This story contains SEX and Adult situations. If you are underage or offended by such things do not read!! Copyright 2001 Rael Bayellis


       The next night James came and paid me a special thank you himself. We fucked several times and as always James quickly turned me into a screaming yowling animal that need to be filled and bred. He didn’t sleep with me as often as he had when I first started, but he still fucked me once a week on average. Of course there were ten girls here and he spent time fucking all of them, even Jill.

       Later, much later, when we lay relaxing in bed I decided it was time to bring up something I’d been neglecting.

       “How long have I been here now James?” I asked and followed it with a yawn.

       “Oh, almost two and a half years. Why?”

       I snuggled him and purred, “I seem to recall our agreement that you’d free me from my slavery after one.”

       He looked at me, I could feel him tensing just a little. “I was wondering when you were going to bring that up.”

       “You like having me as your slave, don’t you James?” I said it lightly, letting my fingers stroke his body and caress his cock.

       “Yeah, yeah I do. You’re hot, you fuck like a demon, you bring in as much money as Pam, and on top of that I get the added pleasure of knowing I own my ‘old friend’ I got him on my dick whenever I want. I get to watch him get fucked like the common whore you now are. You’re now a complete slut and I own you, I control you, I rule you. Oh yeah Keasha, like I want to give that up!”

       He rolled on top of me and pinned me to the bed. “I like the way things are,” he grinned down at me. “Why should I change it?”

       “I… I didn’t know you felt that way about me, really. Was I really that bad to you?”

       He laughed and slid up my body and rubbed his cock over my face, I started to lick it without even thinking.

       “You weren’t afraid to lord it over me, let me know how important you were. And now look at you, you can’t even keep from licking my cock when it’s in front of you.”

       “If you think that’s bad, I get wet just thinking about when you’ll fuck me next. Whenever I have a bad customer I think of your cock inside of me and it makes me cum every time.”

       He snickered, “And I did it to you. I set you up with the horniest morph I had. I re-wired you into a complete sex machine.”

       I was busy licking his cock and balls then. I had pretty much figured out that last bit already on my own.

       “I still want you to sign the papers James. And I want a bigger cut of my pay here. And Monday’s off.”

       He grabbed my ears and started poking my muzzle with his cock. I got the idea and sucked his cock in, nestling it between my fangs letting my tongue caress it as he slowly started to fuck my face.

       “Or what?” He asked smirking.

       I thought about that while sucking on his shaft, I could tell he was getting off on what he was doing to me, he’d had his friend as a slave for two years now, and was pretty much ruling my life and just abusing the hell out of me sexually. If I hadn’t been loving every minute of it I’d have bitten his cock off by now. Instead I slipped a finger up his butt and pressed his prostate in a way that caused him to have one hell of an orgasm, and I happily sucked down every drop.

       Once I’d drained him dry I pushed him back onto the bed, he was still catching his breath, we had been fucking for hours and even he had his limits.

       “James, we had a deal. If you break it you’ll be breaking my heart and I’ll cry. I’m Keasha James. Keasha, one of your girls, one of your hottest sluts.”

       “Yeah, but if I sign it you won’t be mine anymore.”

       “I’ll always be yours James.” I sighed “You should know that by now.”

       He got up then and gave a heavy sigh himself. “Yeah I know. But,” He turned and smiled wryly at me, “sometimes it really gets me off.”

       “You’ll sign then?”

       He nodded and we went down to his office. He signed the papers and gave me myself. I then signed an exclusive two year contract with him, with my new terms of course. So I was once again his property, but with more rights and an expiration date if I didn’t renew. I didn’t mind that, I kind of liked being owned to be honest.

       But I had a little more freedom, and the right to my own property, namely a bank account. That might not be much, but to me it was enough. We celebrated then by spending the rest of the night in James’ bed instead of mine. In the morning I woke him with a blowjob and then begged him to fuck me hard. From the glint in his eyes as he did so I think that my begging him to do it was even more of a turn on now that he knew I really did want him to fuck me and just wasn’t saying it because he owned me.



       Sunday rolled around and I woke up early for a change. Normally I slept in till about noon, Saturdays we all usually worked till four in the morning, but I had plans. I picked up the intercom and dialed Kurt’s room. He’d been eyeing me a lot the last several days since the incident in the bathroom. Probably wondering if I’d keep my promise or not.

       I was in luck, he answered. We girls were off Sundays, and some of us Mondays as well. But some Sundays Kurt and Ed had to work.

       Uhhh Hello?”

       I could tell I had woken him up.

       “Morning Kurt,” I purred into the phone, “It’s Keasha.”

       “Morning.” He yawned. “What do you need?”

       “To finish thanking you for helping me out the other night,” I grinned to myself as I heard the sharp intake of breath from the other end of the phone. “Unless you’d rather go back to bed?”

       I’llberightthere” and the intercom clicked.

       I stretched out in just my fur on the bed, and thirty seconds later Kurt entered my room panting slightly.

       I crooked a finger at him and beckoned him closer, “Wondering if I’d remembered?” I asked with a sly grin.

       He nodded and blushed again staring at my nude form on the bed.

       “I’ve never tied before Kurt, you’re going to be my first. Be gentle with me?” I purred huskily.

       “I’ll be gentle,” he whispered eyes wide.

       “Then come here and make love to me Hun.”

       His cock had already been peaking out of his sheath, by now it was fully exposed and he almost stumbled onto the bed. We kissed a little then licked and nuzzled each other, it didn’t take Kurt long to zero in on my tits, I could tell he was a breast man or fox rather, and he spent quite a bit of time there to my distraction.

       After a while though I tugged him up and went down on him, I licked his warm furry balls and then his nice hard cock, sucking it up and going to town on it, bobbing my head and jerking in counter point with a paw.

       Uhh, I’m gonna cum soon if you don’t stop,” he warned.

       “I know dear,” I purred, “That way you’ll last longer when we fuck,” and I went back to sucking his cock.

       “Oh!” was all he said and grabbed my ears and started to fuck my face. I redoubled my efforts and let my tongue lash at his root as I ground his cockhead between my tongue and the roof of my muzzle. A few minutes later I was rewarded with a healthy dose of fox cum that I greedily swallowed.

       Hi shaft barely flagged once I finished draining his balls and licking my lips I then licked my way up his chest.

       “So ready to ‘tie’ this kitty on?” I asked him grinning.

       He looked a little sheepish and nodded, “You’ve never had a knot in you before, right?”

       I nodded.

       “It might hurt,” he warned.

       “Kurt,” I purred nuzzling his neck, “You’re the male, I’m the bitch. I want you to fuck me good and hard, and then tie with me. Use me Kurt, take charge.”

       He nodded and pushed me back, “On your hand and knees Bitch, now!” and he gave a playful growl.

       “Yes Kurt!” I replied and quickly did as he said. He grabbed the base of my tail and was between my legs in a flash, rubbing his hard vulpine cock head up and down my cunt lips.

       “Damn you’re wet, you in heat or something?”

       “You did that Kurt, you got me all wet wanting you,” I purred and salaciously humped my hips back at him.

       He slipped the head in me and I moaned then as I felt his paws grab my hips. “Oh yes, so nice and tight and hot” he growled and pushed in further.

       “Fuck me Kurt, fuck me…” I moaned.

       “Don’t worry, I will!” he laughed and pushed in to the hilt. Or rather until I felt his knot brush my cunt lips.

       “This is how we fuck with a knot,” he whispered in my ear as he covered my back and began to fuck me hard.

       For my part I was in heaven. Kurt was well hung, strong, and vulpine cock was not shaped the same as a human one. The differences were quite enjoyable. On top of that the knot nudging at my cunt lips was a nice sensation, and watching my hot feline body being mounted by a rather well built young fox in the mirror was exciting too.

       I was really going to town and had climaxed twice already when things changed. Suddenly Kurt grabbed me tight and rammed in extra hard and that fat knot of his popped in past my cunt lips! I gave a yowl of surprise, it was pretty big and hadn’t gone in exactly easy. Now that it was inside me he continued to fuck me with shorter strokes, this big fat knot pushing back and forth inside my body.

       “Ready to be my bitch Keasha?” he growled in my ears, “There’s no going back now, I’m gonna tie you and I’m gonna tie that kitty cunt of yours. You’re my bitch now and you’ll never tease me again!” He grabbed me in a breeding bite then on the back of the neck and I arched my back driving my cunt down his cock and forcing him into the hilt. I screamed in delightful agony as I got hit with a huge orgasm that seemed to go on forever, my cunt clamping down tight on his cock and knot, so hard it hurt in a way that I’d never felt before, and I loved it.

       “Oh yessssss! Make me your bitch Kurt! Take me! Tiiiiieee me!!!”

       And then he came, and his knot started to grow. I gasped and panted and squirmed as it got bigger and bigger. My clit was standing straight out my cunt was spread so wide and the bastard stuck his hand down there and started to rub it, causing me to yowl, scream, growl, and buck like a wild mule as I had nonstop orgasm after orgasm and he continued to fill me with his seed.

       After several long minutes of this I collapsed to the bed beneath him, his cock wedged in my cunt so tight it couldn’t move, my vagina still twitching around him as I panted heavily. It was different than anything I’d ever experienced before.

             “You’re stuck on me now bitch,” he growled and gave my nipples a hard pinch, which caused my cunt to clamp down extra hard on his cock and made him moan.

       Ohh, I liked that!” he laughed and did it again, and again, and suddenly I was cumming once more and he was biting my neck again and from the hot warm feeling in my vagina was cumming again as well.

       “Oh god that feels unbelievable” I moaned.

       “Like it my little kitty bitch?” Kurt laughed.

       “Oh yeah,” I purred. “Though I’m gonna be sore for a while. How long are we gonna stay locked together?”

       He nuzzled the back of my head and licked an ear. “Normally only ten minutes or so, but you’re such a tight and sexy kitty bitch, it’ll probably be longer.

       “I’d never have guessed you have such a mean dom streak in your Kurt.”

       He grabbed my tits hard then and twisted them, “You’re tied onto my cock bitch, that makes you mine to do what I want to for the duration!” he snarled and then moaned because his grabbing my tits had caused my cunt to clamp down and we started the whole vicious cycle again until I had another orgasm. This time he didn’t cum however, I guess he was drained dry at this point.

       “I’m not complaining Kurt,” I panted when I could finally talk again. “Oh I’m definitely not complaining.


       We didn’t untie for almost a half hour, Kurt teased me through another orgasm just because he could. When he finally pulled out I was definitely sore and was glad I didn’t have to work that night. We’d been tied for over an hour, closer to two.

       “I’m sorry about what I said there while we were tied Keasha,” Kurt apologized when he finally got up to leave.”

       “I like my men to be dominate Kurt,” I said smiling and purring at him, “When I’m on your cock, I’m your bitch, don’t ever apologize for it!”

       He smiled back, “So how do you feel about tying now?”

       “I think I’ll need to try it a few dozen times before I can be sure.” I said and winked at him.

       He laughed and left the room.


       I stumbled down to the dining room a little while later, I’d just pulled a robe on and was walking just a little gingerly. Kurt had definitely left me sore in a way I really wasn’t used to.

       “What happened to you?” Sophie, a sexy raccoonmorph asked as I settled gingerly into one of the seats.

       “Kurt. I was paying him back for a favor. That boy sure isn’t a boy anymore!” I sighed.

       “You tied with Kurt?” Jill asked coming over and looking down at me.

       “Kurt has a knot?” Sophie asked.

       “Sure does, big one too,” Pam said adding a yawn and finding a place to sit. “Kind of deformed for a Vulp, they’re not usually that big. Most dogs don’t even have them that large.”

       I blinked, “Really?”

       Pam nodded. “Part of why he’s shy I guess, and part of why all the other gals here are afraid to bed him. I have to admire your spunk,” Pam laughed. “He scares the hell out of me when he ties.”

       Jill had dropped to her knees in front of me and had pushed back my robe and was sniffing at my cunt. I looked down at her.

       “He dumped quite a load. Always liked canine cum,” she purred and stuck her tongue into my pussy and started to lick and suck.

       I sunk my claws into the sides of the chair and arched a little.”

       “Tender?” Pam asked.

       “Yeah, he got pretty rough when we tied, aggressive too.” I shivered a little, Jill’s tonguing was starting to feel good.

       “Yeah, some dogs do that when they tie, and,” Pam grinned, “I sort of encouraged him to be that way.”

       I moaned as Jill put me legs over her shoulders and really started to go to town. “Well he learned well…” I panted.

       Jill herself spent another fifteen wonderful minutes cleaning every drop of Kurt’s seed she could reach with her tongue. I came hard twice.

       “There. All clean!” She purred sitting back on her haunches. I opened my eyes and noticed the other girls had all gone, but Kurt of all people was sitting there looking guilty while eating his breakfast, his cock making an obvious lump in his pants.

       Ahh Kurt! Just the person I wanted to see next…” Jill smiled and Kurt froze as she knee walked over to him. Jill was a large tiger woman, not large as in fat, just tall, well proportioned, and built. She stood nearly six and a half feet tall.

       “What’d I do?” Kurt said looking at me panicked.

       “It’s what you’re gonna do big boy,” She purred and reached out to stroke the lump in his pants.

       Kurt looked at me and I shrugged, though his eyes suddenly widened and then he just relaxed as Jill pantsed him and started sucking him off.

       “I believe she has a thing for Canine cum,” I said starting in on my own food before it got much colder. “And the taste of your cream in me must have wetted her appetite.

       He just nodded and groaned while grabbing Jill’s ears. I was kind of surprised by Jill’s behavior, she was pretty randy at times, but normally not this early. I found out later she’d had a late customer and had stayed up through the night. We all got wilder the longer we were up. Less inhibitions.

       I gave Kurt’s ears a rub as I left the kitchen and went to take a shower. He was pretty close to blowing his loud and Jill was purring up a storm. I figured he’d be fine.


       I woke up in the middle of the night to someone climbing into my bed.

       uh? Who?” I mumbled half awake.

       “Time to breed bitch!” I heard a faint growl.

       “Kurt? What are you…” and he cut me off by sticking his cock in my muzzle before I could say another word.

       “Suck it my little kitty bitch,” he panted. As usual I already was going to town oh him before I even realized what I was doing. I’d become so conditioned to sex, especially in my bed that I didn’t think twice. But we were going to have words about this, forcing me to give him a blow job!

       But he started to pre then and it did taste pretty yummy. I’d wait till after he came, then we’d have words. He couldn’t just barge in without asking and…

       I felt his tongue probing at my clit and pussy lips. He gave a few slow licks up and down the length then slipped his tongue inside me, working it in and out and going deeper each time. I groaned around his cock. I couldn’t help it, it felt so good and was so unexpected. I grabbed his ass and started kneading at it slurping at his shaft as his knot bumped my lips. It only took a few minutes and then he came. Hot and thick, I guess he’d spent all day recharging.

       “Kurt,” I gasped as he pulled out and reversed himself.

       “Oh don’t worry my little kitty bitch, the next load goes in your cunt!” he growled that out again, and this time he didn’t sound like he was playing. He forced my legs back and just plunged his cock right in me, falling on top of me and grabbing my breasts as he fucked, his paws grabbing roughly at my tits, his fingers pinching hard at my nipples.

       I couldn’t believe it! Kurt! Kurt the shy little fox boy who had worked around here for so long was raping me! I tried to push him off and he grabbed my throat in his jaws and growled, his paws grabbing harder at my breast.

       I arched under him, forcing down hard on his cock as I was seized with a tremendous orgasm! Kurt was raping me, forcing me, taking me! Without my permission! He rammed hard and put his knot in me then and growled in my ears again.

       “I see you really want it this time, well you’re gonna be my bitch all night now. Let’s see how many loads I can dump in that tight kitty snatch of yours!”

       He rammed me hard then, his knot moving painfully inside me at first, but soon the pain had passed again and I was once more coming on his knot. The bed creaked loudly beneath us and my screams of pleasure filled the room. I could feel his knot swelling inside me, then the telltale warmth as his hot cum pouring into my womb. I came again so hard I passed out beneath him.

       When I came too he was still panting hard.

       “Kurt what are you doing?” I moaned, we were still tied tightly together.

       “You’re on my cock now, we’re tied and you’re my bitch, so shut up and be a good little slut till I’ve had my fill,” he said with a laugh. He kissed me again then, forcing his tongue down my throat and started mauling my tits with his paws once more. I couldn’t help myself, I clamped down hard on his knot and started to buck and wiggle beneath him.

       “You’re such a slut for me,” he snickered as I went off again.

       He let me catch my breath that time then started to fuck me again. He couldn’t move very far, with his knot so tight inside me, but it was enough for me, and apparently for him too, a half hour or so later he growled and I could feel him cum in me again. Of course I came with him once again.

       I lost count of how many times I came that night. Of how many times he fucked me. We were tied until the sun started to peak through the window. Sometimes he’d just tease me and molest me to keep me bearing down tightly on his knot. Other times he’d actually fuck me and dump another load inside. When he finally pulled out I pretty much gushed fox seed and leopard juices in a thick mixture down my thighs and all over the bed.

       “Looks like someone is glad I came,” he smirked and slid up my body, “Now get me nice and clean so I can go back to bed without getting my covers all sticky.

       I nodded weakly and licked our mixed juices off of his quickly deflating cock. He kissed me on the nose then and left. I fell into a deep sleep and didn’t wake for hours.


       Keasha! Keasha wake up!”

       Someone was shaking me, I mumbled groggily and opened my eyes. It was Pam. I felt sore all over, delightfully sore. The kind of sore after a long night of good customers.

       I woke completely up. “Shit!” I grumbled.

       “I’ll say, you look like you had a freaking orgy in here, and the smell! Wow, making my thighs itch just standing here. You still going shopping with me? And who was the lucky guy? Or guys maybe?”

       “Kurt,” I growled.

       “Kurt?” she blinked, “Wow that kid has more in him than I realized.

       “You don’t understand, he raped me Pam!” I growled. “The little bastard came in here last night and took advantage of me. Tied me until the sun came up.”

       “What?” She looked at me. “Our Kurt? Rape?”

       I nodded and sat up looking at the mess on my bed. “Yeah, used me, abused me, god the nerve of him! He should have asked!”

       Pam scratched her head, “Umm, I think I’m confused here. You say Kurt came in here and raped you. But you don’t seem as upset about the fact he did it, just that he didn’t ask?”

       I shuddered and looked up at her, “It was unfucking believably good Pam, he pretty much nailed my rape fantasy completely. I came so hard I passed out more than once, and I totally lost count. He was just so male and so dominate.”

       Pam titled her head, “Kurt?”

       “Yeah Kurt. And while it was fun, I don’t want him to ever take that kind of liberty with me again. Or with anyone else. I’m wondering if I created a monster here Pam.”

       “Hmmm,” Pam looked at me with a paw on her chin. “Let me talk to the Kid, I’ve fucked him his last two birthdays. You go shower.”

       I nodded and got up. “Yow!” I snarled, “That kid makes you sore…”

       Pam laughed, “That he does honey, that he does. I’ll make sure he apologizes.”

       I paused, “Ummm, don’t make him apologize. It really was great Pam, he had me under his control so fast I couldn’t resist him. Tell him I loved it, but if he tries it again I’ll castrate him. I just wish I knew what I did that made him decide to do it.”

       Pam nodded, “Go shower.”


       I took a long time in the shower, I started thinking about what happened and before I knew it was had my paw in my snatch and was masturbating again. I had to drop to my knees I came so hard. I’d never been raped before, and I hadn’t realized just how big of a slut I’d become. I was mad that Kurt took the liberty on the one hand, and happy that he did on the other. I’d fantasized about rape, I knew that women did that back when I was a man. Accidentally or not, Kurt had fulfilled one of my fantasies last night.

       I’d have to reward him for that one of these days I thought. Then I stopped and thought about that. I wanted to reward the guy who had just raped me with even more sex. God I was becoming such a slut. I smiled at myself in the mirror, “If the boys on K street could only see me now. They’d have a heart attack!”

       As I walked back to my room I heard Pam and Kurt talking, I stopped outside the door out of sight and eavesdropped a little.

       “Really Pam, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me last night. It’s just Keasha such a sexy girl, and such a complete slut in bed. When she told me never to apologize for making her my bitch, I thought she wanted me to do her again.”

       “Kurt, Keasha enjoyed what you did last night, don’t be sorry for it, and what ever you do, don’t apologize to her for it. Yeah she’s a first class slut, she’s also got a submissive streak a mile wide and you just jumped all over it.

       “You got lucky, she was into what you did, and is just a bit miffed that you did it without asking. Always give a girl the chance to refuse you up front.”

       “Well, yeah, I’m sorry.”

       Keasha heard Pam laugh, “You’re a good kid Kurt, and you’re turning into one hell of a dom in bed. Pretty soon human women will be throwing money at you to get the kind of treatment you have poor Keasha last night.”

       “Well I said I was sorry, it won’t happen again.”

       “Nothing to be sorry for really,” she heard Pam say coming towards the door, no harm, no foul.”

       I ducked out of the way and then waited until Pam had walked away. I almost ran right into Kurt who was just leaving my room.

       “Oh! Hi Kurt,” I said a little embarrassed and looking at the floor.

       “Hi Keasha,” he said, I could hear his voice quivering a little, I think he was still worried. “I changed your sheets, everything’s cleaned up.”

       “Thanks Kurt,” I said and slid by him. He started to walk away and then a thought struck me.

       “Oh Kurt?” I asked and looked up, he turned around and looked at me.

       “Next Sunday night I want you to do to Pam exactly what you did to me. Exactly. Don’t ask permission either, just rape her ass hard.”

       He looked at me for a moment like I’d grown a second head, blinked, then suddenly smiled. “I think I understand.”



       When next Monday morning came around and when I went and woke Pam up she smiled at me. “You are such a Bastard and that boy is just fucking incredible!”

       “Yeah, so who do we sic him on next?” I grinned.