Natural Alarm System.
Copyright © 2003
Skipai Da Otter

Please see, Copyright.txt in the stories main directory on instructions on getting permission on posting this elsewhere.

Contains:  Rat, Snake : M/? : Vore, Swallowing, Death

Joral padded silently through the undergrowth next to the path, his large pink ears flickered about now and again as he stopped now to listen to the noises about him.  Joral was a rat who was securely known to himself as being a thief, surviving from taking things from others.  While staying still for a moment as voices came from somewhere up ahead in the road, he began to think on how he got himself in this mess in the first place\x85\x85

Joral really needed to get out of the rain, which was pouring down at the time as he placed his paw onto the fence and sniffed the damp air, the rank smell of urine in the air as he smiled then moved his head to look ahead again, he saw the building, dark and damp with moss growing out of the cracks in the rock.  Looking to where he could see faint light coming out from the windows, he noticed that they were actually dirty on the inside and hadn\x92t been cleaned.  With a smile, he moved swiftly to the door and opened it.

The whole room went silent as Joral felt a lot of eyes staring at him for a moment then went back to their business of talking in hushed voices.  Moving past several tables, some of the occupants around slumped over in a drunken state, their paws still clasped around the bottle as they lay in their own spilled drink.  Taking no much notice of anyone that he passed by, Joral came to the bar and sat down on the bench and looked at the bartender staring at him.

The bartender was a old fox, with one eye permanently closed due to a large scar the went down his right side.  Missing one ear, he frowned with the other one and coughed.  \x93What it be?\x94

Joral placed some copper coins onto the bar and replied back just as blunt.  \x93Y\x92 best ale if y\x92 actually have any.\x94  He saw the bartender nod his head and move off muttering to himself under his breath.  Joral just sat there, looking about the room as his ears twitched slightly, the left ear itching more than the others due to a injury in the past resulting in a part being ripped away.  Moving his paw up to scratch at his ear, he turned back around to see the bartender drop the mug onto the bar, spilling some of the ale.  \x93There you go.\x94  He turned his head and frowned at the two ferrets demanding a drink.  \x93Alright, alright.  I be right with you.\x94  Moving off again to leave Joral to his thoughts.

Taking hold of the mug into his thin pink paw, Joral moved it to his lips and took a long swig of the foul tasting ale that began to burn the back of his throat and he swallowed it down, feeling the warmth returning to his body from the cold he had endured for most of the day.  Before he could take another swig, he felt something hit him on the back and went forwards, the mug falling out of his paw and spilling it\x92s dark black content onto the stained wood and flowing over the sides onto the wall.  Moving to grip his knife, Joral growled and pushed backwards, sending the weight flying off him into another table, which had three people playing a drinking game.  With a crash the table collapsed to the floor, sending the three occupants to the floor.

Slipping off from his stool, Joral leapt to the squirrel that was lying flat on his stomach across the table and landed right down on top of him.  With one paw, he pulled hard on the ears, making the squirrel cry out before stopping suddenly as the feel of cold steel reached his throat.  Swallowing around the blade while his eyes looked about rapidly for any help but not getting any, he started to plead.  \x93Sorry, sorry.  I didn\x92t mean t\x92 knock into y\x92 or anyone else.  I pay for any damages or drinks.\x94

The blade slowly moved away from the squirrel as Joral got up from the shaking form and grabbed hold of the clothing and pulled the form up to his feet.  \x93Fine, then y\x92 don\x92t mind paying for 4 ales for me and the three here.\x94  Moving a paw still holding the blade who had since got up from their fallen stools and nodded their heads to the worlds.  Moving his muzzle closer to the squirrel\x92s ear.  \x93And make sure that it\x92s the good stuff as well.\x94  Moving his head backwards he called out to the bartender.  \x93Four mugs of y\x92 finest ale.  This one is paying.\x94  Twirling around and pushing the squirrel to the bar while the others in the room laughed.  \x93And if he can\x92t pay for them, we cut \x91im up and he can pay by giving up a warm stew, aye!\x94  Looking about again before the rest nodded their heads and shouted.  \x93AYE!\x94

The bartender shook his head and leant down to where the squirrel was gripping the edge of the bar to keep himself steady and whispered.  \x93What am I going to do with you, eh?  I hope you got payment for the drinks?\x94

Nodding his head, the squirrel pulled out some coins from his purse and placed them onto the bar with a mutter.  \x93I think I drank t\x92 much tonight.  Last of my money as well.  Maybe I should go rob that holt.\x94

Seeing the rat come near, the bartender bared his fangs and muttered.  \x93Shhh.  Do not speak such things here.  You know no one will go there.\x94  Moving away as Joral sat down again beside the squirrel and looked at him with a frown.  \x93So, what\x92s this about a holt?\x94

Swallowing as the bartender placed the mug down in front of Joral and gave the squirrel another warning stare before heading off with the other three mugs to deliver to the other party that had moved to another part of the room, while the broken table lay on the floor.  Taking a deep breath the squirrel rubbed his paw about his neck and swallowed again, still feeling some effect from the blade a few moments beforehand.  \x93Oh there\x92s this holt that has t\x92 otters living there.  Some say that they have a lot of treasure hidden in their underground home.  Some have tried t\x92 rob the place but are never seen again.  Probably driven away by the t\x92 otters or killed.\x94

Joral continued to listen as he picked up the mug again.  \x93Go on.\x94  He spoke before taking another swig of the new filled mug.  Not hearing anything he swallowed the ale and placed the mug onto the bar before turning to face the squirrel.  \x93Are y\x92 deaf?  What\x92s y\x92 name?\x94

Stuttering slightly.  \x93Name?  Oh it\x92s Carvel.\x94  Replied the squirrel.

The rat\x92s head moved closer to Carvel\x92s and he opened his mouth, the yellow teeth showing as he breathed all over the squirrel as he spoke, just as his paw wrapped about the neck.  \x93Well, Carvel.  Y\x92 still want t\x92 be my supper?\x94  He saw the squirrel shake his head.  \x93Well, then.  I want t\x92 know all about these otters.  Now speak.\x94  Releasing his paw from the squirrel and moving back to his original position and turned to face Carvel again.

Carvel swallowed, but continue to explain the story to the rat.  How there were two otters.  One completely black as night, while the other one was completely white.  They lived a fair while down the road where the river lay.  \x93Y\x92 see, there is a bridge that goes over the river, but there place if t\x92 the left of it just as y\x92 arrive.  Travel a bit more and y\x92 reach it or so it seems.\x94

Joral continued to listen about how well their home was hidden from anyone else, that no one knew where the entrance was to their home but the squirrel thought he knew.  \x93It\x92s where there are t\x92 old oak tree\x92s are.  I think they use it t\x92 support the roof of their home.  However, maybe someone else here knows the exact location, I just don\x92t know as I have only heard from rumours about the place.\x94  It continued on about how the two otters moved out and disappeared for a time but always seemed to manage to survive.  Rumours began to spread that they have managed to get their paws onto some huge treasure and that no one has managed to confirm the claims.

Looking into the mug, Joral found that it had long since been emptied and he placed it back down onto the bar with a grin.  The thought of getting hold of some of that treasure filled in his eyes before speaking out quietly so that only Carvel could hear.  \x93Then I will go and steal this treasure for my name isn\x92t Joral I come back with gold.\x94  He smiled.  \x93So are they away right now?\x94

Carvel didn\x92t reply.  \x93I want a cut of the treasure if y\x92 want t\x92 know.\x94

Frowning he nodded his head, knowing that this would come up at somepoint and looked at Carvel for a moment in silence.  \x93Fine, y\x92 get five percent of what I make.  And that\x92s the best offer y\x92 get as well.\x94

\x93But\x85\x94  The squirrel blurted out and saw the look on the rats face before nodding his head.  \x93Fine.  That will do me fine.  They were seen leaving a few days ago.  They won\x92t be back for a while so y\x92 have enough time but I can\x92t be sure.  They kinda come back when they feel like it.\x94

Moving from his stool, Joral nodded his head.  \x93Well, I best get on with it then.\x94  He smiled at Carvel.  \x93I see y\x92 around.  Just pray this isn\x92t some wind up or I kill y\x92 when I get back, regardless if y\x92 ran or not.\x94  Turning around, he headed for the exit\x85.

Eager eyes watched the two foxes move along the road, keeping undercover from the hedge as Joral didn\x92t dare breathe.  He thought about Carvel and smiled to himself, one of his paws keeping hold of a branch within the hedge.  How could he be so stupid.  As if Joral had plans on sharing anything at all with anyone.  Once he had the treasure, he would be on his way out of here.  He didn\x92t want to face any angry otters that was for sure.  They were the only ones that scared him.  Especially around water and the way that you couldn\x92t fight against them in that situation.  Looking to the left where the two foxes had vanished into the dark, the faint voices still being carried to his large ears, he slipped out of the bush and stood up and gave a stretch, the clothes damp from the rain as his fur glistened in places.  Moving towards the bridge he could hear the running water along the river.

A short while later, after Joral had moved off the road, he made his way through the thick undergrowth next to the river, making sure to not disturb anything at all, his nimble footpaws moved about while sometimes he felt his tail gripping hold of branches to give him less weight to break anything on the floor.  He didn\x92t want to break anything or leave any tracks.  Of course this took a while but with the cover of night, Joral didn\x92t really care.  Looking up ahead as his small eyes took in the faint surroundings, the two tall thick oak tree\x92s were visible in the distance.  Coming to a stop in the middle of the two thick trunks, Joral looks about slightly, kneeling down to listen to the dark world surrounding him and slowly looked to where the river ran freely.  Finding a hole in the tree he smiled and looked up.

Slowly he began to undress as he dropped his knife onto the ground, wanting to have dry clothes for when he was ready to leave this place.  Folding the clothes up neatly, he bit down into them and began to climb the tree, moving his legs apart to get better support as his sharp claws dug into the bark, his balls swinging slightly as he gritted his teeth to the cold wind blowing against them and pulled himself up further until he was eye level with the hole.  Sniffing slightly and detecting nothing at all, he let go of the bark with one paw and pushed his clothing inside before heading back down again slowly.  Giving a slight sigh of relief as he felt his footpaws touch the cold damp grass again, he looked about and stood perfectly still.

Joral was average for a rat of his age.  He had a slim build, his grey fur glistened in the moist air.  Having a slim body which curled about slightly as it went down to the bottom, the only un-furred parts being his footpaws, handpaws and his thick pink tail that curled about slightly around his left leg.  Having dark fur around his back, which went to a pale grey/white colour around his belly, with two small pink nipples showing.  Having a small thin sheath which stuck out slightly, the pink moist opening at the top before the two white orbs hung down between his legs.

Picking up the knife lying on the damp ground, his tail came around to his front and the tip began to wrap about the handle.  Leaving the knife to go behind him, securely in place, Joral slowly padded over to where the edge of the bank was and looked down into the dark cold river flowing by him.  Looking up again, he gave a slight shiver before diving in without so much of a splash.  Joral gasped as he expected to when he felt the freezing water surround his body, glad that he put the knife with his tail to look after that kept a very tight hold of.  Looking about as he pushed the water out of his muzzle again, he saw the dark entrance way embedded into the side of the bank, right at the bottom.  Moving to the side, his claws began to dig into the side of the river and carefully against the current, he pulled himself along until he looked down the dark tunnel, then with ease pushed himself in and vanished out of sight.

The hole in the floor rippled slightly as two ears came out, making slight noise in the dark cavenous holt, the head of the rat slowly coming out as he gasped for air, feeling the warm air and climbed out.  Staying still for a moment, while listening for any sounds, he shook himself quickly and looked about, his eyes adjusting to get as much light as possible.  Sniffing about again he got up to his feet and looked about the place, noting a corridor leading off from the room that he was in now and slowly taking hold of his knife, moved forwards into the thin corridor.

Joral had made it into one of the main rooms and could see how warm and cosy it was in here.    Looking about the room, he could barely see but could smell a wax candle nearby and flint.  Moving towards the centre of the room slowly, he came to the table and found the said objects.  Carefully he managed to light the candle and looked about the room which looked very clean.  He began to look at various things, picking up a cup, he examined it and placed it back down onto the table and began to talk to himself.  \x93Hmmm.  Now if I had treasure, where would I hide it?\x94  Putting the knife down onto the table, he made his way to the wall where there were a few shelves and began to investigate the various jars, looking inside them and dropping them onto the floor as they shattered.  Slowly as he made his way around the room, the rat began to frown, thinking of all the things he would teach that squirrel if he was lying to him.  Placing the candle on top of a drawer and opened up one of the compartments. Rummaging inside, spilling papers and other material to go out onto the floor and shook his head.  \x93Hmmm.  Nothing here.  Maybe the next room.\x94  Pushing himself off the ground, he picked up the candle and made his way down the next corridor

The light from the candle lit the way barely as he could see the faint outlines of the bedroom up ahead.  \x93Hmmm.  Must be in here.  Well, it better had be for that squirrel\x92s sake.\x94  Coming into the room, he looked about slightly and began to light up the other candles in the room before placing it down with the rest and looked about.  Moving to where the cupboard was in the corner of the room, he began to open it up and tossed out the blankets into a heap, not happy that he wasn\x92t finding anything at all.  \x93Come on, where is it\x85?\x94  He paused and shook his head as he looked into a empty cupboard and raising his eyes, he slowly turned to the bed itself and smiled.  Moving over to the bed, shaking his head at the un-messy way that the sheets were on top.  Whipping the top sheet off, he threw it to the side and turned his head back and then froze.

Joral looked with wide eyes as the head of the snake rose slowly to face him eye to eye, it\x92s tongue slipped out and back in quickly as it hissed.  It was a long snake, brown in colour with some yellow markings.  Joral tried to move but found that his body just wasn\x92t moving, he was completely unprepared for this encounter and he knew he had left his knife in the other room.  Forcing himself to look away from those eyes, to break contact but again the yellow eyes were back in his vision as the snake kept pace, moving his head back and forth, left, right, up and down.

Slowly as the snake moved it\x92s head, Joral found himself unable to move, his eyes fixed onto that of the snake that continued to move about until the rat\x92s head followed suit, slowly followed by the rest of the body as Joral kept on looking deep into those dark black slits in the centre of the yellow shining orbs, his arms falling to the sides of his body as his tail droop down to the floor.

With another flick of the tongue, the snake moved slowly downwards and watched as the rat in front of it followed suit, the knee\x92s bending down as Joral went down to a kneeing position while keeping his eyes on the snake moving head, the tongue coming out and back in as it swayed back and forth.  Slowly it moved forwards, taking it\x92s time as the head approached the rat which stared wide-eyed, unblinking as Joral moved backwards himself.

Moving quickly, the snake darted to the right and with a quick movement went around Joral completely before re-fixing the eyes onto the rat eyes and continued with the bobbing of the head, the rat completely at the mercy of the snake now as the first coil moved slowly around the upper body before sliding downwards to rest on Joral\x92s leg.  Again the snake repeated the move, wrapping another coil about the body and went back to staring into Joral\x92s eyes, seeking deep into the soul of it\x92s victim as it slid it\x92s tongue out and in.

After the third time of wrapping a coil about the body of Joral, the snake moved forwards again, making the rat fall down onto it\x92s back, resting on the coils that rippled slightly underneath the weight.  Keeping hold of the upper part of the body the rest of the snake\x92s began to move it\x92s coils to wrap around the lower legs, pulling them in together as it\x92s head continued to look at the rat\x92s eyes, keeping the spell intact.  After a while it kept still, feeling the heat of the rat against it\x92s coils, the tongue flicking out to touch the rat\x92s nose, that makes the whiskers twitch at every flick.

With a slow motion of muscles rippling, the snake began to move again, getting a better grip around the body as it tightened about the body, the rat\x92s mouth slowly opening as the sound of air begins to empty out in a slow motion.  Pausing every now and again, feeling the rat\x92s ribcage trying to pull in more air, then continuing to squeeze as it feels the rib-cage begin to expel again and stopping as Joral pulled in more air, but each time the amount got smaller and smaller as the snake continued to squeeze and tighten about with each exhale.

Joral felt himself get weaker as he felt the intense crushing feeling of the snake around his body, those eyes staring down at him with the mouth closed.  With a gasp, he felt all of his air being expelled from his body and felt the snake tighten accordingly.  Fighting for breath, he felt his whole body begin to warm up, his tongue started to loll out to the side, trying to get any air that he could muster, his ribcage fighting against the sheer pressure of the snake keeping him tight.  With the pressure about his body, Joral felt his penis begin to push out from it\x92s sheath, growing bigger each time the snake moved it\x92s coils to tighten a bit more about the body of the rat, who couldn\x92t inhale anymore as he felt his body craving for oxygen, his eye\x92s still staring at the eyes of the snake boring into him.

Slowly, Joral could feel his penis fully erect as it continued to grow bigger, feeling slight pain as the blood continued to be pushed into the member.  A loud cracking noise came to his ears as he heard his first rib being crushed to pieces under the pressure and a intense feeling of pain reaching his mind as the vision began to waver, unfocusing as the eyes begin to grow, leaving a deep in-print on Joral\x92s mind.  Slowly he saw the mouth of the snake begin to open as he felt the snake continue to squeeze the life out of him as his left arm broke with another sickening sound.  And still the mouth of the snake continued to open, the pink moist flesh inside now in view of the rat as it saw the head slowly move, the coils keeping the pressure, moved along slightly as Joral saw the head move out of view, the spell barely intact but the task had been done as another pressure came over him and he felt another rib crack as well as his right arm.

Feeling his hand-paw claws digging into his thighs, unable to move them away as he felt the intense crushing all around his body, his penis throbbing, now twice as big as it usually is.  Both of his ears flickered as the hot air of the snake brushed over his head, the moisture wetting the skin as he felt the tongue lap about the headfur.  Slowly a new pressure could be felt that sent shockwaves through his weakening body, the brain slowly dying away as his vision started to go all foggy, the intense pain of his organs wanting oxygen, the pain of his bones breaking under the sheer pressure of the coils tightly wrapped about him.

Opening it\x92s mouth wider, the snake began to feel the rat\x92s head press against it\x92s lips, the fur rubbing about the lips as it continued to open up, widening up, as it began to press the rat\x92s ears down against the head.  Joral feeling the warm moist mouth beginning to engulf his head, the coils squeezing a bit more as another pain overcame him, sending his mind alive from passing out as he felt the tip of his penis burst from the intense pressure, the blood squirting out all over his groin, soaking the snake\x92s coils before stopping as the two coils covered it up to squeeze it to the rats body.

Joral lost all vision as he saw the lips of the snake slip over his eyes, the moist warmth now starting to envelope him, sent a wave of calm over the rat as he felt his leg bones being crushed to pieces.  Unable to move, he lay still, mouth still open with the tongue hanging out, all swollen and blue from lack of oxygen.  The feeling of his long snout being pushed in as the snake\x92s lips moved over it before he felt a new pain of his nose bridge closing over his tongue, the sharp teeth biting through, before the sheer pressure began to break the rat\x92s jaw, crushing it down as he felt his head slip into the tight hot and wet throat of the snake as the mouth closed over the head fully.

With a flick of one of it\x92s coils, the snake began to loosen the grip on the rat now, allowing for more room to get it\x92s head to move over the now easy to swallow body, the shoulders crumpled inwards as the snake drew in the body slowly, the mouth expanding as it slipped in the shoulders.  Joral\x92s last dull hearing was the sound of the snake\x92s heart near to the throat as he could feel the warm feeling of moist flesh rippling against his body before each beat became fainter and further away until nothing-ness.

Feeling no resistance in the rat at all now, the coils began to un-roll from the body, just keeping it loosely held in place as the snake continued to pull the body in, opening it\x92s maw before moving it\x92s head down and biting down again, feeling it\x92s throat swell with the large rat slipping into it\x92s body,  the flow of blood began again from the busted rat penis, oozing out slowly and weakly as the rat\x92s heart gave it\x92s last beat of life.

Moving a coil away to expose the lower body and groin area, now stained deep red in blood, the snake\x92s head slowly slipped by, the nose tip pushing the crushed and busted open penis backwards down to face where the rats paws and tail lay as the mouth slowly slipped over the red soaked area to vanish into the dark, moist depths of the snake.  Carefully as the snake continued to bulge out of shape from the rat moving through the body, stretching the coils as the head moved further down along the line, reaching the stomach as it began to digest the coming meal, the organ stretching as more of the rat continued to be pushed in by the moving throat muscles, knotting the fur as it continued to move up and down, stroking the body all over as the stomach acids began to seep into all open crevasses.

Slowly the rat continued to disappear as the snake worked it\x92s way along the entire body, through the legs slipping inside as they continued to stay together from the torture of being crushed early.  The pink footpaws, slowly slipping into the mouth, the ankles being stretched as the feet begin to be pressed down flat, tearing the ligaments away as the mouth closes over the sharp feet claws, leaving a thin tail sticking out which slowly gets drawn in until the tip vanishes away inside never to see the daylight again as the snake slithers back towards the bed, moving underneath the thick blanket again, curling up to digest it\x92s victim.
