The Early Years
"No, really. I promise you I won't do that.", the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the universe proclaimed as he readied himself for another sparring round. The tall, anthropomorphic hedgehog was visibly eager.
"...hmm, okay. If you say so..." the lackey responded. He wasn't that too bright, you see. He was too young, too pure-hearted, too trusting to figure what the real world is like. Oh well, he likes to mix it up, he's strong, and he's stupid. The perfect sparring partner! So I wanted to test my skills, what's so wrong with that? Every fighter should know exactly how hard he actually can hit, if it comes to that... So I let him lead with a jab to the body. ("But that is SO counterable!" he said (HEH, idiot) "You'll just come and crack me upstairs! Even I know that!"...)
Fine. Maybe I will...but that's what I pay him for. To take beatings. To eat up my Unheralded Right. Eat it, drink it, swallow it, live it. That's his purpose--nothing more. So stop fucking whining like a little bitch and do what you're supposed to. "Okay. Now!", I ordered. The sap did exactly that, (the loyal dog...okay so he's a cat), and he paid for it...BIG time. CRACK!! My specialty. The right cross. 'Is it bad? you ask.' Well, just ask any punk who was knocked the fuck out by yours truly...
A blistering straight right hand from hell slammed into the unfortunate sparring victim of the champion Roy Paladin. Surprised more than hurt, he unusually lunged forward to...wrestle with the champion. (unusual because one loses control of his legs when they get "nailed on the button." Well...he didn't.) "YOUSUMUVABITH!" the dark brown, stocky cat mumbled through his mouthpiece. The two scuffled it out: it looked nothing more than an over-hyped school yard fight. Not a lot of punches thrown, just a lot of grappling and clinching. Yet, it was slightly amusing to see the "People's Champion" being picked up off of his feet and almost literally tossed out of the ring.
"Fuck you! Fuck you, man! That was the last straw for me!" the kid ranted. "You changed ever since you unified the title for the second time not long ago. You now think you can do whatever the hell you want. All you do is push me around and treat me like a damn pile of shit! Well, that's FINE..." His eyes dropped to his feet for a moment. A hard sigh escaped from his throat, followed up with his proclamation. "Alright! You think you're so much better than everyone else just 'cuz you hold that damn piece of jewelry? Huh?!" The champion stared through the poor child and just snickered as his squire foolishly ranted some more...
"Mark my day I WILL become Heavyweight Champion of the World. And THEN you will know what it's like to have to answer to someone..." The youth stormed out of the gym, and stopped just a few feet from the exit. An eternity devoured him as he stood there for what seemed like years. A few seconds later, after almost walking through the door, he turned around and looked right into the eyes of the Heavyweight King. "I never fought a pro fight before...but that's not gonna matter.... 'Cuz one day I am going to take your precious little title from you...after I KICK...YOUR...ASS!!"
The media flocked around the Champion as usual. "Was that your hardest punch?" "*cough* No! Of course not! I never hit with all of my power when in training...that's just unprofessional!" They then turned to the former sparring partner. When asked if that particular punch really hurt him or not, he responded: "Naw, it didn't hurt me. Not really, just stung at little, but it did make me mad more than anything else. I mean, what gives him the right to act like he's better than anyone else?"
The youngster never looked back. He trained and studied and trained and trained some more. His dream eventually realized him. He did indeed become King, even if only for a while. His name? "Well, can call me Floyd! Floyd Phoenix." A polite smile etched upon his face for a second, only to quickly fade as he pounded the heavybag with awe-inspiring tenacity. ...Well? What about Paladin? Well, that's another story for another time...