Chapter VI

New Experiences


Ryan woke up, got out of bed, and put on a pair of shorts and an undershirt. He began to cook some bacon and waffles for Karin and himself for breakfast. Karin sat up and yawned. She began to sniff at the air, turned twoards Ryan in the kitchen, and opened her eyes. She squealed and ran over to Ryan. She gave him a hug, and said, "I haven't had this in three years! Thank you, Ryan!"

Ryan's face had an uncomfortable look on it. "Um, Karin? Could you put some clothes on? You're making me uncomfortable." Karin looked down at herself and blushed. She was wearing only a bra and a pair of short, short shorts. "Yeah, I'll go do that." She went into the bathroom to change. Ryan served the food, put the plates on the table, and stood next to the bathroom door. Karin yelled, "Do we only have gold and green scrubs?" She poked her head out of the door and looked at Ryan. He nodded and she sighed. She closed the door and put on the scrubs. She came out of the bathroom, and Ryan hugged onto him. She was startled, and said, "Ryan! Do you want me to pepper spray you again? You scared me!"

"I'm sorry. Oh, by the way, the food's ready." She ran over to the pantry and started searching. "Do we have any maple syrup? Never mind." She came out with a jug of maple syrup. She sat down and began to eat. There was a knock at the door. "come in," Ryan called. Jerome came into the room with a furious look on her face, but that vanished when he caught a whiff of the food. "I was angry at you for forgeting about last night, but I'll forget about it if you give me some food." Ryan laughed, and said, "Help yourself. I was expecting you anyways." Jerome got a generous helping of everything and sat down with the others.

Ryan apolgetically said, "I'm sorry about last night. She came here and we just wanted to be together. I forgot I told you I'd be there."

Jerome said, "Don't worry about it, I'd want to stay alone with my girl too if she came here." A tear formed in his eye. He quickly brushed it away and said, "I'm sorry, I need to go. Thanks for breakfast." Ryan said, "Jerome, if you ever need some one to talk to, we're here for you." He left, and Karin and Ryan collected the plates. They put them in the sink and started to wash the dishes. Karin said, "Who's your friend?" Ryan replied, "His name's Jerome. He is one of the psychiatrists at the hospital. He's also our neighbor. He invited me to a game of poker with his buddies last night." "Oh. And speaking of hospital, shouldn't we get going?" Ryan said, "Yeah, right after I change into my scrubs." He changed into his scrubs, dark green shirt and pants, with gold scattered across it, making it look like a camo pattern. They left the barracks to go to the hospital.


They went into Ryan's office, and Ryan said, "Welcome to our office." On Ryan's desk was a picture of Karin, and a note. On Karin's desk, there was a picture of Ryan, partially covered by the mountian of paperwork. "You've got to be kidding me," she said, "This is more paperwork that I've filled in a month. This is going to take forever." Ryan smiled, rubbed Karin's shoulders, and said, "Don't worry, it doesn't take as long as it seems. Besides, you have someone to help you." He helped her with her paperwork until it was time for his surgery.

Ryan found out, to his delight, that the surgery was cancelled on the way to the O.R. The soldier was sent home because he stabilized enough on his own. So he got to spend the rest of the day with Karin. He went back to his office and sat next to her. "Hey, finished already?" she said. Ryan replied, "Nah, the surgery got cancelled. So now I get to spend the day with you." Karin replied sarcastically, "Oh, lucky me." They both laughed at this and finished their paperwork. The rest of the day was uneventful.


On the way back to their room, they saw their stuff beng moved into another room. Ryan had a "I know something you don't know" look on his face. Karin said, "You knew they were moving us today, didn't you?" Ryan smiled and she punched him. "i wanted it to be a suprise." Karin giggled, and they both went in. It was much larger than the other room. It had a futon, a large couch, and a dark green king-sized bed. In all other respects, it was the same. They were dead tired from the day's work, and climbed into the bed. They held each other, their tight embrace expressign their love stronger than words ever could. They stayed like this for an eternity, it seemed. They were forced apart by a knock on the door. "Come in," Ryan said. Jerome walked in and said, "Hey guys." He say that they were in bed, and blushed. "I'm not interupting anything, am I?" "No," Ryan said, "what is it?" Jerome said, "They want some off-duty surgeons to help with the incoming transport of wounded POW's." Ryan tiredly said, "Sure, why not?" "All right," Jerome said, "just head over to the emergency entrance in about twenty minutes. And just curious, but are you two...ya know....?" Ryan blushed. "No! Of course not!" Karin yelled. "All right. I'll see ya in a bit," Jerome said. As he walked out the door, he winked at Ryan, which made him blush even more. Ryan put on his scrubs. He left his room and went to the emergency entrance on the west side of the hospital.


Copyright Ryan McLoughlin All rights reserved.