Primary characters
- Rees Ss'eln - Slaxx's brother, Sslaxx, Fiona and Josephine's uncle. Talented leader, like his brother he dislikes
beauraucracy and aims to eradicate it where he can.
- Slaxx Ss'eln - Sslaxx, Fiona and Josephine's father. Has a deep-seated love of nature. Dislikes beauraucracy, tries to
minimise going through red-tape in his own job if he can. Devoted to his wife.
- Maryssa Ss'eln (nee Nolan) - Sslaxx, Fiona and Josephine's mother.
- Sslaxx Ss'eln - son of Slaxx and Maryssa, Fiona and Josephine's brother.
- Fiona Ss'eln - daughter of Slaxx and Maryssa, Sslaxx and Josephine's sister. A talented artist.
- Josephine Ss'eln - youngest child of Slaxx and Maryssa, Sslaxx and Fiona's sister. She winds up becoming an
established theatre actress, displaying a natural talent for acting from an early age.
- Xrixx Sh'vur - Slaxx's closest friend.
Secondary characters
Other characters
Copyright © 2003, Stuart Moore.
Ice Warriors created by Brian Hayles.
"Doctor Who" and all related trademarks and copyrights are the property of the BBC.
Last modified: Mon May 19 15:38:33 GMT 2003