Slaxx wheezed and spluttered. Despite being only two years old, Sslaxx's spray was pretty potent. Maryssa looked on in wry amusement. "I think... we need to start teaching him when it's OK to spray.", Slaxx managed to gasp.

"Mum didn't start teaching me until I was about four years old.", Maryssa pointed out. She wrinkled her nose. "I think you'll be needing a tomato juice bath, somehow."

Slaxx nodded, gagging from the stench. "I had no idea it was so... potent.", he gasped.

"You've never had the misfortune to be sprayed before, that's why. And when you are a Skunk, well you know about the scent."

Slaxx saw his son was still giggling. "You can laugh.", he muttered, before remembering the time. "It'll soon be time to put Sslaxx to bed.", he observed.

Maryssa chuckled. "Well, I'll do that. You go get that tomato juice. You'll be needing a good bath in it, I think."

Slaxx nodded, sighing. "I'll do that now."

Maryssa watched Slaxx go, before picking Sslaxx up. "Bedtime for you.", she told him.

"Daddy stinky!", Sslaxx laughed.

"Yes, daddy was stinky.", Maryssa agreed. "But it was naughty of you to spray him, Sslaxx. You wouldn't have liked it if you'd been sprayed.", she told him.

Sslaxx just nodded at that. Maryssa could see that he was tired. The sooner he was in bed, the better.

Slaxx sighed as he soaked in the tomato juice-laden bath. Definitely not the way he'd wanted the day to end. Still, all that'd been hurt was his pride. He looked up as Maryssa walked in and sat down on the toiletseat.

"Well, Sslaxx went to sleep without so much as a murmur. That last little bit of excitement must have really worn the little guy out.", she said.

"You know I've got that infernal quarterly meeting tomorrow, dear, so I was thinking I may as well turn in myself when I've got myself cleaned up a little."

Maryssa giggled softly. "I may as well head into work early tomorrow too, get as much done before we head off on holiday.", she said.

Slaxx nodded. "I'll likely need it after the review tomorrow. There're going to be some promotional interviews for some of the Rangers too, just to make things more interesting."

"I've arranged for mum to pick Sslaxx up after preschool tomorrow. So at least that's one less thing to worry about." Maryssa sniffed the air. "Seems you've got as much of the scent out as you can."

Slaxx sighed. "I'm going to get a few funny remarks, but ah well."

Maryssa grinned. "Be glad that you don't have any fur for it to soak into. Otherwise you'd be in the bath for a lot longer!"

© 2003, Stuart Moore.
Ice Warriors created by Brian Hayles.
"Doctor Who" and all related trademarks and copyrights are the property of the BBC.

Last modified: Thu Feb 12 14:44:14 GMT 2004