Slaxx Ss'eln

Species: Ice Warrior
Gender: Male
Height: 225cm

In General


Slaxx's parents are Prlaxx and Syss Ss'eln. He has a younger brother, Rees.


His closest friend is Xrixx Sh'vur.


Only his boss, Jaxxel Nu'rurr.


General build

Somewhat powerful build, though not especially well developed.

Notable features



Slaxx's early years were fairly conventional. He was four years old when his brother Rees was born. Although not particularly well-off, the Ss'eln family's standard of living was comfortable. Slaxx began to develop his interest in nature around the age of seven.


As Slaxx progressed through adolescence, his father began to drop hints that he'd like Slaxx to become a Warrior as he had. For a time, Slaxx was set on becoming a Warrior, but his increasing love of nature led him to decide against it. This caused some friction between him and Prlaxx for a while.


Having made his choice not to follow his father into the military, Slaxx began looking around for civilian work. After a while, he became a Ranger in the nature reserve that surrounded the Nest. He did not get on well with his superior, Jaxxel.

Present day

Slaxx was taken by surprise when he learnt that Maryssa was expecting a second baby.

Copyright © 2002, Stuart Moore.
Ice Warriors created by Brian Hayles.
"Doctor Who" and all related trademarks and copyrights are the property of the BBC.

Last modified: Mon May 19 15:39:19 GMT 2003