The Way It Began

All characters copyrighted to the writer
Please do not use them without my permission
(Please read The Tragic Tale Of Rudolph Bradford first before reading this one)

 A long time ago, the world was filled with  darkness.  An unknown  hero, a red fox carrying a blue sword vanquished the darkness.  The knight was blessed without comparison by a holy light, sent by Heaven to protect the world from evil.  The legendary blade, forged from the finest diamonds and mithril silver, was enforced with runes that enhanced its potential.  The hero was praised among the land and peace ensued for years to come.
 But the peace did not last.
 Another force of darkness attacked the land.  The knight fought bravely, and vanquished the evil.  The knight was seriously injured.  But not all was lost.  The knight passed the blade onto his offspring, who in turn protected the world from darkness as the knight had done before his death.
 A legend was soon passed on, to each offspring of the family.
 "A descendant shall arise from the earth and vanquish the darkest of the evil forces.  Only he, linked t o their bloodline in an unusual way, would have that power.  The ring of light shall pass onto him, and the legacy shall begin anew once more..."
 Meanwhile, the forces of darkness planned their revival on the planet.  They were certain of the descendant's coming, and awaited his arrival, in hopes to destroy him before he learned the truth.
 After many years, the descendant's legend was nearly forgotten.  The legacy never appeared.  But the bloodline, as well as darkness, awaited for that day.
 And in the middle of the conflict a young man.
 The young man, a red fox, cursed with bad fortune, would be the catalyst of the war.  Each side had their purpose for him, but no one, not even himself, was sure of what it would be, or even if he was the one they seeked.
 The next week would change the way he looks at the world forever, plunging him into a new reality, where nothing would be as it seemed.  The long road would be filled with memories...ones he will hold dear...ones he will never forget...and ones he wish he could...

DAY 1 (Saturday)

"Are you sure you want to do this?" a young red vixen with long yellow hair and a full build asked her love.  "I mean, it is a big responsibility....."
Her husband, a burly, middle-aged red fox at 6'4" with course black hair and stern brown eyes replied, in a deep, robust voice, "Yes...I mean, we've been married for 10 years, Sally... and you know...about my condition..."
Sally sighed, remembering the harsh news of her husband's sterility.  "...I know.  It must be the only way, Will."
The two stepped into the large adoption center, hoping to find the right child to care for.

This story bases itself in Pinewood, Colorado, a mountain city filled with many anthropomorphic creatures, from foxes to skunks to bears.  The city is quite large for it's location, with beautiful cliffs, rivers, and scenery.  Will and Sally Korowitz, two red foxes who live in a higher degree of society, after recently discovering Will could never produce children, made a firm decision to adopt an older child, a chance to feel what it is like to care for a younger person.  However, Will had a secret only Sally knew, a secret that threatens his life every day...

Only moments after the couple stepped into the small brown building, a female hedgevixen greeted them.  The girl seemed young enough to belong to the center, and had thick glasses and high nasal voice.  She seemed to be suffering from a long illness, and only stood 5 feet tall.
"Welcome to Appledale Center!"  the hedgevixed greeted.  "Here, we care for only the best children in all of Pinewood!  ..wheeze..."
"Um, miss, " Sally shyly replied, "are you okay?"
"Yeah..." the hedgevixen gasped as she reached for her inhaler.  After what seemed like hours at the doorway, she asked, "Are you here to adopt?"
"Yes, we are."
"Well, then, come this way."  The hedgevixen started down a long brown hallway with numerous doors.  The couple followed in silence.

At the end of the hallway was a large door, simply labeled in red letters, "Children's Area."
"Go through the door, and talk to Eustace.  He'll tell you how to go through the process.
If you need anything, I'll be at the door."  The hedgevixen open the large door, with great difficulty, and started panting after it was opened.  "Oh, and my name's Margie, just to let you know."
"Thank you." Will said softly as they steeped into a large green room filled with numerous toys and utilities, all seeming at least 30 years old.  At the desk to their immediate left was a sleeping grizzly with a tubby build and numerous gray fur patches.  He appeared to be in no mood to talk to anyone, other than mumbling to himself.
"Excuse me..." Will tapped lightly on the wooden desk to attract the bear's attention.  The bear only mumbled and said nothing.  Becoming irritated, Will kept a steady tone, and asked the bear again.
"Excuse me...are you Eustace?"
Muttering, then a slow nod.  The two assumed it meant yes.  Of course nothing else came afterwards from the old bear.
"Look, " Will used in a calm, but irritated voice, "we're looking for a child.  Can you help us with...anything?"
The bear only said two words, and used a very low voice, somewhat resembling a growl,
"Look around."
Sally looked first.  The room was filled with young pups and kits from toddler years as old as 17.  Many were playing games and fiddling with the toys, but being silent, which was peculiar for such a place.
"Keep the kids quiet.  They obey."  Eustace growled again.
"Well, it must be working.  The whole room seems dead. "  Will muttered as he soon noticed the serene silence of the children.  They must really be afraid of this guy, Will thought, but for what reason...
"Choose a kid.  Bring them to me."  Eustace muttered as he seemed to doze off.
"Are you really sure you want to do this? " Sally questioned.  "I mean, they're all so lifeless."
"Trust me, they won't be when they leave here."  Will pointed out.

As the couple walked around the room, the kids seemed to play and move around as if they didn't notice them.  However, each child secretly hoped that the happy couple would take them away from the miserable hellhole of the room.  Nothing seemed to catch the foxes' eyes as they looked.  Suddenly, Sally looked into a far corner, and noticed a young red fox, his head down, leaning, as if he were asleep.
"Will, honey, look..." Sally grabbed Will's large arm and spun him around from the baby fawn he was looking at to the corner.
"Okay, he's a boy.  He seems to be just as dead as this whole room.  So?"
"But, look..."  Sally exclaimed, but whispered as to not upset the sleeping grizzly at the desk.
"I'm going over there."
"Whoa...hang on, " Will stated as Sally walked to the corner.  "I mean, the kid looks like a punk.  Are your really sure that you want to go over there?"

In some senses, the kid DID look like a menace.  But he was totally silent.  The young fox looked quite thin for his height of 5'9".  He had long hair of a deep red-brown that was tied into a small ponytail that reached his waist.  Long strands of hair stood over his face, which he didn't notice.  He wore a red plaid shirt over a black Koran t-shirt, long denim jeans, and faded black sneakers.  His eyes were closed, and his head was leaned forward, as if he were asleep or upset.  He didn't raise his head, or had shown any response to the couple walking over to him.

Just as Sally had reached him, with Will reluctantly following along,  Justice suddenly seemed filled with life, and raised his massive head, growling in a loud tone, "Oh, no.  You don't want him.  He's just a damn troublemaker."  Justice seemed highly upset over the matter, that the kids looked at him strangely.
"Oh? " Sally spun around, talking in a moody tone.  "And, why not?"
"You heard me!  He's a lying, cheating, arrogant, irresponsible imbecile!" Eustace yelled, with foam flecking from his muzzle, his beady eyes bloodshot.
"He's been to over 17 homes in 10 years, and they all returned him for the same reason-arson, robbery, abuse!  He's just going to ruin your life, mark my words!"
"You see?" Will stated to Sally in an I-told-you-so tone.  "I knew it was a bad idea to mess with him.  Come on!"
Will started for Sally's paw but she brushed it away.
"Really?  Well, I'm a member of a higher learning facility, and I know, for a fact, that this young fox is not any harm!  Are you?"  Sally's tone was rather harsh, but was soothing as she directed the unknown fur.  He said nothing.  He didn't seem to care.
"All right-I  WARNED YOU!"  Eustace yelled at the couple as he slumped into his seat.
"Now, you can't talk to my wife like that, you old bastard!"  Will hackles raised as he yelled over to Justice's direction.
That was enough.  The young furs now seemed more energetic.  Babies were crying, and older kids seemed to be much more talkative.  A stern look from the old bear silenced their cries, and they returned to their silent play.
 "Go on," Eustace growled from his seat.  "But don't go crying to me when he robs you blind."
 With that, he returned to his slumber, although he still kept the stern snarl on his muzzle.  Sally ignored him and returned to the fox.
 "What's your name?"
 "...." the fox answered in silence.
 "How old are you?"
 "Well, can you hear me?"
 "Yeah.  I can hear you."
 Sally smiled at the fox's voice.  It had a moderate, soprano tone, and seemed as if he were almost singing the words out.
 "Are we bothering you?" Sally said to him, the smile still on her face.
 "No. Was just thinking of something."
 Will stood straight in front of the fox, and kneeled slightly in order to get a better look at his face.  His eyes remained closed.
 "Well, look here, mister, we're talking to you in a nice tone.  AT LEAST give us some kindness.  Can you at least look at me?"
 The fox heaved as he sighed.  He really didn't feel like talking at the moment.  He was still lost in thought.  But he felt that at least he could listen to them.  It was courteous.  He slowly raised his head up and opened his eyes.  Will and Sally gasped as they stared at him.  The eyes were a strange blue.  It seemed as if they reflected a sense of pain, a cry for help.  The fox, however, didn't show any signs of emotion.  He kept a firm face and opened his mouth to speak once more.
 "I'm Rudolph Bradofrd."
 He held out his paw to the large fox still in front of him.
 "Pleased to meet you."  Rudolph's tone sounded a little flat, as if he didn't really feel friendly towards them.  Will took his paw, which fit neatly in his, and smiled broadly.
 "Pleased to meet you too."
 Sally saw a table nearby.  It was a little small, and the chairs looked as if they would break from any weight, but it was the best the could see at the time.
 "Care to sit down, Rudolph?"
 Rudolph looked over at the table, and then to them.
 "Why not.  I guess."
 They group took a seat, straining themselves into their seats.  After a few moments to get in the best comfortable position, they began their conversation.  Sally spoke first.
 "My name's Sally Korowitz, and this is my husband, Will.  We are...I guess you could say...a little richer in life than others.  You see, we're here because...well...we can't have children."
 Sally looked down as she spoke.  Will put his arm around her to comfort her.  Rudolph smirked a bit.
 "Let me guess...slamming each other didn't work, huh?"
 Will gave a cold glare to Rudolph.  The red fox held his paw up a little and talked in an apologetic tone.
 "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to upset ya.  That's the way I am.  I joke a little too often.  Well, I guess, if you have the time, I could tell you a little about myself..."
 Will growled softly, not accepting the apology as reality, but sighed and let him continue.  After a few hours, the story was over.  Sally sniffed a little, saddened by Rudolph's tale of misery.  Will held her closer than ever, and coughed a little before saying anything.
 "My...that's a sad tale, kid.  I'm sorry."
 Rudolph raised his paw a little.
 "Don't be.  It's over now.  I'm glad it is."
 Sally gathered herself and ran her paw through her golden hair before she spoke.
 "My, you are a brave little one."
 "I'm 16."
 "Well, it's little to me.  I think that you would be a good challenge to raise.  We're very adventurous.  I think this would be the proper time to ask.  Would you like to come home with us?"
 Will shot a surprised look to his wife, then to rudolph, then to her again.  He really didn't expect it to be this open so soon.  Of course, he also felt that the blue-eyed fox would be  a little hellraiser.  He did have that style.  A good challenge.  Rudolph furrowed his brow again.
 (Hmm...these people sure seem different.  I mean, they're rich, they're sophisticated, and they're...nice, in their own way.  But I've dealt with so much before.  I don't know...The doctor said I should be more open.  I guess this may be the way.  Besides, I need something to do.  I hate it here.)
 "Well?  Do you want to come or not?" Sally asked again, keeping her tone friendly.
 Rudolph nodded his head and replied with a simple "Yes."
 Sally giggled with joy as she stood up.  She stretched a little after so long in the chair, and wiped her eyes to remove the remaining tears.
 "I'll sign the papers.  Will?"
 Will stood up and hugged her warmly.
 "I'll come with ya.  Let's go.  Wait for us, will ya, kid?"
 "Sure.  I guess."

 Margie went over to Rudolph, overhearing the news.  She wasn't sure if she was happy or sad.  She wasn't sure if she even should care.  They did break up from their relationship only a week ago.  Rudolph looked at her, then looked away.  He still wasn't over their break-up.
 "I guess you're leaving, huh?"  Margie said, her voice not as nasalized.  Rudolph answered in silence.
 "Oh, come on.  You're not still mad, are ya?"
 "Well, I am.  All right?"
 Rudolph huffed as he spoke, irritated.  Margie face was lined with hurt.
 "Please, Rudolph.  You goat understand.  I only broke up with you because I felt it was awkward for me, a crossbreed, a nerd, and a sickly creature, as well as a volunteer, to be in love with her patient."
 Rudolph pounded the table, his voice stern.
 "Well, you didn't think of me that way a year ago!  You nearly glued yourself onto me!  And I liked that!  I don't care about any of those things, but you obviously do.  So maybe we don't love each other, if we can't accept who we are."
 Margie began to shed tears of agony over his harsh words.
 "Oh, please...forgive med. don't want you to be angry...please..."
 Rudolph was pained to see her cry from what he said.  He did feel a little awkward about their love, too.  But it was time to move on.
 "I'm sorry, Margie.  I didn't mean to make you cry.  I guess I'm not used to breakups.  You are my first girlfriend, after all."
 They stood up and embraced each other firmly, each one smiling from the warmth of the other, just as they did when they first announced their love for each other.
 "I still love you, Rudolph.  But not in that way anymore."
 "I know."
 "Oh, I'm going to miss you..."
 Rudolph gently pulled her away and smiled broadly.
 "Don't worry.  I'll see ya again.  I always do."
 Margie smiled softly and hugged him again before she let go to perform her tasks.
 "Good-bye, Rudolph.  Don't forget me."
 She waved to him one more time before she went to her rounds, knowing in her heart it would be the last time they would ever embrace like that again.

 "All done, Rudolph.  Let's go home."
 Sally and Will went over, paw in paw to their new son.  He smiled broadly and took whatever belongings he owned.
 "Well, let's go, Mrs. Korowitz."
 She shuddered inside.  It seemed strange to look at him and hear his voice, especially the one that she would care for.  The concept was still fresh in her mind.  As they headed for the exit, Eustace gave a low snarl, as if warning the couple of what they've done.  Margie suddenly burst into tears and embraced Rudolph again before he left the door.
 "Have a good time, and be good to them...all right?" Margie said, trying not to wheeze from her tears.  Rudolph gently hugged her, whispering, "It'll be all right.  I'll be fine.  And I won't forget you.  Ever."
 With a nod, the two separated, Rudolph towards the door, and Margie to find a place to be alone for a while.  As Rudolph stepped out, he gave a loud whistle at what he saw ahead- a car illuminated in red, flashing a design of sheer luster and beauty.  He walked over and ran is fingers over the car hood.  A smile crossed his face.  Will went to him, and sighed in reply to his awe.
 "Like it?  It's ours."
 The smile on Rudolph's face broadened.  Cars were one of his favorite things, other than skateboarding and being lazy.
 "Well, come on, son.  Hop in."
 The fox hopped into the back seat, taking in the design of the car's black leather seating.  A scent of pine wafted into his nose.  He sighed deeply, taking in the beauty of the car itself.  Sally climbed over to the passenger's side, Will to the driver's.  They kissed each other as he started the car.  It sounded like heaven.
 "I hope you'll like our house as much as the car, Rudolph."
 The fox's mind strayed to think of what their house would be like.  He did hear that they were rich.  The evidence was obvious by the rings the couple wore, probably wedding rings from long ago.  The diamonds in each of them were enormous.  As they pulled away from the orphanage, a strange sense of nausea struck Rudolph, hard.  He closed his eyes and swallowed as they drove into the streets.  He always had these twinges when he was in a car, ever since what happened so long ago...he was still uncomfortable with the horrors repeating themselves again...he couldn't stop thinking about that...the nausea was almost unbearable...
 "Are you okay, honey?"
 Sally looked back while Rudolph struggled not to lose himself.  He opened his eyes and saw her cool eyes bringing comfort to him.  He gently shook his head
 "'s nothing.  I'm fine."
 Sally smiled and turned her eyes to the front again.  He slumped in the seat, and stared lazily out the window.  Rudolph wasn't too familiar with this area before...he had been everywhere in the sleepy town, except this part.  It was still very much populated, but yet, it seemed so distant.  The nausea was returning to him, and he closed his eyes to shut out the pain growing inside again.

 As he opened his eyes again, the car came to a stop.  Rudolph looked out the window to the house in front, his nausea fleeting from him.  He gave another loud whistle.  He was right- it was fancy.  Although it appeared to be a two-story house, it seemed to be well-furnished, with a satellite dish, a canopy, porch, and, well, who knows...he wasn't inside yet.  Will and Sally opened their car doors, and Rudolph did the same.  The walk to their house seemed forever, and yet, time seemed to fly by.  Will unlocked the door and opened it.  Rudolph nearly passed out at the sight he saw.  The house was totally elegant.  A spiral glass staircase went up the the second floor.  The room they were in had a cozy scarlet couch, a warm fireplace, and wonderful paintings.  He had never seen such a place like this before.
 "How do you like it so far?"  Will replied, putting his paw on the fox's shoulder.  He was taken by surprise, but recovered quickly.
 Sally laughed at the sounds of surprise.
 "Well, why don't we show you around?"
 Sally, trying to sound as formal as possible, took Rudolph and showed him around.  The large house was accustomed with almost everything.  A living room, with exquisite carpeting, an outdoor patio, and a large dining room, the aroma of meals wafting into Rudolph's nose.  The upstairs had several rooms, a bathroom with a spa, a leisure room with pool tables and electronics, and finally, the door to his own room.  The room itself was a little small.  A single bed covered in tigerskin-colored clothed the mattress.  The room had a large TV, a portrait of what appeared to be a bowl of fruit, and a closet that could hold the entire world inside, and still have room for more.  Rudolph felt dizzy from all the explanations.
 "Well, how do you like the house?"
 Rudolph shook hi head, his voice in murmurs.
 Sally laughed as she turned around to go downstairs.
 "I'm glad you like it.  I'll make something to eat for us.  Why don't you rest for a while?"
 As she disappeared down the spiral case, Rudolph walked over to the bed and sat down, kicking off his shoes.  He let his bare feet sink into the carpeting and sighed at the comfort he felt from it.  He laid down and stared at the ceiling.  His thoughts began to recollect.
 (Wow...what a great place.  These people seem so nice...and, I miss Mirage already...I wish she were here
 He slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

That night...
 Rudolph stared silently out the window.  He sighed deeply, satiated from the large meal.  He thought about all he went through and a smile crossed his face.  He was so glad it was finally over.  His deep blue eyes merged with the night sky as he thought of how happy he could finally be...and what he lost to get there.  His thoughts strayed to Karen, wondering if she could see him from heaven, smiling back at him.  He rested his head on his paws and let the night sky take him away from reality, away from the pain he felt, only to feel the warmth of love from his new family.  Only to imagine himself happy and free...
 The door to his room opened, a small figure taking the space.  It was Sally.
 "Time for bed, Rudolph.  Good night, son."
 He turned to Sally, and said good night.  Rudolph went under the bed covers, and quickly fell asleep, letting his mind fill with thoughts of what tomorrow would bring...

 Will slowly climbed into bed with Sally at his side, reading a small booklet about child care.
 "Don't read that crap, Sally.  The boy's 16."  Will said as he pulled the book from her paws.  She defensively pulled it from his paws.
 "Oh, come on now.  You know we've never raised a child."
 Will shook his head in denial, sighing with a sense of annoyance.
 "But that book only gives details on up to 5 year olds.  The boy's a teenager.  He'll think we're nuts."
 "But it states that he needs special attention!  He's been through all that pain.  We can't just let it happen again!"
 "I know, but it's all right.  He knows we care for him.  He knows we'll love him, even though he isn't ours.  And remember, he's 16.  He is nearly an adult."
 Silence filled the room. Sally sighed heavily as she closed the book.
 "You're right.  He is almost an adult.  But I've never raised a child before.  I don't know how to do that."
 "I know, honey.  It's okay."
 They kissed each other and turn out the light to go to sleep.  Will's eyes shot open within minutes.  His face looked puzzled.
 "Sally?" Will said in the darkness.  She moaned soft in reply.  "Have you ever looked Rudolph straight in the eyes?"
 She turned softly to face him.  "Yeah.  His eyes seemed so sad..."
 "I know that.  But there's something else.  Something....strange about him."
 "What do you mean?"
 Will coughed softly to reply.
 "When I look in his eyes...I see someone else.  Someone inside of him, within his soul.  It's as if it's trying to get outside of him.  I sense that he has power.  And yet, I sense weakness.  Do you feel the same way?"
 Sally moaned again, this time in exasperation.
 "No, honey.  I haven't.  He looks like a normal red fox to me."
 The large male groaned.  He knew there was something peculiar to his new son.  Why did he feel so strange around him?  He even had the urge to tell him...
 (No.  It's too soon.  He shouldn't know yet.)
 "I'm sorry honey.  I'm just imagining things."
 "Well, I forgive you.  Now go to sleep."
 With that, Will laid back down and closed his eyes.  But his sleep was still uneasy.  The large fox was still concerned about new son.  And there was no way to put his finger on the true purpose.  After some time, he finally fell into a troubled sleep.

DAY 2 (Sunday)

 All around in the empty space was darkness.
 The room was silent, and was only illuminated at the heart, by globes of dim light.  A shrouded figure, in green and black robes, grasped one the globes and stared deeply inside.  His disfigured face was hidden behind his dark robes, his paw covered in a red glove as the ball vibrated in his paw.  A low growl came from his muzzle as he contemplated what he saw.  Suddenly, another figure entered the room.  A jackal, brown fur and tall, wearing deep, blood-colored red and black robes stepped to the side of the figure.  Her right paw, also covered in gloves, held a long scythe blade, stained with the blood of many fighters, it's edge ridged, the onyx pawle faded.  She stood tall at 6'3', her red eyes glowing like brimstone.  Her voice echoed in the darkness, like the siren's deadly tone.
 "Master, I sense your troubled."
 The figure looked away from the globe and into her eyes, a dim gaze coming from the shroud.  His voice scratched from his figure, through the darkness, colder than death itself.
 " is none of your business, though."
 The jackal slowly backed away from Master's gaze, trying not to stare into his hypnotic gaze.
 "Forgive, me,  Master.  I shall take my leave..."
 Master raised his paw to re-summon her to his side.
 "No, wait...I believe you should see this."
 The jackal slowly walked back to him, and he placed the globe, still vibrating in his grasp, into hers.  She gazed into the globe, trying to figure out the messages.  A small nod and a grunt of understanding went through her head.
 "I see.  The force is coming."
 Master nodded in approval.
 "Yes...he'll be born soon enough."
 The jackal suddenly threw the ball back into the darkness, where it took it's orbit around the center once more.  She swung the scythe with ease around in complete boredom, and completed her task with great ease.
 "I don't understand why we should be worried...I mean, he's just a mortal."
 Master suddenly swung around and stared straight into her soul once more.  She froze instantly, knowing she had went too far in what she said.  The oracles of the Abyss were never wrong before, and she had dared to challenge it.  She opened her muzzle to speak again, her voice filled with regret and worry.
 "I'm sorry, Master.  I didn't know..."
 Master turned away and faced the eternal darkness once more.
 "Of course, you didn' question everything I say...even the fact that you must use that body to survive in this world."
 She barked in fury at him.
 "But you know my other body was more durable that this one!"
 Master growled lowly again, and she fell silent.
 "Yes, but it was from our know it will wither in this world...besides, the jackal corpse you found had some skills to it.  You should be pleased."
 She turned away from his figure and stared at the marble platform.
 "You are right.  I was fortunate to find this body so long ago..."
 Master laughed evilly.
 "I know I am.  I took the more decayed form, remember?  I may be stronger, but this shell of flesh is just a shell.  I could easily destroy it if I desired."
 The jackal nodded in approval.  She knew it was true.  It was fortunate to find the bodies of the fallen village people as they arrived on the world so long ago.  It took them even longer to form the wormhole into the realm they stood in at that time.  It was the same way for everyone else...except for those...things he created...
 "Are you paying attention to me?"
 The jackal shook off her daze and stared over to Master, keeping her gaze off his eyes.
 "I said," Master continued, "that this force is greater than any other force we've seen since we've arrived here.  What we already have to deal with is enough..."
 She forced herself to speak to him again...
 "I know that, Master.  We have suffered great masses from him as it is...  But if we know where he is, can't we just dispose of him now?  It will be much greater of a risk to wait until he arises to challenge him, if he's truly that powerful..."
 Master raised his paw as if to strike the jackal, his voice harsh and irritated.
 "Why, you insolent...I told you his power may have an idea there..."
 Master instead placed his paw into his cloak over his hidden chin, contemplating the situation.  The jackal spat in disgust.
 (Why didn't you just do that in the first place, you damn fool?)
 "What did you say?"
 The jackal remained silent.
 "That's what I thought.  Now, listen.  It may not be  too late.  If we move now, we can dispose of the little tyrant before he can strike back.'s perfect..."
 The jackal began to turn around and shoulder her large scythe, a grin on her scarred muzzle.
 "It'll be my pleasure to destroy him myself.  It shall only take a second..."
 Master raised his paw to her.  She suddenly stopped in her tracks, unable to move.
 "Wait.  It's too risky.  If I know these situations, it won't be that easy."
 The jackal felt her body straining as she forced herself to move.  Her anger began to arise as she found she was still immobilized.  Master finally lowered his paw and the jackal fell over her own weight.  She stood quickly, regaining her balance as she stood.  Master stood calm as he spoke.
 "I may need you later.  You are a formidable ally.  I believe I shall create a Guardian to help our situation.  It will take quite some time to complete the task, but it should be enough.  You are to stay here and rest until I need your assistance.  You are dismissed."
 The jackal began to speak, but decided to remain silent, as so not to anger Master.  She groaned distastefully.
 (Those damn Guardians...why do we rely on them so much?  We've lost too many times using them.  Hell, we always lose.  I can't believe we can't defeat one single warrior, no matter how hard we try...if we went with my ideas, we would NEVER be in this situation...)
 "Well?  I dismissed you.  Go!"
 The jackal broke her trance once again and bowed deeply.
 "Forgive me, Master.  I shall leave now."
 With that, she stepped into the darkness and disappeared.  Master concentrated his power into the center of the room, laughing evilly as he did.
 "I shall have you, chosen one.  You shall not destroy my dynasty....  victory SHALL  be mine....ha, ha, ha....HAHAHAHAHA!"

 7:21 A.M.

 The sounds of morning rang through the slightly closed window.  Small streams of light wafted through the sill onto the bed.  Rudolph slowly opened his eyes and yawned heavily.  He slowly looked around the room, his eyes still heavy with fatigue.  With a groan, he thrust himself out of bed, still in his underpants.  Running over to the closet, he opened it to see a strange array of clothing, none of it which suited his interests.  After looking constantly over the clothing, he pulled out some loose pieces and put them on.  The clothing seemed to match- an open long, red and black plaid long-sleeved shirt over a white one.  He rolled up the sleeves on the shirt, hoping to add to the style.  Slipping on the long blue jeans and his old, black sneakers, he went over to the mirror, to view himself.  The clothing seemed to match him pretty well.  His hair was still in the old ponytail from yesterday.  He decided to keep it, seeing no reason to take it out.  Rudolph smiled as he admired himself in the mirror, as the door opened to his surprise.  He whirled around to see Sally giggling, still in her pink nightgown, her hair rolled into a bun.  He felt his face turn red under his fur.
 "It looks nice on you.  Now come downstairs so you can eat."
 Sally, still giggling at the sight of Rudolph acting like a model in front of the mirror, left the door to go downstairs.  With a heavy sigh, he followed.  He rubbed his stomach as he went down, still feeling full from yesterday.  As he reached the kitchen, he saw Will over the stove, trying his best to cook, as it seemed.  He turned and smiled at Rudolph as he walked by.
 "Oh, hi, son."
 "Hey, Mr. Korowitz."
 Will coughed as Rudolph informed him by his last name.
 "Rudolph....never mind.  It's not important.  You ready to eat?"
 Rudolph looked over to the pile of burnt pancakes on the plate, charred nearly into ashes.  His stomach churned.
 "No thanks.  I'm not in the mood for charcoal right about now."
 Will laughed at Rudolph's joke.  He already knew he was no good at what he did.
 (He's rich and he can't cook.  I find that ironic for some reason.)
 "Well, if you're not hungry, that's O.K.  Why don't you sit down anyway?"
 He did as he was told.  He still found it hard to imagine that the place he was in was his new home.  No other family he had been to had been this fortunate.  It was obvious that this would be different from what he had before.  He sighed, praying his depressions would evade his mind long enough so that he could enjoy his chance here.  Will sat across from him.  Pulling out a large pipe, he lit it up and gave  a few puffs on it.  Rudolph winced at the smoke wafting his way.
 "So," Will said between puffs.  "How do you like it here so far?"
 Trying hard not to choke, Rudolph responded the best he could.
 "I like it here.  It's nice.  But I've never seen this part of Pinewood before."
 "You haven't?"
 "Yeah...I mean, I've been here long enough, hell, I was born here.  But I never went to this particular place."
 "Hmm...why don't you look around for yourself?"
 Rudolph looked at will in amazement.  He was hardly here for 2 days, and he was asked to leave the home.
 Will nodded, the pipe still inside his muzzle.
 "Yeah, go ahead.  Look around for a while.  I think you'll like it here.  Besides, I have some errands to run, and Sally has to do some extra paperwork, so I think it would be best not to bore you in our little home.  You can leave now, if you want to."
 There was no need to ask twice.  Rudolph stood out of the chair, and was already heading for the door.
 "Oh, Rudolph!"
 He turned around to face the large fox.
 "Yeah, Mr. Korowitz?"
 "Please don't call me that.  It just feels uncomfortable.  Oh, careful out there.  I've heard there has been some gang activity around the street these times."
 A small smile on his face, Rudolph turned the door pawle.
 "I've been on the streets.  I know how to protect myself, so don't worry."
 With that, Rudolph closed the door and stepped outside once again.  Sally walked over to Will and sat in front of him, where Rudolph had before.
 "Will, honey?  Where's Rudolph going?"
 Will placed the pipe, the tobacco already burned out into embers, onto the table and nodded.
 "Just out.  To look around."
 Sally looked at the table and sighed.
 "Oh.  Are you sure it's a good idea, what with the gang outside and all..."
 Will placed an arm on Sally's shoulder to reassure her.
 "He's a street-wise kid, Sally.  He'll be fine.  Besides, I still feel strange around that kid."
 "Oh, Will...."
 "Im serious.  Something about him is just too awkward to accept.  I don't know why I get these feelings around him."
 Sally smiled and gave a small laugh.
 "Maybe it's love."
 Will shook his head firmly.  Sally pouted and looked down at the table once more.
 "It's not that.  It's something else.  I wish I knew what it was.  But I can't see it."
 "It's not because he has depression, is it?"
 Will shook his head again in response.
 "No.  Look, I don't know why I feel this way, or what it even is.  Don't worry, it's my problem..."
 Smoke was billowing around the room.  Sally look around to see the food still on the stove had caught aflame.
 "Oh, Will, you forgot to take the food off the stove again!"
 "Oops.  Heh."
 The couple soon found themselves struggling to place the already blackened food out of it's flames, each one groaning about the smoke, and laughing at the same time.
 "This is why * cough * I should never let you * cough * cook!"
 "Yeah?  What do you call * hack, hack *  your eggplant surprise?"
 "Cuisine! * cough *"
 "Yeah?  I call it crap! * cough *"
 "You would!"

 It was nice to return to the streets again.
 Rudolph walked down t he neighborhood road, taking in the scenery.  It was rustic, he had to admit that.  He still felt somewhat awkward about being in a new home.  It was over a year since he wandered the streets by himself, but it still felt more comfortable here.  A thought ran through his mind, wondering how Karen would have thought of this place.  He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, walking at a slow pace.  How he missed her so...
 Rudolph soon found himself sprawled out on his back.  He stood up to find he had ran smack dab into another person, a pine marten.  He seemed to have short, red hair that covered his green eyes, and was much shorter than Rudolph was, about 5'3".  His body was quite thin, and his deep tan fur seemed to emphasize it.  Rudolh growled in fury and rubbed the place where they collided.
 "Watch it, you idiot!"  Rudolph barked in fury at the kid.  The kid cowered in fear, his voice high-pitched and squeaky.
 "P-P-Please, I'm sorry, don't hurt me!"
 His paws already balled into fists, Rudolph didn't change his position.  He still was very defensive against others who stood in his way, even if they were kids.
 "Look, kid.  I won't hurt you.  Get up."
 The pine marten refused to move, still shivering in terror.  Groaning with impatience, he held out his paw to the fallen.
 "I'm sorry I ran into you.  I'm sorry I yelled at you.  All right?  Now get up."
 His paw quavering, the pine marten grabbed Rudolph's paw.  He quickly brushed himself off, removing the dirt from his back and his long tail.  He coughed to clear his voice.
 "I forgive you.  I'm sorry for acting like such a coward, but there's been heavy gang-related activity here in the last 72 hours."
 Rudolph leaned his head to one of his shoulders, raising his eyebrow.
 The pine marten sighed, running his fingers through his hair.
 "No one understands me.  Look, there's been a lot of crime here, so I'm a little jittery."
 "Oh.  Don't be."
 The pine marten nodded his head in approval  He held his paw out, much steadier than before.
 "My name's Christopher Thaddeus Horten.  You can just call me Chris."
 Looking at the extended paw, Rudolph slowly took it and shook firmly.
 "Nice to meet ya.  My name's Rudolph Bradford.  You can just call me Rudy."
 "A pleasure to meet you, Rudolph."
 (Oh, boy.  He's a wuss, he talks formal, and he pronounces his full name.  He's gotta be  a geek.)
 After the two shook, Rudolph gave a small cough and began to move onward.
 "Well, see ya."
 Chris quickly rushed over to Rudolph and placed his paw on his shoulder to stop him.
 "No, wait... Um...."
 Rudolph sighed and shook his head impatiently.
 "'re new here?"
 Rudolph slowly nodded.
 "Yeah.  I live over there."
 He pointed over to the white house that was his own.  Chris nodded with enthusiasm.
 "Oh, the Korowitz' house.  I didn't know they had a son."
 "Well, they do now.  Excuse me."
 Chris jumped straight in Rudolph's direction and wheeled him around to face him.
 "Wait!  You know, maybe I you around here a bit?"
 Rudolph stared hard into the pine marten's eyes, a look of suspiciousness arousing inside of him.  He merely shrugged.
 "Whatever.  Look, I'm not going anywhere, and I know most of this town-"
 "But I can show you all the good places!  Come on, please, can I go with you?"
 Rudolph's look of concern changed to confusion.  He wasn't sure why this kid wanted anything to do with him, if anything at all.  He decided to find out the truth.
 "Why do you want me to come along with you?  You in some type of trouble, 'cuz I'm not the person to go to for these things."
 The pine marten sighed and looked to the ground, bringing his paws to his face.
 "I hate going by myself around this place.  The gangs have been trying to kill each other and try to destroy anyone else that they see...I mean, you look pretty tough..."
 Rudolph cleared his throat, trying not to brag about his position in the streets, even if it meant biting his lip.  Chris suddenly wrapped his arms around Rudolph and squeezed tightly, a monstrous grip that surprised even him.
 "Please!  Let me be your friend!  Please!  I'm smart, and I can do your homework..."
 "...What homework?  I don't school...."
 "You don't?  Well, let me come with you anyway!  Please!"
 Groaning, Rudolph decided to just go with the request.
 "If I go with you, will you let go of me....I...can't....breathe..."
 With that, Chris dropped his hold on the fox, who stumbled trying to catch his breath.
 "Thank you!  Thank you!"
 "* gasp *  Don't mention it...."

 "Here's my favorite spot in the entire world...."
 Chris and Rudolph stood in front of a gigantic building, the walls built of sandstone, 3 stories tall, flagpoles with multiple flags fluttered in the wind.  The walls were lined with large windows, covered in blinds from the inside.  Large metal letters enveloped the larger portion of the building.
 "Sand Creek High School," Chris sighed deeply.  "The crowning glory of Pinewood."
 Rudolph raised an eyebrow in question.
 "A school....yeah....sounds like some fun...."
 Chris laughed gleefully as he walked over to the large double doors to the school, running his fingers over the woodwork.
 "Yeah, it is.  Ah, to be a part of this place....what grade are you in?"
 Rudolph took the question with surprise and scratched his brow.  He really never gave it a lot of thought, his intelligence at least.
 "Uh....9th, I guess..."
 "Wow!  So am I!  I'm in accelerated classes, and it's such a challenge to push my brain to the limits!"
 (Great.  He IS a geek.  Damn, you sure can pick your friends, Rudy....)
 "Rudolph?  Rudolph??"
 "Huh?  Um, can we try going someplace"
 Chris nodded is head in approval.
 "Oh, sure.  We can go to the museum, or maybe the library....there's always the zoo, too..."
 "Um, I was thinking more along a place to eat?"
 A loud groan rumbled from Rudolph's stomach, and he grinned.  Chris chuckled at the face Rudolph showed from his embarrassment.
 "Sure, why not?  We can try that coffee shop and read some poetry, too..."
 Rudolph groaned in agony as he heard Chris ramble on about his favorite poetry books and began to wonder if it was worth going through all this to make a friend, no matter how dorky they were at times....

 Chris had his face buried in a rather large poetry book as he sipped on the espresso order at the small wooden table in the coffee shop.  Rudolph merely sighed as he poked his straw into the cup of mocha.  He looked at the pine marten, and began to question him.
 "How can you read with all that damn hair in your eyes?"
 Chris looked up at the fox and sighed.
 "I got used to it.  It doesn't bother me much.  Did you know that this poem I'm reading was written by someone at my school?"
 Rudolph sighed in boredom.
 "Really?  I never would have guessed."
 Chris shrugged as he read through his book again.
 "Hey, if you're going to attend Sand Creek, maybe I'll introduce you to her.  I think you'll like her.  She's very kind."
 Rudolph slowly nodded, trying to find a way to keep himself from getting bored.  Chris looked over and saw that Rudolph was no longer interested in the coffee cup in front of him.
 "What's the matter, Rudolph?  You don't like coffee?"
 Rudolph looked up in surprise, then stared back at the table in frustration.
 "Yeah.  I hate coffee.  I prefer whiskey."
 Chris stared in amazement at Rudolph again, a look of concern in his face.
 "You drink liquor?"
 "Yeah.  A little."
 "You know it isn't good for you."
 "Neither is coffee."
 Realizing he was defeated, Chris shrugged again, trying not to dwell to much in the subject and returning to his book, even though his focus was no longer on the poem he was reading.  He looked up to see Rudolph nearly dozing off in his seat.
 "I sense you're not enjoying yourself."
 With a jolt of surprise, Rudolph gave a small laugh as he rose from the table and stretched, his tail swishing from either side as he did.
 "How'd you guess?"
 Chris sighed as he closed the book and finished the espresso from the cup.
 "I'm sorry.  It's just...I have few friends."
 Rudolph looked over at the pine marten and placed his paw on his shoulder.
 "Don't worry.  I had a friend who was just like you."
 The pine marten looked over at Rudolph through his hair and gave a small smile.
 "You did?  You mean, you understand me?"
 Rudolph gave a broad grin and laughed.
 "Yeah, of course.  I mean, not intelligently, but I know how it is.  It was the same way with my friend...."
 Rudolph suddenly became lost in thought and his paw slipped from Chris's shoulder.  His face became forlorn and he slowly sank back into the seat.  Traces of Margie raced though his mind, her voice flooding out everything else.  He could feel his eyes burning as he shook his head in despair, trying to keep the tears from flowing out his eyes.  He winced as he could feel her touch on his face, her breath wafting into his nostrils.  His stomach shot out in pain.  He couldn't shut her out.  She was there, right there, with him...
 "Rudolph!  Wake up!"
 Suddenly, Rudolph snapped out of his trance.  The pain in his stomach faded away, his eyes stopped burning.  He stared straight Chris's concerned eyes, his face lined with worry.  Rudolph coughed as he regained himself.
 "Are you okay?  You went into a trance."
 As he caught his breath, Rudolph slowly shook his head.
 "I'm fine.  It's nothing."
 "Are you kidding?  I thought you were having a seizure!"
 "I'm fine.  Look, it's just a condition I have.  I have manic depression.  Sometimes, I remember something in my past, and it just comes back to haunt me.  It gets harder to shake it off each day."
 "Oh.  I hope it wasn't my doing."
 "It's not your fault.  It's just something that happens to me.  I'll be okay."
 Chris sighed in relief and helped Rudolph to his feet.
 "Good.  You know, it's pretty late.  Oh, wow, it is late.  6:37 already!  I'd better get home.  I'll see you later."
 Chris reached his paw over to shake Rudolph's.  Rudolph smiled and took it and gave him a firm shake.
 "Yeah, maybe."
 With that, Chris smiled, trying to hide his own fear as he stepped outside to the coming darkness.  A squirrel in a pink dress came over to Rudolph and pawed him a sheet of paper.  Rudolph scratched his head, trying to figure out what it was.
 "What's this?"
 In a high, squeaky voice, she responded, not sounding too pleased with the question.
 "The bill.  You owe $24.67."
 He looked up in surprise.
 "You're kidding!"
 "No, I'm not, sir.  That's the price you and your little friend ran up.  Shouldn't have ordered all those sandwiches, huh?"
 Rudolph began to quaver with fear.  He didn't' have that much money.  He didn't have ANY money, for that matter.
 "Uh...I-I'll ta-take care o-of this right a-a-a-away...."
 When the squirrel went back to the kitchen, Rudolph looked around in hopes to get himself out of the situation.  He rushed into the bathroom, tore up the bill, and slipped through an open window, and broke out in a run, in hopes he wouldn't get caught.  Of course, with his outstanding foot speed, it was nearly impossible to catch him once he began.  Even Karen had a hard time keeping up with him sometimes.  It was good that he was used to the streets and knew these situations....of course, he could never go back there again.

 8:12 P.M.

 Rudolph walked through the dark streets, sighing deeply.  It was nice to be out on the streets for a while, even though he knew he would be in trouble when he got back to his home.  He pulled out a small bottle of liquor and drank some if it off.  He sighed again as he wandered around the town.  A flash of light caught his eyes in the distance, but he disregarded it and continued onward.
 (Probably just a bottle or a can or something.)
 As he continued downward, a noise rang in the same spot the light shown up.  His ears perked and his hackles began to rise.  He eyed the area suspiciously and slowly walked over to the darkness.  It appeared to be a dead-end alley, with a few trash-cans and muddy puddles.  A faint smell of blood was in the area as well.  It almost reminded him of the alley he ran to so long ago...that same smell of blood...there were even faint spots of dried blood on the ground....the nausea was returning....growing stronger...the fear was arising...
 (Get a grip on yourself, Rudolph.  There's nothing there.  You're seeing things.)
 When Rudolph regained himself, the blood spots seemed to vanish.  The taint of blood was still there, though, for some reason.  He slowly stepped into the alleyway, trying to avoid the mud puddles that would ruin his otherwise already dirty black sneakers.  All he saw was his faint shadow from the small porch window light.  He sighed deeply as he shook his head and turned around, even chuckling at his own judgment.  Only then did he realize he wasn't alone.
 "What do we have here, boys?"
 Rudolph's eyes widened as he found himself staring at 3 huge, burly men, each one wearing deep red clothing.  The apparent leader, a puma, stepped forward from the shadows into the dark alley, followed by a huge grizzly bear resembling Eustace, and the last being a fox, just like himself, with short hair.  The puma, covered in yellow fur, flashed an evil, toothy grin at Rudolph, who now showed unnerved patience.  They all appeared to carry small knives in their waist belts, and wearing a blood-stained S on their shirts.  Rudolph chuckled at bit at the sight.  The puma spoke in a deep voice at the fox.
 "You know you just stepped on our territory, didn't ya?"
 Rudolph merely smiled and said nothing.  The puma's grin began to fade as he stepped closer to him.
 "You have no idea how close to death you are, do ya?"
 Rudolph smile broadened as the puma drew closer to him.
 "If you're talking about your breath, yeah, I'm real close."
 The puma growled at the wily fox and his uncaring attitude.  He gestured towards the bear, telling the other fox to stay close by.  The puma then turned to face Rudolph, the grin on his face once more.
 "Well, aren't we the joker?  You know, you have a damn good attitude.  And since you seem to be clueless on who we are..."
 He pointed to the S on his shirt.
 "We're Satan's Fury."
 Rudolph seemed not to care.  His paws were already balled into fists, his hackles rising, and yet he stood still, waiting for the moment.  The puma kept his place, the bear standing next to him.
 "I'm Rax.  My big, stupid friend here is Bulllhorn, and our little sly guy back there is Shifty.  We're the highest leaders in this here gang, and you just made your death wish."
 Rax snarled as Rudolph's attitude remained unchanged.  He gave Bullhorn the order to perform the special surgery they saved for their 'patients'.
 "All right.  You don't wanna talk, then we'll settle this now.  Bullhorn...sic him."
 The bear made a huge lunge for Rudolph, his claw extended to swipe at him, Rudolph standing in the face of Death himself.  But what happened next was split-second.  Rudolph suddenly sidestepped, blocking the claw with his paw and striking the large bear in the stomach with the other.  Bullhorn reeled in pain as he gasped in air, Rudolph remaining in his attacking stance.  Rax simply stared in horror as his largest right-paw man was downed by a mere boy, not even strong at that.  He roared in fury as Rudolph slowly returned into a relaxed stance.
 Rudolph barked his reply back to Rax straight in his black eyes.
 "You should never defy the abilities of your opponent.  I can prove that for ya, if ya want me to!"
 With that, Rax prepared for his attack, preparing to claw Rudolph's head off in the same fashion.  This time, Rudolph jumped back and landed a blow straight to the side of Rax's muzzle, sending him staggering.  He screamed in fury to the heavens.
 Shifty smiled and removed his cap.
 "With pleasure, boss."
 Shifty soon made his move as well on the fox, his speed as overwhelming to everyone.  He threw an unexpected punch to Rudolph's face, sending him back in pain.  He quickly recovered and retaliated with a kick straight to Shifty's leg, hitting a vital spot.  He crumpled, holding his leg in pain.  Rax became infuriated at his adversary, and kicked Bullhorn, forcing him to stand up from his sprawled position.  He grabbed him by the scruff and shook the bear, who was crying in agony, despite his size and weight.
 "Listen you baby, we're not getting anywhere with this!  We both need to show this punk a lesson!"
 The bear grunted in denial, but a sharp swipe at his face forced him to reply again, this time agreeing to do so.
 "That's what I thought," Rax said, letting go of the bear.  "Let's finish him!"
 With that, the two rushed Rudolph at the same time, but his speed was too great.  He quickly dodged, making the two strike each other down.  They quickly stood up and tried their attempt again, this time Rudolph retaliating with swift punches and kicks, his fury increasing as the fight progressed.  Soon, both Rax and Bullhorn were bleeding from numerous wounds, Shifty unable to move from the broken leg, and Rudolph still on his feet, only suffering the minor head wound from Shifty's punch.  Rax suddenly pulled out his knife and prepared to stab Rudolph to death, but he saw it coming.  Rudolph quickly dodged and grabbed Rax's weapon paw and placed him in a quick choke hold, disarming him of the knife, and using it as leverage to place against his neck.  Rax groaned as he felt the blade beginning to cut through his flesh, a small stream of crimson running from the wound.
 "I told you not to underestimate me, you bastard," Rudolph screamed as he kept the blade on his opponent's knees, the knife poised to strike.  Bullhorn slowly stood up and drew his knife, but Rax beckoned him not to.  Bullhorn grunted in question.
 "He's....serious....don't do it...." Rax struggled to get the words out as he could feel his air being cut off.  Bullhorn, fear in his huge eyes, placed the knife back in the sheath.
 "I've been on the streets too, and I know some things about fighting.  Doesn't matter how strong you are, it's all about your skill.  Something you never thought of."
 Rudolph issued a final reply to Rax, preparing to finish the puma on the spot.  Rax began to cry brutal tears of defeat.
 "Now, I'll give you two choices.  Either you get your friends and get the HELL out of here, or I slit your neck and you bleed to death in this god forsaken alley.  Got me?"
 Rax slowly nodded, feeling extensive pain as the blade continued to cut into his neck with each movement.  Rudolph then let go of his hold and Rax sprawled out on the ground, quickly standing and crawling away from the fox.  He summoned Bullhorn and both helped to carry Shifty out of the alley.  The puma turned around and growled out to Rudolph, wiping the tears from his eyes with one paw, the other holding the wounded fox's body.
 "This isn't over, you little punk!  I'll get you back, I swear it!"
 "Yeah, sure.  And thanks for the knife!  It'll go great in my collection!"
 Realizing he left the weapon behind with the fox, he snarled, but quickly ran off back into the darkness.  His normally idiotic mind began to run with thoughts.
 (Oh, man, I don't get can I be beaten by a little freak?  There's something wrong with that guy.  His speed is incredible, and his fighting skills exceed mine. And his eyes...  those eyes....oh man, those eyes...what IS he?)

 Rudolph smiled broadly as his hackles returned to normal.  He ran his paw through his long hair and straightened out his looser ends.  Although his clothing was a bit frazzled, he was otherwise all right.  Rubbing the area where Shifty punched him, he examined his new knife.  A good brand, Swiss Army, blood still stained on the edge.  Using his shirt, he wiped off the excess and placed it carefully in his pocket, as so not to cut himself.  He only prayed that his foster family wouldn't ask what happened to him.  They wouldn't believe him at that.  As he prepared to exit the alley for home, another dark figure appeared in the path.
 (Another one of that idiot's friends...I guess I'll have to show him.)
 Rudolph stepped towards the dark figure, and cowered backwards in horror.  The creature in the shadows had 4 large, burly arms, each one carrying a sharp, stone-colored knife.  Its skin seemed to be covered in firm pink scales, his face a monstrosity to behold.  It had 2 stubble legs it walked on, carrying his huge mass.  It stood well over 7 feet tall, and appeared to be brainless.  Rudolph couldn't speak.   Fear had gripped at him and wouldn't let go.
 (Oh, my God....What the HELL is that thing?!"
 The creature began to loom towards Rudolph.  He drew his knife to attack, but a quick swipe from the creature knocked the knife from his paw.  He descended on Rudolph, not on the ground, screaming in terror, knowing his doom was to come...
 A swift light flashed, and the creature staggered back in fury.  What Rudolph saw was unbelievable.  A knight had emerged right there, his body covered in gold and studded in diamonds, wearing steel gauntlets and boots.  A large sheath laid on his back, and the knight removed a stunning blue blade, covered in strange markings.  The blade was almost as tall as the knight was.  It seemed to glow, even thought there was no light.  The only part not covered was his head.  The head resembled a fox, a small black ponytail coming from his head.  When he turned his head to face Rudolph, it was stern, and yet kind at the same time.  It almost seemed familiar.  When the knight spoke, it was like booming thunder, and yet, also sounded like one he heard before...
 "Run, young one."
 Rudolph was stunned.  He couldn't move at all.  His legs felt like jelly.  The creature lunged at the knight, screaming a mindless tone: "CHOSEN ONE....KILL....CHOSEN ONE..."
 The knight wrestled the knives from the creature, his sword dropped to the side.  The creature managed to strike a blow to the knight's head, a crimson mark on the left of his muzzle.  He screamed back to Rudolph once more.
 "What are you waiting for?  Run!"
 Rudolph managed to stand and ran past the knight and the creature.  As he stepped out the alley, the creature began to break off of the knight's hold.  He uttered a worried cry.
 "RUN!  RUN!!!"
 With that, Rudolph bolted down the street as fast as his legs could carry him, running to escape the scene, hoping he could escape death again.  He tripped constantly, suffering gashes in his knees and arms, but kept on pressing until he found himself back at his home.  His paw wobbled as he opened the door, panting heavily, staggering.  He slowly reached the stairs, when he heard Will's voice.
 "Rudolph?  Is that you?"
 Groaning, he struggled over to the living room to find his father in his nightgown, reading the newspaper, facing a small fire in the fireplace.  He refused to look backwards, but merely talked to his foster son through his paper.
 "Did you have a good time?"
 His voice shaky, he responded the best he could.
 "Yeah...I met someone."
 "Great.  Your mother is out doing some errands, so she'll be home late.  If you're hungry..."
 "No...I'm okay."
 "Okay, son.  Better get some sleep.  I registered you for Sand Creek High School. You start tomorrow, you know."
 He cringed at those words.  Rudolph hated school.  But at least he could meet Chris again.  He quickly said all right.  Will turned slightly to Rudolph, a worried look on his face.
 "Are you okay, son?"
 "I'm fine, Mr. Korowitz.  Thank you."
 Will sighed.
 "Okay, then.  If you say so.  Good night."
 As Rudolph turned to climb the stairs, he noticed a large scratch on Will's left side of his muzzle, much resembling a knife wound.
 "Hey, how did you get that cut?"
 Will's face turned to surprise as he cleared his throat and took out his pipe.
 "Oh, nothing.  It's a scratch.  I tripped."
 "You sure you aren't going to clean it?  It looks bad."
 "I'll clean it soon enough.  Now off to bed."
 With that, Rudolph slowly climbed the spiral staircase to his room.  Will placed a paw to the wound, and groaned at the pain.  The blood still flowed freely.  He hoped Rudolph wouldn't notice it, but it was too obvious to begin with.  But that wasn't his only concern.  His mind was flooded in thought.
 (Why did it call him the chosen one?  I mean, it could have attacked anyone, but why him?  I don't get it...and I don't like it...)

 Rudolph sprawled out on the bed, quickly setting the alarm first, not removing his clothes save his shoes.  But as fatigued as the fights had left him, he couldn't stop wondering, the thoughts and his own fear giving him an acute case of insomnia.
 (Chosen one?  What the heck do they mean by that?  I'm just a kid, in most sense.  Oh, man, this is weird.  What did it want with me?  Better yet....why did it want me?  Why me?  And what what that one guy....he looked strong...but why did he protect me?  Oh, man, this is too much...)
 After hours of worry, Rudolph finally dozed off into a deep slumber, his dreams littered with those horrors of that night...the gang...the creature...and even himself...

DAY 3 (Monday)

 The Abyss, surrounded in darkness, the balls of glowing light enveloped the room once more.  Master stared solemnly at yet another globe, his twisted face cringing beneath his hood.  The jackal returned once more to his side, a look of anger on her face.  She shook her head fiercely as Master remained in thought.
 "Master, I fail to see the purpose of these Guardians you use.  They're brainless and they have no idea what they're doing half the time!"
 Master dropped the globe he held and let it float in the darkness.  He turned to the Jackal, her scythe in her paws, and growled fiercely at her.
 "I realize this, but it was for our own good.  I warned you that there would be someone watching him and defending him.  And it turns out to be our current adversary."
 The jackal looked away in disgust.  She knew she could easily destroy anyone she desired, and it was him that kept her from having any fun.
 "Don't look so worried, though.  Thanks to our Guardian, I can confirm he is the one we seek.  All it is now is a matter of how to destroy him.  We may be able to find a weakness.  You have a point, however.  The Guardians are brainless."
 The jackal smiled half-heartedly, knowing she was right in her judgment.  However, it did not change the matter at paw.  She raised her scythe, beckoning to join the crusade.
 "Please, Master, let me go after him myself.  We already know that miserable knight has no chance against me!  He won't be able to defend the chosen one.  I'll make sure of that!"
 She swung the blade with ease, her eyes glowing with malice.  Master stared straight at her and she fell silent at once.  Master retrieved the globe he previously looked at and held it to her.  She reluctantly took it and stared coldly at the image it preceded.  She grimaced as she threw it back into the darkness to orbit the center once more, unpleased with what she saw.
 "Yes...he is powerful, I must say that.  And yet, he hasn't realized his potentials."
 Master nodded in approval, his robes shaking as he did.
 "Yes...It is still quite easy to kill him now, but with that pest that stopped us last time, it may be too dangerous for you to make a move yet."
 She growled at Master's command, her hackles rising at each second.
 "But, I can end this NOW!"
 Master turned around in fury at the jackal and a bony paw, ungloved, grabbed at her neck.  She choked in pain as his paw wrapped around her and squeezed tightly, crushing her throat.
 "Listen, you insolent little bitch...I know for a fact the Oracles are never wrong, and yet you ALWAYS stand in the way!"
 "Now, you listen.  I am NOT making a move now.  It's too dangerous.  And if we fail now, it'll be all over for the Abyss.  You will not stand in my way this time.  Now, what I will do is send another Guardian to destroy him, one much stronger than the last.  If this one fails, then you may do as you wish."
 Master's grip tightened and he felt the jackal growing limp in his paw, her blade ready to drop.
 "But disregard my thoughts ONE MORE TIME and you had better pray to the Oracles that they have mercy on your miserable little soul.  DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?"
 The jackal nodded slowly, and he released her from the deathgrip.  She collapsed in a heap, struggling for breath.  Master spoke once more to her, this time facing the coming darkness again.
 "Now go.  It will take all my strength and concentration to make this Guardian.  I do not want to be disturbed.  Understand?"
 "* cough cough gasp * yes.... * pant pant * sir."
 She slowly rose to her feet, retrieved her fallen scythe and vanished into the darkness once again, holding her neck in pain.  Master began his processes once more.
 (Hmm... I cannot fail this time.  I sense it is nearly his time to awaken.  I must have his head before it is too late for us all.  You will not escape me this time.  And it's going to take more than your little friend to stop me.... Hahahah...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

 "HELLO, PINEWOOD!  Today is a beautiful Monday, the sky clear, the temperature a cool 74 degrees!  Now, here's the scoop on the Salikin issue, the real deal on the whole internet scandal..."
 Rudolph groaned as he slammed his fist into the radio, silencing it instantly.  He gazed groggily at the time.  6:00 A.M.  He wasn't used to waking up this early.  His body, dirty and small patches of dried blood from his wounds, he felt stiff all over.  He managed to drag his body out of the bed and limp heavily to the mirror.  His face was appalling, his hair out of place and knotted in some places.  There was a dark patch on his muzzle that ached constantly as he ran his fingers over it.
 "Damn...some night..."
 Running his paw to his face, Rudolph slowly reached over and took a small brushed and undid his ponytail.  Slowly brushing, at times groaning from the pain in his arms, his mind continued to run from the previous moments of last night.  He couldn't swallow the facts of what happened before...the gang, that creature, and his being the chosen one...whatever that meant.  He shook his head, trying to concentrate on getting himself straight.  Suddenly, the door opened and Rudolph slowly turned to face Sally, her usual morning attire, the same small smile on her face.
 "Good morning, Rudolph..."
 Her face turned to grief as she saw the frazzled body of the young fox, his normally deep red fur heavily caked in dirt, the small cuts on his body still obvious, his facial bruise very distinguishing.
 "Um, I'm guessing you didn't have a good time out yesterday."
 Groaning, Rudolph mustered whatever energy he could, still struggling to keep the brush on his hair.
 "I'm okay.  I'm just not used to getting up this early."
 Sally growled softly as she walked over to him, still dressed in his filthy clothing.
 "Oh, no.  I'm not having my son going out looking like a dumpster.  You're taking a shower."
 Rudolph's eyes shot wide as he heard the words come from her mouth.  He hated bathing.  It was too much work for him.
 "Whoa, hang on..."
 "No buts, mister.  You march in that shower, now!"
 She pointed firmly to the bathroom down the hall.  He shook his head in fear.
 "No, I'm fine, really, Mrs. Korowitz..."
 "Don't argue!  Oh, get over here!"
 Sally forcefully took his paw and raised him to his shaky feet.  He could feel his body tensing as he was forced to move to the bathroom by her paw.  He felt too weak to fight back. "But I don't need..."
 "Yes, you do!  Now get in here!"
 Shoving him into the bathroom, she gave him a fiery look, her attitude suddenly forceful.
 "Listen to me, young man.  You will bathe your filthy body until I tell you to come out.  You will get yourself ready for school.  Do I make myself clear?"
 Knowing he had no power in the manner, he slowly nodded.
 "Yes, ma'am."
 Glaring fiercely at him, she closed the door and sighed heavily.  He shook his head in disbelief, and gave a small laugh.
 "Boy, someone set her to 'Bitch' mode today...heh...oh, my body aches like hell."
 Cringing in pain as he proceeded, he removed his clothing, and placed it onto the toilet.  Turning on the shower, he slowly climbed in, and screamed out in pain.  The water ran heavily on his still open wounds, and burned fiercely.  The pain shot through him like a bullet.  Breathing heavily, he slowly regained himself and cleaned off the dirt from his body.  His eyes closed tightly as he ran the soap over him, intensifying the pain he was already in.  After some time, he managed to wash himself clean of last night's tolls, the bruise on his face still very obvious.  He rushed over and grabbed the nearby towel, and dried the water off his fur.  Sighing deeply, he walked over to the toilet, his old clothing replaced with cleaner cloths.  He picked up the shirt and gagged.  The t-shirt was green.  He HATED green.
 "Oh, man, this looks like junk.  Where's my old clothing?"
 The door opened and Sally's head popped around the corner.  Realizing he was still indecent, he covered himself with the towel, a look of surprise on his face.  She smiled happily.
 "I didn't see anything.  My, you look much better."
 He grinned shyly, and nodded.  The shirt still in his paw, he pawed it over to the vixen.
 "Uh, I hate green.  Do you have another color?"
 Sally sighed in exasperation.
 "No, that's all we have for now.  You'll have to make do with it.  And your old clothing is in the wash."
 His eyes bulged in horror.
 "Did you take out everything in the pockets?  I had something special in them!"
 Sally thought for a minute, and giggled in the same embarrassed manner.
 "Oops.  I guess I forgot.  I'm sorry."
 He sighed and groaned at once.
 "Never mind."
 She smiled happily, taking her hair out of the bun and letting it hang lightly.
 "Ok.  Your school supplies are in the living room.  You better hurry-you only have 10 minutes."
 (Boy, she turned nice all of  a sudden.  Weird.)
 Nodding in approval, he took the clothing and bolted out the door back into his room.  Struggling to put on the shirt, he thought of what school would be like, especially being it had been so long since he attended one.  Rushing to put on everything else, he groaned as the clothing grabbed as his body, aggravating his wounds.  In hopes no one would notice them he climbed downstairs and retrieved his supplies Sally had promised him.  Putting on the small backpack, he rushed over to the door, when Will stopped him as he opened it.  He grimaced at the painful shock he received.  The large cut, uncovered, still on Will's face, Seemed to smile as he did.
 "Have a good day, son.  Bring home some good grades for us, all right?"
 Struggling to smile, Rudolph gave a small reply.
 "Yeah, thanks."
 With that, he exited the home and rushed down the street when a voice calling his name took him by surprise.
 "Rudolph!  Wait!!"
 Rudolph turned to see the pine marten he met yesterday rushing down the street to him.  Chris appeared to be half-dragging himself to him, with al the books he carried in his backpack, books that wouldn't fit there in his paws.  He stood panting as he reached the fox, his look perplexed.  Curiosity and worry got the better of him.
 "Um, why are you carrying those books?"
 Chris laughed through his pants as he answered.
 "Heh, * pant * don't you know * pant pant * that we need them * pant gasp * for school?"
 Rudolph's look changed to that of exasperation.
 "You're not serious.  I'll need ALL those books?"
 "Probably * pant * not.  But * pant * you'll still need * pant pant pant * a new backpack.  That one's too...too...* wheeze * small."
 "Are you okay?"
 "Yeah, I'm * pant * fine.  Let's go."
 The first bell at Sand Creek High School rang through the streets as students scrambled into reach their classes before the late bell.  Chris tried to rush as quickly as he can through the halls in hopes to avoid tarnishing his already perfect attendance record.  Rudolph rushed over to stop him.  Chris, groaning in exhaustion and exasperation, turned around and stared cold into the fox's icy blue eyes.
 "What, Rudolph?  I don't want to be late!"
 Scratching his head, Rudolph coughed to clear his throat, watching the rush of students of all breeds through the halls.
 "Um, what's my first class?"
 A look of surprise came from Chris's face and a small laugh escape him muzzle.
 "Oh, yeah, I forgot.  You'll need to go to the office and pick up your schedule."
 "Where's that?"
 Shifting his books around in his arms, he struggled to point down the hall they were on.
 "Go down that way, all the way down, and the office should be the last door on the right."
 Sighing, Rudolph nodded.
 "* sigh * Okay.  Thanks."
 Slapping his paw hard on Rudolph's shoulder, causing him to whimper in pain, he smiled and gave his farewell, turning down the hall at the same time.
 "Okay, well, enjoy Sand Creek!"
 Rubbing the place the slap connected, Rudolph sighed and pushed his way down the hallway to the room labeled Office.  Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and stepped inside.  At the front desk outside the principal's room, a brown mink stood, in a pink dress, sanding off her fingernails, lost in her thoughts.  Rudolph coughed to snap her back to reality.
She quickly straightened herself and smiled at him.
 "Hello," she said in a high voice. "Is there anything you need?"
 Thinking of what he wanted to say, Rudolph snapped his fingers as the question popped into him mind.
 "Uh, yeah, ahem, I'm new here...and I needed my schedule."
 Smiling in approval, she reached into a drawer and pulled out the school schedules on yellow paper.
 "Sure thing.  What's your name?"
 "Rudolph Bradford."
 She shifted through the files, but shook her head as she did.
 "No, I'm sorry, sir.  There's no one by that name.  Unless you meant, Rudolph Korowitz."
 "Whoa, hang on.  I'm Rudolph Bradford.  Not Rudolph Korowitz."
 She shook her head again as she pulled out the files again.
 "I'm sorry, but that's the only person named Rudolph here."
 Growling in anger, he tried to keep himself from losing his patience.
 "Look, miss, I am Rudolph Bradford.  Whatever the family that registered me here told you, I am not a Korowitz."
 Sighing in disbelief herself, she pawed the paper with his schedule to him.
 "Look, we'll deal with this later on.  As it is, you're late for class.  Have your family call us and we'll change it.  Until then, just go."
 Giving a loud groan, he went over and opened the door, slamming it as it closed.  The mink simply shook her head as she took to her previous engagement.  Outside, Rudolph growled in anger as he stared at his schedule, the halls deserted of all life as he looked.
 "Great.  Now they take away my name, that just damn great.  Hmm....chemistry, room 131.  Where's that?"
 His eyes wandered around the hallway as he spotted a door with the numbers 131 above it, just to his left.  He slowly opened the door and felt his face flush as 17 other freshman students stared at him.  The teacher, a gray wolf with short hair, stood in a fancy suit, his long tie colored green and purple.  His deep voice directed towards Rudolph.
 "Oh, hello.  You must be a new student here."
 "Well, welcome to Chemistry.  My name's Mr. Hilt.  Go ahead and take your"
 "Yes, Rudolph.  Have your seat."
 A few people snickered as he walk shyly over to his seat.  Quickly taking his seat, he sighed once more and stared at the board and Mr. Hilt.
 "Well, as I was saying, today, we will be mixing some corrosive chemicals.  We will try to create hydrogen gas through our set of chemicals.  Now, all you have to do is use that gas to create a small explosion.  Mark all observations in your journals.  Now, partner up and begin."
 The class stood up and began to take any people they could find.  Still sitting, Rudolph tapped his finger on the desk in boredom.  An arctic fox, wearing a dark-colored shirt and pants, and short white hair, walked over to him.  He stood around 5'8", and had deep brown eyes.  He appeared to be a little bulkier than Rudolph himself.  He smiled as he offered his paw to Rudolph.
 "Hey, there.  Heard you were new.  Name's Tim."
 Slowly taking his white-furred paw, Rudolph shook it firmly.
 "Hello, Tim."
 With a small smirk, he took Rudolph slowly to his feet.  Patting him on the back, and Rudolph still trying not to wince at the pain, Tim spoke in a deep voice and guided him to a free table.
 "Come on, don't be shy.  Let's work together."
 Sighing heavily, Rudolph just said yes, not in the mood to argue at the person who was being so nice to him.  They took a seat near the end of the room, the table covered in different chemical apparatuses.  Applying his goggles, Tim prepared the flame for the experiment.  Rudolph yawned in boredom.  Tim looked over and shook his head.
 "What's the matter?  You bored?"
 "No, I'm just thinking about how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop."
 Tim laughed a little at the red fox's ruse.
 "Heh, you're funny, you know that?"
 Looking around, Tim scratched his head a little.
 "Damn, I guess we're missing our tweezers.  Hang on for a sec, OK?"
 With a yawn, Rudolph doggedly replied.
 "Sure.  Take all the time....* yawn * you need."
 With that, Tim stood up and headed over to the desk to collect their forgotten supplies.   Rudolph gazed drearily over the equipment.  His curiosity aroused when he saw the chemicals.  Taking them both in his paws, he slowly shook them.  A small smile crossed his face as he poured them into the small beaker.  Mr. Hilt whistled as walked over to see his new student finally aroused in his his work.
 "Hell, Rudolph.  How's....every...thing..."
 Mr. Hilt's face slowly wrenched in fear as he saw Rudolph continuing to pour into the now bubbling mass of liquid.
 "Rudolph!  Stop!  That much chemical usage can cause...."
 As Rudolph looked away from his work, the mass soon began to foam constantly.  Rudolph's face soon shared the same horror as he ran for cover.  The mass soon exploded into a white mess all over the classroom, covering everyone in the froth, including the now angered teacher.  The red fox, slowly lifting his head from his hiding spot, was greeted by angry eyes and snarls all around the room.  Everyone was slimed from head to toe in the mess he created.  Tim, looking across to the cowering fox, began to laugh constantly, until tears spewed from his  eyes, his side aching in pain.  Mr. Hilt soon walked over and gave a low snarl to Rudolph.
 "Do you know what you've DONE?"
 With a nervous laugh, Rudolph stammered in replying.
 The gray wolf sighed in frustration and shook his head.
 "It's gonna be one of those years...."
 The bell rang out loud, signaling the student's freedom from class.

 After 3 classes of boredom, Rudolph had about enough.  Walking down the hall with Chris, he sighed as they continued on to their next class.  Chris guffawed loudly in his high-pitched voice as Rudolph told his friend his about his already miserable day.
 "You blew up the lab??  HAHAHAHA! I can't believe you! actually nuked the entire class with it?  HAHAHA! * gasp *  HAHAHAHAHAHAH!"
 Rudolph suddenly grabbed the scruff of Chris's neck and lifted him off his feet.
 "It's not funny!  I almost got killed by my teacher and damn near everyone in the class!"
 Choking for air, Chris struggled to get down, Rudolph's grasp tightening on him.
 "Sorry...lemme go...*gasp* I can't breathe..."
 A low growl arising, Rudolph slowly dropped his friend.  He began to sputter for air as he crashed into the floor.  With a cough, he offered his paw to pick Chris up again.
 "I'm just hasn't been a good day."
 "* pant * It's okay."
 "No, it's not.  I shouldn't have done that."
 "* cough * I said it was okay."
 "....All right."
 As they continued to walk, Chris's eyes glowed with curiosity as he wondered how his new friend's day had been.
 " has your day been?"
 With a smile, Rudolph told his tales of classroom horror.
 "Terrible.  After the explosion in the lab, I went over to math class.  Our teacher put on this algebra problem, something with x and y equaling this or something.  Well, she asks me to answer this one: 9x + 4y - 2z = 20.  So, in my own stupidity, I guess 4."
 "On all of the possibilities?" Chris interrupted.
 "Yeah- I didn't know what it meant.  Course, everyone laughs at me."
 "Oh, the torments of classroom chums."
 "....yeah.  So, I go to American History, and that teacher just talks and talks and talks all day.  Well, didn't take too long for me to pass out."
 "From boredom?"
 "That, condition again, I suppose."
 "Well, the teacher makes a scene and makes me teach the lesson in front of the class.  Boy, I was such an IDIOT.  Everyone though I was stupid standing up there in front of them like that.  And I don't know anything about history."
 "Ah.  It has been a bad day for ya."
 "Yeah, and that's just this half of the day.  There's the other half, all that torture and...all"
 Chris son turned around to see Rudolph gawking, his muzzle wide open as he stared sown the opposite hall.  Afraid that he was going into another shock, Chris rushed over to his friend.
 "Rudolph!  What's wrong?"
 "What?  I don't see....oh, I see you've seen her too."
 Rudolph's glassed eyes stared down to see a group of females walking down the hall to class.  The girl in the center was his main focus of attention.  She was stunningly beautiful sand fox, a fennec.  Her fur a sandy color, she had a sweet smile as she walked with her friends.  She had purple eyes, and long, loose brown hair.  Her large, erect ears had 2 hoop earrings coming off on the tips.  Standing only 5'5", with a thin figure, and small breasts, she seemed to walk on air.  She wore a purple t-shirt, long jeans, and green sandals.  Rudolph soon found himself motionless.  He was stunned by her beauty.
 "...dolph?  Rudolph?"
 "What?" Rudolph's attention soon lost focus on the girl and onto Chris.
 "I could introduce her to you, if you want..."
 "I can do it!  Watch!"
 As she and the group walked to them, his lips soon felt numb, his legs quavering.  Shaking his head, Chris ran his fingers through his hair and walked over to her.  The girls surrounding her gave a look of disgust as they broke off from her.  She, however, smiled sweetly a the pine marten.  Rudolph remained motionless.  After a brief conversation, they walked over to him.
 "Heh...who's your friend, Chris?" the fennec spoke in a voice as smooth as silk.
 "Oh, he's a friend of mine.  New guy.  His name's Rudolph."
 Her smile grew broader as she offered her paw to his.  He instantly dropped the book he was carrying in his paw.
 "I'm pleased to meet you, Rudolph.  My name's Rose.  Desert Rose."
 Rudolph, however, showed no actions.  He stood there, unable to do anything  A small line of drool ran from his muzzle.  A sudden jab into his chest from Chris's elbow shot him back to reality.
 "Ow....Pleased to meet you, Desert Rose."
 He raised his paw to shake hers.  He felt a shock of sudden energy run from her to him.  Desert Rose kept her smile as she gave a gentle shake.
 "You're cute, you know that?  You can just call me Rose.  Everyone else does."
 " can call me....uh....what's my name again?"
 A sharp whisper parted from Chris's muzzle.
 "Uh, yeah, what he said.  Or Rudy.  Whichever one you like...."
 She laughed slightly at Rudolph's sudden shyness.
 "I like your hair.  It's very nice."
 "Yeah....I brush it everyday....."
 "And that white on green splotchy look really works for you!"
 Soon, they both found themselves laughing softly.  Rose raised her paw to check her watch and groaned.
 "Oh, man....I'm gonna be late!  Well, it was nice to meet you Rudy!  See ya!"
 With a wave from her paw, she ran down the hall to reach her next class.  Rudolph suddenly collapsed into the wall and sighed.
 "Desert Rose....her name is as beautiful as she is...."
 Chris laughed as he went to his lovesick friend.
 "I think someone's in love...."
 "What?  Me?  Nah...."
 A look of evil began to shine in the normally peaceful marten's mind.
 "You sure showed her your people skills."
 "I'm rusty!  Give me a break!"
 "Yeah.  Well, she's pretty much the most popular fur in the school.  You'll have a hard time getting a date with her.  That, and she's a sophomore."
 "You're a freshman."
 Chris reassured him with a pat on his shoulder.
 "Well, don't give up.  You may get her.  You never know."
 Rudolph sighed as he picked up his book from the floor.
 (...She's so beautiful....I gotta concentrate here....but why can't I stop thinking of her?  Oh, man....What if I am falling in love with her?  What about Margie.....)
 "Rudolph, come on!  We're already late!"
 Chris ran down the halls in the same fashion Rose had.  Breaking from his daze, Rudolph ran down to reach his class, his thoughts still straying to Rose, the girl of his dreams.

 Rudolph sighed heavily in his room as he dropped off his increasingly heavy school supplies.  As he laid on his unmade bed, he dreamt about Rose.  He tried as hard as he could, but he found it was nearly impossible.  He wanted to be with her.  It was unfortunate that he couldn't find her after he left school.  He felt too embarrassed to in the first place.  He closed his eyes and began to slowly doze off as his room door opened again.  Will stepped in and leaned on the wall, smiling as he did.
 "Hello, son," Will said in an enthusiastic voice.  "How was school?"
 Rudolph's eyes shot open as Will's voice startled him.  He had almost forgotten about school.  He silently cursed as his already horrible first day came rushing to his mind again.  Putting on his most assuring face, Rudolph grinned and coughed a little.
 "Um, heh...okay."
 Will's smile broadened by his son's reply.
 "That's great.  So, you scaring off all the teachers with your knowledge?"
 " could say that...."
 "Heh, that's my boy!"
 Rudolph suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach.  He winced as the pain increased.  He didn't have the heart to tell him that his teachers already marked him as a failure, which was true.  It had been some time since he really learned that type of knowledge, and he never really focused on that for the matter.  He even forgot what his classroom assignments were, so he knew school wasn't going to go well tomorrow.  He spent most of his time daydreaming about Rose anyway.  Will disregarded his wincing face and his smile disappeared as he addressed his son to go downstairs.  Rudolph did as he was told.  Sally was waiting at the door, dressed in a light summer clothing and donning running shoes, carrying a small burlap sack.  Will went over to the table in the living room, Rudolph reluctantly following as he did.  Sally y did the same.
 "Listen Rudolph," Will said as he lifted his right paw.  Rudolph suddenly noticed a large diamond ring with a strange shimmer to it.  Will slipped the ring off his finger and placed it on the table.  "I have to go out with your mother for a while, and I have to leave my ring here.  I don't trust it with anyone else, and I know you'll take good care of it until I return.  Now, promise me you won't mess with it.  It's very important to me.  Understand?"
 Rudolph sighed and nodded as well.
 "Yes, Mr. Korowitz.  I bet it's your wedding ring, huh?"
 Will blushed a bit and smiled.
 "Um, yes.  It cost a lot of money, so please keep it safe."
 Rudolph shrugged.
 "I guess I could watch it.  Sure."
 Will sighed in relief.
 "Thank you.  Come, Sally, let's go."
 Sally nodded as she turned for the door, Will taking her paw at the same time.  When they were out of Rudolph's earshot, he whispered harshly into his wife's ear.
 "Are you sure this is a good idea?  I mean, what if something happens while we're gone?"
 Sally lifted herself on her toes as she whispered into his ear to answer, a tone of seriousness to it.
 "You know how dangerous this is.  You could lose it.  Besides, I doubt anything will happen while we're away."
 Will's whisper grew more harsh as he argued his case.
 "But, what if they come here?  The boy can't defend himself!"
 "He'll be fine."
 "....I hope so."
 After a small good-bye, the couple went out the door to their task.  Rudolph lazily walked over, the ring in his paws, and flopped on the couch.  He twirled the ring in his paws, studying it's detail.  He whistled in approval.
 "'s pretty good condition.  Man, that piece of ice must have cost a lot of money."
 The ring's stone was pretty large.  It seemed to be carved in various places, giving it a peculiar shape too hard to describe.  He felt a strange surge of energy from the ring that he couldn't figure.  He checked the gold ring itself to see if there were any details to it.  The ring itself was covered in small, rune-like shapings he couldn't decipher.  Other than the runes, however, there was no inscription or identification to its owner.
 "Man, this is some weird ring.  Bet it's foreign.  I'd say the ring is about $10,000.  Man, he must be rich to afford this thing."
 He placed the ring close to his face and studied it a little more.  Nothing else was special about it.  A thought crossed his mind.  With curiosity, he placed the ring on his finger.  It seemed to fit perfectly, as if it were.  He admired it as he studied his paw's new look.
 "Cool...wish I could have this ring myself."
 A surge of energy began to rush into his body from his paw.  The ring gave a low, blue glow.  Rudolph gave a look of question as he stood up, staring at the ring's peculiar light.
 "What the...."
 Suddenly, everything around him exploded in light.  Ribbons of white light caressed his body from his ring.  Rudolph gaped in awe as the light enveloped his body.  He silently swore as the light seemed to harden around him.  It left him covered in a strange golden armor.
His paws were covered in silver gauntlets, his legs gold and silver lined.  The ring vanished underneath his armor and became a part of him.  The light even tually dissipated, leaving Rudolph staring in horror at what he saw.  He rushed with incredible agility to a mirror and screamed.  The normal red fox he recognized was replaced with a knight.  He was, in fact, covered in the gold armor.  The only unarmored spots were his head (there was no helmet piece) and his tail, which swished in anxiety.  A hilt was tied to his back, a large sheath behind him.  He fell to his knees and touched the mirror.  The reflection did the same.
 "What the hell happened to me?"  Rudolph said aloud as he continued his observations.  With sudden curiosity, he reached behind and grabbed at the sword hilt.  From the sheath, came a large blue sword.  It was incredibly light, despite it's size.  It was nearly as tall as he was.  The entire blade was covered in rune marking similar to the ring's.  He dropped it in terror as the sword glowed in the same fashion as the ring had, the blade sinking into the floor, with no sound at all.  He struggled to remove the gauntlets to no avail.  The armor seemed glued to him.
 "Dammit, why won't it come off?  Damn my curiosity!"
 After some struggling, he slumped down in defeat, panting heavily.  The armor was permanent.  The ring was gone.  He was stuck this way.  He closed his eyes, praying that it was all a dream.  His eyes suddenly shot open as his memory flashed back....
 "No way....."
 In an instant, Rudolph remembered that the armor resembled the knight's, the one that saved him yesterday.  The mark on the knight's muzzle greatly resembled the one that Will had.  His mind raced as the pieces came together.
 "The knight....and Will.....they're the same person...Will is the knight....but why am I wearing this junk?  This is his!"
 Rudolph's head swam and he felt light-headed.  What was happening to him came in a rush.  Stumbling over to his sword, he hastily picked it up and placed it in his sheath again, with incredible ease.  Within seconds, the dizziness passed.  His worried look changed to that of a strange pleasure.  He grinned in anticipation.  A laugh passed from his muzzle as he grinned.
 " know, this may turn out better than I think...."
 Thinking about yesterday, he walked over to the door and opened it.  The hinges strained from his movement, and he smashed it off it's position.  Rudolph laughed.
 "Oh, man, I think I may like this!"
 Stepping outside, he checked to make sure that no one saw him and placed the door, the best he could, back in it's somewhat-perfect condition.  It leaned heavily as he made the best attempt he could in fixing it.  Shrugging it off, he took a running start down the street.  With strange incredibility, his speed was increasingly higher than it was supposed to.  He jumped a few times.  He soon found himself above the trees of the city.  He laughed with glee.
 "Man, super strength, super speed, super jumps....this kicks ASS!"
 The people around him seemed to be blurs as he exercised his potentials, grinning happily as he did.  He nearly forgotten about his previous worry.  The hours passed along in seconds.  The sky dimmed as he snapped back to reality.
 "Crap, I gotta get home.  I'll get this stuff of when I figure out how."
 As he started his running start, he heard a familiar, high-pitched scream.  He ran over to see what he hoped he would never see again.  Satan's Fury had cornered a poor guy into the alleyways again.  The panic-stricken fur screamed as the gang drew nearer.  Rudolph could feel his hackles arising as he rushed over to the gang.
 "Come on, kid.  We won't hurt you...", Rax beckoned with his paw, still stained with his blood from last night.  The kid cowered in the corner, crying for mercy.
 "* sob * Please....don't hurt me....* sob sob*"
 "We won't, if you give us what we want..."
 Rudolph stepped into the alley and barked a loud challenge to his adversary.
 "Not so fast, you bastards!"
 Rax turned around to see the knight blocking the way.  He grinned slyly, an evil look on his face.
 "Heh, you challenging us?  You look more like you're going to a halloween party!"
 (They don't recognize me....)
 "Yeah, I am!" Rudolph replied, giving his most courageous voice to fool the gang.  "I'd let them go, if I were you."
 "Oh, really?  I think you're sadly mistaken, costume boy."
 The puma, along with Bullhorn, and Shifty, leaning heavily on a stick, unable to move the leg Rudolph struck earlier back, snapped his fingers.  The area soon was surrounded with numerous gang members, each one burlier than the next.  They all brandished mean weaponry, and gave smug looks to the fox.  The victim whimpered as the gang surrounded the fox.  Rax grinned as he summoned a burly German Shepherd to Rudolph's position.
 "You have no idea what you got yourself into.  We'll make this as painful as possible for you....hehehehe...."
 The German Shepherd lunged forward to Rudolph and threw a punch that connected with Rudolph's head.  The fox merely stood there as the blow connected, feeling little pain.  In retaliation, he struck the dog back in the same fashion.  The blow sent the dog flying back to the alley's end.  He collided harshly and collapsed in a heap.  Rudolph tried his best to keep from smiling.  Rax exploded in fury and gestured the rest of the gang.
 "That's it!  Get him!"
 The gang made  a quick move to their adversary, but Rudolph jumped high into the air as they collapsed into him.  Landing perfectly on his feet, he drew the sword from his back and thrust it into the ground.  The sword glowed fiercely and issued small shafts of light.  Rudolph found his power shifting into the blade, and he screamed out in fury.
 "You won't get away with your crimes anymore!  ENERGY WAVE!!"
 Beams of light emitted from the ground and it began to quake fiercely.  The walls and ceilings cracked under the pressure of the blast.  The gang members found themselves helpless as the earth seemed to swallow them whole.  When the blast dissipated, whoever was left still conscious arose, showered in dirt.  Rax began to shake in fear, and started to fall back.
 "Y-You're're not're a freak!  I'm getting outta here!"
 The gang members followed in the same fashion, leaving their fallen comrades behind.  Rax looked back at the knight, and continued to run, scattering dirt as he rushed from the scene.  Rudolph laughed with glee at his enemies.
 "You better run, you cowards!"
 Sighing with relief, he sheathed his sword.
 ( did I do that?  This is some strange crap....)
 "Please...don't hurt me...." The victim cried aloud in the corner, tears streaming down his face.  He was showered in dirt from Rudolph attack, but didn't seem to be hurt.  Rudolph rushed over and gave a cry of surprise.
 The kid looked up.  Sure enough, Chris had been caught by Satan's Fury.  Tears were staining down his face.
 "What?  How do you know my name?"
 Rudolph laughed again and gave his friend a good slap on his shoulder.  Chris winced from the force.
 "Don't you recognize me?  It's me!  Rudolph!"
 Chris squinted and cried aloud.
 "It...It is you..."
 Chris lunged forward and took Rudolph by the waist and pressed his face against his breastplate.
 "Rudolph!  I'm so glad to see you!  They were going to harass me!  Until you came in and took them apart.....hey, how come you could do that?  What's going on with you?"
 Rudolph laughed heartily again as he rubbed Chris's head, taking care not to hurt him.
 "Slow down, man.  I don't know what's going on here with me.  This just happened."
 Chris sniffed loudly.
 "I don't think I could take the explanation.  I'm just glad you came when you did."
 "Don't worry.  I promised I would protect ya!"
 Chris laughed as the promise arose in his mind as well.
 "Yeah...You're right.  Well, I'd better go.  We'll talk later."
 Straightening himself, Chris began to straggle out of the alleyway, talking to himself to calm his nerves.  As he turned the corner, Rudolph quickly called out to him.
 Chris warily turned around.
 Rudolph blushed a little.  He wasn't used to saying these type of things.
 "Don't tell anyone what happened here, or this....conditon of mine.   Just precautions, okay?"
 Chris gave a weak smile in return.
 "Sure, friend.  I'll be the only one.  No one talks to me anyway...."
 With that, Chris left the destroyed alleyway, leaning Rudolph alone.  He smiled and stared at himself.  He couldn't realize how much stronger he felt.  It was a new sensation, something he couldn't shake off.  He wanted it.  He wanted more.  More action, more suspence... A noise grew from the background.  Expecting it to be the German Shepherd he had felled, Rudolph turned, a smirk on his face, ready to prove he was much stronger that his adversary.  But what he saw would have turned even the most courageous people to turn and run in fear.  He felt himself grow white as he stared into the face of another creature.  It was similar to that which he saw the other day.  But this one had fur over the scales, in uneven, falling patches, 4 arms, each holding a nasty dagger.  It's face was twisted and distorted.  The stench it gave was overwhelming.  Rudolph tried his hardest not to collapse from the smell.  The creature groaned loudly to him, stepping slowly forward.
 Rudolph reveled in fear.  The creature drew nearer.  He could feel his breath catching in his throat.  The world seemed to black out...
 A flash of light suddenly snapped him out of his anxiety.  He nearly forgotten about his condition.  Slowly re-drawing his sword, he held it in front of him, both paws on the large hilt, the blade glistening in the dark.  A snarl grew on his muzzle as the creature drew nearer, keeping his senses intact.  The creature made a move and lunged for him.  Using incredible agility, Rudolph nimbly parried the knives and counterattacked with a slash of his own.  The creature lost contact to one of it's arms the knife dropping from it's grimy, rotten claw.  IT hung limp from its side.  The creature suddenly screamed a loud yelp and sent an unknown bolt of energy to him.  The bolt connected hard to his chest, sending him reeling back.  He groaned slightly as he stood to recover.  The creature tried once more to regain its attempt over Rudolph.  But he prepared for it, and headed straight for it, sending a quick slash thought its abdomen.  With a great cry of pain, the creature strained and twisted in a grotesque tone.  It finally collapsed in a heap, it's body vanishing into dust, flying through the wind.  Rudolph panted hard at what he saw.  He had killed whatever the thing was.  The world seemed to collapse upon him.  He stumbled about wildly, trying to regain what had just happened.  The sun set slowly as his world snapped back to him.
 (Oh, man....this is what he has to go through?  This isn't worth it....)
 It was too much.  He decided to return home, and get rid of this new power of his.  If this would be what he had to deal with in this form, he wanted no part in it.  Using the darkness as his veil, Rudolph returned home, in hopes that he could return the power that he had borrowed that night.

 Rudolph paced around in the living room, back at home.  He tried numerous times ot remove his gauntlet and find the ring that had cursed him with misfortune that night.  Yet nothing happened.  He had succeeded in exhausting himself.  Time seemed to stand still.  He knew that the Korowitz's would possibly kill him for stealing what was theirs.  He knew it was over.  His life was over.  A sudden noise at the door.  The pawle creaked.  They were here.  He swallowed at what he knew was coming to him.
 "Yeah, that was fun, we have to do that more often.  You know...", Will stammered on as he stared straight into Rudolph's pleading eyes.  Rage seemed to enveloped him as Sally stood dumbfounded at what was happening.  Will ran over and placed his paws fiercely around his foster son, a glint of fire in his eyes.
 "What the hell is this!  Did you put on the ring?  DID YOU??"
 Rudolph whined as he could feel his parent's attempt to hurt him.  He felt in no condition, even with his armor, to fight back.
 "I-I-I just put it on!  I didn't know this would happen!"
 Will gave a snort as he pushed him off.  He began to foam at the moth.
 "You just put it on?  Do you realize what you've done?  DO YOU?"
 "NO!  I don't!  I'm sorry!!"
 Sally rushed in, holding her mate back in hopes of stopping bloodshed.
 "Please, the boy didn't know..."
 Will shook her aside with  brute force.
 "Out of my way, cur!  Listen, you damn ignorant just sealed away your fate!"
 A look of surprise jumped will's face.  Rudolph shook in fear at his sudden reactions.  Will shook hi head and recollected his thoughts.
 "Wait a have the power....but you're not a member of the bloodline.....could this be...?"
 Rudolph shared the same puzzled look as Will continued on.
 "Could it be....the chosen're the chosen one.  You're....the descendant...."
 Rudolph groaned in agony at the words.  He was tired of hearing about this "chosen one" crap.
 "Whoa, hang on a sec here...." Rudolph replied as he walked over to his father in an annoyed fashion.  "What is all this chosen one crap?  Who's this descendant?  What the hell is going on??"
 Will placed his paws on Rudolph's shoulders and sighed.
 "It is quite a long story.  You should sit down."
 The two walked over to the nearby couch and sat down.  Sally sat down as well to hear the conversation.  Clearing his throat, he began his tale.
 "You see, Rudolph, long ago, my family's ancestors had a mysterious aura.  They could...well, I guess you could say, conjure up magical abilities.  When a great evil arose, their powers alone were not enough to stop the force.  When all seemed lost, they made a firm decision.  Using whatever energy they had, they converted their powers into a single component...the ring you're wearing now."
 Rudolph gazed in awe at the gloved that used to hold the ring, appearing lost in thought.  Will continued his tale.
 "In the converted form, the powers were magnified beyond compare.  The ability to transmogrify into an energy state was possible.  They used the ability to vanquish the evil forces.  But the forces never were to cease.  They continued to strike back.  The force known as....The Abyss."
 Rudolph interrupted the story.
 "Wait a sec, does this....'Abyss' have to do with anything?  Are you saying that that creature I fought...."
 "A creature you fought?  You mean you've fought a Guardian?"
 "That's what those things are?"
 "Yes....a brainless force that has no desire but to perform its task.  I protected you from one of them.  I was unsure of why it attacked you, they usually go after me....until now, at least."
 "Great....go on with the story."
 "* coughs * You see, the guardians of the Abyss were from another realm.  No one knows exactly where that is, of what powers they contain.  But each time they arose, they grew stronger.  One day, the oracles of the city predicted that one day, this evil would be so great that the bloodline would be powerless to stop it.  But there was hope.  A descendant was prophecized long ago.  His power would be far greater than any other knight in the bloodline.  Even though he would not be in the bloodline....."
 "Are you saying that....I'm the descendant?"
 "Well, yes.  You were chosen long ago to represent us in the field of battle.  Sally was just as surprised at what I just told here, too, the first time."
 Sally laughed a little as she spoke up in the conversation.
 "Yes, it is quite a tale.  But it is a fact.  You probably know that by now."
 Will nodded in reply.
 "Yes....that may explain why I felt so strange around you, Rudolph.  I could sense a strange power in your eyes...I even felt compelled to tell you sooner.  But, I was unsure of that aura, until now.  Rudolph, you are the chosen one, the knight of legacy.  You have to challenge the Abyss alone."
 Rudolph quickly shot up, a look of surprise on his face.
 "WHOA, time out!  You're saying I have to destroy....some strange, alien force with wriggling arms and gnashing teeth ALONE?  I can't do this!  I'm out!"
 Will shook his head in sadness.  He knew what he would say next would only increase the tension.
 "I'm sorry....but it's not that easy.  You see, the ring has chosen you as its owner.  The ring was designed for your fingers when you put it on.  Once the ring transfers its power to the next in line, it becomes just an ordinary ring to previous owners.  Not to upset you, but....* sigh * It's too late to turn back.  You're the owner.  It's up to you now."
 Rudolph slowly slumped back into his seat and put his head into his paws and screamed in fury.  Will placed his paw on his shoulder.  Sally went over and did the same.
 "It's okay, sweetie.  You have a great responsibility.  You should live up to it."
 Rudolph snarled his reply.
 "But I don't want to do this!  Hell, I can't even get the stupid ring off!"
 Will took Rudolph's free paw and stared hard into it.
 "Is the ring on this paw?"
 Rudolph groaned as he replied.
 "Okay.  I can help you.  I want you to concentrate your thoughts on your former body.  It should revert the power back to the ring.  At least try it."
 Rudolph slowly closed his eyes and began to concentrate.  The armor seemed to revert and flash as it converted back into ribbons of light.  The light surrounded his form and the ring re-materialized on his paw.  He squinted as the process commenced.
 "Concentrate, that's it..." Will said softly.
 The light swelled around and began to enter the ring once more.  The ring's immense glow grew as time passed, until the armor vanished altogether.  Rudolph collapsed, panting as he found his older clothing had returned.  Will sighed in relief.
 "It may be hard a first, but as time continues, it will become easier.  And when you want to return to your knight form, concentrate on that."
 Sally walked over and helped the fox to his feet.  Shaking off his fatigue, he nodded.
 "I guess this is it, huh...." Rudolph said as he fondled the ring on his finger.  His blue eyes stared constantly into the ring's inner glow.  Will's tone turned harsh again as he continued onward.
 "Listen to me, Rudolph.  This power is far greater than anything you can imagine.  But if the Abyss or anyone were to ever learn about it, they would surely try to kill you off guard.  Stay alert, and don't let anyone else know about this.  Do you understand?"
 Rudolph winced as he Will finished.  He couldn't tell him that someone else did know by now.
 "Sure thing, Mr. Korowitz."
 "* sigh * It's late.  You better get some sleep."

 Rudolph tossed and turned in his bed.  Fatigued as he was, he couldn't seem to close his eyes long enough.  The horrors were still fresh in his memory.
 (...First, a street punk, now, a superhero?  Why me?  Why must everything happen to me??)
 He beat his fists on his head in anger.  He was furious that he let his curiosity get the better of him.  He couldn't think straight.  Even his thought of Rose couldn't calm what little nerves he had left.  He groaned as he finally found the urge to sleep, the nightmares his only greeting that night.

DAY 4 (Tuesday)

 Master stood in horror at what he had seen in the globe.  His dark, twisted face was screwed and wrenched in fear behind his robes.  The globe slowly slipped from his rotting fingers.  The jackal returned to the center, a smirk on her face.  Master quivered as he spoke, his normally scratchy voice resoundingly high-pitched.
 "It's too late....he has awoken."
 The jackal laughed evilly, the scythe bouncing on her shoulders.  The smirk grew into a cruel smile.
 "I told you those Guardians were of no use.  Now it's too late.  Heheh....."
 Master turned over to her and growled in protest.  His sinister eyes glowed fiercely in his robes as the jackal reveled in horror.  She knew she had made a huge mistake.  She protested an offer to the angered lord.
 "You know, I bet his powers are still new.  He may not realize his potential quite yet."
 Master grabbed a globe in annoyed fashion and thrust it to her.  She sighed and grabbed it.  Her face soon grew with curiosity as the image reflected the new knight's valiant efforts.  Master growled once more, this time in worry.
 "He already has a great grasp on his potentials.  If he learned that much so fast, then it is only a matter of time before his power exceeds ours.  But we must take a serious action.  If we can attack him while he does not notice us, we may have a chance."
 The jackal grinned as she shouldered her scythe fondly.
 "I would be glad to do the honors."
 " not attack yet."
 The jackal growled in fury.  She hated being docile.  Master continued.
 "It's too soon.  We should not move yet.  Do not worry, warrior.  You will get your chance."
 She merely sighed in defeat and bowed deeply.
 "I shall honor your command, my liege."
 "Good.  Now leave."
 She slowly walked back into the darkness, muttering to herself.  Master groaned as he saw what would come.
 (The time has come.  Our reckoning is at paw.  We must not let him live.  Our fates depend on his destruction.  We must react quickly, or it will be too late for us could I have been so foolish??  Why did I let his reach this stage?  I have doomed us all...but I will not go down with out a fight.)
 He steeped forward and began to grin evilly.
 (Hehehe...don't worry, little man.  You won't have to worry about your new ability for long.  I'll take care of that little issue for you soon enough.....heheheh....HAHAHAHAHA!)

 5:32 P.M.

 "OUCH!  Stop it!  That hurts!"
 Rudolph cried in pain as Sally ran the comb through his hair.  She growled in protest.
 "Oh, stand still!  You wanna look nice, don't you?"
 Rudolph grunted in reply.  He was formally dressed in a deep black tuxedo underneath a nice white shirt.  A bowtie was wrapped around his neck.  His hair was begin thoroughly combed out of it's previous condition, and steadily tangled out.  He yelped another cry of pain as she struck another knot in his long hair.  Will, who stood nearby, laughed as he saw his son going through his ordeal.
 "So," Will said, smiling a mischievous grin, "you're going out?"
 He smiled as the c omb continued to run through his hair.
 "Yeah. * yelp * Stop pulling so hard!"
 Sally harumphed as she continued.
 "Please...if you would care for it a little better, than just wrap it in a ponytail all the time, this wouldn't be so hard!"
 Will was now guffawing with laughter, trying hard to keep his sides from aching.  Rudolph shot him an evil look and sighed.  Will continued on.
 "Heard you found yourself a girl, huh?"
 Sally took the comb out of Rudolph's hair and grinned.  She took his hair and began to string it into a long braid.
 "Are you sure it's okay for me to go?  I mean, this is a girl we're talking about here..."
 Sally laughed a little as she continued to her work.
 "As long as you aren't going too fast, it's okay.  Besides, we have work to do.  Hey, what's her name, anyway?"
 Rudolph sighed heavily and stared dreamily into space.
 "Desert Rose."
 "That's a pretty name.  What's her last name?"
 Sally stopped braiding and looked into his eyes.
 "You don't know her last name?"
 "No, but don't worry.  I'll ask her."
 "....all right.  It's not my business, anywho."
 Will checked his chronograph and gave a loud cough.
 "Well, you know where she lives?  We need to leave in a little bit."
 Rudolph thought hard about her address.  It still was fresh in his memory, but still hard to drag out of it.
 "Um....3488 Osweld Street."
 "Okay, then.  Well, when you're ready."
 Rudolph sighed again as his thoughts wandered off.  He still was surprised at how it actually happened.  His one chance to win her heart, and it was already going as planned...

 10:31 A.M.
 "Okay, Rudolph, be calm...."  Rudolph muttered as he walked through the halls.  It was their passing period, and this could have been his only chance to ask.  He wandered around the school halls and finally saw her...
 Desert Rose was over the drinking fountain, sipping at the water spewing from the faucet.  He could feel his breath catch in his throat, and tried his hardest not to choke.
 "Come on, Rudolph, all you gotta do is ask...."
 He slowly and casually walked over to where she was, her tail swishing from side to side, as if she already knew of his presence.  He was next to her.  Now was the time....
 The fennec looked up at him and smiled.
 "Oh, hello Rudy.  How's life treating you?"
 Rudolph shrugged in reply.
 "Okay, I guess.  Um, I wanna ask you a question...."
 "Oh, sure, go right ahead."
 Rose stood upright, her paws folded on her chest, a curious smile on her face.  Rudolph seemed lost in his thoughts.  He felt himself choking...he couldn't breathe...
 "Well?  What did you want to ask?" Rose said, her voice still cool and patient.  After taking a few breaths, and making sure that no one else would question what he was going to ask, he answered as quickly as he could.
 "Wouldyouliketogoouttodinnerwithme?" He sputtered out.  Rose merely gave a puzzled look.
 "What?  I  didn't get you, bud.  Slow down a bit."
 (Great...nice start, Rudolph.)
 He took a deep breath, and tried to recollect himself.
 "....Could....would you like to go out with dinner with me?"
 Rose merely tilted her head.  Rudolph's fur grew hot again and he turned around embarrassed.  He squinted his eyes in terror.
 (Great job, Rudolph.  She's not responding.  I really screwed up now.  Dammit....)
 Rose grabbed his shoulder and slowly spun him around.
 (Here it comes....she's gonna shoot me down....Oh, God, no....)
 Rudolph could hear his heart racing.  His voice a mere squeak, he whimpered as a small smile crossed the fennec's face which slowly broadened.
 "I'd love to."
 He worriedly spat out his response to her, the smile fixed onto her.
 "Oh, look, I'm sorry.  I mean, it was just so sudden an....WHAT?"
 Rose giggled quietly as he merely stood agape.  She shook her head as she responded, her voice filled with joy.
 "I said, I'd love to.  I was hoping you would talk with me, anyway.  You seem quite interesting.  I want to know you more personally."
 "...You would?"
 "Of course, silly!  I like to make new friends.  When are we going?"
 He cleared out his throat again, struggling to find the answer.
 " busy tonight?"
 Rose ran a finger through her hair, trying to recollect her plans.
 "Not really.  My father would probably let me go, if I do all my chores."
 Rudolph sighed in relief.
 "So....that's it?"
 Rose slowly shook her head, giggling in the same fashion.
 "Oh, you!  You don't know where I live, silly!"
 "Oh, yeah....I knew that....hehe..."
 The y both found themselves laughing heartily at each other's ruse.  When it all settled down, she sighed.
 "Well, then," Rose started, "I live at 3488 Osweld Street.  Can you remember that?"
 "Sure....I I'll pick ya up at 6:00?"
 "Sure thing.  It's a date."
 Rudolph felt his face grow red again as she replied the words.  She giggled once more as the bell rang.  She waved him a fond good-bye and rushed down the halls to class.  He gave a heavy sigh, not realizing he was the only one still standing.  He found himself immersed in his dreams once more, his only focus on his future girlfriend and mate...

 Rudolph stood in front of Rose's house, Will remaining in the car, waiting patiently for him to return so that he could chauffeur them to their date.  He took a deep breath as he rang the doorbell.  He ruffled the flower bouquet in his paws, nervously awaiting the reply.  The door opened, and Rudolph's eyes were suddenly staring into the burly chest of a male fennec.  He was surprised that he had to look up to stare into his black eyes.  He appeared to be a deep sandy color, and a small grimace in his lips.  His short hair seemed ruffled and uncombed for days.  His physique was nearly impossible to comprehend.  His body size appeared to be all muscle.  What Rudolph found so surprising that this fur in front of him stood taller that Rudolph did.  Normally, a male fennec's height was only 5 feet tall.  He appeared to stand nearly 7 feet.
 (Oh, man, this guy's huge.  No wonder Rose is so tall for a fennec.  I hope he's not who I think he is....)
 The fennec talked in a strangely deep voice, filled with sinew towards the red fox, still crumpling the flowers in his paws.
 "Ah, you must be my daughter's....." the fox's voice grew more hideous and fiery as he snarled out the next phrase. " for tonight.  Please come in, won't you?"
 (Great.  Luck must be against me tonight.)
 "Uh, sure."
 Rudolph slowly stepped inside, and stepped a considerable distance from Rose's father.  His eyes wandered around to see the house was quite plain.  There were some furniture pieces here and there, and some portraits hanging from the wall, but considerably, nothing else really out of the ordinary.  He inhaled deeply as the smells of cinnamon surrounded him.  He sought out the nearest seat and took it quickly.  Giving a cold stare to the nervous fur in the chair, the fennec bellowed up the stairwell in a loud voice.
 "ROSE!!!  Your date is here!!"
 A surprisingly shocked voice came from downstairs, Rudolph quickly recognizing it as his company for the night.
 "Father!  I'll be right down!  You don't have to yell!"
 Growling in protest, the fennec went over to a chair opposite to Rudolph and sat, his massive weight causing the chair to bend slightly.  He cleared his voice and talked in a low tone.
 "'re new around here, huh?"
 Trying to keep himself calm to his superior, Rudolph answered in a nervous tone.
 "...Uh, yeah."
 A small smile crossed the fennec's face as he leaned back.  His eyes seemed to grow slightly darker and more hostile than they were before.
 "Ah, I see.  So, you taking my little doll out for a while?  How long?"
 He nodded once more, slowly closing his eyes and bringing his paws together.
 "Ok, then.  Seems fair.  You know, you sorta look like a nice kit.  What's yer name?"
 "Heh...thanks.  Name's Rudolph."
 "Nice name, kid.  Look, I'd like to clear some thing up with you first, Rudolph."
 He quickly bounded out of his seat and grabbed Rudolph by the collar and raised his to his face, his lips locked in a never-ending snarl.  Rudolph gasped as he felt the fennec's strength choking him.  The fennec growled menacingly.
 "You listen here, you little punk.  That is my baby girl, the only person I have to go for in my life now.  If you ever make her upset, or hurt her, make her cry, hell, if I find even one hair out of place on her fur, I will hunt you down, drag you out by your tail, and splatter your brains all over Pinewood!  Do I make myself clear?"
 Struggling to reply, and trying not to choke on the fennec's breath on his muzzle, he gasped out a  silent yes.  The fennec continued his grasp and growled even louder.  Suddenly, he heard the footsteps from the stairwell, and dropped the choking fox, keeping his icy stare on his eyes.  Rudolph coughed lightly as he stood up slowly.  He gasped at what he found in front of him.  Desert Rose smiled lightly as he saw his surprised gaze.  She was wearing a spectacular purple dress, and light blue heels.  Her hair was done up into a bun, with small chopsticks to keep its place.  He walked up to her, and nervously pawed her the flowers.  She smiled as she sniffed them.
 "Oh, thank you, Rudy!  Sorry it took me so long."
 He grinned widely as he shuffled his empty paws.
 "Oh, it's all right.  You look lovely."
 Rose beamed with happiness at his words.
 "Thank you.  I like your hairdo."
 "Yeah, Mrs. Korowitz said it looked nice for me."
 She sighed deeply as she took the bouquet over to her father, who took them quietly.
 "So, father, were you nice to my date tonight?"
 "Um, yes.  We were discussing about....sports."
 Rudolph started to protest, but a sudden gaze from him quickly made him back down.
 "Yeah, sports.  Go Yankees!"
 Rose giggled at the two, both of them joining in the chorus.
 "You men and your sports!  I'll never understand that."
 Slowly walking over to the door, she calmly stepped aside as Rudolph helped open it for her.  Exchanging warm smiles, she stepped out into the night.  As Rudolph did the same, a loud cough came from behind him.  The fennec stared sinisterly into Rudolph's eyes, and he slowly nodded, trying hard to get away from his gaze.  With that, he too stepped outside, closing the door behind him.  As he walked over to meet Rose, he noticed a sensuous aroma coming from her.  It overcame his senses and he sighed deeply.  Rose noticed and smiled.
 "Well, I'm glad you like my perfume."
 "What?  Oh, yeah.  I don't normally know women who wear perfume."
 Rose giggled once more as they walked over to the car.  Helping her inside, Rudolph went over and joined her.  Will looked behind him and offered his paw.
 "Your name Rose?  I'm Will Korowitz.  Pleasure to meet you."
 She offered her paw out to meet his.
 "The pleasure's mine."
 With that, he slowly started up the car and began to drive down the dark streets.
 "So," Will said with curiosity, "where would you like to go tonight?"
 Rose put her paw to her chin half closed her eyes.  Rudolph suddenly burst out an answer.
 "How about a fast-food place?"
 Will gave a strange look behind the wheel to the fox, who grinned slightly.
 "Fast-food?  Aren't you two a little dressed-up for that?"
 Rose slowly bedded her head, a thought coming to her mind.
 "How about that place?  I've always wanted to go there."
 Turning to look across the street, they saw a magnificent restaurant.  It was pure white, large, and accustomed with fine designing crafts.
 "That's a nice place.  I'll drop you off there.  You can call me when you're ready to go."
 He pulled the car over to the intersection and into the parking lot.  After some time finding a spot to park, he let the young couple out and over to the restaurant door.  Will quickly beckoned Rudolph to come to as he went over.  Returning to the car, he knelt down to his father, whose look changed to a stern, firm one.
 "Rudolph.  Listen to me.  She seems o be  a nice girl, and I'm sure she is.  But don't go too far with this.  And whatever you do, DON'T tell her about.....your powers."
 "But why?  She won't tell others."
 "How do you know?  Besides, things may not plan out the way you think."
 With a depressed sigh, Rudolph nodded.
 "Sure thing.  I won't tell her."
 "Good.  You should have some money to pay the bill in your pocket.  Well, have fun."
 Nodding, Rudolph stepped away from the car, and the car slowly whirled it way into the streets.  Rejoining Rose at the sidewalk, the two stepped inside.

 "What's the matter?"  Rose said quietly as they ate their food at the table.  Rudolph merely poked around in his food, a look of depression on his face.  "You seem upset."
 Knocked out of his shock, Rudolph stared into her concerning eyes, a look of worry on her face.  He shook his head slowly.
 "Oh, it's nothing.  I'm just thinking."
 "About what?"
 ".....nothing important, really."
 With a small shrug, she sipped at her soup bowl.  She was noticing something different about the fox.  He seemed so solemn.  He wasn't shy, but it was as if he didn't feel comfortable being here.  Placing her spoon down, she crossed her paws on the table.
 "If there's anything wrong, you can tell me."
 With a small smile, he raised his head up to meet her eyes.  He slowly chuckled.
 "You wouldn't like it if I told you."
 "Why's that?"
 He closed his eyes with grief as he slumped back in his chair.
 "....Okay.  You see, it's just that....well, I'm thinking about my old girlfriend."
 "Oh....go on."
 "It's just that....well, I still feel....strange around women.  Every time I've ever tried to be friends with them, it always ends in disaster."
 Nodding with a sense of agreement, Rose calmly reached over and grabbed his paw.
 "Don't feel upset.  I think you're a great friend."
 Rudolph looked up in surprise.
 "You do?"
 She smiled deeply as she caressed it.
 "Of course, love!"
 His eyes widened at the word she pronounced.  No one's ever called him that, unless they felt that way about him.  Rose slowly pointed out the ring.
 "That's a nice ring.  Your parents give it to you?"
 Looking over to the ring, still around his finger, and nodded.
 "Yeah...a gift."
 She smiled deeply as she let go of his paw.
 " must be great to have parents.  I never heard they had a son, though."
 Rudolph closed his eyes again and sighed.  He could feel his eyes starting to burn.
 "....They're not my parents.   I'm adopted."
 Rose gave a look of wonder to him.  She could see that he was gravely upset.  He continued with his conversation.
 "My real parents....they died in a car accident."
 Rose closed her eyes and sniffled a bit.
 "Oh....I'm sorry."
 Rudolph shook his head.
 "It's okay.  You didn't know.  I can't even remember who my parents were, they died when I was young."
 " still have another family who cares for you.  A father, and a mother.  I wish I had a mother."
 Rudolph soon shared the look of wonder Rose had earlier.  Her expression turned to sadness.  He had never seen her like thins before.  She always acted happy and cheerful.  He was now seeing a side of her he hadn't seen before, even though they had only known each other for 2 days.  She took a deep breath and continued.
 "My mom...she died giving birth to me."
 "Oh....that's sad.  You never even got to know her well."
 "....yeah.  My father takes care of me now.  But he's so possessive.  He's afraid of others talking to me.  He's afraid that he'll lose me, and they there won't be anything else to live for if he does."
 Rudolph closed his eyes, deep in his thoughts.  He realized now why the fennec treated him the way he did.  Of course, it was still pretty harsh.
 "It's so hard..." Rose said, trying hard to keep the tears forming in her eyes from streaking down her fur, "living without a mother.  Knowing that I'll never get to know her personally.  Having to grow up...not having anything to wake up to anymore...."
 Rose slowly leaned down to the table and cried.  Rudolph coughed slightly and walked over to her booth and took her in his arms, comforting her as the tears flowed freely from her eyes.
 "It's okay.  It'll be okay.  I know how it feels."
 Sniffling softly, she buried her face into his chest.  They stood there, ignoring everything else.  She softly emptied her emotions into him, all the anguish she was hiding into his soul to discard.  After a few minutes, she spoke, her voice shaky and quivering.
 "* sniff * I'm sorry...I ruined this....for us both..."
 A small smile spread across Rudolph's face.
 "It's all my fault.  Don't worry.  'Sides, we should be having fun, and here I am, making us both upset.  Boy, I'm an idiot. Heh."
 He laughed softly as he cradled her.  She slowly rose up and shared the same smile as she wiped the tears from her face.
 "You're right.  You know, you did ruin this."
 Her smile changed to a mischievous one as she sniffled a bit.
 "Yep."  Rudolph said, laughing.  Rose soon did the same.
 "See?" he said happily.  "I made you happy.  And you were worried."
 She gave a small laugh and pushed him aside.
 "Who said I was worried?  I am a sophisticated vixen.  I show no signs of lower interest."
 He laughed even louder as she took up a pompous tone.
 "Yeah, you really showed it when you slurped up that soup."
 Taking the spoon, he took the empty bowl and mimicked Rose, acting the best he could to make a ridiculous display of her eating the soup.  She laughed heartily as he continued his ruse.
 "And I suppose stuttering every time you talk around me is normal!"
 Rudolph gave a smirk as he felt his face turn red.
 She shook her head as they continued to laugh in their booth.  She sighed deeply and sniffed deeply.
 "You can be such a silly fox, you know that?"
 Rose went over to him and wrapped her arms around him.
 "And I like that.  You're such a nice guy.  You know how to make others happy.  No wonder I'm having so much fun with you."
 With a smile, Rudolph whispered his reply to the compliment.

 After the bill was paid, the two, holding paws, stepped outside to the night.  Rudolph stretched and gave a deep yawn as he stepped over to the phone.
 "I'll call Mr. Korowitz.  He'll pick us up-"
 "Not yet."
 She walked over and blocked his path.  Taking his paws in hers, she pulled him over and whispered a soft tone.
 "I want to show you something."
 Rudolph eyes slowly widened.  He could feel a small lump in his throat.  Rose pointed out a nearby grouping of trees.
 "You ever been to the forest?"
 Rudolph placed a paw to his chin, and shook his head.
 "No, I've heard of it, and I've been to a lot of places.  But I never really went into the area.  I stuck to the city.
 "Oh.  Well, come with me."
 Giving a small tug on his arm, Rose slowly walked into the grove.  The forest was filled with unfamiliar smells and scents Rudolph never recognized.  Small lights seemed to flicker as they walked into the trees, of which he recognized as fireflies.  He could hear the sounds of rushing water as they started a small uphill climb.
 "Almost there, Rudy."
 "...Good....I'm getting tired."
 She laughed as they continued through the trees.  Suddenly, the forest cleared, and opened up to a canyon.  Rose walked over to the edge.  Rudolph did the same, and stared in amazement.  The canyon had a waterfall, streaming to make a small fog at the canyon's bottom, a river passing through it's crevices.  The stars seemed to illuminate the view, which seemed dot stretch out to the entire forest.
 "Wow..." Rudolph said in bewilderment.  "This place is beautiful."
 "Yeah, that's why it's my favorite.  Come, sit with me.  Don't worry about the edge, it won't break.
 Slipping off her heels, Rose sat down, letting her feet dangle from its edge.  Rudolph sat next to her, still amazed by its beauty.  Rose sighed deeply.
 "No one else knows of this place, strange enough.  They're too illuminated in the city's lights, and the casinos and the glamour.  I prefer this.  It's so quiet and serene....just the way I like things to be."
 "You know, I've never shown anyone else this place.  I thought they would laugh or blow it off.  But you're different.  You're kind, and gentle.  You see the inner beauty of things.  It's rare for others to see that."
 Rudolph stared over to see Rose staring in the same fashion into his eyes.
 "Rose....why did you being me here?"
 She closed her eyes and grinned.
 "I feel as if I've known you my whole life.  You seem to know everything there is to know about me, as if you've done it before.  I've never known anyone else like you.  I feel I could show you anything."
 He sighed at Rose's reply.  He knew he could never keep the same favor to her.  Rose slowly kneeled over to him.
 "I've never felt this strongly for anyone else before.  I....I think...I'm falling in love with you."
 Rudolph answered in a slow, comforting tone
 "I feel the same way...."
 The two slowly leaned towards each other, each one closing their eyes, until their lips met.  They locked in a deep, loving kiss.  Rudolph could feel her warmth over his body.  The world vanished before him.  Time seemed to stand still as they sat there, each one lost in the other's passion.  When they parted, they both found themselves lost for words.  Rudolph slowly broke the silence.
 "That was...great."
 "Yeah...." Rose said, lost for the right words.
 The two stood in the darkness, staring into the night sky.
 "Desert Rose....I love you."
 ".....I...I..."  she answered, a sound of worry in her voice.
 "What's wrong?  I thought you loved me too."
 She slowly rose up and replaced the heels on her feet.  Straightening her dress, she gave a small growl.  Rudolph suddenly felt a strange hostility from her.
 "'re too good to be true."
 Rose walked back to him, her eyes half closed, and her voice with a strange sense of rage.
 "You heard me.  No one is really that nice.  I don't even know too much about you.  How should I know this isn't a trick?"
 A look of astonishment came to Rudolph's face.  He quickly stood up and faced  her.
 "What?  You don't believe me?"
 Rose snorted loudly.
 "No, I don't.  I bet this is just some game to get me into bed with you."
 Rose suddenly exploded in rage and barked out her fury to him.
 "Yeah, that's right.  This is just some game so you can screw me, is that it?"
 "That's all I've ever dealt with.  You don't have any idea what I'm like.  Every guy I've ever been with plays the nice game with me.  Once they have me, once they get their way with me, they leave me on the curb!  You have no idea what that's like!"
 "But, you aren't listening---"
 "Why should I listen?  You don't know what's it like, to go to school and have every guy gawk at me, just because I'm beautiful.  No, not because I'm intelligent, or witty, of anything, just because I look good.  You know what it's like to live that way?  You know what's it's like to go every day knowing no one cares, because you look good?  You know what's it liked to be raped 3 times in your life since high school began?  3 times, to be treated like a pile of dirt?"
 "Exactly.  I thought you were different.  I really did.  But I fell for it.  I always do.  I'm such a fool..."
 Hot tears stained her fur as she hugged herself tightly.  Rudolph took a step towards her, but Rose quickly retaliated and slapped him across the muzzle.  He fell back, the pain stinging him straight into his heart.  She growled fiercely at him.
 "You're a monster, Rudolph.  I never want to see you again!!"
 Tears still raining down her face, Rose turned around and ran down the street, her cries of sorrow echoing through the night.  Rudolph felt the world crumble around him as he saw her run through the trees, to get away from him.  He never felt so hurt in his life.  He fell to his knees and felt his own tears burning from his eyes.  He crumpled down and cried out in agony, the feelings of being alone overcoming him once more.  He couldn't move.  All that ran through his mind was his own pain, the words echoing in his memory.  He was a monster...he knew there was nothing else left.  His own darkness overtook him as he stood up and slowly walked home, the pain in his heart causing him to cry out with each step he took.

DAY 5 (Wednesday)

 The circle was empty.  All that remained in the surrounding darkness were the orbs of the Abyss, each one giving its oracle.  The jackal stepped into the dim origin, and peered into empty space.
 (Hmm….Master must be resting.  I bet using all that energy on Guardians wore him out, the fool.)
 She creeped into the center, the scythe resting on her back.  She grabbed a nearby orb of light and peered into it, but threw it back in disgust in the same fashion.
 “No, that’s not it…there must be a key somewhere…”
 Repeating the action, her gloved paws reached out for every possible orb, a look of wonder on her face, replaced with frustration as she threw it away like garbage.  Her growls became more menacing as she continued.
 “One of these things HAVE to give me a weakness….wait…..”
 The last one she held gave her a strange image…one of pain and misery.  It told of  a wounded soul, a grave wound caused by love and rejection, and could never heal.  She felt a sharp chill run across her as she peered closer, her sneer replaced with an evil, jagged-toothed grin.  She found the images pleasing to her mind and couldn’t resist feeling the surge of energy it released.  When she finally let go of the orb to float into the nending darkness, she chuckled silently.
 “Yes…this is perfect….I could get rid of him, and make myself happy at the same time.  Yes…”
 (I must be insane, going against Master’s orders….course, if he had just let me do this job in the first place, this would already be over….he’ll have forgotten after this is all taken care of….”
 Raising her gloved paw, she chanted cryptic words of a unknown origin.  A strange rip formed in the darkness, a beam of foul light shining from its innards.  She smiled once more and drew the scythe on her back, testing the blade on her paw.  A trickle of black oozed forth from her opening.  She greeted her wound with a smile.
 “This will be the most fun I’ve ever had in years…and it’ll all be worth it….hahahahhahah…”
 Trying her hardest to keep her joyous, yet insane attitude to herself, she stepped through the rip, and felt it grip her and drag her through unknown regions or time and eternity…

 (I’m alone…I’m all alone….)
 Rudolph lay in bed, the sun shining through the windows on his face.  His fur was razzled, its color faded and dull, his hair tossed and knotted.  Tear streaks burned down the sides of his face and muzzle, his eyes red and dried.  He could barely speak or move, and it was as if he were dead, just a pile of tattered fur lying under the sheets.  His head continued to spin around as he lay there, the hours passing by like years.
 (She said I was a monster…I am….I know I am….)
 He squinted his crimson-colored eyes, but no tears fled from them.  His body, his mind, his heart ached terribly with depression.  The voices of sorrow were filing his mind again, repeating what he said, magnifying it, and crippling him further.
 The door slowly creaked open, and the light illuminated the darkened room.  Will stepped in, a grin on his face as he walked over to the bed.  He donned his usual morning robe attire, his pipe close by in his paws.  He sat next to Rudolph and gave him a small shake.
 “Come on, kid,” Will said in a humorous tone, “you’ll be late for school.”
 A cracked, heavy tone arose from the lump still in bed.
 “I’m not going.”
 Will shot back in amazement as Rudolph answered.
 “Why not?  You have to go to school every day.”
 “…I’m not leaving the bed.  Ever.”
 Startled, Will placed the pipe to his mouth and gave a short puff.  Rudolph gave small, high-pitched coughs as the smoke began to fill the space he was in.  A thought gave Will a feeling of heavy doubt as he leaned closer to where Rudolph laid.
 “You don’t feel well?”
 “….Yes…and I’ll never get better again.”
 “….I don’t understand.”
 Rudolph slowly shifted to face Will with his hurt eyes.  Will looked away as the fox turned around.  Laying heavily on the pillow, Rudolph tried his best to keep his voice as intact as possible.
 “You know my date, right?”
 “Well….she dumped me.”
 “….Oh…I’m sorry.”
 Will hung his head slowly as Rudolph continued to talk.
 “She said I was a monster, that I was too good to be true because I was nice to her.  You have no idea how much that hurts.”
 Rudolph squezzed his eyes tightly again, a river of fresh tears now flowing from the river his tear streaks had created down the side of his head.
 “…I didn’t do anything wrong, I just kissed her….”
 Will cleared his throat, and finally noticing that Rudolph was bothered by the smoke, extinguished his pipe and put it off to the side.
 “Rudolph,…I’m very sorry.”  Will placed his paw on Rudolph’s face and ran it down to collect some of the tears falling from his eyes.  He shuddered as he found that the fox felt strangely ice-cold to the touch.  It was as if he wasn’t there anymore.  Hoping to reassure him, Will spoke softly into Rudolph’s ear.
 “Rudolph, some girls….some girls have issues.  Some like you have, where they’ve been hurt very badly.”
 A loud sniffle accepted what he had said.  He continued on.
 “I suppose…well, just a hunch, but….maybe Desert Rose is one of them.  Maybe she had a bad relationship…”
 The cracked voice interruputed him once more.
 “She said she was raped.  3 times.”
 “Oh…I see.  Well, then, maybe she’s afraid of being in a relationship, because she fears it will happen again.”
 “So why does it hurt ME so much?”
 Will started to reply, but fell back, silent.  He knew what he could say could very well ruin whatever chances he had of being a father to his son.  Trying to find more pleasant words, Will answered in the most assuring tone he could accept.
 “…Well….maybe it’s because you know she’s hurting just like you are inside, and she won’t let you try to help her overcome that pain.”
 “* sniff * So, in other words, she’s afraid of me.”
 “No, that’s not-“
 “I don’t wanna hear anymore.  Just leave me alone.”
 With a short growl, Will stood up and grabbed Rudolph by his arm and shook him to his feet.
 “Look,” Will said, trying to sound as calm as he could, “I know you don’t feel well, and that you’re still trying to overcome your pain, and there’s nothing I can do to help that.  But I will not let this get in the way of your schoolwork.  You are going to get dressed and go to school.  Do I make myself clear?”
 “No buts, Rudolph.  You are going to school, or I will DRAG you there.  Now, I’ll give you one more chance…”
 Will stepped closer to Rudolph’s face, his mouth beginning to foam and dripping down his muzzle.  Rudolph’s eyes glazed over with fear.
 “Do I make myself CLEAR??”
 “……Yes, sir.”
 Rudolph’s body continously ached as he prepared himself the best he could.  Trying his best to comb the split parts of his fur and hair, he managed to get it somewhat perfect, although it still had less luster than normal.  There were still small rendition of tear stains on his face, and his eyes still felt red and burning.  Dressing into his usual unbuttoned checkered t-shirt over a white t-shirt, his denim jeans, and his old black sneakers, Rudolph took the backpack, slung it heavily over his shoulder and stepped through the door, not gazing anymore into Will’s stern eyes.

 Rudolph stepped into the school, and found that a large portion of students greeted him with leers and bared teeth.  He sighed heavily as he walked down the halls, each one showing a large disgust in his presence.  Not once did he ask why he was shunned so, for he knew that it was his doing, and what was the cause.  He could feel his anger beginning to boil as each person who passed him by at his apparently now damaged locker challenged him with threats and taunts.  He didn’t see Rose there at all, probably for the same reason that he wasn’t going to search for her.  His love and affection for her was now being replaced by darkness and a sheer hatred.  All he knew was that if he saw her again, all he could do was think of nothing but to literally tear her to bits for tearing up his heart, and nothing would be able to stop him should it happen.  As he felt himself slammed against the wall from behind, he growled and raised his fists, only to look upwards at a burly gray wolf.  He stood nearly as tall as Rose’s father had, and his muscles bulged from his school pride jacket, much like the ones sports jocks wore.  His paw enveloped around Rudolph’s head, and he could feel it being crushed underneath it.
 “Your name Rudolph, bitch?”
 “My name’s Derek, and I heard you were messing with MY girl.”
 With a growl, Rudolph pushed Derek’s large paws from his head, and he rubbed it firecely.
 “Your girl?  She’s yours?”
 “Yeah….we don’t’ go out, but we will, someday, and what was I hearing about  you making her CRY?”
 Rudolph winced as he heard the words.  With a menacing finger pointed straight between Rudolph’s eyes, Derek growled a fierce warning that everyone to the end of the building could hear.
 “Listen, you little bitch, you stay away from MY girl, or I will make sure you never live to see another day.  Understand?”
 Rudolph answered in silence.  He delivered the same burning stare the wolf’s brown eyes delievered.  With a distasteful cough, he turned away from the fox and walked down the hall, not looking back.  Another call from down the hall made Rudolph turn with anger to Chris, who offered the only warm greeting that he heard, if you could call a warning friendly.
 “Oh, man, I saw the whole thing!” Chris said, panting as he did.  “You just angered Derek Peterson!  He’s the school’s greatest jock!  Oh, man, you know he’ll never leave you alone now!”
 With a small smile and a chuckle, Rudolph ran his paw through Chris’s matted hair, causing him to yelp with pain.
 “I ain’t worried.  I can kick his ass if I wanted to.”
 Chris smiled with the same passion in his eyes.
 “Yeah, I know.  But still, what did you do to upset him?”
 “….I don’t wanna talk about it.”
 “It’s about Rose, isn’t it?”
 Rudolph turned to face Chris again, a look of surprise on his face.
 “You know already?”
 “Yeah.  Everyone does.  The whole school knows about Rose.  Everyone knows she’s been sexually harrassed.  That’s why everyone treats her so nicely, so she doesn’t feel hurt.”
 Rudolph slumped against the wall, covering his eyes with his paws and muttering to himself softly.  Chris sighed heavily and sat next to him.
 “The whole school thinks you tried to rape her, Rudolph.  That’s why you’re getting so bashed upon.  But I know you would never do that.  I mean, you saved my life.”
 A dark scowl from the fox made Chris silent.  He had not forgotten that he promised Rudolph not to talk about his powers or about Monday so openly.
 “Listen,” Chris said in a reassuring tone, his voice sounding much less high-pitched.  “You aren’t the only guy who tried to go out with Rose.  I thought that, well, you were such a kind person, that you may be the one who finally changes her life.  I honestly though you could do it.”
 Rudolph raised his head from his paws and shook it heavily.
 “No, I’m not always nice.  I’m actually a  real jerk, but not around women.”
 “Oh…I still think you’re a great friend.”
 With a grin, Rudolph placed his arm around Chris’s neck and gave a small laugh.
 (You’d be the only one.)

 After the much horrifying school day ended, Rudolph walked through the park, silently.  The pack shifting heavily on him, he sighed as he walked through the trees to the path, rushing to beat the coming rainstorm.  As he rounded the corner, eh gasped and dropped his pack.  Rose was walking down the opposite direction, her head low, and she appeared to be hugging her supplies to her body.  With a small snort, he tried his hardest to ignore her, but as he stooped over to retrieve his pack, he looked up and saw an indistinguishable figure.  It appeared ot float in midair.  It wasn’t a bird, or a kite, and it had no wings.  From where he stood it looked like….a jackal in robes….a strange sense of danger arose from his and he surprising called out to the figure still on the park’s road.
 Rose turned around in surprise, and gave a look of disgust when she saw Rudolph, a look of worry applied to his face.
 “What do you want?” Rose said, dropping her supplies in the wet grass.  “Haven’t learned your lesson huh?”
 The jackal form in the sky seemed to smile at him as it drew forth a lagre weapon.  A stick with a blade on the end…much like a scythe…and it seemed to lower itself slowly closer to where Rose stood.
 (What is that thing?  And what’s it trying to do?  ….Oh, no…it wouldn’t…)
 “Rose, come with me, I need to talk with you…”
 Rose growled angrily as Rudolph beckoned her to come closer.
 “Oh, so you can try to kiss me again, huh? Don’t make me laugh, you jerk!  You should be glad my father doesn’t know where you are, or he’d rip you apart, and I’d just laugh as he would do it.
 The figure slowly raised it’s blade as it lowered towards her, clsoer and faster, still silent.
 (It’s not….it is…)
 “Please, Rose, this is serious!  We need to get out of here!  Now!!”
 “Oh, really?” Rose called out angrily as she slowly walked over to him, the jackal form now only 10 yards from her…9….8…7…
 “Rose, please!  We have to go!”
 “No, I’m not through with you yet, Rudolph!  If you think, for one second, that I will EVER forgive you, you are sadly mistaken!  IF you dare come near me again, I will call the damn police for attempted sexual harrassment!!”
 The jackal, now apparently a female figure, was within striking range…she was dangerously close to her…she was preparing to swing…
 “Crap…Rose, get down!”
 With that, the jackal swung firecely at the spot where she stood.  With lightning reaction, Rudolph dove and drove her out of harm’s way as the blade struck the ground, a groove where she would have been.  The jackal barked firecely at them, preparing the blade for another strike.  As she came down, Rudolph, hugging Rose fiercely, dived and rolled away from her attacks.  Rose cried out with fury as they quickly stood up, the jackal cursing as she struggled to free the blade from the place she struck.
 “What the hell were you doing?  And who’s that??”  Rose snarled at Rudolph as she pointed to the jackal.
 “Never mind, we gotta get out of here!  Come on!”
 Holding tight to her paw, and leaving their school stuff out on the park fields, they rused away from the jackal.
 “Dammit!  I had her in my sight!!”
 The jackal lifted her feet from the ground, and gently floated a few inches away, smiling as the other inhabitants of the park stared in horror at her.  Her flesh was slightly dirty, and a small sense of decay rose from her body, although her body appeared to be perfectly designed.  She took the scythe and flew with quick response to chase down the fox and the fennec, the smile growing larger on her face as she did.
 (Maybe this will be more fun that I thought….)

 He ran as fast as he could, taking her under his wing.
 Rudolph ran with lightning speed down the streets, hearing Rose struggle for breath as they barreled down the sidewalk, much to the stares of amazement as others viewed them.  Rose cursed softly as he continued his pace, seeming to drag her with him.
 “Please..stop, Rudolph…….I can’t run that fast…” Rose panted as they continued their pace.  Rudolph looked at her and growled.  The jackal was following them at a pace he could not exceed much longer, and he knew he could not sue his power to stop him, not while Rose was still there.  Her speed even amazed him.  The jackal suddenly snapped in front of them, making the two stop dead in their tracks.
 “You shall not escape me, young fools!” the jackal cried as she struck the scythe down upon them again.  Thrusting Rose away, Rudolph stood his ground as the blad connected with his side, knocking him back.  He cried in agony as he felt a sharp pain and a hot fluid run down his right arm.  He grabbed at the arm and cried out once more as the pain increased.  The jackal, smiling as she brought the blade up to strike him down again, jumped in surprise as he suddenly threw up a cloud of dust to her face.  She screamed as she groped at her eyes, blinded in the dirt.  Rose gasped at Rudolph’s wound.
 “Rudy!  Are you all right?”
 Wincing in pain, Rudolph answered, thin trails of spit leaking from his mouth as he did so.
 “…Yeah…urgh…come on, let’s go….”
 Grabbing her with his good arm, they once again took to their pace, leaving the jackal cursing with her pain, her eyes still crusted in dirt.
 “Damn you!  You can’t escape me!!”
 The jackal blindly grabbed her scythe and growled loudly as she took to her pursuing flights, using whatever limited sight her eyes could offer.

 “..Please…stop…” Rose gasped as they rounded the street corners.  The pain in his arms becoming too great to concentrate any further, Rudolph quickly turned into a nearby dead-end alley and crouched behind a large dumpster, panting heavily.
 “*pant pant* Rudy, who is she? *  pant pant * What’s going…on?”
 Shaking his head, Rudolph answered softly.
 “I don’t know….I wish…I did.”
 Rose pouted as Rudolph replied to her, a newer anger arising into her.
 “You don’t know?  Then why is she after us?”
 Giving a low growl, Rudolph turned to Rose and gave her a cold stare that made her jump back with doubt.  His tone changed from fearful to enraged.
 “I don’t know!  I just told you that!  Why can’t you believe me? Argh!  My arm…”
 Rudolph gave a large yelp of pain as he felt the pain in his injured arm arising again.  Lifting his arm, he saw the wound was much worse than he expected.  There was  a large, empty space where a piece of his arm once was, blood now oozing freely from it, down his arm, and making a puddle at his feet.  Growling in agony once more, he started to gasp out, taking short breaths.  The world seemed to spin around him…everything seemed to grow darker….
 “Oh, my god….your arm…” Rose cried out as she lifted his arm and examined the cut more closely, sharing his gasps as he laid back, panting harder with each breath.  “This is serious.  You need medical attention, or you’ll bleed to death.”
 “No…” he said wearily, starting to lose his senses, unsure of where he was.  “I’m…fine…don’t worry….”
 Rose yelled out, snapping his back to a surreal reality that brought the pain crashing back stronger than before.
 “No, you’re not!  You could die!  Look, you need help.  I’ll take you to my house, we’ll clean you up there.  My dad’s not home right now, so it’ll be easy, but you really should see a doctor about this!”
 A rush of wind startled the two as the jackal greeted them with a smile.  Her onyx blade, still dripping small droplets of Rudolph’s blood, greeted them with an evil grin on her face.  Her eyes glowed red as she stared harshly into theirs.
 “That was a good manuver, chosen one.  Blinding your opponent is a great skill.”  The jacla smiled as her friendly tone made her eyes glow brighter.
 (How’d she know I was here?  It’s impossible!!)
 “Of course, your little trail of red substance is too easy of a trail to follow, don’t you think?”
 Rudolph gave a gaze at his wound and cursed loudly.
 (Dammit…my wound…she followed the trail it made…)
 He slowly stared around to see that there were visible drops of red that led to where they were standing.
 (Great, how could I be so stupid????)
 Rose gave a hard look into Rudolph’s face, a look of questioning in her eyes.
 “Chosen one? What does she mean by that?”
 The jackal smiled as her blade glistened in the sun.
 “Yes….it shall be an honor to defeat you….”
 As the jackal raised her scythe to strike down and finish the wounded fox, Rose quickly grabbed the nearest object she could find and smashed it over her face just as the blade began to fall.  She cried out in pain as she dropped the scythe once more, holding the spot where the blow connected, a large gash running down her muzzle as she did so.  Rose quickly seized Rudolph’s good arm and reshed him out the alleyway into the streets, but as they did so, he collapsed to his knees, a wave of nausea striking hima s the world began to spin around him.
 “Come on, Rudy!  We have to go!  She won’t be back there for long!”
 Struggling to get to him feet, his legs shaking, he groaned as he took to a quick run, trying his hardest to keep him mind active and not on his wound or his dizziness.

 The jackal yelled out in fury as she saw the two rush down the streets.  The droplets of blood stil followed their path, but at this point, her anger and frustrations were far too great for any kind of celebration.  She angrily took the scythe she dropped, and ignoring the lines of black ooze forming on her muzzle where the object struck, began to take flight, when a sudden rush of pain enveloped her body and a wave of fear filled her eyes.  Master suddenly appeared in her mind, his glinting eyes boring into her.  His voice filled her mind, causing her to sink to her knees in terror.
 “You fool!!  I told you not to invervene unless I ordered it!!”
 Struggling to find the words, her mind raced and she found it hard to answer.
 “I’m…so…sorry…..forgive…..I mean, I apologize…..”
 Master quickly interrupted her slurred speech.
 “SILENCE!  I specifically told you not to attack now!  You should know by now that outside the Abyss, your powers are not as strong as you believe them to be.  Without my consolation, you rushed yourself headlong into battle, and look at yourself now!”
 The jackal groaned as Master replied to her apologies in a harsh, unforgiving tone.  It was true, her powers did feel slightly waned, it was her first encounter in Earth, after all.  She cursed to herself as she had let the two mortals escape, and the thought rushed to her mind.
 “Master…let me….finish those two…please…it will be easier…if I do it now…”
 “No, it will not!  You have already seen how easily that the female hurt you, with a mere piece of agrbage, even!  No…you have stood in my way for the last time…you are exiled from the realm until further notice.”
 “No buts!  You are a foolish miscreant and you shall be dealt with harshly!  I am through talking with you.  Farewell, heretic!”
 With that, Master’s form disappeared from the jackal’s memory, and she colappsed in a heap, panting and swearing at the same time.  She could not believe what she had just heard.  She was a heretic, a disgrace to the realm.  Now she could never return to the Abyss again…a small smile began to cross her face.  She suddenly realized that there was more to being free than she thought.  And she knew how she could win back Master’s honor and hers, and no one could stand in her way…
 (Just you wait, chosen one.  You shall not escape me again.)
 The jackal warrior quickly slipped into the darkness, and awaited for the moment to strike once more, her laughter filling the alleyway.

 “Ow…OW!  That burns!” Rudolph cried as Rose applied the cloth to his cut.  Both of them sat on the couch in her room, as Rose tended to his ghastly cut.  Pournig hydrogen peroxide on the damp cloth, she gently applied it to the wound to clean away the dried blood, and greeted with Rudolph’s screams.  She replied, her voice agitated as she continued to clean the cut.
 “Oh, hold still!  I can’t clean you up unless you do!  You could get an infection!”
 “How do you know?”
 Rose sighed as she finished up her current application.
 “I’m studying medical arts.  I hope to be a doctor someday, and help people out the best I can…”
 Rose suddenly appleid the cloth once more to Rudolph’s wound, causing him to scream out again.
 “….even jerks.”
 Rudolph sighed in relief, and at the same time, exasperation as Rose dropped the cloth to the side and began to search around.
 “Crud…I’m out of bandages….hang on…”
 Taking the purple shirt she was wearing, Rose brought it to her mouth and shredded off a few large pieces of her shirt into strips.  Using the strips she had created, she wrapped them tightly around his arms, right on where the cut was.  She sighed slowly as she went to work.
 “This is my favorite purple shirt…”
 “Huh?  Hang on, why did you do that?”
 Rose looked into his eyes and gave a small smile.
 “…for one, we’re out of bandages.  And second…well…you’re my friend.”
 Rudolph’s eyes shot up and gave her a confused look.
 “Friend?  I thought you said-“
 “I know what I said.  I thought about it a bit when you saved my life back there.”
 “I realized…”
 She stopped tying the bangades on Rudolph’s arm and brought them to her lap, looking down as she did so.
 “I realized that you…well, you really are a good fur, Rudolph.  It’s just…well, I’m still not used to boys being so nice to me, unless they wanted…something I didn’t want.”
 Rudolph began to share the same downward look as Rose felt her body sagging over with regret.  She slowly began to talk in a tone only he could hear.
 “I’m sorry if I’ve been so mean to you.  I really would like us to be friends again.  I mean, it’s all I can do, since you saved me and all, even when you could have left me to die.  Thank you.”
 A smile erupted from Rudolph’s muzzle and he felt the pain in his arm suddenly disappeared as he wrapped it around her.
 “It’s okay.  It’s just the way I am.  I can be a jerk sometimes…but I never turn back on those who need help.  Besides, you saved me, I mean, I would have be\led to death if it weren’t for you.  Now, the old arm feels great!”
 Rose smiled softly as Rudolph held her close to him.  She gave a small laugh as a thought ran to her mind.
 “You know, you’re a very fast runner.  Faster than any other runner I’ve ever seen.  You should join the track team.”
 “You think so?  I’m not that fast…”
 Rose gave him a playful shove that knocked him back into the couch, making him slump down into the cushions, laughing.
 “Come on, silly!  Of course you are!  You sure showed that jackal back there!”
 “Yeah…hey, what did you use to stop her, though?  I didn’t see what you used.”
 Rose smiled a bit and blushed a little.
 “I, er, hit her with a comb…it was the only thing I saw lying around…”
 Both stood there in silence, then began to burst out laughing once again, until they felt their sides erupt in pain and tears streaked their eyes.  After some time, they finally calmed down a little and shared a long, deep sigh.
 “….you know, Rudolph, I was wondering, why did that thing call you the chosen one?”
 Rudolph looked into Rose’s light, lavender-colored eyes and turned away, an expression of hurt in his face.
 “…I can’t tell you.  I’m sorry, it’s just not the right time.  I’m not so sure of it myself, really.”
 Rose stood silent for a while, then nodded her head slowly.
 “…That’s ok.  I know you have your secrets.  I won’t bother you with them.  I probably don’t want to know much about it myself.”
 After a moment of silence, Rudolph cleared his throat and stood up, flexing his newly bandaged arm.
 “Thank you, Rose.  I’d better get going now…”
 As he left her room and headed for the door, Rose walked up and took his shoulder, slowly turning him around.
 Rose coughed a little and turned her face away from his eyes.
 “…it’s nothing.  Just be careful.  That…thing may be out there, still.  And don’t forget to see a doctor about your arm.  You may need stitches.”
 “I will.  Thanks.  Well, um…good-bye…”
 “Yeah…see you tomorrow.”
 With that, Rudolph stepped outside with Rose locking the door behind him.  She turned to lean on the door and her face grew into a small smile.
 (You know, maybe he really isn’t so bad after all…who knows….maybe he’s really is the one I’m looking for…)
 Rose’s smile broadened as she stood from the door and walked up the stairs to her room.
 (I think we’ll be GREAT friends…very great friends…I just hope he’ll be all right….)

 The sun was already setting to the east as Rudolph walked down the streets, already forgetting about his supplies he left in the park.  His thoughs began to trace back to Rose and her beauty…no matter how hard he tried, he still though she was beautiful.  More beautiful than even the heavens could create on earth.  As Rudolph’s grin broadened, he turned the street corner and stopped dead in his tracks.  The jackal, wearing her normal robes, the scythe fresh and glistening in the setting sun, awaited him as he stood agape.  His hackles began to rise as the jackal slowly incehd here way to him, their snarls growing more menacing.
 “So…” the jackal said as she drew closer.  “You think you could escape me for long, huh, chosen one?”
 “Who are you?  Who sent you here?” Rudolph barked, slowly backing away as her pace slowly picked up.
 “You wish to know who I am?  It is too much for your miserable mind to withstand…but since you must know…  I am known in your mortal realm as Zelian.”
 Rudolph growled fiercer as Zelian, the jackal warrior, began to approach him, their distances closing in.
 “I am from the Abyss.  My goal is to destroy you and life my title as a heretic.  Now, if you will just hold still, we can make this quick and painless…for you, at least….”
 Zelian began to make a quick charge at Rudolph, who quickly sidestepped out of the way.  Trying hard to concentrate on what Will had told him to do a while ago, and making sure they were the only ones in the street, Rudolph closed his eyes and felt the armor envelope him once more.  The magnificent blue blade materialized in his paws as the lights around him vanished.  The jackal smiled as he saw him hold the blade to her, in a defensive stance.
 “So, you want to play, huh?  Okay, that’s simple enough.”
 Zelian flew around to strike him with the scythe, the blade crashing into his armor, but bouncing off in the same fashion.  A rush of pain struck Rudolph where the blade and connected, although the armor remained unscathed.  Zelian screamed out in fury as the blade struck him, not damaging him in the least.
 (Crud…I gotta find a better place than here to deal with her…)
 Taking to foot, Rudolph ran at breakneck speed past her and through the streets.
 “So, you wanna run away?  You will regret that!!”
 Zelian took flight once more and flew to follow him.  He struggled not to hit any other objects as he searched the regions of town for a safer haven.  The jackal merely laughed as he continued to run, slashing everything that passed by her, leaving destruction in her path.
 “Don’t bother running, it’ll only make things worse for you!”
 (Dammit, she’s hurting others….I need to stopp running…hey, I’ve got an idea…”
 Rudolph noticed a large, empty building jut out to his right. The windows were broken and covered in dirt, the walls weather-rotted, and the door covered in locks.  An old sign, rusted away with age, stood on top of the door.  He quickly burst into the door, breaking it off his hinges, and ran inside.  The room itself resembled a large factory warehouse.  The room was filled with empty wooden crates and old equipment.  He quickly rushed into a small crevase of boxes and stood there, silent as he felt the jackal’s presense enter the building.
 “Now you want to play hide-and-seek, do you?  Okay, I can play…”
 Zelian slowly and softly wanded on her feet and walked around the building, her steps echoing through as she went.  Rudolph could ehar each movement she made and could smell her foul odor of decay, keeping as still and silent as possible.
 “Come out, little one…” Zelian whispered out ina mocking tone.  “Mommy’s got a present for you…”
 He could feel the steps echo through the ground.  She was right behind the crates…he held his breath as she walked around, praying he would not be discovered…
 The scythe suddenly sliced through the boxes behind him, inches from his head.  The wood crashed down onto him, knocking him down to his feet.  Quickly recovering from the attack, Rudolph threw the wood aside and stood up to see Zelian to his side.  They each threw blows at each other, the metal clanging off each other.  Each one succeeded with a series of blows and parries, neither one scoring a hit on the other’s body.  Rudolph could feel himself fatiguing and his head span around once more.
 (Great…I still must be tired from the last encounter….)
 Zelian smiled as Rudolph backed off from the attack, panting.  Her eyes glowed menacingly as she stared into Rudolph.  A wave of energy emitted from them, coming towards himat an alarming pace.
 (Oh, no…let’s see…what do I do now…)
 Raising the sword to his face, parallel to his eyes, a shield enveloped Rudolph as the rays bounced off from it.  Zelian cried out in fury as the rays flew around and striking the warehouse, which creaked loudly from the force.
 (Whoa….I can’t believe I did that…)
 “You fool!  Now you die!”
 Zelian suddenly swnug her onyx blade around to strike him in the head.  Rudolph suddenly sidestepped and swung through the scythe with every ounce of strength he had.  The scythe severed in half, the dangerous end flying off into the distance, clattering to the ground.  The jackal screamed as she only saw the staff end in her paws.
 “No…how could you…ARGH!!!”
 Another quick manuever from Zelian caused Rudolph to jump back.  With a cry of triumph, Rudolph brought the sword forward and stabbed forward.  The jackal cried out in pain as the blade penetrated her through her middle and protruded out her back.  Rudolph quickly brought the blade out, a layer of black ooze coming forth and staining itself on the blue blade.  Zelian’s mouth began to ooze forth the black filth as she dropped the staff and fell back, coughing.
 “No… * cough *  I can’t believe… * hack cough gasp * Master…was right…. All along… * cough cough* He….is…stronger….”
 With that, Zelian quickly collapsed and her eyes glazed over, her body silent.  Rudolph laid back, gasping as he saw Zelian’s corpse there, still bleeding.  Suddenly, to his surprise, the body bean to flake off into dust, the entire body vanishing and blowing off into the wind that now enveloped the building.  All that was left was her green and black-stained robes…and a pink substance…it writhed and squirmed in its spot, twisting into shapes he could not imagine, then stopping altogether, turning into dust as well.  Rudolph turned away as the form vanished away at last.
 (Oh, god…what the hell was that pink thing?  I never saw that coming from those guardian things….oh, man, this is weird….)
 Rudolph, knowing that now the source of evil was gone forever, concentrated to change back into his original form.  His head still spinning, he stepped out the building and headed for home, the night sky greeting him as he did so.

 Master could feel the pain as Zelian vanished from the globe he held.  He sighed as he dropped it and let it float into the orbit it had once more.  He grimaced from behind the robes.
 “I told her, the fool…my best warrior, and she dies to a mortal, all because she would not listen…”
 His eyes lost their glint behind his robe as he turned to the invading darkness of the Abyss.  He could feel his body ache with worry.
 “I cannot believe what I feared so much is finally coming true.  The chosen one has awoken, and now he’s achieved his power.  Our moment is nigh…”
 Showing a grimace from his robes, Master slowly stepped away from the dim lights and into the eternal darkness.
 “Our time is almost up…I must not let him succeed any more….”
 In the darkness, Master summoned up some cryptic words as a gate of foul light enveloped him.  His eyes continued to glow as the light began to encase him.
 “It is up to me now….I must destroy him myself…and what our friend, the little knight does not know…”
 For once after what seemed like eternity, he laughed.  His laughs echoed out into the eternity, and through his robes, and through the lights as he allowed it to engulf him.
 “You do not have much time to live, chosen one!  You will be mine!  And I shall see to it that you NEVER SEE THE LIGHT AGAIN!!!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!”
 The form of the Master vanished from the dark realm, into the warphole, and into infinity…

DAY 6 (Thursday)

 Rudolph opened his eyes to the incoming darkness of his room.  He could feel his arm, still wrapped in the purple bandage ache by his side.  He groaned as he arose from the bed to his feet.  His head still spinning from yesterday’s encounter, Rudolph groped around for his clothing, strewn around the room.  As he bent down to reach his shirts, the door opened, and light once again seeped into the room.  Sally had walked in, still in her business clothing, and gave a worried look to her son.
 “Morning, Rudolph.  Are you okay?”
 Looking up from his chores, Rudolph smiled weakly.
 “Yeah, Mrs. Korowitz.  I’m fine.”
 Sally gave the same smile and her eyes shot to his arm, still wrapped, a small track of dried blood on the cloth.  She hastily walked over and examined the bandage, not daring to see what it was covering.
 “How did you get this?”
 “Well, I was gone yesterday, and while I was outside, this weird jackal thing named Zelian-“
 Sally quickly dropped back and leaned heavily on the wall, her face covering her paws.  Rudolph looked over to her, puzzled.  She began panting heavily, her voice laden with fear.
 “You…met Zelian…”
 “Um, yeah…”
 “Oh, my God.  My poor darling, are you okay?  Were you hurt?”
 Sally rushed over and placed her arms around Rudolph’s waist.  He felt his air escaping him as she squeezed herself against him.  His puzzled look remained plastered on his face as she hugged tighter.  Tears began to stream down her face.
 “I’m fine, Mrs. Korowitz.  Really!” Rudolph choked out.  Sally loosened her grip to look in into his ice blue eyes.  Her tears only flowed more freely as she stood there, unable to let him go.
 “Did she hurt you?  Tell me, please!”
 “…She hit my arm.  That’s why I have the bandage there.”
 She held his arm out and stared blankly at the wound, then up to his face.
 “This is all she gave you?”
 “Yeah.  I don’t know why you’re so worried.”
 Sally slowly sat on his bed and beckoned him to do the same.  He did as he was told.  She sighed and wiped the tears collecting on her face before she could say anything.
 “Your father…Will…he went against Zelian a few times before.”
 “Really?  Heh, I bet he tore her up, huh?”
 Sally shot him a cold look.  Rudolph knew he had opened his mouth too soon.  He fell silent as her lips parted to speak once more.
 “Zelian is one of the Abyss’s greatest fighters.  I should know, I’ve had to deal with her a couple of times myself.  She is ruthless and cold-blooded, and will kill whatever she feels like.  Your father went against her 8 times.”
 “Damn, 8 times?  How come it took him that long?”
 Sally fell silent, and stared at her feet, her eyes half-closed.  Rudolph saw the color and luster fade from her fur as she held her position.  She shook her head as she replied.
 “…Zelian was too much for him.  Each time they crossed paths, Zelian always got the better of him.  8 times, he nearly DIED from her attacks, and me twice.  It was as if no one could stop her…you’re lucky you survived….”
 Sally stopped again and brought her paws to her face and wept quietly.  A sudden smile plastered itself onto Rudolph’s face.
 “You know, you shouldn’t worry about that old pile of fur, Mrs. Korowitz.  She’s dead.  I defeated her with one shot!”
 Sally suddenly stopped crying and her eyes shot up to Rudolph’s the lok of confusion Rudolph had earlier on her face now.  Her voice came out as mere squeaks.  Rudolph’s smile broadened as he continued.
 “Yep.  She’s done.  She had attacked me earlier onward and hit my arm with that big blade of her’s.  I thought I was dead, but Rose helped me out, and that’s why I have the bandage here.  Well, I guess you were out when it happened, because Zelian attackede me again in this BIG warehouse.  We got into this big fight and when she tried to attack me, I broke her blade and defeated her right there on the spot.  She’s history.”
 “What?  You don’t believe me?”
 Sally stared off into space, unable to speak.  Rudolph’s smile suddenly faded away and his hyperactive energy seemed to vanish.  Sally suddenly cried out once more, sudden tears shooting from her eyes once more.  Rudolph sighed as she wept once again.  But a small smile was on her face as she did so.
 “You…you really….defeated her?  Are you sure?”
 “…stay her today.  I don’t want you to leave this house.”
 “Huh?  Why?”
 “Because you just defeated one of the Abyss’s greatest warriors!  Do you have any idea how long it’s been that we’ve had to live in fear because she’s attacked us so many times?”
 Sally wrapped her arms around Rudolph once more, feeling the air escape from his lungs again.  He raised his eyebrows in question as she rocked back and forth, cradling him in her arms.
 (Great….I go through a bout of emotional distress and they force me out the house, and I kill off some weird jackal, and they tell me to stay here??  Man, of all the families I have to live with, I have to choose this one.  Boy, I sure can pick them, can’t I?)
 She suddenly stopped hugging him and brought him away from his to stare into his eyes once more.  Her voice was filled with worry and doubt as she bared her teeth to him, answering in to lowest tone she could, as to make sure he would understand how important she was.
 “Listen to me, Rudolph.  You have no idea how deep into this you are now.  If I know the Abyss as well as your father does, they aren’t through with you yet.  They’re bound to make a move anytime.  And if you’re outside, they are surely going to attack.  YOU MUST STAY HERE.  It is the only way we can protect you until things settle down.  Until then, do noe leave this house for ANY reason.  Not for school, not for your friends, NO ONE.  UNDERSTAND?”
 Rudolph cleared out his throat and stammered out his answer.
“….I suppose…”
 “Yes!  Okay, I got it, don’t leave the house!  Geez!”
 Sally stood up once more as she heard the door downstairs slam shut.  She sighed ans slowly shook her head as she walked out of Rudolph’s room.  She turned around to face him once more, the look of worry still on her face.
 “Please, just stay here.  I don’t want to lose you.”
 With that, Sally stepped outside, closing the door as she did so.  Rudolph shook his head as she heard her walk down the steps.  He lay back down on the bed and groaned heavily.
 (….Oh man, all this stuff’s happening to me so fast…this is the weirdest few days of my life….)

 Sally rushed down the stars, Will groaning with weariness as he slammed the door outside closed.  He looked up to see her quite distraught.  Dropping his suitcase, he rushed ove and embraced her.  She wept softly into his chest.
 “Hello, dear.  What’s wrong?”
 Sally sighed and looked into his eyes.  She sniffled loudly as she replied.
 “It’s Rudolph.  He…he defeated Zelian.”
 Will suddenly gasped, pressing Sally closer to her, causing her to cry out in pain.
“What?  You can’t be serious!”
 “I am!  He told me himself!  He’s even got a cut on his arm from her to prove it!”
 “I don’t believe this one bit….”
 Will walked over to the living room and turned the TV on in haste.  The news report suddenly shot up, a squirrel reporter on the TV screen, a news report in her paws.
 “…night, we had a strange report of a nearby assault inside the old warehouse building at 45th and Yukon Street.”
 The TV screen suddenly shot pictures of a worn-down warehouse, with broken windows and stained, old walls, crusted with dirt and rain.
 “No one is sure of who or what was inside when the attack occurred, and there are no witnesses, save the ones outside the building at the time.  There was extensive damage from the attack, involving some broken crates, and equipment, and some extensive damage to the upper walls of the building.  The only evidence that the attack was fact are some stians of black ooze, strange dust and unknown residue, and what appears to be…an onyx staff…with an onyx blade….severed in half….as well as some unknown robes, stained with the black substance as well, is that correct?  Well, * cough * we have no trace on who the attackers were, but we are certain…”
 The two stood agape as the report had shown the supplies and weaponry of the former warrior of the Abyss.  Will’s paw quavered as he turned the TV off.
 “It’s true…that’s Zelian’s equipment…she truly is dead…and Rudolph did this, didn’t he?”
 “Yes…all he had was a cut on his arm.”
 “That’s it?”
 Will suddenly shot out of the chair, his face broken out with a grin.  He began to chuckle, then laugh, loudly, uncontrolably.  He held his sides to keep them from aching.  Sally stood where she was, a look of puzzlement and anger on her face.
 “What’s so funny?  Our son could have been killed!”
 Struggling to keep from bursting out laughing, he leaned on the wall, the smile only broadening on his face.
 “You don’t see it?  No one could defeat her!  And our son, the son we adopted, just defeated her, while we were at work!  And all he gets away with is a cut on his arm??  A cut?  Eheh...EHE…AAHAHAHAH!”
 Sally brought her paw to Will’s muzzle and slapped him hard.  He cried out in pain, but still found that his laughing could not be subdued.  She barked out angrily at him.
 “All you can do is laugh!  I can’t believe that you can laugh at our son!   He could have been killed!”
 “I’m not laughing…at him..* chortle * I’m happy! * snort chortle *”
 “You are?”
 Will gasped for air as he managed to stop himself from laughing, the energy still burning alive in him as he did so.
 “Of course!  He did what I couldn’t what no one else could…he DEFEATED a member of the Abyss, no problem at all!  He truly is the one who will defeat the ultimate evil!  Don’t you see?  Rudolph is the one!  He’s the descendant!  He’s fulfilling his destiny!  Our legacy!  He’s doing what I couldn’t- he’s actually fulfilling the legacy!”
 Sally soon felt a large grin break out on her face as she ran to hug his husband again, rubbing the spot where her paw connected tenderly.  She whispered softly into his ear.
 “I’m sorry I hit you, darling.  I was just upset.  But do you think he can actually do it?”
 Slowly pulling him away, Will looked deeply into her eyes and grinned wider.
“I don’t think he can….I know he can.”

Rudolph yawned with weariness as the minutes dragged on.  His room filled with light from outside as he stood there, not saying anything.  He found that leaving his room was pointless, as there was only the same things out there as well.  His stomach felt empty, yet he didn’t desire anything to eat.  He gazed over at his alarm, which displayed 10:17 in bold, red light.  He moaned with boredom.
 (Ugh…there’s nothing to do…nothing on TV…can’t go outside….this sucks.)
Slipping himself off the bed, he collected his usual attire, his red-and-black checkered short sleeve shirt, unbuttoned over a white one, his large, baggy jeans, and his old black sneakers and walked over to the window.  The world seemed empty.  Cars passed by silently, no one walked the streets.  It was a sif everyone was doing something productive someplace except him.
 (Man, this is the one time where I actually WANT to do something.  I can’t even enjoy being at home.  There’s nothing to do here.)
 Rudolph opened the windowsill and stuck his head out.  A soft breeze wafted through his hair, blowing it around as he stared into the sky.  He stared down to the ground and saw the flowers growing in the nearly perfect lawn, going through the air and through the window.  A smile crossed his face as he took it all in.  His smile grew broader as he looked over to the door.
 (I know I’m gonna get in so much trouble for this…but I can’t just sit here, being lazy all day.  ‘Sides, what’s the worse that could happen?)
 Taking a deep breath, Rudolph slipped him legs out the window, then his body, then everything else, and gripped the sill as hard as he could, only staring down for a second.
 (I mean, so what if some weird creepy demon from another universe comes after me?  I’ll just kick it’s ass.)
 Giving a small glance at his ring, Rudolph smiled broadly as he let go of the sill, letting himself fall freely to the ground.  He landed on his feet, a little abruptly, but never lost balance.  Sneaking around the walls, Rudolph creeped as quickly as possible away from the house and to the streets.
 (That was easy.  Guess all that time on the streets DO pay off.)
 Giving a small laugh as he went, Rudolph went down the streets and to the city, not daring to look behind him as he did so.

 Will slowly opened the door to Rudolph’s room, a grin on his face as he walked inside.
 “Rudy?  Rudy, where are you?  Just wanna pass on some congrats!”
 As he looked around the blank room, a look of wonder ran across his face.  His eyes crossed the open windowsill, and the strewn clothing.  He found his breath catch in his throat.
 “Oh, crap…Sally?  Sally?”
 Sally rushed through the door, hearing Will’s calls of worry.  She soon saw that there was a good enough reason to worry.  She paced around the room, perplexed.
 “Why would he leave?  I mean, didn’t he hear our warnings?” She said, only quickening her pace as she spoke.
 “I know.  Maybe that’s why he did it.  Oh, great, if the abyss is after him now…all we can do is hope.”
 Will took Sally in his arms, embracing her and looking out the window, a swarm of clouds beginning to descend over the town, their faces lined with worry.

 Rudolph heard a small rush of wind as he saw teenagers begin to line the sidewalks outside.
 (Must be lunchtime.)
 In the distance, he saw Chris walking down the streets, his hair obscuring his vision as his pack bore down on him.  Rudolph walked up to greet him.
 “Oh, Rudolph.  I though you were sick.  Why aren’t you at school?”
 Rudolph cleared his throat as he joined Chris in his struggled walk down the street.
 “…It’s a long story.”
 Chris only smiled as they continued to walk.  A line of dark clouds swarmed the sky as they walked.  Chris looked up, amidst his heavy pack and frowned.
 “Hmm…according to weather calculations, the sky was supposed to remain clear today.”
 “Well, shows you what they know.”
 The wind slowly picked up as time passed by.  The clouds only grew darker and more immense.  Small droplets of rain began to fall, wetting the streets.  Rudolph growled as small droplets fell upon his muzzle.
 “Great…now it’s raining.”
 Chris’s look soon became troubled as a large gust of wind took him off his feet.  His supplies lie strewn on the sidewalk.
 “The weather calculation DID NOT specify this type of weather…I don’t like this.”
 Lightning streaked the sky, illuminating the dark sky.  A small ripple of energy began to rip through the streets, a strange shrouded figure stepping out, the clouds seeming to part from the middle where he stood.  His face remained hidden behind his hood, his red eyes the only thing shining inside.  Covered in green and black robes, his paws covered in black gloves, unarmed, faced Rudolph with a small grimace.  Rudolph stared back, feeling his hackles starting to rise.  Chris, noticing the figure, began to cower backwards into the grassy lawns, growing muddy from the wet rain.
 “So…” the figure called out, in a deep, scratchy voice, filled with sorrow and ruin called out to the fox, who stood silent, unmoving.  “At last we meet, chosen one…Rudolph Bradford.”
 Rudolph’s eyes narrowed as he struggled to keep his innards from rolling at his presense at the figure.
 “You know my name, huh?  Another creature from your little Abyss thing, huh?”
 The figure seemed to smile under the shroud, his eyes twinkling brighter.
 “Ah, so you know of us.  Yes, I know all about you.  You’re Rudolph Bradford, age 16 years, 3 months, 17 days, to the day.  Height, 5’9, Weight 148 lbs., Red Fox species, better known as Vulpes Vulpes.  Orphaned at 3 tears of age.  You spent 2 years on the streets with Karen Delakar, gray wolf.  Accused of murder of street punk, Biff Bronsen, rottweiler.  Cursed with manic depression, takes no medicine, alleregic to strawberries, loves 2 women, Margaret Samson and Desert Rose McCrachen, yes, I know every little detail about you, Rudolph.”
 Rudolph kept himself firm in position, his mind racing with questions as his hackles rose higher.
 “Now you are wondering,” The figure continued on, “How does he know that about me?  I have psionic abilities.  I can control every move you make if I desired.  And now, it is time that I showed you that you should have never messed with me…”
 The figure removed his hood, showing a head of vile disgust.  There was little fur hanging from it, and parts that did have it was hanging off by small tendons.  Discolored and disfigured grey and black bone shown all over the head.  The parts reeked of rot and decay.  There was no evidence of what animal the creature was.  The only living part of the head was it’s red eyes, glowing with malice.  He removed the gloves from his paws to show deeply scarred tissue, hanging off dead flesh hanging off them.  His skull parted, the mouth clinging onto its hinges as it spoke to Rudolph, whose perplextion he couldn’t keep straight anymore.  It was filled with fear and nausea.
 “For I am the Guardian Master, Lord of the Abyss Realm, Sector 47…Xylios.”
 With a fierce growl, Rudolph concentrated, and felt his body illuminated in the light, his body covered in the armor once more.  Drawing the blue runesword from his back hilt, he prepared himself for battle.  Chris saw Rudolph as he prepared, gasping for breath, silently praying that her would survive to see the end of the day.
 (Oh, please let me go home, I have too many test I need to take!!)
 Rudolph called out the challenge to Xylios, the decayed form, still standing, his body giving a strange glow as the rain continued to flow.
 “Bring it on.”
 With that, Rudolph lunged forward at the creature and struck out.  With a small wave of his paw, Xylios formed a shield over his form, the blade bouncing off the energy it created.  Rudolph cursed as he fell back, Xylios merely smiling his sickening grin.  Charging out again, Rudolph once again threw his force into the blow, right into the shield.  Xylios’s grin faded as he saw the shield begin to dissolve from the blow.  His eyes glowed menacingly as he stared straight to his adversary.  Rudolph suddenly lurched forward uncontrollably, only barely grasping the sword still hot in his paws.
 “What the…I..I c-can’t mo-move!”  Rudolph forced out his lips as he floated in the air, his body seeming to writhe in pain.  Chris called out to Rudolph, his face filled with worry from his hiding position.
 “Rudolph!  What are you doing?  Fight back!”
 Staring coldly to where Chris held his ground, Rudolph growled through his teeth.
 “You think…..I’m not…t-t-tying to??”
 Xylios’s eyes glared more sinister as he threw his paws down.  As he did so, Rudolph felt a wave of gravity force him from the air and smashing him into the ground, piles of dirt and mud flying from his impact.  He screamed out in agony as he laid there, his body broken.  The shrouded figure only laughed as he saw the form of the hero drenched in mud.
 “You don’t get it, do you?  I am evil.  You cannot defeat me!  I will have my glory!”
 With another wave of his paws, Rudolph could feel himself lifted from the ground once more.
 (Crap….this ain’t good.  If he tries that on me again, I’m dead for sure…)
 Screaming out in frustration, Rudolph tried to regain control of himself to no avail.  He lurched around once more, his body hanging freely in the air by Xylios’ paws.  He felt his weapon arm burning.  The world seemed to grow darker…
 (Wait…my arm….I think…yeah….)
 Suddenly, Rudolph moved his arm, the sword still in his paw, and felt a surge of energy come down through his body.  With all the effort his body could still sustain, Rudolph grabbed the blade fiercely ans swung out at his foe, a large wave of focused energy forcing itself straight for Xylios.  The gleam in his eyes faded as the energy moved it way towards him, striking him down.  He lunged backwards, stumbling over his own tattered body, his robes torn, the area where the blade struck badly shattered, only a skeletal frame remaining where there was once flesh.  Rudolph once again felt himself land hard on the ground, panting heavily.  Xylios screamed out as he felt his energy draining from him.  The light in his eye sockets seemed to grow dim as he stumbled around, his focus lost.  Rudolph slowly stood up, his body aching with weariness as he saw his dying foe.  A grin began to form on his muzzle as he saw victory close to paw when Xylios growled out, his body seeming to shudder, then ooze out of itself a pink fluid.  Rudolph saw the ooze form, take shape, mold in front of his eyes.
 (Oh, no….what the hell is he doing?)
 The ooze developed itself into a new form.  It’s body was scaled with fiery red, multiple legs emerging from it’s underside.  A sickening head emerged, it’s details unknown, 2 antennae sprouting from it, a large horn in between its forehead.  It lurched forward as it cried out a deafening tone, sending Rudolph staggering back form the force.  Chris found it too hard to keep his position and felt himself blown off from the cry, landig a few feet away, mud splattered over him as he did so.  The new form suddenly spoke in a hissing tone, its voice fiery, rocking the heavens.
 “Yes…now you will see why it is futile to stop us…” the creature called out.  Rudolph stood agape and speechless as the form towered over him, it’s body unscathed after the blow he delivered to it earlier.
 “The Abyss…the realm of darkness….our powers are unimaginable to your pitiful races…we cuold easily crush any force we wanted…take its lifeforce for our own…until we arrived at your realm so long ago…”
 Rudolph remained silent as the creature spoke further.
 “I see you wish to know how I could do this….you see, we are creatures of antimatter….we have no real form….and without proper methods, we would just vanish into nothing….”
 (Wait….that would mean….that pink stuff Zelian left…no….)
 “Yes, Rudolph.  That substance you refer to WAS Zelian…we cannot survive in this world without a host….so we merely attacked a nearby village on your planet…oh, how those perople screamed for mercy when we killed them off…once we destroyed them, we merely transferred our forms into them and became their own….but the bodies still rot away…..”
 “But I….I have overcome that problem…I can flourish without a host…and my powers are infinite…once I dispose of your miserable shell, I’ll take it as my own…and I’ll have your powers…for…ETERNITY!”
 The creature suddenly dove for Rudolph, who quickly sidestepped and slashed downward at the creature’s head.  A large bloodless gash caused the creature to scream out in fury.  AS it did so, it lurched out a ball of energy from its mouth and fired it for the fox.  With little warning, the blow struck him. He felt his whole body explode in pain as he fell back, the world collapsing as he hit earth.  The creature merely smiled a jagged-toothed grin as he saw the knight unable to move.
 “I..I can’t…ugh…give up….”
 Rudolph staggered to his feet, an unknown force keeping him in consciousness, his unprotected head suffering from a heavy gash over his muzzle, the blood mixing with the rain.  He felt the sword still glowing hot in his paw, a feeling of worry crossing him.
 “…I have to…find a weak spot…”
 The creature suddenly began to glow in a green light, wafts of energy entering its being, begin to bulge from its mouth.  Rudolph scanned the body through half-shut eyes, unable to find the spot to attack.
 “His head…hit his head…” Chris called out through the mud.  Rudolph’s ears perked as he turn to face his fallen friend, who smiled weakly.
 “You already hit his head earlier…it’s an open wound…attack him there.”
 With a small grin Rudolph raised the sword over his head, lightning streaking the sky.  The creature continued his pursuit to finish him off once and for all.  The runes of the sword began to glow in its own form, the sword illuminated in it’s light.  With a final cry, Rudolph swung the blade around in his paws, gathering more energy as he did so.
 (This is the only way I can hit it…I hope this works, or we’re all screwed…)
 “You won’t win this one….DIE!!”
 With a final cry, Rudolph launched the sword full force, the path straight as it swarmed over to the creature’s head.  A stream of light tailed the sword as it flew straight into the creature’s open head wound.  The sudden glow vanished from it’s body as the sword found it’s way between his eyes.  It screamed out in fury as the sword immersed a wave of energy into itself.  The body quavered and began to pulsate as the cries of agony it released echoed through the town.  The body  suddenly began to vanish into dust, the particles flying through the wind.  The form uttered a final cry to Rudolph, who found his energy depleted and slumped to the ground.
 With that, the head of the creature sunk into itself and vanished into dust, a small pink form remaining, which squirmed into itself as well and followed the same fashion.  The rain stopped and the clouds disappated from where the creature had once been.  The sword found it’s way into the ground, the glow vanishing from it’s form.  The sun found its way through the clouds, shining through the darkness and illuminating the world in light as it once had before.  A small smile crossed Rudolph’s and Chris’ face as they lie on the ground, both of them giving off small fits of laughter through their pants.
 “You…hehe…you did…it…hehe…” Chris said, dragging himself out the mud.  Rudolph merely closed his blue eyes, the armor consuming itesf into the ring once more.  But his smile remained on his face as the sun warmed his dirtied fur, the blood drying on his muzzle.
 (It’s over…thanks to you, Chris…I did it…I won.)
 With that, Rudolph tilted his head to the side and fell into a deep slumber on the street, dreams of flight and imagination fluttering through his head as the classroom bells rang far off in the distance.

DAY 7 (Friday)

 The sun was setting to the east As Rudolph and Chris walked down the streets, their backpacks sagging at their sides.  Rudolph gave a lazy scratch at the scab that formed on his muzzle.  A faint golden blanket showered the ground as they contined on the route home.
 “I can’t believe you made me go through that seminar….” Rudolph yawned through scratches.  The pine marten merely looked over to the fox and shook his head.
 “It was informational.  I found it enjoyable…and I’d stop scratching at your cut.  It could reopen and get infected.”
 Sighing Rudolph Dropped his arm to his side.  He gazed down the street and smiled softly.  Chris looked over to him, a look of curiosity running through his eyes.
 “So…what happened after yesterday?  Did you parents get angry at you for leaving without their consent?”
 Rudolph’s smile faded a little as he looked at his shuffling feet.
 “They did get upset at me…Mrs. Korowitz cried her eyes out and Mr. Korowitz nearly tried to kill me.  But when they heard the news report about the evidence from of the attack and I told them about defeating Xylios, they can’t stop congratulating me.”
 “That’s nice.  So it’s over now, right?”
 Rudolph gazed down at the ring still applied to his finger,  asmall glow emitting from the golden light shining on it.
 “I wish it would be.  But that thing said there were others.  And Mr. Korowitz said it was probably right. So I can’t rest yet…”
 Chris gave his a sharp slap on the shoulder.  Rudolph growled as he felt his arm sting under his clothing, but followed it up with a small grin.  His eyes traced over to the purple bandage still applied to his arm and brought his paw up to finger at the cloth.
 “Well, the good thing is is that Rose told everyone that I was a good person, so they don’t want to kill me…except Derek…but heck, who cares?”
 “That’s true.  At least you won’t get beat up all the time.”
 Rudolph stopped in place as his eyes traced to the auburn sky.  Chris walked over to Rudolph’ apparently in a trance, a small pit of fear developing in his stomach.
 “I wonder where Desert Rose is?  I didn’t see her at school today.”
 Chris sighed with relief as he looked down the road.  His eyes widened as he saw a figure running up the path.  Rudolph, noticing his friend was paying attention to what was behind him, traced his eyes to the road and gasped.  Desert Rose suddenly found her way to both of them, panting slightly as she did.
 “* pant * Oh, good thing I caught up with you, Rudolph,” Desert Rose said softly.  Rudolph stared over to Chris, who averted his eyes to him.  Noticing the cold gaze Rudolph left, Chris noticed what he wanted and stepped out of their earshot.  Rose took Rudolph’s paw in hers.
 “Listen, I wanted to talk to you, but I was too scared of how you would react…”
 “Why?  What did you want to say?”
 “….I wanted to se…if you would like to go out again tomorrow…you know, give it another chance….it was a little unfair such a splendid night was ruined.”
 Rudolph felt his mouth gape open and his body grew limp as Rose brought his paw up to her chin.  Slowly pulling it away, Rudolph gulped softly.
 “Um…sure….it will be the weekend, after all…”
 Ruse smiled, her lavender eyes reflecting her happiness.
 “Great!  Maybe this time…we can work it through…without me driving myself down your throat…”
 “Yeah..I won’t take it so fast next time…”
 “Yeah…well…I better go now… see ya, Rudy.”
 As Rose began to walk down the road, Rudolph took her paw.  Rose turned around softly and gazed into his eyes.  Rudolph cleared his throat, his stomach churning wildly as he opened his muzzle to speak.
 “I want to ask you a question, Rose…I mean, I’m just a freshman in school, and you’re a sophomore…you have tons of guys flocking over to…and I mean, you’re probably the most popular girl in the school…why do you want to go out with me?  I mean, at all.”
 Rose smiled sweetly as she brought their paws together, their fingers locked.
 “Well, you’re the only one I’ve ever felt I could tell anyone my problems to…because you’re so caring and reassuring, as if you know exactly what to say.  I feel so comfortable around you…and besides…”
 Rose’s smile turned to a mischievous grin as she brought herself closer to Rudolph’s face, taking one of her paws through his hair.
 “…I think you’re cute.”
 With that, Rose leaned farther and gave Rudolph a long kiss.  His eyes bulged out as he felt himself go limp.  When she finally seperated herself from him, he stood speechless.  Rose merely giggled as she walked over to retrieve her valuables.  Slinging them over her shoulder, she called out to him, using her most mischievous tone as she could.
 “Goodbye, Rudolph!  See you tomorrow…and if you’re good, I may just give you another one.”
 Giving a small wink, the fennec took off downn the road in the opposite directing, leaving Rudolph speechless.  Chris walked over to him and slapped him on the back, knocking him out of his trance.
 “Oooh…” Chris taunted.  “Looks like someone had a girlfriend…”
 Rudolph smiled as he swatted off Chris’s arm with an annoyed fashion.
 “Oh, shut up!  It’s not like I’ve never had one before….”
 “Sure…hey you ever gonna tell her about your little secret?”
 “...not now….It’s still too soon.  And you remember your part of the deal, right?”
 “Of course.  I’ll never let anyone else know of your powers.”
 “Thank you.”
 With a large grin, Chris gave Rudolph a playful shove, in which Rudolph did the same, both of them giggling as they did so.
 “Think you can come over to my house?”
 “It’s on the way to mine, right?”
 “Yeah…should be…..”
 “Well, sure thing.  If my parents won’t stop showering me with praise…heh…man, this has been the craziest week of my life…”
 With that, the two walked the direction of the setting sun, the light stil basking the world in it’s warmth.  Rudolph stared straight ahead, knowing that nothing would ever be the same again, and what seemed to be his imagination was now his reality…but he let it pass.  He had a family…friends…and a new love.  Even through the hardships and the pain, he knew that as long as he had them…that would be all he would ever need.
The sun marked the paths as they walked home, the stars to soon be their beacon in the night sky.

The End

 Editors Note
 Well, time now for my boring little insight, ^_^

 Man, this was  a long story… 71 pages in fact.  It took me over 3 months to write this much…
 In fact, this story is actually my first.
 You see, I started this a long time ago, in the late months of 2000, before The Tragic Tale Of Rudolph Bradford.  But of course, schoolwork and social life (as well as my own laziness ^_~)  put it on hold for a long time.
 As for my final little input of the matter, I actually finished Days 5 to 7 in New York, while I was on vacation.  Just a little insight for ya, ^_^

 Before I put this to a close, I would like to thank my friend Fox Dancer, for helping me name my female character, Desert Rose.  She originally was a red fox named Sandy, but I felt that was too bland, as all vixens these days go by that name and species.  So I designed her to fit her name, hence, I made her a fennec, or for those who have NO idea on what that is, a sand fox.
 But now there was the matter of a name.  I was unsure of whether to keep her name, or give her another.  So my friend made a suggestion to me while I discussed it with him one day over AIM.  At first, all he gave me was Rose.  I was skeptical, until he suddenly added another part to the name.  Desert Rose.  With thanks to another friend, Duncan Sparks, for approval of the name, as well as my own judgement, the little fennec was born.  Thanks again, guys!

Well, that’s enough from my boring little mouth.  If you actually read that far, kudos to you.

Better let you go for now!  Don’t forget to check back soon for my next story:
Second Chance!

Cya later, everyone!

Rudolph "Rudy" Bradford