This story is just a look behind the scenes of some of the super hero's in a city. Two in particular (though one of them may not be much of a 'hero' at this stage). Parts are pretty kinky and have a lot of sex, others don't. M/F sex primarily. I write background for characters, parts that don't make it into real stories to give me insight to who they are and how they act. And sometimes I just write this stuff to get it out of my head so I can think of other stuff, or to work on different techniques. Some artists draw porn to practice. Me, I write it!


The Secret Life of a Super Hero


             "So I hear you've changed sides." She made it a simple statement.

             He nodded and laughed, "I'm not so sure I've changed sides as much as finally picked one."

             She gave him a raised eyebrow, "Oh?"

             He nodded again, leaning back into the cushions of the couch on which he was sprawled looking rather boneless in a typical feline way. He smiled warmly, the shorts he wore barely kept him decent, he knew she found him - enticing.

             "Going to explain?" she prompted after a few moments, a little annoyed at having to concede him this point. Of course this conversation had gone on longer than most of theirs in the past. Normally by now he'd be out of those shorts and mounting her equally naked form. Their relationship was often about sex and not much else.

             "I found a mate." He purred from the couch, dark furry tail curling coyly as he examined a rather sharp claw. "Her alliance is mainly with those who fight for and follow the laws."

             Her first reaction was to sigh loudly, if he was mated he probably wouldn't want to have sex with her anymore, and he was a rather good partner, his catlike body and fur making him rather sexy and exotic. Her second reaction was to look up at him sharply meeting his eyes as he said the last.

             "Are you here to...?" She let the question hang unanswered in the air between them a moment.

             "Arrest you, or fuck you?" He drawled out slowly, a smile appearing slowly on his cat like muzzle.

             "Yes," she answered a little breathlessly. She knew he was tough, and he was already well within her defenses. If he was here to take her back, she wasn't sure she'd be able to resist him.

             He saw her worried looks and laughed, reaching down to start undoing his shorts. "The only taking I have planned I'll be doing in your bed," he purred.

             She gave a large sigh of relief, no small part of it which was due to that she wouldn't have to fight for her freedom. However the larger part was that once again, a six foot two, two hundred pound black furred catman was going to fuck her senseless. He was very good at it and the fact that he might now be allied with her enemies didn't reduce her desire or willingness to have sex with him in the slightest.

             "What about your new wife?" She asked as he pressed his warm furry body against her warm smooth skinned and very female one.

             He smiled and looked down at her naked form, she was very well endowed, yet trim with a flat stomach, and a tight round ass. He could smell her arousal and wondered once again why so many beautiful women ended up in crime. He pulled her against his furry chest and bent his head to her's.

             "I'm allowed a certain amount of roaming. I am after all, a cat." He purred and then kissed her.

             She rubbed her body against his reaching down to stroke his aroused sex. He was definitely blessed. Not the largest she'd ever had no, but still a rather good size, plus he knew how to use it well.

             For his part he spent the next several hours using it very well on her indeed, along with using a good deal of the rest of his body against and on hers as well.


             "I can sense a spell on you." She said to him much later. He climbed her mountain at least twice, and he'd driven her to the pinnacle of her own pleasure more than a dozen times by now.

             "Yes, she put it there, it's nice, I like it." He said softly cuddling her.

             "It's a compulsion spell, you might want to get it removed." She warned him, "probably why you joined up with her."

             He laughed again, and pinched her in a spot that made her shiver. "Oh no, I joined up with her cause she's what I want, possessing her is without a doubt one of my greatest pleasures. The spell is just an added bonus. You see it not only adds to what I feel, but it has an affect on her as well."

             "Still, you should be free of it."

             He shook his head, "We did that once already for her friends," he chuckled at her astonished look, "Yes, they do hold to their own morals even amongst themselves. Anyway, they made her remove it the first time. Then I had her put it back on."

             "Why?" She looked surprised. From everything she knew about him, he was not the type to tie up with one woman.

             "Cause she's what I want," He shrugged. "If she had told me I had to give up all my other lovers, I would have, that she's told me I can keep a few if I want shows me I made the right choice."

             "Maybe she just wants to keep a few of her own around!" she laughed cruelly at him.

             He growled. "I told her I will not allow her to have any other lovers and will kill anyone she sleeps with!"

             She blinked at the ferocity of his statement, giving a little gasp as his hold on her had tightened considerably, making his claws prick at her skin.

             "Rather two faced, isn't that?" She shot back.

             He nodded and smiled relaxing once more, "Yes, but I am willing to give up all but her if she asks. But she doesn't mind, she knows where my heart lies and is satisfied with that."

             "So is the sex any good?"

             He grinned, "Unbelievable!"

             "Then why are you here?" She blinked.

             "Because you're a pretty good fuck yourself," He leered at her. "Though don't expect me around as much as I've been in the past."

             She nodded, "What are her friends going to think when they find out you're putting it to one of their enemies? Especially as you're living with one of their friends?"

             He shrugged, "None of their damn business. She's already made it clear, that our relationship isn't their concern."

             "Yeah, but now that the lust has worn off it's a bit disconcerting to me to have someone who is now allied with my enemies laying on top of me, with my legs over his shoulders and his cock deep inside me."

             He chuckled and kissed her. "Unless you do something really really bad, don't expect to see me coming after you. And if I ever do, I'll give you fair warning first," he promised. "And I'd be sure to keep seeing you in jail. Wouldn't want you to get too tight!" he snickered and flexed inside her.

             She smiled and bore down hard on him, enjoying the loud purr that escaped his muzzle. "You would too, wouldn't you?"

             He smiled and gave her another pinch and one thing quickly led to another. Another couple of hours went by before he said his goodbye and left.


             "Hi hon, have fun screwing your little bad girl?" His mate asked smiling at him as he walked in the door.

             "Yes I did," he laughed grabbing her and pulling her close, "But now it's time for the main course, don't you think?" He rubbed up against her, he knew he still stunk of Liz, her juices still hadn't dried in some parts of his fur.

             "Take a shower first, I don't mind you screwing her, but I don't want the scent of her in our bed."

             "How about right here on the floor by the front door?" He purred nibbling at his mate's ear and slipping a furry hand under her blouse to massage a well rounded breast.

             "Ohhh, that works," she sighed.

             He smiled and pulled her down to the floor while removing her garments. Her hands were fairly busy with his as well.

             He took his time with her, rubbing and licking her body, covering every inch except for her sex and her chest. Eventually he did go to work on her large firm tits, kneading and licking, sucking and biting, pulling, all the things that got her so excited that eventually he had to bury his muzzle between her legs.

Her heels had been kicking his back for a good thirty minutes and she'd screamed through at least three hard orgasms before he slid up and mounted her, moving his thick shaft into her slick dripping heat slowly. Even after all this foreplay she was still tight and possessed excellent muscle control. They ground against each other for over an hour, switching positions like gymnasts at a competition every so often, her working through another five orgasms until with a loud snarling growl he emptied himself inside her.

             Then they did it all over again.

             And again, and again.


             It was a long while later when he literally crawled exhausted into bed with Shirley, all traces of Liz's juices and scents completely gone or covered over with Shirley's. She admitted to him that his coming home smelling of another woman gave her a rather strong sexual urge to prove herself a better lover. He wasn't lying when he conceded that his mate had nothing to fear. The spell no doubt enhanced this belief and desire in the both of them. He didn't care, he just knew a good thing when he saw it and already planned to cut his liaisons with those in the underground to only a key few. He'd keep Liz, she was without a doubt one of the best sexually that he knew after his mate. She also was well connected to a lot of sources and still shared information with him. Then there were two others he'd probably keep up with, who were far more important than Liz, with a lot more power and connections. He'd not get anymore information from them he was sure, but someday he might need a favor from one of them. After all, he'd met his mate when she'd been captured. If she ever got in trouble again, he wanted to be sure that he had markers to call in.

             He also wanted to be sure the people who held her realized just who her mate was and what he was capable of doing. They'd seen his claws bloodied enough times to know that they didn't want him on their trail.



             He accompanied Shirley into her 'office' the next day. As an official 'super hero' she had a team, government support, offices, fancy gear, and all of that other stuff she worked with. There really weren't a lot of supers in the world, a pretty small percentage really when you thought about it. Even more fortunate is that the number of those with serious powers was smaller still, and few of those turned to a life of crime. But it was still enough that federal authorities employed more than a few supers, and he had to admit that they helped a lot on normal cases too, at least the more extreme cases. Plus they got all sorts of fancy stuff that most of those working the underground really envied.

             He remembered when she'd brought him to meet her team the first time, he'd insisted on it being in neutral territory, there were such places in the city where everyone behaved themselves. Even the feds. He'd had a few run-ins with members of her team before, even her, which was how she'd caught his eye in the first place. He knew a few of them would over react on seeing him:



             "Everybody, I have something I must tell you," Shirley had said to the group as they entered the bar. It wasn't very crowded as bars go, but still enough people to be public and keep them inline, good guys were always careful about their behavior in public, only the bad guys didn't care and she had to admit Sean had been right about that one.

             "What Shirl?" Centurion had asked. His real name was Bill, but he insisted on being called Centurion. Before the feds got involved he'd had a secret identity, it wasn't exactly secret anymore, though to the public he was still the Centurion, and really only the team knew his real identity. She guessed old habits died hard, though a few in her group did have real secret identities still, even from the rest of the team.

             "I have a mate, and I'm getting married to him soon." She said, noticing the surprised looks on the other team members as well as the two regular agents who worked with the team and had accompanied them here at her request tonight. She also noticed Jimmy looked a tad jealous. He'd tried to get in her pants a number of times, he was a good kid, but he was a kid and she preferred men.

             "Where is he?" Thadieus said looking around.

             "Promise me you'll behave first, all of you." She said turning to them.

             "Why?" Centurion asked.

             "Cause you all know him and don't like him. Simple." She said giving each one of them a hard look.

             "Everyone behave, that's an order!" Tomas, the group's leader said softly, but in a voice that brooked no insubordination. He was one of the few with a real secret identity, not even the feds knew who he was.

             They all nodded.

             "Why thank you Tomas" Shirley heard behind her as Sean, her new mate, had slid out of the shadows to stand behind her, his furry handpaws on her shoulders. She wished she knew how he did that, no one had been able to see him there in the shadows and she'd even known which one he'd be in, as he'd told her.

             Most of the rest looked shocked, even Tomas looked a bit surprised, and Jimmy looked livid. The two agents, both normals, twitched a little, but behaved as well.

             "Shadow cat!" Jimmy spat out.

             "The one and the only," Sean said smiling.

             Shirley leaned back against him, her arms spreading a bit, making it clear that she was putting herself in the way of any idea's anyone might be having.

             "But Shirl, he's a bad guy!" Jimmy had said shocked.

             "Not bad, just misunderstood," Sean had said chuckling.

             "What have you done to her?" Jimmy demanded loudly.

             "Jimmy!" Shirley said, "Shut UP!"

             "Shut up Jimmy, you're being rude," Tomas put in suddenly shutting Jimmy up with a stern glance, and causing the rest to look back and forth from Tomas to Sean and back again as Jimmy closed his mouth and just scowled.

             "Why him?" Tomas continued.

             "He saved my life." Shirley blushed leaning back a bit more, smiling a little as Sean wrapped his strong feline arms around her. She was the only one here who now knew his true name of course, the rest just knew him as Shadow Cat, and he'd definitely saved her from a fate worse than death.

             "That's all? I'd say he's done more than that from the way you're leaning into him," Tomas said smiling suddenly.

             "Well, ummm, he is my mate you know..."

             "We'll come back to that." He look up at Shadow, "Let's go for a walk, I want to chat a bit."

             "You can't go out with him all by yourself!" Jimmy blurted out.

             "I agree Tomas," Centurion said looking concerned, "it wouldn't be safe."

             "Don't worry, I can deal with the Shadow here." He turned to Shadow Cat. "Come on."

             And Shirley and the rest watched as they walked out of the bar alone.

             "Why him?" Centurion asked, putting a strong hand on Jimmy's shoulder to silence him, the other members of her team and the two regular agents still kept their silence, all looking rather shocked.

             "Because I love him, and I know he cares about me."

             "That's all?"

             "He treats me good too. He's willing to give up everything he's got and switch sides for me. Would any of you do that for me?"

             They all blinked.

             "He probably just wants to steal our secrets." Jimmy grumbled.

             "No one can lie to Shirley, you know that Jimmy." Fiona finally spoke up. "Besides, I've dealt with Shadow Cat in the past. He's not evil, he'd be a good ally."

             Shirley noticed Centurion and the two agents nodded a little to that. The rest looked skeptical.

             "Well whatever the rest of you decide, he's my man now and I'll quit the team before I give him up." She looked at all of them, one at a time. "And I mean that."


                          *                        *                        *


             "Why her?" Tomas asked him as they strolled away from the bar. "I thought you had a nice little harem going."

             "She puts them all to shame." Shadow chuckled.

             "Really?" Tomas said raising an eyebrow, "I'd never have suspected that, she's usually Miss Proper."

             "Oh don't let her fool you, she's quite the animal in bed."

             "Don't tell me this is all just about sex? I thought I had you figured out better than that."

             Shadow snorted, "Of course there is more to it. When I found out they had her I set about planning on how to get her out. It's a bit harder now to get away with that kind of stuff ever since that Jimmy idiot opened his mouth at the wrong time."

             "Yeah I guess I'm going to have to have a little talk with him about that. He doesn't seem to realize that the underground isn't a unified front."

             Shadow nodded, "Anyway, first chance she got, she did some real nasty shit to me, not the kind of stuff I thought any of you were capable of."

             "Really? Wow. Care to say what?" Tomas looked curious as they came to the coffee shop. He held the door and Shadow passed inside turning his back to Tomas as he walked by.

             "Not a chance. I guess someone had told her what they were going to do to her. But I was impressed. Not only could she do it, but she actually would do it. She was quite embarrassed later when she found out I was planning to help her from the first."

             "And of course you took complete advantage of it."

             "Oh of course, I mean come on, look at her, quite the knockout. Besides, after what she had done I'm not exactly sure who took advantage of whom." Shadow Cat laughed, "She likes cats. A lot."

             Tomas laughed as well at that. "Any girl that would have you must." He turned to the lady behind the counter and ordered one cup of coffee and another of tea. "All these years I've been trying to turn you and Shirley does it in a night."

             "More like a couple of nights," Shadow laughed, the inside of his cat ears flushing red and flicking a bit.

             Tomas looked at the big feline morph. He'd crossed paths with him the first time over ten years ago. They said having a black cat cross your path was bad luck, and Shadow had quite the reputation in the underground, he was definitely a super. But on the other hand Shadow had been feeding him information on those who committed murder and rape for almost eight years now. And he'd secretly helped in the rescue of a number of agents and super heros who'd been caught. He’d been a valuable asset for many years, but he still wasn't exactly sure he had the guy figured out.

             "So again, why? Why her? Why now? Why'd you even run with the underground in the first place?"

             Shadow took his tea and sipped it. "I've always told you, the bad guys get all the hot chicks." He looked up at Tomas and shrugged, "as for Shirley? She's the one for me. I guess it's a cat thing or some such. But we were laying there together and I could smell her, her lust, her fear, her desires, and her hopes. And I just knew."

             "So just like that?" Tomas looked skeptical.

             "For me, yes. For her, no. I had to prove myself a bit first. Then she had to make up her own mind. Let me tell you, it was six hours of hell. It she had rejected me, it would have been pretty rough."

             "Now there's a confession. But only six hours? Sounds like a whirlwind to me."

             Shadow shrugged, "The fact that she can tell if you're lying probably helped."

             "You know there are going to be a lot of repercussions over this, don't you?"

             "I'm not wanted for anything, and most of what I'm suspected on I had nothing to do with. I just didn't discourage the rumor. Again, I really wasn't hanging with the underground for the crime, just the chicks and the atmosphere."

             "Oh please, I know you're not some innocent."

             "Welllll, there's nothing out there anyone can prove. So I wouldn't worry about it."

             "What about 'Laughing Boy'? I heard he was on the warpath for you after Jimmy's little comment to the press that you had helped an agent escape."

             Shadow Cat sighed and looked around, "Let's go back to the bar."

             Tomas nodded and followed him out of the bar.

             "Listen," Shadow said as they walked down the street, his voice pitched low, "Laughing Boy tried to kill me almost two weeks ago. It was pretty nasty - a few others got hurt in the attempt on me. And there were a lot of witnesses around so he could demonstrate what happens to those who cross him."

             "I hadn't heard anything about that." Tomas looked a little concerned.

             "And you won't for a while," Shadow confided. "He's dead. I wiped him out, gutted, shredded, D&C'd. I told everyone there if I heard a peep about it I'd do the same to them. By the time they finally do talk about it I'm sure it'll be exaggerated way out of proportion. 'Good guys' don't do that shit. So no one in the underground is going to question my motives or my past. Laughing Boy was a vicious sociopath, and a pretty powerful super, after what I did to him no one down there is going to want to fuck with me for a long, long time."

             He nodded. "If you work with us, you'll have to cut down on that kind of thing."

             "Don't worry, as long as Shirley's life isn't on the line, I won't. But if it is, I'll kill everything and anyone in my way."

             Tomas nodded again as they walked into the bar. "I can respect that."


Sean chuckled to himself thinking back about it all. There had also been some upset when they found out Shirley had him under a compulsion spell. They hadn't believed that he'd allowed it to quell any fears she had about the feral side of his nature. They'd believed it less when he said he kind of liked it.

             "Remember last week when you had to remove the compulsion spell?" He asked Shirley as they walked in through the front doors of the government office building that housed her team's headquarters.

             "Sheesh!" she laughed, "When you suddenly came into the room and started telling them to mind there own business and then asking me to put it back on you. That really blew their minds."

             "Well I guess I can't complain, the side effect of the spell taking hold was still a lot of fun."

             She sniggered, "Yeah, I heard that our little fuck fest was witnessed by Fiona and Centurion."

             "Really? I wouldn't have put him down as a voyeur."

             "Well he has the hots for Fiona, so he watched with her for quite a while." She sniggered again.

             "Okay, give. What did Fiona say?"

             "That he's quite well developed under that outfit of his. They're dating now."

             "Really? Wow. I guess I'll get the blame from Jimmy for that one too." Sean smiled.

             "You need to lighten up on him a bit." She sighed ruffling his neck fur with her hand.

             "Once he's stopped drooling over you when he thinks I'm not looking, and stops thinking of me as the enemy. Until then I don't think we're going to be friends." Sean shrugged.

             "Oh, we need a new name for you I think. Shadow Cat attaches you too much to your past, and I don't think you want to share your real name with anyone."

             Sean nodded, "True. But I kind of like being Shadow Cat"

             "Well just keep an open mind”

He nodded. “I’ll try.”

“Any ideas?"

             He shook his head, "Not at the moment. If you have something feel free to suggest it."

             "I still worry sometime that my compulsion spell overrides your own desires hon, so I like to ask first."

             "Don't worry about it. My rational side is already taken up with love for you so that spell has no effect," he smiled and bent over to kiss her, enjoying the warm glow in her eyes as he did so. "And my animal side still remembers this morning." He whispered and watched as she blushed.

             "Besides, I like the effect it has on you."

             "I can't believe that you want me so much as to allow me to put a leash on you solely because it effectively leashes me as well." She said quietly as they walked over to the elevators.

             "Yeah, blows my mind too. But you were afraid I'd maul you in your sleep, and I was afraid you'd run away."

             "And now?"

             "I like the feeling of being tied to you." He rubbed up against her in the elevator, making her laugh and drawing a slightly scandalized look from the other passengers.

             "Not what I'd expect to hear from a cat." She whispered.

             "Well big cats are a little different." He whispered back.

             "Yeah, kinky too."

             "Hush you," he purred looking embarrassed now as they drew looks again.



             Sean prowled around the halls a little, while Shirley met with her team and practiced. Shirley's powers were mostly magical, though she could transform slightly and grow huge feathered wings that allowed her to fly. On the streets people tended to call her 'The Angel' and Sean had to admit she looked angelic enough, especially when they were making love. She was a bit new to the game, only really having trained her powers to the point of being able to do her job less than two years ago.

             Sean wasn't surprised that she'd fallen prey to foul play either. An exotic looker like her would have been used and abused heavily by the darker denizens of the underground, turned into someone’s fancy sex slave and abused until her mind was shattered. Personally Sean didn't care what people did to each other, as long as they were willing. Or deserving. But he had no stomach for seeing innocents getting destroyed, or people who were simply trying to help others.

             His own powers were rather extensive, his superpower being one of the rarer ones, though he’d made sure people didn't know that. He'd always kept the extent and manner of his powers a closely guarded secret. Simply put, he could change forms, as long as all the forms looked almost exactly alike, except his base human form which he rarely used anymore, and his base cat form. His original human form was his own little secret identity, and his base cat form his original 'super' form, though it had no real super powers of its own.

             Now while that might not sound like much, he could make every other aspect of each new form different. One form was optimized for hand to hand combat, knives, and other martial weapons and could fight as a true Master. Another was a weapon's expert with all sorts of guns and explosives. Yet another could stalk, and trail anything, as well as sneak, and hide so as to be completely undetectable. It took him many months sometimes even years to develop a new form, it wasn't easy, and sometimes took the help of another person. Once a new form was finished he couldn't access its skills unless he was in it, but he could shift forms in the blink of an eye, and after fourteen years of hard work he'd amassed eight forms. All had those skills at extra normal levels, some even possessed super skills. Now he had an idea for a ninth, though he suspected it wouldn't be an easy one. But then they all took a lot of work to develop at first.

             He enjoyed the looks he got from the other people around the building as he wandered around it for a while. He shifted into his sexiest form, yes he had made one specifically for sex, and he knew it just oozed sensuality. He enjoyed the looks the gals gave him, and the more dismissal ones from the guys. He liked being underestimated by people he might have run-ins with. He was sure there'd be a lot of 'That guy isn't dangerous!' comments going around by the day's end. Those who needed to know better already did after all.


             "Sorry to leave you sitting around there hon," Shirley said to him four hours later when she came back to her desk and sat down in her chair. "There was a bunch of training they wanted to run us through. Not just our normal weekly session."

             He nodded. "I've seen team training sessions, I know how they work."

             "Really? I thought most places didn't allow spectators."

             "I wasn't exactly invited," he chuckled, "was just curious about it, so snuck into a place and watched once years ago." He remembered that rather fondly. It was after he had developed his stealth form. He'd done quite a bit of sneaking around that year. Harmless, but fun.

             "Maybe you should try it with us sometime?" She asked looking at him sidelong. She'd not suggested his actually joining her team before.

             "Maybe someday. For now just remember that if we ever do get involved in something, I'm going to protect you and not much beyond that. If I'm seen as an active member of your team, a lot of my former associates aren't going to very friendly towards me anymore."

             She nodded, "I can understand that, but isn't marrying me going to have the same effect?"

             He shrugged, "Eventually, but everyone knows my taste in women, and they'll all suspect I'm just hanging around so I can put it to you constantly."

             "Kind of a low opinion of you, isn't it?" she smirked.

             "But not far from the truth," he grinned, "they'd all be scandalized a lot more than your friends were if they were to discover I'd actually fallen in love with you."

             "Bad boys don't fall for good girls, huh?"

             He kissed her. "Usually it's the other way around. But then I was never really much of a bad boy. I've been feeding your team leader information for years now on the more serious bad guys."

             "I thought you two looked a bit too at ease with each other! Got any other surprises for me?"

             He nodded, "A few, in due time."

             "Well at least everyone has accepted you as my mate and soon to be Husband. Though I think Jimmy is still upset. But he'll get over it."

             "Somebody needs to get that kid laid," Sean chuckled, "Then he'd be less of a problem to everybody."

             "Yeah, you're probably right. But he still thinks you're here just to figure out our strengths and weaknesses."

             He smiled, "Already know them. It's not really that hard to find them out if you read the news reports, and have been around to witness a few of your operations."

             She nodded, "That's true, we did roust a few places where you were, as I recall." She grinned as she said the last bit.

             "Yup, couldn't catch me either you'll recall as well. Though when they added you to the team I was a bit worried about what you might be able to do."

             "Well you seem to have a pretty good idea of that now."

             He nodded, "Especially what you'll do if you think you're cornered."

             She blushed and looked at the floor.

             Putting his hand under her chin he lifted her head until their eyes met. "You did the right thing, you had no idea that I was going to help you, you thought I was there to hurt you."

             "Still, I took you over, I controlled you, did things to you. I forced you to do things."

             "Yes and you paid for it later of your own free will. If it hadn't happened we wouldn't be here today. So for all of the pain it caused me, I think it was worth it."

             "I still feel bad about it."

             "I know, and I love you for it. Though I also love you for having the strength to do it when you thought you had no other choice."

             "But still..."

             "But me no buts. And don't be afraid to do it again if you ever have to. I'd rather have you around to apologize for your actions, then not have you around at all."

             She nodded. "I know. I just never knew I was capable of that kind of power."

             "Fear is a great motivator. So is survival."

             "This is getting a little morbid," She smiled perking up and standing back up. "Lets go get some food."

             "Sounds good to me. Any more work today?"

             She shook her head, "No, we've got a pretty open schedule when we're not working on a case."

             "Sounds like a good job."

             She nodded, "Actually it is. Want me to get you on the payroll?"

             "I'm independently wealthy." He chuckled, "So not right away."

             "Wealthy huh? Should I ask?"

             "Probably not!"

             She nodded again. "I suspected as much. Well just keep your nose clean now, I'd hate to have to arrest your furry butt."

             He nodded and smiled, "My days of crime are far behind me dear. Don't worry!"



             "I want to show you something," He said to her. It was later that night, they were in his place, his lair, his safehouse. The one place he'd never taken anyone until he'd taken her. It wasn't anyplace terribly special, oh it had a gym and was laid back and very comfortable, and was well defended of course, but really rather plain otherwise. He'd never brought anyone else here before though, because it was his retreat, and now he wanted it to be her's too.

             "What?" she yawned waking up.

             "My secret identity, what I used to look like."

             Her eyes snapped opened fully and she sat up, of course the sheet covering her fell down then, and he gazed lovingly at the way her firm tits jostled, the nipples dark and enticing. "Secret identity? I thought you always looked like that."

             He shook his head, "I can be a cat, well panther actually, and I can be the human I was born."

             "So why don't you?" She asked curious.

             "Well I'm afraid the cat will get shot at, though I do change into that form once in a while. The other, well," he smiled at her, "I prefer this form."

             She smiled lazily, "Me too."

             "Well I thought I'd show you," He got out of the bed, covered only in his fur.

             She watched and it was if she'd blinked, and then there was a guy there, well developed, sure, but a normal guy.

             "So?" he asked, she noticed his voice had changed a little, but not much.

             "Turn around," she said.

             He did and she noticed he had a nice butt on him, and the rest didn't look too bad either. She could see the similarities but there were differences too.

             "Not bad," she said, "you got a cute butt, though I miss your tail."

             "Yeah, me too," he grinned and suddenly he was back like he had been before. "Now watch carefully here for a minute."


             He counted then, one to eight.

             "Notice anything there at all?" he asked.

             "Yes, you seemed to be a little bit different each time you counted. What was that?"

             "My forms." He gave her a brief description then of his powers and she nodded slowly.

             "Now I want you to change," he said to her.

             "Okay," and suddenly she had her wings. He had her get out of the bed and looked her over, running his paws over her body, noticing the subtle differences in her form now.

             "And you can fly like this? Or do you need magic too?" He asked stroking her wings and body.

             "Yes, I can fly just like this. No magic is involved beyond whatever lets me make the change."

             He nodded, "I'm going to try and add another form," he smiled, "Bat like wings, and maybe a nice pair of horns." He chuckled.

             "You'll look like some sort of demon!" she laughed.

             "Well who else would be fucking an angel?" he smirked, "but I want to be able to fly with you."

             "Hmm, sex in the air huh?" she winked at him.

             "And people say I'm the one with sex on the brain all the time!" He grinned.

             "Well how do you go about doing it?" She asked.

             "Well first I need someone to train me in the things I need to do, and in this case make alterations to me, in the form of spells or such. So I need someone to cast wings on me. Think you can do it?"

             "Hmmmm," she pondered a bit. "I'll have to work on it, and they wouldn't last more than a few minutes."

             "That would be enough, once I know how to make the form I can eventually create it. Then I just have to train myself to use it."

             "How can you create a new form? That just seems, well, impossible."

             He laughed and moved around behind her, rubbing her butt. His cock was getting ideas, and those wings did look kind of sexy.

             "Bend over and brace yourself on the table, would you hun?" he purred smiling as she did as he asked and spread her wings and legs a bit for him as well. "It's like you learning a spell," he said softly, moving in between her legs from behind, rubbing his shaft between them. "It takes a lot of time, concentration, and practice. Also, I can't learn them very often, and I have to perfect the new one before I can even try to start on another."

             "Sounds hard," she breathed reaching back under herself to guide him to her.

             "Very," he panted and slid into her heat.

             She moaned softly and they made love slowly, with him stroking her wings with his paws as he stroked inside her with his shaft.



             Her parents had been a bit upset when they found out their daughter was marrying a cat. Her siblings didn't seem to mind much, and all exhibited some degree of talent. He wouldn't be surprised if at least one of them developed into a super as well. She whacked him on the back of the head once as he watched her younger sister.

             "I've already let you have some toys, my sister is off limits prowler." She chided him.

             "Yeah, but I like to look," he chuckled, "She looks a lot like you, almost as cute."

             "Uh-huh" she grinned.

             “Also I think she’s going to have some power too.”

             Her expression changed, “You think so?”

             “Yeah, not sure what, but that’s the real reason I’m watching her.”

             Shirley nodded. “I guess I’ll have to start keeping an eye on her myself then. You can keep yours back in your head,” she teased.

             He just smiled back.

             Later he had taken her parents aside and told them that he was really human, he just had to keep it secret. They didn't understand really, but accepted him more after that. He didn't tell them that their daughter was sleeping with his cat form, he figured they didn't need to know.

             "So how soon can I expect grandchildren?" her mom had asked drawing a sharp rebuke from Shirley.

             "Mother! Really now!" she gasped.

             "Oh it's okay hon," Sean had said to her and then turned to her parents, "As soon as I can talk her into it, I promise." He grinned ignoring her kick to his shins under the table. "I want at least four, hopefully more!" He chuckled and tried not to wince as she kicked him several more times.

             After that her parents thawed considerably more.

             "I can't believe you said that to them!" She said to him later as they headed home, sounding slightly outraged.

             "Hey, I'm a cat. I want cubs, what can I say?" He grinned and gave her ear a lick.

             "And don't I get a say?" she asked.

             "I said as soon as I could convince you dear, didn't I?"

             "Well yes you did. So you want kids huh?" She looked surprised.

             "Yup. I know you're probably not ready yet, and that's fine. But when you are, you don't have to worry about selling me on the idea." He purred.

             "I suspect you're going to be trying to sell me on it." She sighed.

             He nodded, "Eventually. But I promise to wait a while."

             "Uh-huh," she chuckled, "Remind me to keep my birth control devices away from you, wouldn't want to tempt you to tamper with them."

             "Awww," he smirked.

             "That reminds me. Are you fertile?" She looked across at him.

             He nodded, "Very."

             "Good, wouldn't want my kitty to be shooting blanks," she smirked and decided not to ask how he knew. She suspected suddenly that he had quite a few bastards floating around out there.


             Shirley moaned loudly as Sean hammered his fat cock heavily into her pussy. He had her bent back almost in half, her thighs pushing back hard against her heavy tits as she shivered and moaned even louder as he continued his heavy assault against her body. She had her ankles locked behind his neck, her fingernails were digging into his furry butt, they’d been going at it for longer than she could remember, and he’d finally flipped her onto her back, bending her in half and just shagging her like an animal.

             Through her glazed eyes she could see his face, feral, fangs exposed as his lips pulled back, ears flat to his skull now. She could feel the spines along his cock inflating, pulling at her insides, driving her crazy, she’d lost track of how many times she’d cum so far, and this one looked liked it’d be the big one, the way he was driving into her now she knew he wouldn’t be much longer.

             “Yes Sean, Yes! Cum in me honey, cum in meeeeee!” she screamed as she finally tripped over the edge one last time, her cunt clamping down tight on his cock, the drumming of his balls against her upturned ass suddenly stopping as with a loud yowling roar he drove in hard and pinned her to the bed, his cock swelling mightily in her tight sleeve.

             She screamed in delight as she felt the hot fluids rush into her body, his balls emptying their copious load inside of her, he always shot a far larger load than any human man had ever pumped into her body, and it turned her on even more, drove home the point that the growling snarling male above her was as much beast as man. She held him tight against her as he held her as well, until both of their orgasms were spent and they lay there, panting, in tight embrace.

             “Somebody needed that,” she teased him, using her ankles to pull his face down to hers. She knew he was constantly amazed by how she could do that.

             “You seemed to enjoy it too,” he purred kissing her.

             “Oh definitely,” she giggled, “I like my big sexy panther!” and she gave his ears a rub causing him to purr again, and twitch inside her, which of course made her twitch as well.

             “Ohhh baby,” he shivered and kissed her again.

             “Oh lover,” she moaned and nuzzled him back.

             Eventually she unwrapped her legs and he rolled onto his back pulling her with him, so they could snuggle up and fall asleep. They’d been married several months now, the wedding having been a small private affair, and still their ardor showed no signs of slowing. After six months of being together at times it seemed they were even more drawn to make love to each other. She wasn’t complaining, and neither was he. But it was unexpected by both of them. She snuggled in closer and fell asleep.

             Sean woke up a few hours later, and carefully disengaged himself from his mate. Considering the now dried bodily fluids in his fur had tangled with the small mound of public hair she had, he felt rather satisfied that he was able to do it without waking her up. His need for sleep was less than hers, so he quietly stole out of the room and cleaned himself up, then returned to the room crawling up behind her and spooning against her. He smiled as she snuggled back against him in her sleep. He could have gone out and taken care of business. Sometimes he did, making sure to get back before she woke up. Sometimes he went into the study and took care of the more mundane aspects of his life, and his legitimate business dealings.

             But tonight he was just going to lie in bed and snuggle, maybe catch a few naps in the process. Sometimes he just preferred to be with his mate, even if she was asleep. Part of it was his animal side, she was his mate and that side of him wanted her close at times. Part of it was just his affection and love for her, he enjoyed this quiet time with her and often wondered what she would think if she knew he often spent hours just holding her and looking at her while she slept. He thought it funny that she sometimes worried about his animal side; his animal side knew what she was, and would never hurt her. Some cats were extremely attached to their mates and devoted. Such was his feline side, her spell had really little affect on him. The effects it had on her however he enjoyed quite often, so he was more than happy to allow it to persist.

             He wondered if she’d leave the spell on when she finally figured that one out. He’d miss the feedback from her the spell gave him at times, but he knew she loved him, so he didn’t have to worry about anything else changing.

             His life in the underground of course had changed quite a bit now. Everyone knew he was putting it to the Angel, and there was a mixture of suspicion and envy. A few even thought it cool that he was putting one over on the ‘good guys’ believing it all to be a ploy. Of those down there he used to sleep with Liz was still on his list, he usually saw her once a week. There was also Nance, whom he saw every other week or so, and Circe whom he probably saw almost as much, though it varied.

             Liz’s big thing was the brothel she ran, all of her girls had powers, and used them on their clients. The brothel was illegal of course, and what the girls did was often illegal too. Liz’s other big thing was information, a lot of which was gathered by her girls. Though if you wanted someone shown a very ‘special’ time, she could arrange for that too. Nance was a former assassin, who dealt more now in arranging contracts. He and she had a run in, and one thing led to another and well she never did fulfill that contract and he didn’t kill her for taking it in the first place. With Liz he traded information, with Nance he traded protection, they each watched the other’s back and did small favors. Both were bad, but not really bad. They’d mellowed over time and most of the bad they did these days went against very deserving people.

             But Circe, she was a very different story. She was powerful, very powerful, and she was bad, sometimes evil, but her rules were clear cut and known to all. Sean had seen her do some pretty bad stuff, he’d even been a party to some of it, though not exactly willing. She had a lot of respect and a lot of fear, and their own relationship was just completely strange. She didn’t exactly like him, and he didn’t exactly like her, sometimes they bordered on hate. But her power was over animals, and he was one. Or partially one. So she couldn’t hurt or resist him without damaging her own powers, on the other hand, he was in the same position. They could pull at each other, and they often did, but neither owned the other. So he often found himself drawn to her side when she was in trouble or in need. Or just plain horny. She didn’t sleep with humans, only animals. He’d had her as a cat hundreds of times, and as a cat man maybe half that. As the most intelligent thing she slept with, he knew he fulfilled a need in her that the tiger or wolf she normally kept company with couldn’t.

             So he helped her when she desperately needed it, and when it didn’t violate his ethics. In return she restrained herself from her more violent impulses. As Faustian bargains went he thought he’d gotten a pretty good deal. Yeah, maybe if she was killed then he wouldn’t need to restrain her anymore, but she spoke strongly to the animal in him, so he couldn’t let her get killed unless she was doing something that clearly flew in the face of his being. He’d made sure she knew that too.

             This is probably what had led to the largest amount of his reputation. Everyone in the underground ‘knew’ he ran with Circe, and Circe was some serious shit. Circe didn’t tolerate second stringers in her employ either, if you didn’t deliver you didn’t last. But the Shadow had been with her for a good long time, and they’d even been seen to fight in public. Therefore the Shadow had to be some serious shit as well. And all of this brought him around to just what had happened yesterday:


             “Well, as I live and breath, if it isn’t the Shadow, where have you been kitty? Had enough of your new bitch?” Circe said as he padded into the room.

             Sean growled, letting his fur rise. He’d put off this meeting as long as he could, he’d not avoided her this long ever before, but he knew there’d be fireworks. “Don’t push it Circe,” his voice in his full cat form was rough to start with, anger didn’t help it sound any better.

             “I’m not the one who ran off with miss goody two-shoes cutesy winged angel bitch,” she snarled. “defecting to the other side on me! How dare you betray me like that! And then the nerve of you to even show your face around here again!”

             Sean snarled back at her, “You called, I came. You don’t control me Circe, and I was never on your side to start with!”

             “I’ve heard how you are living with her, hanging out with those feds! You can’t lie to me about this!”

             “She’s my mate now Circe, you better learn to accept that, ‘cause it isn’t going to change.” Sean started pacing back and forth in front of her, his tail lashing behind him as he kept her fixed in his sight. The others had cleared out of the room as soon as this conversation had started, even the animals.

             “Hah! You with a mate? I hear you’re still fucking around town, but you haven’t graced my room I’ve seen.”

             “Oh so is this what it’s all about? Haven’t had enough panther cock lately?”

             Circe turned livid and screamed making fists at her side, “I don’t need you or your dick, you furry bastard! You’ve betrayed me!”

             “I haven’t betrayed anyone!” he hissed, claws ripping at the floor as he paced. She could always set him off, and he could feel his blood boil. “I came here for my own reasons, I leave for my own reasons. I help you because you often leave me little choice!”

             “Oh I’ll give you a choice you bastard, I’ll send you back to your feathered bitch in a box!” and she let go at him with a bolt of pure energy, scorching the falls and floor where he had been standing.

             Had been. He’d been with her long enough to know what she had planned and dodged as she pointed, springing towards a wall, angling up to hit the ceiling then down on the floor with a very heavy and loud *thump* in front of her. Jumping up inside her arms he grabbed her neck and with a loud growl and pushed her back down onto the floor. Using his claws he shredded her clothes until she lay naked beneath him. She’d pissed him off something fierce, she’d used him all these years, and now for once he was gonna use her. She grabbed at his face, his ears his neck, trying to pull him off as he held her in his jaws. He growled louder and squeezed a warning as she started to hit his face.

             She didn’t realize he had settled between her legs or what he was up to until suddenly his hard cock raced up inside of her making her scream in outrage. She was tight, and she was dry and he didn’t give a damn. He fucked her hard, and he fucked her fast, his bestial form raping her as he pounded her hard into the carpet. He growled louder as his precum lubed the way, and louder still when she finally submitted to him and grabbed him tight. He wasn’t much longer after that and with a roar of triumph he let go of her neck and filled her womb with his cum.

             “If you ever try and do that again, I’ll rip your throat out!” he snarled in her ear. “Now you’re my bitch for the rest of the night and I’m not leaving until you’re sore!”

             She whimpered in fear and lust beneath him. Her attack had left her temporarily powerless against him, and he planned to make her pay.

             “I’m, I’m sorry,” she sniffed, almost crying.

             “Bullshit. Don’t lie to me Circe!” he snarled again.

             “Okay… I’m not sorry,” She said, still a little shaky, “But why didn’t you kill me?”

             “Our agreement still holds. Though you’re in serious danger of breaking it right now” he said rotating his panther hips against her. “But you’re going to be my slave tonight and satisfy me, do what I want, follow my orders.”

             “So you’re, you’re not going away?” She brightened slightly, “but what about that bi…” She stopped as he growled, “err, your wife?”

             “I’ll be around less, and there are more things I won’t help you with. My obligations to her outweigh any to you.” He nuzzled her slightly and then purred: “however, I won’t let them kill you”.

             She blinked, “What?”

             “You heard me, now, on your hands and knees, I’m nowhere near finished with you.”

             She gasped as he pulled out and stood over her, grabbing her side with a paw and flipping her onto her stomach. “On your knees bitch” he growled. He was definitely enjoying this.

             “Y..yes” she gasped again, his rough manner and brutish behavior turning her on. She liked animals, she liked it even more when they acted like it. Shadow had always been dangerous, but he’d never taken the upper hand before.  She rose to her knees, wiggling her ass up against his belly.

             “Someone wants something,” Sean growled, his nostrils flaring as he took a deep sniff. “Somebody’s in heat! Aren’t they Circe?” Sean laughed.

             She whimpered, “You’ll still protect me?” and rubbed her ass back towards his cock, it was still hard and poked into her rump.

             “I won’t let them kill you, more than that, no promises Circe. You keep going the way you are, and we both know you’re gonna draw a lot of heat. Now hold still a sec” he growled and grabbed her hips, steadying her a moment he quickly mounted her, purring in pleasure as he re-entered her heat. This time she was nice and wet.

             Circe arched her back and moaned as he plunged in to the hilt again.

             “I won’t keep you out of jail, but I won’t let anyone kill you.”

             She moaned and nodded, he started to fuck her then, hard fast strokes and for her further conversation became impossible as she gasped and moaned.

             Sean smiled from his mount on her back. He put his paws on her shoulders and pushed her tits into the floor beneath letting her bear his weight as his hips slammed her ass. His crotch fur was soon soaked and the sound of his wet crotch slamming her upraised ass filled the room in short order. He purred louder as she grabbed as his cock with her very talented cunt, the scent of her excitement filling his senses. He pounded her fast and hard, just like the animal in him liked it. When he finally game, growling through his orgasm as he pumped Circe full of his seed once more, she came hard on his cock, milking his cream from his shaft with her tight sleeve.

             He took a minute to catch his breath, walked over to a large bowel of fresh water and took a sip. Then with a yawn he padded back over to Circe and stretched. He grinned at her and stuck his nose under her crotch and lifted her back onto her knees. She was still coming down from her last orgasm as he roughly mounted her again and started fucking her all over again. In his full cat form he recharged pretty quick. Especially when the gal under him was in heat. He was going to have his way with Circe for a very long time today, and when he was done with her, he was definitely going to leave a little something of himself in her womb.


             Shirley yawned and stretched opening her eyes she looked up at Sean who was smiling down at her. “What’s on your mind hon?”

             “Oh, just thinking about what I did to Circe,” he laughed. “I never did that to her before, she always had more power over me. Not anymore though.”

             “She really doesn’t like me, does she?” Shirley said shaking her head.

             “Oh no, but she knows if she does anything to you, I’ll kill her. On the other hand I’ll stop you guys from killing her, or anyone else in the underground.”

             “She still has a hold on you, doesn’t she?”

             He nodded, “A little. But you redefined it, and last night she redefined it again by her behavior.” He left out the bit about his having most probably knocked Circe up last night. He’d bring that up later. Along with a few other things. “She’s got a lot of power, and a lot of issues. Being part animal always gave her an edge. I’m glad she doesn’t have it anymore, I keep hoping she’ll tone down and mend her ways, but I’m not gonna take any chances for her any more.”

             “Good” Shirley smiled, “cause I’d hate to have to get on your case about it. I don’t mind you fucking her, but I don’t want you supporting her reign of terror.”

             “Well, yeah. I’m putting some space there. But I do owe her hon. She did a lot for me that I need to pay back. I won’t stop you guys from jailing her when the time comes, I’ll probably even help. But I’m not gonna let anyone kill her.”

             “With her rep, that’s going to be a tough job.”

             “I know, I know.” He sighed, “We shall just see Love.”

             She smiled and kissed him, “I know. I trust you hon. Now scoot over her and show me that you mean it!” she laughed.

             He grabbed her and pulled her close.

             “Oh no,” she chided, “do me like you did her last night.”

             “I did her pretty rough,” he warned shifting into his full cat form.

             “That’s okay,” Shirley said huskily as he pinned her to the bed with a heavy paw, “Fuck me Shadow, fuck me hard and show me what kind of animal you really are.”

             Sean growled and let himself go, he took her just as hard as he had Circe. He wasn’t about to give his mate anything less. He took her first on her back, then on her hands and knees several times. He would have gone much longer, but they did have to get up for work.


             “Ow,” She said cleaning off another of the scratches on her sides. He’d drawn blood in a few places and she was scratched well in several more.

             “Sorry hon, but I warned you,” he said slightly abashed.

             “Well it was pretty hot,” she laughed. “Did you leave her this cut up?”

             “Yup, I was conquering her, raping her, after all.”

             She leaned over and kissed him, “They’ll heal. Besides, it let’s people know where I’ve been!”

             “Shirley!” he blushed ducking his head. “And people say I’m bad!”

             She snickered, “I want people to know who my mate is. Don’t you?”

             He smiled, “Of course…”



             Sean got a few nasty looks later that day, some of the scratches he left on her were not covered by her costume, and it didn’t take too much imagination to figure out just what had been going on. Shirley was being somewhat shameless, rubbing up against him and showing affection more than normal. He could tell the whole idea that everyone figured she was being raped by some nasty animal turned her on something fierce. He smiled and put up with it, but next time he would be sure to make her wear something to cut down on the scratches. It was just too damn embarrassing.

             “Jimmy’s on the warpath,” Centurion said later that day, coming over to sit by him as he waited at Shirley’s desk. She was off training on some new toy of theirs.

             “Damn, what’s wrong with that kid today?”

             Centurion laughed, “The obvious signs that you and Shirley really do get down and nasty. What else?”

             Sean sighed, “He’s gonna be trouble, isn’t he?”

             “Probably, but I think most of the team is on your side at this point. She’s your wife, if you two want to get a little kinky now and again, what business is it of ours?”

             “Well somebody better keep an eye on the kid. If he comes after me it won’t be pretty.”

             “I’ll make sure Tomas has somebody keep an eye on the kid.”


             “No problem. Jimmy’s starting to annoy everybody lately with his behavior. Somebody needs to check his attitude.”

             “I just don’t want it to be me.”

             He nodded and left then as Shirley came back.


             The next day Jimmy vanished, pretty much without a trace. I was questioned of course, Shirley didn’t like that but I told her they were right to question me. The team started to panic after twenty-four hours. After forty-eight they were beside themselves. After all, they weren’t working any cases and Jimmy wasn’t one for sneaking off by himself. After four days they were all working heavily on the case, there were no leads.

             “Maybe you should go talk to your sources,” Shirley said, “See if any of them have heard anything.”

             Sean shook his head, “If they knew anything, I would have gotten a call already.”

             “Isn’t there anything you can do?”

             “If I go down there and take action on this, it will firmly put me in everyone’s minds as a member of your team. It will also let everyone know that someone from your team got grabbed. Neither of those things would be good right now.”

             “It’s because you don’t like him, isn’t it?” she said, her tone growing a little upset.

             “That’s part of it.” He admitted, “Though we don’t even know if anyone there would know anything about it.”

             “You could ask!”

             “There will be a price for me to pay hon, and I’m not talking money either,” he warned her.

             “What would you do if it were me?” She said looking unto his eyes.

             “Kill and maim a lot of people until you were returned to me unharmed.” He growled slightly as he said it, noticing her start slightly. “What did you expect me to say? You’re mated to a dangerous wild animal! I’ll fight to the death for you. But for Jimmy,” He looked deep into her eyes, “I’ll not do anything unless you ask me to.”

             “I’m asking you to.”

             “Either they killed him right away, or they’re sitting on him for a reason. Assuming it’s anyone I know. I’ll make a few discrete inquiries over the next few days. If nothing has come up by the weekend, I’ll poke around and see what I can turn up. Okay?”

             She nodded slowly, “I guess. But I’m not happy about it.”

             He sighed, “You think I can’t tell?”

             “Then why don’t you do something now?”

             “Cause now is too late. Trust me, okay?”

             Shirley grumbled, but accepted. That night wasn’t much fun for either of them, neither was the next day. That night Sean was thinking if Jimmy wasn’t dead, he’d probably kill him when he showed up. Shirley was still upset and they hadn’t had sex in days. So when the phone rang at two in the morning, he was less than happy.

             “What?” he growled.

             “Why Shadow, something the matter?” Came the feminine voice from the phone.

             Sean sighed, “Don’t play games Nance, I’m not in the mood.”

             “Gee, maybe I could do something about it for you Shadow? Ease your concerns?”

             “NANCE!” Shadow yelled, causing Shirley to bolt upright, wide awake now, “Cut the shit and tell me what you’ve got!”

             “I’ve got something here that belongs to you, what else?”

             “Then put it in a box and mail it to me, okay?” He growled.

             “I don’t know if he’d live through that now Shadow. He’s a most disagreeable sort you know.”

             I sighed, “Nance, right now I’m extremely tempted to tell you to keep him and hang up the phone.” Sean looked over at Shirley who glared at him as he said that.

             “I think your wife would have words with you for that.”

             “Just tell me what you want.”

             “You, over here, now, alone.”

             Sean looked over at Shirley, whose eyes were wide.

             “We’re not going down that road again, are we Nance?”

             The voice on the phone laughed, “Oh no, you can tell your Angel you’ll be home – in a day or two.”

             “Okay, I’m coming.”

             “Don’t you want to hear if he’s still alive?” Nance teased over the phone.

             “If you got me out of a warm bed at this time of the night for a corpse, God himself won’t be able to save you,” he growled and hung up the phone.

             “What will she do to him?” Shirley asked.

             “Don’t worry about what she’ll do to him, worry about what I’m going to do to him!” he snarled.

             “Don’t be rash now hon!”

             “He’s interfered with our love life and closeness; he’s got you giving me grief. Sorry hon. If he doesn’t have a great story, he’s gonna pay.”

             Shirley sighed. “Yes hon. Please don’t kill him.”

             Sean kissed her, “okay. Get some sleep.”


             Sean headed over to Nance’s place. The underground wasn’t exactly a place, even if people talked about it as such, though most of the people and the places were located in the worst part of town. Nance was in the middle of it. One of her servants met him at the door.

             “Ah Shadow,” She smiled as he walked into the room.

             “Where is he?”

             “Aren’t you pleased to see me?”

             Sean looked at her and smiled, “Always, it’s not you that has me down. So what do you have for me?”

             “Come, I’ll show you.”

             Sean nodded and followed her, she led him down the hall and into a room. Inside there was Jimmy, hanging by his feet, gagged and blindfolded.

             “How’d he end up here?” Sean asked, noticing that Jimmy started to struggle again when he heard Sean’s voice.

             “I bought him.”

             “Oh?” Sean’s ears swiveled forward in interest.

             “Yeah, seems he went to a bordello, and ran up quite the bill.”

             “He refused to pay?”

             “No, he just started causing problems, acting like the big shot. He got into a fight, lost, and the only thing that probably saved him was he let out who he was.”

             Sean sighed, “Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy.” He turned back to Nance, “And then?”

             “The bordello owner figured she’d buy off the guy before he killed the kid.”

             Sean nodded, he had a pretty good feeling who that owner was, and that they wouldn’t have let the kid get killed. But no one was ever going to tell Jimmy that.

             “The owner thought I’d maybe want to make an investment, and here he is.”

             I walked over and pulled the gag out of Jimmy’s mouth.

             “I’m gonna get you for this Shadow!” were the first words out of Jimmy’s mouth.

             Sean punched Jimmy in the gut, hard, smiling as the kid started to swing back and forth.

             “Listen Jimmy,” He said very quietly in to the kid’s ear. “You have caused me a lot of problems here. I now have to go do something to pay for your bills. And trust me; they’re not going to want cash. Of course I could just leave you here for them, and I probably should. So you shut your mouth, and don’t worry, I promise that when all this is said and done I’m going to kick the ever loving shit out of you.”

             Sean stuck the gag back in Jimmy’s mouth. “Let’s go talk about what you want,” he said to Nance and followed her back to her bedroom.

             “Okay, Liz tagged him and you bought him. Why?”

             “Why else stud?” Nance laughed, and slowly slipped out of the dress she was wearing. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath. “It’s time for you to perform.”

             Sean blinked, “Umm, I’m missing something here Nan, I would have been over here for this normally.”

             “Not exactly stud.”

             “Stud?” Sean sniffed at Nance, his eye’s widening.

             “That’s right honey. You knocked Circe up, now you’re gonna do me.”

             “What? How’d you find that out already?”

             “Circe and Liz talked. Seems as Liz already birthed one of your bastards, Circe wanted to know what was in store.”

             Sean blinked, dumbfounded. “You want a kid?”

             “I want your kid, Shadow stud. Now that you’re married, I figured if I didn’t act now, I probably never would. You want that kid back, you got to breed.” She smiled and kissed his nose. “Life for a life.”

             Sean grumbled and grabbed her ass, “The wife is gonna have words when she finds out just how much breeding I’ve been doing the last few weeks. I’m just shocked you want my cub. Circe, yeah, she’s kinky like that, getting knocked up by a cat is just her thing. But you?”

             “Hey, you’re a super, I’m a super, I want prize winning kids. You’re the best pick I know genetically.” She reached down and undid his shorts, “besides, you’re a good fuck and a proven stud.”

             Sean grabbed her tit in one paw and ass in the other. “Well we best get started then.” He chuckled kissing her deeply.

             Nance shivered and dropped to her knees, pulling his shorts all the way down she started to pub his balls and tongue at the opening to his sheath. It was only a moment before his cock started to slip out and she eagerly started sucking on it, getting him nice and hard and making him grunt and growl.

             “Time to mount kitty!” she chucked and sprawled back onto the thick throw rug behind her.

             “There’s gonna be a definite population boom here in 9 months,” he purred and fisting his cock crawled sinuously between her spread legs, rubbing the slick head back and forth over her very wet lips. “Somebody is pretty excited!” he murred, nostrils flaring at her scent.

             “I’m about to get impregnated by a huge fucking cat man. If that doesn’t get you hot, you’ve obviously assumed room temperature!” she groaned grabbing his hips and tugging. “Mount Kitty, come on, I need you inside me.”

             “My pleasure Nance,” he growled and then purred loudly as he sank into her heat. She was hotter than he could remember, and unbelievably slick. He started right into a nice hard fucking stroke, her legs wrapping around his hips and her hips working against him in hard counter point.

             “Breed me baby,” she moaned, “Breed me. Fill me with that hot seed of yours!”

             Sean stroked her hard and fast, and it wasn’t long before he was panting heavily as he rode her. He could feel the fleshy ‘spines’ along his cock pulling at her insides, his balls were heavy with his seed, and she was moaning and shivering beneath him, twisting and bucking against him, urging him on, actually begging for his seed. He held off however, pounding her hard with his dick and slowly driving her across the floor with the strength of his thrusts, digging into the floor with his foot claws as they slowly covered the distance to the far wall.

             He took a very long time with her, it wasn’t bestial so much as it was punishing. He wanted her to be sore, he wanted her to remember this, he wanted her to beg. Their relationship had always been one where he was dominate. And even though she had the upper hand tonight, he wanted her to be sure who was the one in charge here. As they finally neared the far wall he let himself go and with a snarl his cock swelled then spit out his seed, pumping her so full the excess poured out past her stretched lips and dripped down her ass crack to the floor.

             “This will be my child” He whispered softly in her ear, “and you had damn well better be a good mother Nance because married or not, I’m gonna be around a lot more often from now on.”

             He felt her shudder and her eyes were wide with surprise.

             “Liz should have told you I take an active interest in my children’s welfare.” He smiled as she slowly nodded.

             “Good, now go get me something to drink and we’ll see about round two,” he purred and slowly withdrew from her, smiling at the way their mixed juices dripped from her sex.

             “Who’s the one with the hostage here Shadow?” Nance said, her voice a little weak.

             “I am,” he purred and smiled at her, “I have our son right here,” and he pointed to his balls, “and if you want him there,” he tapped her belly. “You’ll go get me something to drink. This is hard work after all.”

             “Work?” she snorted as she slowly, and a little shakily got to her feet, “Gee, how flattering.”

             He jumped up and grabbed her from behind pulling her against his well muscled form. “If I didn’t care, I’d have ripped out your throat and not agreed to father a child with you.” He said softly. “I’m sure my mate will be upset with me doing this without her permission. But I’m not doing it for that asshole in the next room. I’m doing it for you. If I’d ever known you wanted this, I would have given it to you years ago.”

             He swatted her on the ass making her jump, “Now go get something to drink, bring a pitcher!” and he jumped up onto the bed, stretching out.

             Nance yipped as he swatted her and went to get a pitcher of water. The warmth of his juices inside her made her feel a little funny, because she knew this time, somewhere inside her was an egg, her egg, and sometime in the next day or so his sperm would find that egg and she’d be pregnant. She quickened her pace as she got a pitcher from the fridge with a couple of glasses and quickly returned. All the men she’d killed, and now she was begging one to knock her up. Then again, she’d never been able to kill this one. If ever there was anyone who deserved the privilege of making her pregnant, Shadow was the one.

             Sean smiled as she walked into the room, taking the pitcher and a glass, he took a long drink of water. “You do understand of course that from this moment on you can’t try to kill me anymore, right? I don’t want to take the chance that either of our antics might endanger our child.”

             She nodded, “Of course. But you know I gave up on that ages ago.”

             “Yes, but we never made it clear. Now I’m making it clear.” He set down the glass and pulled her close, locking his muzzle to her left tit, gently biting and pulling on the nipple with his teeth.

             She grabbed his ears and slowly started to rub as he drew her back on to the bed. It was going to be a long enjoyable night…


             More than 24 hours had gone by when Shadow dragged his very tired body into the room that still held Jimmy. Nance had drained him so many times he’d lost count, and wasn’t willing to let him catch more than the briefest of cat naps. He had no doubt she’d conceive, he’d pumped so much cum into her it would take a miracle for her not to. He slashed at the rope holding Jimmy upside down with his claws and gave a satisfied grunt as it parted and tumbled the kid to the floor, rather painfully as well. He pulled the gag out but left the blindfold on.

             “Ready to go home Jimmy?” He snarled.

             “I thought you were going to leave me to die, you bastard!”

             Sean kicked him, hard. He smiled again as he felt a rib break enjoying the cry of pain from Jimmy.

             “I’ll get you for that, you fucking Bully!” Jimmy gasped.

             Sean kicked him again, less hard, but making sure to hit the spot where the rib was. “Shut up Jimmy. Shut up and listen.”

             “I’m not going to listen to you!”

             Sean growled and looked around, spying a broom he broke off the handle and started to beat Jimmy with it, working him over for a full minute.

             “Don’t think I won’t beat you into a coma kid. Or worse. You ready to listen?”

             “Why should I listen to you?” he spat.

             “Cause you upset my wife. You forced me to do something that will upset her further. And your behavior around her has pissed me off to the point where the only thing standing between you and death is my love for her and my very long friendship with your boss.” He kicked Jimmy again, breaking another rib. “Besides, I’m enjoying this too much, if you actually shut up and listen to me, you’ll be spoiling my fun. So what’s it going to be?”

             “Okay,” Jimmy gasped, the pain was tremendous, the last kick had jostled his arm, which he was pretty sure had been broken in the fight he’d had before he’d been captured. He could feel the tears coming from his eyes and felt ashamed that Shadow would see this.

             Shadow smiled and bent closer, noticing the tears as well. “What’s this? Tears? Why Jimmy, and here I thought you were a hard ass and didn’t cry like the rest of us. Who’d have thought you might be human after all. Now, what the fuck were you doing in that whore house?”

             “What are you talking about?”

             Shadow nudged him lightly with his foot, close to where he’d snapped a rib, “I can go back to beating you to death if you want.”

             “Okay, okay,” he sobbed, “I wanted to get laid, I want to prove I’m as good as you are, that I can fuck those tramps who live down here.”

             “Jimmy, -I- don’t even fuck those girls! It’s not just the diseases you have to worry about, those women can be vicious, they’ll eat you alive if you’re not careful.” He sighed and shook his head. “Kid, you got a good thing going, a cushy government job, a lot of good press, decent young girls probably lock their doors and masturbate dreaming of having sex with you. Why the hell do you want to fuck that all up? Isn’t it enough?”

             “But Shirley would never look at me, even Fiona wouldn’t. But they both look at you! I’ve seen that look, a lot of the woman can’t take their eyes off you. And then Shirley,” he sobbed a bit.

             “You really want to fuck her, don’t you?” Shadow growled angrily.

             Jimmy shivered at the growl, he suddenly realized that he was in trouble. Up to now he kept figuring that no matter what he’d be saved, now he knew he was on his own.

             “Don’t lie to me Jimmy.” Shadow warned.

             “Yes! Okay? Yes I want to fuck her. I want her, I love her!”

             “You don’t love her,” Sean laughed, “And she certainly doesn’t love you! You just see a hot gal and you want to have her. If you cared a damn about her, you would have gotten to know her and thought of her as more than just a piece of meat with tits.”

             Shadow grabbed the back of Jimmy’s hair and pulled his head back, “Listen clearly.” He growled softly, dangerously. “Shirley is my wife. If you ever touch her, I will kill you. That’s if she doesn’t kill you herself first. There is a lot between us you don’t know about, and never will because it’s none of your business. Understand?”

             Jimmy nodded, scared, his breath coming in short gasps.

             “Your problem is you want to run before you can walk. Date some of the girls in your fan club, I’m sure you’ve got one by now, seems all you good guys always do. You want to fuck a girl? Fuck them. They’re safe and they’ll be happy to have you.”

             Jimmy nodded again.

             “And just remember this, I saved your ass tonight, and it cost me to do so. You owe me. I don’t care if you like me, right now I sure don’t like you! But you owe me and you will respect me, and you will show me and my mate that respect from now on.” Sean smiled to himself, he finally had the kid’s attention, now to throw him a bone, and see if the kid could learn. “I can teach you a lot of things about women and the underground Jimmy, stuff you’d probably find rather useful. It’s up to you.”

             Jimmy thought about that as Shadow helped him to his feet and let him out of the wherever it was they were at. It was a long painful trip for him, he was weak and tired and in a lot of pain. But he noticed that Shadow helped him carefully, didn’t let him fall, and kept him from walking into anything. Maybe Shadow was right. Lord knows this whole trip had been a mistake. Maybe he’d been wrong.

             Sean took his time and led Jimmy on a confusing route through the warehouses. He wanted to be sure the kid couldn’t retrace these steps. Eventually he got him to his car, and drove him back to the center. He was pleased that everyone made a great deal of a fuss over his bringing Jimmy back. Was even more pleased that Jimmy didn’t tell anyone about the beating he’d given the kid. Of course he told Tomas, and Shirley, even if it got Shirley angry at him. But they both agreed that Jimmy was getting way out of line, and if this reined him in, it was okay.

             So he went home much happier then he had been when he left it, Shirley also in much better spirits. She even brushed out his fur for him, a bit surprised when he fell into a deep exhausted sleep long before she was done. She knew he’d had to do something to get Jimmy free, but she figured he’d tell her later. She could wait.



             Sean slept the clock around, and awoke with a ravenous hunger. He stuffed himself full and then went into Shirley’s work to catch up with her. He felt a little guilty over what had happened. Yes he’d been cornered into doing it to save Jimmy, but he’d enjoyed it completely and he wanted to father a child on Nance.

He walked into the office like he belonged there now, no one questioned him, and he made a few nods to some familiar faces as he walked down the main hall and into the secure area in the back. Then there was the kid he’d just planted in Circe, not to mention the one he had with Liz and the other three out there running around. He sighed as he plopped his butt into the chair behind Shirley’s desk and stared at the picture of him she had on her desk, yes, he’d have to tell her soon.

             “What was that sigh for hun?” Shirley asked coming up from behind him.

             “I have things I guess I need to tell you. And I’m not sure you’re going to like them all.”

             Shirley looked at him askew, “You didn’t kill anyone, did you?”

             “Not recently, no.”

             “This have to do with what happened last night?” She asked peering down at him, his ears were drooping a bit, she could tell he was conflicted.

             “Yeah, and then some.”

             “Well lets go someplace private.”

             He nodded and they headed back out again. He took her to his lair in the city; it was pretty close after all.

             She looked at the small but well appointed apartment. It was well hidden in the purloined letter manner. Well defended as too. She watched as he locked the door and set the alarm.

             “It’s like this hon. I had to breed Nance for Jimmy.”

             Shirley shrugged, “So you fucked her, I don’t mind.”

             “No, I bred her hon. Knocked her up. She’s pregnant now with my child.”

             “What?” Shirley looked shocked. “You did what?”

             “Fucked her all night because she was in heat and wasn’t going to let him go unless she was sure I’d gotten her pregnant.”

             Shirley looked at Sean, he really looked upset, his tail was dragging and his ears were flat. “I’d thought you’d be rather proud to have knocked up one of your playthings.” Her voice showed her puzzledness.

             “But it’s not our child. I didn’t make it with you!” he said softly.

             “Sean, you know I don’t want kids yet. In a few years, yes, but not right now. So why did she want your child?”

             “Why else? She’s hot for me, and wants a kid, so I’m the prime candidate.”

             “But why now?”

             “Welllll,” he dragged it out, looking down again.

             “Now what…”

             “I knocked Circe up last month when we had that big go around.”

             “Sean! Really!” Shirley gasped.

             “Well, I was in cat form and she sprung her heat on me in the heat of the moment, and well, I kind of just lost control.” He looked embarrassed.

             “So how did Nance find out?”

             “Circe went to Liz for advice.”

             “Fuck toy number three. Right. Do all these girls keep in touch?” Shirley’s voice was a lot more sarcastic than Sean had heard before.

             “Well I have a three year old daughter with Liz, so she wanted to know what to expect.”

             Shirley’s eyebrows went all the way up. She had suspected, now she knew. “Just how many cubs do you have out there?”

             “Three others.”

             “You sure that’s all?” She demanded. She was a bit upset, and surprised that she was. She knew he’d get her pregnant first chance he got. She was even guarding her birth control pills because she wouldn’t put it past him to toss them on her.

             “Yeah, I’m sure.”

             “Tell me about them. Now.”

             He looked up at her. “One is with a gal who has since married a successful man. She has other children and he treats my daughter as if she were his own. I don’t visit her, because she doesn’t want me too, and I don’t want to rock the boat. Liz’s kid happened about the same time, she got me drunk and took advantage of me. Not that I minded. I visit my daughter with her about once every two weeks. Liz keeps her well insulated from the underground. Few people know about it.”

             “The other two?”

             “Wellll, basically I bought a sex slave and bred her because I thought it would be fun.” He said it really quick.

             “Sean! You did what?” she said in disbelief.

             “I bought a sex slave. And she was really quite devoted.” He sighed wistfully. “Did what ever I wanted. So eventually I knocked her up. Went so well, a year later I knocked her up again.”

             “And just what happened to her?” Shirley asked eyes narrowing.

             “I set her free. Or tried to at least. She’s got a nice house in a nice part of town. I have a son and a daughter with her. I visit when I can, and I try to help her be more assertive and sure of herself. But mainly I avoid her face to face.”

             “Why’s that?” Shirley looked surprised.

             “Cause if I get near her, I have to fuck her.” Sean shook his head.

             “Have to?” Shirley snorted in disbelief.

             “She is still my slave in her mind, and her actions around me prey on my cat side. I know she’s my toy. It’s hard to keep free of it. It’s like a drug. I don’t love her, I like her, she’s a nice person. But she’s mine to use, and she makes it clear whenever I’m about. It’s hard to avoid.”

             “I’m surprised you didn’t ask me to put her on your list.”

             “I want her to find someone who will treat her like a human,” Sean said looking up at her from where he had sat on a couch, “not to continue as a sex slave and fucktoy to a demented perverted cat.”

             “You are not demented.” Shirley grinned, “Though I can’t argue perverted.”

             “You haven’t seen what I’ve done to her. She has brought out the worst in me at times.”

             Shirley thought about that. “Well, I’ll just have to judge that for myself.”

             Sean’s head shot up and he starred at her, “What?”

             “You’re going to introduce me. The other three know who I am, so I’ll just pay them visits on my own. But this one I’ll probably want you to introduce me.”

             Sean blinked at her and shook his head, “What?”

             “I want to meet the women who are having my Husband’s children, or who have had,” she said quietly.

             “I don’t think Circe would be safe…”

             “Circe,” she growled cutting him off, “will damn well be safe or I will kick her ass long and hard. These women are all going to understand that you are my property and I’m only loaning you out. I am not going to let any of them turn your children into criminals.”

             Sean stood up suddenly and stared Shirley down, “I have told them in no uncertain terms what I would do to them if they ever proved to be bad mothers for my children. You will please not threaten them further on that score or I’ll put you over my knee and spank you.”

             “You’ll do what?” Shirley looked surprised.

             “Spank you. I am the ultimate authority in this household when it comes to matters of family. You are the light of my life dear, and I love you completely. But I’m in charge.” He stated simply.

             Shirley got that funny feeling in her stomach that he gave her sometimes. The one that drew her to him so often.

             Sean pulled her close and purred, “So you’re taking this better than I thought you would.”

             Shirley sighed, “I can’t blame you for the ones before me, besides I suspected as much. These last two,” She shrugged, “I can’t say I’m not jealous, because I am a little. But I don’t want to have a child at the moment, so if you want to father one on those girls, well I already said you can fuck them to your heart’s content. This is just a natural consequence.”

             Sean leaned down and kissed her, taking his time and making it a nice long passionate kiss. “Thanks for not trying to kill me over it.” He purred.

             Shirley smiled, “So when do I get to meet the sex slave?”

             “Ummm, you sure you want to do that?”

             “Oh definitely. I want to see this girl who you can’t control yourself around.”

             Sean sighed, “Yes dear. Just don’t blame me for whatever happens.”


             Sean knocked on the door, and waited, it didn't take long.

             "Master! You're here!!" and she flung herself into his arms, and kissed him, and then immediately untangled herself and fell to her knees before him abasing herself. "Oh I'm sorry Master! I shouldn't have presumed! Please forgive me! I'm sorry!" and she kissed his feet, while running one hand carressingly up his leg. All outside in public. At least it was dark out.

             Shirley almost laughed at the spectacle. Her mate's slave was hot alright, a good foot shorter than him, trim, stacked, and made up to look very alluring. She could tell that the apology was only half meant, she was tempting him, to either punish her or reward her, Shirley wasn't sure, maybe both. She could see Sean was uncomfortable with the situation. Probably because she was here.

             "Inside Janet." Sean growled and stepped past her.

             Janet meekly followed him in with a curious glance at Shirley, who brought  up the rear closing the door behind her.

             "Janet, this is my mate Shirley. She wanted to meet you." Sean said looking around and tossing his overcoat onto the back of one of the couches.

             "Hello Shirley," Janet said taking Shirley's hand and going down to her knees again, "As my Master's wife and mate I welcome you. All that I have is yours and your wish is my command."

             Shirley blinked surprised, Janet was completely sincere, she could tell with her magic that she meant every last word. She was also rubbing Shirley's hand in a most interesting way. She retireved her hand slowly. "Thank you Janet."

             "You're welcome Mistress." She smiled and stood back up and turned back to Sean, "I missed you Master, can I get you anything? A drink? Food?" she turned to Shirley, "Mistress?"

             Shirley noticed that Janet would only look up for an instant when she turned to you, then would immediately look down submissively.

             "Shirley would like to see my children Janet. I assume they're in bed now?"

             "Yes Master. I make them go to bed at 10 now like you told me to. They're asleep, should I wake them?"

             Sean looked up at Shirley who shook her head no.

             "That's not necessary, she can meet them later."

             "Let me show you their rooms, you can peek in if you wish."

             "I know the way Janet," Sean smiled, "wait for us in the den, we'll be in shortly."

             Janet beamed at that and lightly ran off as Sean led Shirley down thehall.

             "Wow." Shirley said glancing back at Janet.

             "You haven't seen the half of it, trust me." Sean softly growled. "Now this is William's room, he's the oldest."

             Shirley looked in on William, then on Sarah in the next room. "How old are they?" she asked as they withdrew.

             "Nine and eight."

             "I got the impression you had Janet around when you got Liz pregnant."

             Shrugged, "No, these were second and third."

             "Do they know who their Daddy is?" Shirley asked looking up at him.

             He nodded, "Yes, though of late I haven't been spending as much time with them."

             "Why's that?"

             "Umm, I've been busy with someone very important to me, and helping them at work?" He said gently with a smile.

             Shirley made a little 'oh' and nodded. She felt a little guilty but he pressed up against her as if reading her mind.

             "Don't worry about it, when things settle down I'll make it up to them. I always do."

             She nodded and he led her down to the den.

             Stepping into the den she was again taken aback, if just a little. It was very definitely a room for being comfortable, and very much off limit to the Children she guessed as well. A guess that was confirmed as Sean closed the door behind him and locked it.

             There were several day lounges, a small bar, lots of pillows, soft lighting, silk, erotic art, and a toy chest that was open and very full of adult toys. And posed submissively in little more than a slave harness and good intentions was Janet, wrists crossed and eyes down submissively at the floor.

             "Can this slave please her Master in any way?" Janet said and followed it right up with, "Or her new Mistress?"

             "Drinks please. Tea would be nice."

             "Yes Master!" Janet said and sprung up to go get make some.

             Shirley looked up at Sean who smiled and shrugged sitting down on a large plush couch along the wall and motioning for Shirley to join him.

             "My 'den'" he purred, "Janet likes to be prepared should I drop by."

             "It's been a while, since you dropped by that is?"

             Janet was back with the tea, she kneeled before them with the tray and they both helped themselves.

             "My Master hasn't visited me in a while," Janet said looking sad, "but he's here now!" she perked back up and undid Sean's sandals and started to stroke and rub his feet.

             Shirley watched interested while sipping her tea. It was rather good and she could see that Sean was relaxing back into the couch as Janet worked on his feet, rubbing her face occasionally against his leg as she worked. She noticed Janet would steal little looks up at Sean, and was carefully starting to work a little higher each time. It didn't take long to figure out what Janet wanted from her mate.

             Sean for his part was enjoying it, as always. He felt a little self conscious with Shirley watching, but as those well trained fingers started in on his thighs he could feel himself starting to rise to the occasion. Janet's eyes were mostly on his crotch, which was starting to thicken noticeably, all he had on were the silk shorts he usually wore at this point. He looked over at Shirley who was watching with extreme interest. He noticed that Janet was stealing glances at her too now, unsure of how to proceed, but unwilling to stop. She wanted to submit to him, he could see it in every line of her body and could even smell her need. It made him want her all that much more.

             "Master?" Janet almost whined looking up at him, and down at his crotch.

             "Yes slave?" Sean grinned.


             "Of for goodness sake," Shirley said starting to actually feel sorry for Janet, "fuck her brains out already hon."

             Janet perked right up and smiled.

             "You may pull my shorts down Janet," Sean growled, "And nothing else." He warned.

             Janet pouted and did as she was told, a shiver running through her body as she got to see her Master's stiff black cock once more.

             Shirley sat back and watched, fascinated as her mate teased and took his time. First he let her smell him, then only touch with her face, her mouth remaining closed. Then he let her use her tongue, after a while he let her suck him. And so it progressed, Sean giving her orders, letting her do a little at a time, his hands laced behind his head as he never once touched her in return. Eventually she was riding his cock, and still he didn't touch her, he hardly moved, just giving orders on what to do. Shirley had removed her own clothes at this point. She'd never ever watched two other people actually fuck before, and the way Sean was using and teasing Janet was getting her rather excited as well. He'd stop her every so often and make her change positions, or change the way she was doing something. It took Shirley awhile to figure it out be then it dawned on her, Sean was working her to the point of orgasm, but never letting her achieve one.

             Sean smiled at Janet as she bounced on his cock once more, he'd taken her to the edge twenty times now, and never let her go over it once. He could see the need in her eyes, on her face. It was sexy and was making him incredibly hard. His balls were full of cum now, but this act was far from over.

             "Off" he told her. "Stand over there." Then "Don't touch yourself, and watch."

             He then grabbed Shirley who gasped in surprise, not expecting it and pushed her over onto one of the day beds and mounted her quickly.

             "Somebody's all hot and wet!" he purred.

             "Oh Sean!" Shirley gasped surprised, he was hard as a rock and the nubs or spines down his cock were inflated too. It was like being suddenly plugged into the wall and she hadn't realized just how excited she was. She came instantly clamping down hard on his cock, and not at all surprised as with a growl he came with her, filling her completely with his seed, while Janet looked on forlornly, hungrily. Shirley grabbed Sean tighter and wrapped her body around him, milking him as best she could, as Sean made it clear who came first with him.

             Shirley relaxed back against the bed beneath her panting from the shock of such an unexpected screwing, but feeling quite mellow as Sean climbed off her and crooked a finger at Janet.

             "You want my seed?" he purred and pointed at Shirley's pussy, which was leaking his seed. "Go get it slave!" he growled.

             Shirley almost sat up but Sean put a hand on her chest, not that it mattered because Janet dove in and started sucking and licking like she was possessed. Shirley didn't even have time to feel shock or outrage before Janet's lips and fingers had her squirming on the bed.

             "You're a bastard Sean," She panted smiling.

             "You like?" he purred kissing her.

             "I take it back, you are depraved," Shirley groaned, "oh gods this feels great. When does she get hers?" She panted.

             "Once she makes you cum, then I'll make her cum." He smiled and moved behind Janet grabbing her hips and positioning her.

             "Once she makes you cum, then I'll give her what she needs," He purred rubbing his cock against the now upturned ass.

             Shirley noticed that Janet went after her with a will then, and knew she'd heard his words. She wrapped her legs around the girl's body and ground up against her face, enjoying the feeling of power as well as the actions, until with a cry of her own she came heavily.

             She came down as she watched her mate fuck Janet from behind. He took her hard and he took her deep and Shirley amused herself by playing with Janet's tit's while he rode her. It didn't take long before Janet had her first orgasm, nor her second, then her third. When she hit her fourth was when she saw Sean's body start to tremble and jerk as he growled out his own lust and dumped a load inside his slave. Shirley felt a bit curious about that, a little jealous about seeing another woman get one of 'her' loads. But also a bit proud at the way he so completely dominated her. And then there were the things she'd taken part in. She'd have to think about it.

             They all relaxed a while longer, then Sean announced they were spending the night and they all adjourned to the bedroom. They fucked again in the morning, though it wasn't as drawn out for Janet, he didn't punish her as much, but he fucked Shirley first, then her, this time with Shirley sitting on her face as Sean and Shirley kissed and hugged, with Sean mounting her.

             After that was done, and they were all cleaned up they adjourned to the kitchen for breakfast, were Shirley finally got to meet the kids.

             "Dad! Dad!" Will yelled followed quickly by Sarah as they hugged and mobbed him and even climbed over him a bit.

             Sean let them pull him out of the chair and romped with them a bit, then when that was done sat and listened carefully as they went a mile a minute telling him everything they had done, seen, or thought of over the last couple of weeks since he'd seen them last in between bites of their breakfast.

             Shirley watched amazed, up to now the only sides she'd see of her Shadow was the lover and loving husband, with a few short glimpses of the vicious animal underneath. Last night she saw a more perverted game player, which wasn't really that much of a surprise considering some of the things they'd done already, but the attentive and obviously caring father was a bit of a shock. Supposedly male cats didn't care much for their cubs but he sure put the lie to that story.

             When they finished eating and winded down Sean finally gave into their growing curiosity. "Sarah, William, this is my wife Shirley that I told you about."

             "Hi Shirley," Will said happily.

             "Are you going to be our new Mom?" Sarah asked shyly.

             Shirley looked up at Janet and caught a slight show of panic on Janet's face. She'd noticed Janet's pride in the children earlier, it was something she'd served her Master well with obviously.

             "I'm not going to replace your Mom," Shirley said smiling at Janet as she looked up, then turned back to Sarah, "but I can be your second Mom if you want?"

             This seemed to mollify Sarah who she now realized was probably afraid of losing her real mom as well. Both of the children asked her a few more questions, but quickly returned their attention to their dad.

             "Are you going to be here when we get home from school?" William asked.

             "Sorry Son, I have work to do, but I'll be around, don't worry." He purred, then gave his children a hug and let Janet shepherd them off to get ready for school.

             "Good answer there hon," Sean smiled at Shirley, "Janet knows the biggest reason I've kept coming around are the kids. If she lost them, she figures she'd lose me as well."

             "Would she?" Shirley asked curious.

             "Weeeellll," Sean looked up at her serious now. "I like her, she's nice to have around. She waits on me hand and foot and is a good servant. I also like to just use and abuse her every once in a while, even if I feel guilty afterwards. She just wants it so much."

             "What about me?" Shirley grinned.

             "You're my mate, I love fucking the shit out of you or making love to you, but in either case I'm not abusing you, or using you, I'm loving you. We're two halves of the whole. Janet is a slave, not a partner, not someone I can talk to. She's a possession."

             "And you like possessing her, don't you my big furry pervert?" Shirley laughed.

             "Yeah hon, I guess I do. Of course she's your property now too."

             Janet came back in the room then and looked between the two of them.

             "So where do they go to school?" Shirley asked.

             "A nice private school that Sean picked out."

             Shirley nodded. "Where do you work?"

             "I'm a secretary for a local law firm."

             "You fucking the boss there?"

             Janet started, "No, of course not. Only my Master can do that."

             "So what do you do for them?" Shirley persisted.

             "I file papers, take calls…"

             "No," Shirley interjected, "What do you do for them sexually?"

             Janet looked a little lost for a moment, and when Sean looked like he was going to say something Shirley put up her hand.

             "Janet, your Master and I are married, and mated. I'm your Mistress now and you serve me as well. Answer the question truthfully."

             "I give blowjobs to the two senior partners," she said with a sigh, eyes downcast.

             Shirley held up her hand as she heard Sean's intake of breath and turned to him, "You're not the only predator out there hon. Janet is just such a submissive every guy out there is going to be drawn to her, and she needs to serve someone, don't you Janet?" She asked turning back to her.

             "Yes," she nodded close to tears. "It's been so long since I've been able to make my Master happy. He hardly comes by anymore."

             "Ah shit…" Sean said with a sigh. "So what do we do with her Hon?"

             "You've got two choices, Sell her to a Master who will keep her, or keep her yourself." Shirley said walking up to Sean and leaning against him, "And it's obvious you really don't want to sell her, do you?"

             "I'd sort of hoped she'd become her own person," Sean sighed again, looking at his wife and then at Janet who was following the conversation with rapt attention. She knew her fate lay in the balance.

             "Oh admit it, you don't want to give her up. I've noticed that when you get your claws into something you like, you don't part with it easily hon."

             "And then there are my kids," he added.

             Shirley nodded, "and splitting her from them would be cruel when she's done such a good job for you there."

             "Well," he turned and looked up at her again from his chair, "what do you have in mind?"

             "Keeping her obviously," Shirley laughed watching the look of relief on Janet's face, "But not like this. She's our slave and we could use a domestic servant around the house, not to mention a little sex toy for the two of us," Shirley grinned down at Sean's surprised expression. "You forget hon, I can tell when she means what she says. So unlike you I don't feel guilty about using her, and I think I'm gonna be using her quite a bit."

             Sean laughed, "We're gonna need a bigger house I think."

             Shirley grinned, "Yeah, I think."

             Janet looked up at both of them, tears of joy on her face.

             "Come on slave, we don't have to be into work till noon and I think your Master and I are going to have a little fun till then," Shirley snickered.

             "I knew I picked the right one…" Sean purred following them to the den.


             "So you inherited a family?" Fiona asked Shirley as they showered. They'd both taken part in a long and grueling practice session in the FBI's danger room. They'd had to fly out to Arlington to use it, danger rooms were expensive and there weren't many of them around. Especially not ones that could handle a large team like theirs.

             "Not exactly, but close. We got a bigger place, and his kids are in an attached wing. We have our privacy when we want, still enjoy his kids when we want, and get a free maid and cook with the deal." Shirley smiled and closing her eyes ducked under the shower to rinse her hair out.

             "Sounds nice," Fiona laughed. "Still, Shadow having kids, is a bit of a surprise."

             "Well don't spread it around. Other than you and Centurion and Tomas I'm keeping that quiet. They're good kids, no need to have someone draw them into our work just to get at me or the team."

             "Yeah I hear you. Still, isn't it weird suddenly having children like that? And that house, where'd he afford that from?" Fiona asked rinsing off herself and turning off the shower.

             "It's nice having the kids around when I want, and not when I don't. Best of both worlds really. As for the money, well Shadow apparently is a cat of some means," she chuckled, "he actually lived rather simply until we got married, the only thing he spent his money on was his children. All his flamboyance was just him, never his dress or any props. Just force of personality."

             Fiona sighed, "You got lucky hon, in more ways than one. Sexy, rich, likes kids, and scares the hell out of anyone who might ever think to hurt you."

             "Well you and Bill seem to be doing well. Or have I missed something?" Shirley asked grabbing a towel and starting to dry off.

             Fiona smiled suddenly, her face lighting up, "Oh no, you haven't missed anything, we are doing well. Bill's a real dream once we get away from the office. In more ways than you'd expect too. All these years and he was under my nose. I'm just jealous that you clicked on someone as fast as you did, that's all."

             Shirley shrugged, "Our first meeting didn’t go off very well, trust me."

             "But it did work out, right?" she grinned.

             "I seem to recall our working out causing you and Bill to work out as well!" Shirley teased.

             "Yeah well, it did, didn't it?" Fiona laughed blushing under her dark skin.

             "So I wonder how Tomas, Thadieus, Jimmy, and Chen are going to take to both the gals on the team being married?"

             "Relieved I bet," Fiona said getting dressed. "Being the lone female on this team was hard, when you came along it made it easier, guys are always looking around. Getting married seems to have taken you off their radar and just moving in with Bill has had that effect for me."

             Shirley nodded, "Well ever since Shadow had that 'little talk' with Jimmy he's been the perfect gentleman around me I've noticed."

             "Well that's cause he's getting laid regularly!" Fiona snickered.

             "Well it's about time! Who's the lucky gal?"

             "Lucky 'gals' actually. Supposedly Shadow told him to start dating some of the girls in his fan club. He's been doing just that apparently."

             "Wait a second," Shirley said looking up from tying her laces. "Jimmy has a fan club?"

             "Apparently. Bill's got one too, or rather had one until he let word out he was spoken for." Fiona grinned, "All the guys have or had one, but Jimmy was the only one who answered his letters and would visit them, so a lot of young girls just fell in love with the little twerp."

             Shirley grinned, "He isn't that bad."

             "No, as long as his hormones are under control the kid knows his stuff. Notice he was really on top of his game today?"

             Shirley nodded. "Yes I did."

             "Well now you know why. By the way, been meaning to ask you, Bill says he's heard a few rumors that your Shadow is still prowling around the underground as it were."

             Shirley laughed, "You don't have to tiptoe around the subject. He's a cat, cats prowl. I know where my kitty spends his time, and even how he spends it."

             "And you're okay with that?" Fiona blinked surprised.

             "I'm a very competitive woman Fiona. I need a little competition in the wings to keep me on top of my game. I enjoy showing up those others, Shadow apparently does as well," Shirley smiled and let her thoughts wander a bit, "Oh yeah, I don't think I have to worry on that score."

             Fiona shook her head, "You're weird Shirl."

             "I believe the proper term is 'kinky'" Shirley laughed and Fiona joined in.

             "If your public ever finds out that the 'Angel' is kinky, they'll have a heart attack!" Fiona giggled.

             "Good thing I'm not in this for the fame then, isn't it?"

             "Definitely. Lets go, the guys are probably chomping at the bit to go get dinner."

             "So how about you and Bill coming over for dinner tomorrow night?" Shirley asked as they walked out the door.

             "And see Shadow in a social setting? Wouldn't miss that for the world hon. We'll be there!"


             "Man this place must have set you back a bit," Bill, aka Centurion, said to Sean as the later mixed them drinks. "I guess crime does pay."

             Sean laughed, "For everyone but the criminals really. But they have money and they're willing to spend it."

             "So you're saying this place wasn't financed by criminal activities?" Bill said surprised, "Come-on Shadow, I've been up against your old crowd for years, they're all crooks."

             Sean smiled and handed Bill his drink, "Oh yeah a lot of the people I run with, or ran with, were bad, no arguments there, but I made money off of them when I made it at all. Shady stuff sometimes true, but I wasn't poor when I walked in there, and up till this place I wasn't much for spending money anyway. If you saw my tax returns for the last ten years you'd see where it all came from, and probably be surprised. A criminal mastermind I'm not."

             "So why did you run with them? Bill said grabbing a seat. The girls were out on the porch, talking about whatever it was girls talked about. "I figured out a long time ago you really weren't a player down there, you never were tied to anything major. I would have pegged you for pretender except for the way no one ever messed with you."

             Sean smiled again, in spite of himself, he always enjoyed entertaining and Bill was actually good company it seemed. "To get laid, why else? I mean yeah supers get a lot of attention from girls and such, but all the really hot and kinky girls go for the bad guys. Forbidden fruit kind of thing. Down there all I had to do was look tough and occasionally kick a little ass. As a good guy I would have had to work my tail off, and then stick to one or two gals at a time."

             Bill shook his head, "I find that a bit hard to believe, you never struck me as exactly lazy."

             "Believe it. Know how many girlfriends I had before meeting Shirley? Ten. Ten regulars and a booty call list with another forty or so regulars on it. Then there were the girls I'd pick up in the bars on top of that. In my earlier and much more rash years I'd be bedding four or five a day minimum. The girls didn't mind, no one thought anything about it, except maybe to envy me occasionally. Kitty paradise and I got backrubs on top of it all." Sean winked at Bill, "Try doing that as a super hero and your ass would be out on the street in no time."

             "To be honest, I don't know if I'd want too. That's a bit too much for even me. Don't you miss it at all though?"

             Sean shook his head, "Not really. I mean when I met Shirl I wasn't fucking everything that stood still and looked good in a skirt anymore, and to say that we have an active sex life would be putting it mildly. Shirley is the center of my universe."

             "Well I've heard rumors your orbit isn't all around her you known." Bill said sotto voice, "aren't you worried about that?"

             "Not really. She told me I could keep a few on the side if I wanted too so I picked the ones I had special relationships with and dumped the others." Sean over at Bill as he coughed on his drink.

             "She let you?" he said and coughed again. "You're kidding me!"

             "Nope, remember, she knows where my heart lies, she also understands I'm part wild animal. If she told me to dump the others I would, but she knows she has nothing to worry about."

             "I don't think Fiona would let me do that." Bill said shaking his head.

             "Yeah, but you're not me Bill, what makes me happy isn't what makes you happy. Having those pieces on the side isn't just for recreation, those women are important to me in different ways and keep me connected down there. Jimmy would probably be dead now if it wasn't for one of them."

             "I thought you had to pay some sort of price to get him back?"

             "I did," Sean sighed and gave a rueful shake of his head, ears flicking, "But without my connections down there, no one would have thought to ransom him off."

             "They could have sold him to us," Bill said.

             "Not really," Sean grinned, "They hate you guys and they'd rather lose money than have anything to do with you. Me they know however, and anything that puts me over a barrel or gives them an upper hand over me, they'll all go for. Counting coup is an important part of the culture."

             "Jimmy wasn't the first you saved for us, was he?"

             "Figured that one out did you?"

             Bill nodded. "Yeah, I did. Plus Fiona confided in me that you were the one who saved her. Staged her rape as a cover for what you were really doing, and that she wasn't rescued in a daring raid by Tomas, but dropped of by you at his house."

             "Yeah well," Sean looked a bit uncomfortable, "I've sort of been passing Tomas information since before he went to work for the feds. A few times circumstances dictated that I had to take more direct action."

             "Undercover work takes a lot of guts Shadow, you should be proud."

             "I didn't do it for praise Bill, I did it because what they were doing violated my ethics. Don't let the others on the team know."

             "Why?" Bill looked puzzled.

             "A number of reasons, some of them private, but I'd rather the bad guys and the people believe that the team did those things without inside help."

             "Also Shadows don't do well in the sunlight? Do they?" Fiona joked walking back inside with Shirley.

             Sean laughed, "Something like that."

             "Make us some drinks dear, I think Janet has supper ready."

             "Sure thing love." Sean made another round and passed them out.

             "So Bill, when are you going to ask Fiona to marry you?" Shirley asked innocently, or rather doing her best to fake it, then laughing as both Fiona and Bill choked on their drinks.

             "Shirley!" Fionna said as she recovered. "What kind of question is that?"

             "A too the point one," she still laughing.

             "I'm a bad influence on her, I admit it!" Sean said holding his hands up.

             "Don't do that to me woman!" Bill said grinning, "You trying to kill us?"

             "It's been what, nine months now? What's the hold up?" Shirley asked.

             "Ummm wellllll," Bill looked guilty and Fionna looked embaressed as well.

             "This oughta be good," Shirley grinned.

             "Shirley!" Fionna said and gave her a little poke. "We've talked about it, just well…"

             "We don't want to make a mistake," Bill said looking embarrassed, "Neither one of us wants to find out we can't handle it and cause the other one pain."

             "Sheesh, if that's all I'd say go get married," Sean said. "There are no guarantees, it's good that neither of you want to hurt the other. But you are going to hurt each other, that's just part of the institution."

             "How do you two get through it?" Bill asked.

             "Blind devotion," grinned Sean.

             "He's sly and sneaky and good at guilt trips," Shirley said sticking her tongue out at Sean who laughed.

             "Oh yeah, don't let her fool you. The 'Angel' over there can be quite the devil. If I don't toe the line I could end up a coat!"

             "And such a nice coat you'd make too…"

             Janet entered the room then, she had on a maid's outfit, an outfit that showed off her obvious charms, but subtly, unlike some of the ones Shirley made her wear when guests weren't expected. "Dinner is ready Master, Mistress."

             "Ahh, saved by the bell," Bill smiled.

             Sean and Shirley headed off to the dining room, Bill however lagged behind and grabbed Fiona.

             "So, what do you think?"

             "About what?" Fiona asked.

             Bill smiled, "I think they're right, I think we should just do it. Will you marry me?"

             Fiona smiled and leaned against Bill, "Of course I will." She tilted he head back as he kissed her, "But!" She warned, "I'm not a sharing type like Shirley. No straying."

             Bill hugged her close, "I'm not a cat hon. Straying isn't my style."

             "I've noticed," She smiled and they both headed into the dinning room to join their hosts.


             "So what did Bill think about the house?"

             "Oh he was impressed. He brought up the question of my 'catting' around, guess there are rumors out there about my behavior. What about Fiona?"

             "Oh she was curious about Janet. I think she likes the idea of a maid, but would rather have one that wouldn't tempt Bill."

             "Makes sense."

             "What were you two talking about when we came back in?"

             "Fiona told Bill about my saving her a long time ago."

             "So Tomas wasn't the one who saved her?" Shirley yawned, she was tired, they'd just spent an hour making love and she was nice and warm cuddled in her mate's strong arms.

             "No, there wasn't really any time and I was there when she was captured. She was working with another team, not as good as you guys, amateurs actually and when one got killed the others had to run for their life. They fucked up in every way possible. It was the big turning point in my life. Either go along for the ride, or do something about it. Up to then I'd done some bad things, and I could have easily turned down the wrong path."

             "Well I'm glad you didn't hon," she murmured and snuggled.

             "So am I, hon, so am I," he purred remembering, had it really been nine years?


             Shadow was sitting at his table in the bar, it'd taken him two years of work to stake it out, to get others to grudgingly concede him this part of the place. Running with Circe helped, they all feared her, especially the men. And he'd pulled off a couple of amazing heists that he kept quiet by cutting only the big players in on the action. They liked his style, and they liked his discretion. He acted like he had nothing to prove, gave respect where it was due but kissed nobody's ass.

             Yeah it had been tough the first few years, a lot of newbies challenged each other to try and get ahead, make a name. While Shadow issued no challenges, it didn't make him immune to being called out. He hadn't liked killing those people, well actually he had, they were all scumbags anyway. But having no choice in the matter left his conscious and morals clean. When one of the Lieutenants of Laughing Boy came after him last year, supposedly for fucking one of his girlfriends, while the fight was extremely vicious, his hard won victory had at last pushed him out of that league for good. Laughing Boy was still pissed about it, but Shadow had sent his dane geld and Circe took up with him the next day, she hated Laughing Boy after all. So he had respect now, if only a little, and he was considered too tough a nut to mess with when there were so many easier pickings around.

             Shadow Cat smiled at one of the girls who had just come in and was checking him out, another plus was the he was up to his furry ears in sex now. All the girls got so turned on by the deadly big kitty all covered in that sexy black fur. Life was good.

             He was still smiling at her as she pulled out the biggest hand cannon he'd ever seen and the front widows blew in as four more people crashed the party.

             "No one move! You're all under arrest!" she called out pointing the gun right at his head from across the room.

             Shadow swore to himself. He did have some coke on him, he'd been planning a nice little party for later tonight. The last thing in the world he needed was to get popped for something this stupid. He shifted into his defense form and suddenly realized these weren't police, they were a super team, and that's when all hell broke loose as the others realized that too.

             There were two of them to either side of the door, all armed heavily, real supers used their powers, these were obviously minor league, and trying for a big score. The problem was, Saturday night at Bell's wasn't the best time for that, because there were a lot of bad guys here, and some of them were anything but minor league. And not a single one of them appreciated this kind of shit on a party night.

             Shadow dodged as the first shot went off, going down low as the girl let loose with a volley in response to whomever had shot at her. Villains would hesitate to kill a cop, but anyone without a badge was fair game. He ducked behind the bar, for once appreciating the mirrored ceiling as he watched Jonny-2-fer slit the throat of the one closest to him and Red Reanna blasted the next one over back through the window from which they had come.

The one with the hand cannon had dumped it by now and was fighting off some of the regular riff-raff that hung out in the front of the bar. One of Laughing Boy's men was taking on the remaining two who were already starting to retreat, a look of horror on both their faces as they saw their comrade bleed out.

             "Damn" Shadow swore, he had no love for idiots like this, but he didn't want to see them killed either. It was bad luck that Jonny-2-fer had been up front, normally he sat in the back. This group normally would have gotten the shit beat out of them, and probably survived, maybe even gotten some jail time for trespass. But Jonny was a psychopath and now that blood was spilled no one would be worrying about murder charges anymore and Shadow could see Jonny was heading for that girl who would soon be on her own.

             He couldn't let this one play.

             "Shoot at me will you Bitch!" He roared and leaped out from behind the bar, vaulting up high and using the ceiling to change his vector, using his panther half to full benefit. No one ever expected someone to bounce off a ceiling, and twisting around as he did so he landed behind her, blocking Jonny-2-fer's path and rabbit punched her.

             Which surprisingly didn't work. She was good, and she had some sort of shield going. She turned to face him, and the others backed off. It wasn't good form to mess with someone else's fight and she had shot at him first. Even Jonny-2-fer smirked and went back to his drink.

             Shadow could see the fear in her eyes, he guessed she saw the corpse behind him and now noticed that none of her friends were with her anymore. He smiled and shifted to his Martial form and began to fight in earnest. He had to give her credit, she didn't balk, she didn't cry, and she didn't surrender. He took his time with her, he didn't want to kill her, but he had to make it look good for the others.

             "Go on, kill her Shadow!" One of the patrons laughed, "show the dumb twat that she can't just come busting in here!"

             "I'd rather play," Shadow growled with a smile, "this one could be fun!"

             He felt cruel for saying it, and the effect on her was immediate, she went into a rage and fought all the harder.

             But it wasn't hard enough, or good enough in the end. He slowly pushed her back deeper into the bar, into his territory, and away from the door where her escaped was blocked anyway. He toyed with her like a cat will toy with a mouse, then when she wasn't expecting it cold cocked her with a bottle from the bar.

             "Go on! Kill her!" came the shouts. Blood was in the air, and they wanted more.

             Shadow looked down at her, she was a little beaten up, but still pretty good looking. Younger than him, he got an idea and smiled. Picking her up he tossed her over his shoulder. "Kill her? What fun is that? I think I'll rape her, show her how cats really get down and dirty!" he laughed.

             "Go Shadow!" and "Woo hoo!" rang out through the bar. He grabbed a bottle of vodka off the bar and headed towards one of the private rooms in the back, the cheers of the others ringing in his ears.

             He laid her out on the floor and searched her, she had a few things concealed and he made sure to relieve her of those. She also had her driver's license on her. He sighed and checked it out"Seventeen," he sighed, "what a dumb kid."

Straddling her body, he used his knees to pin her arms to the floor and gently patted her face. When her eyes opened and widened he stuck a rag in her mouth, but not till after she'd screamed. He knew he had an audience after all.

             "Okay Fiona, here's the score. Everyone out there" he pointed towards the door, "thinks I'm in here raping you. When I pull this rag out of your mouth I expect a real nice act, some more screams, curses, and bigger 'I'll kill you', and 'no don't', then a lot of gasping. Start crying when I give the cue."

             Her eyes got even wider and he laughed, "Everything is not what it appears and I'd rather not have you get your throat slit."

             Shadow pulled the gag back out and she screamed again, he clapped his hands loud like he'd smacked her, making her start and growled loudly. He was surprised she was able to keep the act up and he used the bottle of vodka to clean his claws.

             "Sorry, but this has to be done," he whispered and he shredded her clothes as she screamed some more, giving her a couple of good gashed in the process. She shrieked when he ripped her pants off but gave her lines when she saw that all he did was rip them to shreds.

             He roared out loud then and gave her a smack on the ass, shredding her panties and leaving four bleeding lines across it. When she started to cry he suspected it was only half faked, she had been through a lot.

             The applause from outside however was loud enough to be heard and she looked up at him and cried some more.

             "I need your panties," he whispered.

             She nodded shakily and gave them to him. He rubbed them on her ass getting blood on them then picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

             "Now the easy part," he purred, "lets go."

             He waved the torn and bloody panties like a victory flag as he walked out of the back room, smiling at the laughs and jeers the patrons gave.

             "Sorry boys, I'm taking this one home to add to my collection, she's a tight little bitch! But hey, virgins are, or were at least, right?" he laughed and without breaking step went out the door into the alley and the night, the sounds of more cheers and catcalls fading behind them.

             He walked quite a few blocks, giving her a smack on the ass the two times she tried to say anything, there were still a few people about and the shocked looks would definitely add to the rumors and his reputation. When he finally got to his lair he got her inside without being seen and took her to his room.

             "Okay," he said dumping her on the bed. "Shower's in there" he pointed, "Clean up and I'll dress your wounds."

             "What are you going to do with me?" she asked, grabbing a pillow to cover her naked crotch and scooting away from him on the bed.

             "Hey watch it, you're getting blood on the sheets!" he growled. "As for what I'm going to do with you, what do you think? I already passed on death and rape! Go get cleaned up, I need to make a few calls, you're safe now."

             She nodded and ran to the bathroom.

             He sighed and grabbed one of his throwaway cell phones. This call couldn't be traced back to him, it would cause too many questions. He dialed the number and waited.


             "Tomas, it's me."

             "Define 'me'"

             "Tall, dark, and sexy. Very sexy." He growled slightly.

             "Oh yeah, you. What do you want?"

             "I have something of yours."

             "I wasn't aware I had lost anything."

             "You did. You might want to call some friends in high places and see to the half I couldn't save."

             "That sounds bad," came sighed from the earpiece.

             "Yeah. This item needs to be kept under wraps for a few days."


             "Tell you later. Where can I deliver?"

             "Why me?"

             "Cause I trust you, you're one of them."

             "But can I trust you?"

             "Time to start. Give me a place."

             "Same place we first talked."

             "Two hours. Show up alone, I can't be tied to this."

             "I won't cover crimes for you."

             "Trust me." Shadow sighed and hung up the phone. He'd toss it on the way out of town.

             He went and got the first aid kit. He'd cut a few girls by accident in the heat of passion, so he was pretty adept at treating his own claw marks by now, and with his claws nicely cleaned before he'd cut her, she shouldn't even scar.

             "You done in there yet?" he growled at the door.


             "Then come on out."

             "I'm naked."

             "So what, get out here."

             "I'm a virgin," he heard her admit shakily.

             "Oh." He grinned and shook his head. "Well unless you get out here now, I'm going to assume you want me to come in there and fix that too!" he purred.

             She came out like a shot, wrapped in a towel.

             "Ah better." He laughed. Now let's treat those bruises and cuts.

             "Why are you doing this?" She asked.

             "Cause I don't want you to get infected or get blood on my car seat."

             "I mean saving me. You're a bad guy, you're evil. You're the one they call the Shadow Cat. You've killed people, done all sorts of nasty things."

             Shadow shook his head, "The only people I ever killed had it coming and came after me first. As for the rest," she gasped as he cleaned one of the deeper cuts, "don't believe everything you hear. Why the hell did you kids and come down there, and why'd you point that freaking cannon at my head?"

             "Jimmy said if we took some of you down we'd be famous."

             "Yeah? How come Jimmy didn't come in the front door? Why'd he let you do it?"

             "He said no one would expect a girl, and my shield would protect me."

             Shadow growled, "And where is this Jimmy now?"

             "Dead," she whispered and started to sob.

             "Asshole," he growled and started to bandage the four parallel gashes on her ass. Personally he thought they looked kind of sexy, maybe he'd mark one of his girlfriends like that.

             "So why did you save me?" she blurted out between sobs.

             "I saved you Fiona, because someone had to, and no one else would have. Yeah I run with a bad crowd, big deal. I'm not bad myself really."

             He found a set of baggy pants one of his girls had left there and tossed it to her with an oversized shirt. "Here, get dressed."

             "How'd you know my name?" she looked surprised.

             "You had your ID on you. First rule, never carry ID. You don't want these people knowing who you are, or where you live. Unless you hate your family that is."

             She oh'd and picked up the clothes still holding the towel.

             "You going go leave?"

             "Nope, I'm going to watch." He grinned, "You're not bad looking and I think I deserve a small reward for saving your life, don't you?"

             Fiona blushed but let the towel drop and quickly got dressed.

             "Damn you're hot," he purred smiling. "Anyway, lets find you some sandals, I have a large coat and hat here you can use."

             "Where are we going?"

             "I know a superhero, a real one, not some kid wannabe. I've helped him out before, he should be able to keep you safe for a few days."

             "Why not just drive me home?" she sounded confused.

             Shadow growled and turned to face her, toning it down when she jumped back, "And let everyone know that I saved you? And just what do you think would happen to me?"

             "I… I don't understand."

             "Listen, right now everyone thinks I raped you, that the only reason I didn't kill you was so I could rape you and torture you and do all sorts of evil things. I have a reputation down here, currently you're helping it."

             "Oh!" Fiona looked very surprised.

             "Exactly, so I'm going to hand you over to Tomas. In a few days he'll announce he saved you in a daring raid of my house. Everyone down here will know I had my way with you, the rest of the world will assume, and of course the more you deny it, the more everyone down here won't believe it. Just don't tell anyone that I helped you, okay? And if we ever meet again, go for me first, curse me, scream at me, and try to kill me."

             "Try to kill you? But you saved me!"

             "Don't worry, by the time you get good enough to have a shot, it won't matter anymore. But this is our secret."

             She nodded. "Anything else?"

             "Yeah, you have potential. Stop hanging out with second stringers, they'll get you killed."



             The ride out of town was uneventful, he met Tomas and enjoyed the surprised look when he turned Fiona over to him.

             "Shadow, I'm shocked." He confessed when he heard the whole story. "There may be hope for you yet!"

             "Yeah well, just remember to stick to the plan. I took a lot of risks tonight."

             Tomas nodded, "I know."

             Shadow smiled and ruffled Fiona's hair, "Take care cutie. Tomas here is the real deal, get to know him if you really want to fight crime."

             Fiona smiled shyly, "Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

             Shadow laughed, "My phone number is in the pocket, invite me over to spend the night sometime and we can call it even."

             "Shadow!" Tomas said exasperated and Fiona blushed a bright pink.

             "Later!" Shadow said still chuckling and left.

             Two weeks later his phone rang and it was Fiona, "Shadow?" he heard her say, "It's Fiona."

             Shadow blinked surprised, the story was old news now, the papers had moved on. He'd almost forgotten about her. "Hi, what's up?"

             "I'd like to take you up on that offer," he heard her say quietly.

             "You sure?"

             "Yes, I'm sure. You saved my life, you made a hard choice, and well, I think that should be rewarded."

             Shadow purred, life was good.



             Shirley looked up at her husband and grinned. "You fucked her, didn't you?"

             Shadow's ears flicked and he smiled embarrassed. "Yeah. All day long and into next morning. I took her virginity, I was surprised she wanted me to be the one. We never spoke to each other again or met again, except in the field. I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk to her about it."

             Shirley nodded, "Ancient history, but I had sort of guessed already."

             Shadow looked surprised, "Really? How?"

             "Well she has this faint scar on her ass, four parallel lines, kind of reminds me of the twin set a certain panther gave me…." She sniggered.

             "Interesting." He yawned and curled up around Shirley. "Well she's marrying Bill now, so don't worry, I won't be nosing around there again." He purred in her ear, and then shortly thereafter joined her in sleep.


End (for now) more to come… ?