge piece of meat he was going to be shoving inside my body. James was pretty well equipped. I bit my lip and shivered. Part of me wanted it, and part of me was afraid.

He lowered himself on top of me, his heavy body pressing me down on the bed as he slowly entered me. I suddenly realized I was purring, and noticed the smile on his face as he leaned in closer and kissed me, his tongue slipping into my muzzle. The weight of his body pinning me there felt nice, and the sensation of his fat cock slowly opening up my cunt was unbelievable\x85 I wrapped my legs around him and purred louder.

"Feels good huh?" he smiled,

"Oh yes James, it feels wonderful" I smiled and nuzzled him.

"Good," he paused his hips "Now relax and just take it easy a moment."

I nodded as he slowly revolved his hips, stirring the head of his prick inside me. Then suddenly he lunged and I felt something give, along with a sharp pain. I gasped and hissed.

"Hold it!" he commanded and I froze, I noticed I had been about to bite him.


"Good thing you stopped, I wouldn\x92t have wanted to belt you one" he warned.

I nodded and laid there, under him, as he held there still a few moments more. And then as soon as it had come it had passed and I started to press my heels on his back again.

"Already?" he asked surprised.

I nodded and he smiled and started to stroke in and out of me, a little at a time.

"More," I whispered\x85



He grinned, and slid a little deeper.

"MORE!" I growled and started to kick my heels on his back.

"You asked for it!" he laughed and drove it to the hilt.

I went wild. The feeling was indescribable, I started to squirm and moan, purring and growling as he fucked me, with nice long deep strokes. I wasn\x92t long before I was screaming his name, looking up into the mirrors above my bed as I watched this lovely man fuck the shit out of my wonderful new body. It was like watching the best porn movie in the world, only better because I was the one getting fucked. As he finally let loose and filled me with his cum, I felt my body go into spasms around his shaft, my first orgasm.

I shivered and gave a soft mewl of complaint as he slid out of me, feeling empty inside. I brushed my hair back out of my eyes and caught my breath, reaching up with my other paw to caress James\x92 cheek as he moved back to his knees.

"Liked that, didn\x92t you?"

I nodded and flicked my ears down in embarrassment. "Yes," I said, surprised at the husky tone to my voice. Then again many things about my new body were still surprising to me. Including how I had just managed to make my ears do that.

"Well come here, I have something else for you to try," he smirked.

I gathered myself up and crawled over to him.

"Now, I want you to suck my cock," he ordered.

I looked down at his still erect shaft, heavily coated with the mixtures of both of our juices, cum still oozing slowly from his glands. I hesitated a moment and took a deep breath. The room was full of the scents of our sex, I could taste it. I leaned in closer and took a deep sniff, the heavy scent of cum filled my nostrils, and sent a chill down my spine.

I was licking his cock before I even realized it. I carefully worked around the shaft, cleaning off our juices, finding the taste to be rather enjoyable. Moving down lower I carefully licked over his nuts, cleaning my juices from the hairy sac, and then moving slowly back up once more, to take the still oozing cockhead into my muzzle, sucking out the dregs of his cum. He guided my head with his hands, giving me a few pointers here and there.

It wasn\x92t long until he was rampant once more and he pulled my muzzle off of his cock.

"On your hands and knees," he directed.

I quickly moved to comply, and looked back over my shoulder, grinding my hips back at him, tail held to the side as I waited for him to mount me.

"Can\x92t wait for it, can you Keasha?" He laughed, running his fingers over my sopping cunt, and tweaking my clit.

"Noooo," I moaned softly, "Fuck me again James\x85 Please?" I mewed at him.

He just smiled and moved between my legs once more, grabbing my tail at the base as he slide in close. I spread my legs a bit wider, arching my hips up and pressing back against him as he rubbed in against me. Reaching back under myself I stroked his cock with a paw as he rubbed it over my cunt lips, the shaft against my belly. I looked under myself and saw just how far up inside me it must go. A loud purr escaped my throat.

James let his strong hands roam my body once more, massaging my firm ass and then stroking my sides and back. For my part I flicked my tail up over his shoulder and pressed my hips back against him, moaning my need for him. He didn\x92t wait long, and finally grabbing my hips tightly, he positioned himself at my entrance, and then plunged in deep once more, filling my soaking hot depths once again.

I yowled happily and clamped down hard on his cock. He grunted and leaned over my back, placing his hands on top of my paws, pressing his strong chest to my back, mounting me like an animal.

And seizing my neck in his teeth he began to fuck me like an animal too. Going right for hard fast thrusts, pounding me hard again and again, his hips smacking loudly against my upturned ass.

For my part I was going crazy. The bite on my neck had set me off and I was an animal. I bucked and yowled and humped under him, helping him to drive that wonderful fat cock in as deep as possible each time he thrust into my body. I twisted and clamped and it wasn\x92t long until I came!

Panting and groaning my arms buckled as his hands moved to my tits and started to squeeze and pull. Pinching my nipples as my face pressed to the pillows, my shoulders being driven into the bed from his savage thrusts. I shuddered and clamped down hard as I screamed into my pillow and came yet again, arching my back further and humping back more desperately as my eyes glazed and I worked to make him cum in me, to put out the fire in my cunt, to breed me and satisfy my now primal desires.

He bit down harder on my neck suddenly and growled in my ears. I felt his thick cock start to swell and buck inside my tight embrace, a moment later his fire poured into my needy body, causing my cunt to spasm heavily around him as I had my third orgasm and my body melted in ecstasy beneath him.

I suspected I was going to love my new job\x85

"You\x92re a natural Keasha," he smiled ruffling my ears.

"Th.. Thanks," I stammered, blushing. "So when do I start?"

"Tonight of course. I\x92ll have Pam take you out to the store to get some outfits to work in. She can fill you in on how things go."

I nodded, "I have to admit I\x92m a little apprehensive, will these guys be as good as you are?"

He smiled and gave my butt a smack. "Probably not, but they are paying, so make sure you\x92re as good to them as you were to me!"

I smiled and nodded, "Yes Sir!"

"One last thing, we never speak of what went on before this room again."

I nodded, "Yes. I\x92ll tell anyone who asks that I had to be let go by my owner, and you met me last night at the bus terminal and offered me a job." I grinned.

"That\x92s pretty close to the way I work," he said and headed out the door.

I rolled off the bed and onto my feet, and looked at myself in the mirror again. I definitely looked disheveled, my eyes still had a slightly glazed quality to them and there was cum glistening on my cunt lips and coating my thighs. I smiled at the reflection and purred, "The well fucked look."

"Well fucked look indeed!" came a laugh from the door.

I jumped startled and looked over at the wolf who was standing there.

"So James have his way with you then?" She grinned.

I nodded, "Twice. He\x92s wonderful."

She nodded still grinning. "I\x92m Pam. He told me to take you shopping for some things. Lets get you cleaned up and get a move on. It\x92s almost 2 and we have to be ready to serve by 8 tonight."

I nodded and she took me down the hallway to the large shower room that all the girls shared. She then showed me how things worked, it was a top quality shower, and gave me some hints on things to help bring out my best features while getting washed up quickly.

"How many men are we supposed to handle anyway Pam?" I asked as we headed down.

"Never did this kind of work before, have you?" she smiled.

"No, I\x92m about as inexperienced as they come."

"Well, if you can do three a night after a few days, James will be pleased. Some customers will pay more for longer sessions, don\x92t worry about those, he\x92ll take that into consideration. But if you feel like handling more go for it. Do enough good nights, and he won\x92t complain if you have a slow one."

I nodded, "I\x92ll try to remember that," I said following her out the door to go shopping.